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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Mar 1945, p. 3

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for ere pie in- l'as the bis ed, in- f I Queen c mplimened the_ ancing-er..refectine a r ea it upon oiMLIO AADA< V ýuason tneîr act. The two hirnef n the service." Princesses assured the Canadians Gorman, whîose father la formerwokg with Canadians i every th1 Y ey adnt auhe sobad nchief clerk of Selective Service years".Board No. 3, tbia city, is a gradu- Someof anknd'smoa terib e oHib theoo u esetered thle ate of theMA VIL Gloucesterid'smosCathobde cghBowmanvjlle Branch: F. O. Mcil miaeed bae bencommitted Armny in March, 1943, and bas under the speli of certain magic been overseas since May, 94 words or phrases.-Baccalaureate He bas a brother, William J., also Address at Harvard, 1934, by wîth an Army Engineering Unit in James Bryant Conant. France. The Financial Statement o f ks Donaton Hspital Superintendent'fs 194 To Local Hospital lowmanville HospitaThelclb has collected donationRpr e ivsPa e amuning to $38.20 for Bowman- e o t R c iv s P a s At the nnual gneraileeting xp as pr Mr.tand Mrs. A. Af the B ani gîeer.HospietaingEp a Asi ------- 28,123.32 Werry, Mr. and Mrs. G. Yeo, Mr. The annual report of Superin- Victory Garden. The school child- of soitihe ld omniFr Hida vngToa and Mrs. M. Hobbs, Mr. and Mrs.1 tendent Miss Pearl Lumby, f Bowmanville, too, made -72,2.6C. Austin, Mr. and Mrs. H. Annis, . o h er 94 a u eneros donations of vegetables the financial statement for the Cash o ad Mr. and Mrs. Plant, Mr. and Mrs. mitted at the general meeting of fo-r whuich we are most apprecia- year was presented by Sec'y- Dec. 31, 1944 ------- 70.00 J. Dorland, Mr. and Mrs. H. De* the Bowmanville Hospital Asso- tIve T the Women's Institutes, C Treas. Stuart R. James. Summar- geer, Mr. and Mrs. L. Stainton, ciation, Friday night. Considered 'churchT and lodge groups, we offerTH UO îzed herewith, it will be seen that $28,394.56 Mrs. Page, Miss E. Souch, Mr. and as one of the most able and satis- 1ourosincere thanks.TEURP th igures embrace three ac- Finanejal ReporttoGverrnment Mrs. H. Stevens, Mr. and Mrs. o. factory reports of hospital actîvi- Toite resîdent nurses, of Bow- nldgme counts, the Hospital Association Operating Expenses Ashton, Mr. and Mrs. C. Pethick, ties in recent years, a resolution of manville and surrounding coun- will bc if the, the Hospital Savings Account and Dietaries, food sup. - --- $ 4,941.24 Mr. and Mrs. R. Thompson, thanks was accorded the superin- try, who helped us with our nurs-icldnme the Building Fund, ail of which, Spirits & alcoholic bev._ 420.00 Mrs. Strutt, Mr. and Mrs. T. tendent and hier efficient staff by Ing need, 1 offer my appreciation We reply that together wîth revenues and ex- Drugs, medical sup.---- 1,002.83 Siemon, Mr. and Mrs. J. Slemon, unanimous vote of the meeting, for this service. nErpad penditures and a statement of Surgical supplies---115.91 Mr. and Mrs. M. Heard, Mr. and The report given in full, follows: To my staff, who have so loyal- ntbiga securities held, give a compre.. Lab. and pathology ---- 58.63 Mrs. L. Wearn, Mr. and Mrs. R. Mr. Chairman, Ladies and' l helped make our year a success sie fsclviw0fte nir urni h., bedding, linen 105.77 Griffin, Mr. and Mrs. A. Lead- Gentlemen: 1 extend mny heartfelt thanks for ourW nd Lo ou Wdn unetup--L--und -------------- ---- 170.43 beater, Mr. George Reid, Mr. and It gives me pleasure to present the sincere co-operation from one dislocated bys It should be explained that the Housekeeping, cleaning-_ 129.85 Mrs. S. Pethick, Mr. and Mrs. E. the activities of the Bowmanville and ail. organization of the Bowmanville Fuel and heatîng--------- 1,767.85 Ashton, Mr. and Mrs. D. Lewis, hospital