THURS., DECEMBER 2lst, 1944 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVIL.W l1%TAInRIO PAGE THREE ipet Wasaga Beach, formenly an ap- The fellows are mad hene that prentice. with the Niagara Parks trained artillerymen are being ne- Board as a landscape gardener drafted for the infantry, especial- and takes rnuch lntercst in our ly with Zombies sitting back home dental work. doîng nething. Conny Smythe is Have seen most cf the celebrat- certainly right in what he tells cd, local night spots, walk in, ook about reinfencements. We need a around, walk eut just te see how leader like Churchill or Roose- odd they are. The curfew is en- veit whe conscript everyene able forced at 10 p.m. and it's net to fight. At present we are clear- heathy .te be toaming around lng eut the Scheldt peeket se after that. Most cafes are clip boats can bring supplies through joints with high prices and thec Antwerp. It's been a hard battle Jus ual hangers-on. Each has Solders Leters iflor show with entertainers Solier'1 fairly high calibre. Quites Fro m C-51296 B.S.M. Hub prising to walk Into a 3rd cl Hooper, 66 Fdl. Bty., 14 Cdn. Fd. durnp and hear a good sopri BR'egt., R.C.A., C.A.0., B.C.A., Hol- 4ender arias frorn a weil kor land, November 21, 1944. opera. flear Mr. James: Had a visit in Lille, quite1 These past few days I have been Birmingham or Manchester, on the receiving end cf numereus inOrilcnrbu ah d letters,. parcels and papers from Cossing into Belgiumn one isj "r the geod folk at home. Each year, pressed with the general cli since I have been in the army liness cf the country. Expeci I have managed to acknowlede be rnoving soon again. Meantir them ail, either by letter or -by love to ail, GEORGE card. But ai I write this now, my usual policy seems just a litte out From Major G. Jam of the question. I just have flot l4th Cdn. Arm'd Regt., C.A. -the time to acknowledge them ail. C.M.F. 1 shaîl do the very best I can, but Dear Folks: I'rn afraidý I shan't be able te At hast I arn able te get a f, make it. Se I've happened on a minutes off te write a few Unx solution te my problem-that is te Needless te say we have be say, I have decided te ask cf you terribly busy the last three weE a bit cf a favor. . and I've either been toc tired I have neticed on occasion, in haven't had the tîme tedwrite. your paper, the obvicus lack cf makes you feel like a twi.rp wh niaterial te fi its columns. (I saw you receivé a lot cf mail but ca: a letter cf mine there on one find tirne te answer it. -occasion.) Se I'm wondering if The weather has been prel such happenèd te, be the case, rough the last couple weeks lu £ometime before Christmnas, you one good snowufall and lots could perhaps enclose these few celd wînd te, keep yeu on t lines. I should be rnost grateful move. It's eîther tee much rE if that were possible, or tee much dust. If this weath In te bginingthee ae ~keeps up it won't be long befo Ianytebeini tisp erewo ae wle get some pretty good skiing manythispastyearwho avehope the arrny issues a few pai «been kind encugh te remember us, cf skis this winter. ,especiafly after Ren had fallen Te those I should like te say how I had a nice long letter frc very grateful I arn. I've manag- John who is stili in Italy and1 -ed te, answer a good many cf seems OK, but like the rest them. But seme have net been us 's working very hard. R ackncwledged. ceived your parcels which a To the varieus Service Clubs in greatly appreciated especially Bowmanville, Rotary, Liens, Wo- this celd weather. New that t] men's War Auxiliary, the Church ration is off on coffee please ser organizations, te mention enîy a me the odd pound as we get vei -few I tankyou ahl for your littie in our rations. -xanY kindnesses and I know I I'rn afraid this letter îsn't vei speak for every Bowmanville lad newsy but we've had our ne as weil. I'm afraid though that te the grindstone pretty steadi' we sometimes neglect the little and haven't anything but keE matter cf returning the îittîe kicking Jerry in the teeth. Kei ,cards that are enclosed, by way writing cften as letters are real] of acknewledgment. In any case a recreation in thernselves and we thank you ail, fromn the bottom don't know what I would de wl of our hearts. eut them. Se long for new, I cannot conclude with'out men- WILL. tiening here the loved cnes cf thoge Who have failen in this From Lt.