THURSDAY, JAN. 4th, 1945 THE CAI4ADIAN STATESM»T. BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO T~A(~W WTVI~ SOCIAL AND PERSONALf Phone 663 Miss Helen MeGregor, Peter- his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bert boro, was holiday guest with. her Parker, on Christmnas leave of six mother, Mrs. D. S. McQeçggo?' days, five days travel and one day Mrs., Rasé -1*»' awa at home. guestef lher niece and nephew, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Coole and Mr. and Mvrs. Lorne Stevens. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Henning were Bernrd Lwrece, ampbll-week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. BrfendtLawrece ampbell-Mansel Coole, Hamilton, and at- crot, pen th Ne Yer wthtended the New Year's dance at Mr. Laurence, Bernice and Rus- the.Royal Connaught Hotel. sell. Sergt. Chas. V. Iiroar has receiv- George Huber and Bill Murphy, ed his discharge fromn the Air Municipal Paving and Spraying Force and is now on the staff of Co. had no New Year's holiday. cThey kept Highway No. 2 sandecr,i the McGlashan Transport Co., night and day and no accidents with his father, Mr. E. V. Hoar. ocre drnhh hayhu WO Frank Crowe, on leave day traffic. from West Africa, reported to Èluadquarters, R.C.A.F., Ottaa MCor. and Mrs. Roy W. Nichols, "Yiter a pleasant furlough with Cutice, observed their 20th rS. Crowe and family, town. weddiiig anniversary quietly on Mr December 27th, when neighbors Sgt. Robert Rogers, Veterans and friends called. Numerous Guard, British Columbia, and son, gifts, bouquets and cards were Pte. Bob Rogers, Jr., Infantry, received by the happy couple. Brampton, were home for the hol- An installation and candle-light iday season with Mrs. Rogers. service will be conducted by Rev. Mrs. William Stout, Kincardine, J. E. Griffith in Trinity Church,t was week-end guest at Glenn Sunday evening, in connection Larra, with her husband, Lieut. with the Young People's Union W. Stout, Veterans Guard, In- and Canadian Girls In Training. ternment Camp. Members of both organizations T. Guldi an Jac Inkterwill participate in thîs impressive wh oude thehighayo uing service and Mrs. Stephen Say.well the Christmas week-end, had a shwilgveteads. well earned New Year's holiday Pte. Otto Madsen, 2nd Armour- at their homes in Toronto. ed Unit, 17th Light Field Ambu- Mr. Leighton M. Souch, Osh- lance, who served in France, is awa, son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter home on 30 days' leave subject to Souch, Carlisle Ave., has been discharge on account of bis health. re-elected by acclamation a mem- Otto worked in the local Goodyeara ber of Oshawa Board of Educa- plant and later with General r tion. Motors in Oshawa. While on leave Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Hardy and lie is guest of Mr. and Mrs. Deanv daughters, Dorothy, Marion, Joan Hodgson. . and Betty, spent Christmas with Onwego Group of Trinity C.G. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Hardy. Doro- I.T. held their annual ChristmasI thy and Marion remained until party at the home of Anna Johns, N.ew Year's. on December 27. Bingo and con- Cpl. Lionel Parker, R.C.A.F., tests were followed by exchangeb Greenwood, N.S., was home with of gîfts. Lunch of soup, crackers, JanuarySale! 1Ladies' W4inter Plain Cloth, Tweeds & some with Fur Collars Clearing At Greatly Reduced Prices t is our aim to clear out ail these coats before stock-taking. SEE DISPLAY IN WINDOWS AT REDUCED PRICES w » THERES NO BETTER TUME ~ THAN NOW TO .*..*..