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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Mar 1945, p. 12

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PAGE TWELVE THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO THURSDAY, MARCH 29th, 1945 IN MEMORIAM KERSLAKE-In loving memory of a dear wife and mother, Mary Jane Kersluke, who pass- ed away April 1, 1943. - Ever remcmbered by Hus- band an.d Family. 13-1 ALLISON-In loving memory of a dear mother who passed away April 4, 1944, also a dear father who passed away April 6th, 1935. And while they lie in peaceful sleep Their memory we shahl always keep. - Ever remembered by sons, Norman and Harry, and daugh- ters-in-law, Edith and Mae. 13-1* MOORE - In loving memory of Mrs. F. J. Moore, who passed away on March 29, 1943. W'e often sit and think of her And what- she used to say and do, And wonder why she had to die. You suffered long, dear sister, And those who loved you best, Though their hearts are filled with sorrow, Thank God you are at rest. Gone into that light that shines s0 fair, Gone from this earth of sorrow and care, Resting those hands that did their best, Gone dear sister, gone to rest. -Very sadly missed by sister, Dorothy, brother-in-law, Lau- REFRIGERATO R Repairs Commercial - Domestic ANY MAKE Hi J.Bowyer PHONE OSHAWA 244 ENGAGEMENTS Mrs. Hector Gould wishes 10 announce the engagement of ber sister, Stella Betty Norwick, to LAC Francis Joseph Lee, son of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Lee of Bow- manville. The wcdding wiii take place carly in April. 13.1* Carda of Thanka Mr. and Mrs. Fred S'hort wish to thank ail their friends and neighbors for their many acts of kindness, aiso for cards, cigar- ettes and flowers during bis stay in bospital; also ta Miss Lumby 'tnd staff for their kind attention, ta his speciai nurses, Mrs. Squair and Miss Samis, for their kind- ness and cure; ta Drs. Ferguson, Birks and McKenzie for their pro- fessional skill and cure; ta the Brothers of Jerusalem Lodge and friends for their visits wvhich helped s0 much ta muke the time go fuster. 13.1* Mrs. Ellen Hawley wishes t0 thunk the doctor and nurses of Bowmanvilie Hospital, who were 50 kind to her grandson, George Moore, during bis stay in hospitul, aiso ta friends and neighbors for tbeir many kindnesses to George. 13.1* rence, and nephew, John, Ouk- ville, Ont. 13-1 MOORE-In loving memory of Mrs. Mary Ellen Moore, who entered inta rcst, March 29th, 1943. Gad knewv that she was suffer- ing, That the hbis were bard to climb, Sa He ciosed ber weary eyc- lids And whispered, Peace Be Thine. Away in the beautiful bills of God, By the valley of rest so fuir, Some lime, some day, we know nat when, We will meet aur ioved one there. --Sadly missed by ber children Mother, sisters, Bessie and Eve- lyn, and brother-in-law, Reu- ben. 13-1* Attention School Boys! ! Brookdaie Kingsway Nurseries (near C.N.R. Station) wl employ a number of extra boys during the Easter Holidays. We can use aiso 4 or 5 High School boys who wlsh te take advantage of the 13-week farm extension and continue on thr'ough the summer holldays. (In1 this case sec your school Principal for details). Brookdale-Kingsway Nurseries SeedGrain Reg. No. 1 and Com. No. 1 Ajax, Erban, and Cartier Oats, Corn No. 1 Nobarb 2 and Galore Barley. Nobarb 2 às a new strain of Nobarb, stiff straw and high yicider, yielding over 50 bus. per acre in 1944, those who have grown it daim it the best barley they ever had. It has won thse ehampionship for us at the Quinte Seed Show three years ln a row. Galore, a new, smooth