-Col. Day C. Warnici 2truggle-cr who may yet faîl be- l2th Cdn. Arm'd Regt. (T.R.R.ý fore the new year dawns. Canadian Arrny, C.M.F. .For these, there can be ne cause Dear Mether.: I have had r :for celebration. Fer thern, enly letters from yeu since I iast wrot -the memeries cf dear cnes, and but expect they will ail cernei -the drearnscf what.might have a batch. You have probab: been. To yeu who serrow thus, learned from the newspapers thz mray I say this: You have gîven the advance in Italy has bee mruch in this struggle; ahl the slowed down by the weather.1 serrow and tragedy which has h§s rained heavily for some tin been thrust upen ycu, may, at and the rnud is getting deeper an 'this Christmas tirne, séeernte ycu deeper. There is ne use in mn an ever greater burden te bear. trying te, describe the conditic: 'The carols, the beils and al the cf the reads because they are in joy about you, can mean littie te describable. You must see ther .You. te realize hew bad they are. Fo As wue stand tonight on the very ever a week the enly way the: brink cf the German Reich, our have been able te get rations an, thouglits are with yeu. And the animunîtion up te us is by pacý knewledge that your lcved ones mules. hiave passed on, in this samne The slowing Up cf the advanc strue will be in part, a solace te means that wue de net have b weJ*9ho must push on and net move se often. Right new lu ei!back. are living in a 2-roomed fanr We, who had hoped Christmnas cottage. We are very crowdec would sec an cnd te this, must and it is difficuit te write with si now face up te the realization many people around, but therei that there may be a long winter a fire geing in the fireplace an( campaign. And it's the memory wue can get dried eut. WNhen wu of fallen cornrades which makes get wet and it is a lot better thar this realizatien more bearable. sleeping eut. May yeu tee be made te under- There reaily isn't much that stand why these things must be. can tell you and if you remembei May God be with you ail and the last one you will realize thai may He give you the courage and I neyer write about the "grirn de. the strength te, carry on. . tails." I arn very well and aw May I, in conclusion, wish each happy as I could be Under the cir- and al cf ycu, the citizens cf my curnistances. Next time rnaybE town, the very best Christrnas lil feel more in the mood for possible under the circumstances. writing. Love, DAY. May wue ail be together corne-___ Christmas 1945. Most Sincereiy, Frorn. Sgt. E. B. Hooper, 22 Bat- HUBERT HOOPER. tery, C.F.R.- Hoiland, te his moth- er, Mrs. Wm. Thetford, Town: Frcrn Capt. George Werry, No. Two letters written in Octeber 12 Can. Base Dental Coy., Over- are cf such length that cnly the seas. highlights are here given; My lasi Dear Dad: Just back from a trip letter didn't get away. Under te Vimy. The tour wns ccnducted sheil fire I lest it, part cf my kil by a travel agent who conducted and four cf my crew were casual- pre-war tours. Had lunch in the ties with badl burns frorn the fire. trenches and were again in Can- This is quite a country with lots of ada for this area was given te windmills and dykes and wue have Canada by the French gevern- had a lot of bad weather, rain ment as a perpetuai monument centinuously for 