PAGE FOUR THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURS., FEBRUARY 8th, 1945 ANNOUNCEMENT 1 WISH TO ANNOUNCE THAT 1 HAVE PURCHASED THE Insurance & Real Estate Business 0F THE LATE T. H. KNIGHT THIS INCLUDES - GREAT WEST LIFE ASSURANCE CO. PILOT INSURANCE CO. CANADIAN FIRE INSURM~CE CO. GENERAL ACCIDENT 1INSURANCE CO. I will be pleased to continue looking after the insurance protection of Mr. Knight 's customers, as well as new customers interested in securing dependable life, fixe, automobile or accident insurance. KING St. Roy Lunney (Successor t the lafe T. H. Knight) Phone 565 Bowmanville The present moment is al we It is better to be doing the most can cal ur own for %vorks of insignificant thing than to reckon mercy, of righteous dealing, and even a half-hour insignificant. of family tenderness. -Goethe ~mI.vOFF ,,III~ SILV RADEO BUTER LLFIRSTGRD TEA INDIA - CEYLON BLACK 4TE T NECTAR PANCAKE JIA 2 P OLD 1 NAPLE SYRUPCOLONY CORN OR CORN SYRUP BEEHIVE DGONESTIC 8H ORTE NI NG OLD CHEESE AG MCEAT SPREADS Hesu:d' kNN PAGE MILE BREAD White or Brown 2 =. 15e Lb. 38< Lb. 63o 'kg.. 270 16-oz. qt 9*1. 2-Lb. 22g Tin <i Lb. 19< Lb. 359 7-oz. Tin 17e Enjoy ReaIIy Fresh A.-P BOKAR COFFÉEI 359 PURITY FLOUR Bagd 23< SGUP CAKSASRE MACARONI OR VERMICELLI NACAROK C <IUAKER NUFFETS PEANUT BUTTER NWITH RASPDERRY JAl PcT NUNCHIES' Ready to Eat Cereal 2 Pkgs. 23e A.-----f r I ___ M. 24-lb. Sag 3 Tins 2 Pkgs. 9-oz. Jar 24-oz. Jar ROHOOD GATS Porterhouse, Wing and Sirloin Steaks and Roasts ......... 41c lb. Boneless and Round Steak or Roast ..................... 39c lb. Short Rib Roast........27c lb. Meaty Blade Roast.......25c lb. B'less Veal Roast (rolled front) 25c lb. Pork Hocks........2 Ibs. 25c Sea Herring..........12c lb. Bacon, Sîiced Breakfast ....... 44c lb. Texas Grapefruit, 9619.....3-l7c Head Lettuce, 4819s............ 2-25c Texas Yams, No. 1......2 lbs. 25c Texajs Cabbage................. Sc lb. Texas Beets..........6c lb. Florida CQ.iery........ 2-27c B.C. Delicious Apples, 88's .522c 1 Teas arros 7 lb A&P OOD., OES-,. Ou ned aOeatdb ,Gea tani; Pcf .e o.t( 1 Aluin, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Allun, Bowm-ýanvilIe; Miss Nan Allun, To- ronto, ut Wes. Yellowlees'. .. Mrs. Jack Yellowlees with ber sister, Miss Ida Reynolds, Toronto. Congratulations ta How a r d Milison, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. Milison, on his promotion ta Pilot Officer with the R.C.A.F. Oven- seas! Red Cross met ut Mrs. Irwin Colvilie's. Next meeting ut Mrs. Wellington Farrow's. Red Cross card party was held ut Mrs. W. Farrow's. Mrs. J. Cunson and Mn. Sidney Brown held high score and Mrs. Gea. Stephenson and Miss Jean Perrin the consolation. Valentine Hampton Mr. and Mrs. Ken Cuverly and family with relatives at Toronto. Tbe North Group met for their sewing meeting at the home of Mrs. W. Cbupmun', Wednesday, when a quantity of Red Cross and other sewing, and a quilt wus done. The bostess served ne- freshments. A short business meeting was beld. Next meeting at the parsanage on Feb. i4tb. The Wèst Group met at the home o! Mrs. L. Hutchinson on Wcdnesday wben refresbments were served. Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. T. Chant and !amily with friends at Zian ... Mrs. Jackson Wray, Bowman- ville, at T. Wray's... Miss Audrey Macnah, Bowmanville, with ber grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Balson. .. Mr. and Mrs. M. Cry- derman and cbildren and Mrs. C. Hastings, Oshawa, at L. Cryder- man's... Mrs. Bruce Tink, Solina, with Mr. and Mrs. Percy Dewell. Congratulations ta Mrs. R. Avery wbo on Friday celebrated ber 87tb birtbday. She is enjoy- ing good health. A short Missianany programn was given at the Sunday Scbool, Sunday, with Mrs. Bruce Hoautb, Missianary Supt., in charge. Miss Jean Balson contributed a vocal solo and Donothy Adamson a reading. Missionary givings are bigher than last year. Miss Ruby Clatworthy, R.N., Bowmanville, witb friends and at- tended the W.I. "At Home." Dr. and Mrs. Davies and chihd- ren, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Gea. Edger, Courtice, S.B.A. Garnet Tubbs and Mrs. Tubbs, Toronto, witb Mr. and Mrs. H. Wilcox. Rev. W. Rackbam had charge of the funeral o! Mrs. Wm. West- lake, Solina, on Sunday after- noon. We extend sympatby ta the family. Miss Bertha Armour bas been quite iii and under the doctor's care, but is somewbat impraved. Old Man Winter visited us on Sunday night again witb a beavy faîl of snow when several inches feul, making mucb sbovelling for citizens necessary. Annual Cburcb Congregational Meeting was beid on Tuesduy evening with Rev. W. Rackbam in charge. Encouruging reports fromn the vuriaus departments were received. Miss HeWn Leclair, Holden, Alta., is witb ber sister, Mrs. Lamne Bradley. SEnniskillen Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. H. Bradley, North Oshawa, at A. Brunt's. .. Mrs. H. Milîson, Miss Betty Knox, Toronto, witb Mrs. John Siemon. . . Miss Merle On- miston, Enfield, witb ber grand- mother, Mrs. Ella Smith, wha bas been sick. .. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Neill, Peterboro, at D. Lewis'... Mrs. G. Beecb and Janice, Baw- manvilie, Mr. and Mrs. B. Ashton and Larry, Mr. and Mrs. W. Toms and family, Cartwright, Mrs. Hendrick and Joyce, Huydon, with Mrs. E. C. Ashton... Mr. and Mrs. Ralpb Ormiston, Joan und Garry, Maple Grave, ut Russell Ormiston's. On Jan. 31, W.A. ladies quilted two Red Cross quilts in the Church basement, and in the eve- ning the Sunday Scbool heid a social gathering when over 60 enjoyed Chinese checkers, lost heir, sleigh riding and skating. A bountiful lunch was served. Com- mittee is planning anather on Feb. 14tb. Sunday morning Alvin Bayd presented attendance prizes ta boys o! bis class. Ronald Ashton received lst prize, being present ail but anc Sunday; Ailan Werry was a close second and Keitb Me- Gi third. The yeur 1944 was a successful anc for aur Mission Band, having held more meetings, more paid up members sent $23.00 ta Presby- terial whicb was an increuse over othei years. Officers for 1945: Han. Pres.-Ray O'Cannell; Pres. -Dorathy Stuinton; Vice Pres.- Ronald Rahm; Sec'y - Stewart Lamb; Assistant Sec'y - Joan Hobbs; Treus.- Clark Werry; Birthday Box- Joan Lewis; Gift Box - Keitb McGill; Librar- ian - Allan Werry; Press Re- porter - Elgin Heard; Pianists- Allan, Daratby and Ronald Ash- tan. Mission Band met with a good attendunce, prayer by Joan Hobbs; the stary by Mrs. W. Rabm; reading by Stewart Lamb. Newtonville Rev. and Mrs. E. Unstead, Ty- rane, ut Rev. J. McLacblan's... Lclund Milîson, Bowmanviile, ut home. . . Mrs. E. Walkey and children, Zian; Mn. and Mrs. Harry Burley and children, Osh- awa, ut Mr. Ethun Joncs'.. . Mrs. Wilbert Hancock in Peterboro.. Mrs. Harold Burley witb ber par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tufford, Bunked Hill. . . Misses Laurnu Pearce, Toronto; Jean Campbell, Port Hope, and Inez Symons, Monish, and PO Larry Cutten, R.C.A.F., Camp Borden, ut Mn. J. T. Pearce's, Sunday, it being Miss Inez Symons' birtbday. Miss Laurna