awned barley yleldlng 60 bus. per acre in 1944. Ail seed above standard ln quality and beiow cellng in price. Seed Cleaning, With about 20 Secd CIea.ning Plants in the Bay of Quinte district, we have prcpared the champlonship bus. of oats for five consecutive years for five different farmers. For the past seveiéal years, wlth the exception of 1944 when sced was imported, ftic winners in local field crop competi- tien elther bought thefr seed here or had It cleaned here. Qarnet B,. Riekard Bewmanville Phone 2813 Revion Presents the Match Box Set ! This Match Box Set is in two designs-one of the popular Pink Lightnlng, the other ail over rosy roses-both boxes seli- lng for $1.15. Each box contains a bottie of nail enamel 50c, matehing lpstlck 65c, and a compact filler vial of Revlon's wonderful velvet-soft face powder in harmonizing radiant tinte. Elizabeth Ai'den for discrimn- inating women... Hand-O-Tonik -- $1.25, $2.25 Blue Grass Cologne --- $1.25 Blue Grass Dusting Powder...........----$1.85 Face Powder --------.- $2.20 Lipstlcks---------------- $1.60 Presenting a new sisade Winged Victery Adrienne Harmonized mrake-up Sold only at your Rexal Store ... Face Powder ----- ------65e Rouge, creme or cake 65e Llpstlck ------------ ---- 65e Cxeeams -- . .----------.---60e Foundation Cream, Cold Cream, Finlshlng Creuse Cleansing Cream EASTER GIFTS BY Helena Rubenstein.. Heaven Sent Cologne and Dustlng Powder Set $3.15 Charm Box-Pasteurized Face Cream, Make-Up Film, Powder.------$1.25 Glft Soap ----------$1, $1.25 Heaven Sent S Cologne ----------$1, $1.50 Apple Blossom Cologne ---------85c, $1.25 Enchante Cologne 85c, $1.25 Town & Country Filmpaet ------------ $1.75 Pond's Make-Up Pat - in 6 exclting shades ------69e Harriet Hubbard Ayer Colognes, Pink Clover, Honeysuckle.......-----$1.10 Dusting Powder - - -------85C Face Powder Ayerlstocrat .--- ------$1 Pink Clover ------ ---- $1.50 BIRTHS CALLAN - Mr. and Mrs. R. Callan announce the birth of their son, Thomas Arthur, at Bowmanvillc Hospital, Murch 18, 1945. 13-1 RACKHAM - LAC. and Mrs. R. J. Rackham (formerly Eiieen Thompson) are happy to an- nounce the arrivai of their dau- gbter, Nancy Sandra, ut Bow- manville Hospital on March 24, 1945. 13-1* DEATHS SMITH-At Enniskillen, on Mar. 25, 1945, Mary Eleanor Stain- ton, beloved wife of the late Fred W. Smith, aged 70 years. HALLOWELL - At Starkville, on Mon., March 26, 1945, Mary Ann Henry, beloved wife of the late Sulas G. Hallowell, aged 74 years. Funeral fromi the resi- dence, lot 11, con. 5, Clarke, on Thurs., March 29. Service at 2.30 p.m. Interment Orono Cemetery. 13-1 Notice to Creditors In the Estate of THOMAS HENRY KNIGHT, deceased. Ail persons having cl1a i ms against the estate of Thomas Henry Knight, late of the Town of Bowmanville, deceased, who died on or about the 7th day of Janu- ary, 1945, are hereby notlfied to send in to W. Ross Strike, solicitor for the executor, Bowmanville, Ontario, on or before the 2nd day of April, 1945, full particulars of their daims. Immediateîy after the said 2nd day of April, 1945, the assets of the testator will be distributed amongst the parties entltled thereto, having regard only to dlaims of which the said solicitor for the executor shall then have notice. Dated at Bowmanville, this 7th day of March, 1945. W. ROSS STRIKE, Solicitor for the Executor. 