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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Feb 1945, p. 5

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO *M- - - - - - - - -MUUMM - ville, where she wiii reside tili ed negative to the tuberculin test wouidn't you? 6after the war. within thirty days prior to ship- YOU CAN! Word has been received of the ment and the herd or herds in A pint of your blood will heip SOCI L A 4D PERS NALdeah ofSqd Ld. H.K. tinonwhich they originated must have to INSURE a Canadian fighter's SO IA A DLiRON Lday o snofSq Ld s. T. .19 O ron, gtve tetest within iife-by helping to RESTORE it.iirs' Phone 663 Stinson, Windsor, Ont. Buriai rlp qo h rvostev ots hpe oeeyfgtn rn i s Ptook place in Yorkshire, England. In the case of ail other cattie in plasma formi and used in CpI. Ross Richards, Ott ~~~~Sqd. Ldr. Stinson, who was born ietsfothanmlexredtoshebo fgnru cv- Cpi Ros RchadsOtawa, and er to The Statesman? There are at Janetviiie, attended Lindsaytieesfoteanmsexredtoshebodfgnruscv- Rev. E. L. Beech, Ripiey, visifed flot many in this class now as Coliegiate Institute. He went inciuding the entire herd in which jans has already cheated death Mf Mrs. Ross Richards and family. most of them have paid their overseas in December, 1940. He they originated, within the pre- untoid victims. But the NEED Mrs. Percy Cowan has just re- subscriptions in advance. Better was the hoîder of the D.F.C. A ceding 30 days. wil iast as long as war does. SR N ceived word from her son, Tom, do it now before your paper is cut brother, Lieut. Fred A. Stinson, is Its easy to pay this smaii in- ____________ that ha is servingin- the Tropics. Off. serving wth the Canadian NavyPOIIS surance premium in lasma Less The !en' s Club of St. John's Mrs. Fred Lewis fell down an t4e east coast. >i'-.j - tha anour of your time., No 195 tye . Church were pleased with the stairs Thursday, evening, break- < , k pain. Nothing to worry about. 19 5 Sye gif byOlverRobrt ofa dze in hr rghtwrst.Sheha NOPOITSNEEEDIn The ;Editor's Mail yBut the protection it buys is in- carept balîs, last week. since been confined to her home NO OINS NEDE Ofinîte in value. EVERY PINT IS Help to give youi Cpi. Byron Vanstone, Dart- and is grateful for assistance NOATON pontae_ LESSDE A!TNED if . T k moutb, N.S., spent the week-end given her by her neighbors, Mrs. DAH wihhsfml eebfr r-Robt. Nicholson and Mrs. Hooey. THOMPSON-YOUNGMAN need to purchase an ini- 108 So. 20th St., Won't you register today? You'll Fashions. ________wondad h poebalwoeuk psrnc oiy Yu euSa oe1 want to go agaîn-and again. Full Mrt.h a Mi br e befoKlpr par Te p r vei a w o lo ck p- A quiet but pretty wedding was s r n e plcyCo a an Jo Us 12, information as to hours of Osh- Mr. m. ilatrckparnty prcive aproonedsolemnized in Pontypool, Dec. 16 have as much protection as January 31, 1945. awa Clinic and transportation by have received word that their sbadow on Feb. 2, and decided wben Helen Elizabeth, daughterGetmn:apyg oAx cro r son AB W. . Klptrik Cagainst an early winter breakup. ofM.0 n Mrs. Edward Young- Yeu ned I would be very grateful if you Sur .Jms N., has arrived overseas. Sunday evening proved his man, and Donald Leslie, son of prophecy wben snow again feulRpaeetcssae wudpbiha ril nyu Mrs. Clarence Qsborne and to the dpho alafo. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Thompson, Rpaemn ossa e wudpubiish n artice din yourlo D nr onald were week-end get et fhî ot Tyrone, were united in marriage. nw o ak t nwpprtlin ftedabo lo oosJusi highe my aunt, Mrs. Catherine Altman, vhber parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. Ray J. Diiling, C.G.A., has Rev. S. Littiewood officiated. The the former Catherine Franklin, Mon., Jan. 29 - El1g in R. fWm.HeningOshwa.severe i oncinwt h edn ui a played by agency to check your in- on January 22nd, 1945, in a nurs- Bromeil, Bowmanviiie, llth dona- sy Mrs. R. W. Stocker has receiv- fir of Sheppard & Gi Lumber Mrs. George Grabam, sister of ighm tAaea aiona in li eds ent tl Co, and is now devoting his full the