PAGE SIX THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO THVRSDAY, MARCH ist, 1945 Hampton Visitors: Mrs. J. R. Reynolds and son, John, with relatives in Toronto. . . Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Farncomb were In Toronto~... Misses Doreen Wood and Marion Morris, Bowmanville, with Mr. and Mrs. S. Williams. . . Miss Marion Clarke, Whitby, with Mr. and Mrs. B. Pingle. . . Fît. Sgt. J. W. Chapman, Trenton, with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Chapman prior to leaving for overseas. . . Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Edger, Courtice, at H. Wilcox's. .. Mrs. Tomlilson, Bow- manville, with her sister, Mrs. Gordon ....s... Miss Bessie Reyn- olds at J. R. Reynolds. .. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Balson with ber sister, Mrs. H. Hagerman, who is ill in Oshawa hospital... Mr. and Mrs. J. McCourt and daughters, Jean and Josie, Toronto, Mr. John Whitsell, Oshawa, and James Milîs, Vancouver, invalided home from Holland, with Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Keetch. . . Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Balson with his sister, Mrs. W. Trick, Oshawa. Women's Missionary society met Feb. 20 at Miss Lulu Reynolds'. President Mis. G. Niddery open- ed the meeting and the program was in charge o! Mrs. Arthur Blanchard. Devotional was taken by Mrs. E. Cole and Mrs. W. Rack- ham. 'Study chapter on Thailand and French Indo-China was pre- sented in a very interesting and helpful manner by Mrs. A. E. Billett. Mis. H. Salter and Mrs. E. Cole, were appointed co-super- visors o! Mission band, pending the appointment o! a new leader. The Wo-He-Lo C.G.I.T. met.on Feb. 19. The meeting opened by repeating the Purpose. Minutes were read and roll called. Phyllis Niddery conducted the business period. Jean Kersey took up the collection. Marion Tink took charge o! worship service. Scrip- turc was read by Joan Craig. Helen Rogers had charge o! the program. Jean Kersey read a poem and Muriel Hindman favor- cd with a piano solo. Rest o! the evening was spent in practising a play. Collection 91 cents. Num- ber present, 19. Sec'y, Marion Kersey; Pres., Phyllis Niddery. Newtonville On Sunday evening, Rev. J. Mc- Lachlan preached bis farewell sermon taking for his text, "Jesus the same yesterday and to-day and forever". He stressed the fact that customs change, ail material tbings change we change, but Christ neyer cbanges. The choir sang an anthem and a ladies quartet, Misses Mary Lane and Fac Joncs, Mrs. F. A. McMullen and Mrs. Arthur Redknap, sang a beautiful selection. There was a large congregation present and many more would have been pres- cnt if roads had been in better condition, for everyone feels cx- tremely sorry to part with Rev. and Mrs. McLachlan. Rev, and Mrs. Unstcad, Tyrone, friends o! long standing o! Mr. and Mrs. McLachlan, were also present at the service. At the close of the service all retired to the base- ment where Mr. Cleland Lane, with Mrs. F. Gilmer at the piano, led in a sing-song. He then called Rev. and Mrs. McLachlan to the platform and Mrs. George Staple- ton read an address signed on behalf of the congregation by Mis. Cecil Robinson, Mrs. J. T. Pearce, Mrs. George Stapleton, S. J. Lancaster, Arthur Redknap. Mis. Pearce, Bud Joncs, Arthur Redknap and Sid Lancaster then presented a beautiful Cogswell chair, a Silex coffee percolator and a fern stand. Mr. and Mis. McLachlan each expressed their gratitude with much feeling and extended a warm welcome to any who migbt visit them in their new home. Rev. Unstead, by re- quest, closed with prayer, after which lunch was served. Mis. Paedon with friends in Orono. W.M.S. o! United church met with Mrs. Cecil Burley, president, ini the chair. It was decided to Wall Paper NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY We have in stock, papers for every room. Sun-Worthy, Sun-Tested, Plain, Patterned Dring In your measuremeats and secure NOW the paper 7011 hope to use LATER. STOCK-FAST PASTE .... 