~.. ~ OOD WARM COAT OR A NfewhSit Quality consider- ed, along with ex- pert workman- ship, youli find our values com- pare favorably with city prices. Couch, Johoston& Cryderman ]PHONI 8,36 . BOWMANVnLL cookies and chocohate milk was greatly enjoyed. Margaret Stacey extended thanks to Anna and her parents for their kind hospitality, and a very pleasant evening of fun and fellowship. Mr. Wm. J. Yeo brought us a clipping from the Vancouver Sun which he received from his daughter, Mrs. George Richards, who is living in British Columbia. It contai.ned a photo of Mrs. Adolph Koldofsky, (Gwendolyn Williams, daughter of Mrs. Alan Williams of Bowmanville), along with this comment: "Adolph Koldofsky, eminent violinist and newly appointed concert master of the Vancouver Sympbony Or- chestra, together with Gwendolyn Williams (Mrs. Koldofsky), noted pianist, will be guest artists on the ninth People's Concert pro- gram, Sunday, at 7:30 p.m., in the Pender Auditorium. Holiday Visitors ti f a a fi a tý t n Weddings EMERSON-GRIFFITH Trinity Unitedi Church, Bow- manville, was the setting for an evening wetiting on December 27 when Anne Muriel, Reg. Nurse, tiaugbter af Rev. J. E. Griffith, Bowmanville, became the bride af F0 Edigar Philp Emerson, R.C. A.F., son af Mr. anti Mrs. Mal- colm Emerson, Nestlelon. The bride's father, assistet by ber grantifather, Dr. R. P. Bowles ai Nestleton, performeti the cere- mony againsi a background ai white mums, evergreens anti ferns. Mr. W. E. C. Workman presiteti aI the organ. The bride, given in marriage by ber father, ware a gown .of white satin fashioneti an princess lines with train. Her floor-length veil was cresteti with a wreath of orange blossoms anti she carrieti a cascade af white baby mums. Mrs. Ross Clarence, Toronto, matron af honor, wore a blue satin gown with matching Juhièt cap, and ularr'ied an «arra bouquet ai yellow anti white muins anti car- nations. The britiesmait, Miss Anne Linfielti, Toronto, chose a pink satin gown with matching Juliet cap anti her flawers were Pink anti white mums anti car- nations. Mr. Frank Emerson was besi man for bis brother, anti Mr. Richard Bowles, cousin ai the bride, anti Pie. Beverley Veale of Camp Borden wcre ushers. At the reception helti ai the parsonage, the bride's aunt, Mrs. Wilfrid Bawles, receiveti in a black irock with blue tinn, Married ln Trinity Uàited Church on Dec. 27 i r U. is G Miss Anne Muriel Griffith and grand-daughter of Dr. R. P. FO Etigar Pbilp Emerson, wbose Bowles, bonorary chancellor o f narriage took place in Trinity Victoria College, Toronto, and United Church, Dec. 27. The bride Mrs. Bowles. F0 Emerson is the i the eltesit augbter af Rev. J. E. son of Mr. anti Mrs. Malcolm Em- Griffith, Bowmanville, and a erson, Nesîleton. Mrs. W. S. Staples with rela- tives in Meaforti. M i ss Winnie Brooks spent Christmas and New Year's at Mr. L. Brooks', Scugog St. LAW Naylor, Htiq. Staff, Ot- tawa, at home for Cbristmas and New Year's. Sgt. C. W. Jackman, Peter- bora, wilb bis mother, Mrs. Fred Jackman. LAW Helen Tait, R.C.A.F. (WD), Toronto, with ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Tait. Miss Glatys Jamieson, R.N., Windsor, with her mother, Mrs. R. M. Jamieson. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Jamieson and sons, Peterboro, with bis mother, Mrs. Herb Jamieson. Miss Margaret Storey, Toronto, with ber parents, Dr. and Mrs. V. H. Storey. Mr. and Mrs. H. Fisher, Fît. Lieut. anti Mrs. G. McMillan, To- ronto, with The Etisalîs. Mr. anti Mrs. Fred Allin witb ber sister, Miss Jessie Knight, Belleville. Mrs. Etitb Ormiston, Ennis- killen, with Mr. and Mrs. S. O'Brien. Cpl. Ken Nicholîs, Trenton, anti Mrs. Nicholîs, Toronto, with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Nicholis, Elgin St. Gnr. R. G. Henry, Mulgrave, N.S., spent Christmas heave with bis wife and son ai Mr. E. Pass- ant's, Duke Si. Mr. Harry Grigg, Toronto, Sgt. Kenneth Nicks, Vernon, B.C., with Mrs. Nicks ai Mr. R. H. West- away 's. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Begley and family, Bowmanville, with Mr. and and Mrs. K. Flint and family, Maple Grave. Misses Louise Skutezky, Mar- ýgaret Coulthard and Ruth James, Toronto, with Mr. anti Mrs. Geo. W. James. Pte. Laverne Reishus, No. 5 Ad- ministration Unit, Druinheller, Alla., witb Mr. anti Mrs. B. Pur- ber. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Bell anti daugbler, Lindsay, Miss Jean Bell, Toronto, with Ibeir parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Bell. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Brooks aI- tentiet the Diamond Wedding af Mtr. and Mrs. Geo. Brooks on Christmas Day ai Mr. anti Mrs. A. S. Brooks', St. Catharines. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Jobns and Fretidy, Miss Dorotby Bickell anti MIr., George Elliston, Mrs. K. Baird and Mrs. Peggy Erskine anti 3rian, Toronto, witb Mr. and Mrs. A. Bickehh. Tpr. Stuart Crago, Camp Bar- den; Mr. and Mrs. H. Peacock, Port Hope; Miss Muriel Harding, 3roaklin; Miss Hazel Colwell, Newcastle, with Mr. and Mrs. E. Crago. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Giffen anti family, Niagara Falls; Sgt. anti Mrs. Arthur Hooper, Dartmouth, N.S.; Mrs. Hiltia Burke, Mrs. Ash- ford, Toronto, with Mr. ant i s. W. Thetford. Miss Lilianne Naylor, Toronto Conservatory of Music, with ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Nay- lor. Miss Naylor returnedti t To- ronto ta take part in the portion of the program under the direc- tion of Dr. Healey Willan, enter- taining at the Arts anti Letters Club. I t s A E: E F t B: G saine facîs ihey cannai reveal ail. The patient enteavors, the higb courage anti self sacrifice that bave been lrought la bear upon the variaus phases of the wark af the Society 13y the faith- ful wamen who are its members, cannaI be estimateti by figures. The Presitient expresseti deep gratitude for the supporltbey hati ah given ber in the pasi year anti hopet that the afficers wbo arc calleti upon ta fill the same Positions as last year will not look upon it as the "saine olti task" but will know that, as they bave been faithful la their trust in 1944, tbe position they holti in 1945 is stili larger anti more important. Wc trust Ihat in the Master's Name wc may be enabledt t perfarin the task wbich lies ai aur hanti witb faithfulness anti success. Rev. J. E. Griffith contucteti a very un- pressive installation service. The prograin was in charge af Mrs. Jno. Allin's group, Mrs. C. G. Morris acting as leader, assisi- et by Mrs. Nicholîs anti Mrs. E. Strike. A very intercsting anti appropriate recitation was given by Palsy Smith. Mrs. A. S. Baker then gave a rapid, comprehensive anti intense- ly intcresting review of the chap- ter in the stuty book on "The Church in the Philippines." Proper drainage anti normal mechaniegi flusbing ai the nasal passages is preventet by over- heateti homes, over-crowtiing anti impraper ventilation. Men anti wamen who leat se- denlary lives up ta the ages ai 50 anti 60 cannat, with safety, anti certainly rarely witb benef i, plunge into vigorous exercîse. c c r a t t s 0 c st A tE ei Pl M tc ii 8, E w tc MR. AND MRS. HOSKJN FARMERS KICKED AGAINST MARRIED FORTY VEARS COLLECTIVISM A very lovely evening was By Lewis Milligan spent by friends and relatives of It is a striking fact that most Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Hoskin, of the recent anti-socialist books have been written by Germans, Burketon, when they celebrated and one of the latest of these is their 40th wedding anniversary at "Revolutions in Russia," by G. R. Enniskillen Community Hall. Treviranus, who escaped to free- Little Jackie Hoskin presented his dom and settled on a farm in grandmother with a lovely bou- Eastern Ontario. Mr. Treviranus quel of flowers. A