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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Jan 1945, p. 8

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r Betamlâ ----------$1, $1.75 Tas - -------- 75c, $1.35 eXt #1Rum, Honey and C. L. quest Waterbury's Comp ---- -93e Oîî 60c, $1 corne theC Wîil amrN mv 0 Jury &Loveil ak THE REXALL STORE ledp; When W. Test Eyes t ls Done Properly sible PHONE 778 - * -C.N R. TI ýKETS l itF W~~~ - fred E TH CNDIN TTEMAiBWMNIIE --:m 1±., TURSDAYi~, JAiN. kth, 14 PAGE EIGHT MEMBER OFFERS GREETINq;$ THE PAST YERIN ReVIEW FROM STATESMAN FILES (Continued from page 1) June 22: Juniors win basebal opener. Alpha Pinch dies. Ross Strike appointed Hydro Com- missioner. Farm FedeYatjon pic- nicat Orono. June 29: Hospital Ass'n organ- ized. High Sehool results posted. Red Cross gardeh party. Cart- wright refuses School Area plan. July 6: Arty Clemence pitches n hitless shutout in basebail. Dar-9 lington School reports posted. 1 July 13: High School entrance resuits announced. Decoration Day at Cemetery. Business Col- t lege exam resuits posted. July 20: Chas. A. Wight dies. P Midland Reserve Batt. at Con- m naught. Rotary Fair nets $4,000. C muJuly 27: Hailstorm ruins crops.C Br'Mortlock speaks at Rotaryh Swine Club boys visit Canadar Packers. Newcastf January 2, 1945 Aug. 3: Lions Buy Senkler à Ladies ant1týemen: property. Committee formed to SE welcome home soldiers. Will ofU As your representative at Otta- Emnily Peters benefits Trinity wa, 1 would like to wish you ahI United.c a Happy and Prosperous New CI Year. Aug. 10: Newcastle sports day. c I know that the year 1944 has Minnie Barton passes. Social Credit elected in Alta. Leader w~ not been a happy one for many a Kigclbatssle ui. CE home in this county because of Kn eertssle uie. o the loss of their loved ones who Aug. 17: Soldier's discharge t have fought to, save our freedom pay listed. Miss Apha I. Hodgins ini this terrible war. We have, takes over law practice here. Edi- however, every reason to believe tor James attends Wiîhnipeg con- that this year will sec the end of vention. hostilities in Europe, and we may Aug. 24: Geo. Stephens barn look forward with confidence to burned. Upper School resuits ai the future.' posted. Lions Carnival nets over o, Yours sincerely, $3,000. W. F. RICKARD, M.P. Aug. 31: Mrs. Selina Lee in- M jured. Schoo]s reopen Sept. 5. ro Thos. Burrows new theatre man- Lt Christianity is the companion of ager. f liberty in ail its conflicts-the Sept. 7: Police report many cradie of its infancy, and the di- accidents. Earthquake shakes On- NI vine source of its dlaims. tario. -De Tocqueivîle. Sept. 14: Orono Fair a success. Goodyear creating private lake. McLaughlin Carniage Co. cele- n: brates 75th anniversary. Council pe plans Honor Roll for soldiers. ci Sept. 21: William Caverly dies. Pc Shool children collect mîlk weed. ciý M G.V. Gould dies. Plane 4' cashes at Orono. pr Set 28: Durham County fea- lei tured for tobacco growing. Story Cc BOWMAN VILLE of McLaughlin Co. told. New Teehne59Goodyear process described. wfo Monday to Frlday, doors Oct. 5: Bowmanville Juniors to open 6.30 p.m. capture basebaîl championship.- Bat., doors open 6 o'clock Hospital Board plans drive for Matinec at 2.00 p.m. funds. John Lyle observes 96th- ___________________ birthday. Taxi by-law passed. HI 7th Vîctory Loan announced. 1 Thurs., Fr1., Jan. 4-5 Oct. 12: Adjutant John Hart 1 moves to Toronto. Sir William 1 MEET Mulock dies, age 101. Public TH P OP E School field day success. Newra Starrlng Lucille Bail, Dick Oct. 19: Police capture girl at- Powell, Virginla O'Brien, tackers. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Bert Lahr, "'Rags" Ragland, Hughes observe Golden Wedding. Vaughn Monroe and 'his Bowmanville quota, 7th Victory orchestra. Loan, $305,000. A Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Oct. 26: Fires break out when Spectacular musical truck away. Rugby season opens. _____________________ Dr. Vivian announces health pro- Saturday Only, Jan. 6 gram at Newcastle. T.B. survey for Bowmanville organized. Ti THE EAST SIDE KIDS In Nov. 2: St. Paul's llOth anni- O1 MR.MU GS versary. Trinity laymen plan Cli MR. MUGGSmembership drive. Durham boys drE STEPS OUT win judging honors. tii Nov. 9: Story of Mad Midlands haý With Leo Gorcey, Hunty told. Dr. Vivian speaks at Ro- reS Hall, Billy Benedict and tary. Citizens' Forum reconvenes. l Joan Marsh. If it's ea tonie Milk for Britain. drive. caý1 you wa t s e tis fis$ Nov. 16: M re. J. A. M Clellan ut Added Attraction dies. Pedlar war plant, Oshawa, abl closed. Blue Ribbon Shorthorn mir GEORGE OBRIEN In Sale a success. Bowmanville wins res ARIZONA LEGION Victory Loan Shield. Mrs. Robertma With Laraine Johnson Richards observes 97th birthday. au' A Western ful of action and Nov. 23: Mrs. David Davis exi suspense passes. Parliament meets on re- u _____________________ inforcement question. Report on Ur Mon., Tues., Wedl., Tory Convention at Orono. Food atoi Jan. -9-10locker system planned for district. surr Jan 8--10Nov. 30. Mickey Roach bowls wit JAMES CAGNEY kn perfect score, 450. Farmers are fort still plowing. Thomas Pingle scri JOHNNY COME reaches 94th year. Corolyn Cox gre addresses Women's Canacian of LAITELY Club on Quebec question. o L~With Grace George. Cagney Dec. 7: B.H.S. Commence- -the( at his best in a fight against ment. Same Council elected forDl political corruption - Necd 1945. Hon. Tom Kennedy and wc say more? Hon. Percy Vivian speak at Farm Federation banquet, Newcastle. i Dec. 14: Alf Johnston, Ponty- C. sio tic( j% sur -ENG %0 a &AMa&NqT Mr. and Mrs. Lewis R. Cryder- man wish to announco the on- gagement of their only daughter, Doris Wanda Eiloen, to Pte. Gor- don Hillis Wilbur, only son of M/r. and Mrs. Elmor Wilbur, Hampton. The marriage will take place early in January. 1-1* pool, wins Potato Club honors vith 575.8 bus. per acre. Dr. Har- old Fenguson elected Pres, Men s Canadian Club. Snow blizzard hits district. High School Com- mencement at Newcastle. Dec. 21: Chris Cole dies sud- .only. Council holds Statutory session. Heaviest snowfall since 872 at this time of year. Dec. 28: Reeve T. A. Reid, Clarke, elected for 9th term, ac- clamation. Darlington eloctions ýalod. Provincial school refund xill equal 12 mills for town. Re- aption for Major and Mrs. Han- Id V. Siemon. Many Christmas xees held for children. Enniskillen Miss Elsie Oke, Toronto; Mr. rsd Mrs. S. Turner and Helep, 3shawa, at F. Dorland's. e Mr. and Mrs. A. Leadbeater, Ir. and Mrs. L. Leadbeater, To- -nto, with Mr. and Mns. Arthur eadbeater and Mr. Geo. Reid :on New Year's. EW YEAR'S EVE SERVICE AT TRINITY Uniting in an impressive watch iight service, nearly one hundred sople gathored at Trinity United hurch New Year's Eve. Ex- )unding the three words, "De- laration," "'Confession"' and 'esolution," Rev. J. E. Griffith )esented a stirnulating and chai- enging addross combining the houghts, Declaration of faith, 'onfossion of position, Resolution or the New Year. At twolve, idnight, the church bolîs rang Dusher in the year 1945. For Sale IEIFER, HALF JERSEY, AND haîf Durham, 2V2 yrs. old, due to freshon about middle of Fob- nuary. Apply