THURSDAY, MAROR 22nd, 1945 girls complained of the heat in- stead of cold at the alley. D ~ 1 ~ I7We bowl the last games of the ru[ t v S schedule Friday night, then we ____________________ N E WS________are____ ready for the playoffs. Corne on you Lucky Strikes! BOWMANVILLE MIDGETS and motored the four-hour trip Team Gamnes Won Lost Pts. Pts. ILOSE TO PORT COLBORNE 8-3 ta Port Coiborne. Tired and with- Lucky Strikes Out practice they took the ice at Capt. D. It was previously announced 10:30 at night and immcdiatcîy Palmer 2471 21 12 28037 49 bhat the Bowmanville O.M.H.A went into a Power play that put Head Pinsr Midgcts hockey tcamn, having de- themn ahead 2-0. Capt. Viv. feated Port Hope, would enter Then came a 5-minute major Pickard 2369 19 14 2 8118 451 the finals against a western On- penalty against Cowle for a rea- Bowlers1 tario tcam. Owing ta Iack of ice son the referee refused ta state Capt. A.r this was changed with Bowman- or change. Thus dcmoralized they Tomlinson 2172 15 18 26238 351 ville booked in home and home came off the ice after the first Spares games against Port Coîborne in period down 3-2. Capt. Vi. the semi-finals. In the second frame they tired Martyn 2391il 2 2A99e2 The first game was playcd at after the long trip and the late Na m Gam------ Ave.18 Port Colborne, Monday nîight, and hour and were down 5-3. In the Adarilindeson ----334 184 the lacals were defeated 8-3. The final period the pacc told and Mu-Ka uri edeson---- 24---33 179 1 -final game will be played an Osh- nthla 1miue were in Aida Luxton ---------- 33 175 r Sawa ice, Friday night, the winncr, bad shape for ithen attack or Viv. Pickard ---------- 33 175 $Ilpal goals ta caunt, ta enter the defence and the game ended with Vena Hobbs ---------- -27 172a umals at a date later ta be an- Port Coîborne up 5 goals for the Frances Rawe--------- 27 171 j/ inounced.. two game session. Mang. Osborne-------- 24 170A The Midgets assembled Monday It will be remembered that at Olive Patfield .-------- 33 168E naon under Coach Mac Breslin, Port Hope the Midgets were Vi. Martyn ------------- 27 168g down by the same margin enter- Bcnn. Carter------------ 33 166T ing the final game but they won Doris Polley------------ 30 166G out by a margin of anc goal. They Dot. NichaIs------------ 24 165 v W-*à matored back fromt the lake port Helen Piper------------ 33 163 SI arriving in Bowmanvillc around Betty Bnough ---------- 18 163 A '3 oabllr dayligbt with no slccp. Duaine Palmern----- 33 161 Calling on Bowmanviîîe fans ta Mang. Cale ------------- 33 159 Li rally ta the support af the Mid- Dot. Oke---------------- 31 158 SI gets, Coach Breslin and the play- Marion Allin------- 30 155 et 'e crs hope for a large attendance at Donc. Muttan ------- 18 151 te Oshawa tamorraw night for the Lau. Allin------------ 24 146 Ai final game. They turned the Ev. Alder--------------- 30 134 Pl tck at Port Hope and will be b 1' recoverd £romn their tripsoi assur- FREE TRANSPORTATION FOR al ance is given that they will give HOCKEY FANS FRIDAY MI Port Caîborne a run for the W * money with evcry hope of win- Cars will be at the Post sa ning. Office canner, tamorrow. eve- The goals scored at Port Col- ning, Friday, March 23, at 7:30 Pl borne were marked up by Wood- p.m., for free transportation of Ju ward, Cowle and Tighc, with the holders af tickets ta the Bow- he * latter having the edge on his manville-Port Coîbonne s e m i- mg Bowm nvile D iry tcamt mates in ail round play. final hockey game at Oshawa 1 