THURSDAy, APRIL th, 1945 THE CANADAN TA'P~M Mv PCXflAý.TTTTTT L' fVNTmA 1, TH-CNAIA SATSMN.BOMA '..nJ±N LIIPm PAGE THREE CANADIN4RED CROSS Contributions from Bowmanville Miss Florence Werry 1 Mrs. A. D. Wheeler and Hurst, Mrs. H --------------$ 1.00 Mrs. Southey Williamxs, Frank ----------- 15.00 Rowe, Mr. and Mis. W. C. $5 Boss, Mis. Thos--- ------ 10.00 Nicholis, Mr. & Mrs. A. L. 5 Borland, Miss M------------ 25.00 Wheeler, Mrs. A. D.- -- Citizen ---------------------350.00 Hall, Mrs. W. P. --------- 5 Mitchell, Mrs. B _______- ----- 2.00 Lambourne, Mrs. M----- 1 Brooks, Mrs. A. G ----------- 1.00 Flaxman, Mr. & Mis. T. E. 15 Mr. and Mis, C. Jury.------- 10.00 Jewell, Mr. and Mis. H. W. 5 McLauiin, Miss K. S ----10.00 Gunn, Mr. and Mis. J. A. -- 10. Jennings, Miss M ------------ 2.00 Blunt, Mr. and Mrs. Frank 2 Werry, Miss F -------------- 10.00 Heari, Miss Frances ---- Jenkins, Mrs. C. W---- ----- 2.00 James, Mrs. G. E- -------- 5 Foster, Mis. F. A -- --------- 5.00 Mason, J. J ---------- 5 A Friend ----------------------- 5.00 Morrili, Mrs. E. P.- --- - 1 Needham, Mi. & Mrs..John 2. $448.00 Rogers, Bey. & Mrs. W. P. 5. Miss E. Painton Allin, Miss M. W. 5 Sanders, Mrs. M ----------$ 1.00o Alln, Miss Marion 5. ýbnowden, Thos.--------------- 5.00ý Palmer, Mrs. Nellie 2. Hilderly, Mrs. Luke-------- 2.00o Richards, Mrs. W. J. . 5.1 Coombes, Mrs. R------------- 2.00 Allun, Albert H ----------- 100. K-iikby, Mrs. E--------------- 1.00 Bellman, Mrs. Arthur---- 1. Barton, Mis. W. L.-- ---- --- 1.00o Clarke, Mrs. Wm ------------ 1. Henderson, Mrs. Geo ------- 1.00 H-ancock, Mrs. L ------------ U Painton, Miss Carnie---15.00 Degeer ,Miss M.----------iL Patterson, Mrs. R----------- 1.00o Southey, Mrs. Mary C.-25. .Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. L. 5.00 Painton, Miss E--------------- 2.00 $225. Méiscellaneous -------------- - 1.00 Mrs. Tisas. Buttery - McGregor, Mrs D. S . 10 $37.00 Caruthers, Mr. and RENEWAL 0F UNEM PLOYMENT INgURANCE BOOKS Ai Unemployment Insurance IÈooks for the year ending Mardi 3 lst, 1945, must be ex- changed for new books. Kindly communicate imrnediately with the nearest Employment and Selective Service Office if you have flot already exchanged your employees' books. ihere are severe penalties for' tailing Io make Unemployment lnsurance Contributions for your insured employees and for f allure Io renew the Insurance Books auasrequired. ff you are an insured person protect your benefit rights by seeing that your Insurance Book has been exchanged. UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE COMMISSION HUMPHIREY MITCHELL, Miaiter of Labour *1 LOUIS J. TROTTIER R. J. TAILON ALLAN M. MITCBELL Commitsioners. DW 45-3-E Mi.W ------25.001 Glen Rae Dairy --- 25.00 Ashton, Miss Helen ------- 1.00 Da vis, MrZs. 'W----------------- 5.)00- Perrin, Mrs. Alfred--------10o.00 Carrters,fMr. and $185.00 Lee, Miss Alice ---------- --- 5.00 Mrs. W ---f-ed -----------10o.00 Chas. Carter Bennett, Mrs. T. ------------ 1.00 Irwin, ------------------- $ 10.00 $ 80.00 Buttery, W. Luke_.--------- 15.00 Walker Stores ---------- o.oo Total Raised -------------$2,344.75 ButterY, Mr. & Mrs. S --- 5.00 A. E. McGregor & Coa. -- 10.00) Yet To Baise --------------6,655.25 Jackman Mr. & Mis. Roy 7.00 (Ta Be Continued) Jackman, Mrs. Frank 2.00 $ 30.00 500o A Friend ----_--- 2.00 Mrs. Dlnniwelj & Mms Cotton 5:00 Tamlinson, Mr. & Mrs. C. 1.00 Dinniwell, Mrs. R. . s 1.00Saer 8.00 NE'scellaneous 1.00 Cotton, Mis. R. A. - 1.00Sae 5.00 - Miscellaneus ----------- 1.00 1.00 $ 84.00 Webber, Mrs. Roy--- 1.00 March meeting of Salem Wo- 5.00 Mra. E. Coyle Casbourn, Mrs. H -. 5.00 men's Association met on Thurs- 5.00o Freeman, H. G. 5.00 Cryderman, Mrs. Ida - 5.00 day evening, March lSth, at the 0.00 Thertell, Mrs. H. 1.00 Cryderman, Miss Helen 30.00 home of Mis. W. Werry wîth 16 2.00 Lewis, Fred --------- 1.00 Mclndoa, Frank------ 1.00 ladies present. 'Mrs. S. Buttery 5.00 Oke, Mrs. Russell ---- -100 Callocutt, Mis. G. R. - 2.00 opened the meeting and conduct- 5.00 Byers, R. R - ---------------5.00 Souch, George 1--- _ .00 ed the business part. It was mov- 5.00 Mason, Mrs. T. G. 5.00 Dilling, R. J----------- 5.00 ed that the same afficers act for 1.()o Knight, Mrs. J. C.-- ----- 1.00 Moore, Mrs. M. 2.00 anather year. Mrs. Wm. Cann .00 Pritchard, Mrs. Geo-------- 1.00 Wilmot, Miss E. M.---- - 2.00 was added ta the Flawer Com- .oo Knight, Mis. Mary D- 5.00 Bleakley, Miss --------- -- - -20.00 rnittee. The date for the meet- .oo( Pickard, Mrs. Howard 1.00 Bickle, Mrs. H. G--------- 2.50 inlgs was changed ta the third .oo Martin, Miss J --------- --- 1.00 Steven's Taxi 1.00Lo Thursday of the month. The .(Oo Adams, Mrs. Henry --------- 1.00 ___ treasurer's report was given by 5. Bickell, Mrs. E -----------.1.00 $ 80.50 Mrs. P. Cann. Mrs. Welch was ). Mscellaneous------------ 1.25 Mrs. W. H. Blrks and in charge of this program: Scrip- .00 Mms W. R. Strlke ture reading by Mrs. Blackburn; .00 $ 30.25 Taylor, Miss Lena $ 15.00 reading by Mrs. Barrie, "The .00 Mrs. G,. Rice Mutton, Mrs. J. H - ---- f - 100 Mvaking of Friends"; piano solo, .00 Circle 4, Trinity W.A ----$ 10.00 McCay, Mrs. G-------------- 1.00 Marie Collacutt; reading by Mrs. .00 Dudley, Mrs. W. J ----------- 200 Kent, John B._-------- ----- 2.0 P. Cann; Mrs. Ken. Werry ren- - Holgate, Mis. T --------- 10.00 Kent, C. B--------------.... ___10.00 dered two vocal salas. Mrs. .00 Minore, Mrs. M. H. 1.00 Thompson, R. G ------------- 5.00o Mrs. Welch and her graup serv- Burke, Miss Nellie --------- 5.00 Caverly, Mrs. C ---------- --- 5.00 ed lunch. .00 Dettler, Mrs. Chas----------- 200 Rice, Mrs. H ----------------- 10.00 Harnden, Mrs. E ------------- 1.00 Parker, Mrs. Jack --------- - -1.00 Cale, Mrs. Jack ------------- 10.00 Strike, W. R ----------------100.00 Zion =Rundle, Dr. H. B.---- ------ 25.00 Murdoch, Mrs. S. 1.00 Martyn, Miss C-------------- 5.00 Strike, Alan--------- ------- 3.00 Dilling, Mrs. J. E ------------ 1.00 Creeper, Lamne--- --2.00 (Intended far last week) Baunsaîl, Mrs. F. H --------- 100 Manning, Mrs. J ------------ -10.00 Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Jones, Mrs. Everett -------- 100 Birks, Dr. W. H------------- 25.00 Cameron and Joyce at Morley Tomlinson, Mrs. W. A._ 2.00 Creeper, H. B -------- ------2.00 Flintoff's, Maple Grave. . . Mr. King Street ------------------ 2.00 Henry, Mrs. D. F._------ 2.00o and Mrs. Russell Stainton and H. E. J-------------------------- 100 LaBelle, W. O ---------- --- 1().(o Grace, Mrs. Jas. Stainton at Al- Gracie, Miss G--------------- 300 Morris, Mrs. F. H------------ 2.00) bert Balson's, Solina. . . Mrs. Rice, Mr. & I'<rs. G ---------- 300 Morris, Mrs. J.H1.0() Cecil Pascae, Sauina, Mrs. Ivan Cowie, R. G------------------ -5.00o Cochrane and daughters, Court- 85.00( Mrs. J. E. Elliott and ice, at Wes. Cameron's. . . Miss Mrs. Geo. Chaue Miss A. Mountjoy -- 5.00 Joyce Giffard with Miss Ruby Watson, Mrs. A. 5.00 Cale, Miss Ethel M. - _ 2.50 Martin, Harmony... Mr. and Mrs. Galbraith, Miss B. G. 15.00 Thomipson, Mrs. Mary - 2.00 Lloyd Metcalfe and Larry, Osh- Galbraith, Miss F. M -- 12.00 A Friend, Elgin St. 4.00 awa, at Alf. Ayre's... A. Ritchie Tapson, Mis. E. S. 3.00 Beath, Miss L--------...-...- -. 5.00 and Joe Gachter, Tharnton's Coffey, Bey. S. J. 5.00 Hutchinson, Mrs. M. J - 15.00 Corners, at Hans Geissberger's.. Jones, Mi. & Mis. R. O. - 10.00 Cryderman, Mrs. Fred - 5.00 Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Staintan and Noble, Mrs. E. 1.00 Morris, Miss Ethel 5.00) Eîleen at Ross Lee's, Kedron. .- Richards, Mrs. L. 2.50 Foster, H. B -------------- 10.00 Mrs. Fred Wilson, Oshawa, with 1 Adams, Mis. A. J. 1.00 Swindells, J. H------- 2.00( her sister, Mrs. Harold Giffard..*' Milne, Mis. Bruce 1.00 McNeil, Richard- -- 1.00( Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hulatt and Chase, Mr. & Mrs. G. E. 20.00 Humphrey, J. 2.00 Victor, Oshawa, at Russell Per- Miscellaneous .75 Gilders. Mrs. A. E. 2.00 kins'. .. Mr. and Mis. Ralph Glas- - Sîlvester, Mis. D. 2.00 pel and Grant, Tyrone, Mr. and - $ 76.25 McEmery, Miss H. 10.00 Mis. Ray Scott and Douglas, Osh- Geo. Cawker Raynes, Miss M. -----25.00 awa, at Alex McMaster's. .. Mr. Connors, Miss J -. 1.00 Halls, Mrs. Ernest - 1.00 and Mrs. Norman Leach at Breslin, M.--------1 .00 Storey, Dr. V. H. 50.00 Arthur Yaungman's, Tyrone... McGregor, D. A. 15.00 Freeman, A. E.------- 10.00 Mr. and Mis. Robt. Killen, Del- Lenz, J.- -------------- 1.00 Schon, F. B -----------.... 60.00 mer, Johnnie and Marie at Mis. Cole's Barber Shop 5.00 Shortrîdge, Chas. 2.00 Harvey Balson's, Oshawa. .. Mr. Bagnell, W. J.-------.00( Wight, Mrs. R. F. 2.00 and Mis. Jack Crozier, Keith Bell Nelson, W- 5.00 Spicer, Mis. A. H. 1.00 and David Wilson, Utica, at Mel. Jerusalem Lodge 10.00 HalloweUl, Mrs. E. 5.00 Morgan's. . . Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Stutt, J. R. -25.00 Miscellaneous-------- .50 Martin at Mrs. Robt. Montgom- Hairy Lee Laundry 5.00 Wicks, Mrs. E. M. 1.00) ery's, Lindsay, and attended the Cawkem, Gea ------------- 5.00 funeraQ1l of Mis. David Hilton. .- Lunny, Mis. Bruce ----- 2.00 $443.00 Jimmy Smith with friends at Steadxnans Stores 40.00 Mrs. Percy Cowan Bonar Law. .. Mi. and Mrs. Bruce Mi. & Mrs. T. W. Cawker 25.00 Jennings, Frank 1.0()o Gerrard with his parents at Hay- J. W. Jewell--- 25.00 Collîs, Mis. C.- -- -------_100 don. L. Gasfmd -- ---.00 Restick Mrs A. ~ oo Victor Bowins was elected Scobell, Mrs. E. V ------- -1000 CawrhMs .E *oWard Chairman of the Progres- Marr, Jas ------------------ 20.00 LchrMss D. 5.00 sîve Conservative Association on Cryderman, J. L. ------- 10.00 Hallingswortih, Phyllis 1.0M0 dy igt Johnston, C. A--------------- 20.00 Lumby S - -------- 11.00 rs. Wes. Cameron had a few Elliott, W. L -------------- -25.00 Peppiatt,MMiss J. 5.()o neîghbors at a quilting on Thurs- Coronation Cafe ------------ 5.001 Hôgarth, Miss J.----------- - 2'00 day. Braking,,Mrs. H---- f -- 100I Mrs. Russell Perkins had a $27.0 T iben .W------îo W.A. quilting an Tuesday. A. J. Smith W2400Tiln, Jack ------ 1.0 Nelson Fice is busy sawing Bawmanville Dairy ----$ 6.00 McGregor, 0. P. 10.00wodframes Tull, Reg ------------------- 3.00 Andrews, Mrs. Mary ---- 3.00 Haîlman, Mrs. C. S ----------- 2.00 Gaod, Mr. & Mrs. Jas. -- 2.00 FARM F R M - Gilfillan, Dave ----------- 5.00 F R M $ 11-CO Brown, Mrs. Thos. - _ 1.00 R. Cochrane Gauld, Thos ----------------- 1.00 SHAW'S FORUM Dominion Stores -----------$ 10.00 Cowan, Mrs. Pemcy 5.00 Cavalier ------------------------150.00 Gay, Miss Velma 2-.00 Fîfteen members of aur forum met at Blake Short's on March -19zfor d iiin n., "w aii Tv in the Same World." Monday, March 26, marked the last meeting for Shaw's graup. There were 20 members present, when the meeting took the form of a social at Elmer Cox's. We were interested in the find- ings of farm people in organized discussion from coast to coast. The farmers aie thinking, think- ing in terms of co-operative en- deavour, improved products, nu- tritional values, the standard of living of the people for which UNRRA speaks, in the hope that "Freedom from Want" may re- place the malnutrition, fear and doubt which has hovered over millions of people in the so-called civilized world. S.S. NO. 4, J3ARLINGTON Over one hundred attended the closing meeting for this season, which was held in the Sunday School room of Ebenezer Church. Fallowing a bountiful supper the members listened ta the broadcast and later enjoyed the motion pic- tures obtained through the Na- tional Film Board, and shown ta us through the kindness of Mr. R. Bennett of Oshawa. It was agreed that we support the cauncil in whatever action it may take regarding a building by- law for South Darlington. Sixteen meetings of aur forum have been held this year with an average attendance of 30.8. For six weeks two groups met; this change led ta increased attend- ance. MAPLE GROVE SCHOOL NEWS (By Kay Lycett, Grade VIII) Mr. Dai