PAGE POUR t I .n~*.. *~ - -. THE CANADIAN STATESMAN 'RCIWMANVTTT .R flM'T~A TT~flAV .TAN. 4th. 1945 Il WHEN -YOU INSURE with this agency you can be certain we '11 be there promptly after a fire ready to settle yaur los4. At al times, we welcon4e the op- partunity ta adijs you on y uwurance 4atters. 9 &vo insurance is adequate taday! Stuart R. James Insurance and Real Estate Successor To J. J, Mason & Son Phone 681 King St. Bawmanville He who shail introduce into public affairs the principles of primitive Christianity will change the face of the world. I Benjamin Franklin. OLD PORT DARLINCTON FORTY YEARS AGO -4* AND FOUR 0F THE FIVE GENERATIONS 0F McCLELLANS INTERESTED IN IT JAMES McCLELLAN was the first wharf- inger or harbor- 'tw_'maýster in 1.854. His son JOHN suc- ceeded him. His great-great-grandson, JOHN GUERNSEY, a littie Toronto boy, wiI make a fine harbormaster when the time Cornes. ON HUNDRED AND FIVE yeexi ago twenfy-four faumers, store. keepers, mileus, lotel men, giair dealers and oflier su bste nfial ploneers, gathered by cutter, sleigh and Shenk's marc at Hinde's Tavern ln Bowmanville on New Ycar's De; -and Port Darlington gof going. Itfis a port yef. Darlingfon wes flie name of Uic township in whicl thie village of Bowmanville liai grown, fwo miles lnland from fhI thon lce-bankcd shoreo0f Lake On- tario. If was ln 1794 fIef John Burk, John Tru and Roger Conant hec poled fleir batfcau into a creol mnoufli 40 miles east from Torontoc Island, avd made flic firsf settie. ment- in thus new township of Darlingfon. Thoy came fromn Sus- quehanna f0 find fresî homes under flic Union Jack. Thcy lad coasted wifh tflou hlongings aiound th,:- shores of Leke Ontario frorr heedland to headland whilo their ane lorse and two cows wcrc led by afliers of flic parfy along flic lake beeclies f0 Uic camping spot for flic niglit. Tliey lied f0 be pro- Stccfed from wolves. This lasf crcek whicli Uiey enter- ed mauked Uic end of flour long jaurneying. If was afterwards celled Barber's Creek, beceuse Augustus Barber lied land on If. The ploneers wero even lois imaginative flan Governor Simcoe wlien if came f0 place naecs. Hcelied a hope of ro- producing England in Canada. henco "York" for Toronto and "Londc n" in the bush-and Darlingfon after an Engllsh norfli country township. Bar- b.'a Crek supplied power for flic kon&Ain~ls erounid which the scff le- mont of Bowmanvillc began to cluster. Bowmanville and the lake front township soon foît flic need of a herbai. The adjoinlng Township of Clarke elrcady had one port et 6mith'a Creek, curiausly known for a tino as Toronto, end later, and now, as Port Hope; and enother. JOHN GUERNSEY Mc- J. GUERNSEY McCLEL- JAMES ALEXANDER JOHN McCLELLAN, bar- CLELLAN, 3 years aid, LAN, 14 Oriale crescent, McCLELLAN, secretary- bormaster of the Port bar- and ail ready ta launch his Toronto, present secre- treasurer of the Port Dar- lington Harbor Co. and son boat in the waters of old tary-treasurer of the Port lington Harbor Ce. for of the original harbormaster Port Darlington. Darlingtan Harbor Co. many years. or wharf inger, Jas. MecCllan. rs 1 fhrco miles west, wlierc Samuel Camneron, Wm. Warren, John Smart, McKinley Bill "profecfed" the - Marsh lied built lis pioncer cabin, Dl. F. Burkr, John and Arche Tait, American bailey grower-and ruin- in and which ' -* as destined f0 bjcome Timotliy Soper, Geo. Loveman and cd the Oswego breweries. Il Port Britain. H. S. Reid. Bowmenvillc men who If was a good thing for Onterio, ,h But Daiiington had none, and it subscribed for thc £ 20 shares were A. for the land was becoming barley Swas a long hard haul f0 gof the Hinde, the hotelman;, John Sumpter, sick. We went baek f0 wlieat, oats, 'Y wood, bariey,- pork, whiskey and John Lister, James Stephens, Peter apples, peaclies and tomatoes, and ashes down f0 Oshawa or Port Hope Coleman, Luther Prise, John Gray, developed oui dairylng. 