MILK Arena. This of course for those Mi A GEA IFAN FOD MEN'S MAJOR BOWLING who have no cars of their own or "i A RATIFATFODLEAGUE no other means of transportation. qu Tickets are on sale in town ta, ci To our Millc - the most The men's finals were playcd avoid a rush at the gate and the WI valuable and complete food before a large crowd of onlookers Bawmanville team hopes for the d: Who saw H. Palmer's team came best turnout possible for tbcy are Wa for infants, we have added through ta take the championship bient on winning and~ the game ai wonderful bone.buflding, from Wm. Hearlc's tcam winning promises ta be a bot contest. se, two straight games, after defeat- Those who wish this transpor- R; tooth-forming Vitamin D. ing D. Cartcr's tcamn 2 ta, 1, by the tation are urged to he on time. m This is the greatest boon, aid of S. Woods who bowled an e ini foad, that science yet average of 245 for 5 garnes. W. Wetaeand K. Luxton bath C w n il has afforded children. And bowlcd very good for the win-___ here is the best reminder ners all evening. Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Perrin, To- Wmn. Hearle's team rcceived ronto, at Mr. W. A. Reid's. C careful mothers couid re- 2nd prize, D. Carter's team 3rd Mrs. E. Triggs and grandson, Cl ceive 1 Order Bowman. prize, and T. Bagnell 4tb. The Jack Barker, Detroit,. at Mr. Clan- h consolation prize was won by R. ence Burley's and Mn. Wes. M:i ville Dairy MiIk today. Hcarle's team. Stringer's. ft VOU. AE IVITD T siD. Carter bowlcd the highest A numben from here attended Mn YOT AR IVITD T sngle game, 349, S. Woods sec- the card party and dance at INSPEOT OUR PLANT ond wîth 342, and W. Westlakc Starkvîlle Scbool. and KING ST., E. 307. D. Carter beat bis 3 high Mrs. Alf. Perrin, Bowmanville, Mi. games record by rolling 835 in witb ber father, T. Simpson. Les T OR COO T the playoffs. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Cowan , .GIe LKLAIE'and Mrs. Wes. Stninger attendedDo MILK LDIES'MAJOR LEAGUE the sbower for Wîlma Farrow,Ha lebride-to-be. son usw an iieD ir M0uriel Henderoe ad hîin Mr.K. Preston and son, io Dowma villeDairy night finisbing tip with a score of Mn. and Mrs. Sid Hallowell and E. Phone 446 or 703 592. Muriel.taak also high single family at Mr. L. Farrow's. bei total of 215. x__________ Spring must be here, as the retu Clarke Union day Dr. (hase's Nerve Food The Vitamn BilTonic (entains Vifamin Si and Etsenial Food Minerais Extnivluedfor hadhe f.nitbiitynamiacoia Oi- 'snervous system. ,' 60 pilla, 60 cts. Economy size, 180 pilla, $1.50. DAYS FOR COLLECTION Note the new changes of collection and delivery ini your district. This In made necemhary by new goverament regulationa which permit un to cover any one district one day a week oniy We w il, therefore, b. lunflowxmviile MONDAY ONLY HAVE YOUR BUNDLE READY tOshawa Laundry & Dry Cleaning CJO. LBUTED FOR ECONOMY Bond your cieaning with your Iauudsr' PHONE - 419 Harold Allin, who bas been liv- ing on the late Neil Smith place, bas moved ta the aid Colville homestead. E r win Rainey, Onono, will move on the Smith place, having bought it. A number fnom hene attended the seed fair at Orono, some buy- ing seed grain. S. D. Souch sold a flock of sbeep ta William Hendenson, Lake Shore. Home & School Club held a social evening Tuesday night. William Dawson bas secured a position witb Darlington Council and will have a sale shortly. Fred Blackburnbas sold his farm ta Gea. Fagg and will ne- side in Orono. Mrs. M. Chatterton is an the