W. J. Malley, Cor. of Concession and Bnad- shaw Sts., aftor 6 p.m., or Satur- day. 11 May I express my thanks and approciation to the electors 0f the Township of Darlington who gave me thein support and influence in the municipal olections. In view of the adverse weathon conditions which prevailed and the state of the roads it was heartening indeed that so many good friends camne out to extond to me thein con- fidence. Wishing ahi a prosporous New Yoar. CYRIL H. MUMFORD, Hampton. To the Electons of Dariington: I wish to express sincero than.ks to tho people of Darlington Town- ship who turned out so goneroushy to elect me to the Township Coun- cil. In my finst bld for municipal honors it is gnatifying indeed to be placed at the head of the polI. I shahl do my best to measune Up to the confidence roposed in me and shahl devote my best energies and ability to serve the interosts of the entine Township. A pros- ponous New Yean to ahi. ROY NICHOLS, Countice. IN MEMORIAM BIRD - In loving memory of Lawrence John James, infant son of Mn. and Mns. John Bird, who passed away Januany 1, 1944. "O blssd litte sunbeam We give thee to the keeping 0f the tender Shepherd's cane." 1 -Ever remembered by Mother,c KERR-In lovîng nemory of at dear wife and mother, Saraht Jane Kerr, who passed awayv Jan. 4th,ý 1939. "What we koep in memony c Is ours unchanged foreven, Yet tho thy smile be lost to sight7 To memory thou art dean." b -Husband Wes and Family. 1-1* Classified Ad Rates One cent a wor cash, each Insertion (minimum change 25e). Charge of 25o extra is made when advertisement is not pald saine week as Inser- tion, Extra charge of 10e when replies are directed to a Statesman box number. Birts, deatha and marriages 50c each. ]ln Memoriams,50oc for notice plus 10e per lune for, verse. Ciassifled adve- tisemnente accepted Uputil 6 p.m. Wednesday. Uoming tEven-ts B RO0M È - At Bowmanville Hospital on Thursday, Dec. g8, 1944, to Mn. and Mrs. Lloyd Broome (nec Manian Johns), a son, Ronald Lloyd. 1-1 ELLIOTT-In Bowmanville Hos- pital, on Monday, January lst, 1945, to Mn. and Mrs. Blain Elliott (nee Gladys Hicks), a son. 1-1 DEATiIS COTTER - At Oshawa Hospital, Jan. 1, 1945, Patrick Cotter, in his 1O2nd year. Funeral frorn the nesidence of his son, Mn. Bruce Cotter, Toronto St., New- castle, on Jan. 4. Service at 3 p.m. Interment Lakeview Cern- etory, Nowtonville. GLAN VILLE - In Bowmanviîîe, Jan. 1, 1945, John Henry Glan- ville, bohoved husband of Rota Pingle, aged 56 yoars. Funeral f r&~n the farnily residence, Elgin St., Bowmanville, on Jan.4. Service at 2:30 p.rn. fntorment Bowrnanvilîe Cernetery. Fune- rai private. Carda of Thanks An;ýthur Mihîson thanks t h e olectors of the Township of Dan- lington for their splendid vote of confidence. 1-1 Mrs. Ahex Colvihbo wishes to express sincere thanks to ber many fniends for their kind mes- sages of remombrance and sym- pathy, and also for beautiful fhowens she received during the Christmas and New Year Season. Mn. and Mrs. C. V. Cooper andi family, Shirley and Danlene, wish to extend their most sincere thanks tofriends and neighbors for thoir kindness and expressions of sympathy duning thoîr sad be- reavement. Appreciation is also oxtended to the doctor and' nurses in attendance. 1-1* The Staff of the Post Office wish to take this opportunity of thanking the Carter Family for the coffee so genorousîy served each evoning during the Christ- mas rush. Thanks and apprecia- tion also to Ahex McGnegor, the editor of The Statesman, Mrs. A. J. Colville and Mns. F. Casbourn for their thoughtfulness. 