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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Feb 1945, p. 4

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PAGE POUR THURS., FEBRUARY 22nd, 1945 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANV~LE, ONTARIO Blackstock* A pleasing number of people attended the pot luck supper and crokinole on Thuîsday, sponsored by the W.M.S. in the basement of United Church. The fine supper was much enjoyed and the win- ners at crokinole wvere Mrs. Ern- est Larmer and Earl Dorreli. St. John's Wý,A,-Iet Feb. 15 at Mrs. Arthur Bailey's. W.A. Lit- any and prayers were led by Pres. Mrs. Simpson. A letter was read from Mrs. Poole, Deanery officer, asking for clothing for "Save the Children Fund" for the childien of war-torn countries. It was de- cîded to buy material and make articles for this fund. Arrange- ments are started for bazaaî and tea. Mrs. Arthur Rahm was in charge of this program: reading from the Living Message by Mrs. F. Crawford; îeading, "What Have You Done Today? by Mrs. Velva Bailey, and a Valentine contest. A.Y.P.A. met at Arthur Baley's. on Feb. 13, and took the form of a Valentine party under the cap- able direction of Miss Edith Pet- ers. There were stunts, games, a Valentine contest and a Valentine lunch. A very enjoyable evening was spent. Mrs. William Steele is confined to her bed from the effects of a stroke. Her daughters, Mrs. Rus- sell Willan and Mrs. Ada Rapley, Toronto, are in attendance. Mis. R. B. Harrison is in Napanee visiting her father who is very sick. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Wilson, To- ronto, and Miss Janet Swain, Osh- awa, with Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Swain. Mrs. John Argue, Bowmanville, with Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Devitt. Misses Pearl Wright and Gwenyth Marlow, Toronto, and Kathleen Wright, Scugog Island, with their parents. Sympathy is extended to the Trewin family on the death o! their brother, Herbert Trewin, Ottawa. AAM I * PALMOLIVÈ ZReg. ld Giantd SUAF 2Cake. I, Cakes SUIPEIRSU3DS Pkg24e< '. OGIL VIE GATS 5 Àl D VLb it< 3-L-b. VITA 13CEREAL Bagi Bag1 S ROYAL 7-Lb. FOR HOUSEHOLO Bag DOG BISCUITS 1-Lb.i WUATEITERRIER KIBBLE l2 Pkg. COR14STARCH Benson's 2 ks PA1NCAIKE ]LUD Jmima TEA NECTAR Lb. QUAKER NUIFFETS 2 k. A CHR WAX 234 380 24% 259 23< 25e 19< 13< 63e 17e 8-az. 58e 16-oz. 98e - 1-Lb. Tin 59< CHR SPEED COAT BtI. 59 WOODBURY',S SOAP 2 Cakes 15e SOAP JERGEN'S TOILEr Cake.4 COIN SYRUP CROWN Tin .22< TONATO SOUP Campbel'& 2 Tins Il7< LA RD MAPLE LEAF 2 Lb.. 33< IVORY SOAP 0 2 Cakes.Il7e ANN AGEEnJoy RtealIy Fr..!, MILE BREADA &P BOKAR _HT rO WN CGFFEE L24 O.i ý L 5 2 LoAVzis 1 5 fln STEAKS OR ROASTS PORTEIHOUSE, SIRLOIN, WING Lb. 41< BONELESS ROUND« Lb. 394 BLADE ROAST - Lb. 25e PRINE RM# iE; 5 i" *0 Lb- 31% FRESH FEED LOT LAMB LEGS Lb. 410 FRONTS Lb- 21< BACON, CHOICE BREAKFAST, Sliced Lb. 449 FISH FOR LENT SEA HERRING Lb. 12e HALIDUT STEAKS « Lb. 39e SNGOKED FILLETS . Lb.- 339 a = .11 É 11 GRAPEFRUIT, Marth Seediesa 96'. 3 for 179 Catiforna l76'. 3 ORANGES Navel dz 3 LENONSCalifornia, Large 300& ~q'iii0~ Califarnia Iceberg, LE~M ME ii, Jumbo 48 Sire Dor. 39e Head 139 Newtonville Visitors: Rev. and Mrs. J. Mc- Lachlan in Peterboro. .. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Redknap in Oshawa ..Mis. J. Morris, Orono, at Wil- liam Stapleton's. . . Miss Marion Samis, Bowmanville, at home.. Mrs. Wright, Moorish, guest o! Mrs. Ida Paedon. . . Mr. Harold Elliott, Traverse City, Mich., with his sister, Mrs. T. A. Reid. .. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Stapleton, Osh- awa, with Mr. and Mrs. Max Stapleton. .. Mrs. Roy.Stacey is suf!ering with another abscess on her arm. Edna Denault entertained her girl fîiends at a birthday party, Satuîday. Bert Samis kindly brought his team and sleigh and took them all for a jolly sleigh ride. Upon their return all join- ed in a lively sing-song after which a bountiful supper was served including a beautiful birthday cake. Wilbert H-rancock attended the funeral of' Lorne Pearce at Port Hope, Sunday. Mr. Elwood Moore, Oshawa, with his sister, Mrs. Jas. Stark. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dix, Marilyn and Donald, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. C. Dix. Mrs. I. Stark and John, Stark- ville, at Jas. Staîk's. Little Winnifred Gibbs cele- brated her 4th birthday on Friday When 10 little guests were en- tertained. World's Day of Prayer was oh- served in the Presbyterian Church on Friday. Miss J. Thompson and Mis. C. Burley, Presidents of both W.M.S. societies, presided. Mrs. J. McLachlan gave the address on "Christ For Ahl of Life." Mrs. A. Redknap sang a solo, "Take My Life and Let It Be." Rev. J. McLachlan and Mrs. Mc- Lachian are leaving almost im- mediately for their new charge at Whitevale. Rev. McLachlan at- tended Presbytery in Oshawa, Thursday, when Rev. R. E. Mor- ton, Newcastle, was appointed In- terim Moderator for this charge until a new pastor has been chosen. Mrs. Norman Samis bas been taken to Oshawa Hospital for X-ray. The Y.P.U. enjoyed a skating party followed by lunch, Monday evening. On Feb. 12 the Y.P.U. meeting took the form of a St. Valentine's paîty. About .10 were present. Lunch was served. Mrs. T. A. Reid visited in To- ronto. Mr. Harold W. Elliott, Mich., visited his sister, Mrs. T. A. Reid. He had several skiing trips visit- ing his Clarke relatives. Harold is a Kendal boy, now a merchant in Traverse City, Mich. Burketon Visitors: Tpî. Harold Avery home on fuîlough . . . Mis. J. Carter in Toronto . . . Mi. and Mis. W. Slingerland, Bowman- ville, Mi-. Ross Hubbaîd, Oshawa, with Mi. and Mis. B. Hubbard... Mis. A. Aldîed and Ruth in Lind- say. .. Mr. R. Davey in Toronto . . . Misses Doreen and Doîothy Cook, Bowman'ViUe, Mi. Frank Westlake, Solina, with Mi. and Mis. Cook. Bei-t Hoskin bas had an opera- tion for appendicitis. Zion Visitoîs: Mi. and Mis. F. B. Glaspel at Ivor Geiry's, Toronto ... Mis. Harvey Balson, Oshawa, at Robt. Killen's. Master Glenn Balson retuîned home witb ber ..Miss Gwcn Huîcock, Oshawa, with ber parents, Mi. and Mis. N. Hiîcock. .. Miss Helen Cameron with Miss Joan Gwyer, Oshawa ..Tracy Glaspel, F. B. Glaspel, Ah!. Ayîc attended Canadian Sbeep Breedeis banquet at To- ronto . . . Jack Cîuicksbanks in Toronto . . . Mis. Thos. Martin and Mis. Robt. Killen each had a quilting. . . Mis. Adam Hawley, Peteiboro, at A. T. Stainton's. Mus. A. T. Stainton îetuîned home with be... Mi. and Mis. Gerîy Glas- pel and Alan at Donald Yellow- lees', Columbus. .. Mi. and Mis. Tracy Glaspel at Toronto. .. Mis. Ralpb Wilbur witb ber sister, Mis. Hooey, Port Peîîy. . . Mi. and Mis. Mcl. Morgan attcnded the wedding o! Miss Theirna Crozier and Bruce Beaîe at Port Peîîy United Cburcb on Saturday. . . Mis. Norman Leach at John Kivell's, Solina. .. Lloyd and Boyd Ayre attended tbe Ontario Crop Improvement banquet at Toronto. Haydon Dcepest sympathy is cxtended to Mis. Wesley Thompson and family in the sudden passing o! a loving husband and