sick list. S.S. No. 9, Clarke Mr. and Mrs. Howand Gibson, Mn. and Mrs. Harold Gibson, Mn. and Mrs. Fred Bowen were gucsts at the Lions Club Ladies' Night in Newcastle Community Hall and spent a very enjoyable eve- ning. No. 9 Home & School met in Newcastle Community Hall last week with President Ross Aluin in charge. Considerable business was put tbrougb. Report of Masonie banquet was given by Mrs. F. Bowen and Wan Workers reported adding ta their funds by serving meals at the Sbotborn sale. It was dccided ta buy a $50 bond and ta donate $25 ta the Red Cross. This donation will be duplicatcd by the Wan Workers. The follawing program w a s given: piano solo by Mrs. Chas. Cowan; vocal solo by Glen Allin; rcading by Margaret Ash; Rev. R. E. Morton gave a splendid address on "The Cburch as related ta the Problems of Rehabilitation". Your Na. 9 correspondent basI this week cooked onions tbat bad been under the snaw in the gar- den all winten and made an apple pie from apples brougbt in from the orchard. Burketoh Hear :Mr and iyEnskilR.n Vistos: n and MriyEns. R.en Miss Ella Haskins, Bowmanville, with Mn. and Mrs. W. Hoakins... Mn. Ross Hubband, Oshawa, at home. . . Pte. Merle Hubband, C mn. and Mrshoeon ubbardh Camp.Br.adn, homeonfnugbr in Oshawa... Henry DeMille and Alden Hubbard in Peterboro... Mr. and Mrs. Harold McDonald and Helen, Mr. John Gays and Marilyn, Bowmanville, at Mns. Toma Bailey's , . , Miss Hazel Henry,, Nana and Canal, at Ms A. Aldrcd's. . . Mn. and Mnrs. Westley Hoskin have moved ta Burketon. PAGE NINE . Enniskilen Visitons: LjCpl. G. H. Stevens, Smiths Falls, witb bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Stevens... Mrs. J. Burnett, Jr., and Muriel, Toronto, at Mrs. R. Thompson's ...Mrs. G. Beecb and Janice, Bowmanville, at Mn. O. C. Ash- ton's. . . Mr. and Mrs. S. Swect- man, Port Perry, at Mr D. Lewis' ..Mr. and Mns. A. Leadbeater if Toronto. . . Miss Isabelle Rabm witb Miss Joan Wofley, Bow- manville. . . Mr. and Mrs. C. Rabm,,Bowmanvi]le, at Mr. W. Rabm's. A pot-luck suppcr was beld in the basement of the churcb on Friday evening. After the sup- per a concert was provided by sevenal of the children. Many letters were read which had been received fram caur boys overseas. Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. A. Brunt at Mr. W. Mark's, Part Perny... MIiss Joan Newton, Mr. and Mrs. A. Grace, Mr. Allan Walker, Miss ilsie Rabm, Bowmanville, at Mr. W. Rahm's. . . Mr. and Mrs. I. Travelî and Bruce, Oshawa, Mrs. G.Beech and Janice, Bowman- ville, Mrs. S. May, Toronto, Mn. A. Stainton, Haydon, at Mr. E. C.r A.shton's.î On Sunday morning the Young1 Ladies' Class took charge of the f Sunday School program. Teacb- s er Mrs. G. Yeo planned an in- teresting devotional prog r am. r Audrey McLaughlin took theC place of the supenintendent; Isa-E belle Rahm lied in prayer; Don- t] lda Griffin read the Scripture; i Wenle Oke read a story; JeanE Venry read a poem, and the girlsa ;ng "This Is My Father's World". h Friday evening the Young Peo- fi le met ta organize a Junior r Tunion League. Y.P.U. will be C ield every Fniday evening comn- nencing first week in April. b C.G.I.T. met at the home Of h Iiss Judith Stenger, Saturday, Tj vith 14 present. Study book and a] juestions were given by the lead- 0 rMrs. O. C. Ashton. Devotional t *as taken by Merle Oke. A ni ainty and bountiful luncheon ir vas served by Judith, Condula, ib ýd bier mother. The girls pre- tj ented a gift ta Secrctary Helen ni tahm wbo wilI be missed vcry gý