,Ay, APRlL 1 9tli, 1945 Tfl1i CA AflAM ARAT U TMAff- - - fl>V'JL&N V JL NA I woooyear Co. ami Employees Contribute $2500 to Red Cross ,ed his ock ta andard North- Tilley, Rgg, T. nW. Los- home n left Wash- Il stay leason. Wood-. ocated Henry hburn .have There Mul- n era- Meet- ie ad- 'castie rch. Inlng- ed to ýe and L> tak- vacat- >f the been iright posi- urke- aunt- drew L. for G. Abernetiy ------- - 1.001IS. Broo--------------2 '»0 M. Lathangue ---- - 1.001 H. Bartlctt --- -------..-..... 3.0( iPRESIDENT RED C CROSS h.- This week we publish here- L. Stainton - ------- with the list of donations to the H. Masters .... - recent Red Cross drive received L adate------------ from the Goodyear Tire & Rub- L . Hadle -- - ber o. nd ts eploees Asj.'Hys--- ------- contributions, th Company H. Burgess -------------- donating $1,006 and the cm- D. Oliver --------------- - ployees about $1,500. The in H. Wright ------ ------- dividual contributions fallow: E. J. Foran - ---------- 0. Edgerton -------------- Goodyear Tire & Rubber G. White ------------------ Company ------------- $1,000.00 N. Tkatch -------- D. W. Armistead ---- 5.00 F. J. Evans ---- G. Heath ----------- --- 1.00S. Waikcr--- - --...------- C. Bell 0 E. Cryderman----------- C-0 . Bel------------------------3.0R-Bok- L. Leddy--------------------- 2.00 H. Pyc -------------------- G. Widdecombe-------------- 2.00 T. Hayes -------- ------ - G. Metcalf--------------------- 2.00 W. R. Williams .----------- J. R. Nichols----------------- 5.00 J. H. Dunn ------ ----- J. Grant -------------------------10.00 A. Falls ---------- - ------ J. Towner--------------------- 2.00 E. Lingard --------- ----- j~?.Gilmer--------------------- 1.00 E. Stainton ---------------- «V E. R. Wight --------- ---- 1.00 F. Armstrong --- ------ F. Neads ------------ 1.00 S. Luxton -------------- G. Doey ---------------------5.00 W. Heard --------------- E. Joint ---------------------5.00 H. Moorcraft -------------- T. Gouid --------------------------.00 A. Kilpatrick --------- R. Whiteficld----------------- 2.00 N. Cobbledick ----------- R. E. Noble-------------------- 1.00 Wm. Hamiltan ------------ W. Bratley- - ------ --2.00 F. Mitchell-------------- W. Therteli --------------- - -.50 C. Bîgciow --------.--- W. Milligan - ---------------1.00 F. Bottrell -------- ------ W. Bridgett ----------1.00 H. Crydertuan - ----- --- F. Stannard ------------------- 1.00 J. Nokes -------------------- J. A. Cole-------------------- - -5.00 Miss J. Crossman ------ F. Wllings ---------------- .50 G. Mutton -- -- Miss R. Wright-------------- 1.50 H. Ingram --------------- Mrs. P. V. Stapleton 1.50 R. Hetherington --------- W. J. Reynolds --------------- 5.00 R. Wilkins ---------- ----- Miss D. L. Bedford --------- 2.00 H. Collacutt ------------ R. B. Lonsbcrry-------------- 2.00 J. Coyle ------------------ Miss R. Reynolds----------- 1.00 H. Cobbledick ---- ------ miss. .Robinson-------- 1.00 M. Wiseman-------------- J. L. 8raharn----------------- 2.00 S. Gardon --------------- L. Nicholas ----------------- 2.00 Mrs. E. Cooper ----- ---- G. Webster-------------- 7.50 A. Brown ----------- I. Purdy------------------------ 5.00 E. Large ------------------ W. Shotter --- ----------- --- 2.00 H. Burgess - --- ---- - H. Moses ------------- ----- 2.00 R. Wray ------------------- L. Milîson ------------------ 5.00 -E. Gibbs -- ------------------ A. W. Pickard ---------------- 5.00 R. Clark - ---. --- ---- A. Mairs---------------- 2.00 Mrs. E. Cain - ----- H. Henning ----------- - -1.00 Miss C. Hutton ---- R. Sadler -----1.00 Mrs. J. Callan ------------- E. F. Peel ---------------2.00 0. Richmond -- ------ R. Clark -----------------. - 5.00 Miss D. Cook S. McAllistcr ------------ 1.00 A. Woodward -- --- J. Cawey -------------.