72 heurs. Funny after the ast war. The sand bags te see the people going arcund are replaced with cernent replicas with wooden clogs and rnost cf and sheil craters are stiil there us have a pair te, wear areund the- after all these years. gun. The Vimy Memorial is breath It's pitiful te sec the sufering taking ini its beauty and simplicity arnong the people, especially old and the atmosphere was church- people and children. If people at like. The sculptured figures are home could see it they would marvels cf anatornicai detail and realize how lucky they are. Ar- facial expressions are 50 real one tillery barrages and plane bomb- can visualize thern comîng te lite. ings have made havoc and in The ridge is ne mountain, rnerely many places water is 5 ft. deep. a ridge cf military importance Our comrnand post is new located and when captured, opened the, in the parler cf an abandoned road te Lille and Beigiurn Bitter house, with aIl the furriiture as it hand te hand fighting took place was left. here befere the Canadians took it This fiat country is quite unlike SPITFIRE CLUB HOLDS DRAW & EUCHRE PARTY The Spitfire Club held their draw and euchre in the Sons cf Engiand Hall, Thursday night, Dec. 14. There were 1h tables cf cuchre. Prize winners were: Mr. Bromdil, basket cf groceries; Kay Brown, cosmetic set; Mrs. Elmer Hennings, pair carved wooden candle holders; Mrs. A r t h u r Gregor; 5 lb. rcast cf beef te Mrs. yeu want a square meal join Uic The Spitf ire Club hopes the army." L ( 'I Brown, cushion; Mr. R. Noble, cream and sugar set; Walter Coch- rane, cesmetic set; Dick Clark, box of toilet scap; Guard, Pte. V. Lepage, glass fruit bowl. After the euchre prizes were given eut Mrs. H. Wakeiin called on Harvey Joint te pull the lucky tickets for the draw: goose went te Mrs. E. Speirs, 294 Vimy Ave., Oshawa; chicken te Alex Mc- Make Her Happy on Christmas Day With A Fur Coat What could be more beautifixi than to wrap around lier one of these luxuriant Coney (dyed rabbit) futr coats on Christmas morning. She wlll be delighted with one. $125,000 BOYS" Golf Rose Sturdy wearing boy's 590 & 690 golf liose in Spencer Wood. The draw ntted $62.10 and the uchre $11.25; making the grand total f $73.35. A little more was added te this amount. The Club is donating $25.00 te, the Navy League, making thc total denated te, the Navy League for the year, $100.00; $25.00 te, the Kînsmen Club Miik te, Britain Fund, and $25.00 te The Salvation Army Home League. people cf Bowmanvillc wiil con- tinue te help them te help others. They wish te thank ail whe help- ed te make their efforts se fruit- fui. The discouraged owner cf a small coffee shop in Ohio gave up the ghost and placed a sign on the door: "No coftee, ne sugar, ne help, ne cil, ne heat, ne profit. If -~i;T~i IN OUR HANDSI1 It's littie things that hold the ceiling-careMiness in every- day living. If we areto avoid inflation, every one of us must play fair. So let's ail pledge ourselvea to keep down liv- ing cost...i Buy only what we need... Observe the cii- ing ... Save for the future of a happy and prosperous land! MIHN LABATI LIMITED London Canada *1 '-0-M 1in dirty weather. Remember me NOVEMBER PARCELS SENT 7te ahi and the best cf luck. Your BY WOMEN'S AUXILIARY 1son,, ED. 1___ The Women's War Auxiliary From B. S. M. Hub Hooper, sent parcels to the fellowing 39 RC.A., Hoiland, te his mother, local boys and girls wearing Can- 1Mrs Wm. Thetford, town: adian uniferms, voluntarily, in Just returned from a trip t ervie overseas, as their Nevem- Ghent, net a leave but a pîcasant ber contribution trom the home interlude te get away trom the fr. As iibesnUclt din and noise. War didn't leave is in aiphabetical order and rnany scars on Ghent, though menth after mnonth parcels are bridges on the outskirts had been rotated in this manner