'S over the heavy roads of Durhem and Alex. Flétcher, Charlci Tiffany, C. The burst of flic barley boom did ih Ontario counfies, and to bring beck Bavin and John Simpson. Alan Wiî- not kilI Port Darlingfon. If had be- ýd aie sait, fruit trees. implements, 'mot of Clarke Township was another corne a regular port of eaul for flic ae tombitones, drygoods and groceries subscriber. Royal Mail Lino. leter the Richelieu 1- imporfed from the Unitecd States Their enterprise was an immediate and Ontario, and other steamers. for faim use. ucs.Te ul iran aTh I ieheesadpoles 'ÉL ÈA1storehouse wliere sails were kept in calling there were flie City of To- uisl- 11 lewinfer and cargoes in summer, a ronto, built 1840; AdmiraI, 1843: The crcck moufli with flic wolf- shed capable of 6,000 tons of coal- Magnet, 1847; Dawn, propelici, 1852; d liaunfeci meuh bchind if, was a ten big sehooncîloadi - an office and laer Corsican, Sparfan, AI- knafural harbor capable of develop- building and a lightliouse, upon gerien, Passporf, Northi King, oment. Talking of woivcs, an eariy whose ciapboardcd sides most offlice Aigyle (Empress (if India), Erindale. settier named Richard Lovekin, wifh licarti and initials in Bowmanville White Star, Garden City. Iflis neiglibors, probably Burkc, wcre evcnfually carved.'È & L Truil and Conant lied been chascd L c uf inhe lc ake when thcy rsored Tliese improvements wcre not all Some of these continued tflou up liccrek 0 ut euhgrss ormade et once, but by 1853 flic harbor Bowmanillc or Port Darlington cails their lods. Af first thc boys hed company paid a 20 peu cent. divi-upioflc rentetry Th rmocked anc woif howling at a dist- dend, ifs business liaving incueascd Gardon City used fa leaeoNewcast le, iance, but their wolf cails were so "sx hunduod per- cent., progress seven miles east, et 7 a.m., and cal egood fIat forty grcy beasts gtlerod and prosperity peihaps unequelied at Dariingfon and Oshawa and be ini tand patrolled the marsh and croek in any ofhei section of Uic province," Toîonfo at il a.m. The Erindele, bank until the hay cutters escaped to quote a modesf annuel report. buinod af Newcastle, ian 25-cent into Lake Ontario. T' oy lendod In the compeny's first year, 1840. excursions f0 Toront o, with music near their shenty, got the rifles fhey Port Deiiingfon îhlpped ouf £6,015 bof h ways. had improvidently left, behind and woth of goods. Ten years later the Schooners continued ta use flic had wolf pelts f0 sprcad on fleir expoifs were valued et £38,475. port. The Oliver Mowef, Capt. James maffresses of z riqrh grass for fhe There werc 29.113 bares 0f fiour, Peacock, ani Wm. Jamieson, Capt. coming winter. The noif whuch nine fimes flic 1840 figure; 27,818 Will Peecock, brought in 6,000 tons spuang up ater miglit have been bushels of wheft, 910 baudes of oat- of coal i one scason. The Flore callod Battlewolf, Wolf's Woe, Foil- meal, 700000 feef of lumber. 5,830 Carvefli, Capt. Sam Philp, and Uic The-Wolf. or something else, but flic bushels of liotafoci. 