groom. surance NOW - before ighm tAaea aiona in li eds ent edwod ha hr usadPOti'étoauiin. e s reardShe suffered a stroke on the nigbt Flint, Bowmanville, 8th Robertnan W.ta acontStock fater, o haea 0s f December lst, 1944, which left Stella Norwick, Bowmanviile, 5th ared wordethat er sand ietoadiig H s rpre hebi e, gien i mariab ohav os er rigbt side very paraiyzed. She donation. Mrs. Iva L. McMann, o i as well as prepare in- street-iengtb white wool dress raiiied from that stroke and seem- omnil,4bdnto.Er ord b te aslen recived ane- crn;axrtun . witb halo of white munis and ft £I ed to be improving but suffered Luke, Hampton, lst donation.......... noucin te sfearrva ovr- Mrs. James Grant, wbo bas béeensboulder-iengtb veil. Her cor- .JS I~ another stroke on January 22ndI Wed., Jan. 31: A. E. Meliow, seas of Pte. James Martin of the wStucaseabetdatR.Nwcsteam etsdnaton Loy Paratroopers. ~visiting bier son, Mr. Ray Grant, sage was of pink, mauve and wihcue irdah ecsl,1t oain ly Paaropr.Belleville, is now witb ber son, white cbrysantbemurns and she Insurance and Real £state She was a native of Bowman- Crago, Bowmanville, litb dona- Port Perry man, Major James Mr. Ross Grant, Concession St. wpre a gold locket, the gift of the ville and was 75 years old. tion, A. W. Gienney, Douglas MacBrien, who is a veteran of the Mr. Ray Grant accompanied bis groom. Miss Myrtie Youngman Successor To J. J. Mason & Son Althougb sbe had lived in vani- Langman, Newcastle, ltb dona- North African campaign was nom- mother bere and stopped over was ber sister's oniy attendant. ous parts of the United States for tion. Mrs. C. F. Rice, Bowman- inated, Feb. 2, as Federal Pro- for tbe funeral of bis former em- She wore a street-iengtb blue Phone 681 rnany years, she bas always bad ville, 9tb donation. Noray O. Go- gressive Conservative Candidate ployee, the late F. F. Morris. wool dress witb matcbing head- King st. BowmanVille a very keen interest in Canadian been, Newcastle, 8tb donation. for Ontario South. The conven- Another popular dance wiîî be dress witb sboulder-lengtb veil. affairs. Sbe bad many childbood Mrs. E.* Wicks, Pte. N. Nicholson, tion was beld at Whitby. h eid in the High Scbooi Audi- Mr. Arthur Tbompson acted as friends in Bowmanville and bad Bowmanville, 7tb donation. Mrs. Mr.Ji DvitHaifxN..,torum Fidy vein, eb 1,____mafr_______________________ih om O Nrmn Ali, owaniled iesLdi s' District Manager Confederation under auspices of Club 15. Pro- After the reception the happy tbern up until tbe tîme she became donation. Mrs. Frances Clarke, L Life Association, attended a con- ceeds as usual wii be ailocated couple left amid sbowers of good to feature special steaks and roast Ili. I arn not acquainted witb any C.S.M. J. H. Williamns, Bowrnan- ference of bis company in To- 'for sending cigarettes to overseas wishes for points west. beef on their menus and at a of these people and, therefore, feel ville, tb donation. Mrs. A. H. Its fot too earlY ronto and visited bis father, Dr. service personnel. Funds from premium. an your paper is the Bickeli, Bowrnanvilie, 4tb dona- They are particule J. . Dvit, efoe rturin tb lat anc prvidd moks BH.S Slit TwenPedigreed sires of the botels' best means of letting tbem know tion. Sgt. W. G. Martin, Cpi. G. east. for about 100 from tbis district. farm will be used excîusively at of ber deatb. Seatne h.Uwn omnil,3ddn- vcalraoa The canine population decreas- Mrs. Walter Polley bas been Exhibition Bill tbe farm wbicb is in accord witb reunion in 1937 and visited Bow- tion. Cpi. N. R. Crowe, Pte.C. ed last week wben tbree con- bonorably discbarged from the With Petes the principle of bavîng eacb berd manville the previous year also. Smith, Pte. R. C. Newman, Pte. fused "fidos" were trapped in the R.CA.F. (WD). She bas been ____ responsible A~der the 'accredited During these visits she renewed J. H. Price, Bowmanvilie, 2nd sno-cayoed tretsan fe viitng erparnt, Rv.and Fniay"Be" oulin, Bw-herd"l systemn and thus facilitates many old friendsbips. donation. Joan E. Newton, LIC $191 beneatb the wbeeis of loaded