fatheî. tMus. H. J. Werîy is veîy ilI at ber sister's, Mis. J. D. Brown, Orono. Mis. Lloyd Ashton bas been with her mother. W.A. packed fine boxes for boys in the service. Ladies met at Mis. E. A. Mc- Ncil's the past two weeks for quilting. LAC Roy Graham is stationcd at Dartmouth, N.S. Mi. and Mis. Bruce Gar-aid, Taunton, at Mi. C. Gaîîaîd's. Mis. R. McNeil is improved. Milton Siemon bas resigned as Sec'y-Tîeas o! oui Public School a!teî 25 years o! faith!ul service. Alymer Beech succeeds hîm. Spi. Frank Osmond and Cpi. Bei-t Ashton have sent their wives several souvenirs from Holland, among the things Spi. Osmond has sent are floweî bulbs, dutch shoes and china figures; some things from Cel. Ashton are cherîywood bowls, an oul painting and some Antwerp crystal. LAC Lawrence Rosenfield, Trenton, at Mi. E. Bîadley's. If we keep out eycs on the faults of others, we will faîl over oui own. THEN MONEY is NEEDECD 17 YOU are absent indef- initely fram your job as a resuit of an accident,. who loses? YOU DO! Yau can prevent your lois of incarne while unable ta do yaur work, with an Accident palicy. Ask this agency ta teil you more about it. Stuart RL James Insurance and Real Estato Successor To 3. J. Mason & Son Phone 681 King St. Bow=nnvifle Enniskillen Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Howard Oke, Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Johnston, Oshawa, at Walter Oke's. . . Mrs. L. Lamb and Ruth with her sister in Cobourg. .. Mrs. R. Ormiston with her mother, Mrs. H. Werry, Orono, who is very iii. .. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Ashton, Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Ashton and Lois at Mr. I. Travell's, Oshawa. The snow plough started for the north but is succeeding slowly. C.G.I.T. was held at Miss Isa- belle Rahm's. Merle Oke led in prayer; Jean McLaughlin read from the Bible. Joan Lewis favored with a song. It was de- cided to start on our C.G.I.T. study book. Lunch was served. C.G.I.T. girls will entertain the Mission Band in the church base- ment on March 3rd. Next C.G.I.T. meeting at Miss Judith Stenger's. Ebenezer Mission Circle girls met at the home of Miss Ann Holt on Feb. 14, for a special Valentine meet- ing. Mrs. C. Hockins presided. Mrs. Archie Muir, Jr., took the devotional and led in prayer. Mrs. Harry Gay gave a reading. Miss A. Hoît read the story of St. Val- entine and Mrs. Harold Muir favored with a vocal solo. A bus- iness period followed each girl answering the roll caîl with a Valentine verse. Gamnes and con- tests were enjoyed. Lunch was served to about 25. Mrs. W. Brown and Nancy with Mrs. Neil Hamm, Peterboro. Miss Velma Gay, Bowmanville, at home. Cadrnus Visitors: Mr. and Mis. Edgar spent Saturday evening with Mr. and Mis. James McKee. . . Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Mountjoy visited at Mr. Nelson Marlow's on Sun- day. .. Misý Guelda Johnston of Ottawa, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gea. Johnston. . . Misses Muriel and Jetta McKee, Oshawa, with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam McKee. A number from here attended the dance at Nestieton, Friday nîght. Mrs. Oscar McQuade is confined to her bed through illness. We wish her a speedy recovery. Yes, peaple bath aid and yaung, are realizing that Milk is the healthiest faod, as weli as the cheapest food, yau can buy Serve Ba w manv iil e Dairy Milk at EVERY meal for a healthy faniily. Bowmanville Dairy PHONE 446 1 Starkville Mrs. Ewart Robinson and son have retuîned from Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. A. Dobson and Mrs. Llew Hallowell in Orono. Mr. and Mrs. Sid Hallowell and family at H. Rusk's, Port Hope. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Stapleton and son, Oshawa, at W. A. Hallo- well's.1 Mr. and Mrs. J. Stark and fam- ily, Newtonville, with Mrs. I. Stark. Mr. and Mrs.- Sid Hallowell at Mrs. S. G. Hallowell's. There was a successful card party at the school. Messrs. Minto, McKay and V. Farrow were in Port Hope. Mrs. Sid Hallowell with Mrs. Laverne Farrow. Mrs. Silver in Oshawa. Ke.ndal WHEN WE TEST YOUR EYES YOU ARE ASSURED PERFECT SATISFACTION UN FIT AND PRICE Capssuls e --- $1.25, Food, j StopsronchiCoug Capsus-----e $1C25,i$2.25Fo$5 Stops reopchia ou Ltquld ---$1.15, $2.45, $4.45 $1.00 bottie Enfield W.A. met at the home of Mrs. G. Bowman. Progîam consisted o! a paper by Mrs. W. Bowman and readings by Mrs. A. Prescott and Mrs. L. Simpson. Due to bad roads only six members were present. Miss Stella Best and Miss Myrtle Tamblyn, Orono, with Mrs. W. Bowman. Our pastor braves the raads and weather almost every Sunday to hold services with the "faithful few." Our mail courier is alsô doing a fine job of delivering mail con- sidering the roads he has to break. Hamipton Soft as a fleecy clou! 25C ln bo Thermogene Rab ----- 43ef TherMogefle Cotton ---49e Buekley's Rab,.--.- 30c, 500 Buekley's Mixture 40e, '75e :~A!tLE1 REOULAR LAME 1K Z 9 Z l 647 SPECIAL PRICES 300 A.S.A. Tablets 39e Pinkham's Comp. 87c 3 Cuticura Soap ---65c 100 Halibut 011 Caps 98c Pinex Camp ----------- 32C Pebecea le Sale ------30c FOR COLDS Vita Vax Capsules $2,50 Wampole's Extraet------------- $1.00 Mason'h "49" -. 40c, 75e Alphamettes $1, 1.85, 3.50 Calcium A Caps $1.10, $2 Visitoîs: Miss Myrtle Falls, Peterboro, and Pte. Earl Buîley, Newmaîket, at home. .. Mis. Wes- ley Elliott home from Orono... Mi. and Mis. Don Oke, Toronto, at James Hoy's. .. Mi. and Mis. Jack Glover, with her mother, Mis. A. G. Darlington. . . Mis. Sam Geach, Bowmanville, with her parents, Mi. and Mis. Mc- Roberts. . . Mi. and Mis. Loft- house and daugbteîs with Mr. John Stewart and Katie. .. Mis. Shirley Cooper and Arlene witb Mis. Lorne Martineil. . . Robt. Alexander and Arthur Lowe, To- ronto, at home. .. Mi. and Mis. Vance Allin and family with Mi. and Mis. Wm. Mercer. . . Mr. David Vannatto and Cecil motor- ed to Victoria Harbor, Saturday, for Mis. Vannatto, whb has been attending her mother, Mis. Moore ...Mis. Wil!red Roughley and sons, Oshawa, witb Mis. Thorne. We understand Mis. Roughley and the boys are moving into oui vil- lage to reside, in the near future. Welcome folks! Arthur Thompson, who suffer- cd a severe axe cut in his leg, is home fîomn Bowmanville Hospital, afteî having the stitches îemoved. An amusing and enteitaihing social evening was beld in the Sunday Scbool, Fîiday evening, by the Women's Institute. Con- tests and games were !ollowed by a junior amateur hour with a good number of contestants. Joyce Lowe received fiîst prize for a piano solo, with littie Kathleen Jackson a close second, singing "Polly Put the Kettie On." Morris Patton îeceived the boys' prize for singing "The Old Grey Maie." Other young contestants each re- ceived a consolation prize. The much wondeîed about "Madame X" surpîised everyone by being Mis. Heîb. Meicer, who carîied out ber role well, telling past, present and future. A humorous Scottish selection by Mis. Hilditch and Milton Robinson and a read- ing by Mis. Roy Mercer weîe also enjoyed. Talent table helped swell the net proceeds to $16.00. Women's Institute met Feb. 15 at Mis. T. Hilditch's. Roll caîl was answeîed by handing in an article for Red Cross. More letters weîe îead from recipients o! ditty bags expressirlg appreciation. Topic took the foîm o! an inteiesting round table discussion of improve- ments made or those planned to be made in oui kitchens, as a re- sult of oui short course last sum- mer. Many ladies had already cariied out the simpler step-sav- ing ideas. Built-in cupboards and bot water tanks weîe eageîly looked foîward to, but men's spare time and scarcity o! ma- terials weîe the big holdup. The ladies are anxious to make up the rest of the patches îeceived from the I.O.D.E. and anyone wiiling to make "cîazy quilt blocks" can secure patches from Mis. Mary Luxon, Mis. R. Mercer or Mis. Wm. Mercer. Mis. Hilditch serv- ed a delicious lunch. Snow, snow, and more snow seems to be the rule of the days here. Oui snow plow was broken and we weîe shut in for two weeks witb "Old Dobbin' and 'Shank's Ponies' oui only means o! transportation. Hence folks were delighted to leain the cater- pillai tractor plow was on hand to staît opening the îoad, Feb. 11. Two teams and eleven men went out (a two-bour trip) to help dig out Oven's Hill, Sunday passed, then Monday, then Tuesday and Wednesday, with men from here stili digging, bef oie the snow plow finally got over the hills to Cîooked Creek on Wednesday evening. The plow covered the road fîom Crooked Creek ta Kendal, Thuîsday a!teînoon. Travellers beware - there are many holes and rough places so if you sec a vehicle appîoaching, stop and hunt a place to pass or you will have some backing up to do. Len Hilditcb and foui friends !rom Bowmanville at Mi. T. Hilditch's. Miss Jean Hoy, Bowmanville Goodyear, has been home with her mother who was on the sick list. Maple Grove Visitors: Mis. Arthur Deboo, Oshawa, Mis. Delbert Flinto!!, Kedron, at Morley Flintoff's... Mis. Tom Baker, Jr., daughter, Gaile, Solina, with her parents, Mi. and Mis. Edwin Ormiston.. Mi. and Mis. Wes. Weîîy, daugh- ter, Ann, Solina, with her parents, Mi. and Mis. Noble Metcal!. . . Miss Mildîed Snowden with Mis. Roy McIntyîe, Toronto. Visito?s: Pte. Harold Wilkins, Ipperwash, with his sister, Mrs. Gerald Balson... Mr. W. T. Per- rett, Malton, with Mrs. Perrett and family. .. Mrs. W. Thompson and Mrs. Fred Payne, Bowman- ville, with Mr. and Mrs. W. Green- away. . . Miss A. Hoît, Courtice, at L. Cryderman's. . . Mr. and Mrs. Harold Salter with friends at Orono. .. Mrs. Geo. Farncomb with relatives in Toronto. .. Miss Wilma Leach with Oshawa fîiends ... Pte. Lorne Bradley, Kingston, with Mrs. Bradley and daughter. Electricians are busy in our village. Brown1s Red Cross Unit met at Mrs. W. Faîrow's for quilting. Next meet- ing at Mis. C. Turner'.s. We wish Ken Tubman a speedy recovery !rom his accident. Teacher and pupîls held a Val- entine party at the school. Farm Forum was cancelled this week. Clarke Union Harry Bailey, R.C.A.F., Deser- onto, with his wife and son, Wayne. Miss Eileen Souch, Harmony, at home. Gordon Power and Frank Brown have had hydro installed. Roads have been very bad re- cently. The snow plough has failed to put in its appearance since the last storm. Harold Allin shipped a truck- load o! cattie to Toronto on Mon- day. Nestieton Miss Katharin Simpson visited her home and attended the "At H o m e" at Peterboro Normal School. Mi. Elwood Gray, Port Hope, and Mr-. Cecil Wilson and Gwen visited Mr. Herman Sameils. Mrs. Levi Ellins, Sr., Columbus, Mi. and