188 baudes of Mowaf and Jainieson- confinucd ta times were strict ly utilitarian. Port whisky, whidh tIen sold at 5 cents pick up grain cargocs. There wcre a glass; 185 kegi of buffer, 100 tons fwo grain elevafors and a coal storage Dalington was ifs nae. of bran, 1,000 couds of firewood, 80 shed, and good whaufage up tb Thc Dalingt on harbor projeet had baudes of pork, 23 baudes of eshos, twenty ycars ago. begun in flic Rebeilion Year, 1837, and 300 bushels of baulcy. Thle bar- and wi h flic prospect of îcttled le.+-trade was i its infancy. The harbor company lad spent governmcnt in Uppor Canada port & & ý $88,000 Ion harbor works by 1878, buy- dcvclopment foilowed. So on fhus L MW ing tîcir oak and pine wharf timbers lit day of January, 1839, flic fwen- Evcuyfhing boomcd with Uic riglit in flic township, and extend- fY-four sfalwarfs subscribed twenfy- Crinican War ending 1855 and Uic ing Uicir piers out info Uice lake. four poundi apiece, Halifex cur- ten-year Reciprocify Treefy with flicAI, the Dominion ever dld for Port rcncy, $961 in folding money, fou United States which foilowed if. The Derllngfon, as far as can be leerncd, one hundîed shares in thc Port barley frade was e taifspcak In 1891, was f0 spend $5,000 I dredging Darlingfon Harbor Company. when flic McKinley Bill duties sixfy yeers ega. liait of tiicm wc'io Delington knockcd if ouf. Oswego's waerfront Thc old port Is sf111 capable of de- Township men, including Daniel Gel. lied been lincd wifî brewcries velopaient, end is now a populer site breith, James McClcilan, Donald clemoring for Ontario barley. Tlie for coffegers. Fishermen st111 use if. reprint this article, fîom fleir peper, whidli was written by C. H. J. Snideî. OronoNews Tamblyn and Mr. R. E. Logan, ning Mr. Littlcwood's subject was To the readers of the Orono "A Strong Tower," from the loth News wc wish the compliments of verse of the l8th chap. of Pro- the season, not a Happy New verbs. '"Watchman What of the Year, but rather a Victorious one, Night?", was given as a duet by for as we go into our sixth ycar Glen Tamblyn and R. E. Logan. of war wc know many homes can W.C.T.U. met at the home of not be happy until this war is President Mrs. H. Walsh on Dec. over and their loved ones are 20. Devotional was taken by Mrs. home again. So wc will hope and Littlewood who read the Christ- pray that 1945 will brlng Victory mas story, and made hclpful com- for the Allies in Europe. ments. After the business of the The 15th annual party put on meeting, a pleasing feature was by the L.O.L., No. 409, Orono, in the presentation of a Hymnal -to the Town Hall, Dec. 27, proved to Mrs. Walsh for her untiring cf- be a very enjoyable evcning. The forts in the W.C.T.U. since being Cheerio Entertainers, consisting president. of 18 young ladies put on a variety Would Oronoites who have show which was enjoyed by the items of news for The Canadian large crowd in attendance. Jack Statesman kindly caîl 30r10, Galloway's orchestra provided Orono. music for the dances. Lunch was Holiday Visitors: Mrs. 0. Fagan served cafeteria style in the base- of Toronto, with her parents, Mr. ment. Proceeds go to the British and Mrs. F. 0. Cooper. . . F. O. War Victims' Fund. Cowan with his wife at Mr. and A gloorn was cast over the vil- Mrs. N. Cobbledick's. .. Mr' and lage and surrounding district on Mrs. Milîson, Kingston, and Mr. Dec. 28, when it was learned that and Mrs. Turley, Belleville, with Wm. Francis Cooper had been ser- Mrs. Jas. Dickson. .. Mrs. Harry iously injured while hclping to Lycett, R.N, Peterboro Hospital, fell trees on the farm of Mr. H. with her parents, Lt. Col. and Carscadden, Kendal. He