PAGE TEN THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, APRIL l2th, 1945 Hlp Wanted MAN OR BOY for farm help. Apply Austin Wood, phone 2388, Bowmanville. 15-1* GIRL OR WOMAN for Houke- work. Apply Mrs. W. Hately, phone Bowmanville 2651. 15-1* CAPABLE, Trustworthy Girl to j ,take care of apartment, 4 hours a day. Write Box 485, States- man Office, Bowmanville. 14-2 CAPABLE, Trustworthy Girl to take care of apartment, 4 boums a day. Write Box 485, States- man Office, Bowmanville. 15-1 YOUNG MAR2RIED WOMEN with above average intelligence esident in Bowmanville and adjacent smnall towns for mar- ket research and public opinion surveys. Strictly part time. No selling. Write Canadian Facts, 19 Melinda Street, Toronto. 15-2 HYBRID CORN HIGHEST GRADE FLATS....4.75 bu. ROUNDS $. 4.00 bu. You can't buy better Corn so why pay more Book Your Order NOW Stewart's Seed Store Phone 577 Bowmanville Telephone 589 Thurs., yFri, April 12-13 EDDIE BRACKEN, ELLA RAINIES Ini HAIL THE CONQUERING HERO Wlth William Demarkest, BIII Edwards, Chester Conk- lin, Frankli Panghomn and Raymond Walburn. You haven't seen anything to laig at until you've seen this. It's a riot of fun. It's the greatest iaugh in town. Saturday, April 14 JAMES DUNN hIj LEAVE UT TO THEI IRISHI Wanda McKay and Jack La- Rue. If you are looklng for li, begorrah they're here. Added THUNDERING TRAILS StarigRob Steele, Tom Tyler and Jimnile Dodd. A roig and ready trio in ac- tion on the range. Mon., Tues., Wed., April 16-17-18 Danny Kaye, Dinail Shore I UP UN ARMS With Dana Andrews, Con- stance Dowling, Broadway's ace comic, teamed with ra- dio's sweet and hot song- stress, in a big, iusty musical Ihullabaloo in gorgeons tecil- nicolor. Notice FREE - BROKEN BRICK AND mortar filh, free. Apply R. A. Kitson, Cold Storage Plant, King St. 15-1* TRACTOR CUSTOM WORK - Ail kinds of tractor work: ploughing, cultivating, e tc., done. F. S. Allen, phone 461, Bowmanville. 13-3* Bowmanville Electricians 4 Doors West of Eaton's in Building Occupied by Navy League Ail kinds of electric wiring done Motors repaired and installed Phone 438 34-tf 12* For Sale by Tender On behaîf of Charles A. Glenney and Albert A. Huis, Ex- ecutors of the Estate of the late John Wesley Glenney, tenders will be received by the under- signed up to noon on the l4th day of April, 1945, for the late J. W. Glenney property on the east side of Mil Street, Newcastle. The frame bouse has eight rooms and there is a double garage. For in- spection consult Mr. Charles A. Glenney, R.R. 1, Newcastle, Ont. Terms cash. Highest. or any ten- der not necessanily jiccepted. Dated at Orono, 'n~arch 29th, 1945. R. R. WADDELL, Orono, Ont. 15-1 RELIABLE ONTARIO BREEDING STATION R.O.P. SIRED BARRED ROCK CHICKS From Blood-Tested, Bred- to-Lay parent stock. Al chicks slred by R.O.Pe. coc- kerels insure hlgh egg pro- duction and excellent meat type. We would appreciate early ordering. Mlxed Chlcks, Pullets, Coc- kerels, day-old or started. WRITE or PHONE Donald E. ibson Bowmanville, Ont. Phone Clarke 3811 4tf OSHAWA Free Parking Phone 1011 Thurs., Fni., Sat., April 12, 13, 14 Claudette Colbert, Joseph Cotten In SINCE YOU WENT AWAY An ahl star cast With Jennifer Jones, Monty Wooley, Shirley Temple, Lionel Barrymore, Roabert WalI(ei< A great drama of woman's 16ve and valor, a story poignant and brave, %hat will reach deep into every beart. Mon., Tues., Wed., Apnil 16-18 From the Broadway Musical Smash Carman Miranda, Michael O'Shea, Vivian Blaine In SOMETHING FOR 'THE BOYS The dance dazzling, tune- torrid musical hit, witb your cherry blonde sweetheart. In glorious tecbnicolor Added ALL STAR BOND RALLY Witb ail your favo urite stars Don't miss it, it's super Atiction Sfiles I have been autborized to sehI for Mrs. Geo. White in Solina, on Wednesday, April 25, ahi ber bousehohd effects. See itemized list next week. Terms cash. Elmer Wihbur, auctioneer. 