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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Mar 1945, p. 6

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PAGE SIX THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, MARCH 29th, 1945 Auction Saler I have been authorized to seil by public auctlon for ED BECK Lot 4, Broken Front, Darllngton, (first road west of Shaw's School and south te lake, or 2 mailes East and South of Bowmanville) en SAT., APRIL 7th the foilowlng: Horses: Brown horse, aged; roan mare, 9 yrs.; black horse, 4 yrs. Cattie: Hostein cow, 7 yrs., bred Aug. 6; Holstein cow, 5 yrs., bred Sept. 6; Holstein cow, 6 yrs., bred Oct. 12; Holstein cow, 7 yrs., bred Oct. 13; Holstein cow, 6 yrs., bred Oct. 6; Holstein cow, 6 yrs., bred Aug. 2. Grain: Approx. 1500 bus. mix- ed grain, extra good feed grain; 150 bus. oats. Hay: Quantity of good hay. Poultry: 80 Rock puilets (good Noti£ce Any person or persons who dump refuse on the roads or road allowanees in thie Township of Darllngton wlU be prosecuted aceordlng to the Township by-law in that respect. This Ineludes stones and rocks. By -order, Darllngton Township Council. J. D. HOGARTH, Clerk 13-4 Pringle Radio Service, Commencing MARCH 26th GUARANTEED WORK LICENSED REPAIR MAN General Electric Dealer Car, Home and Portable Hours: Nights -OnIy 6 to 12 p.m. OFFICE AT: HARTWIG'S JEWELLERT SHOP 13-3 L- Easter Gifis and 'reeings EASTER CARDS Afford another opportunity te send greetlngs to distant frlends and loved ones away from home. 5e to 25C EASTER GIFTS For young and old Handkerehfefs, lace trlm- med, eoloured prints and palnted rayons 10e to $1.00. Boxed Statlonery, Pictures, Mottoes, Books, Bibles, Hymnaries and Novelties. Easter paper serviettes, dec- orated cloths and plates. JL W. JEWELL 4"BIG 20", PHONE 55t Farniers . Phones: 497, 2610 strain). Potatoes: Quantity of potatoes. Implements: McCormick Deer- ing binder, new, latest type, tractor hitch, Oul Bath closed in glass, alemnite fittings with out- side support and carrier; binder tongue to this binder, new, for horses, and 1 set new 3-horse whiffletrees; manure spreader, new, Cockshutt No. 4, latest type and 1 tractor hitch, new; McCor- mick Deering tractor piow, new, No. 8 C, ace bottom, 2-furrow; Massey Harris No. 20 A combir- 'ed grain and fertilizer drU, new, il disc; factory built Autotractor Chev., 31, 6 cyl., new ,steel wheels with lugs, lights, starter equipped with extra outside cooJ- ing device. First class shape; orchard power sprayer, first class shape, 4 cyl. Star-Been, pumps 160 gal. tank, battery, starter, on trucks; potato sprayer, 4 rows,1 horse drawn, good for any vege- table spraying; spring tooth cuil- vator with tractor hitch, gooct stif f tooth cultivator with tractei hitch, good; 2 14-plate double disc with tractor hitch; wagon, f irsI class shape; new flat platform and sides f or hay; new box f its thE wagon for. apples; dump outfil for turnips, new; land roller, steel good; hay rake for 2 horses, good: 2 sets of harrows with tree double plow, National, gang single plow, M.H. No. 21; McCor- mick, new, big, No. 4 mower: grain grinder in good shape with good beit; 3 l-row, 1-horse scuff- lers; fanning miii; root pulper, M.H., good; road grader for horses, wagon; trailer in good condition; electric fencer, new, with new battery; Pontiac, 28 sedan, 6 cyl., serial no. 95892; cyclon seeder for small seed; extra 3-horse steel whiffietree; number of good grain bags and sacks; harness, complete, gooc, for 3 