Pearce's birtbday was Tuesdae. Mn. and Mrs. Wilbert Hancack attended the funeral a! Dr. Asb- ley ut Napunce. Miss Annie Nesbitt bas gone ta Toronto ta assist witb spring mii- lineny. Pte. Edgar Milison bas been transferred ta Sussex, N.B. In the annual Cburch repart hast weck it sbould have ncad, Albért Wragg wus re-elected Elder and John Elmer was re-eiected Cburch Treusuren, assisted by Clehund Lune. Mrs. T. Coatham bhas been ihh ut ber daughten's, Mrs. Cecil Staple- ton. Mrs. J. McLacblan, Mrs. C. Bur- hey and Mrs. S. J. Lancaster ut- tended a meeting o! the Executive a! the W.M.S. in Oshawa. Haydon The community gathered ut the home o! Mn. and Mrs. Leslie Gra- hum on Tuesday evening in bonor o! thein son, LAC Roy Grabam, R.C.A.F. Mn. C. Avery very ably acted as chairmun. Readings were given by Mrs. T. Mountjoy, Mrs. C. Siemon and Mrs. E. Hendnicks. Mrs. John Joncs played an instru- mental. On behaif o! the com- munity Lloyd Slemon presented Roy witb a leather zippered tra- velling kit and Roy tendened bis thanks. Remainder o! evening was spent in a social time and a bounteous lunch was senvcd. Mn. and Mns. A. Beecb, Mns. Joe Topping ut Mn. Hurny Lai- mer's, South Monagbun. Mn. and Mrs. Fred Mountjoy, Heward, Sask., ut T. Mountjoy's. The Boys' Class met ut tbe home o! Jim Graham on' Saturday evening. Officens elected wene: Pres.-Jim Graham; Vice Pres.- Alfred Gurrurd; Sec'y-Treas. - Lloyd Siemon. Ail enjayed a social time and lunch wus served. The young folks are cnjoying the skiing these days. There is certainly no scarcity o! snaw. Church service was well at- tended Sunday wben Rev. E. H. Unstead gave an inspiring mes- sage. Mn. and Mns. Bruce Garnund, Taunton, ut C. Garrard's. Starkville Mrs. Ewurt Robinson and little son with ber sister, Mrs. Alec Barclay, Oshawa. Mn. and Mrs. Lavern Puttersan, Orono, ut Bert Tbim's. Mn. William Hulloweli is on tbe sick list. Mrs. Silver was in Oshawa. Guss Pitt, Oshawa, ut Victor Farrow's, wbcre bis wife, Mrs. Pitt, is visiting. Mrs. Sbutka received a cabie from bher son, Dunny, who is aven- seas, canvcying ta ber birthday grectings. Mn. and Mrs. Howard Farrow and Eileen were in Newcastle. Miss Dcckhard was in Port Hope. The card party in aur school was wcll attended. Tyrone Visitons: Mrs. Milisan, Toronto, with ber daughter, Mrs. Leon Moore. .. Miss Lillian McRoberts, Toronto, with ber. parents, Mn. and Mrs. Fred McRoberts. .. Miss Verna McRoberts, Oshawa, home ...Mrs. Howard Philp witb Mn. and Mns. Russell Philp, Petenhara ..Mns. Russell Virtue with Mn. and Mrs. Thea. Down, Lakefield ... Mn. Percy Haywand, Ajax, ut home. The Senior Young People met ut the home o! Mn. and Mrs. Frank Wcrny, Thunsduy evening. The Congregationul Meeting o! Tyrane United Churcb was heid Tucsday ufternoon. Rev. E. Un- Greetings Don't miss the opportunlty whlch this Valentine season affords to send greetlngs to friends and loved ones. We have Valentines for young and eld --- le to 25e PARTY SETS and PAPER VALENTINE SERVIETTES PLATES VAL ENTI NE GIFTS .. . Books, Stationery, Plctures, China, Glass, Games and Novelties. J. W. JEWE LL *BIG 20"1 PHONE 556 Enfield ViÈjtors: Mr. A. J. Tamblyn and Miss Myrtie Tamblyn, Orono, at W. Bowman's. .. Mr. and Mrs. R. Griffin, Misses Celia and Ruby at Fred Samis'. . . Miss Grace' Stark and Miss Vera Stinson, To- ronto, at Norman Stinson's... Miss Ruth Prescott, Bowmanville, at A. W. Prescott's. . . Misses Merle and Lois Ormiston at Mr. F. Smith's, Enniskillen. Wilfrid Bowman bas purchased a new milldng machine. Several from bere attended the funeral of Mrs. W. H. Westlake. The condition of Mrs. Norman Stinson shows a sligbt improve- ment.0 Burketon Marning service, Sundalt, was not held an account of the bad roads. Sunday Scbool was con- ducted by Miss Wood, with a good attendance. Letters of tbanks have been re- ceived from Bob and George Car- ter for parcels from Blackstock W.A., also Burketon W.A. Visitors: Mrs. T. G. Breck bas gane ta Ottawa until spring... Miss Mary Wood with ber sister in Sunderland. . . Pte. Merle Hub- bard, Camp Barden, home. .. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Abbott and family in Oshawa. .. Mr. and Mrs. H. Gill and Donald in Toronto ... Mr. A. Aldred, Pertb, at home ... Mrs. Pearl Avery and Helen with Mrs. J. Greer ... W. Haskin, Osh- awa, at home . .. Miss M. Cbalm- ers, Toronto, with Mrs. Wilson. Maple Grove Services on Sunday were witb- drawn. Sympathy of this cammunity is extended ta Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Callacutt in the passing of her mother, Mrs. W. H. Westlake, Solina. Sympathy is also extended ta Mr. and Mrs. Ross Stevens in the passing of her father, Mr. F. F. Marris, Bowmanville. S.S. No. 9, Clarke H. & S. Club held a social eve- ning Friday in the Orange Hall, Orano, and despite blocked roads and cold weatber a goodly num- ber gatherçd and enjoyed play- ing "500" and crokinole. Just be- fore lunch Chas. Glenney called the meeting ta order and invited Mrs. Dean ta came forward and Mrs. Cecil Malley read a presen- tatian address wbile Mrs. Branch, Mrs Turner and Sheldon Moffat braugbt in a table lump with crystal base and wbite shade, a table and reflector. Mrs. Dean feelingly expressed ber thanks and declared that she still intend- ed ta help in aur H. & S. and wur wark activities. Short speeches were made by Fred Bowen, Tam Cowan, Russell Osborne, Mrs. W. Armstrong and Chas. Glenney. Russell Osborne, Harold Gib- son, Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Bawen uttended the banquet tendered Warden Curveth Friday evening. Congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. Blackstock W.A. o! United Cburch met ut Mns. Luthen Mountjoy's, Tuesday. Devotionai wus taken by Mrs. C. Marlow. Lettens o! appreciation were rcud !rom Mns. Fisher, Mis. Gertrude Mariow, Jim Hamris, W. Vuncump, Grace Graham, Mis. Henry, Sr.ý Mis. T. Sameils tbanked the society fan fruit sent the late Mrs: S. Ferguson. Mrs. Fred Tncwin's gnaup was ini charge o! program. Mis. H. Haaey gave an article on "Ration- îng," written by Dr. MacLellun o! Timotby Eatan Memonial Church. Mrs. Hector Shortridge reud "Our Pnincess Elizabeth Grows Up," and Mis. F. Trewin gave "Life Is Mostly Wbat We Muke ItV" There wus a gaod at- tendance and a social buif baur spent. Mns. Mountjay was thunked for bier bospitulity. iVisitons: Mn. Butler, Toronto, ut Clarence Marlow's. .. Miss Marion Beucock, Toronto, with bier par- ents. . . Miss Pearl Wright, To- ronto, witb bier parents. . . Miss G. Marlow witb ber parents... Mns. Humry Vincent, Toronto, with Mn. and Mrs. Chas. Sm. . .. Mn. and Mrs. Ronald Trewin, Oshawa, with bis parents. . . Pte. G. C. Marlow is home on leuve fyom Aldershot, N.S. Blackstock Continuation Sehool Commencement Exercises addl Concert B.C.S. held its annual Com- mencement Exercises and concert Feb. 1 and 2. A large numben came out on Friday evening ta witness tbe distribution o! cen- tificutes, diploas and pnizes and to enjay the concert provided. Honoun Graduation diplomu was won by Noreen Angue. Upper School Certif icates, in whoie or part, were won by Bey- erley Veule, Lois Lurmen, Nareen Argue, Thelmu Fenguson, James Munlow und Jessie VanCamp. Secandury Graduation dipiomus were won by Thelmu Fenguson, Jessie VanCamp and Wilma Van- Camp. Junior Matricuhution certificates in wbole or part, werc obtained by Danothy Bowers, Thelmu Fer- gusan, Alma Graham, Mihdred Lang!eid, Ray Luthangue, Ernest MacLean, Irene Munlow, James Munlow, John Munlow, Jessie Van- Camp, Wilma VanCamp, Murray Werry, Jean Werry and Dorotby Wright. Intermediate Certificutes were won by Stewart Dorreli, Aima Graham, Donathy Wrigbt, Marion Thompson, Donotby Ruhm, Mur- ion Pbayre, Belford. Panke, Aud- rey Mountjoy, Muriel MacLean, Irene Manlow and Hildu Johns. Honoun Graduation diploma, Upper Scbool certificates and Junior Matniculation were pie- sented by Mrs. Ancbdeucon Simpson a nd thbe Secandary Graduation dipiomas and Inter- mediate certificates by Mrs. B. R. Harrison. Principal R. P. Allin also made some remurks about the school uctivities. Pnizes for champions in Field Day gumes were presented by Chairmun o! tbe Board, Cari Wright, ta the fohiowing: Senior Girl Champion -Thelma Fergu- son; Intermediate Girl Champion -Mildred Langfeld; Junior Girl Champian-Ven Gray; Senior Boy Champion-Stewart Dorrell; Intermediate Boy Champion - Jack Marlow; Junior Boy Cham- pions-George Black and Ronald Middleton. Fromn smull beginnings a few years ugo the wark o! the B.C.S. bas been steudily increasing, until today it carnies ail the acudemic courses from Grade 9 ta Grade 13, as well us sbop work and home economics in Grades 9 and 10, and bus neached a very bigb degree a! ef!iciency, us certi!ied by the ieports o! the High Schaol Inspectons. The concert consisted o! a play entitled "Aunt Abbey Answens un Ad," presented by pupils o! Grades 12 and 13. Interspersed between acts wene these drills and exencises: Greek ballet dance, a combination drill und pantomine, illustruting the nine muses o! Ancient Greese, a Dunisb folk dance, and a boys' dumbeil drill. Ail parts of the progrum were well receivcd and drew tremend- ous uppiause. This was the cul- mination o! a mast satis!actary and profitable scbooi yeur. The B.C.S. is filling a very im- portant and gnowing place in the life and educution o! North Dur- hum and thene is no doubt that its work and influence wiil continue ta expund. GenralMtrs ÇASHME RE TISSUE Copily u&wapped soft Puoe White 700 SHEETS 3for25L' 'te~ ROT WATER BOTTLES 69c, $1.19, $1.39 HIND'S SPECIAL 2 bottles 49e size - 79e 1 Pebecco Tooth - Powder -----------29e 1 Pebecco Tooth Powcler ---------- 15e BOTH FOR 30e Ext. Malt & Cod Liver 011--- -- 59e 98c, $1.69 FOR MEN... Lather Brushes 59c-$5.0 Mennen's After Shave 59e Gillette Razors ------- - 49c Schlek Razors ------98e Money Belts......----$1.98 Bilifolds ----$1 to $6.50 Lifebuoy Shave Cream---------------- 33e Coigatels Shave Cream - ---------29e-43e CREOPHOS Checks Bronichal Coughs $1.00 bottle Soft as a fleecy cloud!1 25C in box We Test Eyes and Fit Trusses -SATISFACTION GUARANTfEED - PhoneCO IGSDRGSOEPrompt 69 NGS DR G ST R Delivery great extent on tbe efficiency with as the machine gun, the first cost whicb the government agencies $201 but the lowest cost came release plant facilities-ita us and down ta $96. Labor cost per gun clear out stocks of government dropped from $64 ta $19. Another material and equipment. exampie was in the cost of a naval However, we plan ta order mu- gunmaunt that was redesigned by teniaIs from suppliers and sub- engineers so thut there was a sav- contructors just as