15-1 An important dispersal sale of purebred Shorthorns, S hr op- sbires and Yorkshires, property of Gr a nt Christie, Dundrennan Farm, Port Perry, wihl take place onIvMay 16, under management of Fieldman Jack Baker, Hampton. Press announcement and cata- logues wihl be'isued sborthy. 15-1 I have been authorized to sel by public auction for E. Kush, Lot 22, S. 1/, Con. 1, Darlington (soutb of Maple Grove 1 ½ miles, and V4 mile west) on Sat., Apr. 14, al bis farm stock, ixu- phements some are new), hay, harness. See bills. Sale at 1 p.m. Terms cash. Elmer Wilbur, auctioneer. 13-3 The undersigned has received instructions froxu Mr. Wm. G. Williams, Liberty St., North of Nursery d1brners, to seil by pub- lic auction at bis residence, bis household furniture, including bedroom suites, dining r oo m suites, parlor suite, odd tables and cbairs, hall rack, lamps, sewing machine, coal ou bheater, kitchen furniture, couch, wardrobe, chest of drawers, disbes, cooking uten- suls, a good collection of garden and carpenter tools, grindstone, wbeel-barrow, two lawn mowers and many other useful articles. Terms cash. Sale at 1:30 p.m., Sat., Apr. 14, 1945. Wm. J. Chaflis, auctioneer; T. S. Mount- joy, clerk. 13-3 Cattie sale: I have been au- tborized to selI by public auction for George Tabb, Lot 14, Con. 10, Darlington, (1%1 miles east of Davey's Store, Burketon) on Mon., April l6th, bis herd of cattle consisting of young cows renewing in April and May, and some young cattle. Sale at 2 p.m. Terms cash. Theron Mount- joy, clerk; Elmer Wilbur, auc- tioneer. - 14-2 Lost, Strayed or Stolen LOST - BLACK AND WHITE mottled fountain pen lost in vicinity of Wellington, Division and H i gh Scbool. Finder please phone 2183. 15-1 REFItIGERAT OR Repairs Commercial - Domestie ~Articles For Sale QUANTITY 0F Good Mixed Hay. Blake Short. Phone 2479. 15-1 19 30 OLDSMOBILE SEDAN. Phone 2406. 15-1 QUANTITY 0F IRISH Cobbler potatoes, one mile east of Blackstock. F. Middleton. 14-2* QUANTITY 0F HAY. Apply Archie Thompson, R.R. 5, Bow- manville. Phone 2400. 15-1 STRAWBERRY PLANTS, Dun- lop, Premier, Gien Mary. T. W. Buttery, phone 2190. 15-1* FROST & WOOD 13-HOE DRILL in good working shape. Hilton Tink. Phone 2283. 15-1 USEDTRACTOR. W. H. .Brown, C a se Dealer, Bowmanville, phones 2610 br 497. 15-1 TIMOTHY HAY by the load. Ap- ply Wilson Abernethy, R.R. 2, Bowmanville, phone 2419. 15-1* 1100 CEDAR POSTS. Jack G. Smith, Bobcaygeon. P h o n e 32-12. 14-4* FLOOR COVERINGS For Every room in the house. Wilson's One Store, 20 Church Street, Oshawa. 8-8 BLACKBERRY PLANTS, Cumu- berland Pips and Honey Sweet, year-old plants. Arthur Bell- man, phone 2588. 15-1 BOY'S REVERSIBLE TWEED coat and cap; sailor suit and hat, size 6, both in good condi- tion. Phone 2366. 15-1* WARBAS AND COBBLER PO- tatoes, for eating or for seed. Apply Mrs. D. K. Fraser, phone Orono 1r14. 15-1 15-HOE MASSEY-HARRIS Seed drill. Apply L. J. Coombes, R. R. 4, Bowmanville. Phone 2581. 15-1* 2 STEEL TANKS, 12 ft. long, 3 ft. wide and 3 ft. deep. Donald Poole, Poole's Bakery, Bow- manville. 15-2 TYRONE GREENHOUSES are prepared ta furnish every kind of plants for your garden and flower beds, prices reasonable. T. H. Tabb, prop. 14-4* B AB Y PRAMS, CRIBS, Bassin- ettes, walkers, play pens, com- modes, rockers, toys, etc. Wil- son's One Store, 20 Churi2b Street, Osbawa. -8-8 MIXED HARDWOOD, consisting of harwood limbs and body birch, 4' lengths, 2 or 3 cords. ta the load. Price $12 per cord, -de- livered. Apply H. Robitaille, R. R. 3, Pontypool. 