THURSDAY, MARCH 22nd, 1945 ---- --- - ---AM Cl'AI~hEAM D~Yff MTT~' 1h' AfT~T~AI ~.T~, Mr. and Mrs. George Hicks, Oshawa, were guests of thein daughter, Mrs. Blain Elliott. Mr. and Mrs. W. Len Elliott vlsited thein daughten, Mn s. George~ Spencer, Sarnia. Mr. and Mns. George Hilson, Toronto, visited ber mothen, Mrs. T. E. Prout. ,Mrs. Harold Summenford and Helen were gueste 0f Misses Mac and Edna Bottreil, Toronto. Miss Audrey Bonathan, To- nonto, spent a few days with Mrs. Jimi Thompson and Suzanne. Mns. M. J. Walsh and Miss Ann Connons, Toronto, spent the week-end witb thein sister, Mns. Roger Bird. Mn. and Mrs. W. L. Weckes, To- ronto, are gucsts of Mns. George Weekes. The Fine Brigade was calied Sunday evening to put out a grass fine at the old bickyards, an un- usual event in the middle of WILLIAM J, CHALLIS ivin; Up Business! Aie 1 a AsIangiving Up business on March 31st, 1945, 1 amn offering for sale AT WHOLESALE PRICES A LARGE QUANTITY 0F AUTOMOTIVE & HOUSEHOLO ACCE s s ORIES INOLUDING - Wax Auto-Top Putty Polish Stop Leak Gasket Maker Glass Cleaner Machine OÙ Silver Polish Pound tins of Cup Grease Shock Absorber Oil Rust Resistor Motor Rhythm Red Flush Tar Rernover Red Cleaner Flash Lights Liquid Solder Monkey Links AND NUMEROUS OTHER USEFUL ARTICLEIS SALE Starts Sat., March 24 AND WILL CONTINUE THE FOLLOWING WEEK Corne in and get your share of these useful articles, as you 'il neyer get another chance at these low prices See Window Pull of Bargains Wm. J. Challis King Street Bowmanville The Healthful Habit 0 0 0 DRINK GLEN RAE MILK DAILY No single food is as important in your farnily 's diet as MILK. And the flavorful richness of Glen Rae Milk contains an abundance of the essential food values s0 necessary for vibrant health and personality. It 's an ex- cellent source for elements contributing toward strong bones, healthy teeth, and resistanceiagainat disease- Help keep your family physically fit and rnentally alert. Provide for sufficient niilk daily - a quart for children- a pint for adults. March, following the winter of dcepest snow on record. Pctty Officer Fred Couch, To- ronto, Mrs. Couch and Donnie, Newcastle, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Corden. .-ï L.ý .uiz wili be under the- leadersbip e: )f Mn. W. E. Austin; Social Hour si miil be in charge of convener, d, Wns. F. Cruicksbank, and group k: i.Mn. Ewart Pollard wiii be w ,hairrnan. g Mrs. J. H. Morden has been in Montreal vîsiting her daughter- in-law, Mrs. Grigg Morden, and daughtcr, Mrs. Stanley Dunn. Mns. C. H. Rowan and daughter, Eleanor, Betbany, h a v e been guests of the fonmer's sister, Miss Florence Werry. Mrs. Julia Grieve who makes her home with Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Jewell, Liberty Place,' will celebrate her 92nd birthday on Monday, March 26. Mr. and Mrs. Francis C. Thompson spent the week-end with Mn. and Mrs. D o n ald Tbornpson, Columbus.' Miss Ruth Stevens, Sick Child- rcn's Mernorial Hospital, Mont- real, spent Monday with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Stevens. Martin Scott, Indian H e a d, Sask., is returning to bis western farm this week after a brief visit witb Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Foster and farnily, Glenn Larra. Miss Rutft Stevens, nurse in training, Belleville General Hos- pital, bas been horne on brief holiday witb ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Stevens. Mrs. Samn