passcd Mrs. J. C. Gamcy. .. Mr. and Mrs. away in Bowmanville Hospital a Harold Awde, Toronto, with his short time later. Bill, as he was parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles familiarly known, was a favorite Awde. .. A.B. Smn. Roy C. For- with ail who knew him and his rester, St. Hyacinthe, Que.. with untimely death at the age of 26 his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. A. years is very much regretted. Forrester. . . Major Fred Lyèett,c Sympathy of the entire commun- who has been stationed in B.C.,c ity is extended to his wife and and is now taking a three-monthL littie daughter and to his parents, special course in Kingston, visitedt Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cooper and his wife and family here. . . Miss family. Shirley Porter, nurse in training, Sunday services at Park St. Oshawa General Hospital, iss Unitedl Church were in keeping spending two weeks' vacation atb with the new year. Rev. S. Little- her home. .. Teachers who were t Wood at the morning service home for the vacation were: Miss brought a timely message on "Re- Margaret Flintoff, Enniskillen;C deeming the Time."' An anthem Miss Bertha Cain, Cobourg; Miss by the choir and a quartet, 'ILife Margery McLaren, Nestieton; Is a Book," by Mrs. W. Cobble- Miss Jean Forester, Burgessville, dick, Mrs. C. Wood, Mr. Glen and Miss Carol Staples, Lake Yuletide Visitors: Miss Nan( Johns, Toronto, with her mothE Mrs. C. Johns, and sister, Mrs. White.- . Mr. and Mis. Har. Cowling and two chldrcn, Loi don, jack Cowling, Toronto, wil their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jr Cowling. . . Miss Bessie Biacl burn,. Toronto, with her parent Mr. and Mrs. Mark Blackburn.. Mr. W. Cann, Salem, with Mii Bcatricc Coiwill. .. Mr. and Mr R. Burns and Barbara, Oshawa,. S. Kersey's. . Pte. Harold Wi- kins, Ipperwash, with his siste' Mrs. G. Balson. .. Mr. and Mn A. McMahon and Miss M. Kate: son with Mr. and Mrs. A. Master: Bowmanville. . . Miss Elva Nid dcry,. Toronto, with Mrs. L. Nid dery and Mis. R. Widdicomb.. Mi. and Mrs. M. Cryderman an, chldrcn, Oshawa, Miss Dori Cryderman, Courtice, at L. Cry derman's. A numbcr Of New Year's gatl erings were hcld in the villag, and community. Congratulations f0 Mr. and Mr Harold Balson (nec Helen Pingle who were marîied on Friday eve ning. Thcy will reside in Bow manville. Womcn's Institufe will mce this Thursday aftcrnoon in th, Church basement. Program ii charge Of thc West Group. Roi eall, a New Ycar's Thouglit. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Edger, Courtý ice, Mr. and Mis. Tublis, Dr. anc Mrs. Davies and childrcn, Osh. awa, at H. Wilcox's. Sgt. Smith, B. M., Toronto, wif]. her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W Hutchinson. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wcst, Mrs W. Tout- and baby, Wesley, To. ronto, Mrs. W. Thompson anc Mrs. Fred Paync, Bowmanville, with Mr. and Mrs. W. Greenaway The Christmas carol singing from door to door in the village and out in flic country also by the C.G.I.T. girls with their leadcrs, was much apprcciafcd. Communion service wili be helc on Sunday evening, next. Wedding belis are ringing. Young People's Union met or Friday evening with a good at- tendance. President opened the meeting with prayer. It bcing the annual election Of officers the nominating committec presented a siate which was accepted as follows: Pies-H-. Quarry; Vice Pres.