PAGE TEN THE CAN~DIAN STATL~MAN. B0WMANVILL~ ONTATuTO '1'TiTTR~flAY. MARCH Sth. 1945 The Newcastle Independent MM ilffrc&dtîo1Purdy, Sprucc ville, spent Wedncsday with Miss yi1htfelNMtby, spent Mon- Kathleen Toms. .ay in Newcastle. Mms. N. Duncan, Toronto, is Mn. and Mns. Charles Moise and visiting Mrs. A. S. Houston. family, Toronto, wene home for Miss Kathleen Toms spent the Mrs. Moise's 80th birthday. week-end in Bowmanvihle, gucst Miss Muriel Lake, Toronto, sud of Mn. and Mms. E. E. Patterson. A.B. William Keys, R.C.N.V.R., Mn. and Mrs. McRobcrts were visited hem mother, Mns. Frank Sunday guests of Mrs. Matt Alh- Gibson, who returned to Tononto dread. with hem. Mms. P. F. LeGreslcy, who has Pte. Leonard Lambert, Ipper- been spending the winter with wash, was home. Archdeucon and Mrs. Balfour at WO Richard Anderson, R.C. Fort William, Ont., is the guest of A.F., Mlton, spent Sturday with Mrs. C. C. Grubbe, Weston. his mother, Mrs. Stella Anderson. Miss Marilyn Enwright was in He is now flying betwcen Malton Oshawa guest of Mrs. J. Ncsbitt. sud Trenton. Newcastle esidents will be ghad Miss Gwen Hoopen, Ajax, visit- to heur that Mrs. Luella Gray has cd Mms. E. Hoan. neceived word that hem onhy son,q A.B. Jamie Wright wus home. CpI. Robent Gray, who wus pre-1 Miss Beatrix Mclntosh left Mon- viously nepoted missing, is now, day to spend a couple weeks in nepoted safe and a pnisoner ofz Toronto. war. A.B. Fred Couch wus home. Miss Leone Tebble was home Mns. Ida Stinson and daughtcm, from Oshawa. Miss Frances Stinson, Toronto, were Saturduy guests of Miss On Feb. 27th the C.G.I.T. group« Hatte Maon.held a Mother's Night in the board LAC Gordon Garrod, Rock- noom of the Uie hrh u cliffe, was home. Venner took charge , the meet- Mns. D. B. Simpson is spending ing in the absence of tâÏ president, a few days in Toronto. Mary Margaret Bonuthun. After Mn. and Mrs. Denault, Newton- the reguhar business period there ville, weme Sunday gucsts of Mr. was a woship peiod and a pro- and Mns. Percy Hare. gram which consisted of eudings Mrs. Archie Riddell, Sharbot by Helen Ash, Pauline Deine and Lake, visitcd hem sister, Mrs. Wal- two contests. Refreshinents were ter DeLine. semvcd and the meeting closed Dr. and Mns. W. H. Mcflonald, with Taps. Toronto, weme week-end guests of The residents of Newcastle were Mn. and Mns. Harve Britton. decply gieved to heur of the Mrs. T. A. Venner, Patsy, Tom death on Tuesday of Mr. Wesley sud John spent the week-end in Genney in Bowmunville hospital. Tononto when the boys attended Evcning Auxiliury of the Wo- the hockey game. man's Missionany Society met on PO Tom Brenton, McDonuld, Feb. 22 ut the home of 1%4. John Mnwas home on furhough. Rickard with a gonod uttebâance. Mns. Percy Brown in under- Mrs. Howard Toftis' group- had going tmatment ut Oshawa hos- charge of thc study book "and pital. lunch. Mrs. Toms summurized the Miss Mary Denauht, Newton- chapter dealing with "The Church __________________in Indo-China and Thuiland'l (for- memhy Siam) and Mrs. W. Hager- man, Mns. C. Cowun and Miss Frances Morgan neprcsentcd three s missionamies from Indo - China, f( S T E W A R T S there. M" iss Mgancnutdac contest aftee;,Whlch lunch was c Dependable Readquarters for served. Rlgh Quality Seeds Newcastle W.C.T.U. Medal Contest i ALFALFA Newton Sclby and Ruth Affin ti RE COVRwon the silver meduls in the W.C. Cý RED LOV R TU. cntet hld n th Necasle ALSU KE United chunch Sunduy achool on i Friday evcning, Mamch 2nd. This