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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Dec 1944, p. 7

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THURS., DECEMBER 21st, 1944 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO A C±1! iSOCIAL AND PERSONAL Phone or send in your list of Wakeljn. holiday visitors for next week's Mr. and Mrs. F. O. Mcllveen issue of The Statesman. have rccejved word that their ço~tul to Sto Mr. W. Vir- son, Sergt. Gilbert Mcllveen has W') 'ib "ne his 75th birth- ýarrived safely at Nassau, Ba.- da~.~1Dee1fler lth.hamas, British West Indies. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Tait, High i£j' Ruth James spent the St, were in Toronto last week week-end wjth friends in Kitch- and returned home by train fol- ener. lowing the heavy snow storm that Mrs F. Cator, Salem, is with tied up highway traffic. her son, William Cator, and fam- Mr. Art Noble, Taber, Alta., ily, Windsor, for .Christmas. formerly of Taunton and Hamp- Mrs. H. W. Foster is spending ton, is visiting N. Lathangue and Christmas in Toronto with her sis- other friends in the district prior ters, Mrs. F. A. Haddy, and Mrs. to returning two months hence. W. N. Tilley. Postmaster C. B. Kent reports Mrs. Elmer Ott and Sally left the heaviest Christmas mail in Sunday to spend the Christmas his experience of over 50 years. season with the former's mother Extra staff engaged to handie the atMontreal. mail include Irene Piper, BiL. at Knox and Stewart Ferguson, Skaters will be glad to know pupils at B.H.S., and Mr. and Mrs. that Rotaryr Rink is fast being Put Art Kent and Mr. and Mrs. Bob into shape. Season tickets may Kent. be secured at the Rink or at the TusawsChitsdeo- Bankof ommece.tion day at the Hydro offi!ces LAC Clair Wakelin, R.C.A.F., when the three young ladies of Manning Depot, Toronto, spent the staff put the final touches on the week-end with his wif e and the Christmas tree inside the show parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harold window. It acceptably takes the A F VOZTE -' To Young and old lt's a thrlll to receive beautiful Jewellery. A Ibvely watch or a sParkllng diamond is unequalled as a Christ- mas Gift. We invite servicemen to write us regarding the purchase' of diamonds. .... . , WATCHES ... Bulova, Elco and Westfield Watehes for Men and Women. A supremely acceptable Gift Bridai Wreath Diamonds Every stone guaranteed perfect RINGS.. Signet and Friendship Rings. Settings lu preclous and semi-preclous stenes TOILET SETS FOR LADIES AND GENTLEMEN Identification Bracelets for Ladies and Gentlemen Ear-rings, Bill Folds, Pictures, Costume Jewellery, Plaques Statuettes, Candie Sticks, Sterling Silver Cigarette Cases How to Please HER Sterling Compacts $7.50-$9 Lockets -------- $1 to $9.50 Neekiaces ~--- $1 te, $5 Birth Stone Rings $5.95-10k Brooches --------- $1 to$5 Asaorted Colored- Beafl - ----- $1 te $Z.50 Toilet Sets--------- $5 Up Compacts $1,25 to $5 Identification Bracelets -- $1.50 up How to Piaso HUM Fitted Military Cases $3.95 te $11.95 Poeket Books - 75e te $5 Men's Gold Rings $7.50 Up Men's Sterling Rings -------------$.50 Up Identification Bracelets ------$1.50 up Peu and FeueSl Sets $2,50 Tic Chaîns - ------- $1 te $5 Key Chains ----- $2 te $2.50 SPECIALS.. Pop-Up Cigarette Cases ----- -------- -------- J $1.50 Flatw e, service for 8, Rogers, 34 pieces ----- ----$Z.50 -OTHER GIFT SUGGESTIONS - Miscellaneous .. Book Ends . «-$1.75 Up China Vases ~---- 69e Up China Figures $3.95 pr. Wall Brackets 69e up Glass Coffee Makers -----------$3.50 Up Baby Cups--------- $1.25 up Baby Spoons $1 Up Siver ... 