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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Mar 1945, p. 7

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THURSDAY, MARCH l5tb, 1945 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE SEVEN SOCIAL AND PERSOINAL Mrs. James Cully bas received a cable announcing ber busband's sale arrival overseas. IlTAYLOR'S I Specialties SAVE TIME AND MONEY YOU NEED THEM - WE HAVE THEM WONDER POLISH Cleans and polishes, 25e and 50e botties, for furniture and automobiles. WONDER RUG CLEANER Ideal for rugs and uphol- stery. Odoa4ess and non-in- flammable, 25e and 50c btis. WONDER WHITE ROCK CEMENT Speelal for glass and china, repairs perfectly, dries qule- kly, 25c bottle. ALSO WONDER DRY CLEANER Luminous Glow Lites and Pendants. See aur "Taylor Speialty" assortment. J, W. JEWELL BIG 20" PHONE 55t SALUTE SPRING Smnartly Dressedl1 1945 Styles . . Colours . . Patterns . . HoUp to give your winter-weary wardrobe a Rift... Take a forward peep at Spring Fashions., New Spring DRESSES Smoothest silhouette for £aster and after-the-time dress! Starred ini vivid flower designa -with brief sleeves, low neck, some contrastingly trùnuned. Misses' Suits Just received direct from the style fashion centres of Canada, assortment of styles and colors to suit every demand. Prices at - $8.95 to $22.50 Ladies ,. Spring Coats It's not too early to make your selection. They are particularly att r ac t i v e and serviceable, reason- ably priced from $19-95 up Couch, Johnston& Cryderman ]PHONE 836 BOWMANVILLE 1 Lieut. NIS Zenia Castoldi was guest of ber sistei, Mrs. Jim. Deas. Mr. B. H. Mortlock, Ottawa, was guest of Chie! S. Venton and Mrs. Venton. Miss Marion Hooper spent the week-end witb Mrs. Wm. Close, Brockvîlle. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Wright, Oshawa, were guests at Mr. Nor- man Wrigbt's. Mrs. S. Snell and Mrs. A. Weir, Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Comstock. Mr. and Mrs. S. N. Casbourn and Mrs. Lee Wbeeler, Toronto, spent the week-end witb Mr. and Mrs. H. Casbourn. Mr. Fred Hughes, Toronto, spent the week-end witb Mrs. Hughes and Jimmie at Mrs. Oea. Pritcbard's. Lieut. Bruce Cameron, St. John's, Que., visited Mrs. Alex Cameron and bis father, Mr. H. Cameron. Mr. and Mrs. Ralpb Rea, Port- age la Prairie, Man., are guests o! Mrs. F. F. Morris and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Werry and the Misses Wright, Oshawa, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Wright, Maple Grave. Mr. and 'Mrs. Stuart' Bartlett and son, Grant, Toronto, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Greenfield. Mrs. H. H. Dilling bas returned home after visiting with friends in Toronto, and ber daughter, Mrs. H. C. Allun, Oakville. Mrs. John Glanville bas re- turned home after a pleasant twa weeks' visit in Ottawa with ber brother, Alderman George Pingle and Mrs. Pingle. Sgt. R. C. Rogers, Long Branch, Mrs. Robert Murray, Miss Anne Walmsley, Mr. and Mrs. A. Clarke, Oshawa, were guests o! Mrs. R. Rogers, Liberty St. S.A. Jack Welsb, V-70786, H.M. C.S. Border Cities, Halifax, N.S., is spending 28 days' leave wîth bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Welsh. Miss Nellie Burk, Orillia; Miss Sybil Burk, Toronto; Mr. Arthur Quick, Belleville, spent the week- end with the former's mother, Mrs. T. S. Holgate. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Darch bave received a cable advising themn o! the safe arrivar overseas o! their son, Bandsman Ab. Darcb, who is with H.M.C.S. Niobe at Glasgow, Scotland. Mrs. Herb Rundle, R.R. 6, caîl- ed The Statesman office last Thursday ta report four deer crossing their farma hotly pursued by a Collie dog which was soan outdistanced. W02 D. R. Cameran and Sgt. Jack Kirk, Aylmer, visîted the former's father, Mr. Hugh Cam- CITIZENS, TAXE NOTICE The Ministerial Associ at io n suggests that the observation o! V-Day (the cessation o! hostilities between Germany and the allied nations bo as follows: If the announcement cames be- fore 9 a.m. a service will be held at 10 a.m. If after 9 p.m. a ser- vice will be held at 10 p.m. Dur- ing the day or 1 baur follawing the announcement. It will be a service o! tbanks- giving, commemoration and com- mittment held in Trinîty United Church. This bas the appraval o! the Mayor who asks-tbat all citizens beed the caîl. FIRE DEPT. SHELL OUT FOR WORTHY LOCAL CAUSES Members o! the Bowmanville Fire Department are well up among the arganîzations o! the town which have made important wartime contributions ta humani- tarian and war service causes. From. proceeds raised fram