t- N~L7L.. ~ ~ -, f~ -j.'-- PAGE EIGHT THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURS.. DECEMBER 2lsi, 1944 Zion Intended for Last Week) Visitors: Pte. Peggy Killen, Mr and Mrs. Sam Lee and Roy, To. ronto, at Robt. Killen's. . . Mr and Mrs. Lloyd Stainton, Toron- to, at A. T. Stainton's. . . Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Metealfe and Larry, Oshawa, at Aif. Ayre's.. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Cooke, Henry Oakley, Toronto, Wm. Gilroy Enniskillen,' at Thos. Martin's.. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Flintoff Ronnie and Patsy, Courtice, al Wes. Cameron's. .. Mr. and Mrs Normnan Leach at Arthur Young- manSf's, Tyrone. .. Henry DeMillE at Burketon. . , Mr. and Mrs. Ivor Gerry, Toronto, at F. B. Glaspell's... Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Sonley, Mfr. and Mrs. Henry Son- OSHAWA Free Parking Phone 1011 Thurs., F1., Sat., Dec. 21-23 Two sensational features THE CROSS 0F LORRAINE Starring Jean Pierre Au- mont, Gene Kelly. Sir Cedric Hardwicke. The first drama of the Fighting French. Also MARGO in GANGWAY FOR TOMORROW With John Carradine, Ro- bert Ryan. New, startling, fascinating. Their lives make you gasp. Special Holiday Attraction Mon., Tues., Dec. 25-26 M.G.M.'s Comedy THE CANTERVILLE GHOST With Charles Laughton, Ro- bert Yocîng, Margaret O'Bri- en. It puts yoù in the best of spirits. Wed., Thurs.. Dec. 27-28 THE NAVY WAY Starring Robert Lowery, Jean Parker Also MEET THE PEOPLE With Lucille Bal. Dick Powell. A real gay musical. Give theatre tickets this Christmnas The management and staff wish al aur patrons a Merry Christmas ROYAL 'i Bowmanville Monday to Frlday, doc Sat., doors open 6 o'cloi THURS. FR] Margaret Sullavan, Ann! ClaRYI With Fay Bainter, Marsha IH Angel. Tht story of herolc gerously. It's different! SATURDAY 0 WALLY BROWN and ]Rooki'es 1 Whoops!1 What a whopper 1 nlt-wlt pals outwit the Nips. - Added A TIM Hl Sagel With Cliff "Ukùlele Ike" E the dlean-up of the badl m SPECIAL HOLIDi Xmas Day-Monday, Tu EDDIE C. show lu With George Murphy, Nanc host of other stars. Cantoi clowning, romanclng and s( GIVE THEATRE TI The management and staff patrons a Merry Christma TO OUR OUSTOMBAI IA Merry Chi A Happy1 GARTON'S Phone 2666, ley and Lloyd, Whitby, at Fred put off until next month. the roads impassible. Çameron's. . . Mr. and Mrs. Aif. Sympathy is extended to Mr. Sto.I 1 Donald Thompson, Shel- - Ayre, Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Stain- Jas. Gordon in the passing of his burne, N.S., is home on Christmas ton and Elleen attended the Sil- sister, Mrs. Arthur Payne, who leave. ver Wedding anniversary of Mr. was buried in Toronto on Thurs- Our mail-man has not been and Mrs. Hansen Richards, Osh- day. able to make his rounds yet. -awa, on Saturday night. Friends fram Nestieton extend Your correspondent wishes the Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Glaspell, Mr. sympathy to Mrs. Bella Richard- Staff and Patrons a Merry Christ- -and Mrs. Wm. Haziuck, Mr. and son and Mrs. Kate Downey in mas and a Happy New Year. Mrs. J. Cruickshanks, Mr. and the sad loss of their home by fire, d Mrs. A. Ayre, Mr. and Mrs. A. T. last Monday. - .Stainton attended the Federation The Statesman is on sale each nfniela Y of Agriculture banquet at New- week at the stores of J. G. Thomp -____ castle. son and C. H. Porteous. WA e ttehm fMs Mr. and Mrs. John Cruick- WA e ttehm fMs fshanks, Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Stain-.- -- H. Smith. These officers were ton tteded he oistin an-elected: Pres.-Mrs. G. Bowman; tt tn atened he olstin an- Mape G ove Vice Pres.-Mrs. A. Prescott; Sec. 9quet at Canton. -Mrs. N. Stinson; Ass. Sec.-Mrs. e ~Maple Grove W.M.S. met Dec. H. Smith; Tifeas.-Mrs. W. Bow- 6 in the Church with Mrs. H. G. man; Pianist-Mrs. J. Parr; Ass. Blackstock Freeman in the chair. Report of Pianist - Margaret Smith; Coin- the nominating committee was fort Comm.