------ 1.00 E. Little -------------- S. Little ------------------ 5.00 M. Henry ------- G. Fowler ----------------- - -.50 R. G. Harding- F. Williams --. ------ 2.00 H. Westnutt C. Hone --------------- -- 1.00 J. Coole -- J M. Liptay ------------------- 1.00 P. Chant-- H. Tabb------------------ 1.00 B. Barnett --- -- W. Hackney -------------- 1.00 J. Bird----- -- E. W. Crawford --10.00 W. Fice ------ - R. Poole --- ----------- 1.00 S. Young R. D. Mclntyre ---------- 5.00 C. Grcenham W. G. Pascoe .-- ---- 10.00 L. Kerr ----- ----- ------ G. W. Young - ------ -------500 B. Dilling --------------- Miss H. J. Wight ------------ 2.00 E. Hansen --------------- Miss G. M. Richardson -- 1.00 R. Churchill-- A. H. Osborne----------- 5.00 M. Hawley --------------- Miss L. R. Burgess 1.00 c. Hurley ------- ---- Miss E. S. Joilow ------------ 500 E. Doidge ------- A. Hurst ------------.---10.00 Miss A. Rahm - A. M. Hardy - 25.00 C. Samis--------- Miss M. Henderson - - 2.00 W. Bîakeîy ------------ - F.Nickerson 1.00 Miss D. Lathangue tisL. Marjerrison ---- -- 2.00 J. H. Cornish -------- F. Blackburn--------- 2.00- R. Aider -------------- - Miss C. Martyn 2.00 W. Ruiter ------------------ Miss D. Dudley 2.00 Miss E. Hoskin Miss R. Newman 3.00 W. Fowier F. W. Tuerk ------- -- 5.00 U. McAuley- E. Passant ------ 2.00 Miss E. Ruiter L. Moore - ------- - - -----200 G. Mason ---- A. Trimble ------------------ --- 100 H. Corden ----------------- R. Woodward----------------- 1.00 N. Allison ----------- ------ J. Thickson ---- ------ 1.00 A. 1. Colwell------ Wm. Patter ----- -------- 1.00 N. Wilkins - ---- Mrs. W. Fice 1.00 G. Vine --------------- R. McMullen--------- 2.00 R. Cale-------------- W. Mitchell 1.00 H. Corden j,----- J. A. Tait___- 2.00 A. Quinney -------- Miss D. Kilgannan -- 1.00 Mrs. I. McMann Mrs. M. Clayton-___ 1.00 Miss D. Mountjay R. Fry - ----_ _- 2.00 R. Morris 2 J. E. Anderson 3.00 J. Levitt --- - J. A. Gardon --- ------ 1.00 L. Farrow ----------- T. Wright ----------------- 1.00 E. Henning --------- -- L. Plain ---------------------- 250 W. Potter ------- --- G. Arper --------------- 1.00 L. Lonsberry ------- -- I. Williams .---------- 1.00 A. Mctcalf ----- ----------- - 2 Mrs. P. Tkatch --- 1.00 S. Cornish --- ------- Mrs. Hi Corden --------------- 1.00 C. Stevens -----2 H. Kelly --------------------2.00 W. Lonsberry 1 C. Cattran ---------------25.00 Miss R. Bate ----------- 3 E. L. Oliver -------------1000 Mrs. M. King 2 T. Gatchell ------ ---- 5.00 Mrs. L. Walker - -- Miss C. Colville 2.00 j. C. Samis - ----- . - H. Calmer -----5.00 Mrs. A. Clapp ----- -- 2 S. McMurter --------------500 Miss J. Hale -- .-------.----- 1 L. Dewell -------------- - -- 3.00 Miss J. Aider .---------- ----- 1 C. D.Searle------------- 300 Miss M. Hale ----------- 1 Miss E. Large ~-- 1.00 Mrs. E. Hear - --- 1 M. W. Lîttlcwood ---------- -2.00 Mrs. H. Couvier ---------- 1 D. J. Gilhooly ------ .. 2.00 Miss D. Goulah ------------- 1 R. Drummond .---------- 1.00 Mrs. M. Phasey --- ------ 1 E. Williams------------- 2.00 Miss D. Farrow ----------1 E. Mitchell --- ------ 1.00 miss m. Kennett --------- Mrs. Cowling ----------- - 1.00 W. Hutchinson------ Miss E. Yaung --. -- ~ 1.00 L. Wood ------------- H. Davcy ------------- -------100 E. Bagnell --------------- 1 M. W. Tamblyn ---------- -- 5.00 M. McDonald --------------2. miss H. Ruiter------------ --- 100 Miss M. Mulholland ----- 1 N. Yeilowlees ----------1.00 Mrs. N. Wilson----------- --2.1 Mrs. M. Bates ---------------- 1.00 Miss B. Rogers ------------ . Mrs. H. Porter --------------- 2.00 M.' Kanuch -------------- 1. S. A. Clarkec------------------ 1.00 W.' H. Nichols ------------- 11 R. S. Hall ---------------------- 100 C.