3-piece Tea Set --- $12.50 Water Juga -------$7.50 Up Casseroles ----------$4.50 up Pie Plates ---------$2 Up Mayonnaise Dishes, 3-piece ---------------$1.25 Reiish Dishes ---------$1.25 Sait and Pepp>er Sets ----------------- $1.25 Up IYou are cordlally invlted te drop ini and look around. You are under no obligation to buy Miarr's Jewellery 1 BOWMANVILLE1 space vacated through wartIrm shortages of retail appliances. A night it is ail lit up like the fief in peacetime. 1 Ontario Stockyards officia] 1have disclosed that 27,056 catti 1were bought by packers at th Government owned Union Stock yards during the past month. Thi is 10,321 more than was sold fi the same yards last year. For th, il months of the year cattie re ceipts totalled 257,851, a reeori for the yards. The Statesman tries to repor ail the news pertaining to loca men and girls in the armed f orces Witb our limited staff we arn bound to miss something. Wg would therefore greatly appreci ate it if readers would advise u: when they receive any news per 'taining to their relatives in tbî armed forces such as promotions casualties returned home, etc. Flight Lieut. Bill Breck, son o: Major and Mrs. Thos. Breck Burketon, who bas been home or 30 days' leave bas returned t( England for his second tour oi operations. He wired bis parenti from Montreal on Dec. 8th anc the next day they received z cable announcing his safe arriva: overseas. Truly distance anè time mean nothing in this age ai speed. St. Paul's W.A. met Dec. l3tli with President Mrs. N. Pingle in the chair. After the usual wor- ship period a talk was given by Mrs. W. P. Fletcher in memory of those members of the Association who have passed on during the year. Miss Donnie Creasser ac- companied by Miss Ileen Balson, sang two selections, "'Christmas Nigbt," and "Kashmeri L ov e Song" in her usual pleasing man- ner. Annual reports of tbe groups were read showing very creditable resuits for the year's work. A social haif hour closed the meeting. The Christmas m7eeting of St. Paul's W.M.S. was beld at the hiome of Mrs. J. H. Jury, Dec. 19. The candle-light worship service was conducted by Mrs. Chas. Car- ruthers, assisted by Mrs. Gea. Cbase, Miss Olive Barton, Mrs. F. Pattinson, Mrs. H. Ferguson and M.'rs. J. A. Cox. Mrs. Kennetb Werry and Mrs. Reta Cole sang Cbristmas solos accompanied by M'rs. Robt. Wbitmee. President vlrs. W. H. Carruthers presided for the business meeting and spoke briefly on the new worid order coming into evidence. Mrs. J. H. H-. Jury gave a very inter- rcsting Christmas story. Mrs. Car- ruthers expressed tbanks to Mrs. Jury and voiced the appreciation of the society for tbe hospitality of ber home. BLOOD DONORS Wed., Dec. 13: J. T. Brown, Newcastle, 9th donation. Donald W. Jose, Naomi Horrocks, New- castle, 8th donation. Mrs. Harry Baldwin, Courtice; Mrs. FrancesI Wright, Newcastle, 7th donation. Fri., Dec. 15: Ross Stevens, Bowmanville, l4tb donation, Wm. P. W. Young, Courtice, llth do- nation. Stanley Coverley, Bow- manville, 6th donation. Wm. Jas. Malley, Bowmanville, 3rd dona- tion. Mon., Dcc. 18: Donald Boe, Bowmanville, 12th donation. A Mairs, Nestîcton, 7th donation. Frederick G. Stannard, Nelson Couvier, Bowmanville, 6th dona- tion. Arthur C. Brown, Jos.1 Schwarz, Bowmanville, lst dona- tion. MHE STATESMAN NOW SOLD AT THESE STORES Newcastle: Mellow's Drug. Hampton: G. A. Barron & Son. Enniskillen: T. M.