13-4* 200 ACRE FARM, lst Con. Cart- wright, 1 mile off highway, part bush, good buildings, immedli ate possession. Apply M. Gma- ham, Blackstock, or J. J. Flett, Bowmanville. 14-2* CERTIFIED KATAHDIN PO- tatoes, foundation A, large $2.60; small $2.25, per bag; Cartier seed-oats $1 per bushel. Bill Rowland, Newcastle. Phone Clarke 1902. 15-1 TRACTOR, FARMALL H, Cock- shutt tractor plough, done only about 40 acres of work. Apply John Koritko, 193 St. Julian St., Oshawa, between 6-7 p.m. 14-2* POTATOES - Certified Founda- tion A Cobbhers and foundation Sebagos. Also some No. 2 Cobbhers and Katabdins. Harvey McGilh, Enniskihlen. Phone 2357 Bowmanville. 15-1 STRAWBERRY PLANTS, Pre- mier, Parson's Beauty, Poco- moke. Order early to ensure getting your plants. J. C. Ail- dread, Liberty St. North. Pbone 800. 15-2 ner~ AE 0 - i I E i oo When W. I OSHAWA'S NEW FURNITURE Store - Everytbing in modern. cbesterfield, bedrooxu, dining suites, and.studios. Bedding and floor coverings a specialty. Quality merchandise at com. petitive prices. Before buying visit Bradley's New Furniture Store, 156 Simcoe St. S., Osh- awa. 46-tl RAINBOW GLADIOLI - Ramn- bow mixture is different, it contains bright new colors wbich provide beautiful bou- quets. For something new and different buy a few dozen Rainbow Glads now. Supply limited. Stewart's Seed Sto4ée. 13-tf Wanted ROOM AND BOARD wanted at once for summer months or shorter period. Miss Apha I. Hodgins. Phone 351 or 495. 15-1 ROOM WITH LIGHT HOUSE- keeping privileges for business girl, .. central, location. Write Box. 4'3d,, Statesman Office, Bowmanville. 15-1 Notice To Creditors In the Matter of the Estate cf Alfretta Wilson, lateof the Town of Bowmanville, in the County of Durham, Widow, Deceased. NOTICE is hereby given that all creditors and others baving dlaims or demands against the estate of the said Alfretta Wilson, who died on or about the 2lst day of August, 1944, are required on or before the 3Oth day cf April, 1945, to send by post pre- paid, or deliver, to Violet Tre- wartba, Markbam, Ont., or Wil- liam Duncan, Green River, Ont., the executors of the last will and testament of the said deceased their names, addresses and! de- scriptions, the*fuhi particulars of their dlaims, a statement of their accounts, and the nature of the securities (if any) held by them. AND take notice that after sucb last mentioned daté the said ex- ecutars wihl proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among tbe parties entitled there- ta, baving regard only to the dlaims of whicb they shahl then have notice, and that the said ex- ecutors wilh not be hiable for the said assets or any part thereof to any person or persons of wbose dlaims notice shall net have been received by them at the time of such distribution. JOHN A. CATTANACH, Soictor for the said executors, Markham, Ontario. Dated the 2lst day of March, 1945. I -- - 1 Any person or persons who dump refuse on the moails or road aliowances ln the Township of Darllngton wil be prosecuted accordlng to the Township by-iaw ln that respect. This includes stones and rocks. By order, Dariington Township Council. J. D. HOGARTH, Clerk 13-4 La-a I Classified Ad Rates One cent a word cash, each Insertion (minimum charge 25c). Charge of 25c extra 15 made when advertisement is not pald sanie week as inser- tion. Extra charge of 10c when replies are directed to a Statesman box nu-ber. flirths, deaths and marriages 50c eacb. la Memoriams, 50c for notice plus 10c per line for verse. Clasifled adver- tisements accepted up untfl Wednesday noon. Livestock For Sale 8 PIGS, 7 weeks old. Phone 2356. Alex McRobbie. 15-1 YOUgNGC PIOS, 6 weeks old. How- ard Brent, phone 2835. 