With Which Are Incorporated The Bowmanville News, The Newcastle Independent, and The Orono News .g i h SnPalestine Chapter Ontario Election Date W.F gainr Holds Annual Advanced to June 4th tr of]"d1 Durham s Libeat CaoidatePremier George- Drew an-It D r a ý L b r lC n i a e Palestine Chapter, R.A.M., No. nucdo Monday that the On- 249, G.R.C., held its annual "Ata tario provincial eletinswxt H eave HO to Il, the date insly choen Icant estaon og ay Btahed!,toM Bwa Wth no other namnes placed in1 parties, r. ikr concluded on Friday evening. The guests afe'dllto 0 helgii n nspîe w ta study of Na- ther i gtbsmehgdep nomination, the choice of Liberal "shal e rst our affairs to them and members were welcomed by i tj c a n i d aeid a t er h a f on t y nurro n t n u e inof f iett e ii e d a nuE xrCo p .H.iFr g u o n n dsrs .w . . w -v 8 .t u r . R s d c i s o n a s t a k n a t u e ni a n w a c a d o b t t h e e r r o m a n r e a ofeî te ne ýý Federal election ta be held on ruaditration of Mackenzie Ferguson. About 100 sat down to 8th ..uuui TL a21 e rmeMnse ini u- existence of a Supreme Beng clîmt n rdctotebrs ej2une 11, agaîn fell to Wlbert King?" an excellent banquet prepared das lthe ae foholding thee Do- tarian tEd lBowmanaofkbeseknfoodthatcont Franklin Rickard, farmer of New- Mr. McNevin spoke forcefully and served by the St. John's Guild as___the____dathety aform castle, who has been the member in assurance that Mr. Rickard had under the capable direction of mene ta thios.obviutoial fRo uetrspCubermay, iwn h Bleshfedsovrwt.itt n continu usl1 sice 1935 The co- minc eetisos vit oi al f R outr speake r at Bin them a l- fevta ns m r ab d nt n th ventino wsheiin Orono.Theon won a place in the House at Ot- President Mrs. E. C. Southey. trickery of Mr. King was prepar- moral Hotel. Mr. Bowman's ad- trigun ojcue h pae veto a edi rn ontawa as an aggressive and inform- Following the banquet, Toast- The ever increasing support of Durham Couflty ed for The Statesman prior ta Mr. dress was on the subi ect of felt htsnetesuy0lia Hall, Tuesday evening, under ed member, who while not slav- master Ferguson extended a cor- Drew's subsequent announcement "Birds" and for an hour he held mins chairmanship f the County Lib- dial welcome to the guests and to these itr Loans lias even surprised its and it appears in this issue. It his audience enthralled with a scienit a ntm idti eral Association President, Gar- called for the following toasts: reflects the local public piio tdy hih hLditret him teoynirltnae. n this net Shields of Ida, Ont. Accredit- King and Craft; Grand Lodge, mot ardenit admirers. No one doubts that we oppesdfllwn r inifo su y ymc int est lna ed delegates were not assigned proposed by Ex. Comp. A. W. will cnineta allur fulli h until the decision with which ail leading commands most of his leisure be i dac fsine under the usual placards but conthutnund rpull weight t nexpers oloingOnr. Kein'mfom ears.l so andich osiva- rAl ntnto idlf a mringled with the general audi- cNorthcutethiland rresponded s ato by Rt.me enea noe ovninadEx. Comp. C. R. Spencer; The retfth i racd. et alareemet tion was: "The migration of birds youn F. C.se Hoar and responded taes proose by tExCop this 8th Victary Loan the old "heave ho"; so There could be no ather rea- is Nature's mast beautiful mys- knowwe ag adweet Mr. Rickard as their candidate. . Mr. H. Fedrguson e x ap eeyi et oysnable and logical course ta take tery. " He supported this with go? Te aetesm ots Highlight af the convention was MÉ.H egso.V.E.Cop vr unicipality i h County e Ready- than the one made by Mr. Drew bis amazingly fluent and inform- maketesmltos riea the resnce f Hn. Nrma A.L. W. Dippeli thanked the ladies in advancing the date. At every ed message. theirdsiaon Intlng f