st SWEET CLOVERS was a new venture on the part of r TIMOTHY the society us uhh previous con- ec tests hud been hehd in Orono. The c GRAS ES, tc.members of the Newcastle W.C. GRASES, tc.T.U. were highhy pleused with its HYBRID SEED CORN success and the consensus of b3 opinion wus that it should con-H Note - Don't miss our special tinue us an annual uffuir. t bargain in Hybrid Corn this year Great praise is due Mrs. Percy cg SER POATOS:Cerifid olyHure who uctcd as convener of the bc BEEDPOTTOE. Cetifed ulycontest. Hem splendid qualifica- W STEWART'S SEEDS'mean Righ- tiqns as organizer and leader us- Yr est Quality sumed the cvening of bcing a suc- h STE WART'S SEEDS mean Low- cess and it wus due to hem in- P. est Pnice dfatiguable work and interest at sWhat's on tihe tag is lu the bag"l their parts so wchh.L BULK GARDEN SEEDS: Wheu The plutform was attractive - vou buy Stewart's Bulk Garden _______________L4 Seeds you get more and better ____________ eed for youX mouey. As a convenience 'tosailraï1 deners ehaeaspecial permit this year to seil less than hag quantities of Cert. Seed Potatoesl. Stewart's Seed Store ]Phone 577 Bowmanville WANTED For Expert Reg'd Hostein Buill, Spninger «Dows & Backwards (Grade or Registered) PLEASE PRONE or WRITE F. Leob R-l..?2, PORT FERRY PHONE 107-R-31 le - other-why flot for you? 190% liv.dellvery qum=ateed. mat jet ie D ow w h at you w nt . JACK HUDSON, ORONO WILFRED RICHARDSON PONTYPOOL F. L. BYAM, TYRONE Quality Snapshots byùUnique I Irour favorite negatives will be conslderably lmproved if you have a Deluxe Embossed Eniargement and put lu a smart trame. Reasonable prices. ADRIENNE BEAUTY AIDS.. Soid cxclusively at your Rexali Stores Cleauslug Cream -------60e CoId Crcam ------.-60c Fluishlug Cream -------60c Foundation Cream -60c Face Powder, Naturelle, Biossom, Rachelle Ivory, Racheile Olive ----- 65c Rouge (cream sud cake) Naturelle, Blossom, Pome- granate, Geranlum ---65c Llp.tiek, Naturelle, Blossom, ipomegtanate, Gcrafflum ---- ---.-65C 8kmn Lotion ----------- 65c Siklu Tonle ------------65e ROUSEROLD NEEDS Elkay's Motis Fume Cu'ystais------------------- 39e Elkay's Moth Fume Spray ----- ----- --- 75e Certified Wax Paper 12" and 100 feet -----22c Onliwon Paper Toweis 20e Intenlake Tissue 10c, 3 - 25e Velva Tissue ----2 for 25e Lysol Disinfectant Antisepte - 35c, 65c, $1.25 Acromist Glass Cleaner ----------------25e Four Square Floor W ax -----------------39e Air-Wick, dispeis kitchen ,bOdons, etc------------ --89c Jury & Loveli THE REXALL STORE Wh.n W. Test Eyes t Is Don. Prop.rly PHONE 778 - - - C.N.R. TICKETS BIRHlS MORDEN - At Womnen's General hospital, Montreal, Quebec, to 1F0 and Mrs. Grigg Morden, a daughter (stillborn). 10-1* REDKNAP-At Oshawa Gencrul hospital, Sun., Mamch 4th, to Mn. and Mrs. A. G. Redknup, Jr., (Beverley Diane Sîceman), a son. 10-1* ENGAGEM ENT Mn. and Mrs. Harold Moses, Whitby, announce the engagement of their youngen. daughter, Doris Ednu, Reg. N., to F0 Harvey Ross Allun, D.F.M ., eldcst son of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Allin, Oshawa. The wedding is to take place ut King St. United church, Oshawa, on Murch 10, ut 4 p.m. 10-1* M arriages CRYDERMAN-BELBIN-..At the Congregutional church, Iford, Bournemouth, Englund, on Jan- uary lSth, 1945, Edna Belbin, , f Mford, Bournemouth, to Bdr. Arthur Byron Cryderman,. R.C. A., son of the late Arthur Cry- derman, and of Mns. Cryderman, Bowmanville, Ontario. 