PAGE SIX THURSDAY, MARCH eth, 1945 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMAN~VILLE. ONTARIO Clarke Union Visitors: Kenneth Cain, New- market, with his brother, Everett1 Cain.. . Edwin Sandercock and Jack Colville, Bowmanville, at Oswald Sanderson's... Mrs. Gar- don Powers with her mothe?; 3(rs. Ida Stark at Starkville. ..-; Vbry Bailey, Deseronto, at hot Miss Eileen SQUch, - a ronto, iý-1'S, -Mrs. H. N. Scott. Mrs. Kenneth Hill is home from Bowmanville hospital. - Mother and babe doing well. A number of the farmers in this section have contracted with the Campbell Soup Co. ta grow tomatoes. Jack Stapleton bats sold his chestnut team ta Charles Gay who intends going farming this spring. Hartman Baker, R.A.F., wbo has been transferred to the R.C. A.F., is visiting at Mr. Gordon Power's. Hartman bas been aver- seas for five years, spending most of his time in Egypt. We wel- corne hlm home. This is subscription tinie. -LET US TELL YOU WB WILL gladly tell you how your isu.rance poli- cies can give your property the fu]lest protection. It will take only a littie of your time to review your insurance policies with us - and it niay save you some money too 1I Seo Stuait R. James Insurance and Real Estate guccessor To 3. J. Mason & Son Phone 681 King St. Bowxnanville Murreil Bros. Proprietors Haydon Several- wells in the v'icmnity have gone dry this winter. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Jones andi Johnny have moved ta Maplei Grave. Mrs. Clarence Avery is under the doctor's care. Congratulations ta, Mrs. Sam Woodley on celebrating bier 87th birthday on Monday.1 Mr. and Mrs. Harvey McGill i and family, Enniskillen, at Mr. C.1 Slemon's. Mr. and Mrs. Chris Petbick at1 Mr. Martin's.1 Brown' s Red Cross card party was held at Mrs. Henry Reicbratb's. Prize winners were Wylma Farrow and Sidney Brown and consolations ta Doreen Caswell and Trueman Clarke. Miss Phyllis McNeil entertained friends at Mr. and Mrs. C. Turn- er's. Wylma Farrow and Sidney Brown held bigh Ccore and June Wilson and Bll Morley low score in 500. We wisb Mrs. A. Brown, Jean Perrin and Geo. Stephenson a nesses. Mrs. C. Brawn,«Mrs. Tom Wil- son and Wyllene, and Doreen Cas- well at Mrs. W. Brunt's, Lock- bart's. Mrs. Gea. Law with friends in Newcastle. Mrs. J. Hillier bas returned from visiting ber daugbter at Dun- das. Farm Forum met at Clarence Turner's. Next meeting at Well- ington Farrow's. Newtonville Visitors: Miss Laurna Pearce, Toronto, was bame. .. Mrs. Bert Samis and Mrs. Wilbert Hancock in Peterboro... Miss Betty Staple- ton at Mr. Herb Gilmer's, Bow- manville... Mr. and Mrs& Artbur Redknap in Oshawa. . . Mr. and Mr's. Donald Stapleton with bier grandmotber, Mrs. Wm. Todd, Oshawa... Miss Mary Lane witb Oshawa friends. .. Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Tamblyn, Orona, with ber mother, Mrs. I. Stark, at Mr. Jas. Stark's, where she is recuperat- ng . .. Mrs. J. McLacblan in Peter- haro . . - Miss Thelma Stapleton scalded bier foot. Rev. J. McLacblan preacbed at Locust Hill, Cberrywood and Whitevale, bis new circuit, an Sunday. Rev. and Mrs. J. McLacblan left for their home at Whitevale, Tues- day. F. A. McMullen bas purcbased a larger bus ta accommodate the pupils going ta Part Hope bîgb school. This is subseriptian time. Ebenezer Visitors: Mrs. J. Peterson, C awa, witb ber son, Mr. J. Pe- son, and Mrs. Peterson and ch' ren... Mr. and Mrs. C. Robin and Jimmy, Ajax, with Mr. Gay . . . Pte. Ralph Ormis' Camp Borden, Mrs. Ralpb Orr tan, Joan, Gary, Maple Grc with Mr. and Mrs. A. Wilkins. Mrs. Neil Hamm, Peterboro, m Mrs. Wilfrid Brown. .. Mr. Mrs. Gardon Osborne and Lir Ajax, with Mr. and Mrs. H. borne. .. Pte. Gardon Bro, Kingston, witb bis parents, ' and Mrs. J. Brown... Pte. Har Wilkins, Ipperwash, Mrs. Ger Balson, Jerry and Ann, Miss Di tby Pingle, Hampton, with and Mrs. Harry Gay. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Sco: were guests of bonor at a2 wedding anniversary celebrai held on Feb. 24. See full rel in this issue. Mrs. Lloyd Down with Mr. Mrs. Harry Worden, Ajax. C.G.I.T. girls met at the homi Mrs. W. Rundie, Feb. 24. Quilting girls met Wednes evening at the home of Mrs.J Gay. Anather quilt was comp ed for the Red Cross. Enniskillen Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. A. B: and family at Mr. W. Mark's, 1 Perry. .. Mr. and Mrs. L. L-« and family at Mr. W. R. Lanr Nestleton. . . Mr. and Mrs. Billett, James and Douglas, Si bora Bluffs, at Mr. R. McGill'E Mr. and Mrs. W. Staintan, Or at Mr. L. Lamb's... Mr. W. R. and family at Mr. L. Grifi: Blackstock. . . Mrs. W. Rabr Mrs. H. Rahm's, Burketon.. and Mrs. O. C. Ashton and1 at Mr. S. Radman's, Port P( ..Miss Joan Lewis at Miss B Rabm's, Union... Mr. and MrE Pethick at Mr. Wm. Martin's, E don... Mr. and Mrs. H. Oke,C awa, Mr. and Mrs. B. Ashton Larry, Cartwright, at W. 0ki C.G.I.T. entertained the Misý Band on Saturday aftern( playing games. The girls ser a dainty lunch. LAC Roy Trewîn, Camp1 den, Mrs. Trewin and Do: Lamne Park, Mr. Victor York, 1 Vera Mawat, Toronto, at Sic Trewin's. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Cari Bowmanville, at F. Dorland's. Hamipton Visitars: Miss Nancy Johns, ranto, with ber mother, I Elmina Johns, and Mr. and 1% W. White... Miss Barbara But Oshawa, with tbe Kersey girlý Mrs. Cumberland, Toronto, v ber daughter, Mrs. Gea. Fa comb... Mr. and Mrs. S. Willia with their daughter, Mrs. Edi Wood, Bowmanville... Mrs. CI Smith witb friends in Toronto. Miss Wilma Leach witb friendE Toronto. .. Mr. and Mrs. Gili Adcock and Annabelle witb C awa friends... Mrs. Jackson 'W of Bowmanville, at T. Wray's. Mrs. Fred Tamblyn, Orono, v relatives bere. .. Mr. and Mmx Hutchinson and sons witb frie at Port Permy. . . Mrs. Hoxv Milîson, Toronto, with ber pare: Mm. and Mrs. R. Knox. .. Mrs. Robson and babe, Oshawa, m ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. C Farncomb. .. Mrs. W. Thomp and Mrs. Fred Payne, Bowrr ville, with Mr. and Mrs. W. Gre away. . . Stoker "Bud" Pinl Halifax, witb bis parents, Mr. Phone 446 ýter- iild- son M. ;ton, mis- ove, uitb and nda, Os- )wn, Mr. rold ýrald 2ro- Mr. rgie 25th Ltian ýpart and ie of day [ack plet- runt Port ,amb F. kar- Greeting c ,ARDS St. PATRICK'S MýARCH l7th EASTER - APRIL 1 5c to ?.Se Don't wait too long ta, send the much appreeiated greet- ing card ta those far from home. Our assortment is large. We have decorated servi- ettes, table eover$s paper plates and decorations for your holiday parties. J. W. JEWELL ýMIG 20" PHONE 55t, - I s..Mrs. B. Pingle. ana, Sympathy is extended ta Mr. ýam Gea. Barman in the death o! bis in's, brother, Harvey o! Toronto, after na at a short illness. Mr. and Mrs. Mr. Austin Barman and Mr. Gea. Bar- Lois ron attended the funeral on Satur- perry day. luth The nortb graup met for sewing S. C. and quilt work at the home o! Fay- Mrs. W. Greenaway on Wednesday )sh- afternoon. Tbere was a goad at- and tendance and a short business e's. period was conducted by the 3sian group leader, Mrs. E. H. Cale. It ioon, was decided ta give $25.00 ta the rved Red Cross fund. The hostess served refreshments and a social Bor- tume was spent. Next meeting at ýnna, Mis. W. Cbapman's, March 14tb. M'iss A short missianary pmogami was Iney gýiven at the Sunday sebool ses- sion Sunday