th rsneo o.Nra .of the Guild for a very satisfying Set-and ail Heave Together for the biggest hand the position taken was that this peoea Mpokeni ehaKfng Mr.bickn dacnoege-b Ms.Soth total yet ta da aur part ta put the finishing holding the twa elections on the President Geo. W. James told of drew tetoiatepe T spk nbhl fM.RcadBefore the toasts were abserv- touches to tyranny and oppression, and ta aedywul as na rant-g i the ulestPat r.Boma and reviewed the record of the ed aonfinute's silence was observ icle that a professor of Agricul- Culle rati 86 oeta goedrconfusionratha time when theareadingtin tseleucnvilleoChron- aeWaterfowl"dwrittenobyeWilliam governm nt ove the pat fiveed ouL ofrespect to the passing speed the day for the return of the troops. d m o h u h n c o sn e -tile r" owas tmade k nn Ft eris a s etrc'w rb en gv nt y e r s ls o h e p a tp e. w om poe h o u ld b ei a c o rd e d re - t u re w h o w a s a e k o n " F er- a c n u y a o N t s n e t e yeas. ls onthepltfam ws fMPresident Franklin Roosevelt.STIB resentatives at a most critical this mte fuern ntnt Bruce McNevin, M.P. for Victoria- MissLoaMle edteW OCarnntm neafis 0fbtOnri audience as a man full of his sub- H alihiu rton since 19 35, w ho in a l ck n m e r a ndM w ase r e sent eW O S S R K , C a r a i e i h f a r o o h O t r e t u d o m n w s n brief address paid fine tribute ta withya sitable gift. iDurham County War Fmîîaîîce Comittee and theDmnon. Nowtatsteect u d wa a .oa"aewadrn utntls" Mr. Rickard as a colleague in the The entertainment which fol- cIaensm dge efn and versatile, whose chief in- b hc uhhsbe ere House and whse return at the lowed included piano selections genalrei oeadesatisfactinex terests aside from business were in fligt ietososadtm p ols he c nf dently pr d c eby M s Jo n re n i d; v c l _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ presst d y M s o n G ee f e d o a e e a e i an s at s ate isin e of baseball, birds an d n ature study . ing. M s i d , e p c a l h Bteon t hSce ltarM. P. H. Itplssoumtsolo MsbMstAer rthur redot th vatestill so f Phe tar luhehd eveî yasstoma rsn ed ydy ih Orn, n Cr ias otWloObaapn ecttosPrelierM d 8 .heAnghthouss, elegaphand ele ý1. -trmetsoosb Mstr rhu couttha eirsisappro aafthe on Town Counc il, including 6 hazard ht1U huad r Hope, representing the Young by Mr. W. Stafford, Oshawa, Ve. -- --- architect of this dual-electaral yer a yo yr Liberals of, Durham. Ex. Camp. W. E. C. Wrkman was Board of Educ- - -. - - alsyotk tasnd hcPfi scheme. Bad fEucton i oy o hn ie.Rm adsom The program naà the added at _________________ the History of Basebaîl was some- it h ca ntewtrfih traction . of excellent musical W. F. Rickard Thecbmancefthe.ein a thing Colo owr o taltrit nmespoie yteCr pent in dancing and playing SO IA A DensO A date.of6 ruthers Quartet, Bowmanville, ishly olwn the part y line yet cards. Mr.o66 Bowman captured atten- andsanhveaspeieda and Miss June Shield, A.T.C.M., worked in the interests of hs con-Phn63 With Nie1Cth io at once by taking hshaesNa Ida, as soprano soloist. The ac- stituents and at the saine time_______________________ on a vicariaus trip GuIftfhMeico.Manygees hiierr igr Fhsadpeetv companist was Miss Helen Wil- held the wider national view. The The speckled traut season open- wbere he was born and raised andpon liams, A.T.C.M., of Bowmanville. speaker also touched on the BOWMANVILLE MEMORIAL Mrs. Johnson, Sr., Millbrook, bloom of health whmch is reflected ed on Saturday, April 14. Bow-, where be became inspired with But h raetmnc a j President Shields welcomned the socialist doctrines and quoted PARK OFF TO A GOOD START mother of Mn. Alex Johnson, in tbe annual gift of glorlous manville -enthusiasts assembled natune's mysteries by witnessing been mnwt uswohn