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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Mar 1945, p. 7

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THURSDAY, MARCH Bth, 1945 PAGE SEVEN THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVTLLE, ONTARIO - -.-.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - SSOCIAL AND PERSONAL ...------- ----------u= m1 Mrs. A. J. Lymer, Oshawa, vis- ited at Mn. Albert Colwell's., S Mn. Albert Colwell is an a buâsi- ness tip ta Akron, Ohio. Miss Marian ]YUdleyý- IrN., bas returnedai--»lri-lPâfter spend- ipg sýveià kIec thome. Miss Audrey Humphrics is as- sisting in the office at Mm. W. Len Elliott's. Mns. E. W. Faiey, Maple Grave, spent a few days witb hem daugh- ter, Mrs. Albert Colwell. Mrs. Kenneth E. Cox and Scmgt. Donald Cox, R.C.A.F., visited Mn. and Mrs. J. E. Wylie, Toronto. Miss Helen Cox was guest a! Mr. and Mms. F. J. Wight, Ca- bourg. SMiss Irene Roblin, Hamilton, spent the week-end with ber aunt M ns. T. H. Knight. Mn. and Mms. D. Banc, Mnplc Grave, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Begley, Arleen and Bruce. Miss Canal Wiibun, Toronto,' spent the week-end with Audrey Northcutt. Pte. George Roberts, Toronto, and Pte. Don Anderson spent the week-end with friends in Ottawa. Pte. Mabel Brooks, C.W.A.C., is visiting ber parents, Mn. and Mrs. A. G. Brooks, Silven St. LAW Helen Cotton, R.C.A.F. (WD), Camp Banden, spent the week-end witb hem mothen, Mrs. R. M. Cotton. Miss Mary Jewell spent a pleas- ant week-end in Cornwall with Mns. John Fisher and Major and Mns. D. H. Wightman. Master Ray Dudley was gucst o! bis cousin, Miss May Vanatone, Toronto, during the Kiwanis music festival.' Mn. and Mms. Douglas Shackle- ton, Oshnwa, were week-end guests o! Mn. and Mrs. Harold Balson. F0 Bill Hutchinson, Trenton, Pte. Ruth Hutchinson, Toronto, vsited thein mothen, Mrs. M. J. Hutchinson. Pte. Don Anderson, Camp Bon- den, is spending bis furlaugh with bis parents, Mn. and Mrs. J. E. Aderson. TyoPatsy and Douglas, visit- ed with Mn. and Mrs. Fred Smith, Ajax, and belpcd celebmate Robent Smith's first birthday. Mrs. S hmsn 7 net newnl for Thc Statesman. I en- LISTEN TO PREMIER George Drew ,Wed., Mar. 14 OVER CB8L Toronto AT 8.30 p.m. Qne Night Only! FRIDAY, MARCH 9 At 8.00 p.m. REV. J. R. SPENCE mlsslonary ta South China Will Speak ai The EVANGELISTIC TABERNACLE Mr. Spence was hn Rang Kong whcn that clty fell to the Japanese and spent many rnonths in Stanley Prison Camp. You Aré Cordlally Invlted To Rear This Outstandlng Speaker Pastor C. W. Lynn joy the papen very mucb. I keep fine as even. O.S. Donald Marris o! H.M.C.S. Cornwallis, Nova Scotia, is visit- ing bis parents, Mayor and Mns. C. G. Marris previaus ta lcaving for Scotlnnd wbere hie will be trans!erred ta H.M.C.S. Niobi. Sto. I Bud Pingle, R.C.N., is spending a manth's funlougb with his parents, Mn. and Mrs. B. Pingle, Hampton, and sistens, Mrs. Harold Balson, Donathy, Shirley and Patsy. Rev. Dr. and Mrs. W. P. Fletch- er o! Bowmanvillc celcbrated their forty-fiftb wedding anniver- samy an Thursday, March 1. They wene married in Oshawa on Mnrch 1, 1900. Chie! o! Police Sidney Venton wishes ta notify readers and the genenal public that thc new forms bave arivcd fan the ne-registra- tion a! ail !ieanms according ta law. CpI. Thomas Bennett, Desenon- ta, Mns. Bennett, Gardon and Damothy, Toronto, spent the week- end with the fommem's parents, Mm. and Mrs- T. Bcnnett, Scugog Street. Readers are lnvitcd ta make this their column. If