-Neliie Armour; Trcas. - Thelma Robbins; Sec'y - Eiicen Wray; Ass't Sec'y - Mrs. B. Ho- garth; Conveners: Fellowship - Audrey Kersey; Worship - Mar- jory Rundl3ý Missionary - David Craig; Worship - Mis. B. Ho- garth; Citizenship - Mrs. Austin Barron; Worship - Gwen Caver- ly; Cultural - Madlyn Wiicox; Worship - Orville Hindman; Flower - Ruby Colwili and Acy Horn; Auditors - Bertha Armour and Mrs. Bruce Hogarth; Book Steward - H. Adcock. AIl joined in playing crokinole. Refresh- ments were served. Union,_.Darlington Vsitors: Mr. and Mrs. Frank Moore and family at Mr. Russ Coclirane's, Brady. .. Mr. and Mrs. Alymer Beech and Lloyd, Mi. and Mrs. Donald Carr and Caro- lyn, Haydon, at Mr. Richard Grif- fin's . . . Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wright and Joyce, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Roy MeLaughlin, lNestle- ton, Mr. and Mrs. James Me- Laughlin, Burketon, Mr. and Mrs. Russell MeLaughlin and family, Mrs. Fred Mounfjoy, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Griffin at Mr. Wma. McLaughlin's. . . Mrs. Bill Stev- ens, Bowmanvilie, at Mr. Frank Moore's. . . Miss Betty Rahm, Weston, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Bradley, Mi. Ken Rahm, Ennis- killen, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Luke and Ronald, Hampton, at Mr. îGeorge Rahm's. .. Mrs. Joe Top- ý>ing, Freedom, Alfa., with her brother, Mr. Richard Griffin. Renew Subscription Now! A large nuniber of Statesman subseriptions fali dué at thîs tume of year. We would ask our subscribers to co-operate i making it unnecessary for us to send a subscription involce, beyond the renewaI slip enclosed in your paper recently. You can do this by early payment of your subseription. The "aI~ your paper shows the date on whlch paynméIm4la ~u.Ail subscriptions must now be paid wlthln thlrty àlays of the due date or we will be compelled by government regu- lations to discontinue the subscrlptlon. If your label reads "Dec '44" this means that the subscription ls due January lst and must be paid before January 3lst. Your co-operation will be appreclated, as it will greatly simplify the work of our staff at this busy season of year. Visitors: Tpr. Harold Gatchell has returned to Camp Border after being with his parents. .. Mr. and Mrs. S. Pediar, Toronto, with Mrs. Harry Rahm. . . Pte, Merle Hubbard, Camp Borden, home... Miss Marion Harrison, Toronto, Mr. Orland Bailey, Toronto, Miss Ruby Bailey, Oshawa, with Mr. and Mrs. Tom Bailey . . . Tpr. George Johnson, Toronto . .. Miss. Hazel Aldred, Bowmanville, with Mrs. A. Aldred.- . . Christmas visitors wji Mr. and Mrs. J. Gatcheil were, Mrs. B. Gatchell, Tommy and Stanlcy, Bowman- ville, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Gatcheli, Bevcrly and Bobby, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. M. Gatcheli and family, Oshawa. The school Board meeting was held in the school and clccted new trustees. Congratulations to F0 Emerson, former Burkcton school teacher, on his marriage. S.S. No. 9, Clarke Christmas Visit ors: Mr. and Mis. Howard Bowen, Toronto, Miss Mary Bowen, Ajax, Mis. Clair Wickett, Maurice and Bever- ley, Mr. and Mis. Peter Kichko, Oshiawa, Mis. Alden Gibson, Jack and Dennis at F. W. Bowen's.. Mis. Annis, Scarboro, at Harold Gibson's. . . Mr. and Mis. Cecii Malley and family, Mif. and Mis. W. Brunt and family at Mrs. C. Brown's, Bîown's S.S. No. 5. .. LICpl. W. R. Aluin, Miss Doris Allin, Toronto, Morley Allun, Peterboro, Mi. and Mis. Haîry McBain and Donald, Ida, at Mr. Irwin Ailin's. . . Miss Mary Gib- son, Toronto, at Mr. Chas. Gib- son's. - . Mr. and Mis. Clarence Gibson with her parents at Sun- derland. . . 