1-1 Eloctors of the Township of Darlington: I wish to take this opportunity of thanking you for your splendid support on January 1, and, as- roove, I wiIl endeavor to warrant this confidence by giving my best service in behaîf of the ontire township. R. R. STEVENS. REFRIGERATO R Repairs Commercial - Domestie ANY DMAKE H. J,. Bowyer' PHONE OSHAWA 344 CUTTER, in good condition. Phone 2686, Bowmanville. 1-1 CUTTER, in good condition, Dance at Enniskillen Commui ity Hall, Sat., Jan. 6, sponsored 1i the Orangernen for the boys ovei seas. Al Fletcher's orchestra. Ac mission 35C. Tho annual meeting of the Wc men's War Work Comnmitteec Bowrnanvillo Branch of the Re Cross will bo held on Jan. 12i the Council Roomn at 8 p.m. 1- Annual meeting of the Women' Hospital Auxiliany wili be helda Mrs. A. R. Virgin's, Friday, Jar Sth, at 3:30 p.m. You are cordiali invited to attenU. New rnember for 1945 wîll bo made welcome. 1- Dance at the Armouries, Boxw manville, Sat., Jan. 6, sponsore by Womon's Wan Auxiliary. Skii Vaughan's orchestrat Dancini commences 9 p.m. Admission 50c 1- The negular rnonthly meeting o the Bowmanville Home- an( School Assoc. will be postpone( to Jan. 17 owing to the date con flicting with the week of prayer Rev. J. E. Griffith will be thf speaker and a good program haý been arranged. Everyono la we] corne. 1_: Real Estate For Sale SOLID BRICK HOUSE, livin room, dining room, kitchen; up. stairs-4 bedroorns, bath anu hall; 2 car garage, srnall garder cernent walks, central location Apply T. H. Knight, phone 56,f or 768. 1-1 FARM, 80 ACRES, more or less 3/ mile off No. 2 Highway on Solina Road N. Brick vencee house, 10 rooms. Large banil barn, two hard water wellt, creek, Wood lot. Apply John Nichols, phono 2168, Bowrnan- ville. 1-1 Exchange WILL EXCHANGE U-SE OFI modern 6 - roorned bungalow~ with alI convenionces, fully furnished, King St. E., for room and board of owner. Immediate possession. Phono Bowman- ville 532. 1-1* Wanted SPOT CASH for ahl makes and models of used cars. Apply G. A. Dodd, 278 Park Road, South, Oshawa. Phono 3344M. 50-8* EOOM FOR HIGH SCHOOL Girl, for about three months. Write Box 448, Statesman Office, Bowrnanville. 1-1* Vacuums for Sale VACUUMS REPAIRED "Good Vacuums f or G o od ?ousekeeping." Also guaranteed expert repairs. lubrication, re- pilacements, etc. Caîl C.U.C. Ser- vice Branch, McGregor's Hard- l'are Store. Bowrnanvilio, 774. 5-tf .,ost, Strayed or Stoenl LOST-ON DEC. 28, CHAIN for truck tire, size 6.50x20, between Bowmanville and Courtice. F. C. Vanstono, phono 777. 1-1 LOST - SUM 0F MONEY IN bis, Sat., Dec. 31. Finiden ploaso beave at Statesman Office. Re- ward. 1-1 LOST - ON SCUGOG ROAD, Saturday, Dec. 30, black wallet containing registration card, dniver's licence, gas ration book and smahl sum of money. Re- ward if returned to Ralph Simp- son, Scugog Road, Bowrnan- ville, phono 2437. 1-1 Voters' Lit Posted OLERK'S NOTICE 0F FIRST POSTING 0F VOTERS' LIST Voters' List 1944, Township of Earllngton, County of Durham Notice is hereby givon that I uve compliod with Section 10 of .0 Votons' List Act and that I ive posted up in my office at fampton, on the 5th day of De- ember, 1944, the list of ail per- ons ontitled to vote in the said aunicipality at Municipal Elec- ins, and that such list romains here for inspection. And I horeby cai upon ahi ters to tako immediate pro- GOOD 8 MONTH OLD Purebred Yorkshire gilts, fnorn sound itters. Bred, $40 each. Open, $35 each. Ralph Larmer, R.R. 2, Nestheton. 1-2 HOLSTEIN BULL CALF for vealing, also pair Stewart's cow clippers. Apphy R. LeGreshey, Newcastle, phono Clarke 1130. 