you go fnom town, or if you have frie#ds vîsit- ing you !rom outside, let- Ls know. This ncws bas great readen in- terest and your friends like ta rend it. Phone 663. Boy Scouts and Cubs are hold- ing a Father and Son banquet next Tuesday evening in Trinity school room when Mn. B. H. Mort- lovk, Boy Scout Dominion Rend- quanters at Ottawa, wiil be the guest speaker. Mrs. Pcrcy Byers is the first ob- servant citizens ta repart sceing a robin nean hiem home, R.R. 2, near Countice, carly Wcdnesday morn- ing. She pmamptly pmaided crumbs from the breakfast table as a welcome ta this barbinger o! spring. The town street maintenance farce is daing a goad job in clean- ing the foot-deep ice fmam along the cunbs, witb the truck driver hciping shovel. A fasten job mîght be donc if the scarifier were bar- rowed,.lrom the provincial sand- depot, King St. East. Mns. Ida Stocker, Stouffviile, wns guest with Mn. and Mrs. G. C. Foster, Glenn Lamra, and othemr friends in tawn. Hem son, Bob Stocker, fommely o! Bowmanville, is now semving as a lieutenant fligbt engineen with Sunderland reconnaissance planes in the North Sea amen.1 A.B. H. H. Fice, R.C.N.V.R., is home on leave with bis parents, Mn. anid Mns. W. Fice, a!ter a ycam o! patrol duty on the North Sea and Atlantic ocean. Whiie on ship duty he suffened a broken leg and a! ten five weeks in bas- pitai is now convalescing for 47 days at home after which he ex- pects ta eturn ta bis ship, H.M. C.S. Chaudiere. The Alice Jackson mission band met in Trinity Sundny school on Mnmch 5 with 13 present. The meeting opened with quiet music and then they sang a hymn. A St. Patrick's tea wili be held March 17. Offering wns 92 cents. An Enster story was toid by Mns. R. Siemon. Mns. A. S. Baker pnid a visit, repnesenting W. M. S.. World Ficnds paper was dis- tributed at the close. Pte. M. E. Brooks is spending a two wccks' funlough at hem home bene. Arthur E. Brooks bas fin- ished bis training at Prescott and bas gane ta serve the Merchant Navy. He wns plenscd ta meet a Bawmanville man in the C.N.R. station at Halifax the ather day in the persan o! Earl Spny's brother wha asked him, "Aren't you from Bowrnanvilie?" It's nice ta be recognized sa far fnamf home. The order a! Town Councîl, ad- vertised in thc press, that side- wnlks be cleaned o! snow on pen- altics imposcd was not cannied out, particularly in the cases a! caporate and absentee landiards. Sun and wind are naw gradunly and belatedly clearing the walks, leaving citizens wbo did shavel snaw much annoyed at the unfair expense placed upon tbem as compared witb those who scof!ed at the corder. ~r'SALVAQE DRIVE 'Io i g ID o n ,~ n BO Il An urgent appeal to the public is again made in behaif of the Red Cross Salvage Drive. The usual waste materials are wanted: PAPER, RAGS9 SCRAP IRON, etc. Please Begin Gathering NOW! ALL PAPER AND CARDBOARD, ETC., SHOULD BE TIED IN BUNDLES.I ta »dIc wIl take place in April at a da età erwto be announced. Your loyal help wlI be appreciated in SIDNEY LITTLE, Chairman Red Cross Salvage Committee Maple Grove Misses Eunicc Denby and Bey- crly Shea, Toronta, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Castie, Peterboro, Pte. Len Austin, town, were week-end vis- itors at Mr. L. C. Snowden's. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Greenham, Miss Audrey, Master Elgin Green- ham visited relatives in Toronto. Mr. H. R. Foley visited rela- tives and friends in Toronto. Zion Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Wilbur, Hampton, Mrs. George Cutbbert, Mrs. Job Thompson, Woodstock, at Frank Pascoe's.. Miss Elleen Stainton attended a party at Ross Lee's, Kedron, Fni- day night... Mr. and Mrs. Stan- ley Coverly and sons, Ebenezer, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Flintof!, Ronnie and Patsy, Courtice, at Wes Cameron's. .. Mr. and Mvrs. Carl Wilbur, Mr. and Mrs. Alan Wilbur, Oshawa, attended a birtb- day party for Masters Hillis and Glenn Wilbur at Ralph Wilbur's ... Mr. and Mrs. Ray Scott and Douglas, Oshawa, at Alex Mc- Master's. . . Mj. and Mrs. Hans Geissberger at John Sutter's, Max- weil's. . . Mr. Hans Geissbcrger, Jr., Misses Mary and Bertha Geissbcrger at August Geissberg- er's, Harmony... Mrs. W. Glaspel, Mrs. Ray Scott and Douglas, Osh- awa, at F. B. Glaspel's. . . Miss Helen Cameron at Wes. Hoskin's, Burketon . . . Miss Marguerite Martin, Toronto, at Thos. Mar- tin's. .. Orville Hooey, Cotirticc, at Ray Cameron's. . . Master Brian Lee, Kedron, at A. T. Stainton's ...Mr. and Mrs. Bert Hoskin, Burketon, at Reford Cameron's... Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Glaspel and Grant, Tyrone, at F. B. Glaspel's ...Mr. and Mrs. Ray Cameron and Janeen at Port Hope. Mr. F. B. Glaspel is impraving after being under the doctor's care. Mrs. Ajex Fisher is able ta be out of bcd. AUDITING RAY J. DILLING, C.G.A. Accounting Systems Designed and Installed Incarne Tax Returns Prepared Cburcb St. - Bowmanville Phone 2669 10-11-12-13, Card5 of Thanks Mr. A. H. and Miss Ida Moore wish ' Ia express their sincere thanks ta their !riends and neigh- bars for their kindness and ex- pressions of sympathy in their bereavement o! the passing of their sister, Mrs. A. Beacock. DEATI-S SAVERY - In Oshawa, on Marcb 7, 1945, Margaret H. Brysan, be- loved wi!e o! Wm. Savcry, and dear mother o! Mrs. Ewart Rab- inson (Ruth) and Russell of Starkville, Mrs. Charles Yule (Grace), Mrs. Alex Barclay (Dorothy) and Laurence of Osh- awa, in ber 74tb year. Resting at the residence of her son, Mr. Laurence Savery, 648 1 Carnegie Ave., Oshawa, until i Fri noon, March 9, then ta Unit- ed church, Ncwtonvillc, for ser- vie~ at 2:30 p.m. Interment Orono cemetery. IN MEMORIAM EDMONS - In loving memary of Mrs. Elizabeth Edmons, who passed away March 13 ,1941. -Ever remcmbered by Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Nichais and family. 10-L. 1ASHTON-In loving memory o! a dear son, and brother, Carlyle Henry Ashton wbo passed away March 6, 1919. - Ever remembered by the Family. 10-1 MONTGOMERY - In lo v in g memory o! Louise Victoria Montgomery who died March 8, 1943. In aur bearts your memory lingers Always tender, fond and truc. Therc's not a day, dear Mother, That we do not think o! you. - Ever remcmbered by the FRY-In loving memory o! my dean busband, Albert, who pass- cd away March 10, 1943, at Newcastle, Ont. "A tender link a! memory is No longer I think a! the trials down here, The days that I suffer alone, For God's loving Hand wipes away every tear When Jesus retunns for His own. - Remembered by bis wi!e, Annie, King Street East, Baw- manville, Ont. 10-1* Rotary Club (Continued !rom Page 1) be the only South Amemican coun- try absent from the San Francisco meeting. Jack McKeevcr maved the -vote o! tbanks ta Chairman Morrisan and the cammittce wbose demon- stration o! eruditian was o! a character tbat sustained the gen- erai reputatian af the club. A new memben was inductcd inta tbe club wben the Sergt.