2nd Class Stoker H. Hughes and Mis. Hughes at A. A. Gibson's. . . Mr. and Mis. A. A. Gibson and family at - W. A. Adams, Eagle Cliff Faim, Lake Shore. Mr. Isaac Hardy was ic-eiecfed trustee for the next fhrce years -at fli c shool meeting heid Wed- inesday night and Norval Woften was elected for one year fo fi out W. J. Reynolds' teîm, heeliav- iing resigned after 14 years of service. Mr. and Mis. Frank Gilbert en- tertained relatives and fîiends at a New Year's supper paîty. Y.P.U. presented their dramna, "Mother and Co." at Newcastle Hall, Fîiday niglit, after flic Wil- lard "~Ontario Panorama" radio broadcast. Congratulations f0 Mi. and Mis. Lloyd Broome on the blîfli of a son. Mis. S. Bush returned from Bowmanville Hospital to the home of Mis. S. E. Werîy. John Baker has been promof cd f0 rank of Lance Sergeant with flic Queen's Own Rifles, Over- seas, and Robert Scott is now Fliglif Sergeant with flic R.C.A.F. Overseas. Communion Service wiil be ob- seîved Sunday. We are now anxiously await- ing flic snow-ploughed îoads! Visitors: LýCpl. Helen Baker, Ottawa, at home. . Mr. and Mis. Roy Langmnaid, Charles and Helen, af Roy McGill's, Ennis- killen. .. Miss Muriel Langmaid, Nicoll's Hospital, Peterboro, at home. . . Mi. and Mis. Jack Reyn- olds and family, Miss Bessie Reynolds, at J. R. Reynolds', Hampton. . . Miss Veina Giebe, Ajax; Misses Marjorie and Eileen1 Coucli, Bowmanvilie, af Jack1 Baker's. . . Mi. and Mis. Ernest Larmer and famiiy, Blacksfock,1 at E. R. Taylor's. . . Mi. and Mis. Wes. Werry and Anne at N. Met- caif's, Maple Grove. He wlio secs most clearly and enliglifers other minds m os f îeadily, keeps lis own lamp fîimmed and burning. THE STATESMAN NOW SOLD AT THESE STORES Newceasflc: Meiiow's Drug. Hampton: G. A. Baîron & Son, Enniskillen: T. M. Slemon & Son Buiketon: Harold Gi.L Blacksfock: Alex Gilbert. Nestîcton: J. G. Tliompson. C. H. Porteous. Pontypool: Post Master. Orono: Tyrrell's Drug Store. Newtonviile: W. C. Lane & Ca. Tyrone: F. L. Byam. Bowmanville: W. J. Beriy, *J. W. Jewell, Jury & Loveil. W. J. Bagnell, Stafesman Office. Maple Grove Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mcllveen, Brockville, Mrs. H. Horton, Mrs. Wm. Morrison, Osh- awa, at Mrs. L.-C. Snowden's.. Mr. and Mrs. Art Lymer, Bill and Ray, Oshawa, at Chas. Green- ham's . . . Mrs. Luther Pascoe, Ruth and Lorne, town, at Mr. Wallace Munday's. . .. Mrs. Law- rence Stapies, saon Barry, Lifford, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Trimble, also at John Snow- den' . . Mrs. Albert J. Brown, son Billie, Toronto, with lier parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Snowden... Mrs. Ralph Ormiston, Joan and Gerry, attenderi her sister, Greta's wedding, and visited lier parents, Mr. and' Mrs. Bert Wilkins, Court- ice. . . Miss Donna Snowden, Master Bille Snowden, Toronto, with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Stevens.. . Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Stevens with their daughter, Mrs. Ray Snowden, Toronto. Congratulations to Mr. R. R. Stevens on being elected Reeve of Darlington Township., At the school meeting Mr. W.H. (Mick) Brown Was elected school trustee. .25C inpabox' FOR COUGHS AND COLDS .. Vlcks Rub or Droin 43o Nyal Nose Drops 35e Wampole's Nose Draps 25 Buckley's Rub --- 30c, 50c Mason's 49 ----40c, 75e Buckley's Capsules --35e Laxacold -----------25e Grove's Cold Tablets -------24c, 44c Pertussin ----- 59e, $1.39 Buckley's