10-1* NURCOMBE-HOGGARD - On Suturday, Fcb. 10, 1945, in St. Peter's Anglican chunch, Ain- trec, Liverpool, Enghand, Wil- liam Kenneth Nurcombe, son of Mrs. Nurcombe and tac hate William Nurcombe, Bowman- ville, to June Hoggard, cldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Hoggard of Liverpool, Englund. 10-1* Auction Sales On Thurs., Mur. 22, the under- signcd will selI by public auction for S. L. Berry, Lot 23, Con. 7, Clarke, his farm stock and impIe- ments. Sale ut 1 p.m. Tcrms cash. Ted Jackson, auctioneer. 10-2* The undersigned has received instructions to seil by public auc- tion for Mr. Milton J. Elliott, Con- cession St. E., Bowmanville, ('k ni. N. of White Rosé Service Sta- tion) on Wed., Mar. 21, at 12:30 Sharp, ahl his farm stock, impIe- nents, hay, grain, and orchard equipment. Full list later. Terms cash. Jack Reid, auctioneer. 9-2 I have been authorized to selI by public auction for John J. Hartwig, Lot 30, Con. 3, Darling- ton (1/2 mile N. ol Pidduck's store, Courtice) on Tues., Mar. 20, 4 torses; 4 head cattie; 18 sheep, with lambs; Ayrshire heifer, 3 irs., due April, ail his implements, Larness and potatoes. Sale at 1 P.m. Terms cash. Elmer Wilbur, auctioneer. 10-2 Lost Strayed or Stolen LOST - ENGLISH - SCOTCH Collie, tan and black. Reward. Mr. Allin, phone 2434, Bow- manville. 10-1 OST - BROWN WALLET con- taining suin of money, drîver's licence and registration card. Lost on King St. Reward if rcturned to Mrs. Fred Payne, Church St., Bowmanville. 10-1 L L O ST - BROWN LEATHER wallet, containing a suin of money, snapshots, and a key. Lost near or in Olympia Cafe, Monday night. Rewurd offer- ed for its return to Statesman Office. 10-1w LOST - KEYS ini brownm leather folder, between Post Office and Ontario St., along King St. Would be grateful if finder would phone owner or leuve at Statesmun Office. Mrs. Stanley Beckett, Bowmanville. Phone 2600. 10-1 Wanted To Buy GOOD CHICKEN HOUSE. Phone 312. 10-1 PLAY PEN. Phone 2554, Bow- manville. 10-1 GOOD USED CAMERA, film size 116 or 120. Write Box 476, Statesman Office. 10-1"' WANTED TO BUY OR RENT - HOUSE. Hanry Kilpatrick, King St., Box 368, Bowmunville. 10-1* U SE D ORCH14RD SPRAYER, complete, or pump only. State make and condition. Murray Payne, R.R. 3, Newcustle; phone Clarke 2811. 10-1 PIANO - Have you a piano you are not using? Why not seli it now, also radios bought. Best prices paid. Write Box 473, Statesman Office, Bowmanville. 10-4* LIVE POULTRY and feathers. Good prices paid. M. Flatt, R.R. 1, Bethany. Phone 7r13. (Busi- ness camried on by Mr. Flatt per- sonally, no agents employed.) 2-12* OLD POSTAGE STAMPS, before 1900, peferably on envelopes or original paper. Highest prices paid. Write Box 414, Statesman O f f i c c, Bowman- ville. 5-7-9 WASHING MACHINES, Sewing machines, bicycles, radios, pianos, violins, grumaphones, tricycles, record players, cam- eras-If not using these why not scîl now. Write immediately to Box 474, Statesman Office, Bowmanville. 10-4* IChildren necd models more than ',hey necd citics.