* Churchill ------------------- 5. K.- C. Hopkins ------------ 1.00 Gn- se------- 2.00 1.00 .50 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 2.00 5.00 v 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.500 1.00 1.00 1.00 C. Bruce Hill, M.C. 2.50 Wcll -known St. Catharines, 1.00 Ontario, manufacturer assumed 1.00 office as president of Ontario Di- 1.00 vision, Canadian Red Cross So- 1.00 ciety, at the annual meeting in 1.00 Toronto on April l6th at the 2.00 Royal York Hotel. 1.00) Mr. Hill, president of St. Cath- 2.00 arines Branch, 1939-44, cornes of 2.00 a Red Cross family. Mrs. Hill 2.00 served with the British Red Cross 2.00 in the last war, and is today active 5.00 in Canadian Red Cross. A daugh- 5.00 ter, Mrs. L. G. McDonald, was 2.00 with the Canadian Red .Cross 2.00 Corps; her husband, Fît. Lieut. 1.0)0 McDonald won the D.F.C. Mr. 1.00 Hill's son, F0 Peter B. Hill, also 3.00 won this coveted decoration for 1.0)0 his part in the mine-laying opera- 2.00 tions which blocked the Kiel 1.00 canal. 2.00 1.00 Last year Mr. Hill travelled ta 1.00 England at his own expense to 1.00 obtain a first-hand picture of 2.00 Canadian Red Cross aperatians in 2.00 Great Brîtain. For the past two ,.()0 years he has been president- 2.00o elect of Ontario Division, and is 2.00( cmlnently qualified ta guide the 2.00 destinies af this arganizatian. 2.00 1.00i 1.00 C. Fisk---------------------- - 1.00 2.00 O. Hooper 1.00 1.00 B. Lawrencec- --- . - --- 2.00 1.00 Miss M. Burgess 1.00 2.00 Miss V. Ruiter--------.- 1.00 1.00 S. Hodgson 2.00 3.00 L. Patter ------- -- --- 2.00 5.00 J. McKelvey - --------- - 1.00 1.00 F. Westlake ------- - - 1.00 3.00 W. H. Thickson 10.00 3.00 J. Leddy ------------------- -- 1.00 1.00 W. Reid ------------------- -5.00 1.00 U. Alldread 1.0 1.00 B. Trimn.------------------- 2.00 1.00 *R. Bate ----- - 2.00 1.00 M. Moore ------------------ 5.00 1.50 R. Evans----------------- -- -2.Ob 1.00 A. Murphy 1.00 1.00 A. Nellan - -- 1.00 2.00 W. Axford ------ .50 2.00 T. Anderson 2.00 5.00O Miss J. Wright 1.00 1.00 K. Johnson ---- --- -- 2.00 2.00 Miss D. Thompson -- 2.00 1.00 A. Jones ---- -- 5.00 1.00 Mrs. V. Willis ------ 1.00 3.00 D. W. King 3.00 5.00 A. Dewcll ----- 5.00 2.00 H. McRaberts 2.00 2.00 Miss A. Gray 1.00 2.00 G. Dilling ---- - - 1.00 1.00 Mrs. M. Crossman 1.0 1.00 Mrs. O. Gilhooly 1.00 5.00 Mrs. T. Richards 5.00 1.00 A. Allin------- 3.00 E 2.00 j. Hills ------------3.00o A 5.00 S. Dewell ------ 10.00 T~ 2.00 K. Flint-- 2.00 M 5.00 H. Wakelin 1.00 E 1.00 S. Rummerfield_____ 1.00 G 1.00 J. Houck----------___ 2.00 P 1.00 G. H. Hodgsan 1.00 J. 5.00 Miss D. Young 1.00 H~ 1.00 C. 'Woodward --- 2.00 0 2.00 Ashton, June 2.00 Lý 2.00 Balson, H. R.----- 10.00 K 1.00 Cheetham, D. G. 5.00 B. 1.00 Dilling, F. A. 5.00 T. 3.00 Edger, W. A. 5.00 R. 1.00 Fagan, N. P. 1.00 J. 2.00 Grecnham, A. 2.00 E. 2.00 Gilmer, Gwen 4.00 J. 2.00 Goddard, L. D. 10.00 L. 1-00 Henderson, Jean--------- 2.00 S. 3.00 Jeffery, Howard. 8.00 L. 2.00 Kellar, Ken - -- -- 4.00 D. 1.00 Krichew, Lloyd ---- 5.00- 5.00 Large, Helen- ---- 1.00 2.00 Martyn, Carol ----- . 3.00 1.00 McMurter, Gardon F. . 2.00 .-00 Mitchell, Irene -.---- ------3.00 .00 Morrison, David R.--- ---. 10.00 .00 Needham, Harold G. ------- 3.00 .-00 Nicholls, Margaret ----- 2.00 .-00 Oke, Morley J -------------- 5.00 .00 O'Neill, Joseph--------------- 20.00 .-00 Osborne, Margaret.--------- 2.00 .