11-3. Notice To Creditors In the Estate of ANDREW Mc- SORLEY, deceased. Ail persons having cl1a i ms against the estate of Andrcw Mc- Sorley, late of the Town of Bow- manville, deceased, who died on or about the 27th day of Septem- ber, 1944, are hereby notified to send in to the undcrsigned Ad- ministrator on or before the 2nd day of April, 1945, full particu- lars of their dlaims. Immediately after the said 2nd day of April, 1945, the assets of the deceased wili be distributcd amongst the parties entitled fthereto, having regard only to dcaims of which the Administrut- 1 or shail then have notice. DATED at Bowmanviile, this 7th day of March, 1945. W. ROSS STRIKE, Administrator. 11-3 Notice To Creditors In the Estate of WILLIAM REYNOLDS, deceased. Ail persons having cl1a i ms against the estate of William Reynolds, late of the Township of Durlington, deceuscd, who died on or about the l8th day of Sep- tember, 1944, are hereby notified to scnd in to the undersigned Ex. ecutor on or before the 2nd day of April, 1945, full particulars of their cdaims. % Immediately after the said 2nd day of April, 1945, the assets of the testator will be distributed amongst t he parties entitled thereto, having regard only to dlaims of which the Executor shall then have notice. DATED at Bowmanviile, this 7th day of March, 1945. Classified Ad Rates' One cent a word cash, each Insertion (minimum charte 25c). Charge el 25e extra la made when advertisement la not paid same week as inser- tion. Extra charge of 10o wisen replies arc dlrected te a Statesman box number. Birtis, deaths and marriages 50e euhi. In Memorlams,50oc for notic e plus 10e per lino for verse. Clasfled adver-- tisements accepted up until Wedncsday noon. Notice TRACTOR CUSTOM WORK Ail kinds of tractor work: ploughing, cultivating, e tc., done. F. S. Allen, phone 461, Bowmanville. 13-3* Bowmanvllle Electriclans 4 Doors West of Eaton~s in Building Occupied by Navy League Ail kinds of electric wiring donc Motors repaired and installed Phone 438 34-tf 12* For Sale MIXED HARDWOOD, consisting of harwood limbs and body birch, 4' lengths, 2 or 3 cords to the load. Price $12 per cord, de- livered. Apply H. Robitaille, R. R. 3, Pontypool. 13-4* SEALED TENDERS for the pur- chase for cash of the property formerly owned by the late C. A. Cawker, on Low Street,.will be 'received at the office of W. Rôss Strike, Solicitor, until 6 p.m., Thursday, March 29th, 1945. Tenders to be subject to reserved bid and present ten- Pncy, otherwise highest bid ac- cepted. 12-2 Wanted To Buy BABY'S CRIB. Write P.O. Box 222, Bowmanville. 13* BENCH SAW. Wray McCready, phone 663. 12-n* TWO SMALL TRUNKS, also desk suitable for bedroom. Telephone 436 or 854. 13-1 WOODEN SILO, fairly good size. Apply Russell Down, R. R. 2, Oshawa (Kedron).. 13-1* PIANO, in good condition. Small size preferred. Phone Oshawa 2831j and reverse charges. 13-1 TYPEWRITING DESK, drop leaf preferred. Apply Statesman Office. 13-f ELECTRIC MOTOR, Y4 or 1-3 H.P. Wray McCready, phone 663. 12-n* OLD HORSES WANTED. Apply Margwill Fur Farm, R.R. 1, Tyrone. Cali evenings, Bow- manvîlle 2414. il-tf ONE PAIR 0F ROLLER Skates, double baIl bearing. Phone Sports Editor, Statesman Of- fice. - 13-1* PIANO - Have you a piano you are not using? Why not seil it now, also radios bought. Best prices paid. Write Box 473, Statesman Office, Bowmanville. 10-4* LIVE POULTRY and feathers. Good prîces paid. M. Flatt, R.R. 1, Bethany. Phone 7r13. (Busi- ness carried on by Mr. Flatt per- sonally, no agents employed.) 2-12* WASHING MACHINES, Sewing machines, bicycles, radios, pianos, violins, gramaphones, tricycles, record players, cam- eras-If not using these why not seil now. Write immediately to Box 474, Statesman Office, Bowmanvîlle. 10-4* STE WART'S YOUR DEPENDABLE HERAD. QUARTERS FOR HIGH QUALITY SEEDS W. ROSS STRIKE,_ Al our sced is Govt. Graded No. 1 Executor. 