15e lb. Makes 1 gallon. Assures bet- ter esults. WALLPAPER REMOVER 25e btl. A labor saver. Try it onet' use it always Je W. JEWELL i PHONE 556 make a quit for the baie. Mem- bers were asked to each bring two blocks to the next meeting and quilt it that day. Mrs. S. J. Lancaster gave a synopsis of chapter from study book on the Philippines. She also told an in- teresting story about the buried city which has been found on one of those islands. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Earl Walkey upon the birth of a baby boy. Mr. and Mrs. Milt. Kimbal spent the past week at Mr. Frank Gilrner's to enable Mr. Kimbaîl to visit the doctor regularly. wt Mrs. J. Stark and Gwen wt friends in Castleton. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Osborne and family, Welcome, with Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Pearce. Mrs. Cecil Robinson and Mrs. S. J. Lancaster visited Mrs. Sidney Lockhart in Port Hope hospital, Friday. Miss Lena Kimbaîl, Oshawa, is home on holidays; Miss Phyllis McNeil, Oshawa, visited her on Sunday. Sewing circle met at Mrs. Fred Nesbitt's Feb. 20 and quilted tbree quilts. Mr. J. Elmer has been ill. Sgt. Beverley Henderson, eld- est son of Mr. andi Mrs. George Henderson, arrived home fromn overseas, Saturday night. Starkville Visitors: Miss B. Hallowell, To- ronto, with her mother, Mrs. S. G. Hallowell. . . Mr. Victor Far- row in Toronto. . . Miss Deckhard and Miss Scott with their parents in Toronto. .. Mrs. F. A. Reid has returned after enjoying a holiday with Mrs. C. Reid, Toronto.. Miss Jean Wood, Toronto, with her parents. .. Mrs. Howard Far- row in Oshawa. . . Mrs. Gordon Power with ber mother, Mrs. I. Stark. . . Miss Sophia Shutka, Peterboro, with ber parents... William anld Russell Savery with Mrs. W. Savery in Oshawa... Mrs. Hugh Stapleton, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Hallowell at the Dobson home. Mrs. I. Stark on the sick list. Some tf our Young people at- tended t h e entertainment i n Crooked Creek school. Our community is sorry to lose Rev. J. McLachlan. We extend to Mr. McLachlan our appreciation for his splendid services and wish him every success at Whitevale. Llew Hallowell and Ewart Rob- inson have been elected to Shiloh church board. Enniskillen Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Fred Treý4in, Blackstock, at Mr. Sid Trewin's. . . Mr. and Mrs. Earl Trewin at Mr. Fred Toms', Purple Hill. . . Mr. W. Martin, Mrs. J. Potts and Linda, Haydon, at C. Pethick's. . . Mr. and Mrs. R. Ormiston, Marie and Ronald Ash- ton at Mr. J. D. Brown's. . . Mr. Gordon Werry, Mimico, with bis mother at Orono... Mr. and Mrs. C. Petbick at Mr. H. Strutt's, Osh- awa. .. Mr. and Mrs. R. Thomp- son and Karon at Mrs. W. Thomp- son's, Haydon. Number of Young people attend- ed the Masonic banquet at New- castle. Sewing Circle met at Mrs. M. Hobbs' on Feb. 20. Sewing was donc on children's clothing. A tasty lunch was served by Mrs. Hobbs and her group, Mrs. E. C. Ashton, Mrs. D. Lewis and Mrs. W. Rahm. Mr. W. Smith, Oshawa, at Mis. Ella Smith's. Service club met at the home of Mrs. Harold Mils on Feb. 20 with 12 present. The evening was spent in sewing. Lunch was serv- ed by Mrs. Milis, Mrs. E. Trewin and Mrs. C. Pethick. Ne4t meet- ing at Mrs. A. Leadbeater's on March 6. Solina Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Bryce Brown, Oshawa, with Mis. R. J. MecKessock. .. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Larmcr, Blackstock; Miss Lena Taylor, Bowmianvilie, at E. R. Taylor's. .. Mr. and Mis. Nelson Fice, Donna, Marilyn and Keith, Taunton, at F. Westiake's. .. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wright and Grant, MIaple Grove, at Ernest Hocka- day's. . . Miss Bessie Rey'nolds, R.N., who bas accepted the posi- ion o! Night Supervisor at Osh- awa Generai hospitai, apent the w'eek-end at Jack Reynolds'... CpI. James Smaies, R.C.A.F., Cal- gary, was home on leave before going overseas on a 3-months' in- struction course. .. LjCpi. Russell Baison, Brampton; Mrs. Baison and Carolyn, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Baison, Bowmanville; Miss Ferne Hannam, Whitby, at Albert Bai- on's. .. Misses Ella Milîson and Velma Gilbert, and Gordon Siem- on, Toronto, skiied from Oshawa o visit their parents. . . Miss Fanny Smales, Toronto, at James Smaies'. . . Mr. Milton Siemon Lnd Lloyd, Haydon, at R. Gil- bert's. Mi. A. L. Pascoe gave a taik at Bradley's Community club, Friday night, on the Early History o! the Pioneer Residents in the Section, Lnd the methods o! teaching com- pared with the present system. The congregation o! Eldad church are contemplating the ob- servance o! the 9Oth annivcrsary of the building o! the cburch this rune.* Correction from last week - MIr. and Mis. Barrett and !arnily have returned afteî a short stay n Oshawa. Mr. A. L. Pascoe attended the funerai o! his aunt, Mrs. Mary Moore Pascoe Beacock at Bow- nanville, Wednesday. She was a resident here for many years and vas very highly respected. Something for Hitler to think bout: The longer heavy Aliied bombing continues, the fewer walls wili be le! t for him to see the handwriting on. Governor-General Makes Presentation His Excellency the Governor- able Daniel Steen, Norwegian General, The Chief Scout for Can- Minister to Canada at Ottawa re- ada, is shown as he presented the cently. Canada's Boy Scouts have first copy of the Norwegian Boy provided 33,000 Handbooks for the Scout Handbook to the Honour- Boy Scouts of Europe. Men's Canadian 'Club (Continued from Page 1) loyalty and fellowship," he said. The meeting was in charge o! President Dr. Harold Ferguson, who welcomed a number of new members and was pleased at the attendance on a rainy evening. Rev. J. E. Griffith introduced the speaker as a man o! experience and vision who had a message whicb was borne out by the ap- plause at the conclusion o! the address. The vote o! thanks was tender- ed in very fitting terms by Ken- neth Courtice. Music and com- munity singing were fcatured under direction o! W. E. C. Work-1 man. Brown' s Mr. and Mrs. W. Farrow and Wylma, Mr. and Mrs. C. Turner and Sam, Mrs. Geo. Stephenson and Bobby, Mrs. T. Wilson, Miss Theima Freeman, Miss Doreen Caswell, Sidney Brown and Bill Morley attended the Masonic "At Home" Robt. Graham was slightly in- jured in a car accident on Satur- day. Farm Forum was held at Aus- tin Turner's on Monday evening. Next meeting at Clarence Turn- er's. Mr. and Mrs. E. Caswell and Elaine, Newtonville, at Mrs. C. Brown's. Miss Phyllis McNeil, Oshawa, with friends here. Zion Visitors: Mrs. J. W. McMaster at Toronto. . . Jas. Killen with bis sister, Mrs. Michael Nemis, Niag- ara-on-the-Lake. .. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Flett and Murray, Rag- lan, at Norman Leach's. . . Mr. and Mis. Reford Cameron and family at Ted Chant's, Hampton ...Alex McMaster and Chas. Naylor attended an Ayrshire meeting at Bowmanville on Sat- urday. . . Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Haziuk, Arthur Stainton at Adam Hawley's, Peterboro. Mrs. Stain- ton returned home with them.. A. T. Stainton and Hans Geiss- berger attended a Milk Producers' meeting at King Edward hotel, Toronto, on Wednesday. Sunday school superintendent started talks for the young people on "Decision Day" last Sunday. Maple Grove Mr. and Mis. Laurence Staples, son Barry, Bethany, with ber par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Trimbie, also with Mr. John Snowden and Mr. and Mrs. Lou Hockin. Mr. and Mrs. Morley Flinto!! and family a t bis brother's, Mr. Cli!! Flintof!, Newcastle. There is stili a number o! side- roads not open, maki'g it im- passable for cars. At the annual Sunday schooi meeting these officers were elect- cd: Supt.