1-1 COCKER SPANIEL PUPPIES, pure bned and regîstered, cham-. pionship breeding, reasonableý for quick sale. Phono 2841, BABY CHICKS - MAKE SURE of your supply of Gainforth chicks this season. Book now. Phono us for prices and infor- mation. Barron's, Hampton. Phone 2420. 1-3-5-7-4* Notice ANYONE INTERESTED IN takc- ing piano lessons, reasonable rates. Write Box 450, States- man Office, Bowmanville. 1-le APPLICATIONS RECEIVED for position as Sec'y - Treas of Courtice School Board for 1945. Apply to H. C. Muir, Acting Sec'y. . 1-1 Sale of household goods and furnishings of the late Sophia Mc- Clellan will be held at the show rooms of W. J. Challis on Satur- day, January 2th, next. Funther details in noxt week's paper. 1-1 Bowmanville Electricians 4 Doors West of Eaton's in Building Occupied by Navy League AIl kinds of electric wiring donc Motons repaired and installed Phone 438 34-tf 12* Wanted To Buy PIANO. Will pay cash.' Phono Oshawa 4092w. 1-1* LITTER CARRIER and track, complete, or track and carrnage. E. G. Power, phone 56r10, Orono. 1-1 OLD POSTAGE STAMPS, before 1900, pref erabîy on envelopes or original paper. Highest prices paid. Write Box 414, Statesman O f f i c e, Bowman- ville. 8* S E E D WANTED, highest pnices paid for timothy seed, and al dloyens. Samples requosted. A. W. Glenney, Newcastle. Phone SEED WANTED - We are now offerlipg highest pnices for tjmo- thy.. blovors, etc. Mail u s a samýple. Stewart's Seed 'Store, phone 577, Bowmanville. 39-tf LIVE POULTRY and feathers. Good prices paid. M. Flatt, R, R. 1, Bethany. Phone 7r13. (Business carnied on by Mn. Fiatt personally, no agents cm- ployed.> 46-9* 1For Rent PARTLY FURNISHED ROOMS. Possession Jan. 15, for 3 months. Write Box 449, Statesman 0f- fice, Bowrnanvilie. 1-1 CAR RADIO, in good working condition. Reasonable. Apply f Everett Welsh, Elgin St. 1-1"' NU-TYPE INSTANT - LIGHT Aladdin Lamp, nearly new. Phone 218p, Charles Johns, 3 Concession St. 1-1* SET 0F LIGHT SLEIGHS with shafts. and polo, in good condi- tion. R. ýJ. Hodgson, Tyrone. Phono 2323. 1-1 HiORSEHIDE 'LEATHER COAT, lamb collar, size 36, good as new. Phone 2479, Blake Short, Bowmanville.1- LADIES' SPEED SKATES, white boots, size 6, nearly new. Write Box 451, Statosman Office, Bowmanville. 1-1* 1PAIR 0F BOY'S TUBE Skates, size 7; pair of girils tube skates, size 4. Also set of 32-6 dual truck chains. Phone 2418. 1-1 LINOLEUM AND CONGOLEUM Rugs. Selec' yours frorn over 300 patterns actually in stock. Ypu are mnvitcd to view these at BRADLEY'S New Furniture Store, 156 Simcoe South, Osh- awa." 46-tf OSHAWAS NEW FURNITURE Store - Everything in modern. chestcrfield, bedroorn, dining suites, and studios. 'Bedding andr floor coverings a specialty. Quality merehandise at com- petitive prices. Before buying visit Bradley's New Furniture Store, 156 Simcoe St. S., Osh- awa. 46-tf Llvestock For Sale HOLSTEIN COW, good milker, due to freshen about Jan. l8th. Otto Friend, Tyrone, phone Bowmanville 2523. 1-1 HEREFORD C0W, due Jan. 13, second calf, good milken. Apply Joe Crawford, Enniskillen, phone 2552. 1-1 YOUNG HOLSTEIN COW, due Jan. 3; 20 pigs, 6 weeks old. Apply H. C. Pedwoll, phone 3823, Clarke. 11 ANNUAL YEAR-END SALE SPRING-FILLED MATTRESSES AT F. F. MORRIS CO.' Simnion's, Marshall, Spring-Air. Special Year- End Values 'at $14.95, $19.759 $24.509 $27.509 $29.50 F. F. MORRIS Co* PHONE 663 p H o N E PHONE 663 ma,, 4 4 I Articlies For- sialç 1/"i, tif joid b ilie WA N T@A k L-J- ,%ý- ---- -,- MLJW rIMtYTrDC"AXr TAWY A4t. -- Mystery Man Takes Baby To Hospital Then Vanishes In to The Night That heading saunds like the titie of their care. 414 of the 432 cota page ofl a mystery novel by Edgar are in Public Wards where thse cost Allan Poe, but it isn't. It happens to per patient last year was apoxi- be the beginning of a reai life story. mately $1.50 per uay more thanr the That of Baby "X". combined income fram patients (X Our story opens In the Emergency their municipalities) plus thse Goiv- Ward ait the Htospital for Sick Chu.