-00 Parrinder, Evelyn ----------- 2.00 .00 Presson, Owen J ------------- 5.00 -00 Rice, Audrey E ---------- ---- 2.00 -00 Roach, Ernest O ------_ 4.00 .00 Spencer, William ------------ 5.00 .00 Vanslyke, Henry ---------- - -2.00 .00)( Varcoe, Elgin S -------------- 10.00 .00 Virtue, Merle ----------- 2.00 .00 Wilson, E. June --------- 4.00 .00 E. Bedford--------3.00 .00 R. Kennett -------------- 4.00 A9 G. Osmnond ---------------- 3.00 ary. 1&. Baker boarded a a and ln It jolted day al teri upper New York Stat,. He plonoofaia UOW&Y ai A. McNeil - ----- J. Roberts ---.--------- C. Henning ------------ - C. Colville -- - -------- K. Terry -------------- 1. H obbs --------------- C. Cathcart - ----------- M . Crook ------------ --- S. S tarr ------------- --- J. Taylor ----------- ---- G. Sutcliffe...........-------- J. Perrin ----------- ---- L. Kîlgannon ----------- N. Mortley ------- A . H one ------------- --- T. Donoghue K . K napp -------------- Mrs. J. Geddes --------- Reta Forsey -------- M. Cole -------- J. B em is ------------- --- A. Harness ------------- Dot Cook-------------------- D. Brooks ------------ ------ J. Fletcher ------- R. Fowler --------------- E. Geddes --------- ---- M. Wallace ----- -- ---- M. Welsh ---------------- B. Spencer ----------- D. Hoskin - ----- D. Ruiter ----------------- L. Kilgannon .--------- D. Ellwood ----------- J. Fraser ---------------- K. Irwin --------------- J. H. Johnston N. Luxton--- - ----- G . Trim --------- ----- H. Perfect G. Malley ----------------- K. Green J. Dunn------ J. Henderson - ---- T. Lyle ----- N. Sherba ---- U. Stephens -- - E. Wood - --------- D.. Kilgannon- M. Fisher -- A. Roberts K. Luxton .- -- M. Clayton ------------ E. Fisk -- _ _ E. Ramsbottom C. S. Mutton -- N. Wilcox A. K. Crombie L. Highfield J. Childs B. Fogg--- G. Purdy D. Hogan B. King H. Armstrang E. Jones-- E. Winacott E. Begley A. Brown -. - J. Smith___ D. Kube H. Hircock J. Rowe-____ D. *Taylor If. Stainton ---- R. Callan - ---- R. Hilditch --- G. Ferguson-_ _ T. Depew K. Butson --- G. Montgomery W. F. Purdy L. Kersey C. Vanstone- R. Hooper S. Bond B. Mutton' W. Goode A. Masters-- W. Johnson E. Phillips A. Milison .- H. Edmondson H. Luxton A. Stephens T.Connors W. Thickson E. Colwell G. Purdy F.Hooper ------ JPopovich E. McDonald D. Hamm ~ - L.Tabb----- K.Peters BKeller .. Shortt-- ------ F.Hilîs ---- - - --------- ?,. Cousineau ------. ----- F.Overy . Frances Henry- - Fow ler _.- ----------- Sharpe.------- i - 2.00 - 1.00 1.00 - 2.50 -CJÏ>hsand M 2.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 - 5.00 - 2.00 - 2.00 - 5.00 - 1.00to * 1.00 t 2.00 1.00 5.00 3.00 2.00 2.00à 2.00à 2.00c 2.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 e 1.00B 5.00 4.00 1.00 4.00 3.00 2.00 2.00P 2.00 2.00 2.50 10.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 Y -1.001 1.00j 4.00 2.00j 2.00 IE 1.00 ý 3.00 i 1.00 2.00 F 2.00 i 2.00a 2.00 th 1.00 ni 3.00 o 3.00 th 1.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 1.00 2.00YorP' 1.00 orPv 5.00 1.00 2.00- 2.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 Your Cane 1.00 2.00 3.00- 1.00 3.00 5.00 2.00 2.00PUBL1 4.00PBL 2.00 2.00 2.00 10.00 3.00 2.00 E. Sharpe ---------------- 1.00 E. Green --- -------- 2.00 C. Wakelin ----------- 3.00) E. M oore --------------- 2.0)0 A. Stevenson----------- 1.00) E. Bentley ---------------- 2.00 Mrs. Shane ------------- 5.00 D. Lyle ----------------- 1.00 E. Brooks ----------------- 4.00 Hr-Montgomery --------- 2.00 M. McPherson --------- -- 2.00 J. Major ---- 2.00 M . Taylor -------------- 1.00 V. Sharp --------------- 4-00 Mrs. Macnab ----------- 1.00 E. Shackleton------------ 2.00 D., M ahaffy ------------- 2.00 E. Roberts ------- ------ 3.00 E. Woodward --- ----- 6.00 J. Buttonshaw ---------- 1.00 J. Butson ---------------- 3.00 B. Stephens -------------- 2.00 G. Potter ----------------- 2.00 B. M utton - --- ---------- 1.