11-3 1wlth sufficient steck of a i tems Notice To Creditors In the Matter of the Estate of Alfretta Wilson, late of the Town of Bowmanville, in the County of Durham, Widow, Deceased. NOTICE is hereby given that ail creditors and others having dlaimis or demands against the estate of the said Aifretta Wilson, who died on or about the 2lst day of August, 1944, are required on or before the 3th day of April, 1945, to send by post pre- paid, or deliver, to Violet Tre- wartha, Markham, Ont., or Wil- liam Duncan, Green River, Ont., the executors of the last will and testament of the said deceased their naines, addresses and de- scriptions, the full particulars of their dlaims, a statement of their accounts, and the nature of the securities (if any) held by them. AND take notice that after such last mentioned date the said ex- ecutors will proceed to distribute the assets of the suid deceased among the parties entitled there- to, having regard only to the dlaims of which they shaîl then have notice, and that the said ex- ecutors will not be hiable for the said assets or any part thereof to any person or persons of whose dlaimns notice shahl not have been received by them at the time of such distribution. JOHN A. CATTANACH, Solictor for the said executors, Markham, Ontario. Dated the 2lst day of March, 1945. 13- Ont. Variegatod Nf alfa Grimm Alfalfa Red Clovor, Early Red Clovor, Mammoth late Alsiko Swoet Clovers Timothy White Dutch Ladino Canada Blue Grass Kentucky Blue Grass Peronnial Rye Grass Crestod Whoat Grass Roed Canary Grass Brome Grass (Park Iand) Coul. Meadow Fescue Orchard Grass Red Top Hybrid & Open Pollinat.d Cert. Soed Potatoos Seed Corn -Fertilizors (fer gardons) Bulk Garden Soods You buy wlth confidence lu Quallty and price when you buy Stewart's Seeds. Articles For Sale FISH AND CHIPS sold at Black Cat Inn, Maple Grove. 13-2* FOLD1IqG GO - CART. Phone 2863. 13-1* RENFREW COOK RITE STOVE, new. Apply Z. Adams, Jeffery Apartments, Silver St. 13-1* PEA ENSILAGE. Apply Nelson Robbins, Hampton, j5hone 2349. 13-1 KITCHEN CABINET. Mrs. S. Young, Duke St., Bowmanville. 13-1* CHILD'S GREEN COAT, size 7, in reai good condition. Phone 2249. 13-1 CLOVER HAY, good quality. Ap- ply G. C. Keetch, lst farm forth of Hampton. 13-1' SMALL GRAIN BINDER; gas engine; 50' of nearly new beit- ing. Phone 2149. 13-1 QUANTITY 0F MIXED HAY, high quality. Apply Elmer Cox, phone 2488. 13-1 BLACKSMITH'S Portable Forge, large size. Apply Gerald Tai- cott, Bowmanville. 13-3* QUANTITY TIMOTHY H AY. Apply Green Bros., R.R. 3, Bowmanville, phone 2161. 13-1* SPARTON 2 - ROW BARLEY, Banner oats. Apply Cranston Scott, phone 2527. 13-1» GIRL'S COAT AND BONNET, pink flannel, size 1 yr. Phone 2615. 13-1 MOW 0F NO. 1 HAY. Apply E. Millson, Enniskillen. Phone 2263. 12-2* FLOOR COVERINGS For Every room in the house. Wilson's One Store, 20 Church Street, Oshawa. 8-8 LIVING ROOM CARPET, stair carpet, hall-rack and table, 54" bcd and springs, ou stove. Phone 461. 13-1 CROWN HURON COOK STOVE, in good condition, $12.00, aiso smail chicken houses. Alian Dickie, Enniskillen. 13-1* QUANTITY 0F ERBAN OATS suitabie for seed. One stick of pine, square timber, 9" square, 34' long. Phone 795, M. J. El- liott. 13.1* B AB Y PRAMS, CRIBS, Bassin- ettes, walkers, play pens, com- modes, rockers, toys, etc. Wii- son's One Store, 20 Church Street, Oshawa. 8-8 STRAWBERRY PLANTS, Per- mier, Parson's Beuuty, Poco- moke. Order eurly to ensure getting your plants. J. C. Ail- dread, Liberty St. North. Phone 800. 11-4* PRINCESS PAT COOK STOVE, 6 lids, with cream enamel trim and high shelf and reservoir, only used 6 months. A real bar- gain. Apply T. S. Mountjoy, R.R. 6, Bowmanviile, phone 2503. STACK 0F ABOUT 10 LOADS of second cutting hay; set of wagon wheels; horse clipper, hand power; rubber - tired buggy. Harvey Barrie, phone 2197. 13-1 THREE HORSES, ail good work- ers, Clydes, one a purebred, from 1300 to 1600 Ibs. Phone 2186 before 7.30 p.m. Fr, ufter 7.30 p.m. Saturduy. 13-1* LIMITED QUANTITY 0F GOOD Spy apples. By the bbl. or hamper. Also some good cook- ing apples. Prices reusonable. L. A. Squair, Lot 7, Con. 3, Durlington, phone 2223, Bow- manvile. 113-1 BEAUTIFUL BEDROOM Suites. New shipment just arrived. We guarantee lower prices. Wc are out of the high rent district. Se our large selection. Wilson's One Store, 20 Church St., Osh- awa. 8-8 FERTILIZER - Suggest taking îmrnediate delivcry. For prices phone Bowmanville a g e n t, Fergus E. Morrili, Telephone 2456.« Agricultural Chemicals Ltd. il-tf NEW CHESTERFIELD SUITES. AIl spring fiiled. Now on sale from $89.00. Also lovely studio couches and chesterfield beds. Ou.r prices are lower. Wilson's One Store, 20 Church Street, Oshawa. 8-8 CERTIFIED KATAHDIN PO- tuboes, Foundation A, $2.75 per bug; book your order this week; 5 ft. M.H. mower; 6 f1. M.I1 binder in good working con- dition. Bihl Rowland, New- castle, phone Clarke 1902. 13-1* APPLE TREES, Three and Four years oid: Red Mcîntosh, Northern Spy, Gruvenstein, Red Deliciaus, Melba, etc. Special price on quantities. Order now for spring planting. C. A. Gie- coff, 174 Ritson Rd. South, Osh- awa. 4.13* HEAVY DUTY GURNEY Elcctric stove, complete witb four cIe- ments, oven and warming closet. n first cluss working order. May be seen ut the home of Mrs. C. F. Rice, Ontario St. Bow- manville, Sut., March 31, from 2 p.m. t0 S p.m. 13-1 LINOLEUM AND CONGOLEUM Rugs. Selec ' yours from over 300 patterns actually in stock. You are invited 10 vicw these ut BRAIQLEY'S New Furniture Store, 156 Simcoe South, Osh- awa. 46-tf QUANTITY IRISH COBBLER potatoes, No. 1 and No. 2; 3 Durham cows, due 10 freshen right away; Buckeyc incuba. tion, 235-egg cupacity; new stone b o a t. F. Aldsworth, Courtice. Phone 491j2, Oshawa. 12-2 For Sal TYRONE GREENHOUSES are! prcpared to furnish cvery kind of plants for your garden and flower. beds, prices reasonable. TURNIPS, 800 BUSHELS, suit- able for feed. Farmers'shy of feed will do well to get some of these turnips as they will be sold very cheap. They won't last long at the price offered, so order early. Phone 663 or write Statesman Office, Box 484. 13-if OSHAWAS NEW FURNITURE Store - Everything in medern, chesterfield, bedroom, dining suites, and studios. Beddmng and floor coverigs a specialty. Quality merchandise at com- petitive prîces. Before bxylng visit Bradlejp's New Furniture Store, 156 Simncoe St. S., Osh- awa. 46-ti RAINBOW GLADIOLI - Rain- bow mixture is different, it contains bright new colors which provide beautiful bou- quets. For something new and different buy a few dozen Rainbow Glads now. Supply limited. Stewart's Seed Store. 13-tf CERTIFIED SEED POTATOES Certified foundation A Cobblers and Katahdins, bag $2.60; cer- tified foundation Sebagos, bag $2.90; some bin-run Cobblers with small ones out, bag $1.75; quantity of O.A.C. 21 Barley; also 13-disc seed drill, in fair condition,' with or without fer- tilizer attachment. Harvey Mc- Gui, Enniskillen, phone 2357. 13-2 Livestock For Sale' 5 PIGS, 8 weeks old. C. W. Downey, phone 2590. 13-if 2 GENERAL PURPOSE Horses, 6 yrs. old. Phone 2268, Bow- manville. 