-Mrs. H. Ormiston, accepted as read by Mrs. F. Swal- Mrs. L. Simpson; Programi Comm. Social activities have been at a low; Pres. Mrs. Chas. Greenham; -Mrs. E. Prescott, Mrs. A. Pres- standstill the past week. We had lst Vice Pres., Mrs. H. C. Linstead; cott; Lunch Comm. - Mrs. M. snow and then more snow. The 2nd Vice, Mrs. H. G. Freeman; Samis, Mrs. H. Smith. Program roads were blocked from Monday Rec. Sec'y, Mrs. M. Burgess; Ass't was: Christmas poem, Mrs. A. until late Saturday night when a Rec. Sec'y, Mrs. E. Ormiston; Cor. Prescott; piano solo, Margaret snow plow came through, then a Sec'y, Mrs. C. Jeffery; Treas., Smith; Christmas readini, Mrs. N. couple plows turned up on Sun- Mrs. I. Munday; Christian Stinson. day. We hadn't anything to com- Stewardship, Mrs. A. Laird; Fi- Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. plain about however, as milk and nance Comn., Mrs. I. Munday, Mrs. Fred Samis on the arrivai af a bread were sent in by sleighs. A. Laird, Mrs. M. Munday; Supply daughter. Two weeks ago the Victorian Com., Mrs. M. Munday, Mrs. H. There was no Church service on Women's Institute met in the Wright, Mrs. N. I. Metcalf, Mrs. Sunday. Community Hall. There were 30 F. Swallows; Associate Helpers, ladies present. After the busi- Mrs. L. Collacutt, Mrs. Ross Stev- B reo ness session they quilted five ens; Temperance, Mrs. J. H. Mun- B reo quilts. day; Missionary Monthly, Mrs. A.Y.P.A. met at the Rectory H.G. Freeman; Literature Sec'y, Hr. J. Wallace, Oshawa, with wit PrsientMis LonaDevttMrs L. C. Snowden; Mite Box Mr. Roy Ashton. ith eshid. enteis Len aD Sec'y, Mrs. R. R. Stevens; Press Henry DeMille and Pte. Merle from boys overseas. Archdeacon Sec'y, Mrs. C. H. Snowden; Pian- Hubbard with Mr. Ben Hubbard. Simsonwasproran covenr.ist, Mrs. C. H. Snawden; Ass't, Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Breck have Heiaveano n t program cnvener. Mrs J. D. Stevens; Baby Band, receivcd word that Bill has arriv- from a Scottish book. Lovely Mrs. J. D. Stevens; Talent Maney, ed back overseas.1 readings were given by Miss Janet Mrs W. J. Snowden; Flower Com., Tpr. Harold Gatchell is home. Watson and Miss Edith Peters.s. R. R Stevens, Mrs. R. L. Visitors with Mrs. Pearn Avery Lunch was served and a social Warden; Program Com., Mrs. E. were: Mr. and Mrs. Grant Wilson, time enjoyed. W. Foley, Mrs. R. L. Warden; and Beryl, Kinsale. Monday, Dev. 11, Mrs. Kath- Auditors, Mrs. G. Talcott, Mrs. E. erine Downey had the great mis- Ormiston. Cici rtchodO iu re fortune ta have her home burned orieCcutBthhodO tais down . Mrs. Downey and children het Dec. 5 in Ebenezer Church____ ,are naw living in with Mn. with a fairly gaod attendanice the MRS. WILLIAM JOSEPH Samuel Jeffrey. follawing programi was given: NIH Mr. J. A. Jahnston returned piano solo, Ross Metcalf; vocal KIH home on Saturday from Windsor solo and encore, Orville Osborne. Dearly beloved by the members whene lhe has been assisting Mr. A splendid address was given by of lher family and a favorite with and Mrs. Roy Avery with their Dr. W. P. Fletcher, Bowmanville; h er neighbors, Mrs. William new home. mouth argan solo and encore, Ross Joseph Knight, .50 Ritson Road _______________ Metcalf; readings, Herb Osborne; South, Oshawa, died on Dec. 12, vocal solo, Orville Osborne. Pres- following an illness of three cnt, 46. These officers were elect- months. Nestieton ed: Pres.-Walter Rundie; Sec'y Mis. Knight had been involved ______-Glen Pickle; Treas.- K. E. in an accident in 1916, in which There was no service iin the Courtice; Sang Leader- Orville her husband was killed, and United Church on Sunday awing Osborne; Pianist-Les Collacutt; which left hér with a heart coFidi- ta ronds and weather. Publicity Cam.-C. P. Swallow, tian which kept her partially con- Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Ponteous Glen Pickle, C. Penfaund; Speak- fined ta hier home for many years. visited their daughter, Mrs. Har- er Coin. - Wmn. Lycett, Rev. H. Althaugh Mrs. Knight was nat aId Nesbitt, Bowmanville. C. Linstead, R. E. Osborne; Pro- able ta take an active part in Mr. and Mrs. George Johns and gram Com.