*00 M .' Potter --------------- 1.00 D. Jackman.......------- --- 2.00 A. Wilson ---------------- 1.00 R . H illi ------------------------ 2.00 J. Buttonshaw.........-- 2.00 T. Buttcry -------------- 1.00 M. Connaghan..........------- 4.00 H. Ransberry..........------- 4.00 R. Westlakc -.------------- - 3.00 W. Tordiff -------------- 5.00 H. Hooper.............-------- 1.00 E. Bcrrill ------------ 5.00 F. W ood ------------- ----- 1.00 W . Stacey --------------- -2.00 W. Thetford ------------- 2.00 F. Thompson..........------- 5.00 E. Middlcton ------------ 1.00 K. Newman ------------- 2.00 C. Cole ------- ----- ------ 1.00 E. Gordon --------------- 2.00 F. M airs ---------------- 1.00 E. Barrett -------------- 2.00 G. Litovchik..........-------- 2.00 K.--------V---sna-- 2.00 E. Weisel --------.-------- 2.00 H. Gray --------- 1.00 M. Sellers ---------------- - - 2.00 L. Hobbs ---------- - ---- 2.00 D. Buchanan ------------ 5.00 M. Jackman------------ 2.00 1. Kilpatrick ------------ 2.00 E. M organ -------------- 1.00 H. Braithwaitc.......------- 1.00 M. Moffatt ----.--- -- 5.00 B. Lawrence --- - .------ - 2.00 H. Boyd ---------------- 2.00 L. Mutton------------------ 1.00 J. Cathcart -- - - .----------- 5.00 E. Geach ----- ------- 5.00 N. Ransberry ------------ 1.00 R. Parkin ------------------ - 2.00 M. King ------------------- 1.00 J. Mercer ------------------ 1.00 R. Pears ---- ---- 2.00 M. Wiseman ---- 1.00 E. Rahm ------------- 2.00 M . Brice ---------------- 2.00 2.00 1.00 2.00 2.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 2.00 -4.00 2.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 5.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 2.00 1.00 B. McDonald -.-- ---- 2.00 E. S. Wood --------- - 2.00 JL. Hilditch ------------- ---1.00 IL. Piper -------- 1.00 IW. Overy --------------- 2.00 G. Wolfraim 1 --- .00 Total - - -- $2,454.50 "How's ur Suburban Better Farms Club getting along?" "Not sa well. Same of the neighboring farmers have joined it and spoiled it."' During rehearsal of one of his plays, the French author Voltaire observed that one of the actors was Sound asleep in his chair. Fuming, Voltaire strode over to the man and shook hlm. "Wake up!' he shouted. "Where do you thing you are, my good man, in the audience?" __ I I 500 mailes. lcan bound. stage-coach day acrau wau a truc Ill. In 1845, Hugh C. Baker. a Hamiltan mathematician, was one of the. first Canadiens ta do more thon wish for security.for his f amily. But tiiere were no Canadian lii e insuranco companies, and no American com. panies operatinq in Canada. The office ai te ony British company hon. was in Quebec City - a long way ta go ta aeek protection. Roade were bad. and thene was only the. boginning ai a nailway. But Mn. Baker was a detorminod mon. To hui, iii insurance meant s3ecunlty for himaelf and bis lamily. Because New York was the. eafiost centre ta roach whene lite Inauranco was avait. able, lie set out-on horseback. L IFE INSUIIANCE lias d-. veoaped ia a groat lnetitu. doan because It has qrown with the growlng needa af aur POopie. The financial stability which it aflords has made it an essontial factar in aur overyday lhf, and a vital Instrument of social service through th, yoars. là u oi cifzenship le ovi LIFE INSURANCE A massage Irom the Lite Imus.rance Companses in Canaeda HO filnihOd hlt iourney by river steamer down the. Hudson. Ia New York, ho Iound lie Insuronco alroady a national force in the. United States. As a Canaan, ho resalvod ta, help bit awn countrvmen obtain the ai secunfty. Beturniag ta Hamiton ho, wltii a igw asOoclates, ongaaized th ii. flnta the Canadien lite insurance compenles. And ln th. 100 yeans ince Mr. Baker ploneenod protection of th. people by the. people ln Canada, millions of Canadians have onjoyod finoncial ecurity tiirough hf e insurance. 