until al blown up by Jerry, but our en- are served and then they start gineers soon had them repained. ahl over again. It was raining as usual but Aniong rnany letters cf thanks stepped as I came te Uic frentier. received are brief Christmas When I got te the city I looked up messages from Sgt. Gerald Bird, a friend and we had ice creami and Rfmr. Phil Pattrick and Sgt. John a good meai. In fact had threc Graham, ail destined te spend sundaes plus chips, steak and cet- their Christmnas in the rain mud fee and then went windew shop- and fog cf a toreign country. Al ping. cheertul but busy they dash off It was Sunday and the dance the seasen's greetings te the halls and estaminets were in full Auxiliary and people back home. swing, ail crowded and orchestras The November list: Pte. Allin, piaying Amenican tunes. Every C .J.; Sgt. Allen, John; LAC An- other person spoke English, even derson, C. G.; Sigmn. Anderson, the chiidren. Actualiy it was hard O. H.; Pte. Austin, L. A.; Sgt. te believe there was a war on Ballingali, J. R.; Sgt. Bird, G. R.; Stores lighted up and I saw more L!Sgt. Bates, W. H.; Sgt. Bate, R. cars than in alrny three ycars in E.; Pte. Bathgate, P.; Pte. Barreil, England. People seern glad te sec F. E.; CpI. Barrett, C. G.; Sigmn. us, especiaily if we have rnoney. Barnett, D.A.; Gnr. Beckett, S. G.; Shows are cheap and ne f ares LICpI. Beckett, F. W.; Pte. Bickle, charged soldiers on street cars but D. A.; Gnr. Bird, E.; Pte. Bird, they arc se dihapidated we should Robt. B.; Tpr. Bird, Thomas; be paid te ride on them. Theatres Capt. Birks, A. M.; LAC Black, .are cemfortablc and ail shows the C. G.; Capt. Braden, J. H.; Sigmn. iatest with sound in Flemish and Brooking, A. D.; Pte. Brooks, D. French. R.; B.D.S.M. Brcoking, H. S.; We rc egnnig t ralie tatCapt. Brown, W. J.; Sgt. Bruton, We re egnnig t ralie tatN. K.; Tpr. Burns, F. W.; Pte. this is another Christmas away Barton, R. E.; LIBdr. Crimmons, trem home. I'm still as confident A.J.; Sgt. Carneron, Alex; Gnr. as ever that aIl this bioodshed, Cameron, Hugh; Tpr. Cameron, D. serrew and sadness will be ever J.; Cpi. Candler, R. S. F.; Sgt. seon. Norrnandy seems a long Cartwright, C. G.; Pte. Carscad- way back now and the French den, G. L.; Cpi. Casbourne, Irene; suffened much more than Beigium Ip.CxE.B;plCoeR.W for we husthed Jerry ight LCl cE . p.Cc .W through that country. Have scen Rouen, Dieppe, Bohougne, Calais, Brussels, Antwerp, Glient and thec "We shaîl miss you in tlie ward, Menin Gate Memonial and ether Sengeant," said Sister as she bid siglits and will sec mucli more be- geod-byc te lier patient on flic fore this wintcr campaign is over. hospital steps. Tahked with Jack Cameron teday "And I shail miss you, Sister," and we were bofli ghad that Scotty was thec neply. «I shail neyer for- la golng home on heave. Arn look- get what you've donc for me. if ing for yeur Christmas parcel. ever there was a fallen angel- Meanlime, kecp srniling, HUB. you're one." I l Men's Scarves Bilk mixtures, rayon and wool, ail ray- on scarves for men. A large selection. $1.50 $2,95 Men's Neckwear Four-in-hand men 's smart, new neck- wear. Many shades, patterns and smart materials. 49e to $2.50 Adams Rats Give him an Adanms hat. They are ex- changeable for different size or colour. All fur feits. $3.95 to $6.00 Men's Underwear We have a large selection, but we do suggest these soft, brushed, men 's com- bination underwear in plum shade Size 36 to 44. $2,o25 Boys' Windbreakers Boy's two-tone wove mackinaw wimid. breakers with fuil length zipper. $3,995 D RE SLIN N'S LAST MIN UTE SUGOESTIONS ]Blouses She neyer has tee many blouses. We have them in long or short sîceves. In ail tlie new styles and mia- terials. Size 12 te 20. $2«98 r isiIV IF T/lVE 'FI y No. 62,1 . Mw - , -ý " Y £àl4ýM, wili 1 mniv PAGE THREE