clelegates and the guest speakers from the book "Make This Your lcsok llb97yasodo ldou hh hys ee-srettos iba icen teV'ofwdgeeheoke-frj and in a brief address urged as a Canada," and underscored it with Between 60 and 70 enthusiastic ABlcktck, w i inbe 97 y eaol o gl dr hdi tey g ner- uepituly n ack k srtitchens t he Vs f wilddeese, herat- w patroticdut tha ev ryon ta e reere ce t co diti ns n ad lts atte ded the irs meeing aprile5t. Shis infor h od health Mr.y tnder s.the C.edi toa e d w w r s a d atiiil fi s i gi pin n ala dt eh akeen persanal interest in the Australia and New Zealand and at the South Ward School on an nihe aae, atn n lgto wl ukmga-frlg, plmsadfr ee comîng election for stable gov- the sacialist expeiments there. Sunday, Apnil 15, in cannection Mrs. Robert Henry, cia Mrs. E. received word that their son, Fît. pnion ta sneaking forth, individu- of feathered fniends that came CnernigfrmteAci ernment was neyer so important He was confident of tbe return of witb the planning for the newîy Passant, received word that her Lieut. A. L. Ashton, R.C.A.F., ally in early dawn for their fav- and went in conformity witb the due 1osagtra etn lcs as during the next few years. the govennment and election of donated Town Park ta be located husband, Gnr. R. G. Henry, R.C. Ferry Command, bas arrived safe- orite pools and fisbing streams. seasons and the urge ta reproduc- Wilddcktoweeidagrf Minutes and finance of the Asso- Mr. Rickard. between Liberty and Duke Sts. A., (on active service) bas afriv- ly in England. Ahl were bent on getting tbe tion and survival. Close ta nature xi ciation we e p e e t d y Se r - H n Mn M L r y Pr em fic s w ere elected as ed overseas. M rs. A. J Reyno d, for enly 0 son. A l cam e hom e w itb fis b study w ild life in its natu al habi- me men t, D c s U l m t a tay P. I. Bentley, Millbrak. duced by M. Rickard as itra- follows: Chairman - Norman Mrs. J. E. Elliott received a cal Sauina, wbo as been in St. been formed inad the U.S.A.,'nd andonicio tht oysiner Th sriin cmmtte etrn tathewa agrduteo ootodAllisgn; Treasurer - Miss Ada on Tuesday from. ber niece, Miss Petersburg, Flarida, for some0f vry in eng tansesll om e tatin i bis wconictin o thboint enatoa ovnin a ed t e slae 0foffedices nelawyniersitfamndlyodie Haf a If was felt that the only com- from Hllywo, lonia weeenlsngrnea orTeStfs ed wtb he ecamendtio thf Unvenifyand sgode il, adsn Scetay-N. J. Scott. Inez Hcklingen route home months writes from there: Amn catches for masf were of mediacre of prafound importance. sacso h ht a' e lawy r, ormely f Meici e Ha, H yw d Pl rida wh re e cloing ene al f r T e Sttes pro ortons.Nam ng a vareproporetions.edi w h ic b m et w ith u n a n i- w bo bad c a mn e t a W in d so r, O n t., m i teunce sathnte h e e x s e as b e n p e di g t e in er m n. I a v f u n d if es ec al y ut tb r d o u ta le fi h e m a , h e etsheee t e pp e k ekerd s w n, he gr at w b te b e o n a n nedprvl alNchl aet civ scesadbcm meeti.ng would be a Clearance nestg down bere as its edi- "Dufch" Howard Halîman, f the haw variants in farm. and color thewapngcae a comýs aprhnva dd re is davig emb aher of peandmenTaenCommittee" ta cansist of Frank Sub. Lieut. Bill Hutchinson, toilt c.,esfinghgt aigo awith theYng ie resaln men- t Mn. in'Cabinet. bendCwe itr ef ,FedeHalifax, N.S., wbo bas transferred oiasethgbgtwafsg- Bowmanville Glave and Mitt Ca., denoted classifications genenally The ian, f nisic tint h inong ipe ad tb enainbethe M rtois Cofne Po adLutoi JVctr., Gare Clane ad fo teAi ocet teFle ng on in Ontario and Canada was as usual the man who foreign ta tbe casual student. 