THURSDAY, MARCH- 29th, 1945 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE THREE 140 DeIegates Presbyteriai Ai s Theme were 140 delegates prei ent at the seventeenth annu. meeting of the Oshawa Pmesb3 teial of the Woman's Missionar Society ai the United Chumchc Canada held in St. Andrev United Chumch, Oshawa, Thursday. Twa distinguishe speakers were present witb Ret Olivia Lindsay delivering the ad dress in the mamning and Mis Olîi ve Spaming,- Secretaryc Youngem Goups ai the Darnini<i Board, deliveing the addmessa the afternoon session. Rev. Miss Lindsay, formemlyo Japan, leit Canada in the autumn af 1911 ta take up hem wamk& missianamy in China. Whiie sI( àwas en route ta China a revoit. Ztian broke out there and one yei wlatem, the autumn ai 1912, sh( landed in Japan. On ariving ir Komea, where she was ta mal< ber home, Rev. Miss Lindsay wae mucb impmessed witlj the inde- Pendent self-supportung churclhes She stated that the Japanese stu- dents weme much intemested in Chistianity and many ai ther understoad the Bible better than she did. Wben leaving Japan in April, 1941, many af the Japanese told the missionamy that Christianity will stand up under the heavy strain ai the wam. Aftem ariving in Canada she taok charge af the Fraser Valley Japanese Chumch in Mission City until June, 1942, when many ai the Japanese wemc evacuated. While in Mission City Rev. Miss Lindsay arganized a leadership training gmaup made up of Young men and wamen whc weme mast entbusiastic about Christian leadership. Aiter hem service in Mission City, she was pasted ta Lillaaett, B.C., where she re-apened th% United Chumch for white people, whicb. had been closed for twa yeams. The Japanese that became Christians were strang in their religion because they came inta the Christian Faith against the wishes ai their Buddbist families. The speaker also stated that the Japanese Christians spend mare time in prayer than the Christian who bas always known that faitb. Miss Sparling, who spake at the afternoan session, stressed the importance of Missionamy Educa- tian and exphained some of the goals ai wamen's organizations. The yaungem graups ai a church, sucb as Explorers and C.G.I.T. graups, look ta the wamen's or- ganizations for support and en- couragement. The women's or- ganizations should set an exampie for these yaunger groups and gîve them ail tie help passible, as they, Be Considerate ..a. Be BDiel! Frank WiMhanis Manager. q Nutrition -Depatment, Ontario inflation, every one of us must Division, Canadian Red Cross Sa- - play fair. So iet's ail pledge ciety, 621 Jarvis St., Toronto). .- usle ake aalv A le tte r t a th e e d ito r f r o m M a r k .. - . isLe!i n c s t s . . . B u y o n l iw h a L. R enigk, W innipeg, Man., says: j win eed . . bserve t h t - W e are having very m i d w eather .\ %e n g. .. .Sa e r eth u e ofl por et se i ca ion s aethe y a t thtg . S v f r h f t re o presnt idicaion arethatthea happy and prasperous land! sping will be quite ealy. Oi course, that can change complete- JON ABT LMI ly almast over nigbt but everyoneLndnCaa is baping that the winter is aver.Lodn Caa mai. a UD ma~ Section baving 247; Eastern u.iOfn W lfl~ tion 422 and the City ai Osh rb AttendI VI. IV.S 220. The average givings aduit member was Western tian $14.70; Eastern Section,$ nnua Mee ingand the City ai Oshawa, $18.' ta many thîngs that the members ai Singers h i o )- the women's organizations do.s&ThiSo my Miss Sparlîng also explained the ai importance ai affiliation ai wa- BY FRED R. FOLEY w's men's arganizatians witb the 123 Lake St., St. Cathamine on yaungem gmaups af the chumch. ied- Welcomes Delegates THE MESSAGE 0F EASTE d- Mrs. George Telford welcomed t-the ladies an behalf af the 'Weicome, happy mamning!' of cburch and stated that many ai ta age shahl say: ai the church organizations had 'Heil ta-day is vanquished, atgiven upý valuable time in order beaven is won ta-day.' tot assist in the preparatian ai the La! the dead is living, God aipresbytemial meeting. evermore: of A waship service was canduct- Him,. their true Creator, al .ned by three members af the womks adore. ae Columbus Auxiliary and at the Erhwt ofseca Umemaiai service was held under hiem for spmîng, ir the leadership ai members af the Al od t rtun wih LtPart Permy Auxiliamy. At the B etmning