china cabinet traces the causes and effecîs lead- was also presenled to Mrs. Hos-. ing up tj the liquidation of the kmn and a chiffarobe 10 Mr. Hos- old Czarist regime and the eslab- kmn wbich were accepled with lisbmènt of the Soviet Republics. charming speeches from both Mr. The historical facts are presented and Mrs. Hoskin. Many of the in an unbiased manner, and the guests wished tbem bolh happi- author draws lessons therefrom ness and success in the coming for the Western World. years. Czarist Russia was a survival of The higblight of the evening feudalism, andi revolution was the was a mack wedding put on by only means by which the Russian Dorathy Hoskin as the bride, Ella people could catch up with the Hoskin as the groom, Mrs'; How- advance of free democralie coun- ard Hoskin as the minister and tries. Communism was a swing Master Gordon Hoskin as the from one extreme ta the ather, bride's father. It was very enter- and in tbe natural course ofj taining and provîded much laugh- buman relations the revolution- ter. ary ideas are being modified. The rest of the evening was Altbough it may be saiti that spent in games. A tasty lunch the Russian peasant was a serf was serveti by Mrs. M. Heard and under the Czar, he bowever did Misses Ella andi Dorotby Hoskin retain a certain degree of indi- who also matie the lovely wedding vidualism, anti he tid not readily cake for this special occasion. conform ta the cast-iron system ofc communismn. With the despailing af the kulaks, the capitalist farm- DFFICIAL BREAKDOWN ers, the peasants looketi forwartir ON ZOMBIE ARMY ta a larger life of freedom anti in-r tiependence. But they titi nol An official government release find it under the new "co-apera-s ofNov. 22, to all newspapers in iecmashpoflnsca-e Caad gives he Zomie . r* ization.t .drnaua alv Prvience Ruray When Lenin promiseti all iand lrenth b Prvincs, Rralfor keeps, the peasants lustily Areas and Towns and Cities. The jaineti in the splitting of the ist was campiled since Gen Me- Naughton became Defence Min* estates, but they did not enjay the er a on ofthemavs 's- booty for long. Sirong pressure teras ne f te mvesgîvîng was brought upon the peasantrya enlightenment on governm e nt ta form collectives, with the re- t poicy. suit that they were irked by the r The grand total is given as 59,- change in policy and resarteti to tJ 02 men wbo have so far declined arms. That was in the spring of t0 go active. 0f this number, 1930. The troops Were calleti out,o 5,726 are from Ontario, and 22,- but they wavered when it came ta s 47 frain Quebec, the latter not firing on their own kmn The f; far short of 40 per cent of the îroops were witbdrawn and Stalin li whale number. delivered a speech in which hie il 0f local interest we give the saiti that the collectives coulti not d totals of immediate neighbor -__ - - - - - - boots, inclutiing towns anti cities. Durham County, 24, Ontario Counly 54, Northumberlanti County, 9, Victoria Counly 41. Towns anti cities: Bowmanville, 4, Newcastle, 2, Port Hope, 4, Pari Perry 6, Oshawa, 166, Whit- by 10, Cobourg 7, Lindisay 19, Peterboro 47. Smaller villages are not lisleti. Detucting towns therefare shows 14 ram the wbole Caunty from rural districts incluting villages. The record for counties appears ta be Dun- tas, Stormont anti Glengarry wilh 20. Durhain anti Northumn- berland have a credtable record ai 33. Diviný lave is a sacreti ilawer, whicb in uts early buti is happi- ness, anti in ils full bloom is bceeen.-Eleanor L. Harvey. How shall Idota talove? Be- lieve. How shahl I do ta behieve? Love.