PAGE SIX THE CANADIAN STATESMAN,-BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, MARCH 22nd, 1945 Farnuers .*00 Now is the time to check your machinery and order repair parts, aiso to get ln a suppiy of grease and o11, electrie fencers and batteries, whlch are now lni stock. We can supply DeLavai Miikers. Miik Coolers, Separators and Electropails. We have a suppiy of repair parts for Miikerlî and Separat- ors. Check your tractor 01 il ter cartrldge, we have a suppiy for neariy ail tractors. Prompt and courteous service. Warco Grease ani Oii-Fram 011 Filters-DeLaval Pr'pducts W. H. Brown Phones: 497, 2610 Case Dealer King West If we are flot secretiy yearning professi on, where we must know and apeniy striving for the ac- how ta lase time in order ta gain complishment of ail we ask, our it.-Rausseau. prayers are "vi repetitions," such as the heathen use.-Mary I find the great thing in this Baker Eddy. worid is nat so much where we stand, as in what direction we are The training of chiidren is a moving.-Oliver Wendell Holmes. DLACK TEA sp SGAP PALMOLIVE 2 SUPERSUDS Pk QlUAKER GATS PLUN JAN WT -TONATO JUICE DIXON'8S1 VITAMIN B PLANT FOOD Bottie 259 R OWN Lb. 59 'ECIAL BLENO j Reg 11<3Giat 'Cakes 3Cakes 23 eG'an t ' ge2 Plkg. U38e LARGE Pkg9. 19< H PECTIN 24-ar. Jar 25< FANCY -3 20-az. Tins 25< FDA'N DEE SEEDS Fiower or Vegetabis 2 Pkgs. 99 Large 5 TERRIER KIBBLE 1-Lb5 DGUCHNMUTS FRESH DAILY 12e CATLLIMACARONI, SPAGHETTI, 1-Lb. 9e CATELLIVermicelli or Ready Cuti HKAWES FLOOR WAX 1-Lb. Tin 45e CGRNSTARCH BENSON'S 2 Pkgs. M9 ANN PAGE I DRAD I White or Brown ____ e 159 uAn UNDERWOOD'8 DEVILLED 7-oz. Tin 33e SOAP WOODBURV'8 FACIAL 2 Cakes 15e CEREAL GOOD HUMOUR Pkg. 24# KUFFETS BUAKER 2 Pkgs. 170 DOVRIL Gonc.ntrate 2=.39 B. 399 JUKET RENNET TABLETS 2 Pkgs.. STEAKS OR ROASTS PORTEEHOUSE, WING or SI RLOIN BONELESS ROUND BONELESS POT ROAST RIE DRISKET '-' TRICK SHORT RIE ROAST Lb 419 o a Lb 399 eLb. 23< Lb 13 Lb- 27e LAME LEGS Lb. 411 GRADE A -. DILING FGWL Lb. 359 *WEINERSI Skinless Lb. 269 CHOICE 19ALBUTSTEAKS Lb. 37 F RES H » LAKE HERRING Lb. 10g COD STEAKS Lb. 19e GRANCES, FLORIDA, Valencia 176'. Doz.45 GRAPEFRUIT, T 18MASH 3 fr179 LENONS. CALIFORNIA, Fresh 300 siz. Doz. 390 PINEAPPLES, CUBAN, Fresh 30'.Es. 359 CABIAGE, TEXAS, Fresh Green Lb. 5e CAROTS. CALIFORNIA Lb. 69 .S LOTS7LOiginal Bunche& 2 fr159 CELEET STALKS, Plorida, Pascal 2 for 25e SPJNACHITEXAS, Freali Green 2 Lb..21 APPLAE, .. NEWTON 113',. 2Doz. 421 EUBgARE, NATIVE MOT HOUSE Lb. 15e LEAF LTTUCENative, Large 2 for23 LEAF LETTUCE Size Head 2 23 Newcastle Y.P.U. met Monday evening with Wylma Farrow, Missianary Convenon, in charge. She show- ed slides an the work of Dr. Mitchell in China. In the repart of the W.C.T.U. an page 4, we omitted ta mention a hearty vote of thanks was ten- dered Mrs. Percy Hare for her splendid work in regard ta, the recent W.C.T.U. medal cantest. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Chant and family, Hampton, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Venner. Miss Blanche Stinson, Oshawa, visited hier cousin, Mis. W. H. Cooke. Recent guests with Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Cowan were Mr. and Mis. Wiil Cowan, Oshawa, Mrs. Mil]son, Bowmanville, Mr. and Mrs. Charmes Garside, Peterboro, and son, LAC Fred Garside, R.C. A.F., who recently returned fromn the east caast and who left on Sunday for his new post in Vic- toria, B.C. Mr. George Bonathan, Bank of Commerce, Toronto, is home on a week's vacation. Mr. George Crowthers, aur genial and papular manager of the Newcastle hockey teami and