-H. G. Freeman; Ass't Supt. - H. R. Foicy; Sec'y-Alvin Metcaif; Ass't Sec'ys - Betty Snowden, Clifford Swallow; Treas. - Clifford Swallow; Musi- cal Director - Les. Collacutt; Pianist - Marion Foiey; Ass't - Lenore Collacutt; Cradie Roll and Home Dept. - Mrs.,Fred Stevens, Mrs. Lawrence White, Mrs. Har- vey Brooks, Mrs. Edwin Ormiston, Mrs. Roy VanCamp; Auditors - Lloyd Snowdcn, Lawrence White; Missionary Supt. - Jean Jarvie; Tcmp. - Ivison Munday; Librar- ian - Audrey Greenham; Teach- crs: Beginners-Mrs. Ivison Mun- day; Ass't-Mrs. H. Brooks; Prim- ary A - Pearl Coliacutt; Ass't- Mrs. Ross Stevens-, Primary B - Marion Foiey; Ass't - Betty Snowdcn; Juniors - Jean Stev- ens; Ass't - Mrs. C. Greenham; Intermediate Girls - Thelma Freeman; Ass't - Susie Laird; Inter. Boys - Wm. Laird; Ass't- Mildrcd Snowden; Young People's class - H. R. Foiey; Ass't - Ross Stevens; President Y. P. C. - Doreen Jeffery; Vice Pres. - Lenore Coliacutt; Sec'y - Betty Stevens; Treas. - Doris Stevens; Ass't Treas. - Bob Stevens; Bible class - Mr. A. Laird; Pres. o! A.B.C. - Ross Stevens; Sec'y - Lloyd Snowden; Ass't Se'y - Mrs. C. Jeffery; Treas. - Cecil Jeffery. Chorus from the home front, wîtb eyes on Potsdam: "Don't mess with Mister In-Betweeni" Haydon Sympathy is extended to Cpl. and Mrs. Ross Richards in the be- reavement o! their infant son. Mrs. T. Cowling is improving after ber recent accident at work, when she broke two or thrce ribs. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ashton on celebrating their fortieth wedding anniversary. Mrs. H. J. Werry is much im- proved. Our school bas two more schol- ars, Paul and Tommy Cooper, who are living with Mr. and Mrs. Don Carr. Paul is in grade 6 and Tommy in grade 3. Bible class met at Mr. H. Ash- ton's on Saturday evening. James Graham, assoc. supt., acted as chairman. Devotional was read by Mrs. John Ross. Readings were given by Mr. T. Mountjoy and Mrs. H. Ashton. Election o! of- ficers were: Pres.-Mrs. R. Cross- man; Vice-Pres. - Mrs. C. Slem- on; Se'y - Mrs. C. Garrard; Treas. - Milton Siemon. Re- mainder of evening was spent in social time and lunch was served. Mrs. E. Hcndricks was in Bow- manville to sec ber mother who is ill. A goodly number turned out to a day of quilting at Mrs. E. A. McNeil's on Tucsday, bringing their lunch with them. Sto. I Don Thompson, Halifax, spent a week with his mother. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ashton and family, Toronto, at Mr. E. Brad- ley's anid Mr. H. Ashton's. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Ashton and Mary Lou, Toronto, at Mr. H. Ashton's and Mr. A. Read's. Mrs. Joe Topping, Aita., at Mr. A. Beech's and Mr. D. Carr's. Mrs. A. Beech with ber mother, Mrs. Smith, Enniskiiien, who is iM. Marie, Ronald and Ray Ashton at Mr. J. D. Brown's, Orono, to sec their grandmother, Mrs. H. J. Werry. Miss Meta Degeer, Bowman- ville, at home. On behal! o! the community a leather writing kit was sent Spr. Frank Osmond, overseas, and a pair o! brushes in leather case to Pte. Jack Potts, overseas. Sto. I Donald Thompson, R.C.N.V.R. was quietly presented witha leather writing kit and waiict while home recently. Hamipton A very enjoyahie evening was spent in the Sunday schooi room o! Hampton United church on Monday cvening, Feb. 26, when the community gathered to do honor to two recent bridai couples, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wiibur (nec Doris Cryderman), and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Balson (nec Helen Pingie). Rev. Walter Rackham, in bis usual capable manner, acted as chairman. He expressed a special word o! weicome to Gor- don, recently returned from over- seas. He then caiied both couples to the platfoîm when Mrs. K. Caverly read congratulatory verses to Doris and Gordon, and Mr. Laverne Clemens made the presentation o! an occasional chair and Miss Acy Horn a vase. Immediately !oliowing Mrs. Har- old Salter