PAGE TEN THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, APRIL 19th, 1945 port sale for processing purposes Lunch was served and ail joined only will be successfully comn- in a sing-song. News of Interest to Farm ers pleted. To date, 146 carloads W.I. met March 21 in United have gone forward to the United Church basement in the form of LEUESE NCLTO napenme opatclyStates, totalling 110,533 bushelsi a St. Patrick's tea. Mrs. W. D. LELM SEDINCIATONinapl nmbr o ratîalyhaving an F.O.B. shipping point Jones had charge of this program: PAYS insure infection of the roots, with value, exclusive of charges but solo, Mary Lane; piano solo, Mrs. consequent increased growth Of including premium on U.S. ex- Archie Brown; piano solo, Mar- Legurmnous crops, such as alf- the crop. Clover seed and alf- change, of $158653. Many of gae Ovens; a song by Fae Jones, alfa, red clover, sweet èlover al- alfa are quite expensive and as an these apples came from Durham ~ . Joyce William s and Edna sike, peas, soybeans, vetches, etc. extra insurance it w iii possibly Cç0 u in t y orchards. Shipmentà Den*.\ ; an address on Control of hav e long been known under cer- pay ou to use culture this year. started the first week in January, ~ Cancer by Dr. Jean E. Pierce of tain conditions to leave the land For your accommodation your and have been going forward " Toronto. Supper was served, on which they were grown in a Agricultural Representative has steadily since that time. The... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... after which Dr. Pierce showed richer condition than it was in be-! a stipply of cultures at his office. apples, chiefly of Spy, Baldwin, ' moving pictures. Next meeting is fore the crop. The necessary con- iAcitiewl ra n uhlo Greening and Stark varieties, of ~~ annual meeting and will be held ditions are, in addition to the soil seed. u if you have less than 24ic iiu ieado *~i ntdCue aeet being in good tilth, and well.9 biis1'w, eeniecltr a good peeling grade, went largely . . drained, that there should be in lx w ,1.out harm. Cultures to New York and Pennsylvalia . PLAINTIFF AWARDED the soul certain species of bac- fora. ;.rt- Coerasike and saepoesr.7 E ET0 LI teria known as legume bacteria. w<.Kvr are t-wenty-five cents "There is no doubt that the sub- 7 E ETO LI There legume bacteria penetrate w--'c.s. ' for soybeans are two stantial export of Ontario apples William Horn, his wife, Effie the young roots of the legumes , ver.--fo- cents. If it is not to the United States during the May Horn, and Elizabeth Avery, whrethy rouc ltte ~e% ~ c' yu o aî a tepast three months has aided ma- ~al of Hampton, were plaintiffs in ings or nodules, singly or in r:~eto f fice, cultures will terially in the cleanup of the 1944admgectoharmnouy bunches. On clovers these nodules >-,esn*bv mail. coatfarpie admyhaecutamaerion3, aa in Kenth are very small but nuimexv.-.ý rpa arpie n a aecutArl3 gis en whil onpea an bens hevsaved the apple market from col- Butson, Bowmanville. Judge J. while o peas ad bean theyCae M.pGermanatdaBa dedalludgment comparatively large and few in STU'DENýT FARM SERVICE lasCtte..W alae î-........................Gfr7 ercnt of te daimeof r'umber. The bacteria in the FORCE NEEDED FOR SPRING coe, President of the Ontarlofo75prcnoftelam f Fruit Growers Association. While....... ".$6.4tpaiifan25erct nouls___thfee__ of of$ $9.6 cnteclaim t5oerde-n nodues fix te fre ntrogn ofCAMP ______supplies remaining on hand are ~ the atmosphere so that the plant..ofte$96 unrcamod- can use it as food. Without the The first caîl for help in the adequate to meet demands, a fedatwthcot t 'ontffo aid of the bacteria the plantsq growîing and harvesting of 1945 heavy load of medium quality tecamadcsst eedn cannot do this and no plant other crops has been issued by the di- stock bas been lifted from the HOO-O-O-DUNNIT ?