dances they have held the Fire Dept. fund bas yielded these cash gifts: To the Salvation Army, $25; Red Cross $25; Navy League $25; Cbildren's Aid $25, and for H.M. C.S. Bowmanville $71.35, for a total o! $171.35. One mare dance is ta be held this spring which will take place at the Armouries, April 21. In view o! the magnificent contribu- tion o! the department the public is again invited ta join witb the members o! the brigade in rais- ing furtber funds for tbese de- serving purposes. FAMMLY ALLOWANCES Question-How much will each child receive? Answer: Under 6 years -----$5 a month 6 to 9years ------------ $6 amonth 10 ta 12 years --------$7 a month 13 ta 15 years ---------$8 a montb In families o! more than 4 cbildren, there will be a reduction o! $1 a month for the fifth child, $2 for the sixth and seventh cbhild and $3 for each additional cbild. In other words, the four oldest children under 16 receive the reg- ular allowance, and additional yaunger cbildren on a reduced scale. Examples: 1. Two cbildren, aged 7 and 5 would get $6 plus $5-$11 per month. 2. Four children, aged 13, 9, 6 and 2, would get $8, $6, $6 and $5 -$25 per month. 3. Eigbt cildren, aged 15, 14, 11, 10, 8, 4, 3, 1 would get $8, $8, $7, $7, $5, $3, $3, $2-$43 per month. BLOOD DONORS Wed., Mar. 7: At D.I.L., Ajax- John Walsh, Orono, 8th donation. Joseph Sheehan, Bowmanville, 7th donation. Fr, Mar. 9: Melville Dale, Bowmanville, l2th donation. Charles P. Smith, Hampton, 10th donation. Perey Dewell, Hamp- ton, 7th donation. Frank Sobil, Taunton; Shirley McAllister, Courtice, 6th donation. Fred S. The positions seem ta be re- versed in eastern Germany: The bear seems ta have sat the bottom out of the "Goldilocks" Hitler's chair. SMarr's Jewellery1 eron, prior ta Sgt. Kirk's depar- ture for his home *in Vancouver on 36 days' leave. Mr. and Mrs. W. Begley, Arleen and Bruce, spent Sunday with relatives in Toronto. Bowmanville High School girls play two and maybe three games of basketball in Cobourg, Satur- day. It is boped tbat at least some fans will be on hand from tawn ta cheer them on ta victory. Bowmanville business men are invited, ta a banquet at Genosha Hotel, Oshawa, Wednesday, Marcb 21, at 6:30 p.m., wbich is b e ing sponsored by Oshawa Chamber o! Commerce. Russeil T. Kelly, Hamilton, will speak on "The Decentralization o! Indus- try and the value o! a Board of Trade". AIl towns and cîties witbin a radius of 60 miles of Oshawa are invited ta send rep- resentatives. If you can attend advise Mayor C. G. Morris not later than Manday. Red Cross is bene!itting from local auction sales conducted by W. J. Challis. At the sale of the late Mrs. Archie Tait a quilt was contributed by Mrs. McNall Ir- win, Hope Township, which W. F. Rickard, M.P., purchased at $35, proceeds being divided equally between Port Hope and Bowman- ville Red Cross Sacieties. At M. J. Elliott's sale last Saturday he bought the:quiît put up by Hay- don War Workers, at $15, and im- mediately turned it over ta the local Red Cross which was again auctioned and was knocked down ta Mr. Stackarack at $17.00. IT 18 NOT A question af whether a windstorm will danmage your property. The question is "What will it cost me to repair or replace ASIC this agency NOW how you can insure your property against loss by Windstorm and other pçs, at very littie cost. Stuart R. James Insurance and Real Estate Suecessor To .. J. Mason & Son Phone 681 Ring st. Bowmanville ENGAGEM ENTS Mr. and Mrs. Albert Ruiler an- inounce the engagement of their idaughter, Vera, ta Mr. Murray Bate, son of Mr. andi Mrs. Roland 3Bate, Bowmanville. The marriage ;will take place quietly on March »31st at 4 p.m. 11-1* Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Far- row, Newcastle, wish ta announce the engagement of their only daughter, Wylma Jean, to Stanley ~Gardon'AllUn, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. 1. S. AllUn, Newcastle. The marriage will take place the latter part of March. 11-1* Carda of Thanks Mrs. Garnet Mutton and family wish ta thank the doctors and nurses of Bowmanville Hospital also friends and neighbors, for their kindness shown her during, her illness there. 11-1* I wish ta express sinceré thanlçs and appreciation ta the doctars, nurses, and hast of friends for the many acts of kindness, gifts and cards showered upon me dur- ing my recent iilness. Bill Harn- den. 11-1w Mr. Wm. Savery and family wish ta express their deep grati- tude ta their relatives, friends and neighbors, for the many acts of kindness; and expressions of sympathy during their recent be- reavement. 