-S. Morton, L. Mun- events outside hier home, she Billy at Mr. L. Joblin's. day, C. Jeffery, L. Crago, E. made her home a hospitable place Na school in the Public Schools Wenry, L. Dawn; Social Com.-H. for others ta caîl. She was par- lt ek, wigta the stanm. Braoks, G. Metcalf, M. Munday, ticularly devoted ta hier twa WAand W.I. meetings were H ihls, B. Biekel, H. Muir, C. daughters, Misses Lela and Ruby Penfound; Flowers-H. Freeman, Knight. C. Osborne; Welcaming Cam. - The former Ada Louise Hardy Gea. Annîs, R. R. Stevens, C. Os- was bctn at Tyrone on January MLborne. 14, 1871, the daughten ai Mr. and ] E Miss Hazel MRae, Whitby, Mrs. Thomas Hardy. She was with Miss Susie Laird. married ta William Jaseph Knight Master David Jagger, Toronto, at Zion on September 20, 1899. le! RE Tat Mrs. L. C. Snowden. Thcy lived at Brockland in 1907 ~ Mrs. M. Munday with her maved ta a farm four miles from Telephone 589 daughten, Mrs. Geo. Brown, town, Oshawa. Following the death ai ors penat 630 .m.who has been ill. Mr. Knight the fnmily came ta >rs. opien at .0 p.m. Oshawa and Mrs. Kiht had bna resident oi Oshawa for the ck.~~O on Maie t20 ..News ps 29 nîgt a ff., Dec. 21-22 _____Mis. Knight was a member ai Sothern, Joan Blondeli in Mr. Richard Wood, Miss Allie Simcoe Street United Chunch and Wood, and Mr. and Mis. Charles while hier health did not permît Wood, attended the 4th wedding hier ta take any active part in the 1A V O C annivensary ai Mr. and Mrs. W. N. church organizations she attended lunt, Ella Raines and Heather Hoskin of Burketon which was as often as possible. She had deeds of girls who Uive dan- held in the Community Hall at been an active member of Zion Enniskillen. Ladies' Aid whilc a resident of Mr. W. J. Martin is seriousîy îîî that community. )NLY, DEC. 23 at his home here. . Left ta mourn the loss of a loy- il ALAN CARNEY In Congratulations ta Miss Shirley ing mother and sister are lier two Porter for completing hier proba- daughters, at home; one brother, tion and. receiving hier cap at A. M. Hardy of Bowmanville; one In n u rm a Oshawa Gencral Hospital. sister, Mrs. F. G. Carnish, Hamp- for augher wen tesePte. Henry and Mrs. Smith ton, and a hall-brother, John oLagtr...hetes (nee Thelma Myles), and baby, Davison ai Menford. Ronnie, visited hier parents, Mr. The funcral service was hcld al %ttraction - and Mrs. D. Myles. hier late residence, 50 Ritson [OLT in Mr. John Armstrong is home Rond South, Oshawa, on Decem- aiter on extended business trip ber 15th. Rcv. A. D. Cornett, hier ta the West Coast. pastor ai Simcoe Street United bru sh >Mrs. Ed. Graham and daughter, Church, Oshawa, aificiated and 'dwards, Joan Barclay. Sce Marlene, are spending Christmas spoke in the highest regard ai the ýen. and the winten months with hier deccased. mothen at Partage La Prairie. The bearers were six nephcws: ýAY PROGRAMME PO Neil Wood, who, with his Everett Hardy, Harvey Hardy, ues., Wedl., Dec. 25-26-27 bride, recently visited his home Gardon Hardy, Mark Cornish, ANTOR Inhere, returncd ta Calgary and Sidney Cornish, Richard Earle. ~NTR hsince has been posted ta Rivens,. Interment in Bowman v i 11i e Man., as instructor. Cemetcry. B usi essMr. Herb Murray returned ta his home on Tuesday aiter a HENRY A. MCALLISTER cy Kelly, Joan Davis, and a month spent in the East General 's show of shows. Dancing, Hospital, Toronto, following an The death occurred suddenly an ;ongs you'll neyer forget. openation. His many friends here December 13, at the home oi his CKETS FOR XMAS will be glad ta sec himi about once nephew, R. I. MeAllister, at 1of this theatre wish al l is more. Couiice, ai Henry A. McAllistcr, s and a Happy New Year. Mr5. J. Leslie has joincd hen in his 75th year. Mr. McAllister husband, Dr. Leslie, in Edmonton, passed away while sitting in his where hie was sent on business for chair. He had been in good henlth three manths. In a letter ta her until a few days before his death Haydon 1an-d a-nE _____ belorer. êiiI7 ]Snw at Miss Jean Crossmnn, Bowmnn- kidfulo7~lai! I. wtl- and