-The Toronto Park Zoo did it when it on the counterclaim. Ross Strike than the legumes can do it, even rector of the Ontario Farm Ser- market, and retail demand for was recently responsible for the conversion of a Canadian appeared for plaintiffs and Law- with the bacteria present in the vice Force to the boys and girls quality produce, as a result, has Pacifie Express car Into a veritable Noah's Ark to accom- rence Mason for defendant. soul. in high schools. In calling for a stiffened a nl d should continue modate a shipment of live bear, beaver, deer, opossum, d riving is carnMayi7, ast on old soils, or where clovers full quota the director, Mr. Alex good to the end of the season. raccoon, squirrel, marmot, turtie, alligator, vulture, fox, diighscro a ,ls Maclren Deartmnt f Ari-year, into Bowmanviile, and was or oherlegmesaresucessul-heron, bittern, de-odorized skunk, and, of course, the proceeding through the northern ly grown in crop rotation, the culture, Toronto, states that the SPRAY CALENDARS quizzical owls seen above. The consignment of former miaftetwn whn e bacteria are usuaîîy present. In need for help this year will be FOR 1945 READY "Trnonas efmhtciyrcntyvaCaainPaii oticd thcreareown then we new soils, however, or when new greater than ever. Now is the ________ ettatct eenl i aada aiie ntcda a akd ntews legume crops, as alfalfa or soy- time to decide. Pay and accom- The 1945 spray calendars for for Vancouver, B.O., en route to Sydney Zoo, Australia. side facing south. In passing the beans are grown in old sou, the modation will be generally on the apples, pears, stone fruits, grapes, pre atecrsdel appropriate bacteria are m tsie basis as former years. bush fruits and vegetables, issued satdu n undit i tob rsn n nsc anoses Thefrto h by'fr epath, alleged the plaintiff, send- to e pesnt nd n uc cses he irt o te bys'fam sr-by the Fruit Branch of the On- PLANS FOR RETUEN 0F SPRING TIIE 15 AUCTION ing huxn into the ditch and injur- some method of inoculation vice camps to be opened is that tario Department of Agriculture WORKERS TO FARM SALE TIMIE ing his passengers and himself. should be adopted to supply the at Burlington, which will begin in co-operation with the Domin- bacteria. Numerous* experiments operations on April 12, to be fol- ion Branch of Entomology, are Plans have been completed by As this is the season of the yearDET'SS OL and prolonged experience have lowed by the camp at Leaming- now ready. These calendars, National Selective Service for the when auction sales are the order DEchooî Report shown that the best way to do ton on April 25. - The camp at which give detai]s as to the time return to the farm of the agricul- of the day, it might be well to colRpr this is to inoculate the seed with Holland Marali, one of the larg- of the various sprays, the types tural workers who were tempor- review the new pricing regula- Grade 8-Velma Graham 65.2. the necessary bacteria. est in the Province, will be open- of chemicals found most effective arily employed in other essential tions which govern the sale of Grade 6-Audrey Larmer 78.9; For such seed inoculation, arti- ed on May 24. Mr. Maclaren is in dealing with diseases and in- industries during the winter used household appliances. Sales Grant Teevin 54.4. ficially grown cultures of the now enroîîing boys to fiîî these sect pesta, and the proper quan- months. As was tlee case last of used sewing machines, refrig- Grade 5-Nina Johnston 78.9; bacteria, originally secured from three camps as soon as they are tities, to be used, are esséntial for year, the dates at which farm erators, domestic stoves, ranges, Lawrence Larmer 77. the nodules on the roots of the opened, and, in addition, is hav- the proper care of fruit and vege- workers must be releaaed by eml- and other cooking and heatîng Grade 2 - Billy Brown 88.6; samne species of plant which is to mng a widespread demand for table crops. The fruit calendars ployers in other industries will be equipment, radios a nl d tubçs, Harvey Johnston 81.67; Frank be sown, are applied to the seed boys to work on individual farms recommend se v en different fixed by localities. Dates for the musical instruments and electric Melton (absent for exams). shortly before it is sown. By this for the summer holiday period. sprays for apples, three for peara, different localities will be fixed vacuum cleaners are affected by Grade 1-Laura Brown, A; Ray method the bacteria are carried The demand for girls for early six for cherries and peaches, five and announcement by the Region- the new orders. Two sets of price Larmer, A. into the soil with the seed, and season camps will also be heavy. for plums, two for grapes and al superintendents under the Na- ceilings are established by the Jean Coulter, Teacher. Three camps are to be opened onl four for bush fruits. The vege- tional Selective administration, orders which set ceilings for sales_________________ April 12, these being the Gov- table calendar provides informa- after consultation wîth Provincial by private individuals and dealers ernment camps at Saltfleet