1 1 -- L 3+X -w -,. ______________________________ I vhich orary DO : Wlodx".5.0 DO~ T. c-------- 5.o )0 1W. McKay1.0 m'ailil t erscs - irmaii todd. AMessage from GEORGE DREW mil with Relatives and Friends Overseais RRANGEMENTS have been made b7 the Ontario Government for members of ail the AArssed Services overseas ta, vote in the caming Ontario clection by placin a ballot in a ballot box for the candidate of their awn choice. The arrangements whic bave b Cen completed for tbc Ontario vote are the best which have yet been made for any Active Service vote. The Govertiment, however, cati only make the arrangements for taking the vote. What is equaliy important is -that those who are overseas know tbe nasse of the candidates, the party they are suprting and bave a sufficiently clear picture of the issues ta decide how they should oe hat cati only be done if those at borne supply thess with information. ayIstrongly urge every wife, mother, father, sister, brother or friend of those overseas ta Write and tell thess ail they cati about the cossing Ontario. election. By clippin s f .rom newspapers by editorial comment, and by personal explanation, a clear understanlîng can be given ai what is really at stake in this Otario election. One ai the things which will cause the greatest difficulty inthe minds af those averseas, particulanly those who live in large cities, la ta determine wbich Riding they live in. Maps wiil be available, but even the best ssap sometimes leaves doubt wben the voter bas been away rmhm o ogtse ra atu in so many cases bas neyer voted before ris diffidlty will be increased becaus 0f the dference between the boundaries ai Dominion and Provincial Ridings. [ would suggest that you write immediael, b admi, toall with whom ou arc ini coin- nunication and tell them the Riding ini which they live and give them wIlaC information yau cati about the part>' and the candidate la the Ridiag where the>' are entitled ta vote. 1 should mention that ever>' member of the Armed Farces averseas of an>' age is entitled ta rote. The>', above ail others bave the right ta vote. The>' have preserved for us that free !ystem of Governssent which depends upon the choice ai aur own representatives. Our ob here at home is not on>' ta make sure that the>' have the chance ta vote but also ta do !verything possible ta makre sure that the>' are able ta vote with knowledge ai the real issues in the election. For the sake of convenience, 1 am suggesting that yau simp>' eut aut this message and addrest it tasomeone averseas giving the inormation required. Each ancof us here at home bas a responsibilit' ta help them ta choose the Goveramsent which will have so much ta do with their future in the years ai peace. May 1 again urge you ta write at once, by airmail, lot only ta those closesîta you but ta as many> as yau know in any ai the services outside of Canada. Tell them what Provincial Riding the>' reside in ai hasse--shen the nasse af the candidate and any iurther information you can supp>'. Yours sincerel>', mlnclal Riding la 5Dv6 ididaf. ls SHED BY THE PROGRESSI VE CONSERVAT-IVE PARTY OF ONTARIOI * I :j 1 ] THE CANADIAN STATPSMAX lit('%UTUÀWIM-T-v e%?jrrAvlrÉ-% - de -Êaà." d