-at- Arniý0 c. d. Morris led James D. Hogarth, Clerk o! Darllmgton township, Hamptan, ta tbe head table where Past Presîdent George Chase canducted the farmalîties, extcndcd a welcome wbich - was endorsed by nîl standing with symbalic hand clasp, and present- cd the badge, code a! etlics and membership card. Tbe new mcm- ber will be grceted as "«Jim" and bis entry ta tbe club marks the first member fram the Hampton district. Visitors at the lunchean werc Lieut. Coi. G. C. Gamey, V.D., C.S.M. Ross McKnigbt, D.C.M., Staff Sengt. Russell Candier and Corp. Harold Wclsb, ail threc o! the latter baving had long and distinguished service with the Canadians in Itaiy, and ahl lateiy returned home a!ter years abroad. Their tbanks was brie! ly and heantily extended ta Rotanians and Bowmanville people for the many gifts and parceis rcceived by themselves and their comnades overseas. The gucst accompanying George James was Eric Andersan, an adventising executive fnom To- monta. The draw for War Savings Stamps for bowling went ta Mns. Wm. Flaherty o! the Balmoral botel and Arthur Hardy. The club stamp dmaw for the day found Col. Gamey picking lucky tickets fan C.S.M. Ross McKnight and Binine Eliiott. Hnmry Allun wns accorded bimth- day honors but in the absence a! !lowers wbich were unpmocurnbie, he was given a gnecn-topped gar- den token o! beauty and utility. Perfect attendance pins were pre- sented by Arthur Hardy ta Binine Eliiott and George Cawker wbo bave completed anc full year without a miss. Town Council (Cantinued !rom Page 1) manville, thanked citizens for Christmas message and a subse- quent telegramà thanked the cam- mittee for receipt o! woolens and com! arts. They suggested writ- ing Naval Headquarters for a Eist o! apprdved gi!ts later ta be made. Councillor Allison asked if word had been received fram Public Utilities Cammissian ne lawering light and wnter mates. Cienk was instmucted ta write and enquire. Deputy Reeve Nartbcutt report- cd an callapse o! Church St. shed. The Chunch committee bad been interviewed and the matter wili 1be !ailowcd up. Pnopemty cam- mittec, was instructed ta meet with W. H. Brown immediately ta iran out pncsent difficulties in bis taking aven the Wiicox pro- pemty recently purcbascd at $1200. Councillon Baker nepamtcd meeting with representative o! the 1Maple Leaf Fine Ca. when limits a!o fine pnotection o! thein clients weme prcsented. Protcction will be grnnted an agmced terms' as soan ns full details are furnished. Changes in personnel an the Fine Dep't in future wcme adopted as- suring any ta be dismissed ta get prapen legal notice with pny ta expimy o! tenm and that metunned soldiers get prefenence in all sub- sequent appaintments ta be made and the Fine Chie! is ta natify Clerk in writing in regard toa al such changes. Councillon Aflisôn presented n letten !mam the Chie! o! Polife me street lighting on parking amen nomth o! the Goodyear plant, with recammendation that flood lights in the Goodyear building would be mare satisfactamy. Ciemk was instnucted ta communicate with the campnny in the matten. Re- quest for purchase o! pnoperty fmam D. Selby Grant was lcft with Pmapemty cammittee ta mect and report back. Reports of audit- on and board o! education were filed with hydro report yet ta be filed. Councillor Ganton gave a con- cise, dlean and able repart for the Council delegation ta the Good Ronds convention, Toronto. He !allawed this for authanity ta pur- chase a modemn tan-pot out!it at $850 for propen street mainten- ance. Dcbatc on this !iared in pmatnacted !amm, some insisting on emergencies, postage, office, etc., !ommerly