afternoon. Madlyn bett, Wilcox gave a reading and Don- ald and Douglas White sang nice- ly a mîssionary selection, "Wark- ing Together". Missionary Supt. Mms. Bruce Hogarth presided. Congratulations ta Mm. C. W. Souch who on March 5 celebrated To- bis 80tb bithday. A birtbday Mrs. party was held in bis bonor, Mon- dms. day evening. irn, Sympatby is extended ta Mr. Is... L. D. Sykes in the death o! bis uith brother. He attended the funeral arn- at Warkworth an Wednesday. ams Young People's Union beld an win entertainment and crokinole party !has. on Friday evening wbich was well )..attended. An enjoyable varied Is in pragram o! well-rendered num- bert bers by home talent was present- )sb- ed. Tbey were assisted by Miss, ray Laine White, vocalist, and Miss: ;..1Collette Ferguson, violinist, Bow- Lit. wm emuc happe catd.iAuts s.t f. manle uhospe cntrib Auts nds engaged in crokinole wbile the 'ard youngem set enjayed other games, nts, at the close of the program. Prizes Ed. for highest score were won by ith Mrs. Bruce Hogarth and Mr. A. E. :eo. Billett, and lowest, Miss Minnie son Horn and Rev. W. Rackham. ian- Women's Institute en- Women's Institute met in the igle, basement o! the chumcb on March and lst with tbe president in the chair. --Letters from boys And girls in the armed forces. were read express-, Ling appreciation for parcelsan Z cards received. A short business -period was held and discussion re- -garding the annual St. Patrick's day entetainment. Committees were appointed ta arrange samne. , Mis. F. Honey presided for the -very intemesting pragrami in -charge o! the East group. An in- Eteresting reading was given by EMrs. E. Adamson on "A Hamil- ton Woman's Version o! the lst Institute Meeting at Stoney Creek 48 Years Ago". A number o! very practical household bints were presented by the members. Mrs. Percy Dewell and Miss N. EHorn favored with a piano duet =and Mrs. H. Gaud contributed a Ereading "Ladies Aid" helps the war effort. A number o! ladies entered into an amusing black- board drawing contest, and a quilt display added navelty ta the after- noon's pragram. Several lovely quilts were an display, one o! in- Eterest ta all was over 75 years aId =and was made by the late Mrs. R. E Katerson befome she was married. The group served daînty refresb- ments. The attendance was en- -cauraging. April meeting will be -in charge of the Centre group. Congratulations ta Mr. C. W. ESouch, Hampton, who celebrated =_ bis 80th birthday on March Sth. EMr. Soucb enjoys excellent bealth =and stîll finds pleasures in per- - forming daily tasks about bis E home. Miss Eva Souch, Erinis- =killen, and Mms. J. Albert Cale, E Bowmanville, were out o! town -guests at a gatbeming beld in bis -honor. Tyrone - Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Jack EEdwards and Mary, and Miss Yvonne Byam, Oshawa, witb Mm. and Mrs. F. L. Byam. . . Pte. Wal- ter Park, Kingston, at home... jRev. and Mrs. Unstead witb To- ,_tQ i~ds. .. Mrs. R. Burgess witb ID#., and Mms. Bert Stevens and Mrs. E. Stevens, Hampton... EMm. Wm. Macdonald, Oshawa, at Ehome. . . Mm. and Mrs. Harold =Tabb, Bowmanville, with Mm. and EMrs. Thomas Tabb. Red Cross quiltings are held Eeach Tuesday at Mrs. E. Wood- ley's. Junior Young People met in the school on Feb. lOth 'and elected Vthese officers: Pesident-Doug- las Barr; Vice Pres. - Editb Woodley; -Secretary - Dorotby Wright; Treasurer - Millie His; Pianist - Bessie Hilîs. These groups were cbosen, eacb to take their turn, ta conduct a program on sucb topîcs as "Missionaries," "Citizensbip" and "Culture". Group Leader, Lloyd Skinner, Marion Jones, Maurice Jebson, Joyce Hills; Group