-Joseph Jou- 1AUCTION SALE_ The undersîgned has received instructions from. Mr. Milton Eiliott to selI by public auction a large quantity of his household furniture and furnishings as he is io v in g from his fnrm h o i e into smaller pîemises in town. Sale will include chesterfield suite; three bedl-oomi suites; chest of drawers; china cabinet; walnut couch; chiffrobe; fernery; floor and table lamps; dining table and chairs; kitchen cabinet; 3 settees; odd tables and chairs; camp bed; 5 metal beds; radio; complete dining room suite; granlaphone and records; carpets; rugs; pillows; curtains; drapes; electric iron; dishes, including some Lamoge china; cooking uten- suls; fur robes;, chicken feeders; and numerous small articles. Sale at 1:00 p.m., Sat., March 10, in Challs' hcated garage. At the samne time and place there will also be offered for sale the follow- ing goods from the estate of the late F. F. Morris, Bowmanvillc: 2 double sets of harness, complete; 2 single sets of harness, complete; buffalo robes; horse blankets; halters and odd pieces of harness; riding brïdle and saddle; car rugs (all in excellent condition); horse nets; cutter; set of sleighs with box, teami sleigh; wagon with box, teain wagon; covered wagon with good rubber-tired gear; horse drawn ambulance, sleighs and rubbcr tire gear; several lighter delivery racks, whcels and sleighs. 'terms cash. T. S. Mountjoy, clerk; Wm. J. Challis, auctioneer. 9-2 Seed Cleaning SEED CLEANING - Have Youm seed grain and smahh seeds cl1e anced ut the Newtonvillc Cleuning Plant. 'Up - to - date equipment, moderate mtes. For particulurs c a 1h Ncwtonville Grist Mi, phone 8 Clarke. 6-7-9-10* For Rent 35 ACRES 0F LAND (3/ plough- ed) for rent on shares. Apply J. Roka, Lot 31, Con. 1, Darling- ton, R.R. 2, Bowmanville. 10-1* Notice To Creditors, Ail persons having c 1a i fnf against the estate of FRA iq FREDERICK MORRIS (of F. F. Morris Ço.) late of the Town of Bowmanville in the County of Durhamn, Funeral Director and Merchant, who died on or about the 3rd day of February, 1945, are required to send to the under- sîgned at Bowmanville, Ontario, full particulars of the saine on or* before the loth day of April, 1945, after whîch date the assets of the deceased will be distributed hav- ing regard only to the dlaims of which the Executors shall than have notice. Dated this 8th day of March, 1945. C. G.MýORRIS;' W. J. LANGMAID and ROSS STEVENS, Executors, by Apha I. Hodgins, their solicitor herein. 10-3 Notice To Creditors Ail persons having clams against the estute of WILLIAM PARNAL, late of the Village of Newcastle, in the County of Dur- ham, Gentleman, who died on or about the l9th day of January, 1945, are nequired to send to the undersigned full particulars of the same on or before the 22nd day of March, 1945, ufter which dates the assets of the deceased will be distributed, having regard only to the dlaims of which the Executors shahl then have notice. DATED this lst day of March, 1945. APHA I. HODGINS, Bowmanville, Ontario, Solicitor for THE TORONTO GENERAL TRUSTS CORPORATION, Executors 9-3 SEED Ceaning Rave your seed cleaned and graded by the béât equlp- ment availabie. Anyone ý-Yw#Upg Registered Grain 0c_ ,_» l please get lu touch with us at once. Registered No. 1 ana Com- mercial No. 1 seed of the best recommended varieties foi( sale. Pisase eall before brluglng In large quantity. No loada taken after 5 p.m. Carnet 3. Rickaid Bowmauvile Phone 2813 Coming Events Articles For Sale Annual St. Patrick's Tes' St. AXMINSTER RUG, 10x9 ft. Puul's Lecture Room, un de n Phone 2308. 10-1* auspices St. Puul's Evening Aux- iliuny, Sut., March l7th. 10-1 APPROXIMATELY 20 TONS 0F good hay. O. K. Osborne, Bow- Pie social and dance ut The Hall, manville. Phone 2480. 10-2 Solina, Thurs. night, Mur. 8. Ad- mission 25c. Ladies with pies UNDERWOOD Portable Type- fnee.# 10-1 wniten, in good condition. Phone 857. 