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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Feb 1945, p. 6

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PAGE SIX _____________________ ~1VitiIN, D~J W 1VU~IN V 1LL.~, UN TAIUU THTJRS., FEBRUARY eth, 1945 'P-W :i3TT T..T A'BOMNVLE OTRI HUS Newcastle Red Cross Society Reports Active Year Despite the temperature ing around zero, there was ly large attendance at the meeting of the Newcasi] Cross Society wbicb was the Council Chamber on day evening, January 25. The meeting opened witl er by Rev. D. R. Dewdne the president, Miss Beatrî Intosh, in the chair. Mi Intosb in her openîng r4 extended a sincere welcomr in attendance. Secretary's Report Mrs. Robert Gibson prE ber annual report wbichc ed of a resume of the year's Membership is 274, this ir members of Lake Shore, E and Newtonville Red Crose EE b. S . ehover- who work as part of Newcastle is a fair- Branch. Twelve regular meet- aannual ings and two special meetings tIe Red were held. held in As a fund raising activity the 1Thurs- Branch opened a "Superfluity Shop." The shop was on the h pray- front street and was open on July oy with 15 and August 19. On both days rix Mc- afternoon tea was served on the iss Mc- lawn of the Community Hall. This remarks venture was such a success that ie to all the members hope to continue it this summer and would ask citi- zens to bear this in mind when 'esented spring house cleaning time comes consist- around and they are sorting over s work. their surplus possessions. includes Through the kindness of Lever Brown's Bras. their show, "Lifebuoy ss Units Follies," played here on May 4. On Oct. 31 the Massey-Harris Combines produced their show here. Both productions added Sconsiderably to our funds. > < We paid for 120 lbs. honey ship- -ped through Newtonville Insti- tute. This honey 'is mostly dis- ______ tributed to the civilian war suf- ferers in Britain, particularly to, chlrnin war nurseries and or- Sphanages. The Branch continued its prac- tice of sending Christmas boxes to, enlisted men and women from Newcastle and Viinity. We sent 77 boxes overseas and 59 boxes in Canada, a total of 136. Tbe overseas box contained 2 lb.-tin of boney, Christmas cake, cheese, Ritz biscuits, Kleenex, and a magazine. The Canadian parcel consisted of a pound box of cndy. cOur ec-iewr aado peinoaeteraokthewas do war who was gravely ili and we bave also assumed ail cost of medical supplies and tried to help alleviate the suffering of a citi- zen wbo was hopelessly i11 witb cancer of the tongue, and who has now been relieved of his suffering by death. At Cbristmas time we sent a hamper to a family on re- quest of the Inspector of Mothers' Pension Board, also a hamper ta the home of the citizen previous- ly mentioned. irs w so id she would not out paying tribute to the follow- ing for their valuable assistance 'I She Relies On MILK All housewives today are energy coxscious. It is the wise woman that counts on nulk to provide her with the necessary essentials of a good diet. In milk, she has a source of vitamins, proteins, calcium and phosphorous al needed for healthful living. and help, therefore on behs Pthe Branch she extended sincere thanks and apprecie Dr. J. A. Butler, Chairman Cross campaign Comn., anc committee for the splendid su. $1,555.33 which was forward( aHeadquarters. In speaking o -campaign committee, speciali stion is due Mr. J. H. Smth,.i ager Bank of Commerce, wl ably acted as Treas., which w realize entailed a great des work. Mr. A. E. Mellow, Douglas Ward and ail who h< on behaif of the Blood Do Clinic, also those wbo drove1 cars in taking donors to the C in Oshawa. Newcastle H Electric Comn. for assuming' of newspaper publicity in re to Lifebuoy