Elliott, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Elliott and daughtcr, Loraine, Mr. Henry Elliott and daughter, Jean, Bolton, were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. W. Len Elliott. Miss Catherine Annis, daugbtcr of Crown Attorney and Mrs. A. F. Annis, Oshawa, was elected as- sociate president of the incoming sophomore year at Victoria Col-' lege, Toronto. Misses Dorothy Richards and Nono Nichols, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Norton, Locust Hill, Mrs. Walter Manning, Oshawa, were visitors at Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Richards'. Sgt. Luther Welsb who recently received his wings with the R.C. A.F., is home on 30 day leave. With bis wif e, the former Mar- garet McDonald, they have been holidaying in Toronto. Mr. Edward Hawkey, Edmon- ton, Alta., wbile on a business trip to Montreal, visited bis par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hawkey and sister, Mrs. G. Mc- Coy, At a musical festival held i Toronto, John Ryckman, 17-year- old son of Inspector Norman Rycknian, won fourth place in a group of 9,000 contestants. Nor- man is a nephew of Mrs. Seward Dowson, Providence. Misses Marlon Foley, Doris Dudley, Thelma Freeman, Helen Pritchard, Vivian Bunner and Gladys Joblin, and Rev. J. E. Griffith attendcd Oak Lake Camp Reunion, Friday evening, at Wel- come United Church. In reporting last week the theory exams of Toronto Con- servatory of Music these correc- tions should be noted: Madeline Osborne neceived first class hon- ors in Grade 1, and Collette Fer- guson neceived first class honors in counterpoint. F0 Bill Hutcbinson and Lieut. N[S K. Willis, Trenton, werc guests of Mrs. M. J. Hutchinson. Bill bas been posted a Sub-Lieut. with the Fleet Air Arm of the Royal Navy, and will report for bis new duty at Halifax on April lst. His many friends in Bowman- ville will be glad to learn that Pte. E. Willats, Veterans Guard of Canada, now stationed at Kingston, bas successfully passed bhis exarns and obtained bis cer- tif icate in the St. John's First Aid. Garnet Gobeen evidently wants to make sure the editor of The Statesman bas the traditional eggs for Easter breakfast. On Monday he brougbt to the office thrcc buge hen's eggs, weigbing 4 ozs. each, from bhis record lay- ing hybrid flock of White Leg- hoons and Barred Rocks. Those attending the Salvation1 Army Councils in Toronto frorn1 town included: Captain Winters,à MIn. Harry Bartlett, Mr. Tony Webb, Mrs. E. Willatts, Mr. and VIrs. H. Summerford and Alice, Mlisses Reva Bates, Ruth Mutton,1 Gladys Chittenden, Gwen and1 Kathleen Willatts. The 6 lst anniversary of the Salvation Army will be observed VIarcb 24, 25, 26. Special ser-r vices will be conducted in the Sai- vation Arrny Citadel, Bowman- ville, Saturday evening, at 8 p.rn., Sunday at Il arn., 2:30 and 7 p.rn. Vlonday afternoon frorn 4:30 to 7:30 a bot supper will be served n the vcidl.qiiupper 15crOsh- Mn. and Mrs. Geo. W. James announce the engagement of their daugbtcr, Mary Ruth James, A.T. C.M., to Lieutenant Warcl R. Hoffrnan, R.C.N.V.R., son of Mr. and Mns. H. G. Hoffman, Kitchen- er. The rnarriage will take place in Trinity United Cburch on Satunday, Apnil 7tb. Mn. and Mns. William Staple- ton, Newtonville, announce the engagement of their onhy daugh- ter, Betty Eileen, to Pte. William Lennox Vasey,,only son of Mn. and Mr's. W. M. Vasey 0f Pont McNicoll. The marniage will take place the latter part of Marcb. 