horses; pruning tools, dust- ing material; spraying material; number of tomato hampers and appie barrels; DeLaval milk sep- arator; sling ropes, carrier and hay fork; riding plow; cross cut saw, beetie, wedges; 4 pressure guns for alemite fittings; 3 gaso- Une barrels; chick feeders, chic) coal; grain binder, Deering, 7-ft.; manure spreader, M.H., low down; amount of tractor oi], grease; number of double whif- fletrees. neckyokes. forks, tools, hoes; extra big guards for fiat grain binder, new; and too many other articles to mention; lumber: new, boards and 2x4 scantiings; about 100 rail ties, most harc wood; brooder stove. New Brooder House, double boarded, insulated. New Colony bouse. Terms Cash - No Reserve Sale at 1 p.m. sharp THERON MOUNTJOY, Clerk; ELMER WILBUR, Auctioneer. 13-21 Over 30,000 Canadian citizens, who could otherwise be useful in the service of their country, are lying in sanatoria, victims of the dreadful tuberculosis. RICH AS CAN BE There, in a nutshell, is a description of our finest- made Creamery Butter. Better, p u re r, richer, creaniier Butter cannot be made. You'Il1 believe us after you've tried a pound on your table at home. You 'l know then why it 's the choice of families w here only the best can enter. Try a pou.nd today. No higher in price! PRESH EGGS AI Gradie Large aise, order them for Easter. TRY OUR OHOCOLATE MILK Milk, Creani, Butter and eggs delivered. Bowmnanville Dairy Phone 446 or 703 0 0 Case Dealer Ki LngWest r'. r- er r se n- e1 r )1, 1e; or .d Tl, Auction Sales I have been authorized to seli by public auction for Wm. Hep- burn, Lot 18, Con. 5, Whitby, on Wed., Apr. 1th, ail his farm stock, implements, harness and etc. Sale 1 p.m. Terms cash. Elmer Wilbur, auctioneer. 13-2 I have been authorized to sel] by public auction for John Woj- nakoski, Lot 20, Con. 3, Clarke, on Monday, April 9th, ail his farm stock, implements, harness and etc. Sale 1 p.m. Terms cash. Elmer Wilbur, auctioneer. 13-2 Friday, April 6, the undersign- ed will seli by public auction for Bruce Ferguson, in the Village of Hampton, 3 horses, cattie, impie- ments, harness, quantity of feed. Sale at 1 p.m. Terms cash. J. D. Hogarth, clerk; Elmer Wilbur, auctioneer. 12-3 I have been authorized to sell by public auction for the estate of the late Mrs. Alfred Chapman at her late residence, Front St., Orono, on Sat., Mar. 31, at 1 p.m., sharp, ail her household furniture and electrical appliances. Termns cash. Jack Reid, auctioneer. 13-l* The undersigned will seil by public auction for the Estate of W. H. Westlake, Lots 30 and al Con. 7, Darlington (north of Brad- ley's School) on Tuesday, April 3, 1945, his farm stock, implements, hay, harness, and household fur- niture. Sale at 1 p.m. Terms cash. Elmer Wilbur, auctioneer; T. S. Mountjoy, clerk. 12-2j zà ý I have been authorized toE d;by public auction for Wilii e;Dawson, Lot 3, Con. 5, Darlîî id' ton (Happy Valley) on W( ,d April 4, his farmn stock, imp ;_ments, pigs, and harness. Sale i1 p.m. Terms cash. T. S. Mou: id joy, clerk; Elmer Wilbur ai ptioneer. 1: id I have been authorized to S t by public auction for E. Ku re Lot 22, S. %, Con. 1, Darlingt D- (south of Maple Grove 1 ,kmiles, and % mile west) on Si t* Apr. 14, aIl his farm stock, i: Wplements (sorte are new), hi iharness. See bills. Sale at fp.m. Terms cash. Elmer Wili Itauctioneer. [y I have been authorized to s r:by public auction for E. A. Si] S;Lot 20, Con. 3, Whitby, (2 mi] west of Ross's Corners) on TUE Apr. lOth, his farm stock, imp] ýements, harness, etc. This is good herd of dairy cattle, also new DeLaval 2-unit milking mi chine. Sale 1 p.m. îTerms cas Elmer Wilbur, auctioneer. 