rcad verses o! good wishes to Helen and Harold and Mr. Harold Quarry and Miss Madilyn Wilcox presented them with a "Duncan Fyfe" coffee table and vase. Both brides and grooms feelingly cxpressed their thanks. Mrs. A. E. Biliett with Miss Mary Niddery at the piano, led a com- munity sing-song. Mis. Ted Chant and Mrs. Austin Barron conducted a number o! games. Lunch was served and the singing o! "God Save The King" brought to a close a very pleasant evening. Home and Sebool Association Feb. 16 meeting was presidcd over by Will White, vice-presi- dent. Minutes were read by Mrs. W. Cîaig, recording sec'y. John Liptay, treasurer, stated there was a cash balance of $1226 and that there are now 73 members. Mcm- bership Convener Mrs. J. Reyn- olds informed us 26 members and 14 visitors were present. A let- ter fîom Bert Billett, se'y-tîeas, o! the school board, regarding our H. & S. recommendation was read by Mrs. R. Widdecombe, corre- sponding sec'y. These are being acted upon. Mrs. J. Reynolds loaned a two- plate electric grill to the school and Mrs. W. Craig loaned a large double boiler so that children wbo remain at school for lunch could have something hot. Wc are *grateful to these members for their kindness as we are anxious to know how many will want bot lunches, and whether it is practi- cal to heat food at the school, be- fore purchasing equipment. D ue to road conditions our guest speaker, Mr. E. A. Summers, and other artists, C a r Wilbur, fiddler, and Howard Foley, enter- tainer, were unable to be present. Chairman Will White was obliged to turn to the audience for an im- provised program. Hampton can be proud of the excellent talent in the village and surrounding parts from the splendid progràm that followed. Mrs. M. Blackburn consented to give a recitation entitled "Little Jim". Many moist eyes were notic- ed in the audience. Rev. W. Rack- ham told several of his huge sup- ply of humorous stories and gave a satirical reading, "The Prodigal Preacher". Mrs. A. Damant favor- cd with a lovely solo, "Sweet and Low". At this point Trustee Jim Reynolds was asked to explaîn some of the difficulties the school board is having trying to arrange "Free Books" for pupils. Mrs. H. Peters and Mrs. K. Caverly oblig- ed with a popular duet, "Drink to Me Only with Thine Eyes". After much persuasion the men present sang in chorus, "Home on the Range". To end this unique prograin Mark Blackburn recited a humorous number, "Widder Spriggin's Dorter"l. 'Bradley's Community club meeting was held in the school, Friday evening, Feb. 23rd, with President Mrs. A. W. Prescott and Secretary Mrs. E. Cryderman presiding. Miss Betty Smales was pianist. Pro- gram was varied and excellent in quality. Mrs: Wesley Yellowlees and Mrs. E. Cryderman sang two Irish duets, "Johnny Doughboy" and "Come Back to Erin" in fine voice and style. The Cryderman sisters Mary, Hazel and Jean, de- lighted ail with their rendition of "Little Black Moustache" and "Swiss Moonlight Lullaby" with piano and guitar accompaniment. Our esteemed councillor, Arthur Milîson, gave an interesting talk on the invention of the diesel engine, and a comparison of the diesel and gas engines, describing the diesel engines recently pur- chased for use in the township. Mr. A. L. Pascoe, Solina, who re- ceived most of his public school education at Bradley's school 70 odd years ago, held our attention as he told of early days, the late Editor M. A. James having been his first teacher. He took us over the entire section while he told us who livtd in those days, on the farms we now occupy, interspers- ing his remarks with many hum- orous incidents. Meeting closed with a contest, lunch and the usual social hour. DARLINGTON COUNCIL Darlington Council met Feb. 12 with Reeve R. R. Stevens presid- ing. Commnunications were read from N. E. Osborne and General Accident Insurance Ço. regarding some damage dlaims that had not been paid. Also