-Slemon & Son Burketon: Harold Gill. Blackstock: Alex Gilbert. Nestleton: J. G. Thompson. C. H. Porteous. Pontypool: Post Master. Orono: Tyrrell'a Djrug Store. Newtonville: W. CI Lane & Co. Tyrone: F. L. Byam. Bowmanville: W. J. Berry. J. W. Jewell, Jury & Loveil, W. J. Bagnell, Statesman Office. IT may cost you hundreds of dollars froin your own pooket if sanie one is in- jured on your premises and you haven't placed Residence Liability insur- ance on your property. Before anything hap- pons IN<SURE NOW, with this agency. Protect your home, your savings and your faniily. Stuart R. James Insurance and Real Ztate Suecessor To J. J. Mason So Phone 681 Ring St. Bowmanville ne et ts e ,i Js What Did You See Out There, My Lad? "What did you se out there, my lad, That bas set that look in your eyes? You went out a boy, you have come back a man, With strange new deptbs underneath your tan; What was it you saw out there, my lad, Tbat set such deptbs in your eyes? "Strange things,Lt.and sad,-and wonderful,- Tbings that I scarce can tel,- I have been in tbe sweep of the Rcaper's scythe,- With God,-and Crist,-and bell. "I bave seen Christ doing Christly deeds; I have seen tbe devil at play; I bave grimped to tbe sod in tbe hand of God; I bave seen tbe God-less pray. "I bave seen Death biast out suddenly From a clear blue summer sky; I have siain like Cain with a blazing brain; I bave heard the wounded cry. "I bave main alone among the dead, With no bope but to die; I have seen them killing the woundcd ones; I bave seen them crucify. "I bave seen the Devil in petticoats Wiling the souls of men; I bave seen great sinners do great deeds And turn to their sins again. "I bave sped through bells o! fiery bail, Witb feul red-fury sbod; I bave beard the whisper o! a voice; I have looked in tbe face of God. "You've a right to your deep, bigh look, my lad, You bave met God in the ways; And no man looks into His face But He feels it al bis days. You've a rigbt ta your deep, higb look, my lad, And we tbank Him for Ris grace." 1 -John Oxenbam. lý t v Y C Si jý s n 9 c: m ti F h T m ri c p Y IA c ivi Y fc SI 01 J. r( rt Ji ol oi TAKE NOTICE Reserve New Year's Eve for the Military Bail to be held at the Armouries. Dancing at 12:05. Strayed STRAYED - YEARLING Heifer, mostly black, strayed from Lot 33, Con. 9, Clarke. Anyone knowing of its whereabouts please notify A. J. Tamblyn, Orono. Phone 65r4. 51-1w FACTS WORTH KNOWING <Midland Free Press) If is not often that political or- ganizations put out propaganda which is of just as much value to the other parties as to the one which issues it. Consequently when the Brack- en Clubs of Canada do that very thing it is worthy of note. They have issued two pamph- lets which should be in the hands of every one who is interested in the welf are of bis country and who wants to know how he can personally take part in its govern- ment. Oneof these is entitled, "What Makes Politics Tick?"' It answers among other things the following questions in anab- solutely non-partisan way. "Wben and why are elections called? How is an election date decided on? Who calis the* e]ec- tion? Wbat happens when an election is called? What do you know about Party organizations? What is a polling division? What are poil captains or chairmen? What is a party nomînating con- vention? How are candidates chosen? Can you choose your own candidate? Wbat is tbe elec- tor's duty to bis party? What con- trai bas the elector over party or- ganizations? The other pamphlet is called "Do You Know?" and the ques- tions fallowing those words arc, Who can and who cannot vote? Who organizes the election? How the voter's list is compiled? What and why is an advance poil? How is the ballot kept secret? Wbo counts the votes? We do a lot of talking about election machinery, political ma- chines, ward heelers, etc., but bow mucb do we really know? It is worth anyone's wbile to get hold o! these pamphlets. Tbey