13 jI have been authorized to SE by public auction for the esta of the late Charles Emerton, L 15, Con. 6, Cartwrigûit Twp. (: mi. W. of Nestîcton Station c 7A bighway) on Fr, Apr. 6, 1 p.m. Sharp, ail his farm stoc implements, etc. Terms cas Jack Reid, auctioneer. 13-: I have been authorized to se by public auction for Tom Pewa North hall of Lot 10, Con. 1, Mai vers Twp., (1 mi. N. of Pontypo on No. 35 Highway) on Wec Apr. 4, at i p.m. Sharp, ail h farm stock; implements, includii a full line of new farmn machiî ery; and furniture. Termis cas Jack Reid, auctioneer. 13-: The undersigned has receive instructions from Carl Ferguso North haîf Lot 35, Con. 8, Da lington, (i mile West of Enfielc to seli by public auction on Satu day, March 3lst, his farm stoc implements, pigs, harness, ar other articles. Terms cash. Sa at i p.m. Theron Mountjo clerk; Elmer Wilbur, auctioneer 13 W. J. Challis, veteran garaî and auto dealer, Bowmanville, going out of business and wili SE his entire garage equipment 1 auction on Wed., April 11. TI sale starts at 10 a.m. This wili 1 a big sale and the equipment wi be in great demand, as many i the articles just can't be bougi today in the regular way. Watt next week's StateSman for iten ized list, and mark down iuo the date of this important sale - April il. 13. I have been favored with ir structioris fromn Mr. Jacob Kral and Mr. Frank Rowicki, Lot 2Z Con. 5, Hope Twp., 2½h mil( north of Harness blacksmith sho and i mile east, to seil by publi auction on Mon., April 2, at o'clock, Sharp, ail their f ar stock, implements and househol effects, a lot of this machinery. nearly new. For further partici lars sec bis. Farm soid. Tern cash. Positively no reserve. V Lord, clerk; Jack Reid, au tioneer. 12- I have been authorized to se for W. C. Ashton, Lot 1, Broke Front, Dariington, 3 miles East( Bowmanville, and south, o Thurs., Apr. Sth, the followini Horses: Percheron mare, blac] rising 8 yrs.; Percheron filiy, n:ý ing 2 years old; Clyde mare, rii ing 8 yrs.; Clyde filly, rising yrs.; Machinery: binder, M.E 6-ft., (good); Mower, M.H., 6-ft Bain wagon, 3/ (good); manur spreader, MbH. (good); steel roi: ei' (good) Bisseli; harrows, 6 sec hay rack; hay rake (good); dise M.H. (good); hay tedder; harroi cart; fanning miii with bagge (gôod); rubber-tired buggy; cul ter; scuffler; scales (2000 lbs. good; pig troughs (cast); hay for] car; rope, 130 ft. sling ropee single driving harness, nèarl: new; double harness; Implements 2 gang plows, many other articles Grain: 300 bus. oats; Hay: 35 toi good hay. Sale at 1:30 p.m. Term: cash. Elmer Wilbur, auctioneer 12-21 The undersigned has receivec instructions from Mr. Wrn. G Williams, Liberty St., North of Nursery Corners, to seli by pub- lic auction at his residence, his household furniture, including bedroom suites, dining r oo m suites, parlor suite, odd tables and chairs, hall rack, iamps, sewing machine, coal oul heater, kitchen furniture, couch, wardrobe, chest of drawers, dîshes, cooking uten- suls, a good collection of garden and carpenter tools, grindstone, wheel-barrow, two lawn mowers and many other useful articles. Terms cash. Sale at 1:30 p.m., Sat., Apr. 14, 1945. Wm. J. Challis, auctioneer; T. S. Mount- joy, clerk. 