Follies. Lake Si Brown's, Newtonville Red C units for their valuable assisti during the past year. Junior Cross, Newcastle Public Scl for donations to our funds. Frank Gibson who made and nated a handsome centrepi and a pair of lovely pillowc on which tickets were sold $45.00 realized. Mrs. Je: Brown for lovely hand-r cushion, on which the Junior Cross sold tickets and raised $30.00. They donated $10.OC this to our funds. Mrs. Fr Kimbaîl and group of Port Gi by ladies for quilts received. genial caretaker Sandy Mc and Mrs. Moffat who have 1: such a help to us by assistiný willingly whenever called upi Treasurer's Report Mrs. D. B. Simpson, Treasu gave hier financial stater showing receipts $2,946.87; penditures $2,457.10. The Ti surer called attention of meeý to two items: The amount of monthly collections which made up of a house to house shop to shop collection, condu( by members of the local Cross. This collection with a exceptions of larger amounts cheques is made up of small si anywhere from 10 cents to $1 sometimes a collector (and Treasurer herseif is one of th( gets discouraged when she ha: cail several times in one moi "No one in," "one can't in change,'" "pay day is not he: but wben the full amount is in up at the end of the year, one feel nothing but pride in the sult. It averages between $ and $900 each year, which is w~ derful. The second Item is large amount made by our fi raising events and the sr amount of expense incurred.' amount received from fund ri ing events, $50018; expers $21 .19. 61%deld 'iw Packing Commiittee Miss Cora Butler, Convener Packing Committoe, presen ber report showing 2056 arti( shîpped. Miss Butler's report'% very informative, showing large amount of work this cc mittee bas accomplished.1 committebas charge of pa, ing and farwarding to the 1 Cross Warebouse in Toronto articles made in this Bran There were 36 cartons packed sent away in 1944. Hospital Supplies The bospital supplies consis- of band towels, wasb cloths, ha: kerchiefs, bed pads, bandag Pillow cases, bospital bed jack and dressing gawns. Tbe knitted articles wore h mets, alternate caps, gloves, soc tuck-ins, sleeveless sweate round neck long sleeved sweate turtle neck long sleeved sweate capture scarves. The civilian articles cansisted complote layettes, also babi, knitted bootees, jackets, bonn. and vests, bibs, diapers, nigl gowns 0f flannelette, also par dresses, pinafore dresses ai blouses for girls and comfart bal Miss Butler, in clasing ber ve interesting report, wisbed thank the other mombors of t] sbipping committee for their c operation. The quilts wore moE ly muade by outlying u n i I Brown's, Lake Shore, Newto: ville and a number were se: from Port Granby. The afgbai wero made by school children. Reports wero read from Ne,ý tonville, Brown's and Lakesboi Red Cross Units, all sbowing great deal of work undertakE 01U98?mflow Tliat Canada Is the largest produoer of newsprint ln the. world. ln le Ove years 1939-1943 Canada produced 15,873,833 tons of newsprinL Tnat the Ixrchase and holding of Vltary Bonds aO rn uI o 1 abd War Savlngs Certf Icates are vital ta Canada's wareffort. They are your searityagalnstlnflaton. CARLIN G'S THIE CARLING BREWERI ES LINITED D4"@ sic of of various groups both men iind them women, and individual memi5ers atio: H E wbo have' given so generously of iRed their time and effort. cl hisThe coming year is likely to I bispresent many new problems, bav- um of ing to do with post-war recon- led to struction, welfare work amongst f the families of members of the armed men- forces, the reception of returning man- mon, etc. Miss McIntosb felt sucb ho soproblems should not be the sole ve allcare of a small group of women al of but the problemns of both men and Mr. women of the cammunity. She lped felt it was absolutely essential mnors CD &W & that the executive be strengthen-i thAWAY ed by the addition of a number of linic L men on whose advico and help ydro JIT *~ we can depend. INH LE'lH At the conclusion of the ui hoe S O j ING HEii, ness of the annual meeting, Reeve Cos FUMES 01F 4 olectiontee officers for 1945:1 tance Hon. Presidents - Miss Annie .Red Drummond, Reeve C. R. Carvoth; ýhool * Hon. Vice President - Dr. J. A. Mr. Butler; President - Miss Beatrix 1 do-e~t Mclntosh; lst Vice President - îece,..