Mixture 40, 75c Croup Syrup ---25c, 50c White Pine & Tai 25, 50e Bayer's Neo, Chemcal Food Capsules 1.25, 2.25, $5 Scott's Emulsion 59c, 98c Wampole's Extract $1.00 Kepler's Extract 75, $1.25 One-A-Dayb Ayerst 10D Cod Lîver O11n ------- 67c, $1.69 Oleum Percomorphum Liuld----75c, $3.00 Brown1s Red Cross had a most success- fui evening with the Willard Pan- orama broadcast. Those taking part were: Mrs. H. Reichrath, Jim Brown, Cecil Carveth, Garnet Riekard, Frank Rickard, Dr. *W. Sherwin and Irwin Colville, also with the play, 'Mother & Co."1 presented by Solina Young Peo- pie. Home & School Association Midnite New Year's Ève frolic was well attended with over 500 present. Mrs. Geo. Stephenson was re- elected trustee. Visitors: Mrs. C. Brown, Ray and Sidney, and Mrs. Tom Wil- son and Wyllene at Mr. Cecil Malley's, Lockhart's. . . Mr. and Mrs. R. Graham and Melvin, and Mrs. C. Turner and Sam at Mr. R. McNeil's, Oshawa.. . Mr. and Mrs. C. Turner and Sam at Mr. Chas. Osborne's, Ebenezer. .. Mr. Ray Brown, Forest, at home... Mr. and Mrs. Ken Sloane, Miss Viola Endicott, Miss Bessie Law and Mr. Don Nickle, Peterboro, and Mr. Howard Beilamy, New- tonville, at Mr. H. Reichrath's. Hampton GOODYEAR VOLUNTEERS F CANADA'S ARMEDeOB4JE The foilowixig lisf, copied fror The Wingfoot Clan, gives th names of employées 0f the Good year Company who have volun tccred for service in Canada' armed forces. 0f fthe 160 whos names appear herewith, il hav been kiiled in action, one is; prisoner and nine have been dis charged, affer long service, to re sume their occupations at thq local factory. -Many have beex wounded but present informatioi is incomplete as to their name and rank. Kiled Ini Action Hooper, Ronald Roach, J. Woodward, R. E. Coville, A. Thompson, N. Hogarth, Stuart Coiville, W. F. Kilgannon, J. H. Wearn, L. A. Poolton, J. Cole, Kenneth Prisoner of War Boustead, A. E. On Active Service Damant, A. V. VanCamp, S. L. Snowell, J. Dewell, L. M. Hart, George M. Oke, Russell Goheen Wm. G Kimble, James LShacklàton. E. E Woodward, k J. Bradd, Floyd W Wiseman, Lewis Harrison, Trevoi Wright, Wm. R. Allin, Clair Davies, Robert Parker, Lionel Hunt, Herb H. James, Frank Gould, W. H. Cuddahee, Jos. Geddes, J. Adamson, James Honcyman, J. A. Culley, James A. Bennett, H. S. Hall, Miss M. G. Hunt, E. S. Wood, Ross Cubbage, L. Oke, Clarence Tice, E. C. Jolinsfon, G. Mitchell, S. G. Bell, Arthur Bates, Wm. H. Powell, Herbert Bafhgafe, P. Mahaffy, N. Graham, T. W. Scrivens, S. Clark, William Summersford, K Fagan, C. P. Buckley, Wm. Clapp, E. Samelîs, Alfred MerKnight, WJREvans, Robert MVantle, Jos. Flintoff, Percy Little, LawrenceFice, Raymond .-onnors, R. Richards, Ray C.ameron, A. W. Taylor, T. Beckett, S. T. Dadson, Geo. Etcher, M. Sellers, George Bate, Robert E. Harrison, Wm. Lunney, Bruce Emmerson, John Lobb, A. B. Richardson~ Shortt, R. Miss G. Richards, Chas. Conway, M. Vlurdock, S. E. Lake, A. Aoodcock, D. R .Tewin, S. Pattrick, P. B. Wolfrain, H-. Sheehan, E. V. billet, K. Rumble, E. J. LriE Patfield, R. D. Lari, E. Richards, R. MorC Bickell, D. A. Hannal, D. uerk, M. E. Faulkner, G. Darch, J. L. Moffatt R. Faulkner, I. T. Nokes, J. Lliffman, L. W. Carte, F. Colmer, H. K. Hazeldon, H. Roberts, W. Smith, J elsh, Alvin Randi, . Rogers, R. C. Jacobs, E. Crowe, F. C. Goheen, J. Morrison, W. H Richards, A. Bird, Gerald *Shane W. E. Nichols, K. Patner, H. Baker, A. R. Irwin, G. 