12-1* BIRTI-S WESTLAKE - Mr. and Mrs. Percy Westlake announce the birth of their son, Alan Roy, at Bowmanville H os p ital1, on Wed., March 7, 1945. 12-1 PASSANT - At Bowmanville Hospital, on March 15, 1945, to Tpr. and Mrs. Lloyd Passant, Hunt St., a daughter, (Mary Judith) a sister for Jane and Allan. (Daddy overseas.) 12-1* YEO - Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Yeo announce the birth of their daughter, Eva Alberta, at Bow- manville Hospital, on Wednes- day, March 21, 1945. A sister for Alvin. 12-1* SANDERS - CpI. and Mrs. J. Sanders (nee Marion Chals) announce the arrivai of their son, Robert John, a brother for Linda, at Bowmanville Hospi- tai, on Friday, March 16th, 1945. 12-1 ANTHES - Mr. and Mrs. Ray- mond G. Anthes (nec Verna Milison, Reg.N.) are happy to announce the arrivai of their daughter, Jean Elizabeth, at Private Patients' Pavilion, To- ronto Western Hospital, on Wednesday, March l4th, 1945. 12-1 DEATIIS TULL-In Bowmanville Hospital on Wed., March 14, 1945, Eli TulI, beloved husband of Alice Elizabeth Collier, aged 74 years. COLE-On Sat., March 17, 1945, Jesse E. L. Cole, husband of the late Maria Jane Salisbury, aged 83 years. SPRY-In Toronto, Ont., on Mon., Meir. 12, 1945, Harry Spry, be- loved husband of Bessie Hun- king, in bis 79th year. The funeral service was beld at Armstrong's Funeral Home, Oshawa, on Thurs., Mar. lSth, at 2:00 p.rn. Interment Osh- awa Union Cemetery. 12-1 COMING EVENTS Card and Crokinole party at Shaw's School, Fni., Mar. 23, under auspices of the Home & School Club. Admission 25c. 12-1 Rev. Dr. Reddick of Toronto Wvill be guest preacher at the Easter services of Newtonville W.M.S., at 7 p.m., on Sunday, April lst. 12-2 Don't forget t h e Caniadian Order of Foresters dance, Sat., Mar. 24, in Enniskillen hall. Round and square dancing to Fletcher's orchestra. 12-1 Old Time Progressive Croki- nole Party at Tyrone Hall, Wed., Mar. 28, at 8 p.m. Corne and bring your partner. Prizes to couple with rnost points and to couple corning farthest distance. Tickets 25c, in aid of Red Cross. Lunch at cafeteria in hall. Those having good crokinole boards bring thern along. 12-1 Carda of Thanks The farnily of the late Mrs. B. F'. Gardiner wish to express their grateful thanks for beautifuli floral tributes, also their appre- .iation to the nurses and doctors for their kindness during Mrs. Gardiner's illness. 12-1 Mr. and Mrs. Stanley R. Corden ,ish to convey their sincere .hanks and appreciation to the Doctors, Nurses and Superintend- ent of Bowmanville Hospital, who w.ere so kind to Mr. Corden dur- ing his stay in hospital. Also to their many friends, ncighbors and elatives for cards, fruit, flowers, igarettes and for taking care of Roy while Mrs. Corden visited at the hospital. 12-l* Mrs. Banner Furber wishes sin- ýerely to thank Mrs. Amy Hobbs, Mr. and Mrs. E. Passant, Dr. Birks, Rev. J. E. Griffith and nany other kind friends for their ýxtreme aid, comfort and under- tanding during the illness and .eatb of ber husband. To the un- .nown friends who gave the vreath signed Old Comrades, a]so Ioes heartfelt appreciation. 