1 1-1~ Mr. James T. Brown, New- castle, wishes ta express his ap-1 preciatian ta those wha sa kindly sent cards, gifts af fruit, or called persanally ta cheer him during bis pralonged illness. He especial- ly thanks the many neighbors for their generasity in belping sa greatly with the f arm wark. 11-1* Mr. and Mrs. W. A.- Wright wish ta canvey their sincere ap- preciatian and thanks ta their many relatives and friends for cards and letters, and flowers, ta Mrs. Wright wbile in haspital. Our very special thank yau also goes ta Drs. Fergusan and Slem- on, and the Nurses and Superin- tendent of Bowmanville Hospital. IN MEMORIAM COWLING - In loving memory of Thomas Cowling who pass- ed away March 17, 1942. - Ever remembered by Wife HALLMAN - In loving memory o! a dear husband and father, Clayton S. Halîman, who pass- ed away March 13, 1944. "Gad bas taken one we loved, Borne away from pain and sorrow To a better land above." - Ever remembered by wife and family. 11-1* ELLIS - In loving memory o! Mrs. Fred H. Ellis, who passed away March 13, 1943. The whispers a! thy gentle soul At sulent lonely hours Came o'er the waters as they raill Betwixt thy world and ours. - Ever remembered by Hus- band. 11-1* MOUNTJOY-In loving memnory of Henry Mountjoy, who passed away March 14, 1940. We who loved you sadly miss you, As it dawns another year; In aur lonely bours of thinking, Thoughts of you are ever near. - Ever remembered by Wife and Family. 11-1 ORMISTON - In memory of a loving mother, Agnes J. Or- miston, who passed a w a y March 18, 1944.' She has not died wha left us For the better land af Day, She would not s0 bereave us, Sbe's only "just away"; And right behind Life's curtain, Beyond ail grief and pain, There'll be a happier dawning *When we shall meet again. - Ever remembered by Jack and Greta. 11-1* Hellyar, Bowmanville, 5th dona- tion. Mon., Mar. 12: M. W. Tamblyn, J. C. Samis, Bowmanviile, l4th donation. Kenneth Hopk i n s, Bowmanvhle, 13th donation. Charles T. Gibson, Newcastle, 6th d o n at ion. Eldon Essery, Courtice, 3rd donation. SATURDAY NOON CLOSINO Commencing April lst next, which is the beginning of the fuel year, our office wilI close at noon each Saturday. 'Prces for Household Coal & Coke Egg, Stove and Mut Anthracite ............. $16.00 ton Pea Anthracite.............$14.50 ton Buckwheat Anthracite..........$13.00 ton Stove, Nut and Range Cpke........$ 14.50 ton Pea Coke.................13.00 ton Service Charge Extra On al deiveries ess than a ton, an extra charge of 25c will be made as sanctioned by Wartime Prices & Trade Board. Strictly Cash Basis t will be our poicy that aIl household deliveries of fuel are to be on a strictly cash basis. JJ. Flett Fuels Jno. A. Holgate & Son Sheppard & Gi Lumber Co. Ltd. LOWEST PRICES MARCH ORDOSL E Here is the greatest drug news of 1945. It's your opportunity to save money on many pajoducts you use regularly in your home. Be sure to take advantage of the unusual values'offered at your I.D.A. Drug Store for the full week0 WED. 14th, TO WED. 21st ... 15e Epsom SaIts, 16 oz......lic Brownie Writing Pads, ai sizes ......8Se 25c Boracic Acid, 16 oz.19 Pinkham's Compound ... . .87e Oit 98e Idamait, 2 lbs ................ 79r. Everready Shave Cream......23e 98e Cod Liver Oil, 16oz.......79e Evelyn Howard CoUd Cream, ilb. ..57e 025e Camphorated OI, 3 oz......19e HîIlps Privent Bad Ireall lusAhfa orighNe, Teilla 0 Sparhiut SuiesI L"ALLEN B U RYS"I * AIOAG The niceet way of [Jtaking Halibut Live 09l. -85c-1.50 "Atilenburyf" ~ Basic Soap tenderskin. per cake 25c 25e Baby Cough Syrup ---------- 19e 39e A.S.A. Tablets M OI'S - --------- 19e 50e Pinex - ------- 32e 29e Kleenor Tooth Powder ---------- 23e 25c Iodized Throat Gargie ------------ 19e 15e Flaxseed, 1 lb. lie ODEXne ANTISEPTIC BATH SOAP 'Odex is made with ti-tree oiù, an exclusive, odour-freantiseptic Il. times more effective tan :,bli ua germicide, yet mild and pleaaant to your akin. 2 CAKES 110~ Extra Heavy I.D.A. Wax Paper, 100 ft. rol-----------cg rhe Lucky New Way le-..A l JSuper-Jumbo Stationery, 72 sheets paper, 48 envelopes 23e Wake up yeur lver; deanse y@uv syst .n feel flghtlnlp fit by toklnq ENO'S "FRUIT SALT" j5P I- b CASHMERE TISSUE i Pwo*aTwo Grades O mmm 15C. 2 for 25o 100, 3 for 25e 9 PR£SCRUPTIONS A SPIECIALTY ALEX LAURA SECORD CANDIIES McO REDOR DRUGS PHONE 792 - WE DELIVER -I -13 h M=ný- 1 . THURSDAY, MARCH 15th, 1945 PAGE SEVEN THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO Iportant Announcement 1. The Fuel'Dealers of Bowman ville, ulisted herewith, wish t'O advise the public of the following information:

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