15-1* 2 YOUNG JERSEY COWS, re- newed. Phone Oshawa 578-j. 14-2* For Sale BARN FOR SALE, on Mrs. Fish- er's farm (7th Uine) 1 ¼ miles South of Leskard, 38'x38', ex- cellent plates-full length and width, 12" square. Other tim- bers all good. Half roof metal. Can be seen any time. Write Mrs. Sadie Fisher, 679 A St. Clair Ave. W., Toronto, Ont. 14-2 BEAUTIFUL BEDROOM Suites. New shipment just arrived. We guarantee lower prices. We are out of the bigh rent district. See our large selection. Wilson's One Store, 20 Church St., Osh- awa. 8-8 FERTILIZER - Suggest taking immediate delivery. For prices phone Bowmanville a g e n t, Fergus E. Morrill, Teleohone 2456. Agrîcultural Chemîcals Ltd. il-tf NEW CHESTERFIELD SUITES.- Ail spring filled. Now on sale from $89.00. Also lovely studio couches and chesterfield beds. Our prices are lower. Wilson's One Store, 20 Church Street, Oshawa. 8-8 POULTRY EQUIPMENT - TWO coal brooder stoves, two battery brooders , 600-chick size; one èlectric brooder; 2 c o 1 o n y bouses; 2 range shelters. Phone 2433, Bowmanville. A. H. Clemens. 15-tf APPLE TREES, Three and Four y ea rs old: Red McIntosh, Nortbern Spy, Gravenstein, Red Delicious, Melba, etc. Special price on quantities. Order now for spring planting. C. A. Gle- coff, 174 Ritson Rd. South, Osh- awa. 4-13* LINOLEUM AND CONGOLEUM Rugs. Select yours froxu over 300 patterns actually ini stock. You are invlted ta view these at BRAIDLEY'S New Furniture Store, 156 Simcoe Southl, Osh- awa. 46-f BLUE COW, 6 weeks old caîf, 8 brown Shropsbire ewes, due in May. Will exchange for pigs. G. Kovacs, Tyrone. Phone 62r10 Orono. 15-1 CHICKS - We are now taking orders for Tweedle Chicks, all breeds. Order early for special prices. Stewart's Seed Store, phone 577, Bowmanville. 3-tf 3 RENÊWED DURHAM COWS, 2 new stoneboats, 4 pigs, six weeks old. Apply Frank Alds- worth, Courtice. Phone 491j2, Oshawa. ,15-1*ý BABY CHICKS-BE SURE 0F your supply of Trent Electric Cbicks this season, Barred Rocks, New Hampshires, White Leghorns and New Hamp X Barred Rock. For prices and information phone Barrons, Hampton, 242@. 12-4* Wanted To Buy PORTABLE GRAMAPHONE in 9 good condition. Write Box 489,1 Statesman Office. 15-1w' OLD HORSES WANTED. Apply Margwill Fur Farm, R.R. 1, Tyrone. Caîl evenings, Bow- manvîlle 2414. il-tf PUMP JACK, gasoline engine, suitable for pumping water. Burney Hooey, phone Bow- ville 2185 evenings. 15-1 SPRING-TOOTH HARROW, for single horse. Also for sale - Rouen duck eggs. Apply Ches- ter McGratb, R.R. 3, Bowman- SINGER DROP HEAD SEWING machines. Wilh pay cash, cal or wrïte, Singer Sewing Ma- chine Co., Osbawa, 16 Ontario Street, phone 696. 14-tf FEATHERS AND Feather Beds o f a il descriptions. Highest prices paid. Write particulars to Queen City Feather Co., 23 Baldwin St., Toronto. 15-12-4* Real Estate For Sale TWO MODERATELY PRICED homes, Elgin St. North. Good garden lot with eacb. Phone Oshawa 202j4. 15-1 HOUSE-BRICK,Y' semi-detached, six rooms and bath, with all conveniences, 12 Liberty Place. Apply Mrs. Violet Trewartha, Markham, Ont. 13-3 7 ROOM SOLID Brick Stucco bouse and garage, corner of Church and Liberty Streets. For particulars write Box 209, Cobourg, Ont. 12-4* NORTH HALF LOT 7, CON. 8, Darlington, 100 acres, w ell fenced, running water, mostly in grass, about 15 acres bush. J. H. Miller, 114 Durbam St., Lindsay. 14-2* 6 ROOMED HOUSE, MANVERS Rd., modemn conveniences, bot water beating. Possession in Apnil. Apply Bryan Cramp, Manvers Rd., Bowmanville. 15-1* FIVE - ROOIVED FURNISHED cottage "Windy Cove," at Bow- manville Beach, electric, water, fireplace, screened porch, lot 155x75 ft. Apply Mrs. M. M. Gerry. 15-1* SLENDOR TABLETS are effec- tive. 2 weeks' supply $1; 12 weeks' $5, at Alex McGregor's Drug Store. 