paid !mom bcr small ne- munenatian. The ladies present then set aside thecin knitting and netired fnom the meeting. Reeve Little intnoduced by-lnws nespecting Board o! Health and naising a! cunnent taxation. Car- nied. Councillon Baker asked nppnov- al fan appaintment as Weed ý specton, o! Oliver Roberts, vcteran of bath thé South Afnican and World Wan I, nt a stipend o! $50 for 1945. There was unanimaus consent. Clcmk wns instnucted ta con-1 tact Town Solicitor and the Red-1 fern Ca. ne plans on disposal plant on which no action bas appnrcntly been taken. Ronds and Streets committee wns instnucted again ta contact citizens an Chunch St. east mc pro- posed watem main extension andi report back. An offer o! 60 centsi per foot was received fan -h - ex cavation extending nppraximatcly 1100 feet. This is a carry-aven from last ycar's Council when an1 cstimntcd $600 wns suggestcd for excavation. Council adjourned a !ew minutes n!ter two mare citizens nppcnred ta listen ta proceedings. Danger of Floods Seen Subsiding With the wbole district snow- bound since Dec. 15, ta an extent seldom experienced in tbnee gcn- erations, people had begun ta worry up ta late Febnuamy about the danger o! spring floods, water- logged cqllars and frost-henved ronds. Feans seemed ta be well foundcd until 10 days ago, when n combination o! sunny dnys and sof t lake breezes simply shrunk head-high drifts ta low-shoe pro- portions. Flnts became covered with surplus water moving in orderly flow ta maise lake levels. In a matter o! days, waiks were dry, dust rose on pnved bigbways and the ribs o! fali plowing lay uncovemed in fields. By Manch 3, ncw grass sprouts showcd plainly if palcly on lnwn fninges. Squirrels, pheasants and rbbits were out in force nmong trecs and hcdges and somewheme in the off- ing, a black and white striped "pussy" diluted the ozone with a familian tang. Monday night came a nice warm nain. Signs o! spring are everywhere but the wcathcr wise stili say 'wait for the robins". MUSIC RESULTS Pupils o! Mms. Reta Dudley, A.T.1 C.M., F.C.C.M., are ta be con- gratulatcd on thcir splendid suc- cess in the Toronta Conservatory of Music examinations. Grade VI: Pipe Organ - lst Class Honrs-Ileen Balson. Grade IX: Singing - Honars -Gwendolyn Brooks. Grade VI: Singing - lst Class Honors-Doris Stevens. Grade IV: Singing-Hanors- Loryne White. Grndc IV: Piano - Janet Mc- Grega,'Haonars; Keith Shackleton, Pass. Grade III: Piano-Eileen Spic- er, Helen Maguire, equal; Joan Wright, Jancy Maguire, cqual. Grade IL: Dorothy Hockin, Hon- ors; Marilyn Spicer, Honors. Grade I: Theory - Isobel Cruickshank, Pass. COUGH SYRUP REALTH NEEDS ... Bayer Aspirin ------18c, 29c, 79e Cartcr's Liver Pills --------23c, 69c Bile Beans --------------------------47e Chase's Nerve Food --- 60c, $1.50 Antacid Stornaeh Powder 49c Feenamint ---------19c, 33c, dtc Alka-Seltzer---------------- 29c, 57c Dodd's Kldney Fis ------------43e Hygeol ------------------------ 35c, 60e AMAZINC NEW DENTAL LIQUID 2 or 3 drops pet brushing your teeth dazzllng white. your mouth Iresh, br.oth sw..t. LARGE SIZI 3ç m1.,u ,17ç on the ar-Share the WeaLlhh'.verv Saurdoy Night. Lots of bit cash prises. 3Cndinsrtions-C.B.