uch as she was a regular at- n Bndant.. F pi Visitons: Mn. and Mrs. Don snnr and Canolyn at Mn. Cars 1on ildenhose, Bawmanville. Irs. John Ross, Toronto, witb ber ither, Mn. E. Bradley. .. Mr. and rs. Walter Bridgett and family ..Mn. and Mns. Earl Tbompson id son, Bowmanville, Mn. and rs. Roy Thompson and family, eskard, Mrs. Roy Chaters and lenn Tbompson, Toronto, Sto. I onald Tbompson, R.C.N.V.R., alifax, at Mrs. Wesley Thomp- n's. Stoker Thompsan is home iembankatian leave. Sympathy is cxtended ta Mns. Hendricks in the passing of ýr mather, Mns. Gardiner. tIned and MhercDvidtageolun uytonn ane cotageonoSun Botafid anies aryin blm. îng milk in aur vîilge -now. Cowanville (Intended for last week) Visitons: Mn. and Mrs. Wm. Layton at Mn. Leland Payne's, Newtonville. Mrs. Layton is stay- ing fan a few days. .. Mn. Les and W. A. Reid motoned ta Toronto ...Mrs. Chas. Cowan with ber daughter, Mrs. John Lowery, Orono. . . Mn. Anmond Hollings- wortb visited bis two sisters at Gravenhurst. . . Mrs. Sid Halo- well and children at ber parents', Mn. and Mrs. Rusk, Port Hope... Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Cowan, Mn. Norman Andrews, Bennice and brother, Norman Andrews, Annie Rosie and Paul Getlick and Ar- mond Hollingsworth attended the card panty and dance at Craoked Creek School and reponted a goad time. The "Big Tbree" who can shape the future-you and the two guys tBusiness Directory Legal W. R. STRIKE Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Soicitor for Bank of Montreai frfaney ta Loan - Phone 79, Bownianville. Ontario LAWRENCE CJ. MASON, B.A., Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Publie King Street W., Bowmanville Phone: Office 688 Residence 553 W. F. WARD. B.A., Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Bleakley Block Bowmanvllle- Ontario Phones: Office 825 House 409 2-tf MISS APHA Il. HODGINS Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public Successar ta M. G. V. GOULD Temperance St. - Bowmnanville Phone 351 34-tf Dentist DR. J. C. DEVITT Asuistat: Dr. E. W. Simson Graduate of Rayal Dental Col. lege, Toronto, Office: Jury Jubilce Bldg., Bowrnanville. Office hourd 9 a.M. ta 6 p.m. dally, 9 a.rn. ta 12 faon Wednesday, Closed Sunday Phone 790 - House phone 325 X-Ray Equipmnent in Office Hampton Visitons: Mns. Gardon- Hilîs with bier sister, Mrs. Fred Muin, Caledonia. . . Mrs. Wmn. Thamp- son and Mns. Fred Payne, Bow- manville, at W. Greenaway's.,. Mrs. Albert Cale, Bowmanville, at C. W. Souch's. . . Pte. Harold Wilkins, Ipperwash, with bis sis- ter, Mns. Gerald Balson. . . Mn. 'and Mrs. J. McKeevcn, Oshawa, with Mr. and Mrs. H. Wilcox... Mn. and Mrs. John Mills, Ajax, at S. Kcrscy's . . . M:r. and Mrs. Evenett Elliott, Mary and Bar- bara, Bowmanviîîe, witb Mn. and Mrs. Joe Cbapman. .. Miss Wilma Leach bas returned from Toron- ta.. . Mrs. Hilton Peters and son, Keith, witb Toronto relatives... Miss Marion Kersey, Bowman- ville, at borne. The North Gnoup hcld their wonk meeting at the ýîome of Mrs. W. Cbapman on Wednesday af- ternoon. Sewing and quilting was donc and the hostess, Mns. Gea. Gilbert, supplied dainty ne- frcshments. Mrs. Mark Blackburn was bas- tcss fan the West Gnoup which met at bier home on Wednesday afternoon. A quantity of cbild- ren's garments was made. Re- freshments werc scrved and a social baîf haun spent. The sympathy of Hampton peo- pie is extended ta Mn. Albert Co.le and Miss Marjony Cale, Bowmanville, in the death of thein fathen, Jesse E. L. Cale, a aormer respected