-Leighton. be organized by force, and that they shoulti be valuntary and adapted to the various conditions throughout the Union. Andi he added: "To provoke the peasant-col- lectivist by socializîng his home, aIl bis cows, aillbis livestock andi poultry, èven bef are the cartel form of collective has become firmly established . . . it is not clear enougb Ihat such a policy can be useful and advatNeoUB anly ta aur enemies?" - This, says Mr. Treviranus, Wa "a shrewd move of the diciatôr." But, even at that, the collective system failed ta come up ta ex- peclatian, andi the peasants reius- ed ta teiver ahl of their products 10 the community. Appeal had ta be matie ta personal interest by means of a 'bonus seheme. Re- ferring ta this seheme, a corn- munist party leader said: "In serving bis awn interests the kolkhos member will work better for the kolkbos and thereby througb bis own private inteest, he will be strengtbening the kolkhos anti the kolkbos order, of aur Soviet't." Mr. Treviranus says that 't'e, Russian Revolution did flot suè> ceed in the impossible lask of equating the unequal. What Cbristianity calîs the equality of mnan is equity before God, equal rigbts before the jutige, not ep~quality witbin socieiy. Within saciety men are and will be un- equal." But Mr. Treviranus con- tends thai the Russian Revolutian, wvitb ils gadless itealism, has playeti an important part in thé evolution of mankinti. "Atheism is a recurrent process of purify- .ng religiousness," be says. "In a sense, Boîshevisin bas opened the road ta a Christian revival lin Russia among the great conserva- tive peasant body." This is a very timely book, andi one that shoulti be reati and ;tutied by ahi who desire ta judge fairly what bas been happening in Russia, anti who would apply ts lessons ta aur w est er n democracy. Office Training Course A Five-Month Course Beginning in January INCLIJDES Typlng, Office Practice. Bookkeeping, Spelllng and Rapid Calculation ENROL NOW! Bowmanville Business School malching accessaries anti corsage of white mums. She was assisi- cd by the groom's mather who chose a black frock with match- ing accessories anti corsage of white mums. For the wedding trip ta Rochester, N.Y., the bride chang- eti ta a brown wool ensemble with red trim, matcbing accessories anti seal coat. On their return they will resîide in Toronto. Frientis and relatives attentieti the wedtiing fram Nestîcton, Valentia, Toronto anti London. BALSON-PINGLE Hampton Uniteti Church Par- sanage was the scene of a pretty wetiting Friday evening, Decem- ber 29, ai 7:30, wheni Helen Ber- nice, daughtcr of Mr. anti Mrs. B. P. Pingle, Hampton, was unit- cd in marriage with Harolti Rab- cri Balson, son of Mr. anti Mrs. A. J. Balson1 Solina. Rev. Walter Rackham performeti the (jouble ring ceremony. The bride was lavely in a white wool dress with black accessories. She wore a golti lockei anti car- rieti pink rases. Her only attend- ant, Miss Muriel Smith, worc a powtier blue woal crepe gown witb navy accessories anti car- rieti a bouquet of pink baby muins. Mr. Bryce Brown, Osh- awa, was besi man for the groom. Af ter the ceremany the happy couple lef i for a trip 10 easlcrn points, the bride travelling in an olti-rose wool crepe dress wiih black chesterfielti coat anti black accessaries. They are residing on Wellington Si., Bowmanville. Previaus ta ber marriage the bride was the recipieni af numer- ous useful gis from ber many frientis, inclutiing tbe gif t of a table lamp froin the Staff of the A. & P. Store. Tbe britie was also bonoreti ai a kitchen sbower, wilh Mrs. Bryce Brown hostess; a pantry sbawer ai tbe home of Miss Muriel Smith, Hampton, anti a miscellancous sflower ai the home ai Mrs. F. W. Hobbs, Bow- manville. The -groom was pre- sentid witb a beautiful lamp anti mirror by bis f ellow employees ai the Goodyear Tire anti Rubber Ca. JTACK COLE's TEAM TOPS BOWLING LEAGUE Congratulations la Jack Cale's teain for winning the