10-1"' Come to our Annual St. Pat's Euchre in the Council Chambers QUEBEC HEATER, medium size. on Fiday, Murch l6th, ut 8:30 Jack Reynolds, Solina. Phone p.m. 12 gumes. Good pnizes. The 2181. 10-1 Ladies of St. Joseph's chunch. io-l* UPRIGHT PIANO, Newcombe, plain case.'Aply W. Fice, Notice Queen St., after 5 p.m. 10-1* Dr. Ballantyne's Office wil closed from March l4th to Me 23rd inclusive. E We have vacated our E Street Store and are now locz ini our one large store at 20 Chu Street, Oshawa. Wilson's Fi ture Co. Boltmanville Electriciaus 4 Doors West of Eaton's in Building Occupîed by Navy League Ail kinds of electric wiring d Motors repaired and instal Phone 438 34-tf INVEST WISELY - 5% Prel red shares in United Farr Co-operative Co., Ltd.,a available to farmers and oti If you are interested, write informational pamphlet to A. Savage, 28 Duke Street, Tor to. Dine & Dance Friday & Saturday -at the- "Piccadilly Room'l Rotei Genosha, Oshawa -to- Ragnar Steen and Ris Rotel Genosha Orchestra ADMISSION Fridays------------ ------ 75e Saturdays --------$1.00 (Per Persou) 'COMINGI ONE NIGHT ONLY! SAT., MARCH loti Mazt Kenney and his Western Gentlemen Admissiou $2.00 per, person HOLD YOUR NEXT PARTYr OR BANQUET AT THE GENOSHA! Baiiroom, .aýaiable for Private Tiauces and Parties! Phone 3000 for Reservations 11 bE larc.h Eng utch 8-8 ýn done cd Lf12' fer- ,ners are àers. Sfo !L C. ýron- 9. a SWEET PEAS Our mixture is uncquallcd. It is plauted cvery year by thousands of our customers acrosa Canada who appi<-clate the wondcrfui show It will give lu the garden. Stewart's Sweet Pea Mixture con- tains the flucat large-f lowerbwg Spencer Sweet Peas offercd at much higiser pnices. Pkt. 10e - Oz. 30e Stewart's Seed Stox Phoue 577 Bowmanvl ATTENTION! _Berry Growe rs The annuai District Meeting of the Ontario Berry Grow- ers' Ma*~etlug Board is hereby calied for SAT., MARCH lOth AT 3 p.m. IN Council Chambers TOWN HALL WHITBY,ý,-; To elect a representative to the Berry Growers' Commnit- tee and to discuss Important business coucerulng tee mar- keting of strawberfrles and raspberries lu 1945. Ail growers are urged to at- tend this meeting. N. CLEMENCE Director The Ontario Berry Growers Ma*etlug j Board '-7 )e ýh ig 8i lie kt ju 30 WHIPPETT SEDAN or 31 Ford roadster. Phone 629,: Bowman- THREE - PIECE Chesterfield suite, slightly used. P ho ne Orono 20-16. 10-2* 4 INCUBATORS, 240-500 egg ca- pacity, all in good condition. Apply M. E. Sherwin, Orono. Phone 63r12. 10-1* LINOLEUM RUG, 4 yds by 5 yds., block pattern, cream, tan and green and brown. Phone 795. 10-1* SINGER SEWING MACHINE, drop head, excellent condition. Apply George Walton, New- castle, phone Clarke 4433. , 10-1 FLOOR COVERINGS For Every room in the house. Wilson's One Store, 20 Church Street, Oshawa. 8-8 NEW CASE 13-DISC Fertilizer seed drill. W. H. Brown, Case Dealer, Bowmanville. Phone 2610. 10-1* IF YOU WANT ANY GOOD S5panish onions we have bushels of thein, $1.70 to $2.00, accord- ing to size. Phone 2118, G. A. McTaggart. 10-1"' J 0H N SON "IRON HORSE" motor, Y4 horsepower, in good condition; also Jamesway coal brooder stove. E. Cain, phone 56-19 Orono. 9-2* B A B Y PRAMS, CRIBS, Bassin- ettes, walkers, play pens, com- modes, rockers, toys, etc. Wil- son's One Store, 20 Church Street, Oshawa. 8-8 BEAUTIFUL BEDROOM Suites. New shipment'just arrived. We guarantee lower prices. We are out of the high rent district. Se our large selection. Wilson's One Store, 20 Church St., Osh- awa. 8-8 LIBRARY TABLE, Divanette, combination gas and w o o d stove, gas heater. Apply Mrs. F. J. Aitchison, Scugog St., Bowmanville. Phone 727. NEW CHESTERFIELD SUITES "1 Ail sping filled. Now on sale from $89.00. Also lovehy studio couches and chesterfield beds. Our pnices are lowen. Wilson's One Store, 20 Chunch Street, Oshawa. 