Ç. Seo your radio listing for cime &a staion. Newcastle <Continued from page 10) with a large silver vase holding deep pink carnations, wbich bad been in the church the previous Sunday in memory o! the late Mrs. J. E. W. Philp. The back o! the plat!orm was centred with a wicker basket o! pussy willows. Rev. R. E. Morton acted as chairman and in his opening re- marks extended a welcome to those who by their attendance were lending support to this first. Newcastle W.C.T.U. medal con: test. He also expressed appre- ciation for the excellent work the local society was doing. A splendid program o! music was alsa provided. Mr. Lawrence Morton, Toronto Conservatory o! Music, gave a fine performance o! Beetboven's Sonata and Inter- mezzo by Brahms. He also acted as accompanist for twa vocal duets which wcrc much enjoycd; sang by Miss Pauline DeLine and Mrs. George Walton, twa of New- castle's gifted and popular soloists. Thcy also lead in the singing of "There Will Always Be an Eng- land." There were nine contestants, 6 girls and 3 boys, Ruth Allin, Mary Hagerman, Donna Smith, Velma Alldrcad, Helen Aukenbrack, Vîvian M e g i t, Newton Selby, Kenneth Yarrow and Keith Mel- low. The topic of their sélections ail deait with the evils of alcohol. Thcy spoke distinctly and eacb presented their selection in a clear wcll dclivered manner. The judges were Rev. J. McLachlan, Newtonville, Mr. McInnes and Miss Beck, Orano continuation school. Rev. McLacblan in pre- scnting the decision a! the judges complimcnted the girls and boys who had taken part. He said there was very littie margin between IEiUT. DAVID E. WILLIAMS KILLED IN ACTION A recent U.S.A. press report which came to local relatives, tells o! the death in action over- seas of Lieut. David E. Williams of South Orange, New Jersey. He was the only grandson of the late Dr. C. C. Gibson of New York, formerly of Newcastle, and nephew of the late W. H. and Mrs. Gibson, Newcastle. Born in Newark, N.J., 21 years ago, Lieut. Williams was the only son o! Mr. and Mrs. D. Earl Wil- liams, South Orange. He attend- ed Culver Military Academy and graduated from Pingry School in May, 1943. He entered the army the following June and after train- ing in several State Military centres, was commissioned in Texas. Posted overseas as a B-17 bombardier, he was killed in ac- tion after bcîng overseas only one month. The officiai information was supplied by the war Dcpart- ment without particulars as to the immediate action or cause o! death. The information was later forwarded ta Mrs. Gibson at New- castle. Marr's Jewellery them, they had ail done Sa well. lectors was formed: Newcastle He then presented the silver South East - Rev. R. E. Morton, Mr. Percy Hare; North East - Mr. medals to the two winners, Ruth E. Thackray; South West - Mr. AlUin, lst for the girls, and New- T. Manes; North West - Mr. N. ton Selhy, lst for the boys. Ruth Goheen, Mr. A. E. Mellow; Lock- is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. hart's S.S. - Mr. R. Osborne, Mr. Harold'AlUin, and Newton is the Harold Gibson; 3rd Line East - son of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Selby. Warden Cecil Carveth; Lak e Presentation of books were made Shore-Mr. Harry Jose; The Lake- to the other contestants, Mrs. front-Mr. S. Horrocks; Newton- Percy Hare making the presenta- ville - Melvin Jones, chairman. tion to the girls and Mrs. Norman Mr. J. H. Smith, Mgr. of Bank Rickard to the boys. Mrs. Rick- of Commerce, Newcastle will be ard who is president of the New- seytes o h apin caste WC.TU. lsothakedallMrs. Beni. Moise Observes 8Oth those who had attended the con- test and also spoke in high praise Birthday of Mrs. Percy Hare for ber un- Many Ne wc a s tle residents tiring work in the intercst of the wended their way to the home of contest. Mrs. B. Moise on Thursday after- L