for the year 1944. To the medical staff, I offer my We therefore fi H~ o s p t a l A s s o c i a t i o n w a s u n d e r - L i g h t a n d p o w e r - --- - - - - - - - 7 6 7 .5 1 M r . a n d M r s . W . R a h m , M r . A . h r v n i l g v r m n e n m e s o h r u e T e o i c a g h s taken to secure as wide a mem- Water and ice ' -------- 121.11 Boyd, Mrs. Boyd, Mr. and Mrs Theopovinc tihal oerme ed p- hanksfrg ratuithous arted0f îck bership as possible throughout the Taxes----------------- ----- 109-04 Win. Moore, Mr. and Mrs. L.po ists ihs pital's be capa-ndebersnfrteegrupreseyct ivare thos town and the municipalties whose Insurance ---------------441-62 Lam b, Mrs. Stevenson, Mrs os ttecoeo er eration and for this I am truly V citizens accept accommodation at Interest, overdraft .0 F e kt, M . a d M S. t. inds hcom lm et f ed a a y , a nk u.PrO E S 0 the hospital. Life menberships Mtce. and repairs, bldg. 91.57 Werry, Mrs. Virtue, Mr. and Mrs. 24 aduit beds and 12 nursery cots. tilities out Prisi are $100 and annual individual Mtce. plant and equip.---- 283.80 E. Werry, Mr. and Mrs. Sander- Patiens treaed weri937th26 matcally eaiend lTemberships only $1.()0. The Stationery, Post., office_ 203.09 son, Mr. Ellis, Mr. and Mrs. Sten- ains bre ee97;96akte frtercntrudsp akdown inae t funds raised are designed as con- Telephone, telegraph, ger, Mr. and Mrs. W. Oke, Mr were resident while il were out- pofor.thir contiiuedinup tributory to the funds being rais- express, etc-------------- 190.61 and Mrs. A. Oke, Mr. and Mrs. H* patients. To the citizens of Bowmanvilîe nu.TeGr ed for the purpose 'of needed en- Misc. (items sep. listed) 514.14 Miîîs, Mr. and Mrs. F. oln, Brh ubrd26wt o n urud onr,1akfrens. The ern largements and improvements or Salaries, wages, def. tax 15,641.22 Mr. and Mrs. Ferguson, Mr. and miaternai deaths, 119 were male for whole-bearted support in the Allied General in if possible, the construction of an Mrs. E. Wright, Mr. and Mrs. L. and 87 female. project for building. to ocs rn entirely new hospital. Total -------------------- $28123.32 Bradley, Mr. and Mrs D. Barto Collective days i hosital were Whe I see nurses and doctors and it will probal Th consa fDecember, Operatlng Revenue Mr. and Mrs. Harris, Mr. and Mrs. 7689, with a daily average of 21 carrying Patients from one floor months orpt 19414, are as f011ws Private patients -------$ 8,893.70 Biddle, Mr. and Mrs. W. Mac- patients. t. another it rhiakes me realize an dian, British and Bowmanville Hospital Ass'n Semni-private patients -- 3,871.05 Laughlin, Mr. and Mrs. R. Mac- Surgical operations performed elevator is long overdue. Again, mnCms h Life memPaysward patients ----- 4,148.15 Laughlin, Mr. and Mrs. W. Ashton, were 385 with one surgical death. when I see a hand-operated dumb a (2at$1000----- 20.0Extraservice, private M.andr. .Rhm r ad Dats Ifnsudr er,6 aie, h dvnaesounrlc Annual membershipspatients----------- --- - ---1,737.00 Mrs. B. Johnston, Mr. and Mrs. surgical 1; non-surgical 27; total trie food lift are immediateîyi( i$00n)----- 0.0M. n r.G Dats nat, ne ,r 6 atr h avnae fnnde-Te wl cdsr total ------------------------ 80.15 Extra service, semi-. R. Rowan, Mr. and Mrs. R. Mc- 34. rymn.mnadwl l ______ private patients - ----- 1,091.63 GilI, Mr. and Mrs. S. Trewin, Mr. 0f the non-surgical deaths, 2 Possibly we would be well ad- ougn en job Totl------ ---$ 8015Extra service, pay ward and Mrs. A. Brunt, Mr. and Mrs. were from accidents, while dis- vise olomn sewa ol at fienjow patients ----------------1,19483 H. McGill, Mr. and Mrs. W. Tre- eases of the heart led as the great be done to acquire this needed atfv years we Hospital Savings Accouat IMncplmitnne iM.adMs .AhoMs etoei the other 25 deatha. equipment now. "If it were done emnpioca Receipts patients------------------- 