8-8 APPLE TREES, Thmee and Four y ea rs old: Red Mcîntosh, Northern Spy, Gravenstein, Red Dchicious, Melba, etc. Special price on quantities. Orden now for spring planting. C. A. Gle- cof!, 174 Ritson Rd. South, Osh- awa. 4-13* LINOLEUM AND CONGOLEUM Ruga. Selec' yours from over 300. patterns actually in stock. Yqu are invited to view teese al, BRAflEY'S New Furniture Store, 156 Slmcoe South, Oshs- awa. * 46-tf OSHAWAS NEW FURNITURE Store - Evenything lu modern.j chesterfield, bedroom, dining suites, and studios. Bedding sud floor coverings a specialty.j Quality merchandise lit com. visit Bradleys New Fumniture Store, 156 Simcoe St. S., Oshs- awa. 46-ti N E W EQUIPMENT - Power grain binders, combines, hum- mer mills, mower for horse! or tractor, dump rakes, wagon on rubber, spring tooth harrows, pony disc plow, steel whehs, Autotrac attachments, set of knee sleighs, cultivator and hum- mow teeth. Phone Carl Todd, Clarke 15-99,.. dealer for J. J. Case Co., Otaco Limited, Port Hope, fertilizers. 10~2* I Vacuums for Sale VACUUMS REPAJERED "Good Vacuums f or G oo d Housekeeping." Also guamanteed expert repairs, lubrication, ne- placements, etc. Call C.U.C. Ser- vice Brunch, McGregor's Hard- ware Store. Bowmanville, 774. 5-tf Wanted ROOM AND BOARD or furnish- ed oom. Phone 703, Bowmun- ville. 10-1 FlOUSE .WTH ELECRTT, Riç*lton or BowmanvhRtrlcin- ity. Write Box 463, Statesman Office, Bowmanville. 7-tf VIARRIED MAN for general farm work, middle aged married man prcferred. Sepamute house and usual privileges. Top wages, prefcrably ycanly engagement. Commence any time after Mar. 15. Also several men needcd to prune, by the day. Appîy Howard Gibson, Bowmanville. Phone 2482. 10-tf A meuh friend is somebody who :nows ull about you and likes you .ist the same. NOTICE L. B. Tapson, well known piano tuner, will be in Bowmanville next week. If your piano needs tuning phone 2257 and leave your name and address. 10-1 Livestock For Sale 10 PIGS, 6 weeks old. *pply Joe Host, Hamipton. 10-1* TWO CALVES, suitable for veal- ing. Apply to W. L. Barton, Bowmanville. 10-1w ONE REGISTERED POLLED Hereford bull, seven months old. George J. Stapleton, Clarke. 10-f 2 YOUNG CALVES for vealing. A. W. Martin, Bowmanville. Phone 2594.10* 2 REGISTERED HOLSTEIN Bull calves, 10 and il mos. Bruce Mutton, Bowmanvulle. Phone 673. jx. 10-1 YOUNG 'HOLSTEIN Dairy Cow, second caif, due to freshen next week. Apply Frank Krolewski, R.R. 3, Bowmanville, Lot 24, 15 REAL GOOD YOUNG Lei- cester ewes, due to lamb first week in May. S. D. Souch, R.R. 4, Bowmanvîlle, phone Orono 56r14. 8-4* CHICKS - We are now taking oiders for Tweedle Chicks, ail breeds. Order early for special prices. Stewart's Seed Store, p1vone 59;y, Bowmanville. 3-tf e~EAM 0F HORSES, Clydeadales, ages-il years, 1500 to 1600 lbs. eqch,. good farin blocks, true wuýr#ers, wzell-mannered and quiet Also good set of breech- ing, team harness. Phone 2186, Bowmanville, before 7 p.m. Fni., after,7,p.m. Sat. 9-tf Real Estate For Sale 2 BUILDING L OTS. Apply Bow- manville Cleaners. 8-6, FIVE ROOMED SEMI-Detached solid brick house, centrally located. Write Box 475, States- man Office. 10-1* 8 ROOMED SOLID BR IC K house, water and hydro, 3/ acre of land. Apply Mrs. Roger Bird, Centre St., Bownianville, P.O. Box 308. 