King;madwle in lunchean, greetings weme extend- Bor neeymaol e ed by Rev. C. G. Park an behaio on evemy baugh, tshe Presbytery and by the min- Speak His sammaws ended, ha ister ai St. Andrew's Chumcb, Rev., Ris triumph now. s.G. Telford.'Reports of the variausMntsiduscesoda ngroups weme given by their re- ndu ucesin dy spective secretaries and ail weme lengthening iight, ngratiîying. Hours and passing moments n At the opening ai the aitemnoan praise Thee in their fii session C. J. W. Taylor gave an Brightness ai the rhorning,s argan recital. Mms. H. C. Hurl- and fields, and sea. d burt sang a beautiful solo. Vanquisher ai darkness, briri y their praise ta Tbee. y 1945 Offilcers g Officers elected trom the 1945-46 Thou, ai hife the Author, deal *terrn were: President - Mrs. S. didst undergo, * Littlewood, Orono; lst Vice Pres. Tmead the path ai damkness, s 1-Mrs. T. Narton,Locust Hill; 2nd ing strength ta show; eVice Pres.-Mms. W. P. Rogers, Came then, True and Faithful y Bawmanville; Rtc. Sec'y-Mrs. S. naw fulfil Thy word; aW. Keawn, Whitby; Treas.-Mms. 'Tis Thine own Third Momnirj eA. R. Wilson, Oshawa; Car. Sec'y ise. O buried Lard! An' ) -Mms. E. Wery, Courtice; Sec'y tC.S. & F.-Mrs. J. V. McNeeiy Easter is the great festival Oshawa; Sec'y Mission Cirles- tht Christian Church. It brir Mrs. Jollow; Sec'y C.G.I.T.-Miss ta aur minds customs and ce' Edna Green, Greenwood; Sec'y bratians that have inspiredt Mission Bands-Mrs. Lloyd Ash- followems of tht isen Christi tan, Enniskillen; Sec'y B a by down tht ages. Bands-Mms. J. McKinney, Brook- Looking back in bistomy twel lin; Assac. Members Se'y - Mrs. hundmed- yeams we seet; N. S. Riekard, Newcastle; Supply young monk witb bis cowl, wal -Mrs. N. J. White, Booklin; ing thmougb the crowded streE Community Friendship - Mm. A. ai Athens. Every ont was mi D. Cornett, Oshawa; Literature- ing tawamd the chumch in the ma Mrs. Bruce Harrison, Blackstock; ket place wheme theme was ta Missionary Manthly and Wold a great celebration. A pracessi( Friends - Miss Mabel Davey, ai red-robed piests mamcbedt Oono; Tempemance and Christian wamd the churcb cbanting Il Cîtizenship-Mrs. W. N. Affheck, wamds and music tht young mor Oshawa; Press-Mrs. Ken Werry, had written for the Eastem se Newcastle; Se'y ai Affiiiated vice. That monk was Johni Societies-Ivrs. J. A. Plant, Ennis- Damascus ,a hymn wmiter ai tl killen; Candidate Se'y-Mrs. M. ealy churcb (750). F. Kikland, Oshawa. In pianeer days ai America tl Tht financial statement ai tht Maravians celebmated Easter w:l Presbyterial for tht year 1944 was impressive services in Bethieher exceptianally good with the total Pennsylvania. Befare daybmea receîpts being $11,562.62. Tht ai- tombonists mrached thraugh t location for tht year was $10,- quiet streets and awakened t 097.00. Tht total aduit member- populace with inspiing anthem ship was 889; witb tht Western Soon tht people joined tht pri hawa,1Orono News per Sec- $9.11; CLARKE TOWNSHIP Clarke Township Rehabilitation clothes for MWen Committee met in its first meet- ligs ing in Orono, on March 12, to or- ganize and form plans for the future. There was a good at- ies ~~~tendance and everybady was Wh rIo ni n eskeenly interested in the work to 'ER be done in the interests of our ER returning men and women and age the planning ta secure employ- agement in the Township during the Mlen who StayYouang!, post-war periad. Reeve T. A. Reid was in the 1 o caran .J. Mellor, Township C mpot frClerk, is ta be secretary for this o plt 1 Hisorganization. The committee is Histo be composed af members Ch.oiceo f selected from the different organ- Pten n thing ~~izations and churches in the town- Pfen n higship, only about half af which Materials er After a discussion about the ýavespurchasing of farms for returning avs Ç~.soldiers it was moved by Rev. S $29-7 - 3 <, r U'Littlewood and seconded by F. J. ail Hall that before a farm is pur- chased or a soldier placed the AL TH Ys ofboard should consult with a com- s0fmittee through the secretary NEW about the matter. The commit- gh;tee, T. A. Reid, H. Davey, Arthur S RPES skThampson, will wark with a coin- A skmittee appoînted by Orono AN rig Chamber of Commerce. -This samne committee was also ALL THE YOO-HOO. SETMIA(f iAS ou1 lPVR CM IfJ given the supervision of securing NEW th _____________________________ jobs for men and help for farm- ;h _________________________________________ers and others. It was decided WEAVES! that ail these requests be placed av- cession ta the old church for the BRITAIN WILL NEED in the hands of the secretary who Easter service. At sunrise they FOOD FROM OVERSEAS will cail the committee for de- l, proceeded from the church ta the IN POST-WAR VEARS cision. burying graund and formed a It was moved by J. D. Brown - Cluster stripes ig; semi-circle facing the Eastern Though the British Govern- and F. J. Hall that the Township nen. bill. The sun, rising over the ment bas not yet announced a Councîl be asked ta look after - Pin-Point stripes hili, was the signal for the out- definite lang-termi agricultural the expenses of postage and in- of burst of sang "Welcome Happy policy for the past-war years, cidentaîs. Such bis will be pre- - Cable stripes Ings Marning". almast from the beginning of the sented ta Council separately. ele- At the Easter sunrise service at present war, agricultural organi- 1 Services af thanksgiving were -Wb tie the Brooklyn Prospect Park in 1930, zations have sought assurance afi planned and it was decided that -Wb tie ail 10,000 people assembled under the position the governmentlJ immediateîy after an armistice or the auspices of the Brooklyn Fed- would take with respect ta post- peace has been declared a service - Herringbones ive eration ai Churches, the Salvation war agricuitural prablems. At the shahl be held in every church in taîl Army Band leading the music ta same time, there are indications the township on the Sunday fol- - Donegal Tweeds 1k- welcome the happy marning. that the British Gavernment is iowing such declaratian, and a ýets This famous aid hymn was definitely tending tawards a po- township service shahl be called - English Tweeds ov written nearly fourteen hundred sitian that will prevent a decline as soon as passible after the an- iar- years aga by Hanorius Fortunat- in damestic agriculture similar nouncement of an armistice or - Domestic Twveeds be us. He was born in Italy, studied ta that which took place after the peace ta be held in the township ýian at Milan and finally became last war. hall in Orono. Committee in ta- Bshap of Poitiers. It is said that The British Minister of Agri- charge of these services are Rev. he Jerome of Prague sung the hyznn culture in a recent speech took up Littlewoad, Rev. Dewdney, Rev. in both )nk an his way ta death at the stake, a a position against 'self -sufiiciency Morton and J. J. Mellar. er- martyr for bis Master. The Eng- in agricultural production. He in- A welcoming committee was ta 2 button of lish version cornes to us fromn the dicated that British agriculture be campased of the whole and ahl he pen of Rev. John Ellertan, author c a u 1 d achieve the necessary information was ta be given ta and ai a number of aur most stately adjustment and eificiency that the secretary sa that he could the modemn hymns. would enable the United King- contact the proper party. lrebto th "'Welcorne Happy Marning"' dam ta enjoy the advantages of The work of preparing a cor- trebto will doubtless be sung on Easter an international ecanarnic divi- rect Honor Rail was started. It SSunday morning in almost every sion ai labar, given a rising stand- was agreed thiat the namne alane styles hek church ahl over the warld where ard f living and favorable trade should appear and no rank. the Christianity is known. conditions. He said "The area of An executive cammittee coin- ns. aur land is limited, and we can pased af T. A. Reid, A. E. Morton ro- neyer hope ta become seli-suf- and Rev. Littlewood. was given ficient as regards food. Our soul charge of the work and prepare -is not suited ta the production of what is ta be presented ta the Sa il we need of certain commodi- meeting af the whole committee. ties. For example, we do not The work of the bvorai wish ta mnaintain any longer than zation can be ai the greatest help 'we need the terrific acreages af if everybady will ca-operate ta u o r u t fo hjesadg ptatog that we are the fullest extent. It will be aoByfo r S it fo Nuriio ew 1at reen roin.Wearafter the greatest service if any infor- duýpriafilysuiedto hepro- mation is sent or phoned ta the ductin a live stock and live secretary and he will put it inh Eat the Right Foods stock praducts, and the emphasis hands of those who will be able Wha ae herihtfads Ae ust be gradually changed aver ta do the most goad. Farmers B R E S L IN 'S Ithey the foods we want ta eat ta these from crops for direct wanting help, people wanting because we like them best? Ps- human cnsumption. 