playaffs af the firsi sebedule in the finals from Ernie Roacb's icain. Jack's team took D. Cartcr's leam iat camp in the semi-finals anti then went on ta be the league's leatiing tcam in the finals. Roacb's teain bati defeateti F. Williams' in the semi-finals. In tbe consolation events F. Williams' tcam tefeai- cd D. Carter's anti Ted Bagncll's leam tiefealtid A. Osborne's. Alhough E. Roacb's tcam hast in the finals tbey bat the high single game af 1234 anti the high tbrec games ai 3363. High three individual games were A. Osborne 842, R. Hearle 765 anti 722, H. Carpenter 754, F. Williams 749, E. Roach 739, H. Elalîman 737 anti W. Hearle 701. Higb single gaines: A. Osborne 340 anti 303, A. Piper 297, H. Car- penler 293 anti 283, H. Hahîman 293, F. Williams, B.T., 293, E. Roach 292, G. Piper 290 anti M. Vanstone 289. Averages Name Games Ave. A. Osbornec-------------- 3 281 R. Hearle ---------------- 6 248 H-. Carpenter -------- _ 6 236 F'. Williams, B.T.------ 6 231 E. Roach"----------------- 6 230 H. Halîman --------- 5 223 W. Hearle ----------- 6 215 B. Cochrane ------------- 6 211 G. Piper------------------- 6 210 E'. C ale --------------- 3 209 D. Carter............------6 208 At. Piper------------------ 3 2U8 H. Palmer ---------------- 6 206 T'. Bagnell ---------------- 3 206 P. Cancilla...........------6 204 MI. Vanstone --------- 3 201 TRINITY W.M.S. INSTALL NEW OFFICERS The first monthly meeting of 1945 of Trinity Woman's Mission- ary Society Ailernoon Auxiliary, was openet by singing the Na- tional Anîbein. The Presitenl took charge of the business ses- sion. The annual reports of the various deparimenîs, as presenlet by Othe secretanies, were vcry gratifying as lhey showeti an at- vance ahl alang the line. The present membership of 122 i a net increase of 26. The aver- age ailentance for the year was 54. Prescriptions' CAREFULLY AND ACCURATELY COMPOUNDED When you bring yoiir prescriptions to us you can be assured of the flnest possible resuits. Each one is carefully studled and accurately filledl witli the purest Ingredients. We speclalize ithis work. When siekness prevents you from bringing your prescriptions to us PHONE 792. WE SHALL CALL FOR IT, FILL IT, AND DELIVER IIT PROMPTLýY QOIHSYRUP HEALTH NEEDS... Bayer Aspirin ------18c, 29c, 79e Carter's Liver Pis -----23c, 69e Bile Beans ---- ------------ 47e Chase's Nerve Food ------60c, $1.50 Antacid Stomach Powder - --49c Feenamint ----------19c, 33c, 69e AIka-Seltzer ------------ 29c' 5"e Dodd's Kidney Pilis ---------43e Hygeol -----------------35c, 60e Cue Dentrifice ------.----- 19c-33c Colgatp's Shaving Cream 29e, 43e Palmolive Shave Cream 33c, 49e PREPARE FOR WINTER TAKE VITAMINS NOW ... Alphamettes, Ayerst .. $1, $3.50, $15 Maltievol Horners, 12 oz......... $2.00 Abdol Capsules, improved $2, 3.45, 7.59 1OD Cod Liver 011, Ayerst.. 67c, $1.69 Idamalt, Malt & Cod Liver Oh.........59c, 98c, $1.69 Scott's EMLulsion.........9c 98 Halibut Liver 011 Capsules, 50's --- 69e 100's ---- ----- $1.19 Wampole's Extraet $1 Neo-Chemical Food Capsules $1.25, 2.25, $5 Norpiex Vitamin B Complex Tablets ----- $1, $1.75 IDAFER Iron and Vitamin B Complex Tonie - 16 oz. bottie -.- $1.25 COLD REMEDIES ... Buekley's Mixture ------ 40c, 75c Vick's Vapo Rub ------------ 43e Grove's Cold Tablets --- 24c, 44e I.D.A. Nose Drops ------- 25C UNDNY TUBE 25ý, 9 CASHERElE TISSUE Two Grades 15e, 2 for 25e 10c, 3 for 25e I I .O* PRISCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY ALEX LAURA SECORD CANDIES McOREOOR. DRUGS PHONE 792 - WE DELIVER1 Registered Trade Sehool King-and Silver Sts., Bowmanville I MACLEANS irooirH PASTE THE LARGEST SELLING TOOTH PASTE IN GREAT BRITAIN THE CANADIAN STATESMAlg, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE FLV Phone 337 or 434 51-2 DRUGS