~aU Mrs. P. Hare; 2nd Vice President cases -Mrs. Wallace Holmnes; Treasur- and er - Mrs. D. B. Simpson; Secre- rry tary - Mrs. Robert Gibson; Cam- nade paign Cbairman - Dr. J. A. But- Red ler; Women's War Work Coin. over ________________ Chairman - Miss Beatrix Mcmn-f 0 of tosh; Next of Kin Liaison Officer1 rank and accomplished. -Rev. R. E. Morton; Returningc ,ran- Overseas Personnel Li.aison 0f- Our Junior Red Cross ficer-Rev. D. R. Dewdney. Tbrees offat Mr. T. A. Rodger presented the members to tbe executive: Mr.3 been report of the Jr. Red Cross in the Percy Hare, Mr. Douglas Ward,D Lg 50 two rooms of Newcastle Public Mr. A. E. Mellow and also a rep- )on. Scbool. The Jr. Red Cross had resentative from oacb of the Red been acting during 1944. The Sr. Cross Units. Auditor- J. H.J Room bhad raised $45.62 and the Smith. ent Jr. Roomn $82.00, besides the pu- Trare'Rpotfr14 ext pils had made manual training Tesr sReeotfr14 'rea- articles for sale, gathered milk Bal. on band, 1943 -----$ 142.95 tîgweed floss, made felt shoes, tw0 Red Cross Camptign ---1,155.33 the afghans and knit 18 wash cloths. Monthly Collections ----- 839.27 are Biood Donors Donation, Brown's --------- 50.03d and Mr. A. E. Mellow in presenting Donation, Jr. Red Cross __ 12.50 t ýcted bis Blood Donors report stated Donation,- M.-H. Players_- 45.79 r Red last year was not quite as good as Spec. dona., Xmas Boxes 50.00 f few 1943; blood donations for 1944 Spec. dona., Xmas Boxes 75.00 C and being 233. The average number Dona., Roomn 2, drawr---- 10.00h ;umis of donations bas increased as we Miscel. donations ----- 26.35 9 1.00, now bave anly 58 active donors. Sale of Salvage ------------ 25.50 b the These 233 donors gave over 20 Sale of Fats, Miss Coucb_ 5.96 a ýe) gallons of blood, sufficient to pro- Material to Lake Shore - 7.15 c is to duce plasma for 77 transfusions or Fund Raising Events: f nth, to save the lives of perhaps 26 Lifebuoy Follies ----- 250.90 tI ake wounded. Superfluity Shop, Tea e re" Mr eîo eî ht o acm July ---------------------- 147.70 Il cae Mr elwfl tfraci- August------------------ 56.18 tI iaemunity this size this is a fairly Draw, Quilt, etc --------- 45.40b can good record but wo can stili do Refund, Xmas Boxes .86 i re- better and we want every bealtby 800 person between the ages of 21-55 $2,946.87 c. on- to be a blood donor. Those ar- ExpendituresA the ranging transportation have spent Ont. Div. Campaign ---$1,155.33 F und a great deal of time on the work Ont. Div., War Work --- 500.00 R naîl and some car owners have made Brit. Sailors' War Relief_ 10.00 A The considerable sacrifice that their Wool, etc., from Ont. Div. 453.56G ais- cars might be used. There is still Local Purchase, Sewing- 27.43 Ej nses a great need for cars and we hope Stationery & Stamps --- 9.59 0 car owners will give the use of Phones, Advt., Express__ 2.85 la their cars for at least one trip a Servicemen's Boxes ---- 206.12 gi r o year. All those wbo bave helped Exp., Lifebuoy Follies -- 13.83 S. ted in this work will be particularly Superfluity Shop------ ----- 4.36 I' ýles glad of their part when the boys Draw Tickets ------------ 3.00 ai was come home. Newtonville, Honey r8.00 the Dr. J. A. Butler, Convener