13-3 Brown"s Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Allin (nec Wyima Far- row) on their marriage. A trousseau tea was held for Mrs. Stanley Allin (nec Wylma Farrow) at her mother's home, on Wednesday afternoon and eve- ning, March 2lst, with approxi- mately 150 guests present. Mrs. Clarence Turner and Mrs. Well- ington Farrow received t he guests, while the bride and her bridesmaid, Miss Phyllis McNeil, displayed the trousseau and Miss Jean Perrin, aunt of the bride, dispiayed the gifts. The follow-- ing ladies helped with pouring tea and serving lunch: Mrs. Geo. Honey, Mrs. J. Hiliier, Mrs. Robt. Graham, Mrs. I. Allun, Mis. H. Reichrath, Mrs. Jex. and Mrs. G. Martin, Mrs. D. Stapleton, Mrs. C. Farrow, Mrs. M. Hancock, Mrs. b. McBain, Misses Betty Allin, Betty Stephenson and Hazel Far- row, and Mrs. Geo. Stephenson prepared tea. S.S. No. 9, Clarke Our Farm Forum held its final meeting in the kitchen of the Community Hall. The men act- ing as hosts to the ladies, served a real banquet. A good time was had by ail and especially en- joyed by the ladies. Our discus- sions for the winter months have been practical, interesting and should prove profitable. Several No. 9 ladies attended the«trousseau tea for Wylma Far- row at hier parents' home on No. 2 Highway. Mrs. Chas. Gibson has received word from lier son, Bill, that hie is in a convalescent hospitaL in England. Her son, Leslie, dur- ing a temporary leave from the air force, is working in the Good- year in Bowmanviile. New Canvassers Appoanted for Loan In Cartwright Township The National War Finance Committee for Durham County has been working in the town- ship of Cartwright for the past few days lining up the township for the Eighth Victory Loan cam- paign which starts on April 23rd. Alex Gilbert is again chairman for the township and is confident that in this campaign Cartwright will have a better showing than last faîl. Two new canvassers have been selected who are both residents of the township: Mr. Luther Mountjoy - now living in Blackstock, will canvass the south end of Cartwright and, Mr. Tom Langfeld-a veteran of World War I, and World War II, will canvass the north end. Business Directory Legal il W. a. STRIKE he Barrister. Solicitor, Notary beSolicitor for Bank of Montreal of Bowmanville. Ontario h LAWRENCE C. MASON, B.A., n- Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public. W King Street W., Bowmanville -Phone: Office 688 Residence 553 W. F. WARD, B.A., z Barrister, Solicitor, Notary 6' Bleakley Block es Bowmanville -Ontario )P Phones: Office 825- House 409 ic 2t 1 2t Id MISS APHA 1. HODGINS is Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Publie L'- Successor to M. G. V. GOULD as V. Temaperance St. - Bowmanville c- Phone 351 34-tf 2 Dentlst ifl n DR. J. C. DEVITT )n Assistant: Dr. E. W. Simson 9: Graduate of Royal Dental Col k, lege, Toronto, Office: Jury Jubilec s- Bldg., Bowmanville. Office hou,', - 9 a.m. to 6p.m. daily, 2 9 a.m. to 12 noon Wednesday, I., Closed Sunday t;Phone 790 - House phone 3%8 re X-Ray Equipmentin t Office ;: GUARANTEED I Radio Service CASH & CARRY Roy W. Neads CENTRE ST. PHONE 546 13-2* Maple Grove Several ladies of W.M.S. at- tended the Oshawa Presbyterial ins St. Andrew's Church, Oshawa. Mis. L. C. Snowden visited her father, Mr. Thos. Baker, Solina, Lon Friday evening, helping him celebrate his 9Oth birthday. . T his community extends heartiest congratulations to Mi. and Mis. Roy VanCamp who this week celebrate their 25th wed- ding anniversary. The many friends of Mr. F. Swallow are glad to know he is improving after his sickness. Mrs. Stuart Hogarth, R.N., To- ronto, with