'jobs, and armis suitable for sale _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ sibly, but not prabably; hawever "Bitishariculture could for a ta saldiers fshould be reparted and they are the foads that nutrition time," continued the Minister, everyeseffort will be made ta get _______________________ autharities, after thaughtful study "make an important contribution th t satisfaction. have selected an a weekly basis as by enabling the country ta con- U U U U M U M cent letter ta your paper from a pattern for a balanced Cana- serve its fareîgn excbange Haw- Hub Hooper. Mernarials are gaing dian diet. At the start af the ever; in due course, as British MHE STATESMAN I h dtrsM i ob asdt h eoyo h tritian at Ottawa draited a set of increased and British standards T E ES O E > Many Canadian communities will fodrules ta better aur cauntry's ai living raised, the United King- THESE STORES ichr i th heath tanard, or ow t i dm wuldbe bl toabsrb otLonglac, Ontario, maney that will be spent is used time ta begin ta prepare a sturdy anly the food which countries Newcastle: Mellow's Drug. March 17th, 1945. ta erect community halls, gym- and efficient young Canada for averseas wished ta send ta Bni- Hmtn .A a n&Sn nasia, skating rinks, swimming the ole she mnust fili in the tain but also the food which a Hamptolln: G. A. Barran & Son Dear Mr. James: pools, hospitals, club roomns for future.,sres heal1tby and well-balanced home Eniiln:TM.Seo&Sn Weather is very unseasonable arganizations ai young Canadians Dietary srescondu c t e d agriculture shouid produce, and Burketon: Harold Gill. e aprsn.Lossthu uc asTxCGITBy thouhutth omninin 1939 produce alsa at prices wbich Blackstack: Alex Gilbert. bere at psemn.a LonsthouhedScuts TuxislCGi.T By and 940 howedaegDrinneedwouid comp are with average Nestieton: J. G. Tbompson. srnwscmn amnhaedSoutsinor Grt lis. me- for a reform in food habits at ail wrdpies .H oteu.a e. or ldthe astweeki has tomariais whase contribution toaa incarne hevels. In view of this it TWO EXTRA COUPONS FOR Pontypool: Post Master. been50 id thatsu wend havehad ta betterCnd ol nr ei was decided that a workin rn:TrelsDu tr. patciyssedarhuing value witb eacb generatian. EARLY PRESERVING &rn:Trel' rgSoe operations, and even were it ta Best wisbes ta yourself and knowledge and practical applica- etnil:WC.L e&Co turn cold now as we expect andstfofTeSasmn tion af sound nutrition should be Two ai the extra preserves Tyrane: F. L. Byam. hope it wili, the snow we bave staffai T ery tesman, presented ta every citizen, so the coupons became valid on Mamch Bawmanville: W. J. Berry, J. aiready hast will make hauling A.oLrsKvery truiy Ccammede ptcive s foods. 15, ta provîde for ealy peserv- W. Jeweil, Jury & LovAll. W. J. mare difficut and castly. We wereA.LK.SIZR cmeddpoetv od. ing; eight mare will be valid on Bagneli, Statesman Office. late getting started this year too __________ Eat thern ail every day and May 17, and the other ten will be because you folks down sautb you'll be getting the right faads! gaod for the purchase of canning Too mucb cannat be dane ta- seernta have received aur share I have not, therefore, hesitated Canada's Foods for Health sugar on and aiter July 19. These wards guamding and guiding weli of snaw. ta travel imam court ta court like 1. Milk-Adults, %/ pint ta 1 coupons may be used ta buy pre- the germinating and inclining Would like ta put in a word ai a wandering minstrel. But always pint; children, 1%' pints ta 1 serves instead af canning sugar thougbt of cbiidhood. - Mary approval for the sentiments re a witb the samne sangs or the samne quart, if the consumer wisbes. Baker Eddy. War Memorial expmessed in a me- set ai sangs.-Winston ChumchilL 2. Fruit-One serving ai citrus fruit or tomatoes, or their juices, and one semving ai other fruit. 3. Vegetables - At least one semving af potataes; at least twa servings ai other vegletabies, npe- 'cm i' ilT/lfe TrUTII lo 4Y 77 - 1 d»ý Wcz>ý/ %eow 0 sb&wi;ee