Mrs. W. T. Brown, Harnburg, N.Y. manville's former coacb, confi- control of infection. In regard to Sewsasbcie fyu W. R. Branton, Cpi. R. W. J. Wili- transport trucks. Unidentified, Mrs.. Polley is now residing with dentiy brougbt bis Peterboro the supply of prime beef f or paper and anxiousiy awaited the bee, Pte. J. H. McLeod, Pte. D.M. there were no inquests. bier busband's parents, Mr. and teams to B.H.S., but was able to hotels, the extent of the market arrivai of eacb copy. Radcliffe, Bowmanville, lst do- Are you a delinquent subscrib- Mrs. George Polley of Bowrnan- cop only one game in a twin bas- is probably littie appreciated. The sisrn the dauger of eranolde. rai. e.2 odo ihlChil re 's C ketball tilt. In the first game Royal Family of Hoteis alone, ac- sisterthe frme lo aie franin. Fn., Feb.2:doronNholsUI E. B.H.S. Juniors, minus Dadson, cording to our estimate, serve Mada he, a ls a ativ5 ea of aCortie, lObo nvilFatin iArry Ev oud their ace forward, could not get probably from 10 to 12 tbousand aa ase wy35yasa oBrte, Bomnvsille; Frhdoainci . W aefudd rollng, nd t wa du onî tomeals daily, aside from other high wben I was a very young child. ByEnsiln t oain irloeg a rd ing as t tbe class catering establishments. Thanking you in advance for Cecil B. Jones, Orono, 7tb dona- sonin f getting Ci ketther fsbe aing .C.I. boys What this means as to price and your courtesy, I arn, sincerely, tion. Orial Edgerton, Bowman- aeasrdo n ct hek Ifast-raigPcl ose yrd quality may well be considered ARUVEDA E. OBERG. ville, 6th donation. Bryan W. aeasrdo fogtgame ail tbe way. Final among alert farmers. The leader- __________ Cramp, Bowmanville, Sth dona- FED RIJA1 Y score P.C.I. 20, B.H.S. 15. ship given by the wide-awake tion. John L. Rowe, Bowman- BALANCE 0F 1 Peterboro: Matbews, 2,, Graham, management ýof this hotel chain WiII You Give dile onan. Rusel, ocQ , 2Nw M. Richardson 3, Stewart 2, wili, we believe, bave a far-reach- dnto.RselMQad e-C E RN M Menzies 8, Lee 1, Connell 3, D. ing effect on tbe beef cattie busi- A Pint of castue; G. Rurnmerfieid, James C E RN luMRicbardson, Welsh 1, McKee. ness. IlLife InuanceVy Gordon, Bowrnanvilie, lst dona- REI Mi ~ ~ M ~ B.H.S.: Simpkin 6, Strike 2, D.____ tion. D.AMGrgr ~~ M ~ Rundie, Penfound 2, Boe, Cowie A srhasW rR cr Canadian names - bow many, Mo.,amesbow . mvie, t I * , m 4, S. Ferguson, Stevens, Martin 1, A srlasW rR cr no one knows-are written on the donti. J., LwawncieCydr-5thIhn D r W W W S a l e Bowles, Cilmore, Cox. Greater Than Canada's bullets, bombs and shelîs that thedoain J.Lwec re- B.H.S. Seniors won the second desperate enemy even now is man, Bowrnanville, l3tb donation. C u h o n game 48-43 but the game was not Canadians have become se ac- forging. Some are narnes you P. R. Cowling, Bowmanville, 12tb aclsastesoeidcts utre ogvrmn rp-ko ...ofnihos reddnto.ES.reNwTe smootb-working Bowman- ganda wbîch seeks to credit Can- relatives. castle, 9tb donation. P. Kowerko, PHONE 836 'v ~ fNille boys outscored the Petes ada with a whole array of "firsts" If you can belp save even ONE Courtice, 2nd donation. Capt. J.I W e In it Y u o o m 2- in the first half. In the third in tbe war effort that tbe contri- of these men wben "bis" bomb or E. Winters, Bowmanville, lst do- quarter a rejuvenated P.C.I. squad butions of other members of the bullet strikes . . . a rnan wbo nation. )à playing against B.H.S. subs hack- Commonwealth bave been over- rnight be your busband, son or A d the lead down to three points. shadowed. The latest platform sweetheart . . . y ou w o u 1 d, This is subscription time. A winner neyer quits. In a d L ok A oun Inthe fourth quarter, Bowman- performers wbo support the gov- ville regulars easily slowed down ernment dlaimi that total person- ________________tbe bot P.C.I. teami and in the nel in Canada's armed services closing minutes started to pull since 1939 runs to around a mil- away again. Lanky Rae Rundle lion. witb 18 points, was high scorer TeAsrla iitro a for B.H.S., wbile Plunkett witb i aret revanise of WAs O ~ f h p15 points was top man for P.C.I.inarct