girls' softball team, has naw open- ed a bicycle service. shop at the rear of his home, which hie wil aperate in the evenings and on Saturdays. MORE NEWCASTLE NEWS .ON PAGE 4 SOLDIIER FAILS TO GET CIGARETTES OVERSEAS Warden Cecil R. Cary e th, Reeve of Newcastle, in a recent letter ta the editor, encloses the faiiawing letter fmom Gnr. George McMeekin, which is self explana- tory. Dear Sir: Just a short note ta let yau know I amn stîli alive (thank Gad) and stili kicking. I have not received any cigarettes from yau for a long time. Went ta France and was woundçd there and am back in Engiand on my way home ta Canada. I am writing sa you need not send any mare cigarettes ta me and hope ta sec you ail in Canada soon. GEORGE. Mr. Carveth observes that this boy had cigarettes sent ta him for months and the Newcastle Cammittee have donc ail in their power ta get change of addresses and sec that ail get cigarettes twice a month. Now a boy that has been wounded and in haspi- tai faiied ta get any. What is the difficulty? There has been many similar complaints. Whether it is due ta a mixup at Ottawa or abroad is something that can be aired in the Hause which is sitting at the moment. It is knawn that Post- master Generai Muiack was ab- sent for some time eiectioneering in Grey North and has since been involved in persanai litigation at Ncwmarket. The above comn- plaint shouid be addressed direct- ly ta him. Soina Women's Institute met at thi cburch, Monday afternoon witi Pres. Mms. I. Hardy, and Sec', Mrs. J. Reynolds in charge. Let ters of thanks wcme read fror salions who had received W.] ditty bags, local membens of thi armed forces and cammunity res idents wha had receihýed boxes fruit, etc. Plans weme made fai a Lost Hein party ta be heid ai the school under joint auspice! of the W.I. and Home & Schoc' for the raising of Red Cross funds Mrs. Roy Langmaid presided fa. the program wbich was based on a horticultural and St. Patrick', theme. Mrs. R. J. McKessock presented a paper on the came anc planting o! perennials and Mrs. 'A. J. Baison offered suggestions on the came o! house plants. Mis. Langmaid gave an interesting biographical sketch of St. Patrick and conducted a St. Patrick quiz. Mrs. Percy Dewell favored witb a piano selection. Lunch was scrv- cd by the group. Y.P.U. met Monday night with Harvey Yeilowiees in charge. It was voted ta give $15 ta the Red Cross fund. The main featune 0f the progmam was a debate, "ýResoIved that the girl o! yesten- day bad mare pleasure than the girl of today bas". The affirma- tive was debated by Harvey Yel- lowiees and Stanley Milison and the negative xvas upbeld by Mar- garet Fiintoff and Gladys Yeilow- lees. The judges, Myrtie Hall, Jerry Milison and Ross Cryder- man, decided in favor o! the neg- ative after many advantageaus and amusing points had been pre- sented by bath sides. Woship service was conducted by Myrtle Hall, Pearl Leach and Gardon Pascoe. Croup singing and games ,lused the meeting. Congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Anthes (Vemna Miii- son), Toronto, on the birth of their daughter, Jean Elizabeth. Mrs. J. J. Smith is now staying with hem cousin, Mrs. Walmsley, Toronto. Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Fiee and famiiy, Taunton; Mr. and Mrs. Tom Westiake and f ar- ily, Hampton; Miss Dorcen Cook, Bunketon, at F. Wcstiakc's. .. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Davis and Patsy at L. Hoskin's, Tyrone. . . Mr. Richard Luke, Mr. Will Mount- jdy and daughters, Kedron, visit- cd the former's sister, Mrs. J. J. Smith, at Mrs. S. Bush's. .. CpI. Helen Baker and Cpi. Shirley Hunter, Ottawa, with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Baker. He (on bis knees): "Darling, I love you with ail my heant." She: "Are you in earnest?" He (reproachfully): "In earn- est Do you think I arn bagging my trousers in thîs way for fun?" -Exchange. LIBdr. David Baker, In haspi- tai, England: Thanks for the fine parcel packed by the Cadmus W.S.C. Everything was in goad condition and much appreciated naw that I arn in convalescent hospitai. My leg is improving and I believe when betten I shaîl nat evcn iimp. Giad ta hear Edward Emerson won the D.F.C., and of his marriage. Cheeria, D. BAKER. Ross Suggett. Belgium: Thanks ta the Cartwright people for the very weicome parcel rcceivcd ta- day. Am fine and ioaking for- ward ta getting home soon. Ap- parently you have had a heavy winter over there. Again thanks, ROSS SUGGETT. Fit. Sgt. G. A. Gibson, R.C.A.F.: May I acknowledgc with thanks anather parcei just rcceived with everything in excellent condition. We are having same decent wea- ther for a change. Eastem greet- ings toalal. GLENN A. GIBSON. Tpr. Donald A. Mains, Gem- many: Thanks for parcel receiv- ed last weck from the W.S.C. of Cadxnus and two parceis several wceks ago from the Biackstock and Nestîcton ladies. Have been taa busy ta, answcr sooner. Have been in Germany over 3 weeks. The war is rcaily going good and looks as if it can't last much lang- cm. They arc taking an awfui beating. Again thanks, DONALD MAINS. Alice Martens, Director of Per- sonnel, London: A parcel sent by yau ta R. W. Brown has been for- warded ta us as it was found im- possible ta deiivem it ta him. The contents have been given ta members of the Canadian forces at present in hospital. I hope this meets with yaur approval and enclose herewith youm card found in the parcel. Zion Mr. and Mms. Frank Pascoe and family at Mrs. Eva Pascoe's, Bow- manvilie. Mm. and Mrs. Refond Camenon and family attended the 25th wedding anniversary a! Mn. and Mis. Chas. Vivian, Hampton, on Saturday night. Pte. Ray Gifford, Brampton, at Harold Gifford's. Mr. and Mms. Lloyd Stainton, Toronto, at A. T. Stainton's. Henry DeMiiie at Peterboro. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Hoskin, Bunketon, at Refond Cameron's. Mm. and Mrs. Frank Pascoe at Mrs. M. H. Langmaid's, Oshawa. Pte. Peggy Killen, Toronto, at Robt. Killcn's. Mr. and Mns. A: T. Staintan at Rev. Harold Stainton's, Mimico. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Leach at Douglas Flctt's, Raglan. Misses Mari amie Blcwett and Isia Banker, Oshawa, at Alex Mc- Master's. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cameron and Helen, Miss Eicen Stainton attended the Ice Froic at Osh- awa' Miss Shirley Martin, Oshawa, at home. The Lost Hein party ta naise funds for the Red Cross at Mr. Ai. T. Stainton's home was a grand success. Procceds $49. Mrs. Robt. Kilien bad a few neighbors at a quiiting on Wcd-i nesday. Maple Grove kaple Grave School News (By Kay Lycctt, Gm. 8) Lateiy we have just finisbed a large murai whîch serves as a background for some model cattie wc have been making out o! thin wood. We have made some onamen- tai vases from tin cans and have deconated them with artificia] fiowers made o! crepe paper. The school has invested in a new magazine caiied "Canadian Business" and we are interestcd in nating a picture of Harry Aluin of Bowmanvilie, and his grocery store, in it. We are also interest- cd in the photo and write-up of Editor Gea. W. James of The Statesman, in a recent issue a! "'Satumday Night". Rugby and