'ingle, R. K. Forrester, R heehan, T. J. LarkinR. orter, K. J. Martin, J.' Potter, H. Yeo, L. unningham, E. Piper, . ýully, A. D. Cook, F. Wright, G. H. McAfee, B. Wright C. W. Roberts, Geo. evitt, E. Henderson, J. [aynard, K. Anderson, D. f'cher, A. G. Brown, Allin Wahaffy, Bruce Oriston, R. 'amis, Frank H. Jaobs, R. 'rombie, James Brooks, D. .Honorably Dlscharged 3rown, A. C. Bell, C. J. 'oodall, John Purdy, G. W. Buftonshaw, J. E Aartin, J. G. Wray, Russell C. fawiey, M. W. Stannard, Fred Read tlie Classificd Ads, it pays. I I I 'J I F I c F F c 1~ F c c v v o 3 A *1 1: I c 1, Tyrone 1 Visitors: Miss Jean Philp is >home after visiting her brother, Russel Philp, Peterboro. . . Mfr. and Mrs. Simon McCoy with Mr. and Mrs. Lorne McCoy, Brook- lin.. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Good- man and Beverley, Peterboro, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Goodman and Judith, Bowmanvilie, and Mr. Earl Goodman, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Luther Goodman... Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Strong, Salem, with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Alldread ..Mr. Levi Skinner is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Lorne McCoy, Brooklin. .. Mr. and Mrs. Ewart1 Bragg and children, Bowmanville, with Mr. and Mrs. Walter F. Park ...Miss Grace Little, Toronto, with *Mr. and Mrs. Lamne Annis... Mr. and Mrs. Dave Alldread, Mary, Doris and Russel, Bow- manvilie, with Mr. and, Mrs. George Aildread . .. Mr. Fred Moore, Bowmanvilie, with Mr. and Mrs. Russel Virtue. There was a very smail attend- ance at the schooi meeting. With the snow storm and higli winds on Monday night the roads were badly biocked on Tuesday and the mail man was unable to make his trip, as were many men from here who work in fac- tories and shops in Oshawa and Bowmanvilie. Walk in the light and thou shaît see Thy path, though thorny, 'bright; For God, by grace, shall dwell in thee, And God Himself is light. -Bernard Barton. 1945 RESOLUTIONS Keep accurate records LE HU ELP YOU WE HAVE... Account Books <ail sizes for homes, stores and offices) Ledgers and Journals Files Indexes Dlarles Calendar Pads Statemnent Pads Recelpt Books Carbo'n Papîe 'r Typing Paper & Rlbbas Office Pens, Erasers, etc. J. W. JEWELL "4BIG 20"1 PHONE 556 Hot Water Bottes E AL 59c, 89c, $1.19, $1.39, $1.98 M AC L E mi CREOPHOS LARGESI SELL1INGTOOTH For Bronchial Coughs PA tTiUN GRAr $1.00 botte RITAIN, ALPHAMETTES Builds up cold resistance $1.00, $1.85, $3.50, $15.00 0 VITAVAX CAPSULES A Cold Vaccine LRMsz $2.50 ç CALCIUM A Capsules Rm SIEN29 4 $1.10 - $2.00 Shore Sehool. . . Mrs. Frank Ardron and son, Toronto, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Madison Hall. Mr. J. J. Gilfillan is confined to his home through illness. We wish for him. a speedy recovery. Lieut. John Corycîl, R.C.N., visited his wife and baby at Mr. and Mrs. H. Rowe's and also his parents, Mr. and MiVs. W. R. Coryell at Leskard. When a bird is soaring in the air it is coasting downward on a current of rising air which may carry it upward; occasionaliy a bird glides a relativeiy short dis- tance due to ifs own momentum. A French farmer engaged in spring planting was interrupted by a couple Nazis swaggering through his field. "Go ahead and sow," scoffed the Germans, "we'll do the reaping.4 "I hope so," repiied the farmer, "I am sowing hemp." Phone O PWIINfl'S flRIIISTORE Eyes 695 J V L I . ~ ~ w W e Test Soft as a fleecy cloud! THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. 'BCOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO THIWDAY. JAN. 4th, 1945 Burketon Solina