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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Mar 1945, p. 8

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PAGE EIGHT THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO THURSDAY, MARCH 29th, 1945 Quinte and Durham Seed* l'airs Prove Big Success Quinte District Seed Faim, com- prising nine counties frorn On- tario to Frontenac inclusive, was held at Orono, March 14-16. Dur- ham County Seed Pair under au- spices of County Crop Improve- ment Association was also held in conjunction with the Quinte Pair. It was an excellent combined show with 250 entries, 44 of which were ten-bushel lots of Registered No. 1 seed. The judges, Dr. G. P. McRostie, Director of the Field Husbandry Dept., O.A.C., Guelph; J. Dawson, Acting District Super- visor of the Plant Products Di- vision, and Geo. Elliott of thei same branch, Ottawa, were very high in their praise of the qualityi of the exhibits. Three of the four champion- ship bushel lots were won by Durham County gowers, namely, Oms-John Rickard, Newcastle; Barley - Garnet Rickamd, Bow- manville, R.R. 4; Potatoes - Mil- ton Weatherilt, Bethany; while the championship in Faîl Wheat was won by David L. Hollinger, Stirling, who was exhibiting for the first time at the Guelph Seed Fair. Mr. Hollinger also had the honor of winning the Silver Tray donated by Central Ontario Cheesemaker's Association for highesi amount of prize money won in classes 1 to 26. T. Eaton Company four-piece Brown Betty tea set, silver deposit on crystal, for highest amount of prize money won in the Qai, Barley, Wheat and Buckwheat classes, was won by Mel. McHolm, Port Hope, R.R. 1. Cosgrave Trophy for highest amount of prize money won in Baley classes, was won for the third year in succes- sion, by Garnet Rickard, Bow- manville, R.R. 4. In the Durham County Section,1 Arthur W. Aimas, R.R. 2, St. Cath- armnes, Ont., ordered two lots of Bray Chicks in the winter of 1944. Out of 350 ordered in the first batch, he raised 348 to laying or mnarket. His second order was for 400. Here is his report on them, in .his own words: "Proma these, 197 pullets went in- to the laying house and are now (December) laying 65%. 1 have 200 roosters also from this lot. I think 397 matured birds from a 400 chick order is mighty fine." James K. Paisley, Albert, N.B., writes: "The pullets I purchased from you have developed into egg machines. I neyer had hens pro- duce as they have." Mel. McHolm, Port Hope, won the highest amount of prize money in the regular classes and received one bushel of Hybrid corn donat- ed by Sam Stewart, seed dealer, Bowmanville. During the afternoon of Thurs- day, a farmers' meeting was helc which was addmessed by Dr. G. P. McRostie, M. C. McPhail, Princi- pal of the Agricultural School, Kempville, and John Dawson. There were about 150 in attend- ance at this meeting with much interest being shown in the ad- dresses, partîcularly the subject of pasture mixtures andi manage- ment. Thursday evening's banquet is reported in another column. The first few prize winners in each of the classes are listed be- low: Clams 1-Omis, Early (Including Ajax) Mel. McHolm, Port Hope, -$5.00 Newton Taylor & Sons, Burketon---------------------- 4.00 Nyle Bristlow, Campbellcroft 3.00 Hrry Coulter, Poxboro-....2.00 Elinore Scott, Canipbellcroft 1.00 Clama 2-Laie Oats John Rickard, Newcastle -$5.00 Alex Hendry, Newcastle 4.00 Harry Coulter, Poxhoro 3.00 David Hollinger, Stirling. 2.00 Okel Drew, Moscow.----- ---1.00 Caus 3-Spring Wheat Okel Drew, Moscow---------- $3.00 B. C. Jackson, Enterprise ---2.00 Clas 4-Winter Wheat David Hollinger, Stirling---$.0< Harry Coulter, Foxboro 4.00 Nyle Bristlow, Campbellcroft -------- ---3.00 Clern H. Ketcheson, Belleville --------------- ----2.00 Gerald Anderson, S. Monaghan 1.00 Barley G. Rickard, Bowmanville -- 50 Plenty' of Bray Chicks for prompt shipment in these breeds and hybrids: WHITE LEGHORN BARRED ROCK NEW HAMPSHIRE New Hampshire x Sussex Sussex x New Hamp- shire New Hampshire x Rock Rock x Leghorn New Hampshire x Leghorn Minorca x Leghorn Limited numbers in these breeds: Light Sussex White Rock White Wyandotte Brown Leghorn Black Minorca Black Australorp Rhode Island Red We have always been careful about blood-test- ing. This season we have put on the mosi ambitious re-testing campmîgn in our history. We now have breeding flocks totmUling 55,000 birds without a single reactor. Tellu your chick requfrements, and we wiII give you fullIinformation on Bray Chlcks (10 breeds, 6 hybrids, Government Approved). Prompt service, early shipment. FRED W. BRAY LIMITED 120 JOHN ST. N. - ADITON, ONT. AGNTS.... JACK HUDSON, ORGNO, WILFRED RICHARDSON, PONTYPOOL Y. L. BYAM, TYRONE e ~1 i ¶ i Biackstock - Ontario T. B. Watt & Son, Foxboro - Harry Coulter, Foxboro.--- C. E. Allin, Bowmanville --- R. Armstrong, Ida---------- Buckwheat C. Ketcheson, Belleville.--- Mel. McHolm, Port Hope- N. Taylor & Sons, Burketon H. Coulter, Foxboro ------- Field Peas R. Armstrong, Ida --------$ N. Taylor & Sons, Burketon-- L. J. Siemon, Bowmanville- Beans (Any Field or Faney E. M. Larmer & Sons, Nest'n C. Ketcheson, Belleville --- *Soybeans E. M. Larmer & Sons, Nest'n J. Rickard, Newcastle Harry Coulter, Foxboro----- W. McKnight, Bowmanville- Red Clover H. Redner, Mountain View E. M. Larmer & Sons, Nest'n M. McHolm, Port Hope ----- R. Armstrong, Ida --------- C. Ketcheson, Belleville---- 4.00 3.00 2.00 1.00 $3.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 $3.00 2.00 1.00 ýy) $3.00 2.00 $4.00 3.00 2.00 1.00 $5.00 4.00 3.00 2.00 1.00 Aluike g R. Armstrong, Idam----- $4.00 Alfalfa 0D. L. Hollinger, Stirling --$5.00 0 Timothy 0) C. Ketcheson, Belleville --$4.00 10 G. Anderson, S. Monaghan- 3.00 0 Registered Early Oais ýo C. Ketcheson, Belleville --.$8.00 0 N. Taylor & Sons, Burketon 7.00 EM. McHblm, Port Hope ---6.00 E) Registered Aja.x Oats 0Elmore Scott, Campbellcroft $8.00 T. Glaspell, Oshawa ---------7.00 M. McHolm, Port Hope ----- 6.00 0Jno. Cruickshank, Hampton- 5.00 A. Hendry, Newcastle ----4.00 0 E. M. Larmer & Sons, Nest'n 3.00 0 D*. Hollinger, Stirling - ---2.00 03 Regstered, Late Oais B. C. Jackson, Enterprise --8.00 0 A. Hendry, Newcastle-----7.00 G. Rickard, Bowmanville - 6.00 0 L. Coombes, Bowmanville -- 5.00 oiR. Armstrong, Idam------------4.00 Registered Barley G. Rickard, Bowmanville ---$8.00 T. B. Watt & Son, Foxboro -- 7.00 bC. E. Allun, Bowmanville-6.00 M. McHolm, Port Hope ----5.00 B. C. Jackson, Enterprise-- 4.00 Registered Winter Wheat D. L. Hollinger, Stirling .-$5.00 N. Taylor & Sons, Burketon 4.00 Rural New Yorker Group M. Weatherilt, Bethany -4 -- 4.00 R. H. Blakely, Pontypool 3.00 Bill Rowland, Newcastle 2.00 N. Taylor & Sons, Burketon 1.00 Irish Cobbler Group R. H. Blakely, Pontypool Milton Weatherilt, Bethmny Laie Omis W. B. Graham, Oakwood --$4.00 D. Hollinger, Stirling 3.00 C. Grigg, Roseneath----- 2.00 Emrly Oais N. Bristow, Campbellcroft $4.00 R. Silîs, Halloway --------- --3.00 I. Tamblyn, Orono------- 2.00 E. M. Larmer & Sons, Nest'n 1.00 D. Hollinger, Stirling 1.00 Barley H. McGill, Enniskillen -$4.00j D. Hollinger, Stîrling 3.00 Wm. Murphy, Lindsay- 2.00 W. B. Graham, Oakwood- 1.00 Winter Wheat D. Hollinger, Stirling ---3.00 N. Bristow, Campbellcrofi - 2.00 Oats <Emrly or Late O. Dmew, Moscow ---- --- $4.00É B. C. Jackson, Enterprise - 3.00j BarleyC B. C. Jackson, Enterprise --$4.00 O. Drew, Moscow -----------300 Oats (Early or Laie) D. L. Hollinger, Stirling ------lst H. Coulter, Foxboro ------ 2nd R. Silis, Halloway -----------3rda C. Getcheson, Belleville ----4th BarleyC T. B. Watt & Son, Foxboro $4.00a C. Ketcheson, Belleville ---3.00 D. Hollinger, Stirling ------ 2.00 IV rr- THIS YEAR START YOUR BABY CHICKS RIGHT ON Marlow's Chowmix Mau rit '.mfuat Chick Starter Only two pounds per chick for six weeks is need- ed, and how the ehicks grow when they get this it r( c i w m si in t il hE i t t' no m te in TE iný no sel H. Coulter, Foxboro-------- 1.00 Red Clover C. Ketcheson, Belleville --- $4.00 Oats (Early or Late) C. Grigg, Roseneath Bariey G. Anderson, S. Monaghan $3.00, Early Oats L. Boyd, Orono ---------430 R. Larmer, Nestieton .-------- 2.00 R. Werry, Enniskillen ----2.00 A. Drew, Moscow ------------- 1.50 J. Werry, Enniskillen ---- 1.50 Late Oata Bruce Cook, Enterprise ----$3.00 Alvin Drew, Moscow 2.00 .Barley Alvin Drew, Moscow ----30 Bruce Cook, Enterprise 2.00 Winter Wheat Ralph Larmer, Nestleton --$3.00 Spring Wheat Bruce Cook, Enterprise ---$3.00 Alvin Drew, Moscow-....- 2.00 Fail -Wbeat N. Bristow, Campbellcroft --3.00 E. Scott, Campbellcroft ----2.00 G. Anderson, S. Monaghan -- 1.00 E. F. R. Osborne, Newcastle- 1.00 Barley (6-rowed) G. Rickard, Bowmanville ...44.00 H. J. McGill, Enniskillen ---3.00 Robt. Armstrong, Ida -----2.00 G. Anderson, S. Monaghan -- 1.00 Mel. McHolm, Port Hope ---1.00 John Rickard, Newcastle -- 1.00 Early Oats Mel. McHolrn, Port Hope -.$4.00 E. Scott, Campbellcroft - - 3.00 N. Bristow, Campbellcroft 2.00 J. Cruickshank, Hampton- 1.00 I. Tamblyn, Orono 1.00 R. K. Bragg, Bowmanville 1.00 Late Oats John Rickard, Newcastle --$4.00 Alex Hendry, Newcastle ---3.00 N. Taylor & Sons, Burketon 2.00 L. Coombes, Bowmanville -- 1.00 R. Arp1strong, Ida ------------- 1.00 Buckwheat M. McHolm, Campbellcroft $3.00 N. Taylor & Sons, Burketon 2.00 Soybeans E. M. Larmer & Sons, Nest'n $3.00 J. Rickard, Newcastle 2.00 W. McKnight, Bowmanville-- 1.00 Alsike R. Armstrong, Ida ----------$3.00 Red Ciover E. M. Larmer & Sons, Nest'n $3.00 Mel. McHolm, Port Hope -- 2.50 R. Armstrong, Ida --------- -2.00 Timothy G. Anderson, S. Monaghan $3.00 Registered Early Oats M. McHolm, Port Hope ---- -$5.00 Trace Glaspeli, Oshawa ---4.00 E. M. Larmer & Sons, Nest'n 3.00 J. Cruickshank, Hampton -- 2.00 C .E. Allin, Bowmanville ---2.00 E. Cavazo, Pontypool------- 1.00 Registered Late Oats A. Hendry, Newcastle -----$5.00 G. Rickard, Bowmanville 4.00 L. Coombes, Bowmanville 3.00 R. Armstrong, Ida ----------2.00 Registered Barley G. Rickard, Bowmanville -- $5.00 C. E. Allin, Bowmanville -- 4.00 R. Armstrong, Ida--------- 3.00 Eariy Potatoes H. J. McGill, Enniskillen Late Potatoes C. Weatherilt, Bethany -----$3.00 Wm. Rowland, Newcastle - 2.00 M4. Dunbar, Port Hope ---1.00 Early Oats Roy Werry, Enniskillen ---$2.00 Laverne Boyd, Orono --- 1.50 F'rancis Jose, Newcastle ---1.00 Jean Werry, Enniskillen-....1.00 Port Hope Society Special (One Bushel Oats) ~E. Scott, Campbellcroft -- $5.00 N. Bristow, Campbellcroft -- 4.00 .Durham Society q6pecial (Bushel Early or Laie Oats) J. Cruickshank Hampton $5.00 E. Tamblyn, Orono ----------4.00 Alex Hendry, Newcastle 3.00 John Rickard, Newcastle. 2.00 C. E. Allin, Bowmanville 1.00 Orono News Mrs. Robert Rainey visited rel- atives in Smithfield. Mrs. F. W. Tamblyn and Mrs. C. Miller and Larry visited Mr. and Mrs. Vanhorne in Whitby. Mrs. Jackson is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Glass at Kendal. The sympathy of the commun- ity is extended to Mrs. R. H. Brown on the passing of her mother, Mms. (Rev.) Wm. Lim- bert, in Toronto, on Sunday. Tel. Roy C. Forrester has been on embarkation leave, with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. A. For- rester. PO Neil Wood and Mrs. Wood are at the home-af Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wood. Mr. Carl Billings and Audrey visited friends in Weston. The Men's Discussion Class which has met during the winter nonths in connection with Park St. Sunday School, held its clos- ing session Sunday afternoon. The other classes met with the meni and their friends in an open ses- sion for the first part of the ser- vice. Then Mr. J. J. Mellor, who Las conducted the group gave a summary of the findings of the discussions. Hearty singing of a number of gospel hymns, suitable to the season, and a male quartet