1,442.01 Ormiston, Mr. Westlake, Mr. M icrrbnk aetne t hnts ermnpison caiE Grants, municipalities __ 1,800.00 Morrey, Mrs. Murdock, Mr. C. the Women's Hospital Auxiliary done quîc e ter eî twr i h FrEs Bal. forward from 1943-$ 620.55 Grants, Prov. Govt-------- 924.20 Ferguson, Mr. and Mrs. J. Jerco, for their continued support; to th e sp tully submitted, every aman is back M em ber hip fees ---------- 280.15 M isc. item s (Eit. sep.) -- 1,633.40 M r. K en. B utson. Lionsspectfor donapons f o hP A L L J B .E R PIb T RIit . Int., Palmer mortgage -_ 130.00- The following donations have __________________________________________ Coupon int. fromn bonds-- 440.00 Total --------------------$26,735.97 been received from T. Eaton Co.,fedn Bank interest --------- 3.68*** 10 yds. flannelette; R. Simpson MR. AND MRS. HARVEY gering in its immi Hospital Bonds HeId Co., 10 yds. flannellette; Walker HARDY CELEBRATE Enferopmas ae bs Total ------------------------$ 1,474.38 Savlngs Account: Stores, 20 yds. flannelette. SILVER WEDDING Many have nowhE Expenses Prov. of Quebec, series_______________ (Intended for last week) heads. They are si T r a n s f e r r e d t o c u r r e n t o f 8 a t $ , 0 0 0 - - - - - - - - --$ 8 , 0 0 0 . 0 0A b u 3 5 r l t v s a d f i n V i o s : M s e P a l , J n a dw l b a n r g t account ------------------ $ 1,225.00 Dom. f Canada, one ----1,000.00 Delicate color and expensive gA ot 35 elat ive oe nofMriends V isinT yor M iss Pea l e A r andeicl su p Exchange on coupons ---- 1.80 Prov. f B.C., two (sold) 2,000.00 perfume added to toilet soap make Mrs. Harvey Hardy, Wellington buckle and Ross Taylor, Toronto, hsstikncu Cash on hand in bank -- 247.58- it more costly, but do not add to, St., Bowmanviîîe, on Feb. 25 to, a lm g T yors ...M se Net on hand -----------$ 9,000.00 its cleansing action. celebrate with them their 25th a amg alrs...Mse dent on their sister Totl-- --- --- ---$ 147.38Buidin Aeoun:*Vera Stinson and Grace Stark, meet these dire n Savings-ac-ècount--has-as weîî Dom. of Canada Bonds--$10,500.00 Coals from four districts inng dcoAnndiversar athmions ront. OatNormn wtins os.. down? The Cana4 $9 000.00 in bonds. D. of C. registered ------1,500.00 .Alaska have been tested and all as decoatdwtharnation , Mrs. H. Ormitoniith e moth-n * * *can be used to produce gasoline n trcis i n sw e p as. t ou e r .E . m tih n niskilth e Building Fund Accouat Total ---------------------$12,000.00 and other liquid fuels. o'clock with their aunt and uncle, inaveyba condition for a few RED CROSS WORK WA ReepsMr. and Mrs. Charlie Knight, hours. One unfortunate man had -Until the last Cai Cahfowr fo 94- ,261 Oshawa, the bride and groom to unhitch his horse and draw the 100in ------------- lo00 W were first greeted by "Here Comes cutter, while his wife followed Bondkou interest - 25500---------4 r the Bride," played by Misa Faye dingte horse. Hoswie Ban pnk iteeat4425divngt.Hu0wie w om n S osp ta Au xiliaaa J Gilroy, which was amplified out- wouîd be wise to lay in a good R W' 4? @ a W ide the houae. They were greeted auipply of provisions before the Total -----------------4,617-6-----------mn$n41617.56 at the door by the hostesses, srn thaw commences. Expenses Do 58KB& ingA ou tofW Misses Dorothy and Doreen srn H. J. Smith, architect -- $ 91500 Hadadisd teget ih Bank re 7th Vict'y Loan 3,500.06 ed them hearty congratulations on In the l7th century telescopea Cash on hand in bank 202.50 Presîdent Mrs. A. R. Virgin of yds. towelling, 6 yds. oilcloth, 6 such a happy occasion. were made 600 feet in length. the Women'a Hospital Association Kenwood blankets,, 60 kitchen The bride waa wearing a Total-------- ----$ 4,617.56 submitted the annual report of articles, 74 dishea of various kinda fuchsia cut velvet gown, also a Buldn Fn bs$12,000.00 in