- ernment grant. dren late one evening not so long Chiîdren of tender age rnust have ago. individual caro. This, together with Suddeniy, from the gathering dusk péadetmicnsorhadi outside, there appeared a weil-dress- spedial des, pmeicieorthaedlca ed min, Ini his arma hie held a baby, caeplices md nay carefully wrapped in a blanket. ohriesesnili eia At once the nurses and doctor on cases, are costly expenditures nt dutysprag ino ation Bnc ~ overed by Governiment or Municipal amiiqation showed thse child ta bec rns suffering from a spinal injury. WHEN EMERGENCT THEATENS Thse strange part ofl the story la, At ail tirnes thse Hospital must bc that whcn thse doctor turned to <tues- kept fUlly staffod;. equipped and tion the supposed father of the chiid, ready ta cope wiW~ any emergency. hie could not be found. Quietly hoe It is a sensous matten if immediate hîd corne, and as quietly ha* gone attention cannat bc givon ta acci- ffay. dent cases. And prompt aid nmtst At thse time there was no way oif also be avaiable for children wlth knowing to whom the baby bclong- deformed bicks and limbs. wlth de- cd, so pending investigation, the lit- fective eyeslght, and with rare dis- tic patient went on the Hospital cases. if it is not forthcornlng, per- register as Baby "EX". minent dlsfigurement deforrnity or NO CHILD KNOCKS IN VAIN chronic disease ail too often result. However, this incident was realy Fourteen days is the average stay nothing new in the history of the in the Hospital. But unfortunately, Hospital for Sick Chidren, whose tiere are many patients who must dors have nver been losed snce recive medical treatrent and nurs- the day thy first opned nearly 70 ng are for weks; soretires for years ago. Durng ail those years no ronths, and in sore cases for yars. chuld bans ever knoclcod tiscre in vain. THERE 18 NO OTHER WAT Ail who arc in need are cared for These are thse roasons why. cacis and nursed bîck to healtis. No dis- yoar about this Urne the Hospital tinction is ever made. Rcgardless of must appeal for funds ta meet oper- race, creed or the ability of parents ating losses, and ta carry on its vital ta pay. chldren are given medical and important work. nid and nursing care. Teoi oohrwy oei A ccident cases, ch ildren w ith de- not for the gen ersi y f y m patie ti form d b aicks and lim bs, defective n d udrstag n drig pof p. bu ies cyesight. rare diseases and physical adudrtnigpol.bsns disabilities are nused back ta organizations, societies, clubs. etc., healti. the work ofl the Hospital coud not be maintaineci on its prsent scale. AMONG THE BEST This year $115.000 mnust be raised. No matter where you may soarcis Because of the fact that patients arc on the Norths Amenican Continent admitted from every part of thse you will not find îny hospital ofl Province. thse Hospital does not sirnilar type with a botter record' share in thselundi collected thnough of low cost openation, vr witb a high- Tororto's Unit2d Welfare Choit or standard of efficiency. Tis fact appeal. Therefore it must Inake its is wel .Ikown and fully recognized own appeai, and it does so. confident ir.) the tlloâpltai world todîy. in thse knosviedge that genarous and There are aven eighty physicians understandlin't people will corne ta and surgeons on thse staff of the the aid of littie cbildnen wha de- Hospital for Sick Chiidren, ail of pend on them- and thern only-for them leading specialists in child ail- a chance for h9alth, a Chance to take monts. These men givo their services their place unthue years to corne, as frec to ail public ward patients. mnem!.