basebali have been substituted for hockey and skiing. We have burned off the play- graund grass in preparation for spring. Wc bave twa new tables and chairs ta match. These we appreciate very much. In music we have started a new sang entitled "Alouettc". RotaryClub <Continucd from page one) selections in hanor of Len Eliiott wha received a bouquet a! Irish rosçs on attaining another birth- day. President Morley announced that the Rotary luncheon of Mamch 30 would be cancelcd since the Lions Club wauld be hasts ta the club on Manch 26. Gifts and i 'Greetings EASTER CARDS Afford another opportunlty to send greetings to d"tant friends and ioved ones away from home. 5e to 25e EASTER GIFTS For yonng and old Handkerehiefs, lace trim- med, coioured prints andl painted rayons 10c to $1.00. Boxed Stationery, Pletures, Mottoes, Books, Bibles, Hymnarles and Novelties. Easter paper serviettes, dec- orated eioths and plates. J, W, JEWELL 4'BIG 20", PHONE55t TAYLOR SHORTHORN GOES TO LARGE GALT HERD Newton Taylor & Sans, Wiiiow Hedge Farms, Bunketon, are com- ing ta the front as important breeders o! high ciass Sharthorn cattie. In a recent sale at a very satisfactory pnice they disposed of a ycar aid red bull caîf which went ta the Cmuickston' Stock Fanms, Gait, Ont. These fanms camprising 1400 acres anc owned by Miss K. L. Wiiks, whose famiiy have been widely known for many yeans as breeders of prize winning hanses. Now they have deveiapcd a large herd of Shorthorns which thcy are impraving by adding the best of breeding stock. 4 This year aid caif fmom the Tay- lor herd is by the senior sire, Okendale Major, and the dam is the good breeding cow, Clipper Maid 6th, winner of many show hanors. St. Paul's W.M.S. met in the home of Mrs. Gea. Chase, March 20th, with President Mis. W. H. Camruthers presiding. Mrs. Ken- neth Wermy's gnoup had charge of the meeting and tapic "The King- dam of God in the Wanid". De- votionai pcniod was led by Mis. Werry assisted by Mrs. Gea. Chase, Mrs. W. H. Carruthers, MVrs. S. McAlister and Mrs. W. P. Fe'itcher. Mms. Kenneth Werry intnoduced the guest speaker, Miss McLauren, who addrcssed the meeting on war-torn Burma and the life and people in the capital city, Rangoon, aiso touch- ing on hem trip ta the Haly Land. The society was most grateful ta M'iss McLaurin for hermost in- teresting and educational address. ACCIDENT INSURANCE Provides protection for your dependents against loss of incorne from ac- cident. Policies can be arranged to suit your personal re- quirements. A special "Unit" policy available to fariners cover- ing immediate expenses and providing weekly in- corne. Roy Lunney (Successor ta T. H. Knight) Office open mornings 9 to 12 Phone 565 Box 364 CARTWRIGHT PEOPLE AGAIN GET THANKS FROM BOYS OVERSEAS The people of Cartwright have certainiy dane their bit for the boys averseas as will be shown from letters of thanks appearing from time ta time in The States- man. With the latest batch of letters which are briefed belaw, Henry Thompson asks that a cor- rection be made in regard ta the donors of parcels. It siiould be expiained that he is treasurer of the Municipality of Cartwright and the boxes are sent under auspices of the Town- ship of Cartwright, nat the Red Cross. The boxes are packed in turn by the ladies of Biackstock, the ladies of Cadmus and Nestle- tan Women's Institute. The mail- ing iists are approved by the Township Council, which makes it a compiete Municipal contribu- tion. Recent letters are from the fallowing: Let us labor for that langer comprehension of truth, and that more thorough repudiation of error, which shail make the his- tory of mankind a series of ascending develapments.