consisting of Clarence Allun, Dick Morton, Reg. Sutton and R. E. Logan, with Mrs. R. H. Brown at te piano, rounded out a very helpful service. Communion service was held in Park St. Church on Sunday morn- ig. Rev. S. Littlewood continued fie series of sermons on "This is 1ie way the Masfer went. Should .ot the servant tmemd it stli?" A ,rvice o! worship and meditation gill he held on Good Pniday at 1: 15 a.m. The allocation of $1100 for Or- mro and vicinity in the Red Cross rive is being collected gradually. lie workems are all busy people 'ho find the canvassing rather mmrd, but now thai the country mods are drying up so quickly, he drive should conclude by the rid of this week. Last yemr we aised over $1600, s0 we should each that amount or exceed it is year, when the need is s0 uch greaier. Sevemal ladies from Park St. Voman's Missionary Society at- nded the Oshawa Pmesbyterial iSt. Andrew's United Church, 'ursday. Very instructive and ispiring sessions were held both )renoon and afiemnoon. See me- mrt in this issue. Ebenezer' Mr. and Mrs. Albert Crago, Maple Grove, with Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Annis. Mrs. John Empringham, St. Catharines, with Mr. and Mrs. A. Muir, Sr., and attended the din- ner party in honor of Mr. Muir's birthday. Mns. Gordon Osbqrne a n d Lindla, Ajax, with Mrs.' Wilfred Brown. Mr.and Mrs. Walter Rundle with Rev. and Mrs. C. W. Smith, Port Perry. Mr. and Mrs. C. Robinson and Jimmy, Ajax, with Mr. M. Gay. Sympathy is extexlded to the family of the date Mr. J. Tooley who was killed Friday evening on the highway near his home. Woman's Missionary Society met Tuesday afternoon at the church. Mrs. Annis and Mrs. Cecil Worden were appomnted delegates to the convention in St. Andrew's Church, Oshawa, on Mar. 22. Miss Rouse was suggest- ed as our missionary for prayer. The ladies were asked to start saving for the salvage drive. Mrs. Pearce took charge of our devo- tional period assisted by Mrs. C. Found, Mms. A. J. Gay, Mrs. O. Oke, Mrs. Annis. Mrs. C. Worden gave a piano solo and Mrs. Werry took charge of our study book assîsted by Mrs. Eli Oke, Mrs. Linstead, Mrs. H. Osborne and Mrs. P. Rundie. A successful comxnunîîy dance was held ai Pidduck's hall on Friday evening in aid of the To- bacco Fund for local boys over- seas. A large crowd enjoyed round and square dancing and were also entertained by Miss Jean Antil who. gave two fast tap dance selections . Much credit is gijen to those in charge of ar- rangements, also to all who as- sisted in supplyîng music, caîl- Thot Canada bus produoed mors Uha 13,UN war- plans ofvarlous typssdm thbhglflflhuof tour That you gel 25% on your Invtesunt lu War SaVlngS COertihaeS lu 71/2 Years.A $5.W onriucate purchassioaw casts$4X0 ing off, use of hall and all who The new world will begin, not The1 assisted in any way. Proceedsj by evolution in the universe, but in lifei round $60.00. 1 by revolution in you.1 living. cO0N T R au T ED B y THE CASUNG BREWERIgS LI#41TEO greatest thing to discover is an impelling motive for - -~.-----------..-*.-.-.------------ - r--,r~rrtr- r- -~ properiy balanced chick starter. Essentiai pro- teins, vitamins and minerais ail blended so carefully to give you' that EXTRA growth, ivability and stamina that you want in your chicks. Every year more customers are coming to reiy on this feed. Remember a chick eats only a thimbleful a day, 80 it must be the best to have each chick get maximum growth. We have Purina Chek-R-Tabs, the finest drinking water tab- let on the market. Chek-R-Tabs kiff germa, act as fungicide, and heip, control bowel disturbances in baby chicks. Use one tablet to each quart of drinking water. The cheapest lite Insurance for baby chicks that you can get is Chek-R-Tabs. MARLOW TRANSPORT Telephono: Port P.rry 106-R-2 ýlR CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, MARCI-I 29th, 1945 i . , 'i

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