arrived Monday af- ternoon ta give us aur music les- son. We learned a new piece named "Easter Morning." It be- ing a lavely spring day, we held aur lessan autside, thanks ta chairs. Later Mr. Dolin played anather piano selectian. In science we are studying birds. Each of us choase a bird and make a thorough study of it, and later we read aur account ta the class. We have in basebail, two sides chasen and each recess the game gaes hard and heavy. A total of 205,199 jobs had been found for Canadian veterans of the present war up ta January 31, '1945. Mo aDollars@ Lifo Insuranoo huidi, Spark the Pragresa of the Nation Life insurance dollars are neyer stacked Up, al lu one place, doing notbing. Instead, they are vitaliz- ing sparks flowing througb the channels of trade, and ready ta turn the new wheels which initiative, enterprise and abiity provide. When highways are ta be huilt-or bridges, or harbors, or schools, or hospitas ... when money is needed ta develop aur resaurces, ta expand transportation, ta iaunch great industriai prajects . . . when municipalities need financing, or a farmer or a householder wants a martgage... then the funds which the people of Canada have placed in life insurance are turned inta the power-Iines of progress. The laws of aur country properiy restrict the types of investment in which poliçyhoiders' funds may be placed and state requirements wbich every such investment must fulfil. These laws are a solid safeguard ta policyholders, who aie assured, thraugh continunus Government supervision, that life insurance funds are safely as weil as usefully employed. ilu good oitizonship tagawu LIFE I13ISVI1IàNCE A Messagefrom tihe Life Insurance C ompanies in Canada Be Smart . a*0 Shop at BRESLIN'S 'i ;C1 e. Cleronc Sul ts!, Limited supply, No two alike! In grey lime blue and red. Exceptionai value $9m95 YC it tiin col Mannish Tailored Suits!l -Ail wooi worsted pin stripes. Cut in regular manniali style. Well tailered to suit the most dressdera. dressers The Tailored Suit LOOKS FORWARD TO SPRING I And look at its fashion features - Peak- ed lapeis, velvet collar, tucked in waist, three-button style, choice textV~e wool- lens. In Sand, Cocoa, Yeliow and Tan. The New Cardigan Stiit 'u'Ii dream up a dozen ways to wear ... and look smooth and pretty every- ne. Grand riglit now 'neath your top- at ... charming, corne warmer weather, mius coat. Young Suits for Spring Charxning, fashion wise Suits in dreesmaker styles in sizes meant expressiy for you. In ail wooi, and enchanting colours of Red, Green, Blue, Cocoa. Each Dreslin's, Finish out your outfit in one of these smart Suits! The most usefud outfit any Spring wardrobe can have. Styles range front the pureiy ciassic to the softiy detailed dressmaker modes, which are the pride of this Spring's Fashion Dispiays. Alil of these suits are tailored with the fine perfection which is the hallniark of quality and perfect fit. Dowmanville q I j P r -M-RMqmqmzMý m Clearance $14.95 $19,50