soon as tbe ing of 837,000 pounds of steel on. partial peace period is reucbed. the original order for 1,000 This will enable suppliers ta start maunts. shipping ta us, even tbaugh we Materials were substituted ahl are not at the moment prepared alang the line. This resulted hf a ta go into production. This will material saving of $2,457,000 on a make for employment throughaut variety of praducts. the country as rapidly as possible. Amang those wbo spake wer0t. Wbut steps does General Motors E. J. Humphreys, sales director, have in mmnd ta build up its sales T. R. Elliott, public relations man- and dealer organizutions for post- ager, J. H. Higbfield, factory war competitive conditions? superintendent, J. A. MacLaren, Generul Motors recognizes the president af MacLaren Advertis- importance o! the business and is ing Agency. planning ta compete aggressively for its sbare o! the markets as a We are blind ta the needs of means of insuring sufficient fac- athers, if we . lways look at aur- tory orders ta support emplay- selves.' ment. Tbe dealer orgunizatian in Can- Unemployment is a national re- ada bas been kept at a higb level spansibility, flot just a political of efficiency during tbe war. problem. These dealers.,ure in a fine posi -________________ tion ta meet post-war demands. What bas General Motors do ne ~A t eueprices on war materials? ClassifiedA d Rates General Motors bas endeavored ta appîy its peacetime aperating One cent a word cash, each experience as a low-cost prodqc- Insertion (minimum charge er ta the problems o! war pro- 25c). Charge of 25e extra Is duction. Many of tbe praducts made when advertlsement L%. that General Motors undertook ta flot paid same week as inser- manufacture for war were entire- tion. Extra charge of 10e ly foreign ta its past operations. when replies are dlrected to. In sucb cases, prices were based a Statesman box number. on the best availuble cost esti- Blrths deaths and marriage& mates, and prices were reduced as 50e each. Ini Memoriams, 50o costs were cut down. for notice plus 10e per lme Our manufacturing techniques for verse. Classlfled adver- bave saved the public a great deul tisements acléepted Up until o! money. In sucb an operatian Wednesday noon. ORDERS FOR Brooder COAL Must BDe Placed Now We have been advised by the Coal Control- 1er we can get priority on a car load of Chestnut Coal (approximately 50 tons) - for Brooder purposes. In order to get this coal local chick rai. sers must place a signed order with us which, in turn, we are required to forward to the Fuel Controller. Parties interested should contact our office at once and get full particulars re- garding delivery, etc. We wilI do our part to sec that you get the brooder coal required, if you do your part. We are at your service. Sheppard & Gil Lumber Co. Ld. Phone 715 J. W. DeGeer, Manager TAKE VITAMINS Aiphamettes* $1, 1.85, 3.50 Seott's Emulsion 59c, 98C Ayerst 10D C.L.0 -------- 67c, $1.69 Mead's Oleum Per- comorphum -----75c, $3 Mead's Viosterol 65c, 3.25 Halibut 011 Caps ---- --69c, $1.50 100 Cod Liver 011 Caps ------------------ 98C 50 Capsules--------- $1.85 100 Capsules ----$3.25 aur plants cun be higber than pre- war. Conversion Plunned Has Gencral Matons made plans for conversion o! its plants? Yes. We have apprapriated large sums for thereconversion ta the production o! peacetime cars. The task o! resuming passenger car production now depends toaa MACLEANS mrooirH PASTE lui THURS., FEBRUARY 8th, 1945 PAGE FOUR THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO