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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Apr 1945, p. 4

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PAGE FOUR THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, APRIL l2th, 1945 Agricultural Commission Reports Findings of Government The Agrcuitural Commission el Enquimy set up by the Drcw Govrnmcnt, after more than a year o! exhaustive study o! the problcms o! agriculture o! the province, has now made its re- port, the gencral terms o! which appean herewith. Better farm credit and a new live stock policy are featurcs amang many recom- mendatians. The Statesman be- Hieves a study of the report will be o! great intencst among local farmers. Extension o! rural education, improved provisions f o r f arm credit, soul conservation assist- ance and research, increased aid for the live stock industry and ap- pointment o! a special Dcputy Mfinister o! Agriculture resident in Nothern Ontario were among recommendations contained in the 90-page report o! the Ontario Agricultural Commission o! In- quiry tabled in the Legisiature recently. It was signed by Archi- baid Leitch, chairman. The report, which covcmed the whole field o! agriculture except marketing, was the resuit o! 121 days o! hcarings hcld in al parts o! the Province by a commission o! practical farmers appointed Sept. 22, 1943. The commission reported that it was unable ta report usefully on marketing o! fanm products because o! "the obscurity which wartime contrais throw upon the future o! marketing conditions" and other circumstances beyond its contrai. Pure-Bred Sires A new live stock policy for On- tario was urged, airned principal- ly at elimination o! scmub buils and their replacement by pure- bred sires. ]Repeal o! the Pro- tection o! Cattle Act was advised in favor o! legisiation banning un- registered, non-pedigmeed animais for breeding. Financial aid ta help farmers acquire pure-bred sires, on a basis o! the number o! caives produced over two or three years, and a census o! ail farm sires in the Province were urged, Hi gler Food Value Enjoy a vitamin enriched bread, from its tender cr ust ail the way tbrough its fine even texture. Our bread sup- plies good solid food energy essential toacative children 's diets as well as vitamiln El niacin and iran. A basic food for wartime meals . .- good for every member of th. f amily . . . alwa.ys delicious and appetizing. Try a loaf today. - RESH FROM OVEN TO YOU Drink Milk for Your Healti', GLEN RAE DAIRY MILK BUILDS BETTER BODIES,! For lie youngster who studies liard, plays liard .., for the grown Up whose work day is crarnmed witi extra hours, extra tension -... there 's a great reserve of energy ini tie ricli goodness of Glen Rae Dairy milk. Make tii BETTER MILK work for your f amily's health tomarraw. OUR DRIVER WILL CALL TOMORROW <I as well as extension of artif icial HON. DR. VIIVIAN URGES >breeding units in beef and dairy CITIZENS '"KEEP UP cattle. EXCELLENT STANDARD" The commission recommendcd expansion of the Government's The Statesman has received the bacon hog policy, greater en- foliowing statement front the couragement of sheep raising and Hon. R. P. Vivian, of Port Hope, provision of veterinary services Minister of Heaith and Welfare, in sections now without it, ex- and member for Durham County, tending, possibly, the plan now in giving his strong endorsation, to use in the Kenora area. Greater research in animal discases and establishment of a research centre at the Ontario Agricultural Col- lege were adviscd. Erosion of Soil Spccific recommendations on soul conservation were bascd on ...... an exhaustive review of soul de- gradation, failure of water supply and erosion of valuable top soil. It was proposed that the Govern- ment follow a vigorous program to assist municipalities to expand tree planting projects and acquire for this purpose lands unsuitable for other economic use. Forma- tion o!fifood controi and conser- vation areas was recommended on a stream watershed basis, municipalities affected being per- mitted to enter into mutual ar- rangements "irrespective of pres- ent c u s t o m a r y boundaries". Establishment o! a souls depart- ment at O.A.C. was suggested and greater emphasis on soul conser- vation research. Pointing the need for împroved agricuitural credit, the commis- Dr. R. P. Vivian sion recommended continuation of the Federal Farm Loan Board the 8th Victory Loan Campaign, ta provide credit facilities for and calling on the citizens of Dur- farmers unable ta obtain themn had County ta support it: through regular agencies. . "Durham County cstablish- AsuePart of Mortgage ed and maintained, a spien- Assumedid record in seven victory The State should, it said, as- boan campaigns. With the ob- sume some portion of the mort- jective for the Eighth Vic- gage risk arising from making a tory Loan higher than for mortgage at a higher percentage previaus ones, the greatest of the value of the security than local support will be requir- orthodox practices would war- cd ta kecp up this excellent rant, a principle similar ta that standard. învolved in the National Housing "Even if, as we ail fervent- Act. Special Governmcnt assist- ly hope, the end o! the war ance was asked so that young ex- in Europe is imminent, large perienced farmers couid cstablish sums of money wiil be re- themsclvcs. quired for the war in the Pa- Diversion o! a share of timber cific, for the re-estabiishmcnt and minerai revenues for the ag- of aur young people in civil- ricultural developmcnt o! North- ian life, and for pensions, cmn Ontaria was includcd in the gratuities, and other costs di- recommendations. The proposai rectly attributabie ta, the war. was ta reinvest this revenue to Knowing what the members provide new settiers with farm of the several services have clearings and sufficient equip- donc, and are doing, for us, ment ta support a family, prim- it is unthinkable that wc arily in areas aiready settled. could now siacken our fînan- Creation of local improvement ciai effort in an~y dcgree. districts, enlargement of market- "At this partîcular time, it ing facilities, extension of Hydro is reasonable ta cxpect tis ta and establishment of composite do better and that this Vic- high schools also, were urged for tory Loan will be an out- the North. standing success. I amn con- Interim recommendations also fident that each section- of inèluded payment of hog sub- Durham County will do its sidies, continuation of bacon con- f uli share. tracts o! a two-ycar basis, licens- R. P. VIVIAN, M.D." ing of live stock truckers, horn money payments, institution of artificial breeding units for cattie SS i in cight areas, sugar beet subsidy SS No. 9, Cl.arke increase and a plan for training specialists in soul conservation. Mr. Russell Osborne, Mrs. W. Education of Rural Youth Brunt and Mrs. F. Bowen attend- To povid forthe nforacd the O.E.A. convention in To- To provideofrua or th inOnalronto. Mr. Osborne as a delegate edationf uraeyl youth in On-to the Trustees' and Ratepayers' taria afte the e a regular Section at Convocation Hall, and schols Ui reorthasrecr. Mrs. Brunt and Mrs. Bowcn to the mended to the Government estab- lishment of short agricultural Home & School Section in the courses in ahl counties and dist-, Royal York. ricts on a permanent basis. The Mr. and Mrs. Carl Todd, Stark- couseswoud hve ubjctsforville, and Miss Enid Bowen, To- coures wuidhavesubectsforronto, visitcd their grandparcnts, girls and young women as well as Mr. and Mrs. Henry C. Bowcn. for young men.__________ The commission feit that, the The anc prudence in life is con- Departmcnt of Agriculture should centration; the anc cvii is dis- appoint a special officer to direct sipation: and it makres no differ- the policy. Night classes werc ence whether aur dissipations are suggestcd ta teach cultural and coarse or fine.-Emerson. academic as wcll as agricultural ________________ subjects, also assistance for rura] youth groups carrying on carre -______________ latcd subjects within thc field afi- education. -Weaknesses .Noted Drawing attention ta "t he Soreneis weaknesses of the present method Agricultural Cohiege through thc Departmcnt of Agriculture," he commission strongly supporIed frm i. uce stcps now upider way ta establish gnUrbbg a board of governors there, and unergoutn.". suggestcd a permanent commit- ô0-Yaar-oId remedy tee, to advise on matters o! a for muscle atrain. stifi purcly academic nature, such as or aching jointe. courses, research and examina- s prins twist@ and tions. rhaizmatic p"naRub Recommended also wcrc estab- the vai wyt. lishinent o! a soils department to %o1he. tees: bas DO un- study soul conservation, restora- pleasant odor; dri.u tion o! the Department o! Agri- qu ,l. o tie ad cultural Economnics to again meet ýýze oar #oreedbvtSow modemn needs, expanding o! farm n --amfwtreire e iSm engineering department facihities, test r .joctîinv.- and a "more mealîstic system o!f% .née. Get a bottle at salaries for the acadcmic staff," yoinr druggwst~ today. and opportunities for junior staff gsep it handy 130 Eileen Highland. j -. **to i The greatest works are donc by the ones. The hundreds do nat often do much - the com- panies neyer; it is the units-the single individuals, that are the power and the might.-Spurgeon.I Orono News Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Powers spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Powers. Mr. Alfred Little is at his home after spending the wintcr in Port Hope. Capt. F. J. Elliot o! the Pictou Highlanders, Sussex, N.B., spent Easter with his aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Logan. Easter meeting o! Park St. W.M.S. was held on April 3rd with a splendid attendance. Missi Mabel Day conducted the meet-I ing and Mrs. Porter the worship periad. Miss Bertha Cain gave an Eastcr message. Miss Stella Best sang and Mrs. Wm. Cobble- dick brought an interesting report from the Oshawa Presbyterial, which met in St. Andrew's United Church, Oshawa. Thrcc carloads o! W.M.S. wo- men accepted the kind invit*ion o! Newcastle Auxiliary ta attend their Eastem meeting Thursday cvcning. Mrs. S. Littlewood and Mrs. Wm. Cobbledick, accompani- cd by Mrs. R. H. Brown, sang an appropriate duet. It was a very great privilege ta be able ta hear the message from the Dominion Board President, Mrs. Rager Self. Sec report in another column. Wc welcomc to aur village Mr. and Mrs. Fred Blackburn and Mr. and Mrs. S. Berry. Mrs. C. S. »&tLaren and Mar- jonce were in Toronto during ýEaster holidays. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Rainey, Jean and Gerald, have moved ta their farm on the boundary o! Dar- lington and Clarke. Mrs. J. J. Cornish has returned from visiting relatives in Toronto. Mr. W. A. Reid, Township Road Supt., has purchased Mr. Fred Wood's house at the south end o! Orono. Mr. Wood has bought a house in Oshawa. Mrs. Marie Smith spent Eastcr in Ncwtonville with Mrs. J. T. Pearce. Miss M. Staples visited Mr. and IvIrs. M. H. Staples. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Dnummond and Alex visited relatives in To- ronto. Mrs. R. A. Delve has returned ta Orono after spending several weeks with her son, Rev. W. Delve at Wooler. Miss Anne Staples, is home after her operation in Bowmanvillc Hospital. 0 Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Cobble- dick o! Leamington, visited Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cobblcdick. PO Neil Wood left on Saturday for the cast aftcr visiting his par- ents, Mr. '%nd Mrs. Chas. Wood. Mr. and Mrs. V. Wilson and farnily visited friends in Peter- bora and brought home Mr. and Mrs. Fred Duncan who have been in Montreal and Ottawa during the winter. Mrs. Evelyn Hall, Anna Marie and Bob spcnt part o! the holiday in Oshawa. Miss Mary Somerville, teller at Bank o! Commerce, is on vaca- tion. Miss Shcrwin o! Hamilton vis- ited her uncle and aunt, Mr. R. Sherwin and Miss E. Sherwin. The Red Cross drive is not quite completed but up ta Uic prcsent $1485 has been collected from this neighborhood. CLARKE COUNCIIL Clarke Township Council met April 3 with ahi members present and Reeve T. A. Reid presiding. Two hospital notices were ac- cepted. Clerk prescnted Uic schaol re- part regamding new grants and was instructed ta publish the compicte report for the benefit o! each school section. Rcgamding the county pupils re- port the Clerk was asked ta, write the County Warden asking that the cost per pupil be given in each case. Resolution ne Taxi By-Law was laid over ta give the parties con- cerned a chance ta present their case at the May meeting. Resolution me the changing the ime for assessment was ordcred iled. T h e matter o! Newtonviile street lights was again laid over until further information couhd be secured. Two matters o! correspondence were presented by the Road Superintendent and his action in these matters was agrced ta, by Council. These resolutions were passed: Continuing C. F. Awde as Col- lector up ta and including May 1; Agreeing ta the purchase o! calcium chiaride and supplying same to applicants who apply Ce fore April 21, 1945. Such ta bel sold for 33 1-3 per cent o! cast ta (4 e o n I i. i o n O e O n i g gO Do g i g 'g e a Sheppard & Gi Lumber Co., Lti Announce 2 NEW Feati 1. We caui Roof your Hoi 2. We cau lItsulate your Il Before w. only delivered the goods. Now wO do a cofl satisfactory job from finish. M MEImm» «»« MF WE HAVE TH Il - <I -FOR THE P TOROI ASPHALT1 * PRODU ~\\We have a gadi * \\ \fui your requiren ~ Y. *.\\\~ 'the Toronto Asph WE HAVE BEEN SUCCESSFUL IN SECURING THE AGI ,Airseal Rocktwool Itisula By actual test and wear tis hlas proven ta, be one af the best insulation pi factured. We naw have the agelicy for the SEALTITE ROCKWOOL r which Company lia been doing much splendid work ini Bownianviile the: Drop in and se us today about having your home insulated praperiy. Bai winter and, keeps you cool i the summer. - stimiates GIadIy Given Without Obli LUMBER claî' Sheppard & Gi Lumber Co CO.LMIED Bowmanville 4eýýý King St. East1 those apphying calcium ta town- ship roads; Raising Clerk's salary ta $1,000 per annum. By-Law was passed changing time o! nomination ta the Satur- day before the last Monday in Navember and the turne of elcc- tions ta the !irst Monday in De- cember. These bills were ordemcd paid: Road Voucher, No. 2, $455.26; Omono Telephone Co., rent, etc., $23.71; J. J. hMellor, salary, ent, etc., $164.38; Mrs, E. J. Randail, R. vs. F., Aprîl payinent, $32.00; Mrs. Harmy Morris, supplies for anc child, $5.00; Jack Stapleton, kîliing dog, $5.00; Orono Weekly Times, 50 minutes, $2.50; Ray- mond Bruce, supplies, 75c; W. E. Davcy, B.O.H., $7.00; T. A. Reid, expenses ta Toronto convention, $15.00; R. H. Wood, came o! hall, $11.20; E. L. MacNachton, hosp., $26.18; Lion Duplicator, office supplies, $30.50; National Station- ers, office supplies, $3.70; W. C. L ane, supplies, $9.53; Orano Hydro, tawn hall, $11.02; Df. W. H. Stanley, B.O.H., $6.00. Council adjourned ta meet May lst, at 1:30 p.m. APPLES OUT ALL WINTER FOUNU IN FINE CONDITION Among the amazing things that have came ta iight after the win- ten's heavy fail o! snow so rapid- ly disàppeaned, none was mare surprising than ta iind apples which had remained on the ground in the orchard aIl winter were unharmed by frost and were as fresh as those kept in storage plants. Mrs. Ephriam White, Orono, sent along ta thc editor this week a luscious MacIntosh Red picked up in their orchard aftem the snow had gone. It was firm, frcsh and unmarked and made a delicious four o'clock lunch during a busy day. The deep snowfall which com- menced in December senved as a perfect refrigerating medium and in many places the ground was not frozen at ail. When the snow disappeared, vegetables an d plants as wcli as claver and fal wheat were found ap green as in late fail. Buds and even flowcrs made their appearance as ealy es Manch 20 and farmers were on the land in some places on that date. Many are stili wondering what Apnil has in store. This is subscription turne. MOU% Seif-reliance can turn a sales- Old Rastus settled himself in man into a merchant; a politician his chair and addressed his wife: into a statesman; an attorzley into "Ycs sah, Gai, dat boss done cut a jurist; an unknown youth into wages hall in two again. Some a great leader. Ail are ta be ta- ob de boys is kickin' might morrow's big leaders-those who pow'rful 'bout it. But I ain't goin' in solitude sit above the clang and to kick none. Way I figgcrs it- dust of time, with the worid's hall of sumpin' is better'n ail of secret trembling on their lips. nuffin'." Y O U R C A R A S ' C I « H R O U H A O U G WITER. IT NERDS GENTLE TREATMENT NOW. TiMeat it kindly! Your car needs extra specual care right now! Drive It to Garton's Garage for testlng by our trained mech- anles who know exactiy what to de ta give Your car the service it needs. It must iast the duration! DRIVE IN TODAY FOR THESE ESSENTIAL SERVICES iClan and space spark plugs Clean and space dstributor points Clean distr-ibutor cap Clean coil terminal and Ig- nition wlres Reset englue timing AdJust carburetor idie Test battery and add water Free up and lubricate mani- foud heat contrai valve Clean carburetor air cleaner Cican crankease Iniet and outlet ventilators GARTON'S GARAGE Phone 2666, Bowmanvllle - .ww------------------wwn DAYS FOR COLLECTION Note the new changez of collection and delivery in jour district. This la made necesary by u.w gomamt rerulatlons which permit us to cover auj one distric one day a week oniy W. wiii, therefore, be ln Bowmanville MONDAY ONLY HAVE YOUR BUNDLE READY Oshawa Laundry & Dry CIeaning CO. LWME FOR ECONOMY Send your clea-iu with your lauadry PHO NE - 419 au lires! u1se [Ouse0 iplete and o assortment tao nents. There 's f g made than iait ?roducts. tionR roduets manu- f INSULATION, 0 past winter. f ,ves fuel in the.IJ igation - 0 Le, Ltd. 0 Phone 715g THURSDAY, APRIL 12th, 1945 1 THE CANADIAN STATZSMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE FOUR .1

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