and tion on sprayîng and dusting for agricultural officers. at the samne levels. The higher M Vineland, and Mayer's private ail types of vegetables which are The men wiil return to the farrt. ceiling is set for appliances which camp at Beamsville. Four more susceptible to insect or disease immedîately their services are have been rebuilt and are in good Scamps will be opened on May 1, damage. needed on the farm. The farm operating condition. Except for these being at Fenwick, Clark- Copies of these calendars can labour situation itself will be ser- sewîng machines, radio tubes and son, Cooksville and Oakville. On. be secured from the Statistics ious this year and it is necesaary musical instruments, rebuilt ceil- altCmus May 15, A. W. Smith's private and Publications Branch, Ontario that the men should not be re- ing prices are attached to each ~ JIUT AU'"cam atVielad wllbe pend.Department of Agriculture, Par- tained in other industries once ordezi. Rebuilt ceiling prices for RubMinrd' T met te nital ees o thseliament Buildings, Toronto. their help is needed back home on used sewing machines, radio Ru iadagenerously int them, eight camps, approximately 250 ________ the farm. tubes and musical instruments and get the blessed relief that tisi girls will be required with in- Farm workers leaving their. have been established as a per- peat rubbing liniment bias been b* î creasing numbers as the season TIGHTEN MACHINERY winter work are required to give centage of -the current new price ing to people for over 60 years.Foà develops. The initial groups of RATION RULES7 days separation notice before of a simîlar make or model sold oprains, twists, aobes and soreness of girls in these areas will be kept rtrighm.Ayn ncob uigtebscpro Sp.1 muae orj oints; for cold a.nd ordinary celafarmingrape vines and Irans- Fresare urged tW continue -rethe mloe r at o c.11 91 i h s o ore thtoat;fo adu adsn ln$gltue abg an torpi and keep in operation worker-should get in touch with cality where the sale takes place. GHe a botiadsi xân. clr ntegenoss an machines which they al- the nearest employment and If the appliances require repairs, Gtabtl oa. 124R0 edow and are strongly ad- selective service office. they may not be sold for more le euipmnt atioingofficer be- Totl oo podutin n an-foe isosig f hemachinery FARMERS HELPED BY pie e o h an oesi A R S adain194 aounedto 9,79, tey owown wth hethought . NEW LOAN ACT rebuiît. 000 puda nraeo ,6, frpaigi ihrimmediate- Truhtercn rcaa 000 M E T Opounds over that of 1943. In- ly or at some later date. Truhtercn rcaa onInIceEitat- oans Act, Canadian farmers are ____ Mantob an Noa Soti, ereed n aendentto heWartime presented with an inexpensive. Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. George ____________________________ for the increased pro- Prices and Trade Board OM~er No.ancovnetmtdofier Henderson, Bey. and Cecil, at Mr. - duto fshorn wool. Increased 37 h present provisions make mediate credit, that is, credit W. Marvin's, Moorish. . . Miss siaughteriilgs of sheep and lambp it plain that, if a person disposeswhcisotruiefrafwAnnaGabih, ragvl, * Â resulted in an increase of pulled of machinery which hie owns and montha but f o r intermediate with hier aunt, Mrs. C. Morris. wool. The apparent consump- s of a clasa or type which is ra-tem upotnyar.FrmalM.nd rsAthrBlan *tion of wool in Canada was tioned with the thought of repîac- amounts, loans may be madefrand Glenn, Bowmanville; Mr. A. sharply lower in 1944 as compar- ing it later, without first having a.eido..ya.rsan pA atiIPSBrgtn r 1 ~ed with that of the three preced- consulted the farma machinery to ten years for the largest and Mrs. George McCuliough and ing years, but as the figures Mf rationing officer for his district, amounts. Laureen at Mr. George Staple- stocks of wooi in storage are not his application for new equip- Under this, legialation, farmera ton's. . . Miss Lois Chambers, available, the figures cf actual ment will not be considered. A may apply at their local banks Madoc; Miss Ruth Chambers, consumption in any individual number of cases have been re- for 5 per cent boans for every kind Belleville; Mr. and Mrs. Russel year may be quite different from ported where the farmner finished of farmn improvement from a new Lowe, David and Peter, Port the apparent disappearance. The some particular operation earîy in plough to a dweuling house, pro- Hope; Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Mc- geater production of shorn wool the .season, sold his equipment to vided the amount does not ex- Gahey and Garry, Peterboro, at S TOVUr resulted in a higher gross value a neighbor, and later made appli- ceed $3,000. There are no service Mr. Robt. Morton's . . . Miss Yu oelf r of production anda cation for new machinery, stat- or finance charges, and s far as Thelma Stapletçn in Oshawa. . . Yu oelf pjf icrease in the cash income to ing on his application that hie had possible the termis of repayment e. and Mrs. George Stapleton investment in Vict Look, J. producers. Cash income from the no machinery of that type. are flexible, so that they can be àdf amily tM.C .Wlim' & îe sale of wool in 1944 amounted t Farm equipment supplies for adjusted to the individual cir- Port Hope.. . Mr. and Mrs. George ffcs $3,767,000. Canadian farmers are equal to cunIstances of the borrower. For Denney, Oshawa, at Mr. W. N. INVEST IN, AN~D those being made available to example, monthly instaiments Stevens'. . . LAC Keith Burley, 1. Q I urF STFE ONTARIO APPLE EXPORT American farmers in relation to might be most suitable to a farm- Mount Pleasant, P.E.I., at home iDEAL TO U.S. COMPLETED the output in both countries dur- er with a steady year-round in- . .. Mr. G. J. Stapleton at Mr. W.ThsBnm ing the years 1940 and 1941. In come, while it might be more con- W. Henderson's, Bowmanville.Ths an ±wmiujru... ~i ~~i With the last car of Ontario both the United States and Can- venient for the grain farmner to School is closed this week ow'- charge, by p. Oapples to be shipped to the United ada, however, the supply which pay, say, twice a year or annuaily. ing to measles. i your Bonds a States leaving this week, an ex- can be built under existmng cir- While the benefits are avail- Lloyd Morton, son of Mr. and ti i not nece.i ________________________________________________cumatances falis short of meeting able immediately, it may not be Mrs. Robt. Morton, has been temporary re6 the demand. psilfor farrers totakefull Hoanerd-Belgim Geray rontheVictory Bond the war. When manpower and tier. CONTINUE TO PAY material shortages disappear and W.I. held a very succesaful card M.ILK SBIISwriecnrl are reîaxed, the party in the community hall, TH If Vi o .SBIISAct will enable farmers to equip April 4. Prizes were won by r. T E AD I The Dominion Government will their farma with up-to-date ma- Chas. Morris and Mary Lane, continue to pay the samne sub- chinery and equipment and to Ceci Henderson and Jim Curson. Y o ifirsidies on milk and milk producta make improvements that have -g during the 12 months beginning had to be deferred during war- May 1, as in the period May 1, time. iii * ( p .wrv Sleponigi 1944-April 30, 15, the Domin- The foilowing are the purposes Spoi ion Department of Agriculture for which boans wiil be available: neas of the blroat, garçle with two concentrated milk products and Newtonville: W. C. Lane & Ce Paradol tablets dissolved in water. Just millc sugar.. Tyrone: F. L. Byam. try Paradol the next tEmîe you have a ___________ Bowmanvllle: W. J. Berry. J. cold and we believe that you will be s W. Jewell, Jury & Lovell. W. J. well pleased. Parsdol does net disap- Soul has infinite resources with Bagnell, Statesman Office. point.a m which te blesa mankind,, and happinesa would be more readily Man courts happineas in a Sattained and would be more thousand shapea; and the faster D r h a e P r d o eure in our keeping, if sought he follows it the swifter if flies in soul.-Mary Baker Eddy. from him.-Tillotson. Lnd the best things in it can be protected by etory Bonds. )HOLU, THE BEST-VICTORY BONDS will protect your Victory Bonds, for a sinai Iacing them in its safes or vaults. Leave it any branch. You can obtain thein any time. marry to sell Victory Bonds to obtain moneylor lequirments. The Bank will readily accept 7s as security for Mans at low interest rates. IAN BANK 0F COMMERCE 664 WAND I-ELPING TO BRING THEM BACI( TO A LAND WORTH BSi PART AE3OUT ÀgmVICTORY BONDS BUILD CANADAS FUTUREI Every dollar ifivested in Victory Bonds is a dollar invested in peacetime te- morrow. Canadas prosperity is in our bands. By helping te ensure that, we're helping te repay the debt we owe the boys returning from overseas. There was ne unmit te, what tbey were willing te, do. Lets niake sure the saine can be said for us! JOHN LABAIT LIMITED London Canaida THURSDAY, APRIL 1M, 1945 PAGE TEN THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVIELLE, ONTARIO