Mis. Arthur Cook and Miss Noreen, Brooklin, visited Mr. and Mis. Stanley Malcolm. Miss Jean Malcolm visited Miss Noreen Cook, Brookin. The late Robt. Saviney of Caesaîea was buried in Nestleton Cemetery on Tuesday. He was in his 84th yeaî. Miss Simpson put on a Valen- tine party for Caesaîea Scbool pupils wbich was quite a success. Mi. Neil Malcolm visited friends in Bîooklin. Misses Gladys and Irene Emer- son visited Mis. Wm. Steele. Miss Maîjorie McClaren visited Miss Connie Wheeler. Nestieton W.A. met at the home of Mis. Alex Mairs, Feb. lStb. Meeting opened with hymn, "Take Time to be Holy." The Com- mandments were îepeated by all. Group Leaders for 1945: Group 1, Mis. K. Samelîs'; Gîoup 2, Mis. W. Jackson, Gîoup 3, Mis. R. W. Marlow, Group 4, Mis. W. Camp- bell, Gîoup 5, Mis. W. G. Bowles. Roll caîl answered with a Valen- tine verse. Dainty lunch was seîved by Mis. Mairs and helpers and were given a beaîty vote of thanks. Mis. S. Malcolm invited us to her home for the March meeting. ,Tyrone Rev. E. Unstead attended the Ontario Temperance Federation convention in Hamilton. Woîld's Day o! Prayer was held in' the Sunday School, Fîiday af- ternoon, with Mis. Unstead in charge. Senior Young People met at Lorne Hoskins', Thuîsday eve- ning.1 Mis. Fred Bigneli, R.N, Toron- to, with Mi. and Mis. Loîne An- nîs. Mi. and Mis. James BaIl, Les- kard, with Mi. Wm. Virtue. Mi. Percy Hayward, Ajax, at home. Joan Beckett, Bowmanville, with ber grandmotheî, Mis. Laura Virtue. Mi. and Mis. Malcolm Elford and family, Port Perry, Mi. and Mis. Harold Tabb, Bowmanville, with Mi. and Mis. Thomas Tabb. Mis. Tabb is one of the English brides who aîîîved fîom overseas last week. Pte. Walter Park, Christie St. Hospital, Toronto, at home. Mi. and Mis. F. L. Byam, Cli!- ford and Grenville, Pte. and Mis. Walter Park and Cecile, and Miss For advice or assistance in planning your life insurance estate, se H. A. HARDY - Representative Coufederation Life Weffnom Strutl, Bawmanville Telephone 2857 A GLID*N.ROe C YOUR A PASTE PAINT MIXED WITH WATER lb Dries to touch in 30 minutes " No paint odour " Cicans easily and quickly " Eight attractive shades " Appiy with brush or roll-it-on applicator No. 4 sîze - Makes 1 1-5 Quarts $1.20 Enough for average Ceiling No. 15 size - Makes 1 1-8 Gallons $3.85 Enough for average room J. W,. Jewell BOWMANVILLE L U G O PITS-e.,HE ER k TONATOESO Mexian, Fresh, Fi rm, Rpe Lb. 199 SPINACHITexas, Fr..!, CurIy Loa . Lb.25 PHONE 5561 FOR THE TEETH Cue -----------19c, 33C Pepsodent Faste 29c, 45e Pepsodent Powder 29, 45e Ipana Faste- 29c, 49C Dr. Lyon's Powder -------28c, 45C Tek Brush 29c, 2 for 49C Dr. West Brush ----50e Double Duty Brush --- 50c Ayerst 10D Cod Liver 011 4 oz. 67c, 16 oz. 69e - FILMS DEVELOPED FREE- 695 COLING'S DRUG STORETWe Fit J. Horace Belair has been ap- War vet erans employed by the pointed chief clerk in the division- Canadian National Express at freight agent's office, Caraia Montreal have formed a new National Railways, Montreal. branch of the Canadian Legion. m COMPLETE - VTIF:F LARGEST SELLING TOOTH PASTE IN IGREAT BRIT ý ]' AIN THURS., FEBRUARY 22nd, 1945 PAGE POUR THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVIJLE, ONTARIO Life Insurauce Service The many types of polîcies offered by Confederation Life are designed to effectively meet every need for life insurailce. Cash benefits an death Incarne for the family Incarne if disabled Retirement incarne Educatianai insurance Mortgage redemption

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