ber aunt, Mrs. L. C. Snowden. Misses Betty and Mildred Snowden attended the shower given for Miss Ruth James in To- ronto, Saturday' evening, at the home of her cousin, Mrs. Leslie Keith. Newtonville Visitors: Miss Wilma Prouse, accompanied by 0fne 0f her sis- ters, in Peterboro. . . Mr. John Carlaw, Warkworth, called on his aunt, Mrs. W. H. Jones. . . Mr. and Mrs. Donald Stapieton with ber parents, Mr.. and Mis. Lorne Todd, Starkvilie. . . Mrs. Foster, Mrs. Hubbard and Joyce; Mr. and, Mrs. Sam Fudge and June, Toronto; Pte. Lennox Vasey, Brampton, at Mi. Wm. Staple- ton's. . . Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Farrow with Mr. and Mis. Cari Todd, Starkville. .. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McCarthy, Oshawa, with Mr. and Mrs. George McCullough ..Miss Gwen Gilmer, Bowman- ville, with Mi. and Mrs. Bert Stapleton and with them visited Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Gilmer, Starkvilie... Mr. and Mrs. George MeCullougli and Laureen, and Mrs. Luxon in Orono... Mi. and Mrs. J. Payne and Mrs. LeDrew, Toronto, with Mrs. W. Smith.. Guests with Mr. and Mis. S. R. Jones were: Mis. Mary Arm- strong, Newcastle; Mr. and Mis. Aif. George, Port Hope; Mr. and Mrs. Cook, Cobourg . . . Miss Mary Lane with Mr. and Mis. Harry Lane, Coiborne, Sunday, and attended the special annual service in St. Andrew's Church for seamen bef ore* they start their season's trips. At the W.M.S. meeting Mrs. J. T. Pearce outiined the last chap- ter in the study book on Burma, which told the story of a mis- sionary and his wife from U.S.A., who started the first mission in Burma 135 years ago. It was very successful as the natives were intelligent. Ladies spent the rest of the time quilting. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Leuty and Bobby, Port Hope, with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Lane, Sunday, it being the latter's 42nd wedding anniversary. Congratu- lations. Newtonville Red Cross report for 1944: Knitting-44 pr. socks, 7 turtle-neck sweaters, 8 V-neck sweaters, 2 helmets, 1 pr. gloves; Sewing-50 pillow. cases, 7 quilts; Monthly Collections - $100.00; Honey - 240 pounds; Spring Red Cross drive-$190.25. ]Blackstock Yonug people of Purpie Hill had a social evening in the Orange -Lodge, Purpie Hill, on March 21, for Bruce Mahaffy, home on a month's leave. He was presented with a military kit bag. A very agreeable evening was spent in dancing to music suppli- ed by Wilson's orchestra of Man- chester. Bruce left for Ottawa on Sunday. Lenton service was held, on Wednesday evening at Mr. A. L. Bailey's. Jack Rahm was operated on for appendicîtis in Port Perry Hos- pital. He is doing nicely. Blackstock Continuation School pupils held a dance in Commun-. ity Hall, Friday evening. Mrs. Ruth Wilson and Herman Wilson supplied music for dancing. Eight pair of mitts, 10 children's sweaters and 20 quilts were ship- ped to Toronto Red Cross. Members of A.Y.P.A. of An- glican Church went to Oshawa to the convention h e 1 d in St. George's Church on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Courtice and Helen, Cobourg, with Mrs. R. Bruce, Miss May King and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Strong. A cable was received by Mrs. Gilbert Marlow that Pte. Gilbert C. Marlow arrived safely in Eng- land. Mrs. Mark Weldon, Uxbridge, with Mrs. Robt. Parr. Mr. and Mrs. James Parr, Mrs. H. Bailey and family with Mr. and Mrs. Levi McGill, Nestleton. Burketon Visitors: Misses Dorothy and Doreen