eewolofAs T o w n S h o Pees:Lee4, Roke4, ollnstraiia's war contribution in strik- Plunkett 15, Thompson 8, Court- ing figues which indicate that iney 1, Brown, Estlick 8, Richard- Canada falîs bebind that country son 3. in total war effort. Using compar- c __________________________________________________ B.H.S.: Mcllveen 6, Brown 7, ative figures contained in the R. Rundle 18, Moffatt 4, Clemence Minister's statement and the TO PURCHASE YOUR DRUG NEEDS __________________________________________________10, Sturrock 1, Wilcox, Passant 2, bookiet, "Canada at War" issued Cramp.' by tbe government, the picture AT YOUR I.D.A. DRUG STORE O.B.A. referee-Don Ferguson. adds up as follows: _________Canada Australia LOWEST We invite you to compare our prices with any other Population ----- 11,500,000 7,300,000 PRICESdrgsuc inteD m io ofC aa Hotel Manager Men enlisted __ 723,000 1,000,000 -------- dugsorc inth D miionofCaad Epan BefCasualties ---- 70,000 85,000 1. D.A. Cod Liver 011, 16 oz..... 69c 'q Farm Idea Killed ----------- 13,897 18,000 Australia bas been widely en- $.5Pnh msC m on.... 7 In the Jan. 25 issue, The States- gaged from the start of the war0,$ .5Pnh msC po d87 man publisbed an editorial based witb troops fighting in Africa, "'lDA.T leTise 5ro ..... c upon. reports in the daily press Italy, Greece, Crete and particu- . A T ieTsu,5 ol2 c whicb told of tbe establishment larly against the Japs. Her in-S cPie Cog Co on. . . 3c of a pure bred Hereford farm at dustrial production per capita bas50 ie Cog C mpud3 ' Nelson, Ont., by Canada's Royal been equally outstanding and bery -Family of Hotels, with the idea national debt bas more than £1u119RbuySap. .. . 2fo i ofsecuring prime quality beef for doubled. The dlaim that Aus- a i o ILx&Lfbo Sas2fr1 the botel chain wbicb includes the tralia stands second to Britain -r " of KigEdward Hotel, Toronto, tbe only in a total war effort appears CO $2.25 Lcoe 15 44 MuntbRdalfittingad ditri-obewl fudd Royal Cnagt Hmloand IDA --.&CTbes 0 ' 4 several otbers. The idea was furtber enlarged as encourage- lnteresting Figures A ent aogfresfrbte 5 Corega, Denture Powder.. .. 23c W PY REM M br aong adfarmers for betr From Bell Telephone 0F OURLOV ~p bution among those interested of Compay In Report OFTU OEA ue bre erd sires. It was in-'. 0 V "Allonburys" 25c Baby Cough was also part of the plan, active as in the present war ena. 3 sc o p 6.Rb,,, VERSTQ COM That the report was not whçlly The annual report of the Bell ,Ll il&____»- Du_ -1 Baly--------- 3 RINGS NICHOLSON - Arthur E., sud- effective Febnuary 1, 1945~. $25.0 updenfly, at St. Catharines, Ont., on Tbe only substantial change I Friday, Feb. 2, 1945, Arthur from the present regulations is in _________________________________________ Edwin Nicholson, beloved bus- respect to the certification of HLB RN E band of Florence Nicholson, in freedom fnom tubercuiosis in the j bis 63rd year, father of Alice case of cattle originatîng other "'" hnce a a r s u W A O V(Mrs. James E. Richards, Or- than in accredited berds or ac- i.e,±, tMW Hiut wyfivE MG OW AVLEternoon at 2.30 o'clock f romi the strictly range cattle. %TM Û family residence, 51 Queen St., Cattle exported from aneas in 8c LAURA SECORD CANDIESD UG St. Catharines. Interment Vic- Canada, whicb are in the process 8C15 R C toria Lawn Cemetery. 6-1* of accreditation, must bae1 rv Showing FASHIONS Colours . . Patterns .ài r winter-weary wardrobe forward peep at Spring isses' Sits I reeeived direct from the le fashion centres of Can- iassortment of styles and ors to suit every demand. ces at -.* 1395 & $19395 3pring Coats rto, make your selection. larly attractive and ser- ibly priced from .95up Moats Comling ifficulty the past two sea- :hildren's Coats, but we shipment very shortly. OUR WINTER COATS AT SUBSTANTIAL "DUCTIONS ston & Cryderman BOWMÂNVILLE s.The quitter neyer wins. Wck. up your Ivr deunse your $yt*I foel flghtlng fit by ENO'S "FRUIT SALT" COUGè ECIALTY REDOR PHONE 792 - WE DELIVER 11 >. THURS., FEBRUARY 8th. 1945 PAGE FV j

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