can be had from the Bracken Clubs o! Canada, 63 Sparks St., Ottawa, on request. ClassifiedAd Rates One cent a word cash, each Insertion (minimum charge 25c). Charge of 25e extra is made when advertisement Is flot paid same week as Inser- tion. Extra charge of 10c when replies are directed to a Statesman box number. Bfrths, deaths and marriages 50c each. [n Memoriams, 50e for notice plus 10e per line for verse. Classified adver- tisements accepted up until 6 p.m. Wednesday. M SKSOIN CA Bety ouseo Phoe 23 LAURA SECORD CANDIES Office Training Course A Five-Month Course Beginning in January INCLUDES Typing, Office Practice. Bookkeeping, Speiling and Rapid Calculation ENROL NOW! Bowmanville Business School Registered Trade Schoel King and Silver Sts., Bowmanvilie Phone 337 or 434 51-2 Proclamation Citizens and nierchants i the Town of Bowmanville are hereby requested ta observe BOXING DAY ON TUESDAY., DEC. 26 By keeping their places of business closed an. this day and observing it as a public holiday By order of 0. G. MORRIS Mayor og Christmas GIFT -Suggestions MANîCURE SETS DANDELIONS AT CHRISTMAS Believe it or not, The States- sman received through the mail on 1Tuesday, Dec. 19, 1944, in a celo- phane wrapper, two golden dan- delion blooms, still damp and fresbly picked in the garden o! Mrs. Oscar Adams, R.R. 3, Ponty- 2pool, Durham County. In ber letter enclosing this remarkable Christmas gift, Mrs. Adams told that ber small son, Fay, digging in the deep snow bad corne across these blooms, sligbtly crushed but bravely surviving under t h e weight of the recent storm. With the evidence before us we are more than ever convinced 1that the Pontypool district can 1grow almost anything at any time o! the year. In the recent Potato Club contests, two Ponty- pool boys won top bonors with their yields o! 575.8 and 559.8 bushels per acre, wbich is claimed as a record for soutbern Ontario. The challenge is put forth for any other county ta match this kind o! production, with particular emphasis on tbe dandelions. Sudden Passing of Harry Maitland Cole The many friends o! Harry i Maitland Cale were sbocked to learn of bis sudden death on Tues- day, December 12. He had left home as usual at 7:30 a.m. for bis work in the Goodyear offices, but struggling througb drifts caused by the beavy snowstorm, he be- came faint when he reached King St. and went into the Balmoral Hotel to rest for a moment. Be- fore medical aid could arrive he expircd from a heart attack, de- scribed by bis doctor as Coronary Tbrombosis. He would have been 55 ycars o! age on Dec. 27. Harry Cole was born at Can- nington, Ont., and came to Bow- manville early in life as an cm- ployee of the Standard Bank and later joined the Goodyear Coin- pany as an accountant in Novem- ber, 1912. He obtained leave in Marcb, 1916, ta join the 136tb Battalion and served overseas un- til the end o! 1919 when be re- joined tbe Goodyear Company at New Toronto. On December 21, 1921, he was transferred back to their Bowmanville offices as manager o! the accounting de- partment, and continucd bere ever since until bis untimely death. The deceased was twice mar- ried. Ris f irst wife was the for- mer Marion MacDougall o! Bow- manville. Some years a!lter ber death, Miss Violet Reid o! Toron- to joined him in wedllock to make a happy home at their residence on Centre St. His widow with one adopted daughter, who is a student at Ontario Ladies College, Whitby, survive to mourn. bis passing. Mr. Cole was the last surviving member o! the Can- nington family, his mother hav- ing died there many years ago and bis father passed away at the home of bis son,* wbere he bad