i t t 1 e Caroline Friedlander, noon, March 1, to offer their grand-daughter of Mr. and Mrs. f elicitations- and good wishes tai Walter DeLine, who was too Mrs. Moise on her 8th birthday. young to enter the contest made a The hostess was assisted in re- great hit with the audience when ceiving by Mrs. George Gaines. she appeared on the platform ac- The tea table looked most at- companied by Mrs. Percy Hare's tractive centred with a crystal little dog "Fay" and using Fay as basket of shamnrocks in bloom, the an example recitcd a piece about gift of Mrs. Matthew Brown. Mrs. the dog who kriew enough not to Moise chatted with the many cail- dull its brain with alcohol or ers and touched on the changes smoking. Caroline was present- that had taken place in the vil- ed with a drawing book and lage since she came here ta live crayons. over 60 years ago. During the Refreshments were scrved the last war Mrs. Moise organized a contestants and their fricnds at group o! women under the naine the close of the program. Newcastle Women's War Work Plans for Newcastle Red Cross committe who raîsed money ta Campaign knit comforts and send boxes ta A meeting of the Newcastle Red the Newcastle boys overseas. Cross campaign committee was They sent 144 boxes one Christ- held in the council chamber on mas. Due to failing eyesight Mrs. Friday e ening, March 2. Dr. J. Moise bas been unable to take an A. Butiechimn fth a- active part in knitting or sewing paign committee presided. Owing during the present war. She is, to the almost impassable condi- bowever, a member and supporter tion o! the roads it was decided o! the Newcastle Red Cross sa- that the campaign could not get ciety. Her eldest son, Ellison, is under way in Newcastle and a veteran o! the last war and ber vicinity until a inter date when only grandson, Robert Hawkins, the roads were in a better condi- is now serving with the Cana- tion. In the meantime the follow- dian Navy, thus following the ing tentative committee o! col- loyal tradition of the Moise family. PREPARE FOR SPRING TAX<E VITAMINS NOW ... Aiphamettes, Ayerst .. $1, $3.50, $15 Maltievol Horners, 12 oz......... $2.00 Abdol Capsules, improved $2, 3.45, 7.59 10D Cod Liver 011, Ayerst...67c, $1.69 Idamaît, Malt & Cod Liver 01.........59c, 98c' $ 1.69 Scott's Enmusion......59e - 98e Halibut Liver OUl Capsules, 50's --- 69c M I0S --- -- .- -- -- $1.19 Wampole's Extract $1 Nea-Chernical Food capsules $1.25, 2.25, $5 Norplex Vitamin B Iornplex Tablets $,$1.75 IDAFER irad and VitainiB, Complex Tonie - 16 oz. bottie -- $1.25 GIN PILLS 39c-69c COLD REMEDIES ... Bucklcy's Mixture ----40c, 75e Vlck's Vapo Rub --------------43c Grovc's Cold Tablets ---- 24c, 44e I.DA. Nase Drops ------- --25e o o i.* o. go o W ... 0Um= i Colgate's Shaving Cream 29e, 43e Paimolive Shave Crearn 33c, 49ePRCITONASECAT -V À ALEX McORECDOR LAURA SECORD CANDIES DRUGS PHONE 792 - WE DELIVER Pres ri"p ions Soft as a fleocy cloud! CAREFULLY AND ACCURATELY COMPOUNDED1W When you bnlng your prescriptions to us you ean be assured of the 10à flnest possible resuits. Each ane Is carefully studled and aceurately LOWEST filUed wlth the purest Ingredients. We speelalize I this work 3Vhen PRICES slekness prevents you !rorn bringing your prescriptions Ioa us PRÔNE 792. PRCS WE SRALL CALL FOR IT, FILL IT,. AND DELIVER IT PROMPTLY O , 2 pads mi Red Cross MMMIL THURSDAY, MARCH 8th, 1945 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVELLE, ONTARIO PAGE SEVM

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