9-26 For Rent PASTURE FOR CATTLE. Apply H. B. Foster, phone 745, or P.O. Box 359, Bowmanville. 15-3 .3 ROOMS, suitable for ligbt housekeeping. Write Box 488, Statesman O f f i c e, Bowman- 75 ACRE ýýPASTURÈ FA'Afl"*Zith running water. Apply' Mrs. Lillian Mountjoy, phone Bow- manville 2313 after 6 p.m. 15-1 NEW SINGER SEWING Machine in your own home, $3.00 per month. Ehec. port. $5.00. Sing- er Sewing Machine Co., Osh- awa, Phone 696. 14-tf 3 UNFURNISHED ROOMS IN Oshawa, heat and light, tele- phone, (no childmen). Posses- sion May lst. References. Write Box 487, Statesman 0f- - fice, Bowmanvli.e. 15-10 For Exchange WILL EXCHANGE 8 - ROOM apartment for house. Poole's Bakery, Bowmanville. 15-2 Fourni FOUND-COLOURED Umnbrella. Owner may have same by iden- tifying it and paying for ad. Apply Bowmanville Library. 15-1* STE WART'S VOUR DEPENDABLE HEAD- QUARTERS FOR HIGU -QUALITY SEEDS Ail our seed 15 Govt. Graded No. 1 with sufficient stock of ail Items Ont. Variegated Alfalfa Grimm Alfalfa Red Clover, Early Red Clover, Mammoth lat. Alsike Sweet Clovers Timothy )White Dutch Ladino Canada Blue Grass Kentucky Blue Grass Perennial Rye Grass Crested Wheat Grass Reed Canary Grass Brome Grass (Parkland) Cekt. MeadoW IVepcue Orchard Grïss Red Top Hybrid & Open Pollinated Seed Corn Cert. Seed Potatoes Fertilizers (for gardons) BuIk Gardon Seeds Tou buy wlth Quality and price Stewart's confidence ln when you buy Seeds. Stewart's Seed Store Phone 577 Bowmanvile De Lavai Wer1d'à Standard Sehs- World's Boat De Lavai World's Standard Series Separators represent ail of the crafts. manship. experience and knowliedge in building scparato-s accumulated by De Lavai in 64 years of leader. ship. Troday they arc the cleanest skimming. casiest turning and iongest wearlng separators possible to buiid. They cost lesu per year cf use and are easy to cdean in five minutes. Made in four sizes. Lowv stands can lie furnished for extra convenience if desired SeO for machines cquipped ivith elcctric mater drives. N Wanted to en SMALL APARTMENT or 2 or 3 furnished or unfurn i she d rooms, urgently required im- mediately. Apply Mrs. Cari Hawn, Streetsville, Ont. 13-3 TIRE -N EW S No permit necessary for retreading tires. Have them retreaded now. If your tires need vulcan- izing, let us look them over before the busy sea- son is here. Pull stock of new and re- conditioned tires to choose from. G.P. JAMESON TIRE & BATTERY SHOP Kiiî; & Silver, Bowmanvllle Phones: 467 - Res. 376 Î7 FOR EXPORT FOR HUGHEST PRICES I buy ail kinds of Grade and Registered Cows and helf- ers and cows bred about 4 or 5 months. Max H Ieidt R.R. 4. Port Perry PHONE or WRIITE Phone Port Perry 198-R-21i Prinule 'D owmarl Radiaê--erviceRA Commencing MARCH 26th RA GUARANTEED WORK LICENSED REPAIR MAN ~f Car, Home and Portable EXPERT RADIO REPAIE FAST SERVICE If you can't get that radio tube, try us 13-tf jj De Lavai Junior herl.s - De Lavai Qlueitand Performance ln SmaIIer CaPocity separators De Laval Junior Series Separators are quality, De Lavai made, 10w Priced machines for the âmali herd owner. Regardiess of site and price. they provide the quaity and per- formance for which alý - jdLavaI- Separators have long been .amous. De Lavai Separators pay for them- sClcivesIW frxra creami recovered. Ile Lavai juniors are made ift five sizes. Ail modeis ex- Us cept the No, 1 can 'U quipped wvith electrii motor drives and furnished w! wvith high or low stands. Case Dealer bN., DET , p EE -Y AR£ Bowmanville REJ& Da1ld-ý US E WA N T A DS. Ideh». - -M.- am 1 .'W l'Lia AEV- . 1 - PAGE TEN THURSDAY, APRIL 12th, 1945 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO 1 -1.1 -, 3 YR. OLD SADDLE MARE. Not broken. Apply Wesley Luxton, R.R. 4, Bowmanville. Phone 2221. * 15-1*