resid e nt of H{ampton. A number fnom bere attended the funenal which was held fnom Northcutt & Smith's funeral parlons on Monday after- noon with interment in Hampton Cemetery. The entcntainment sponsored by the Women's Institute and held in the churcb basement on Thursday evcning was an enjoy- abic event. Mns. G. M. Linton, )rono, gave a very vivid descrip- tion of lber trip ta Trinidad, bier native country, and related many itenesting things of the vaniaus slands visited en route, and of te customs of the people, and much valuable information was ,ained. Well nendened musical iumbens wene supplied by Ralph Petens in piano solos, a lively iano duet by Mrs. Albert Cale ind Phyllis Niddery, vocal solos )Y Mrs. Arnold Damant, and Mrs. <en Caverly, and a sing-sang of :rish selections led by Mns. Caver- Y witb Mns. Cale at the piano. ev. W. Rackham was chairman. Enrs. L. Tnull conducted two in- nresting contests. Refresbments ene senved by W.I. ladies. A vote * appreciation was tendered all hose who had helped to make the vening sa pleasant. Irish sbam.- ocks and spning flowers werc the ýcorations used. There is great need of a good )b for every man-but fan great- to rneed of a good man for every st« b. its awn ranks. I kind that puts ail hands to work. I libraries.-R. S. Storrs. His Red Cross Mother FEIGHTING though the mud and icy slush o f flooded battlcfieids, aur boys ins the front line have learned ta biess the tens of thousands of devoted women who labor as volunteen workers fan the Red Cross. Through five ycans of wan, these Canadian "Blue Smock"' workers have knitted hundneds of thousands of pairs of socs. .. made mil- lions of othen coraforting articles of clothing -packed millions of Red Cross food parcels. Other spccially-traincd volunteer women serve as drivers, as nursing aides, as office workers CANADIAN L RED CROSS Any movement which sets ut There are two kinds of dis- The rules which experience build a neighborly world mus content in the world - the kind suggests are better than those ~rt ut ithneighborlincssou' jtt wrings its hands and thei which theorists elaborate in their Frcely givin g their time and labor, these hard-wonking volunteers make your Red Cross dollars stretch fanther. Thanks ta thein efforts, cach dollar you give is multiplied three times in the value of food, clothing and medical supplies it buys. GIVE - and give generously, ta support their selliess work. Let your contribution ta the Canadian Red Cross be the token of youn thanks ta these dcvoted women who serve in veny tnuth, as "another mother" ta yaur boy, i ,Imortant Announcement! The Fuel Dealers of Bowmanville, listed herewith, wish to advise the public of the following information: SATURDAY NOON CLOSINO Commencing April let next, which le the beginning of the fuel1 year, our office wilI close at 12 noon each Saturday. Prices for Household Coal & Coke Egg, Stove and Nut Anthracite.......$16.00 ton Pea Anthracite .................$14.50 ton Buckwheat Anthracite..........$13.00 ton Stove, Nut and Range Coke........$14.50 ton Pea Coke...............$13.00 ton Service Charge Extra On ail deliveries les. than a ton, an extra charge of 25c will be made as sanctioned by Wartime Prices & Trade Board. Str'ctly Cash Dasis It wlll be our policy that ail household deliveries of fuel are to be on a strictly cash basis. J. J. Flett Fuels uo i 5-. Io i g Io i i i i Q j Sheppard & Gi Lumber Co. Ltd. pl*. THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO Jno. A. Holgate & Son