12-1 ENGAGEM ENTS Uenry George. h LOWEST PRICES Your Subscription The Statesman' subscription list has been corrected Up until March 9. Ail payments made up to that date should be re- flected ln the date shown on the label of your' paper. Sub- seribers can facilîtate the work of the Statesman staff by tak- Ing note of the date on the label and making payment before the subscription falis due, thus avoldlng the necesslty of send- lng a notice. Ail subscriptlons are payable in advance. Gov- ernment regulations make it impossible for us to continue sendlng The Statesman unless the subseription is paid within thlrty days of the date due. Your co-operation wIll be ap- preciated. Ml. A. JAMES & SONS ALEX LAURA SECORD CANDIES 4~Y7~THE TIME 0F GIFT - GIVING ÇFOR TI4OSEWH.O daughter, Marion Smith, and one son, Cccil Pollock of Oshawa. Also surviving are a brother, William, of Kcmnay, Manitoba, a sister, Mrs. Jennie McKenzie. The funeral was held from the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. Hubbell, 18 Cadillac Ave. S., Oshawa, on Marcb 17, followed by interment in Union Ccmetery. Rev. J. V. McNeely, pastor of King Street United Church, officiated. WOMEN'S WAR AUXILIARY REPORT RECENT LETTERS The latest batch of mail from members of the forces to corne to the Bowrnanville Women's War Auxiliary includes thanks and brief items of news frorn the fol- lowing. The letters arc not quot- ed in full for lack of space but cvcry one of them breathes warmest sentiments for gifts and parcels receivcd. Major Wally H. Braden, Hol- land, tells of gctting his Auxiliary Christmas parcel, Fcb. 3, sligbtly delaycd but everytbing just what the doctor ordercd. He hopes thein grand wartimc work will soon turn to continucd efforts of benefit to the boys whcn thcy corne home which won't be long now. Sgt. R. J. Woodward, Holland, says thanks for the finest parcel in the world. Can't scem to get enough chocolate b a r s, But everyone is smiling now includ- ing the Dutch who have taken an awful beating. CpI. Irene Casbourne, England, tells of snow falling and the fun of throwing snowballs. Thanks too for a grand parcel and hope it won't be long now tili thanks can be given in person at home. B.S.M. J. M. Jamieson: Again comes a lucky parcel with every- thing just right and every item needed; 1945 wiil see us ah hback home. Sgt. R. E. Bate, Italy: Your fine parcel caught up with us just as I'm about to get about on crutches. Sox, pad and envelopes were espccially welcome. Arn alone now since the other Bow- manville boys, Bill Bates and Bill Tait, have left for camp. Pte. Mabel E. Brooks, London: Surpriscd and pleased with your lovely box of chocolates and we aIl thank you sincerely. Cpi. N. B. Vanstone, Gander, Nfld.: The cigs which Alex Mc- Gregor gave me lasted on the trip out and now yours have an- rivcd for which bcst of thanks. He tells of life at the air station. Pte. R. A. Richards, Holland: StUR another parcel with just what was necded as usual, witb the sox the best ever. Read in The Statesman what you are do- îng for others and sorry to sec so many fromn home in the casualty lists. Cheerio and continued suc- cess. Pat Dustan, Ottawa: Thanks for the Laura Secords and thanks too frorn the girls in our cabin who sampled thcm and who think as I do that Bowrnanville and the auxiliary are wonderful. EASTER GIFI .S For Everyone Easter Eggs and Chocolate Novelties are flot avallable again this yeari due to wartime restrictions, but your I.D.A. store has many glft lines that make excellent Easten presents. Visit our store and select yours fx'om the many lines on dlsplay. Easter Bunnies......$2.50-$3.7S Bilîfolds, rnany styles....$1 to $8.25 Easter Toys & Carts....23e to $ 1.50 Ladies' Gift Sets......