13-1 10 YORKSHIRE PIGS, 6 weeks old. Also 2 Yorkshire sows. Ap- ply C. A. Vivian, Hampton. 13-1 GOOD DURHAM CALF, 1 week old, also 2 Hereford cows, 1200 lbs. L. Lamb, Enniskillen, phone 2450. 13-1* BLACK PERCHERON GELDING 5-year-old, unbroken. Will seil reasonably; also 50 bus. turnips. A. W. Graham, Newcastle, phone 3321. 13-.* CHICKS - We are now taking orders for Tweedle Chicks, ahl breeds. Order early for special prices. Stcwart's Seed Store, phone 577, Bowmanvile. 3-tf DROPPED CALF, good for veal- ing. Also wanted to buy: 3 pigs, about 8 weeks old. Victor Szold, Hampton, phone 2173. 13-1 COW - HOLSTEIN and Jersey, due to freshen the latter part of April. D. Bothwell, Mapie Grove, <just North of Shell Gas Station on Highway No. 2). 12-2* 2 YOUNG YORKSHIRE SOWS due June 14, $90; also quantity of Vanguard outs grown from registered seed, $1 uncleaned, $1.10 cleaned. Phone 2831. 13-1 16 YOUNG REGISTERED Shrop- sbire ewes, due first week in May; team of young horses; Kid Kangaroo piow; 2 reai good thoroughbred Holstein bull 17 HEAD WORK HORSES, al guaranteed or money refunded or horse exchanged, aged from 5 to 12, weighing 1200 to 1650 lbs. Norman W. Malcolmi, Burketon, R.R. i. Phone Port Perry 191-3. 12-2* 1 BABY CHICKS-BE SURE 0F your suppiy of Trent Electric Chicks thîs seuson, Barred Rocks, New Hampshires, White Leghorns and New Hamp X Burrcd Rock. For prices and information phone Barrons, Hampton, 242@. 12.4* PURE BRED DUAIf PURPOSE Shorthorn,buil, Prince Match- leas, dark red, rising 4 years, owncd by W. C. Robb, Mont- reul. Bred by' Gco. Jackson and Son, Downsview. Sire, Melody Prince, Grand Cham- pion, Toronto Royal, 1936 and '37, sire of top priced bull, Chi- cago sale, 1938 and '39. Dam, Northlynd Mutchiess 22nd, ist prize, 3 year old, Canudian Na- tional Exhibition, 1939. Come and see this proven sire, also bis get, ut the farm, i mile southeast of Newtonvi il e. Would consider top quulity young bull in payment. S. A. Rowe, R.R. 3, Newcastle. Phone l-elp Wanted GIRL OR WOMAN for generai housework. Preferab].y some- one fond of children. Phone 2651. 13-1* SINGLE MAN or boy as farm helper. Hydro, miiking ma- chine used. Will puy good wages. Apply Noble Metcalf, Maple Grove, phone 2259. 13-1 WILL YOUR SALES DROP wherr Germuny fails? Begin now to seli nutionally udvertis- ed steam specialty, good sales now, better sales uafter the war. Liberai commission. Diamond Metai Products Co., 406 Market WOULD BE GLAD TO Contact anyone willing to work huit day or full day, spare time ut current rates, helping on farm near Bowmunville. Work is odd jobs getting ready for -spring seeding. Phone 2149. 13-1* BOARD girl Phone ABOUT 100 ACRES of Pasture, running water and some shade. Apply Wallace Holmes, New- castle. 13-1* SMALL APARTMENT or 2 or 3 furnished. or unfur n ishe d rooms, urgently required im- mediately. Apply Mrs. Carl Hawn, Streetsville, Ont. 13-3 100 ACRE RANCH with good water supply or pasture for 25 head of cattie. Write Box 482, Statesman Office, Bowman- WANTED URGENTLY-Two or three unfurnished or furnished housekeeping rooms for return- ed soldier. Write Box 483, Statesman Office, Bowman- ville. 13-1* 2 ROOM APARTMENT or 2 rooms and kitchenette wanted by young couple, no children. Highest price paid. Apply Pingle Radio Service. Phone Salvation Army 2233. 13-1 Real Estinte For Sale MODERN SIX ROOMED Brick cottage with bath and sunroom, good garden, double car gar- age. Apply N. Goheen, New- castle, phone Clarke 3722. 