the organization at the hospital for trays, 3%k yds. curtain net, 24 Bulova wriat watch, a gift of the ~~nds. association annual meeting, Fni- dishclotha, 5 yds. ticking, 3 doz. groom. The bride's gift to the **.day night. The report embraces bath towels, 8 doz. face clotha, 36 groom was a fountain pen and Hospital Current Account actîvities covering 1944. With a patients' gowna, 12 doctors' gowns, pencil. Receipts membership of only 24, ten regu- 1000 viitîng carda, 1000 paper Charlie Knight acted as chair- Cash on hand, Jan 1, '44 $ 60.00 lar meetings were held with an tray covera. man and toasts were given to the Private patients ------- 11,140.13 average attendance of 13. Visit- Articles Made bride and groom while Faye ably Semi-private patients -- 4,937.28 ors contacted the hospital each 330 piecea for operating room rendered appropriate music. The Public self-pay patients 5,693.51 month and the inventory commit- (gowns, pada, etc.), 16 aheets, 104 address was read by Misa Doro- Receipts from County -- 1,778.90 tee made its survey in September pillow cases, 39 other articles (hot thy Hardy and a cheat of ilver Grant, Bowmanville -- 1,000.00 land found the hospital well aup- water bag covera, etc.), 109 towels, and ilver reliah dish waa pre- Grant. Prov. of Ontario 924.20 plied. 70 pieces for nursery. sented by the bride'a sistera, Mra. Grant, United Counties 800.00 uThe following report covering Treasurer's Report Meredith Dring and Mrs. George Donations------------------ 5.001supplies and financial statement Rcit:McCulloch. The bride and groom Refund on alcohol------- 359.36 reveal the aazing extent of prac- Cash on hand ------------$77659 replied fittingly, botb wearing Transfer from aav. acc't 1,225.00 ticaluwork done by the very limit- Members' fees--------------- 12.00) a corsage of roses and fern. Telephone' repaid--------- 3954 ed nmbrof membera. The asso- Donations ---------------- 35.25 A buffet luncheon was served Sale, druga, medicine - 45 ito and ita officera were ac- Proceeda, birthday party- 166.75 by the young ladies, which was c*0 orded praise and applause at the Bank intereat----------------- 8.45 much enjoyed. The wedding $27,967.42 general meeting for their imprea- - ck a tresoisadpr Bank overdrawn, sîve contribution to the welfare of $9.(4chakedwaathe reaos and r-' Dec. 31, 1944---------- 427.14 the hoapital. Expenditures-----------------57.324scha selby Harde a n ral grm' Purchases Made Bal. in bank --------------421.72 Out of town guests were present Total --------------------$28,394.56 1127 yda. flannelette, 152 yda. Plus legacy from Misa from Peterboro, Port Hope, Mont- Expenses cotton, 40% yda. sheeting, 49% Petera' Estate ----------200.00 real, Tyrone, Oshawa and Columi- Bank overdrawn, yda. pillow cotton, 249 rolla tape Officers for 1945 bus. Jan. 1, 1944 ---------$ 201.24 (12 apoola), 60 bedapreada, 40Y2 President - Mrs. A. R. Virgin; lat Vice - Mrs. L. T. McLaughlin; TI15 CHARLES A. GORMAN ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ __ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ __ 2nd V ice - M r. G eo. W eekes; R ECEIV ES CER TIFICA TE F Rec. Sec'y- Mra. V. H. Storey; MERIT FOR SERVICE IN Cor. Sec'y -- Mrs. C. Bagnell; 'FRANCE Treas. - Mrs. E. W. Crawford;____ Eecutive: Miss F. Galbraith, Mra. Former chuma of Charles Gor-I T e H a h f lR. L. MitcheMrsCE.Rehder, man, son of John F. Gorman, who T h e e a l h fu lMrs C. eare, rs. olp, Ornowasmanager of the R. M. Hol- Mrs.Colill Necasle;Rep tolingshead Co. Limîted, here sev- Men's Board-Mrs. A. R. Virgin, leral years ago, will be glad to I-I b itMrs. L. T. McLaughlmn. learn of the honor conferred on Charlie as it appeared in The H a i .S.B.A. JAMES HANCOCK Gloucheater (N.J.) City News, as PLAYS IN COMMAND followa: PERFORMANCE BEFORE Word bas been received