came ta live, some 15 years ago. The late Mr. Cole, who was known as "Chris" among all bis fricnds, was a Presbyterian and ac Mason, a splendid character ac- cording ta al bis associates, a keen golf er and an expert fisher- man who enjoyed life ta the full. The funeral services were con-1 ducted from the family residence C by bis pastor, Rev. W. G. Blake, for interment in Mount Lawn Cemetery, Oshawa, Dec. 15. AC wealtb o! floral tributes sur- rounded the bier and the paîl- bearers were E. S. Varcoe, C. D. Searle, W. L. Elliott, E. L. Oliver, town, and Layton Soucb and Wil- liam Burns, Oshawa. Alsoofii ating at the graveside were Rudolpb Loa and Jack Coleman< o! Oshawa. Many from distant points, together with friends and Goodyear executives wcre in at- tendance at tbe funeral. 50eSO to $6.00 ------$1.25, $1.50 ---------$1.00 Up DU13ARRY GiFT SETS $1.25 - $2.00 to $12.50 DUBARRY SOAF -----65e - $1 BATH DUSTING POWDMS 69c - $1.00 - $1.25 - $2.00 tOLOGNES ... Lentherie, Evening [n Paris, Three Flowers, Apple Blosm 60C - $2.00 Ladies' GIFT SETS Evening In Paris ------ $1.15 te $6 Three Secrets ----------60c to $5 Petaltone --- ------- c-- 0 to $5 Jane Seymour "Gleam" 55c - $2.85 Molinard----------- $2.75 te $7.00 Vita-Ray ------------$2.30 te $8.40 Lentherie ---------- $2.35 to $6.50 SMOKER'S GIFTS .. . PIPES --------------. 50c to $2.75 CIGARETTE ROLLERS 45c - $1 ASH TRAYS ---- -----35e te $2 CIGARETTES, 50's ----80c - 95e CIGARETTES, 40's ------------66c TOBACCOS, 1-2 lb.-------- c leUp CIGARETTE CASES- ------$1 up Make this a Drug Store Christmas. There are Ideas galore for thrilllng gifts at your I.D.A. store at prices te fit every purse. Make your selee- tion lu the friendiy atmosphere of your I.DA. Druggist's shop right away. Stocks are llmited. CHRISTMAS CARDS. ... Speciai box, 12 cards............. 25e Boxed Assortments.. Individual Cards ... 12 cards 50c 2 for 5c, 5c, 3 for 10c. 10c 18 cards ------------ 59c GlIFT 12 cards--------------- $1 WRAPPINGS - ---- - 10e SEALS, TAGS, CARDS, TISSUE, etc. Sc 10e 15e 25e CHRISTMAS GinT WRITING CASES STATIONERY $1.75 $1.85 $1.95 Boxes 35c, 5Oc, $1.00 and up PEN & PENCIL SETS Wood Chests ---$3.25-$3.50 $2.30 to $15.00 BRUSH, COMB and MIRROR SETS &M -- *..,SPECIAL Kystone Set Guaranteed In P $3, --------------u----, plain cut-out boxes .99 - $5.95 $7.95 And Up BILLFOLDS .. $1, 51.25,5$1.50 to $650S SNAVING BRUSHES .... 50c to 57.50 PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS........ $1 up SHAVING LOTIONS .... 39c, 50c to $3 SHE'LL LIKE HS Three Flower Gift Sets -- $1.80 to $7.50 PERFUMES 50c - $5 Wood's Milk Foam 30c. 55c, $1.00 Valvetta Bath Salts -----------_ 69c Marvelous Gift Set, Powder, Rouge, Lipstlck -----$2.25 "I'111 0 LOWEST PRICES p ASSORTED GUFTS Cashmere Bouquet Gif t Sets ------------55e, 80c, 900 Pond's Beauty Boxes i 87c, $1.10 Wood's Bath Ou - ---- 60e - $1 Baby's Own Sets ----60e - $1.10 CANADA DRY GINGER ALE - ---------29e SOAPS - In fancy boxes 40c - 50c - 75c 10 BATH SALTS.. 29c, 50e to $2.50 RAZORS ... Gillette Tech, with 5 blades 49o Schick [niector -------- 98e GIFTS FOR MEN COLGATE SETS ------c 0 - $1.35 WOODBURY'S SET --- ----$1 DEVON SHAVING KIT ---55e TWINPLEX STROPPER ---$2.25 BUCKINGHAMW SHAVING BOWLS -------------- ----50e - 75e OLD ENGLISH LAVENDER' SHAVING SETS,-----------9e DRUGS PHONE 792 - WE DELIVER ,o=o @=o~ =o=o o=@ o=o=~ o==01o Commencing Mon., Dec. 18, and continuing until Christmas, this store will be open until 10 t'.r. ALEX McOREOOR THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE SEVEN v CUTEX --------- REVLON --- ------ PEGGY SAGE ý 1

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