0f akin t idl eecnev eution sadannpeadhemurgeld e er tfoMinisrof PoLastan Joe Cooper. This cammittee 1Air Arm f the Royal Navy, spent -boggenerallyesrigo tehwk ny h rosHwktoi rsth m are ot loa]He urestab- bis presn sterof Secranod audelitte"epo'ohrbi makainlev as ek ress paper bere until May 3rd tbe week-end. Ratless and beam- attacked chickens. With detail he of the wie aeiprtv b hisbmed in ub oa Coun ty.M.H sate etwastavaueofmbranxious-to-heîp membens and re- witb bis mothen, Mns. M. J. su.ing, Monday monning, be called told of the feeding habits of many internainlmgatr avn Staples suggested that the time in the Cabinet Counil. mve al the ad fences and dlean utchinson. Trinity Women's Association ta the edtor of The Statesman: and thein destruction of insects tins wihcm ntm ape was at hand for each individual Mr. McLarty, speaking witbout up the grounds as much as pas- Miss Jean Pattinson, Women'sme iéteSna cho om ait." And wspe i you tcan beieve jt reyed uonpirdbuciesgmen etincin0 thrseis ta achieve as wide an undenstand- notes, proved ta be one of the realwsîb le r ead n frabldi ozerColiege Hospital, Toronto, was ZApr i 0, i h rgeW.fG.riceofiTheAdape in a psth copy un- icue For akttihdbuiessckMe .DEhgwt sa irtos îng of real issues as possible, arators of the tiines anin sweep-wic wilbenad(f 0 home Apnil l2th, the occasion be- a d r ircGein chane af pro- f Teae sman e re tree un- irbis adce w " oakectaseioc n. omatoleht b Aci difficult ta intenest good men in bas played in this war and the i fe aiu odsgetosgrandmother, Mrs. Joseph Pattin- pino. Salas Mere beauthy Th . nd sroe t b 6 aecaeratntureldass r enfa eodteAci Prior ta nominations an at- constantîy the concern 0f the name the park "The Bowmanville cihls copne yMs nce nlnt n ipdtol a mgn era nd fiedglsses, irclacsnd Ndh tani Meoil ak. ebrsi o Mr. and Mrs. Walter Manning, John James and Miss Arlene paunds exact ly. The next was an wamnies wbile renewing faith in Africa.Tesoesmirnwa tempt was made by an obscure ýiuackenzie King government. But Mmra ak.Mmesi aOshawa, Mn. and Mrs. T. G. Non- Narthcutt, accampanied by Miss 13" witb the otber almast ,S ntr n h niite." and uninstructed delegate ta bave he said: "If is not so much wbat te Park Club will be sold at $1.00 j4 natercammdntheamrow that bappe the meeting choose candidates for the government as done, the each and if was the general feel- aon and David, Locust Hill, Misses Helen Williams. Interestng e- large. These from a string of 16 Migration, according ta the from uptadm ndanz eletin utwn anovsecndelthreis mst go mucbta ol"in n the cou 2,0be sol ad hat bensbips DorotbyRihrsadN n pot e gv b crl e-piz baue ak ewe paer a ne ftegetigy bath Domiion and P ovincial credifbmutsgodtande peopleaand ingichol, Toronto, visited M r. and retaries. dawn and igh noon. You ask mysteies of the universe. Prim i- But t e ru y b oa d b m in wbo feitbu thatn seondheterors she mucauldoin he rs. W. . .Richards. where? Sa did we. The answertiemnwnedatheisp arse, the suggestion was not put ast stretch fa attain lasting peace w f e tha n heon se m mbrs mp Alce Ja ks n sm n St. Paul's W .M.S. Easter T ank D bird wasanmost remankabele 0f ail.d toa avote. Mn. Rickard's nomin- and security. The speaker alsorlmr ha n. bes lceJcsn Mison Bd Ofrn evc a edi a,"oadfn u"a Ofenngsevie asbed nthe a,"oadfn u"a uc pearance of birds and assigned ta A tbubsiebudeoenr, pucs etuenoApî 7b made tracks for the restaurant if mythical a n d supenstitiaus if blaze f a oubt ua audience standing ta pîedge com- ±ickand as a valued member 0 as many as passible. It was point- We bad caîl ta warsbip then ne- etMrs.fr W. H. Carruttheh cuss Ad a sil oner an plete support fllowed by rus- the ouse. ed ouf owever, that the member- sponse. Mrs. R. Slemon fold a, erte orei srvce M s easJ . what is the impelling force that stop ha cos50mlso h ing cheens. Mn. McLarty made bnief nefen- ship was anly a means