-,rs of i prosporous and indus- : NOT SELF-SUPPORTING tnious society. Th'ie Hospital la flot self-supporting Sin'-e no caodpsssers are enployed and the reason for this is not hîrd by thse Hospital, plzin' send your ta find. 1 gitaddcrssed tr' The Hospital for Only 5% of the Hospital's ltte Sick Chiliren, 67 Coliege Strict. patients arc able ta, pay the full cost 1 Toronto 2. Looking Behind The Book Tities (Wuth Gwenu.jth Barrington) IN "HOW NE VER TO BE IRED or TWO LIFETIMES IN )NE," by Marie Beynton Ray (Mc- [ellandi Stewart), the author has no, eamed up a pseudo-scientific trea- e on the treat'ment of fatigue, but as dug deep iuIto known scienîific ýsearch to, presenit a plan for the dening of the human cîpîcity for 'ing. Sheillshock or "exhaustion' ases have revealed secrets af the min mind which are equally applic- le ta, Vour *'tiredness" problern and ýne. -'Work is not the cause, and st is not tie cure for tiredness,' 'v be a sweeping statement, but the thor sets out to prove ItL usinq (periments conducted by such farn- as authorities as Professor Thorn- ke of Teichers' College, Columbia iversitV, and thl; "Fatigue Labor- orv" at Harvard University, which ns Up its ten-year experiment ith the finding: "Tihe phenomenon rmerlv called fatigue la better de- ibed as boredom." These are ut strides in tise thinking processes the average human: the book is usiblv historic in that it is the t~ to proserit certain radical new ories with regard ta fatigue for )ular assimilation. INVITATION TO REALTH. qHart q 1. Johnson,. MD.. F. 4. .P.. medical director, Life Exten- un Institute and Examiners. (Pren- ce-Hall. New York). Dr. Johnson ieru'ises the work of 3.000 nh is- 1ans in making an acwrage of 90.000 examinations annualli, for rttq life insurance companies. In s book ho summarizes what ence knows about the health bits of ordinar, peo ple, arides imseIf on hein q non-faddisf. non- îrmist. presupposes health to ho iebirthripht of everu individual nd studies causes for wanina vital- yas middle age approaches. bAsan believes that to the major- qnow livinq 25 ta 50 pet cent cou, their maximum efFicienc ut. a cmplete return ' f 100 pet cent caith can be accam olished throîîgh sane approach ta nuîtrition and ing7 habits. PRENTI(CE-H A TL inounces. incidentallu. that FE. H. laiton's HEAVEN BETOW has ine into ifs fourth large Printinq. r Claurtan. a meisslnnaru in China >until and beuond the lapanese 7upation of thceShanghai ares. ltes his aduentîîres with the icence uvhich la freqizentlti more tfai than Planned propaganda. VHEN THE BOYS COME VIE, bv C. N. Senior (Collins). *s imail book, luit off tise presç, msses postwar demohilization and )ntruction problemA as thev now tanswering such servucemen's stuons as: 'What is goinq to be- aI o me aller tise wîr? What is Government gaina ta do for me? il get mv aid lob hack? If 1 wounded mand can't go hack to old lob: how arn i1gaina b livel" ked wlth pertinent researchis lao ng legusiation, this book should prescrihed readunq for relatives fruends of servicemen and womrne abIe thern ta give the best pas- direction ta war-wearv soldierb have a civillan fife ta plan. Thse book, witb Introduction by Wil. 3ovev, O.B.E., LL.D.. F.R.C.S.ý :0515 25 cents. El t ý etc., c

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