-Horace M4ann. Children have neither a past nor a future. Thus they enjay the Present - which seidom happens to us.-Bruyere. WHEN WE TEST YOUR EYES YOU ARE ASSURED PERFECT SATISFACTION IN FIT AND PRICE1 IBlackstock Lenten service was heid on Wednesday cvening at Mr. A. L. Bailey's. W.A. met at Mrs. F. Crawford's on March 15. Scripture was read by Mrs. H. McLaughlin. Litany and prayer were read by thq pres- ident. Rail cail was answered and fees taken. Rall cail for next manth, an Easter message. Letter was read fram Miss Ruth Snugg, Matron of St. Phiiiip's Residential Schooi, Fart George, thanking aur W.A. for the bale received fram aur branch. Moved by Mrs. A. L. Bailey and seconded by Mrs. Fred Hamilton that we have a pot-luck supper. Program: Mrs. VanCamp, canvener: reading, Mrs. Jas. Farder, "The Guy in the Glass"; reading, Mrs. Langfeid, "My Days Are Lived Amang"; reading, Mrs. Crawford, "The "Home Town Paper". Members present: 18. W.M.S. pot-iuck supper was heid on Friday night. The at- tendance was gaod in spite of bad raads. Mrs. Henry Mountjoy with Mr. and Mrs. R. Mountjoy. Miss Mary Vance, Purple Hill, with her sister, Mrs. A. Henry. Mr. and Mrs. Lamne Bradburn and littie son, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Bradburn. Mrs. Fred Bailey with Mr. and Mrs. James McLaughiin, Burke- ton. Mrs. Sadler is home after spending the winter in Toronto and Bowmanvilie. Mr. and Mrs. H. Wannamaker, Port Perry, in Biackstock. TRINITY YOUNG PEOPLE Manaon Faley of the Christian Missions group convened at the regular meeting of Trinity Union, Monday evening. The meeting in the form of a St. Patrick's party opened with business periad with Helen Pritchard presiding. An interesting and humorous program, was prescnted by Union talent as foiiows: piano solo, "Waitz in A Fiat" by aur faithful pianist, Helen Nelles; vocal quar- tette, Marie Thompson, Margaret Nichais, Helen Langmaid and Dorothy Bedford; piano solo, "The World Is Waiting for the Sunrise," Ileen Baison, and vocal duets by Raiph Melntyre and 14ev. J. E. Griffith. Service of worship was con- ducted by the convener with Gwen Gîlmer assisting. Contests and games under lead- ership of Doreen Hardy and Ralph Mclntyrc, were enjoyed. Lunch served by Arline Northcutt 1 and Louise Hircock conciuded an- ather succpssful meeting. March 26th wiii be the first of the annuai Passion Week ser- vice when the executive wiil have charge of the service. ST. PAUL'S HEAR TALK ON GEMS IN RELIGIOUS*POETRY St. Paui's W.A. met, March 13, with President Mrs. Pingie in the chair. Af ter the usual devotionai periad Mrs. E. H. Unstcad of Ty- rone, who was introduced by Mrs. W. P. Fletcher, gave a very beau- tifui talk "Glimpses of Modemn Gems in Religiaus Paetry". She said poetry is a form of music, and the Bible is the fountain of sang. Isaiah, in the Oid Testa- ment, and Jesus in the New, are two of the grcatest poets of ail tiine, Mms. Unstead quoted from many poets and writers of hymns, bath aid and modern, inciuding Canadians. Her manner of mead- ing, as we]i as the beauty of the pieces she read gave great plea- sure toa ah present. Mrs. W. H. Carruthers voiced the apprecia- tian of the meeting ta Mrs. Un- stead. In keeping with St. Patrick's Day, Miss Donnie Creasser sang, in her usuai pleasing manner, "Shamrock of Melona," and "Be- lieve Me if Aul Those Endcaring Young Charms." Miss Creasser was accompanied by Mrs. Reta Dudley. THOMAS BURROWS PLANS RADIO SERVICE BUSINESS éSince many