of raising story. Mrs. Nelson Osborne read HH.Jr xlied the wBibilsrvce causes millions of birds ta camne watersofteMxcnGi.C- Expressing thanks for the bonon ence ta the "jackeying" for posi- the necessary funds, and that the another chapten of "Tommy Two- îesn and Mrs. W. P. Fletcher of- t n o ofdn fbt iso ldn that has fallen ta bim for the tion on the election date and quot- the a acii project, and for Wheels". Collection 52c. Tbank fereoderyn. Th offning edi-nd direction, fo meet and rear the spekrfuedotatf third successive time, the candi- ed part of Mr. King's statement inth benefit of everyone regardless offering 35c. We bad a game, catian prayer wsmd yMs r aeB hi on n efrnteraia date praceeded with an informed the House in reference ta the 60- of membersbip. then clased wîtb Benediction. Harold F wagson mae by res. AreTde F BorisC . tei o n dth pce ro h -foo e r anasadfihsTblemg and. able addness wbicb gave a day intenim. There was concern 0Tbe assembly was appreciative Mns. C. R. Carscallen af the intraduced the guest speaker, ~iaus theories stiil exist but many Africa, yedn ams ytna lengthy statistical review of the that advancing the Ontarivoef the beîp fa be received from Ontario Ladies' Cailege, Whitby, Mrs. J. V. McNeely of Oshawa, eit cusarno accepted saP Lions îua ad me Twn wa s~aen e - wo mmssonaryAmong the autstanding contri- as prabable. Seals, wlu n esfomd during the war years. He paid of thein full franchise. Praise Council; also ta Mr. and Mns. Fred Sunday morning service of Tnin- anw h bugta eu Onbtin ate perne of theffie fundamental causes their mtriasf tribut e ta the magnîfîcent confni- was accorded the gavernment's Amstrong for their kind ca-ap- inty United Chuncil. Woman's Camne Again," stressing the need buies rmises of Bowman- for migration, accarding ta au- latter cmn rmtodrcin bution of aur armed services, ta steps ta avaid inflation and the enation in selling ta the' tawn van- Missîonany Saciety, members of of missionanies, and of using aur ville are the changes recenfly thorities, is food supply. When ta meetndcosaBem aa the men and wamen of Canada an spirit of the Canadian people wha ous lots needed for the praject. fthe Mission Bands, C.G.I.T., Eve- given talents. Ms.Hrbn made by the F. F. Marris Ca. in winten comes birds leave for die and ne n euni fanms and in factories wbo bad sa bave accepted restrictions most Next meeting will be announc- ning Auxiliany and Affernoan soloist af Oshawa, accampaniecîter uea Cae.Bath he climes where food can be easily three ya ouny loyally sustained production af manfully. The speaker neve d ed sbortly wben mare definite Auxiliary atfended in a body. The by Mns. Peacock, graciausly sang extenior and interior present a abtained. But where na winten Len Elo oet iaefl the same fime giving their best ta the social legislat ion iewded plans wiîî be formulated and Easter Thank Offering for the by request "He Smiled On Me" vmew equal ta tbe mast modemn exists, why do fbey nef urn ta vote of hnsiecnesdb patriofic appeals and successive by the government witb particu- hen a report on those tbings Affernoan Auxîliary was $143.71. and for ber second number . befun nywbere in tawn an northern lands? The fheory 's had reaceb g bnads V i ctr y s L o a n. h h e - jar p r a is e fo r fa m ily a îo w a n c e s , a dre a d y a c a m l h e w ll b e C o n g r a tu la tio n s t a M . a n d M rs . A m e ic a , th e B e a u tifu l" d e d ic a f- cmya n teisu e o T h s ta fe s h t o e p p u a . a y w y O f c o u rs e of t s n u rm a en h i Fig res de lin wih he x- the w ble idea based on help as ma e k wn W . L. Virgin, Base Line, who b.. ed ta all Am erica in m em ory of t an ar e onpbafarap hs ofh na fural increase, tends ta m ake a prfou d i p e san id , h pansion