of Massey-Harris Players -- 2.32 Im- Red Cross Campaign, spoke of his Peacetime Work: n( The excellent committee who took Dona. Gt. War Veteran 25.00 to ck- such pride in their work and did Surgical Supplies ---- 19.04 sa Red it so willingly and gratefully. Christmas Hampers ---- 6.67 ail Rev. R. E. Morton noxt of kmn Bal., Jan. 15, 1945 ------ 489.77 nch. liaison officer, gave his report as - V and also did Rev. D. R. Dewdney who $2,946.87 pr is returning overseas personnel Eileen M. Simpson, Treasurer. Ci liaison officer. Articles Sent to Division pr Votes of tbanks were extended Knitted ------------------ ---230 td to Mr. J. H. Smith and staff of theCvian--------58 n-Bank of Commerce for auditing Hospital -----------------------1166 e: ges, the books and also typing out fi- Bankets and quilts--------- 73 fri :ets nancial statement. To Mr. and Comifort Bags and Kits ------ 2 by cl- Mrs. Harold Couch in appreciation Afghans ------------------ -- 3 on ks of their kindness in moving ail Total Articles Sent-----2056- ' cartage free of charge. ers' Members heard witb regret that. Cora Butler, Convener 0f Pack- rs, Mrs. J. C. Hancock was resigning îgCmite ~rfrom the office of lst Vice Presi- Audited by J. H. Smith. 1 fdent. Mrs. Hancock's advico and 0fs belp has been an inspiration to, Lets ail members. Sewlhwvr e c sl lts continue as She wioeer, N wUn-l cty der ber direction 230 knîtted ktgCanvlPoeBi Lnd articles shipped in 1944 were Skaig CivlPrvs i tgs. muade. Mrs. Hancock bas charge The carnival at Newcastle Rink cyof all the wool purchased and on Wednesday evening was a ry, distributes it to the knitters, great success. While there were the wbîch in itself, entails a great nat as many as expected in cas- c deal of work and responsibility. tumsilte wraget ist-Mrs Hacoc basals asConen-number of skaters on the ice. t er oaf the Christmas Cheer Coin- After the judging by Miss Cora n- mittee, superintended the pack- Butler and T. A. Venner, the mting and shipping of the Christmas skaters and their friends adjourn- isboxes sent tai enlisted men and e otekthno h omn women from Newcastle and vicin e taltlekithen fthe rivComn- f terrprshd enpeet mittee bad long tables set witb a reedtherrersd h dd be peetetempting array of bot Boston ar mdtePeietaesdte baked beans, relishes, bread, but- en meetng. Miss McIntosh saîd she ter and coffee. The children had wssrafter bearing the dif- chocolate malted milk instead of =feront reports, they would see coffee. that Newcastle Red Cross in its H. T. Manes, tho hardworking share of tbe work for the allevi- and capable president- of New- ation of suffening, wbether in war castle Rink Association, presided. or peace, bad met with a vory As winners were read out by gaod rosponse from the people Of Harry Ward they were presented Newcastlo and district. We hadwihterpzsbyM. an. of mony anda lare proprtionLady-rs.J. H.s vMth.Herne is noara, but wnmcn doos a big icdbeans; Miss-Pauline DeLine pioce of work. This is the com- who also acted on the Refresh- mitteo composed of Mrs. Herbert ment Committee; George Walton Toms, Mrs. Howard Toms, Miss for danating the park; Mrs. E. Ethel Lockbart, wbo do all the Hoar for making tbe coffee, and cutting out of the garments. all the othor ladies who had belp- Miss Mclntosh also expressed ed and were holping that evoning ber appreciation of the work of witb the suppor; also George Rab- the monthly canvassers: t h e inson and bis helpers wbo are re- Men's Committee,'whcrtlo the can- spansiblo for cloaning the snow vassing for the campaign. She and providing the ice. No matter expressed ber thanks ta tho very what the weather was like, Mr. capable group of officers who bad Robinson and bis holpers were an assisted ber, also ta