by Mr. ROYAL FAMILY and Mra. John F. Gorman, of 517 Somerset St., that their son, T-S -A Canadian Press deapatch Charles A. Gorman, who is at- from London, Eng., tells that the tached to a corps of engineers in Canadian cast in the show "MeetFrace -bsreeiedaciato ILNADIAN RED CROSS ?EAN WAR is nearing its end. That is obvious. Many people, =ibers of the Canadian Red Cross, have asked us what our job war should suddenly end. twe can only see ahead greater responsibilities than ever. Both dat home the work of the Red Cross must go on. The war wiil end to suffering and want, to the care of our Prisoners of War, ied, and to the millions whose homes and way of life have been strife. féel that every Canadian has a right to some knowledge of what lities will be in the event of peace, and just how we propose to Europe and bas been discharged from hos. pital, there will be important work for the Red Cross to do. How long this wiil be we do not know, but one tbing we are sure of and that is that every Canadian at home will want to make certain that our boys will ha as well looked after with the coming of peace as they were in war. The care of the wounded both in Europe and Canada isaa permanent responsibility which we cannot evade. No Canadian wants to evade it. Here again the Red Cross must go on! ULOOD SERUM SERVICE - Red Cross Blood Serum has saved counticis lives in battde. The end of the war will see the end of painful war wounds. The demand for serum on the fighting fronts, except the Far East, will ceaie. But the Red Cross Blood Serum Service should be continued for civilian use. If the Red Cross makes it freely available it can save thousanda of the lives of our own civilian citizens wbea war bas ended. PELACETIME SERVICES IN CANADA-Outpost Hospitais, Children's Clinics, District Nurs- ing, First Aid, Home Nursing, Preparation for Epidemnic or Disaster, Nutrition and Junior Red Cross are ail important Red Cross peacetiîne services wbicb must go on. Nationa xcti, Cmmte VAR-With the end of boa- ners of War will auto- tbe Prisoners. Chaos and Germany will probably nan state will ceaie to care IvilI become wards of the ncommand of the Occupa- isportation will be difficuit, bly take a minimum of six triate the 2,400,000 Cana. lAllied Prisoners in Ger- Sneed of Prisoners' Parcels ipplies will be doubled. ributed by the Allied Com- [ay a vital part in feeding ig repatriation. After the we have done during the 'cannot let our boys in rnps down. Our Pnisoners viii also be a continuing 7e must carry on until home. 90 MILUONS-The job of hungry millions is stag- tensiry. Over 17,000,0ffl n tomn from their homes. iere to rest their weary :arving. Malnutrition is kn the exception. There need for food, clothing [ies. The Red Cross in ntries are utterly depen. societies for supplies to nids. Can we let themn adian Red Cross must f 1114 OUR ARMED FORCES National Executive Committee nadian soldier has left CANADIAN RED CROSS )F THIS MONEY r e£POCKET? reliable way of keeping track of your receipta and expenses. We don't mean anything complicated ... just the opposite-something quite simple, such as our FarmAccount Book. A few minutes at this book every day or so and you will know just which operations of your farm. are doing well, which only fair, which are falling behind. Then you can take the necessary stepa to correct matters. A copy of this book is yours for the asking. Cati at our local office for a copy. While you are in, have a word with our manager. He will be glati to see you and to discuss any problema you may have in the ofeincyo18fan7 u'Lk of, Manaerie11 LVEEN, Manager THURSDAY, MARCH 8th, 1945 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO ~s THREE n y e t e d y e 2 il ..,. -zt THREE 1 týýi 1

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