of aur armed services, a nîght and nat as cbanify. s____________________ e air conditionedoosevectapel, the -foad scarce and migration norfh was surew. nn e o Army, Navy and Aifonce, were The speaker also dealt witb the versary on Sunday, April 15. In bers were beaufifully nendened fml loead ml etfns tenewseasnburti presented as proaf that Canada socialist proposaIs and the quali- War Veteran Speaks offering many happy retunns of and much enjoyed. The prs room and file furnshings indicate with life and nature's bounties. (Cnîudo aesx bas dane hem share under a wisç fies of leadershlip in the othen _ the day, The Stafesman wisbes derint tgeaciousaydtbanked the anaand amnitaaabalf-minprte cnenig oriOnBhaf0fM. n MsVign h cninfd rtss rm saw.vnwtfacomdaig+h-pb Al PpisofPuli ndHihScOOS i bie soy- pristr T. A.Kennedy, ilimself a Collectino ikpoues aa a reur n voat O oLr, wmaemy informed andi deeply ing ta Canada where ile naw gives * AlPpl iPbicadHgiShospressive than t sbnefstryrcTA-anrhaci antîcipatedci cmmodiy olsws aeef onta, wbase subjecf,, "The*Rela- concerneci wifh a probleni 'fiaf file benefifs of bis baffle expeni- Al Menibers ai Civic & Fraternal Bodies Mrvhn3 mmeso ie fionsan ilfi gien efecf fea-em Otaia am evceFrc1a fiinOf Pa1lestine and file Middle b as in file past receiveci but pas- ence fa soldiens in training af voeta 0mebr ft ery mnany 0f fgie rec o tmena-fetaiebo eiltani 94 h MaF.Y fa fil teReue abm, sive attention fnom file public at Camp Borden. Ail Congregafions af the Ohunches Gananaska Rebekail Lacge, 11 no afl aln ffl eot creafed an exedd Shr 'atgeneraîly wifh the minanity large. Ris mission is f0 creafe an Capf. Burness was employeci in _______ Port Hope, travelled fa Bowman- As evidence filat file govenn- courses iifn mcaiswr q5estion and paticularly wifh file infarmeci public opinion in a file engineering deparfmenf of Ti a ssnfae yteMyradCucl ville Monday evening fa confer ment was alive ta farm probleins establisild onyanclua Jewish problem and of Palestine matter of warîd importance andi Mafhews Conveyer Company, Ti alssncoedb th MyraCunl, degmees on twa candidates of filefile following instances of action cammittee eest pwdl as a national home for Jewisil is receptin af Rotary was in- Port Hope, from 1936 fa 1940. the press, the Canadian L'gion amnd the Ministeriai Beehive Rebekail Lodge 125, hee. are given, all of wiich subse- ver fl poicethnt o peoples. S a long as we perm it dicaive thaf is message will AbencatioVice ý Grand M rs. Jessie Tef- qatns of fi e Coms sieo n ici rfural istr ci nw(cric u minorifies andi races ta suffen un- reacil the ileants andi minds of al Mrs. Lamne Stevens bas refurn- Asoitinnob'ic Grand, Mrs. Mary Broai- qentofatheaComdiasireomnhci-ruralilos afcigancl justly, we must be prepareci fa wha ilear bim. ed affer spending a week in lock, Pasf Nable Grand Mns. Nana was set up on a non-partisan basis andi manyoriem ffr expecf canfinuing world canflicf Slaughter of Jews Montreal witb hem daugilfen, Citiens will be advised of the officiai announcement Smithl and Chaplain Mrs. Douglas andi made no prion releases. cnen and turmoil, was file opinion of Wif h sfirring infensify, Mm. Ruthl, wbo bas been ill. Miss b th iggofcuhbesblwgofatryutndlvrdterrsptveocr. the speaker Mowat toldof Hitler'chargesinwhievenfile atheruimemberstufaeprevenrgea seelethgrainesilarfage.o cammendafionsgraanpearinge inofile Mn. Mowat, wilo spake in bis afion fa eadicafe file Jews of as a nurse af file Children's whustles and the fire siren of file local chapter faak part in Rates of western feeci grain sub- report onwihgv nm fac capacify as Execufive Directon, (Contlnued on page 4) Memorial Hospital in thaf cify. perfanming file ceremany. sidies weme effecteci, tagether wifh i in was fkni cvne