Cook, Mr. George Mut- ton, Bowmanville, Mr. Frank Westlake, Solina, at Mr. and Mrs. F. Cook's... Mr. arnd Mrs. H. Hall, Caesarea, with Mr. and Mrs. J. Carter. . . Misses Ruby Bailey and Elmira Chatterton, Oshawa, We Test Eyes and Fit Trusses -SATISFACTION GUARANTEED - HEALTU SALTS D.T. ENGLISH STYLE Slb ----------- 59e Use Ceresn On Your Seed Grain 4 lbs----------------- $3.50 ~ Formaldehyde, 16 oz. 25e Neuro Tonic-Tabietsu5c L I. A ? ffNI Iron and Yeast Tabs 69e &i I1ronlzed Yeast Tabs 98e Hypophosphites Comp. 98 Beef, Iron & Wlne --- 89e Wampole's Extract $1.00 4 $ Suiphur, Molasses and Crmeam of Tarter ----25e I Nyal Blood Purifi1er -- 89e Burdock Blood Bitters 98e Nyal Celery Nervine $1.00 4 Wake up eur lverl deanse yeur systemp "fIRUIT SALT" CHECK MOTH DAMAGE Larvex Spray 83e, $1.29 Moth Blocks ----------10c Garment Bags 39c, 55c, 79 Moth Balîs, 1 lb----1l9e Fly Tox ---24c, 43c, 79e HAND LOTIONS Trushay --- --------49e Itallan Balm -35c, 97e Jergen's Lotion 25c, 47, 98 Campana's Cream Balm --- -----49e Ultra Lotion ---- -- - 49c Pacqumn's Hand CI*am ----- - 29c, 57c Banningtoa's Hand Cream- - ------- 33c, 59e BABY NEEDS Bottie Warmer ----$4.40 Baby's Own Sets 60e, 1.10 J. &J. Baby Sets ----5() Mennen's 011 ---59c, $1.19 Bottle C~aps ---- 2 for -25c - FILMS DEVELOPED FREE - 69s Ce WLING'S DRUU STu RE'Delvery with Mr. and Mrs. T. Bailey.. While Parliament is in session Mr. and Mrs. H. Wright and in Ottawa, members of the House Joyce, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. of ComniQns and the Senate are Russ McLaughlin, Mr. and Mrs. provided with four motion pic- Herb McLaughlin, Mrs. F. Grif- ture shows a week, operated by fin, Misses Celia and Ruby Grif- the National Film Board. Screen- fin at Mr. and Mrs. J. McLaugh- ings are held in one of the Senate lin's. .. Mr. A. Aldred at home. rooms. 6~7Z4EWS DPress Parade ... When it cornes ta the smartest of new Easter fashions, this store is in the know - definitely. Experience of years, in serving the cornmunity and satisfying the customers, enables us ta give you a selection of the best in clothes. The Newest in Styles, Fabrics, Colors Ail eyes an aur lime-up for 1945 Spring suit stars! Softly detailed, bright young suits ta see you smartly through Spring. Note their new femi.nine flange shoulders, collarless neckline, cuffed sleeves, rounded lapels. Wonderful wardrobe investments - choose from new shirtwaist, cardigan, dressmaker suits - tail- leurs, to! Moderately priced in line with aur budget policy! Fashion News! Smooth Spring Dresses and Sits to see yau through the busy days. and nights. Se aur soft classics stock. They wil enhance your personal appearance. Ladies' Spring Coats Ail eyes an the lime of our Baster Coats. They have limes and distinction. See aur stock. $19.95 up MENS8 SPRING SUITS and TOPCOATS JUST REOEIVBD ICouch, Johnston & Cryderman Now ls the time to check your machinery and order repair parts, also te jet in a supply of grease and cil, electrie fencers and batteries, whleh are now in stock. We ean supply DeLaval Mllkers, Milk Coolers, Separators and Electropails. We have a supply of repair parts for Milkerlî and Separat-. ors. Check your tractor ili filter cartrldge, we bave a supply for nearly ahl tractors. Prompt and courteous service. Warco Grease and Oll-Fram 011 Filters--DeLaval Pm~duets W.* H. Brown mmumunomw PAGE SIX THURSDAY, MARCH 2M, 1945 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO e r ;ýj 14 N.0

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