people have ap- praached him with requests that he service their radios, Thomas Burrows, manager of the Rayai Theatre, has decided ta devate his spare time in that field ta ac- cammodate the public. As' soan as arrangements can be complet- PONDIS MAKE-UP PAT ------------ 69c fl Y Cutex Hand Cream --------25e, 43e Pacquln's Cream 15c, 29e, 57e Zergen's Lotion 25, 47, 98e Italian Baim 35c, 98e Witch Hazel Cream 25,' 49 Ultra Lotion -----------49C Revion Llpstick ----65e Revian Nail Poiish ---50c' Pond's Lipstick 19e, 55e Pond's Powder --- 29c, 55c Lady Esther Cream 29, 55 Cutex Polish -------- 25e Listerine ----29c, 49e 89c Zambuk-------------------- 47e MeLean's Tablets ---- 25e, 59C McLean's Powder 59t, 98e SOAS -... Alienbury's Basic 25C .Iergen's 4 cake.4 19c Odex ------------2 for le Castile ----------6 for 23C palmolive------ 2 for lie Cashmere Bouquet 2-lie Heaith Saîts D.T. English Style 1 lb -----------59c FIGHT THOSE MOTHS Larvex Spray -- 83c, $1.39 Moth Baîls or Flakes ----------- 19c lb. Gaiiment Bags 39c, 55c, 79 Moth Blocks ----------10c COUGHI SYRUw - FILMS DEVELOPED FREE - 695 COINGII . RUG STORETrse Wedding SMITH-WRIGHT On Saturday, February 24, a quiet ceremony taok place in the Preshytenian Church of Whitby, when M$arion May Wright was united in marmiage ta Ian Stewart Smith of the R.C.N.V.R., of Hali- fax. Officiating minister was Rev. Marshall and Mrs. Spmatt piayed the wedding music. The bride was given in mar- riage by Mr. George Forbes of Kirby. She warc a gown o! white net aven taffeta, a finger-tip veil, and carried a bouquet a! pink nases and forget-me-nots. She was attended by hem twa sistens, Miss Nellie Wright a! Bowman- ville, wearîng pink sheer and matching accessories and carried Pink rases and forget-me-nots, and Miss Eleanor Wright a! To- monta, wearing blue sheer and matching accessories and carried pink carnations and forget-me- nots. The best man was Mm. Jack Morton of Whitby. The receptian faiiowing the wedding was heid in the Central Hatel, Oshawa. Later returning ta the home of the graom's aunt and uncle, where they were me- ceived by his sister and many friends of the groom. Here a me- ception foiiowcd, wbich inciuded the cutting of the wedding cake and the apening of many beauti- fui gifts they had received. The happy couple left an a short honeymoon ta Toronto and Western points. The bride tra- veiied in a green dress and bnawn accessories. In actuai life every great enter- prise begins with and takes it~ first forward step in faith. ~ Schlegal. SALUTE EASTER Smartly Dressedl1 1945 Styles . . Colours . . Patterns.a HeIp to give your winter-weary wardrobe a lift .. . Take a forward peep at Spring Fash ions. New Spring DRESSES Smoothest silhouette for £aster and after-the-time dress! Starred ini vivid flower designs with brief sleeves, low neck, some contrastingly trimmed. Misses' SURtS Just received dirgct from the style fashion centres of Canada, assortrnent of styles and colors to suit every dernand. Prices at - $8,95 to $22.50 Ladies' Spring Coats It's not too early to niake your selection. They are particularly att r ac t i v e and serviceable, reason- ably priced from $1995 up Couch, iohnston & Cryderman. PHONE 836 BOWMANVIJJLE 'I ÇASHME RE TISSUJE CoeqIub çwaed Soft Pure Whucite-:j 700 SEETS )to the ral 3for25st ""a"" IBOKAR £WINEY 1L.B.35 LI PAGESIX THURSDAY, MARCH 22nd, 1945 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN,-BOVadANVIILLE, ONTARIO Filiutatives -------- 23c, 39e Bile Beans --------------47c Aika Seltzer -------- 29e, 57c Chase's Nerve Food 60c, 1.50 t a ti