$1 to $7.50 Easter Baskets .. . . .5c-25c Colognes, Lentheric, Three Fîower, etc..........GC up Easter Cards.......3c, Sc, 10c Cigarettes, 50's........soc, 95c Perfurnes......Soc, 65c, $1 & up Tobaccos, ½/ Ibs......76e to $ 1.71 E ~ ÉdAlenhurys"P Bath Dusting EJ11 Powders $1 to $2.50 Basic Soap Shavlng super fatted oeoe .oap- fr. from Brushes ------ 50c up aduitorante-wU Dot injurem=«tN tender ekn. Bath Salts 50e up per cake 25e Pipes --- --50ec b $2.69 FOLW ISMR OQE -INTEMIACE AK I . O ý THREPURP J'4-« ~3CREAM 29c SFACE POWDER c 6 Flatterina Shodes 2 , LIPSTICK ' 1j -4 LovoIy, Ooràng fla30e Vick's Vapo Rub...........- -----43e Vick's Vatronol --------- ----43e BARGAINS ... Grves oi Tblts - 4e 4e 50e Pinex ---------32e 35e Corega -------24e $1.25 Pinkham's Com p.---------- . - 87C 60e Roblnson's Barley -----------33c $2.25 Lactogen -- $1.59 39e A.S.A. Tablets 19e Bayer Aspirin_-.----18e, 29c, 79e For quiok firsi ald.. RAMI "AID lb. Lucky New Way go . l Cleaner leeth. etighter Smiio*s 4 i Obituaries HARRY SPRY A former nesident of Oshawa and Bowmanville, Harry Spny, beloved busband of Bessie Hun- king, passed away at the home of bis daugbten, 92 Fuller Ave., To- ronto, on Marcb 12, in bis 79tb year. The deccased had been a resident of Toronto for a nurnben of years. Besides bis wife, Mn. Spny leaves two daughtens, Mns. Ash- by (Mildned), and Mrs. Coltson (Cosy), and one son, Harold H. Spry. The funeral was hcid fnom the. Armstrong Funenai Home, Osh- awa, Tbunsday, followed by in- terment in the Oshawa Union cemeteny. ROBERT ALEXANDER POLLOCK A member of the Oshawa Fine Depantment for almost 40 years, Robent Alexander Pollock passed away in the Oshawa Gencral Hospital on Marcb 14, in bis 68tb Yean. He bad been ill for two weeks. Son of the late James and Mary Pollock, deceased was born at Bowmanville, Feb. 4, 1878, and had been a resident of Oshawa for 47 years. He was a member of King Street United Church and in politics was a strong Lib- eral. For 30 years he was a rnouldcn at the Ontario Malleable Iron Co. plant Oshawa. Whlle s0 employ-1 ed he joined the volunteer fine brigade in 1905 and rose to the nank of captain. He became a member of the permanent fire de- partment in 1928 and prior to his netirernent about a year ago was1 a station man. Since his retire- ment he had penformcd the duties of caretaker of the council cbam- bers and police offices. Pnedeceased by bis wife, the former Ida Mac Cowle, to wbom he was rnarricd at Brooklin in1 1898. Mn. Pollock is survived by three daugbters, birs. Mary Mc- Conneli, Mrs. Eva Fallon and Mrs. Isabel Hubbcll and an adopted For Tight, Chest Coughs BRONCHIDA..............----------50c ei If eos lpPevect Bai riS* lsA l elightuTeeth 0* Sarhiq swu4 0ç P IT'S NEW! AIR-WICK, kilis household odours qulckly ---------------89C 'J DRUCS PHONE 79Z - WE DELIIVER Life consists in the alternate process of iearning and unlearn- ing, but it is often wiser to un- leann than to lcarn. - Bulwer- Lytton. Social progress makes the well- being of all more and more the business of each; it binds ahl dloser and dloser together in bonds frorn wbicb none can escape. - a nid a- In PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY McOREOOR à m THE CANAnTAN C;'rATV.,qMAN- R('IUMAWVTT.T.P. nMrrAR.Trl lp,àr-,V. Qv.vglq Auditing RAY J. DILLING, C.G.A. Accounting Systems Designed and Installed Income Tax Returns Prepared Church St. - Bowmanville Phone 2669 i