pIa vle tLodAshton 's. dogaImwith tie& te r vill . e, tLodrfrequand Joce HEO V. cool pl Bowmanvllle manville. asin nature a. hace te rester. eait Cotii Sunday School and Church ser- ad eneruy. Easy te take. Sale. ,1 trees to vices were cancelled Sunday be- Dodd'sKidnev Piis flice ha, cause af the storm which made 1 by n s1 w00 1 o qI Gorgeous Housecoats A splendid assortment in quilted bro- cade, velvet cord, fine brushed rayon, poplins, and bengaline. Zipper and wrap styles. Bizes 14 to 20. $5.9 5 to $16-95 CHILDREN'S CHENILLE HOUSE- COATS make charming gifta. $2m98 & $4m95 G aily P rinted............... Table- m4w Cloths Vivid floral designs r Ka that have caught al the color of a Su.m. mer garden. Sises ' from 36" squares to 72" by 90 inches. Prices range from $1.98 -$6.95 CHENILLE SPREADS i fSIZE ABOUT 85" x 100"1 Fortunately for those who couldn 't shop earlier, our recent snow storm delayed-until this week-delivery of a choice lot of these useful and lovely spreads. Some bave coloured grou.nds with contrasting designs, some are in one or two-tone honeycomb or check patterns, others are multi-coloured on white grounds. Prices from - Dresser Set Plastic Oomb, Brush and Mirror transparent and pastel colours. Pla or fancy styles. $6395 & $8.9!1 OUR Baby Departmen has an assortment of lovely things delight both Mother and Babe, at prie to suit every purse. Practical Gifts For those who prize a gift f or,,*,"Co tinual usefu]ness, we have a larg% sortment of TEA TOWELS from 39c to 75c each $lOe95 to $17.o95 'WALKER STORES, cfIMITh.UD Open Evenings tili Xmas tili 9 p.m. CsDc ember 25th and 26t rTO FIREPROOF seven ounces afi banc pawdcr and CHRISTMAS TREES anc and ane-haîf ounces ai soap _______powdcr in two quarts ai hot rman J. Scott, Manager ai water. Absorbent cattan is mrent- kdale - Kingsway Nurseries, ed mare easily, and the soap paw- min us this timely informa- den should be omitied. Spread oui the Christmas seasan nears, tecto n piketewr mation on firepra o f i n g tmas trees agnin is in ne- The tnee and its decora- constiiute a fine hazard, and for STE SEP. :ngen the treç is kcpt inside, S)TRD6SIl. enter the risk becomes. Lfine hazard of Christmas cnbe reduced appnecinbly ~ ' fTi simple method. The most Jve resuits ane obtained wiih ly eut trees tneaied f our ta ays before they are decorai- About the best matenial for aioing is ammonium sul- It is effective, chenp and obtained. determine the number ai is ai ammonium suiphate d, weigh the inee and divide imber ai pounds by four. Ie the required amouni aiof~ Sium sulphate in water, ance .. - ne-hnlf pinta for cach paund. it least an inch off the stem ace the ineshly cut end ai ee in the solution. Set in na* lace, at 55 ta 65 degrees,f the solution is absorbed. p . ,n used under Christmas to simulate snow is anoiher azard that may be rcduced simpie trenimeni. Dissolve solution aven it. Aliaw ta dry thoroughly before handling. POOR MARKETING CONDITIONS FOR FINISHED BEEF The weekly crop report issued by the Depariment ai Agricul- ture, which gives bni summaries ai cunreni lnrm, conditions in every county contains the fallaw- ing in regard ta, Durhnm County: "In common with beef men in aiher cauniies, Durham farmers are warried aven the poor mnar- keting conditions ion iinishcd beef. Fail plowing is nearly comn- pleted. Most farmers have suf- ficient raughnge and grain sup- ply is about average for the past five ycnrs. Mny inîmers are planning ta decrense ont acreage and increase mixed grain and bnnlcy." These cammenianies are sup- plied by Agricultunni Representa- tives and many other districts find similar conditions ta this re- part ai Durham's Representative, E. A. Summers. The livestock issue is stiil very perplexing ta farmens ihroughaui Ontario. The anly way ta realize that we are God's c'hiidren is ta ici Christ lead us ta our Father. -Phillips Brooks. Read the Classified Ads, it pays. i p. v isLLtLZYYL.2rxv '~' '~-~ to on t PAGE EIGHT THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO TRURS., DECEMBER 21st, 1944