13-1* HOUSE-BRICK, semi-detached, six rooms and bath, with al conveniences, 12 Liberty Place. Apply Mrs. Violet Trewartha, Markhaxn, Ont. 13-3 7 ROOM SOLID Brick Stucco bouse and garage, corner of Church and Liberty Streets. For particulars write Box 209, Cobourg, ont. 12-4* FARM - LAKESHORE FARM, 100 acres, near new highway, hydro installed. Apply Wilson Abernethy, R. R. 2, Bowman- ville.131 SOLID BRICK DWELLING,3 bedrooms, bath, living r o o dining room, kîtchen, central location, good garden, garage. APply Stuart R. James, King St., Bowmanville. Phone 681. 13-1* FARM, 80 ACRES, more or less; 10-roomed brick veneer house; large bank barn; creek; 2 hard water wells; woodlot and or- chard; 3/ mile off No. 2 High- way, S. %k Lot 25, Con. 3, Dar- lington. John Nichols, R.R. 3, Bowmanville, phone 2168. 13-1 Personal SLENDOR TABLETS are effec- tive. 2 weeks' supply $1; 12 wceks' $5, ut Alex McGregor's Drug Store. 9-26 FOR EXPOIT FOR HIGHEST PRICES I buy ail kinds of Grade and Reglstercd Cows and heif- ers and cows bred about 4 or 5 months. Max Heidt R.R. 4, Port Ferry PHONE or WRITE Phsone Port Ferry 198-R-21 12-6* 1~ -1 Wanted to Rent i TIRE NEWS Wc will endeavor to answer any questions you have, through this column. Questions and Answerr, 1. Can a tire with a break in l be retreaded? Yes - Vulcanize il, then have It retrcaded. 2. What tirle takes Uic most abuse on a car? The right rear tire, as It ruas along tise side of Uic roadl and Plcks up tise nails, glass, etc., thrown up by tise right fropt tire. 3. What causes uneven wear In front tirés? Fast drlving, tur.ning cor- ners and wheel, bearing wear; change front tires to, rear and have i'hieels checkcd for alignment. C. F. AMESON TIRE & BATTERY SHOP King & Silver, Bowmanvillo Phones: 467 - Res. 376 y Seed Grain Wc are offcring thse followlng Seed Grain: Oats-Ajax, Car- tier Vlctory, Erban Varieties. Lhilted quantity of Erban elîgIble for registration, wvlth sacks, speclal price $1.25 per bus. Also six-rowed O.A.C. 21 Bat4ey, two-rowcd Sunalta, this ls a smooth awned, extra hlgh ylding varlety of barley and a wonderful sample of grain. Spring wheat, Spring rye, field peas. Clover Seed Red Clover, Alfalfa, Red and Alfalfa Mixture, Swcet Clover, Timothy, Alsike, a limlted quantity only.-Note: a llmlterd quantlty applies te the Alsike, not the other sceds. Ths seedls al of he ghest quality and germination tests , -Certlfied Seed Potatoca, Fecds, Fenillzers, etc A. W. Glenney Newcastle Phone Clarke 33-12 PART TIM HELP WANTED Men. and Women Must Have Other Full Time EmPloYment Wite EuutUhuatniaway nursertes AND ROOM for young1 Duke St. Bowmanvl le Phone 345I working in Goodyear.- 1243 2405.131 Jury & Loveli - m 1 4ý 61 PAGE TWELVE THURSDAY, MARCH 29th, 1945 TRE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO 1 9 For Sale For Rent SEPARATE HýOUSE conýtainng3 rooms, equipped with hydro. Elmer Cox, phone 2488. 13-1 pASTtRE - 63 acres, plenty of water and shade. Alibn Clem- ens, phone 2433, Bowmanville. 13tf 3 ROoMS. LOWER FLOOR, hydro, on IHighway, 3 nmiles, west f Bowmaflville. Posses-- sion May st. Apply Mrs. Florence Alln, R.R. 3, Bow- manville, after 5 p m 1 1 WANTED For Export Reg'd Holstein Bulis, Springer Cows & Backwards (Grade or Registered) PLEASE PHONE or WRITE F. Loeb R.R. 2, PORT FERRY PHONE 107-R-31 13-2* RELIABLE ONTARIO BREEDING STATION R.O.F. SIRED BARRE» ROCK CHICKS From Blood-Tested, Bred- to-Lay parent stock. AUl chlcks sired by R.O.P. coc- kerels Insure high egg pro- duction and excellent meat type. We would appreciate early orderlng. Mlxed Chlcks, Pullets, Coc- kerels, day-old or started. WRITE or PHONE Donald E. Gibson Bowmanvllle, Ont. Phone Clarke 3811 4tf

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