the convonors the job at the rink. To George 1Butler for looking after the cabin and keeping on fires so it would be warm for skaters to put on and take off their skates. Newcastle Skating Rink was made possible through the efforts of a group of interested citizens. The Rink was started last year at the south end of the Park, bor- dering on the highway. This year it was enlarged to a size of 60 f t. by 120 ft., and enclosed by a 4-ft. fence, the boards of which were painted White through the kind- ness and generosity of J. A. Smith. The average citizen doesý not realize the enormous amount of work and planning that was neceSSary to make the rink what Il is today. Ail owe a debt of gratitude to the unselfish bard working members of the Associa- tion who have been responsible for bringing such a lot of pleasure and recreation to both children and adults by making the rink possible. This excellent committee con- sists of T. H. Manes, President; Miss Pauline DeLine, Sec'y-Treas; P. Hare, lst Vice Pres.; H. Ward, 2nd Vice Pres.; also John Rickard, George Walton, Earl Walton, Stanley Graham, Mrs. Douglas Wright, Donald Jose. The funds for the rink were raised by dances, bingo games ,etc., under auspices of the committee. Committee responsible for the success of the carnival were: T. H. Manes, George Walton, Chairman; Mrs. Douglas Wright, Miss Pau- line DeLine, H. Ward, Percy Hare, Earl Walton, F. Graham, Donald Jose.1 NEWCASTLE BASEBALL CLUB GETS OVERSEAS MAIL The Newcastle Basebaîl Club is doing a fine job in keeping in touch witb many from that dist- rict wbo are serving on the active fronts overseas. Warden C. R. Carveth brought in a budget of letters lately' roceived wbich gives expression ta tbanks for boxes, gum, cigarettes, eats and articles sent by the Club. The complete list is rather too longthy for full inclusion berein, but al the lotters are in buoyant mood, even from the seasick, airsick and the wounded. Ah dcaim that these home contacts are morale builders of higb order, and all hape ta be home in 1945. The budget includes letters a'nd cards from the following: Pte. R. A. Faster, Can. Army, England; F'O W. G. Cotter, attacbed ta the R.A.F.; LAC H. W. Deline, R.C. A.F.; Tom Woodward, England; Gnr. Gea. F. Buckley, Holland; Sgmii. A. R. Rowe, Italy; Cfm. H. 0. Hockin, Italy; CpI. A. O. Pol- lard, R.C.A.F., enclosing a pro- gram and Christmas menu; Gnr. S. W. Coucb, Holland; D. R. Van- >usen with Christmas greotings and Pte. L. E. Rogersan, Italy. No one would ever love bis neigbbor as bimself if ho listened to ahl the "buts" that could be said.-Bulwer-Lytton. To refuse ta seo in others that whicb one doos not wish ta ex- press in one's self is ta reduce the GoIdon Rule ta bourly and daily practice.-Alma Sbierbaum. You only got rid of your nomies by making them your riends; and you can only do that 3y loving your enemies; that is )ne of the great "laws of lîfe." -Sir Wilfred Grenfoîl. 3,11 %on Guaranteed <J 4/OTrust Certificaites ISSUED for any amont .... for a term of five years . ... guaranteed both as to principal and interst .... Intcrest cheques rnailed to reach olders on due date, or, at older's option, rnay bc allowed to accumnulate at compound interest. An ideal investment for individuals, coin- panies; authorized by Iaw for cemetery boards, -executors and other trustees. THE STERLING TRUSTS CORPORATION Sterling Tower, Toronto 33 years In Business The just, though they hate evil,1 It .is of less importance that we yet give men a patient hearing; receive from- mankind justice,. hoping that they will show proofs than that we deserve it. that they are fot evil. -Mary Baker Eddy. PAGE SIX THE CANAmAm UnIIMffAWTIrTT TV r%%TMA-ý- -il -. m

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