8-3* FOR SALE OR RENT - FARM-90 ACRES, including 9 acres orchard, best of soil, 2 miles East of Bowmanville, Lake Shore, 3/ mi. from No. 2 Highway on new four-lane highway (when completed). Good brick house and buildings, all with Hydro. Faîl ploughing donc. Reason for sale-illness. Phone 2206, Bowmanville, or write Box 471, Statesman Of- fice. 9-2 AN APARTMENTor small house with modern, çonveniances and central location. Require same by March 31. Mrs. Y.. H. Bettles. ' 10-1 DRAIN We a caro Govt. grad- ed AJax Oats Tese oats were grown from regfstered seed, sud are a heavy yleld- lut, stiff strawed, and rust- reslsting variety, expect the car around March 15. Special price at the car $1.05 per bus., Also have Erban, Vie- tory and Cartier varleties, all belng Govt. test No. 1 oats. Both two aud six row- ed barley, spning rye, spring wheat, field peas, etc. CLOVER SEEDS Alfalfa, Red Clover, Sweet Ciover, Tiotby, Red Ciover Mixtures. We have liberal quantities of these at espe- clhy good prises. Rybrld Corn, Smali Seeds, Feeds, Fertiliser, etc. A. W. Glenney PHONE Clarke 33-12 Tenders Wanted TENDERS REQUIRED FOR FUEL SUPPLY Tenders for the supply of Fuel to Counties' Home, Counties' Jail and Registry Office, Cobourg, will be received by the undersigned Up to 12:00 o'clock noon on 7th April, 1945. Ail tenders to be plainly marked as such on outsîde wrapper. Particulars as to type of u and tonnage required may beob1 tained from the three institutionsý named. E. L. MacNACHTAN, Counties' Clerk. 9-3 Personal SLENDOR TABLETS are effec- tive. 2 weeks', supply $1; 12 weeks' $5, at Alex McGregors Drug Store. 9-26 EAT WHAT YOU LIKE! Wilder's Stomach Powder brings quick, comforting relief from indiges- tion, heartburn, sour stomach. 50c and $1 at McGregor's Drug - TIRE N EWS î We wiIl endeavor to answer any qiuestions you have, through ihis columu. QUESTIONS - 1..-Do synthetie tires wear as weli as pre-war tires? 2. Can synthetic tubes be repaired? 3. Are synthetic tires as good ln snow and lcel? ANSWERS - 1. No - but we have seen synthetc tires wlth 20,- 000 miles ou them. 2. Yes - but they must be' vulcanlzed. 3. No - the synthetic tire acta Iu snow snd ice, as a pre-war tfre does af- ter spinlng, when stuek they become slip- pery, because of heat. O. . JMON TIRE & BATTERY SROP Ring & Silver, Bowmanville Phones: 467 - Rek '.376 REFRIGERATO R Repairs Commercial - Domestie ANY MARE HJ. Bowyer PRONE OSHAWA Z44 t RELIABLE ONTARIO BREEDING STATION R.O.P. SIRED BARRED ROCK CRICKS From Biood-Tested, Bred- to-Lay parent stock. AUl chicks slred by R.O.P. coe- kerels insure hlgh egg pro- duction and excellent meat type. We would appreclate early orderiug. kerels, day-old -or started. Z81ITE or PRONE Donald EL Gibson Bowmanville, Ont. Phone Clarke 3811 4tf Fariners Attention 1 You are luvited to Maple Grove ou Monday, March 12, for au evening's flue entertalument sponsorýed by W.,l. R .,p,, ~,dea- ler for J. 1. Case Co. Program luludeç,,,-" .,Iol etures, speeches and music by local talent. Cpme sud brlug a frlend. DeLaval Users & Case Operators I wish to announce the openiug of my shop lu Bowmanville. uext to Massey-Rarris shop. Come ln and see us wheu you are lu town. Prompt and courteous selavce aiways. W. H .' Brown CASE DEALER Bowmanville Telephopes: 497 or 2610 l' quit lif REA Daild us E WA N TuA os Adlb 1 MmNqRmý é THURSDAY, MARCH 8th, 1945 THE CAMADIAN STATâMAN, BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO 1