from W. E. King, Municipal Auditor, setting out the books and papers required for the Schools Audit. By-Law forms were received from Dep't of Highways for esti- mated road expenditures for 1945. This By-Law was passed setting our road expenditures at $28,000 for 1945. The question was asked, if the Council intends to issue deben- turcs for the purchase o! machin- ery for snow removal? It did not take much time to get an answer to this question. The answer was "'No"1. Mr. McDougall, salesman for Crothers Limited and representa- tive o! CaterpillaJr Tractor Co., ex-j plained specifications o! machin- ery he had to seli. Chas. A. Poynton, District Municipal En- gineer, was present and the tend- ers for road machinery were read from International Harvester Co., Sheridan Equipment Co., and Crothers Limited. The specifica- tions were very carefully gone over by Engineer and Council. It was moved that Darlington Coun- cil purchase a caterpillar tractor (deisel powered) mounted with angledozer with full hydraulic control. Motion carried unani- mously. Road Supt. was advised to buy needed culverts early. Road Supt. and Clerk were in- structed to advertise for tenders for crushing 9,000 yards o! gravel in the Daily Commercial News & Building Record. Clerk was in- structed to advertise for applica- tions for Assessor. These bills were paid: Sheppard & GilI, relief fuel, $127.04; Cana- dian Statesman, advt. and print- ing, $49.15; Dr. W. H. Stanley, pneumo thorax refuIs, $21.00; F. L. Byam, relief, $12.14; Hydro, service chgs., $4.05; Bell Tele- phone Co., service chgs., $3.41; Counties Treas., hospitalization, $77.93; Assoc. of Assessing Of- ficers, fees, $1000; Whillier & Co., dog tags, $2161; Ontario Hos- pital, hospitalization, $45.00; S. Worden, sheep damages; $20.00; F. B. Glaspeli, sheep insp., $2.00; Dr. 1945. SUPER STYLINO in Street and Party Frocks! $8,95 and $1O.95 BRAND NEW SILHOUETTE MODES Which are achieving tremendous popularity this sea- son. Smooth styles in beautiful rayon fabries and gorgeous patterns. Sizes 11 to 20 and 38 to 50 Also Hait Sizes Y REGULAR PRICES Plnkham's Comp.---87e Pinex --------------- 32e 300 A.S.A. Tablets ---- 39e Lactogen -------- 69c, $1.59 Palmolîve Soap 2 for île i lb. Absorbent Cotton---------------- 39e Llfebuoy Soap -----2-lic Pebeeco Tooth Powder 30 Sal Hepatica 30c, 59, $1.15 Wampole's Grape Salis ------------- 50e Eno's Fruit Salts ----------59e, 98e Kkovah Saîts --- 29c, 79e P-WMW39c C.o UGH SYRUP TAKE A TONIC NOW Wampole's Extract ---- $1 Scott's Emulslon 59c, 98e NyaL Children's Tonte ý---------------- 79e Neo-Chemical Food Liquid $1.15, $2.45, 4.45 Capsules $1.25, $2.25, $5 Kepler's Extract 75e, 1.25 Ayerst 10D Cod Liver 011 ------ --- 67c, $1.69 Compound Hypophosphites ---- $1 Burdock Blood Bitters -------------- 98e Vi-MI Caps $1.85, $3.25 rr~ILU COUGH AND COLD REMEDIES Belladonila Plasters -- 35o Thernoge1ne Cotton 49c Thermogene Rub ----43e Vieks Rub ------------- 43e Nyal Nose Drops ----35e Certified Nose Drops 25e Laxacold --------------- 25e Grove's Cold Tablets ---------24e, 44o Buekley's Mixture 40c, 75 White Fine and Tar - ---- 25c, 50c Masofl's "«49" ---40c, 75c Cherry Cough Syrup ---------25c, 50o Sot as a fleecy cloud! 25C in box We Test Eyes and Fit Trusses Phone N 'SDRGrompt C. J. Austin, M.O.H., $3000; J. D. cartage relief fuel, $22.50, Roads Hogarth, excise and postage, $4.00; and Bridges, mtce. and repairs, J. D. Hogarth, salary, $100.0;J.$î0 D. Hogarth, registration fees, $13.00; Assoc. Rural Municipali- It isn't only the big shots that tics, fees, $5.00; H. C. W. Mills, need to be square shooters. WALKER I B For Value, Charm and Figure Flattery, you wilI Il find our assortment unequalled Ail Winter Fashion goods, Dresses, BIousej$, Skirts, Cor-I DIduroy Suits, Collars & Neckwear are being Cleared at RALF PICEI a WALKER STORhELJTE 'I 'I e o I o i o e i i i o i il io i i i i v At the STORE g ~, . --4 v