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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Apr 1945, p. 7

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THURSDAY, APRIL Sth, 1945 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE SEVEN SSOCIAL AND PERSONAL ]Phone 9191 TMr. Ted Clarke, Toronto, spent the week-end with friends here. Mrs. L. Brooks and Glenn visit- cd Mr. Brooks at Apsley. Mrs. Ray Dudley, Kitchener, is guest of Mrs. Reta Dudley. Misses Joe Taylor and Dorothy Knox, Toronto, were guests ai Mr. and Mrs. Fred Knox. Mrs. Charles Lowrey, Montreal, is spending Easter holidays with her aunt, Mrs. N. Casey. Mrs. Alex Colville and Cathe- rine spent Easter week-end with friends in Toronto. Mrs. M. C. Keam, London, was ,tfeek-end guest of Mrs. Newton Miss K. Storey, Kitchener, spent the holiday with her par- ents, Dr. and Mrs. V. H. Storey. Tsa. R. A. Lockhart, Cornwallis, N.S., is home on leave With Mrs. E. J. Silver, Manvers Road. Miss Diana Wheeler, Toronto, spent the holiday week-end with her mother, Mrs. A. D. Wheeler. Miss Kay O'Neill, Toronto, was gucst of her parents, Major and Mx's. J. O'Neill. Mr. Jimmy Southey, Queen's University, Kingston-, spent East- er holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Southey.. FIt. Lieut. Ian Westmacott, Vancouver; Mrs. Marjorie Hart, Toronto, visited Mrs. Alex Col- ville and Catherine. Mr. and Mrs. Hilton Peacock, Part Hope, spent the week-end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Crago. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Grant and son, Jimmy, Toronto, were guests ai Miss Frances Jewell who has just returned from Cleveland, Ohio, and Windermere, Muskoka. Misses Yvonne and Marilyn Moore are spending Easter holi- days with their aunt, Mrs. L. S. Morley, Oakville. Mrs. Beatrice Hall and son Barry, Toronto, were holiday gucsts ai her father, Dr. J. C. Devitt. b"Mr. Herbert Cale, University of Toronto, spent the holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Cale. Mrs. F. A. Foster has return- cd ta, her home "Norwood Place", Manvers Rd., after spending the winter with her daughter, Dr. G. Tremeer, Hamilton. Pte. R. E. Rogers has returned Marr's Jewellery t 1 seas. F0 Jake Gaudaur, famous athîcte and a star wifh the Arga- naut rugby team, home on leave from averseas, was a visitar in Bawmanville, Tuesday. He came ta visit with Mrs. A. Colville and pay his respects ta the memory ai F0 Sandy Calville, killed in action in France. Bath Sandy and Jake trained with the Arganauts and bath were tagether overseas. Miss Dorothy Rawe, Toronto, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Goodman a n d Judy. ENGAGEM ENTS Mr. and Mrs. W. Pingle, an- nounce the engagement af their youngest daughter, Anne Mac, ta L A C Spicer, G. C., Rockcliffe, Ottawa, son ai Mr. and Mms. G. Spicer, Readlyn, Sask. The mar- niage will take place quietly, Sat., Mm. and Mrs. Thomas Sellers wish ta announce the engagement ai their daughter, Margaret Alice, ta Thornton Howard Anderson, son ai Mr. and Mrs. Leslie An- derson. The marriage will take place in Sf. Paul's Chumch, Satur- day, April the Twenty-first. 14-1* Rt. Hon. Vincent Massey, Can- adian high commissioner in Lon- don, has been appointed Canadian epresentative on the United Na- tions War Crimes Commission. Bread Stretches Your Food Dollar Does your family budget ring a warnixig bell every time you plan a meal? Then stretch that budget by the clever use of CARTERS~ Nutritious Bread. Bread is one of your best and cheapest sources of food energy.. Wc supply you with bread that is a good source of high-quality protein for tissuc-build- ing andmuscle repair. go serve CARTERSB bread *crumiba to makeother foods go farthcr. . . dress up left-overs and add to their food value with Bread. SAILORS' DELIGHT Eta Sussex, N.B., after spending his furlough with his mother, Mrs. R. Rogers, Liberty St. For an afternoon's enjoyable entertainment be sure ta see "The Scarlet Pimpernel" at The Royal Theatre, April 11-12, at 2 p.m. Entire praceeds for local Red Cross. Admission 25c. 14-1 LAW Isabel Naylor, R.C.A.F. Headquarters, Ottawa, and Miss Lillianne Naylor, Toronto, spent the week-end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Naylor. For an afternaon's enjoyable cntertainment be sure ta see "The Scarlet Pimpernel" at The Royal Theatre, April 11-12, at 2 p.m. Entire proceeds for local Red Cross. Admission 25c. 14-1 Mrs. Annie Bradley,B o n d Head, and Mrs. Mina Colwell vis- ited the latter's daughter, Mrs. A. J. Lymer, Oshawa. Herbert Barrett, Toronto, On- tario checker champion, is visit- ing his sister, Mrs. Bert Andrus, King St., and other relatives in Orono. For an afternaon's enjoyable entertainment be sure ta sec "The Scarlet Pimpernel"' at The Royal Theatre, April 11-12, at 2 p.m. Entire proceeds for local Red Cross. Admission 25c. 14-1 Men's Canadian Club will hold its banquet in Newcastle Com- munity Hall, Friday, April 6, at 6:45 p.m., when Gordon Ross, M.P., Moase Jaw, Sask., will speak on hîs recent visit ta Australia and New Zealand. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Corden, Argyle St., Miss Helen Bird, Lib- erty St., Miss Annie Hoît, Court- ice, were in Aylmer March 29, ta see Howard Corden receive his Wings. Howard came home with his parents on a 30-day leave. For an afternoon's enjoyable entertainmcnt be sure ta see "The Scarlet Pimpernel" at The Royal Theatre, April 11-12, at 2 p.m. Entire proceeds for local Red Cross. Admission 25c. 14-1 Mrs. Cora Allun has received word that her son, Cpi. Percy Allin, Royal Hamilton Light In- fantry, who was woundcd for the second time in Gcrmany on Mar. 2nd, is doing fine. - Mrs. Allin was pleased ta have a visit irom Cpl. Stuart Bray, Raglan, a. patient in Christie St. Hospital, Toronto, who was a chum of her son over- Zion Visitars: Mr. and Mrs. Sam Lee and Roy, Mr. and Mrs. John Knox and daughters, Miss Mary Russell, Pte. Peggy Killen, Toronto, Mrs. M. Cooledge and family, Mrs. Harvey Balsan and Glenn, Osh- awa, at Robt. Killen's. .. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Haaey and Wayne, Courtice, at Ray Cameran's. . Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Coverly, Lloyd and Kenneth, Ebenezer, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Cochrane, Betty and- Marlene, Courtice, at Wes. Cameron's. . . Miss Shirley Martin, Mr. Wm. Gilray, Oshawa, af Thos. Martin's. .. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Stainton, Toronto, Mrs. Adam Hawley, Peterboro, at A. T. Stainton's. . . Miss Bernice Arnott, St. Thomas, at Jesse Ar- nott's... Miss Jean McMaster, Ta- ronto, at Alex McMaster's. Mrs. J. W. McMaster has returned home from Orangeville . . . Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Haskin, Irma, Alan and Stanley, Thornton's Corners, at Roy Cameron's... Pte. Ray Giffard, Brampton, at Harold Gifford's. . . Mr. Percy Davidsan and family, Thornton's Corners, have moved ta the farm vacated by Walter Truli and his mather, who have moved- ta Mus- kaka. . . Orville Stinsan, Black- stock, commenced wark for the summer at Gerry Glaspel's. . Mr. and Mrs. August Geissberg- er and family, Harmony, Mr. and Mrs. Christian Star and Bruce, Toronto, Mr. Herman Schmid, Herman, Jr., and Mary, New- castle, Mr. Arnold Eyman, Whit- by, Mr. and Mrs. John Sutter, Charles and Gordon, Mr. Don McCady, Maxwell's, at H an s Geissberger's. . . Henry DeMille with his parents at Burketon... Miss Jean Cameron at Bert Hos- kin's, Burketon. .. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Stainton, Mrs. Adam Haw- ley, Miss Eileen Stainton, Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Stainton at Ross Lee's, Kedron... Mrs. Eva Pascoe, Ruth and Loran, Bowmanville, Miss Ada Pascoe, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Keith, Oshawa, at Frank Pascoe's. . . Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Flett and Murray, Rag- lan, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Young- man, Mr. Roy Maynard, Tyrone, Miss Pearl Leach, Solina, at Nor- man Leach's. . . Mr. and Mrs. Wes Cameron, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cameron visited their uncle, Mr. Herbert Cameron, in Bowman- ville Hospital. . . Mrs. Dorothy Iverson and Vernon, Oshawa, at N. Hercock's. .. Mrs. Elmer Wil- bur, Hampton, Arthur Pascoe, Solina, at Frank Pascoe's. .. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Robbins attended the Lost Heir party at Solina School on Thursday nîght. The Easter service was well attended on Sunday and was made more beautiful by the flow- ering plants and especially the lovely Cala lily loaned by Mr. Atkins for the service. The Sun- day School used their new picture machine on Sunday and there will be pictures every two weeks from now on. Mr. N. Hercock sang a solo, "My Faith Looks Up t0 Thee", at the church service on Sunday. . Mr. Jas. W. Stainton, Winnipeg, is visiting his brother, A. T. Stain- ton, and other friends. Mr. J. T. Stewart, Toronto, at Mel. Morgan's. BIRTII TINK-Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Tink announce the birth of their daughter, Dianne Elizabeth, at Bowmanville Hospital, Wed- nesday, April 4, 1945. 14-1 DEATIl KERSLAKE-In Hampton, April 4, 1945, Chas. J. Kerslake, be- loved husband of the late Mary Jane Elliott, aged 71 years. Funeral from his late residence, Saturday, April 7, at 2:30 p.m. Interment B.C. Cemetery, Hampton. 14-1 Too Late To Classlfy WANTED-CALVES for Vealing. Phone 617. 14-1 FOR SALE-6 HOLSTEIN Milk- ers and springers, also Holstein bull, 2 years old, can be regis- tered. Phone 617. 14-1 FOR SALE-Massey-Harris Har- row cart, in good condition. John Jacks, Hampton. Phone 2360. 14-1* Motorists Must Give More Care To Autos During the war years motorists have been warned tîme and âgain ta be kind ta their auto- mobiles. This advice has been given as it will be some time, maybe several years yet, before new cars will be available. If is recognized that good motar ail is one of the best and cheapest means of keeping your car in good running condition. Motorists will therefore be interested in the an- nauncement in another calumn by Wm. Edwards, dealer for the British American Ou Ca. Limited, featuring the new 5-point pro- cess "Alloyed" Peerless Mator Oul. The word "alloyed" as applied ta Peerless motor ail means that if is protected against oil's natural tendency ta combine with oxygen in an automobile engine forming carban and sludge. As in the copy reproduced, the technical stary is factfully and intcresting- ly illustratcd throughout the cam- paign under direction of the J. Walter Thompsan Company Limited, Toronto. Motorists will therefore do well ta act an Bill Edwards' advice and get your spring change-over ta Peerless motor oil before that dirty worn out ail in your car causes seriaus damage. And re- member that Peerless is anly ab- tainable in Bowmanville at Ed- wards' Garage, King St. E., just west ai Liberty. Soldier's Letter From Gnr. Bruce Potter, 5th Can: Armored Div., Italy: Writ- igto his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.A. Potter, Solina, Gnr. Bruce Patter states: "Enclosed find aur paper, Maple Leaf. It is like the Daily Star over here, only better as it has no politics. Nothing else to tell at the moment. Keep this paper for one of my souvenirs for it tells of our Corps first anni- versary in action. BRUCE. The Maple Leaf gives a page ta the exploits of the First Corps of which the 5th Armored, takes a leading part in smashing the Ger- mans around Foggia and Ra- venna, Italy. The story extends from February, 1944, down to De- cember of the same year, with de- tails of various battles fought. The concluding phase reads: "Smashing through the German defences at a canal crossing, Can- adian tanks and infantry thrust forth along an empty river bed to capture San Alberto, then east along thie Heno river t0 the sea. "This brilliant operation which yielded more than 600 prisoners deservedly won the praise of the 15th Army Group Commander. The First Corps has come a long way since the cold, wintry days on the Ortona front. Its reputa- tion was made in some of the toughest fighting in Europe. It hag become a veteran, battie- proven formation. j]Business Directoxy_ Legal W. R. STRIKE Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Solicitor for Bank af Montreal ý,oney to Loan . Phone 791 Bowmanville, Ontario LAWRENCE C. MASON, B.A., Barrister, Solicitor, Notary lPutojî King Street W., Bowmanville Phone: Office 688 Residence 55à~ W. F. WARD, B.A., Barrister, Solicitor, Natary Bleakley Block Bowmanville -Ontario Phones: Office 825 House 409 2-tf MISS APHA 1. HODGINS Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public Successor to M. G. V. GOULD Temperance St. - Bowmanville Phone 351 34-tf Dentist DR. J. C. DEVITr Assistant: Dr. E. W. Simson Graduate of Royal Dental Col [cgc, Toronto, Office: Jury Jubile Bldg., Bowmanville. Office hourd 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily, a.m. to 12 noon Wednesday, Closed Sunday Phone 790 - House phone 325 X-Ray Equipment In Office Maple Grove Mrs. Ralph Ormiston, Joan and Gerry, eturned home aiter visit- ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Wilkins, Courtice. Misses Helen, Mary, Donna Snowden, Toronto, with their gandparents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Snowden. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Cryder- man, Shirley, Carlas, Jimmy, David, Audley, at her father's, Mr. H. R. Foley. Shirley and Carias remained for a iew days. Mrs. A. Trenouth, Base Line, with her sister, Mrs. A. Challener, Hampton. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Jefiery, Miss Doreen Jefiery spent Saturday in Toronto with Mr. and Mrs. T. Watts and saw their brother-mn- law, Dr. E. F. Willoughby, Winni- peg. Sorry ta lose Mr. and Mrs. George Skelding and iamily fram aur community, but we welcome Mr. and Mrs. Cookson and son, Columbus, ta aur community, they having purchased the iarm irom Mr. Skelding, better known as the Cale farm. Tyrone Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Henry Miller, Douglas, Donna and Mar- shall, Lindsay, with Ifrs. W. Mill- er; Donna and Marshall remain- ing for the halidays. . . Mr. and Mrs. Thea. Down, Billie and Caro- lyn, Lakefield, with Mr. and Mrs. Leon Moore and Mr. and Mrs. Russel Virtue; Billie remaining ..Mr. and Mrs. Howard Findlay, Bruce and Dean, Unionville, with Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Richards... Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Waotton, Ajax, Miss Marie Thompson and Keith Hudson, Bowmanville, with Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Thompson... Mrs.f Maude Wade, Toronto, with her sister, Mrs. B. Moore . . . Mr. Robert McCullough and Br. Bren- tan McCullough with Mr. Hughr and Miss Maggie McCullough,c Pontypool. . . Mr, and Mrs. L. Coulter and Dianne wifh Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Drage. .. Mr. andf Mrs. F. L. Byam, Clifford and Grenvill, and Miss Yvonne Byamn with Mr. and Mrs. J. Lillicrapp, Cannington. .. Miss Grace Litftle, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Lamne Annis. . . Mr. and Mrs. Luther Goodman with Mr. and Mrs. Lamne McCoy, Brooklin, and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Goodman, Osh- awa. Sorry ta hear that Mrs. Rab Roy is in a hospital in Toronto. W.M.S. held their meeting Thursday affernoon at the par- sonage. A crokinole party was held lasf Wednesday night in the com- munity hall. Proceeds were in aid ai the Red Cross. Sympathy is extended ta Mrs. Charles Bigelow in the passing ai her brother, Mr. Thomas Sîce- man, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Gcaffery Astly Il i [he Luchy New Way t.Ale CIeaner Ieeth. Brighter Smib.s4gru VITAI RtAY SPECIAL OFFE 1 have moved from this cammunity and gone near Pickering. We welcome Mr. and Mrs. Frank Moore, who have moved anto Mr. W. Staples' farm, vacat- ed by Mr. Astly. The heavy ramn Saturday and Monday made it almost impos- sible for the farmers ta get on the land this week, but some farmers have their spring wheat sown and others are busy'spray- ing their orchards. Hampton Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Nelson, Mount Dennis, Mrs. Ed- win Wood, Misses Doreen Wood and Eveline Roach, Bowmanville, with Mr. and Mrs. S. Williams... Mrs. A. Trenouth, Base Line, with Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Challener ...Miss Nancy Johns, Toronto, with her mother, Mrs. C. Johns, and sister, Mrs. W. White. .. Mr. and Mrs. D. Rackham, Lee and Lynda, Bowmanville, at the par- sonage, and at S. Kersey's... Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Jennings, Oshawa, at T. Wray's... Mr. Russell Reyn- olds and son, Alan, Toronto, with Miss L. Reynolds . .. Reg. Kersey, Toronto, at home .. . Sgt. L. Truli, Toronto, at home . .. Miss Pearl Gilbert and Isabel Clements, Whitby, with the former's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Gilbert ..Mrs. Jackson Wray, Bowman- ville, with Mr. and Mrs. T. Wray prior to leaving to join her hus- band, Lieut. C. J. Wray, at St. Johns, Newfoundland. . . Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Wilkinson and son, Douglas, Toronto, at C. E. Horn's ...Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Boyd, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Stevens and Mrs. Esther Stevens ...Lieut. and Mrs. E. Robson and son with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Farncomb.. Mr. Morley Hastings, Toronto, with friends. . . Mrs. Marion Laramie and daughter, Elizabeth, with her parents at Clinton. . . Mr. and Mrs. L. Hutchinson and sons with relatives at Picton. .. Miss Ruby Clatworthy, R.N., Bowmanville, with Mr. and Mrs. L. Truli... Mr. and Mrs. Bert McMullen and family, Janetville, with Mr. and JACK HUDSON, ORONO WILFRED RICHARDSON PONTYFPOOL F: L. BYAM, TYRONE RedCross SALAQE DRIVE1 D A n urgent appeal to the public is again made in behaif of the Red p Cross Salvage Drive. The usual waste materials are wanted: PAPER, RAGS, SCRAP IRON, etc. Please Begin Gathering NOW! ALL PAPER AND CARDBOARD, ETC., SHOULD BE TUED IN BUNDLES. Oshawa Laundry & Dry Cleaning CO. LIWMD FOR ECONOMY Send your cleaiiing wlth your Iaundry PHONE - 419 GIN PILLS 39C-69C Wake up your liver; cdeanse.y70r syste.> feel figihting fit by ENOIS 0, q, OTHER TONICS ... Mailevol, Horner's........2.00 Toneka, an herbai remedy....$ 1.00 Burdock Blood Bitters......98c Wampoils Extract........1.00 Idafer - Iron & Vitamin B-i.....1.25 Willam's Pink PiM 50e Reuarso $1.75 Chasc's Nerve R glr W<for Food -..-------60c, $1,50 Wampole's Phospho Regular $>4 for $ 2 5 Lecithin --------- $1.00 Ironizcd Yeast .------98e BARQAINS.. Pinkham's Comp.. 87c I IMetal Lunch Kits ----- 63e 100's ---------------19C $2.25 Lactogen Lux Soap ----- 50e Plnéx ----- A.B.S. & C. Tabiets------ -----$1.59 -2 for lle ------- 32c .-------19 C Lifebuoy Soap 2 for lic Corega -----------23e-39c Roblnson's Barlcy ----33c A woy ta re-creotc bcouty in your own skin. A rcmarkoble ail purp ose face ______ THE___NEW__________________________ crcom which supplies bath Vitamin A and D ta yaur skin. Stimulotes skin ceils to A M L V AE new activity ond mokes yaur skin heaithier, LNE youn ger and love lier looking S A 7 l "A LLEN B URYS"F *êHLBOAG vitam The nicest way of te.kig Halibut Liver Oâ. 85c-1.50 ALEX LAURA SECORD CANDIES PR<SCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY McOR'EDOR DRUGS PHONE 792 - WE DELIVER Reach A New High In Health TAKE OUR BEST SPRING TONIC IDAPHO S With Vitamin B-1, 16 oz.$10 THURSDAY, APRIL 5th, 1945 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE SEVEN D Collection will take place in April at 0 a date later to be announced. Your I 0l loyal help will be appreciated i this final drive for Victory. 0l il SIDNEY LITTLE, Chairman O Red Cross Salvage Committee Mrs. Frank Rogers... Miss Jessie Wood, Bowmanville. . . Mr. and Hogarth, Bowmanville, at home Mrs. Merwin Cryderman, Joan ..Mrs. A. E. Billett in Toronto and Grant, Oshawa, with his par- ... Mr. R. Selback, Toronto, with ents. .. Mr. and Mrs. L. Cryder- friends. .. Mr. and Mrs. S. Wil- man and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon liams with Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Wilbur. DAYS FOR COLLECTION, Note the new changes of collection and deiivery In your district. This Is made necessary bW new governnuat retulations whlch permit us to cover any one district one day a week only We wil, therefore, bemhI BowmanvMie MONDAY ONLY HAVE YOUR BUNDLE READY , 1 Aboard a Canadian frigate, tars at home and abroad by the H.M.C.S. "Grou," in Londonderry, Red Cross since war's beginning. Ireland, four eager sailors are Lef t to right the seagoing sailors digging into a case of clothing are: A.B. Neil McNevin, Char- articles donated by the Canadian lottetown; A.B. Lea Wrierzbecki, Red Cross. Literally millions of Amherstburg, Ont.; A.B. Juii such articles have been despatch- Tite, London, Ontario; A.B. Lloyd ed by the Red Cross to Canadian Johnston, Ottawa.-R.C.N. Photo.

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