Leader, Ralpb Hills, J im Waadley, Dorotby Wright, Bessie Hîlîs and Doug- las Barr; Group Leader, Shirley Park, Millie Hilîs, Marlon Hay- wood, Stanley Hall, Beth M~iiller; Group Leader, Helen M'iller, Gregor Friend, Allyn Taylor, Editb Woodley, Joyce Woodley. Meetings will be beld every two weeks in the scbool room. It was decided that tbe cburcb windows be frosted with the proceeds from the play put on last f.all. Doratby Wright, Mrs. Pbilp and Douglas Barr were chosen ta see that it was carried out. Mrs. G. Astley 'and babe have arrived home. Solina As a resuit of the organizing ef- forts of Ralph Davis, wbo secur- ed the services of Mr." Pengelly's snaw plow and two operators from Brooklin and the willing manual and financial assistance of 15 men and boys from the village, west, south and north, the road south from Solina to the 5th Concession was opened for motor traffic this week. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Dewell and Marilyn, Hampton, at Bruce Tink's. Starkville With the recent fine days, the snow in aur district bas gradually been disappearing. The county road is practically bare and cars are now able ta get tbrough. Visitors: Mike Shutka in Ta- ronto. .. Mr. and Mrs. A. Dobson and Mary Lou in Bowmanville.. Miss B. K. Hallowell, Toronto, with her mother, Mrs. S. G. Hallo- well. . . Miss Deckhart and Miss Scott in Port Hope... Mrs. How- ard Farrow in Bowmanville... Mr. and Mrs. Bert Trim in Osh- awa- . . . Mr. and Mis. Hugh Stapleton and son, Oshawa, at W. A. Hallowell's. . . Miss Katbyrn Minta, nurse in training, Oshawa, with ber father ... Llew Hallowell in Bowmanville . .. Mrs. I. Stark witb ber son, Newtonville.. . Mr. ShelI, who has been in Osbawa bospital, is now with bis daugbter, Mrs. G. Silver. . . Mr. Howard Farrow and Audrey With Mr. W. Farrow, Newcastle. . . Mrs. Silver in Part Hope. .'. L. Farrow at- tended a stock sale at Oshawa.. Mr. and Mrs. A. Dobson and Mary Lau at Ed. Ruthven's, Zion... Miss A. Hallowell bas returned ta Toronto. . . Warren Carson and family with Chas. Carson, Kendal ..Reeve T. A. Reid in Bowman- ville. Mr. Shutka sbipped a truck load of vegetables ta the city. TRINITY W.M.S. Woman's Missionary Society of Trinity cbumcb met on Tuesday afternoon witb President Mrs. W. P. Rogers in the chair and Mrs. Workman at the piano. Mrs. Nicholîs gave a brief account o! the early life and training of aur special missionary, Miss Dorotby Pearson, that prepared her for ber work as a missionary teacher in Central India. The worship service was led by Mis. Rundle assisted by Miss Jack-. son, Mrs. Foley and Mrs. Bragg, witb Mrs. Jackson Wray as solo- i$t. Mrs. Dippell, in eviewing the last chapters of the study book, spoke of the great spread of Cbristianity befome the war. Look- ing forward ta post-war recon- struction there is mucb ta be dane by the cburcb and individual Christians by giving and living that the nations may wake froni the darkness of bate ta the ligbt of Christian love that the mission of the churcb may be attained. The salvation a! the whole world tbrougb Jesus Christ aur Lard. Promotion of the war is nat ad- vanced by men looking for theii own promotion. We Test Eyes and Fit GMasses -SATISFACTION GUARANTEED - Cu*x Hand Cream 25c, 43e j Aain - 22c, 43c, 98c Barrington's Cream 33c, 59c Bay s------- 18c, 29c, 79c Pacquin's Cream -- 29c, 57c Nyal A.S.A ---------- 25c, 49c VITAMINS Halibut 011 Caps 89c, 1.50 Vi-M Caps -- $1.85, $3.25 Sota afleycud Scott's Emuision 59c, 98C Sf saféc:lu! Ayerst 10D Cod Liver 011 ---- ------ 67c, $1.69 Aiphamettes $1.00, $1.85, $3.50, $15 Neo Chemnical Food d Llquid $1.15, $2.45, 4.45 Capsules $1.25, $2.25, $5 SOAPS Woodbury's --- 3 for 23c Castile ---------- 6 for 23c Lux---------------- 2 for lic Paimolive - -----2 for Ile 12< ds Odex -------f--- -2 for l 25C 'In bo Powder Pfs------- o M1 Bobby Pins - ------ - 5c SPRING TONICS :f &1Chase's Nerve Food ----------60c, $1.50 Burdock Blood *eBitters ----- $1.00 Hypophosphites ECL LAM E CoMp. -S ,__c9 Iron & Yeast Tabs ---69c Ironized Yeast -98e Brewer's Yeast Tabs ----- - ---- 50c, $1.00 Sasparilla Comp -----89eC Dodd's Kldney Pis 43e ______________ Aika Seltzer ---29c, 57e Breomo-Seltzer ---- 25c, 49e Zambuek Oitment -_ 47c Bile Beans ------ 47e CREOPHOS-Stops bronehial eoughs, ideal spring tonie $1 MI. Phone fDhflWe Fit 695 COWILIIG'S UWUSTORETrse The work we 40 isn't as import- Careless falk is dangerous, but ant as the spirit we work in. nof more so than careless thinking. House Furnisl'ing NewsI 50-inch Drapery $1395 yd. Georgeously patterned, heavy weight cretonne which gives colour and character to your whole room. The gay floral designs make up beautifully into slip covers, and the materials will wear and wash splendidly. Back ground toues of Rose, Green, Blue, Sand Iask Two Splendid Values In Drapery Repp yd. A medium weight fabric ini fine repp weave. Ideal for cottage, sunroom and with a bedroom coverings and curtains. *indow 50 ies wide..................... 79c yard wide i Colours - Blue, Rust, Rose, Brown 1LDusty A heavier weave with self Leaf pattern, in Wine, Blue, Gold, Eggshell. 42 inches wide ......... ..........89e yard I WALKER STORES, LMITl«ED PLAN TO ATTEND THE.. QUINTE DISTRICT SEED FAIR AND DURHAM COUNTY SEED SHOW Orono Armouries, Thurs.-Fri., March 15-16 PROGRAMME - Thursday- From 9.00 a.m. exhibits open for Inspection ail day. 3.00 pan . Farmer's meeting i basement of Town Hall. Speakers - Prof. G. P. MeRostie, Field Husbandry Dept., O.A.C.. Guelph; Mr. M. C. MePhail, Principal Agricultural Sehool, Kemptville; Mr. J. Dawson, Seed Branch, Ottawa. 7.00 p.m. - BANQUET, Uinited Chureh Sunday Sehool Room, Guest Speaker, Dr. G. 1. Christie, Prîesident, O.A.C., Guelph. Everybody weleome - 75e per plate. Frlday, 2.00 pan. - Auetion sale of aIl geed. 4' 4 i - Announcement!1 tMURRELL BROS. BUY BOWMANVILLE DAIRY On March 1lst Murrel Bros., of 'Toronto and Newmarket, purchesed the Bowmanville Dairy trom Mrs. W. H-. Betties. The new proprietors, who wiIl continue business under the well known name of BowmanvilNe Dairy, solicit a continu- ance of the patronage of old customers and will be equip- ped to, supply new customers. The modern pasteurizing plant and building, which was built in 1943, will be re-decorated. The up-town shop will have extensive alterations to give larger and better ser- vice to, supply Milk, Cream, Butter, Eggs, Ice Cream, Soft Drinks, Chocolate Bars, Cigarettes, etc. Trucks will de- liver Milk, Cream, Butter and Eggs. Store hours will be 9 a.m. to 12.30 noon; 2 to 6 p.m. Closed evenings except Saturday ¶'owmanvîIle, Dairy Floor Coverungs Bordered rugs of "Gold Seal" Oongoleumnnszes from 91'x7'6"1 to 9 'xl5' in attractive designs suitable for room or kitchen. Also a f ew Seconds in "Feltol" rugs, sises 9 'x6' to 9'xlO' 6". Also Feltol and Rexoleum by the yard, 6 feet wide. Prices according to aszes and qualities. Chenille Spreads $10.95 to $17.95 White or coloured back- grounds patterned in smart, new dedýgns in contrasting toiles or multi-coloured effects. Frilled Curta i ns We have received a small ship- ment of dainty curtains in plain shades and coloured dots. Prices vary from $1.89, toi, .1 -...i THURSDAY, MARCH 8th, 1945 PAGE SIX THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO