I. Victorian Women's Institute met at the home of Mrs. A. L. Bailey, April 18, witb 19 mem- bers present. Scripture was read by Mrs. E. Dorrell followed by prayer by Mrs. A. Bailey. Rol cail was answered by health hints. Mrs. Percy VanCamp's group gave the follow'ing pro- gram: reading by Mrs. Archer, "History of Adjustments"; read- ing by Mrs. A. Bailey, "Thank God for the Country"; songs by -Mrs. J. Wright, "Keep on looking for the bright sîde" and "Whisper in the Air"; readings by Mrs. F. Trewin, "Bread Crumb Recipe," and "Hello"; reading by Mrs. P. VanCamp, "True and Loyal Friend". Arrangements w er e made for securing a new care- taker for the park as Mr. Hooper has resigned. Mr. and Mrs. Small, Toronto, at Mr. and Mrs. L. Mountjoy's. .*' Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Bailey en- itertained the Anglican minister, Rev. Bothwell, Toronto, on Sun- day. Mr. Sam Jeffery with Mr. and Mrs. C. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Elgin King, Osh- awa, with bis aunts, Mrs. R. Bruce and Miss May King. Rev. Mr. Bothwell will be preaching in the Anglican Church for a month owing to the illness of Archdeacon Simpson. Lois Larmer was home from Peterboro. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Swain and boys with Mr. and Mrs. O. Carley, Cavan. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Clare Vernon (nee Janet Swain) on their marriage Saturday, April 14th. The Norden bombsight is said to be 40 times more accurate than a watch, but one of them would look queer on' a man's wrist.- Indianapolis News. General Merchant Blackstock Blackstock, Ont. W.P.T.B. Flannelette, white, No-Nap ..............19c yd. PEAS, choice quality ................................ 2 tins 25c Jewel, Easifirst or Domestic Shortening ................19c Maple Leaf Toilet Soap -....................................10 bars 39c Iodized Salt, 2 lb. round boxes ..................... 3 for 23c We have finished Painting and Cleaning our Store,' You are invited to corne in and look around Breslin's. Cadnius A very enjoyable evening was spent at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Ginn, April 6, when about one bundred relatives, neighbors and friends gathered to celebrate with them their 25th wedding anniversary. After a pleasant intervai of cards and dancing, the chaîrman, Mr. Roy Pbayre, asked the bride and groom of twenty-five years ago to take chairs in the midst of the gathering. Miss Marjorie Gal- braith read a suitable address and Mr. Ronald Ginn presented bis father and mother with a cabinet of silver. Mr. Ginn made a fitting reply, thanking ail those present for the lovely gift. Lunch was served and a sociable time spent. Miss Crystal Fallis spent the week in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Merwin Mount- joy spent Sunday in Oshawa. Miss Eileen Hyland has gone to California to see her aunt, Irene Hyland, wbo is very sick. Miss -Hickling spent the week- end with some of her friends. Mrs. S m i t h Ferguson and Collette and Mrs. A. McGill at- tended Cadmus Church on Sun- day. Mrs. Courtice of Pontypool is nursing Mrs. Hyland at the pres- ent time. Nestieton Visitors: Mrs. John Williams and Edward at Mrs. Dan Black's ..Mr. andMrs. L. Joblin at Mrs. George Johns'. .. Miss Jean Mal- colm, Providence School, witb her parents. . . Mrs. Melville Tracey and George, Eimvale, Mrs. R. M. Hoskin, Janetville, with Mrs. Har- old Wbeeler. .. Mrs. Weldon Neal, Victoria Road, with ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. John 'Proutt. .. Miss Ethel Thompson and Mr. Henry Thompson attended the funeral of Mr. John Nesbitt at Bethany... or Ladies' 1Coats REGULAR TO $25,00 $1495)f Frorn our large choice of ladies' coats, we have selected these beautlfully styled and well made coats for quick disposai. ln the lot are f lecked tweeds, dressy tweeds, blues,, sand & rosy shades, and the regular selllng prices were frorn $19.95 to $25.00. Bowmanviile Mr. Frank Jackman with friends in Toronto . . . Mr. and Mrs. George Johns and Billy with Mr. and Mrs. Percy Preston, Lifford ..Mr. and Mrs. Victor Malcolm with friends at Yeiverton. . . Mr. and Mrs. Harold Nesbitt, Garry and Ross, Bowmanville, with Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Porteous. . . Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Cook and Mrs. Cook, Sr., Brooklin, Mr. and Mrs. Neil Malcolm, Blackstock, with Mrs. Stanley Malcolm. Bradley's 'Communlty Club The Community Club met at the school, Friday evening, April l3th, with about 50 present. Meet- ing was called to order with Mrs. A. Prescott, president, and Mrs. E. Cryde r m a n, secretary, in charge. The president read a number of quotations in tribute to the passing of our neighbor, President Roosevelt. Ail stood with bowed heads while Mrs. Cryderman- played softly, "My Country 'Tis of Thee". Treasurer's report showed a fiee balance. Plans were made for our annuai picnic to be held at Kiwanis Camp. Program was in charge of Mrs. J. Smaies and Mrs. C. Naylor, and consisted of a fine piano solo by Miss Ruth Robbins, Zion, a duet by Ruth and Mrs. Chas. Naylor; a very instructive talk by Miss Myrtie Hall on "Training of the Pre-School Age and School Age Child". Miss Hall empha- sized the fact that if the young child is taught the principles of obedience, honesty, right living life at school is easier both for bis teacher and himself. Follow- ing Miss Hall's tbought-provoking discourse one of our pupils, Jean Montgomery, rendered a lovely piano solo. Meeting closed with God Save the King, followed by a contest, lunch and the usual social hour. We were ail pleased to have with us for the evening Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Naylor and family, Columbus, and to wel- come to our club our new neigh- bors, Mr. and Mrs. Knox and two littie daughters. Union, Darlington Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. George Lee, Mr. and Mrs. Don Lee and Wayne, Oshawa, and Mr. Harry Ferguson at Mr. Walter Fer- guson's. . . Mr. and Mrs. Fred Griffin at Mr. Roy McLaughiin's, Nestleton. . . Mr. and Mrs. Bert McMullen and family, Janetville, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wright and Joyce, Oshawa, at Mr. Russel Mc- Laughlin's . . . Miss Jean Mc- Laughlin, Miss Ruby and Celia Griffin at Mr. Fred Samis', En- f ield. .. Mr. 'and Mrs. William Mc- Laughlin at Mr. H. Murphy's, Pontypool. Starkville Visitors: Miss Hazel Reid, To- ronto, at Miss Norma Hallowell's ... Miss Deckbard and Miss Scott in Toronto. .. Miss Hazel Farrow, Newcastle, at Mr. Howard Far- row's... Mr. and Mrs. H. Harring- ton and sons, Toronto, at Mr. Jacob HaUlowell's . . . A. Dobson in Bowirianville . . . Miss Norma Hallowell and Miss Hazel Reid, Toronto, and Miss Deckhard at Mrs. Wilfred Wood's. .. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Carson in Bowman- ville. Art McKay at H. Barrow- clough's, Wesleyvîlle. thanks of the meeting to Mrs. Fletcher. Mrs. K. Hull, accom- panied by Miss Joyce Luxton, sang "The World's Prayer" which was greatly appreciated. The stubborn factor of human nature can change. "Or would you rather be a mule?" Ebenezer W.M.S. met April 10 iri the Sun- day School room. The meeting was in charge of Mrs. R. Gay, Miss A. Hoît, Mrs. W. Nicholîs and opened with quiet music by the pianist, Mrs. C. Worden. Cal to Worship by Miss Louise Os- borne, president. It was decided to have a salvage collection of metal, rags, paper, the first week in May. Overseas boxes are to be packed soon 'and Mrs. Cecil Found, Mrs. A. J. Gay and the president are the committee in charge. Worship service was led by Mrs. R. Gay, assisted by Mrs. W. Snider, Mrs. E. Werry, Miss A. Hoit. Mrs. G. Annis sang "In the Garden". Two stories were taken from the study book by Mrs. K. E. Courtice and Mrs. Gay. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Sinclair, Oshawa, with Mr. and Mrs. C. Worden. Pte. Gordon Brown, Kingston, with Mr. and Mrs. J. Brown. Miss Mary Wilkins, Oshawa Hospital, Mrs. Gerald Balson, Jerry and Ann, Miss Dorothy Pingle, Hampton, Pte. Harold Wilkins, Ipperwash, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wilkins, Janice and Marlene, Mrs. W. Brown, Nancy and Vir- ginia, were entertained Wednes- day evening by Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gay in honor of Pte. Har- old Wilkins who bas been on leave. Congratulations to Allan Tre- vail, R.C.A.F., and Mrs. Trevail (Ella Baldwin) on their marriage. Zion Visitors: Mr. W. Murphy, Lind- say, at Al. Ayre's. . . Pte. Ray Gifford, Newmarket, at *Harold Gifford's .. . Mrs. Wm. Hazziuk at Toronto . . . Mr. and Mrs. Alex McMaster at Ralpb Glaspel's, Ty- rone. . . Mrs. Milton Robinson and Master Joe Robinson, Osh- awa, at Henry Ball's. . . Mrs. Chas. Naylor and Mrs. J. W. Mc- Master attended a tea at Mrs. T. J. Gordon's, Oshawa, for Mrs. Harry Moore, Trenton... Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Stainton and Eileen at Hansen Richards', Oshawa... Sgt. Jas. McMaster, Barriefield, at Alex McMaster's. .. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fiintoff, Ronald and Patsy, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Cochrane, Betty and Marlene, Courtice, at Wes Cameron's . . . Mr. J. W. Stainton bas returned to bis home in Winnipeg. .. Leonard Morgan, Toronto, at Mel. Morgan's. .. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Gerry, Oshawa, at Gerry Glaspel's . . . Alf. Ayre at Tyrone on Monday ... Mr. and Mrs. August Geissberger and fam- ily, Harmony, Mrs. Burkhalter, Brampton, at Hans Geissbergcer's ...Mrs. Dorothy Iverson and Vernon, Oshawa, at N. Hercick's ... Donald Downs bas started to work at Alex McMaster's. .W.A. met at Mrs. Garnet Beckel's. There was a fair at- tendance. After the usual busi- ness the foilowing programn was given: reading by Mrs. Chas. Catbmore, "If Easter Be Not True"; Miss Lois Glaspell gave an Easter story; MVrs. M. Morgan read "Two Easter Legions". Mrs. Beckel and bier group (Mrs. T. C. Glaspel and Mrs. Alex McMaster) served a delicious lunch and al enjoyed the social time together. Masters Jimmy and Ralph Bur- gess, Kedron, at Wes. Cameron's. Wedding VASEY-STAPLETON A lovely Easter marriage was held at Whitevaie United Church parsonage on March 3 lst, when Betty Eileen, oniy daughter o! Mr. and Mrs. Wmâ. Stapleton o! Clarke, was united in holy bonds to Private Lennox Vasey, son of McNicoll. The ceremony was conducted by Rev. J. McLachlan, formerly of Newtonville. The bride wore bier travelling suit o! turquoise blue with matcbing topcoat and black accessories, also wearing the groom's gif t, a beart- shaped gold locket and corsage of deep rose carnations. After the ceremony the happy couple motored to Hamilton and Niagara returning by way of Port McNicoil to caîl on the grooms parents. For the present the bride wiil reside at home while the groom is at Brampton con- valescing from injuries received in France on August l3th, 1944, awaiting bis discharge, after which the 'couple plan to make their home at Port McNicoll. The best wishes of Newtonviile com- Combining the dignity and at- mosphere of a churcli with the quiet and comfort of a home, the air-conditioned Chapel, to- day is one of the finest of its kind. The Faxnily Alcove of our Chapel permits the family to participate in the service i pri- vacy. When the funeral is held froni churcli or home, the reposing roonis offer an ap- propriate setting where friends nIay call and visit with the be- reaved family in quiet, restful surroundixigs. The Faniily Roois 1'n conjune- tion with the Morris Chapel of- fer many facilities like the wel appointed Slumber-Room shown opposite. Air-conditioning sum- mer and winter - separate rest roonis for ladies and men- organ music if desired - tele- phone and telegraph service - cars at the disposai of the fam- ily from the tume death occurs until internient is completed - use of the Morris private vault when interment is delayed - all these facilities are provided as a service to our dlientele. There is no extra charge! Ambulance Service As Mr. Morris' living quarters are in the building, the public are assured of someone being on the premises at ahi times and of personal service being immediately available. The preparation rooni is inspected and lie- ensed by the Prov. Dept. of Health, modern, sanitary and completeiy equipped, its facilities are at the dis- posal of the medical profession when required for post- morteni examination, autopsies or coroner's duties. In professional ability, Morris Co. staff hold the highest honour licenses in Ontario. F.F PHONE 480 - Day or Niglit We Offer The FINEST In Ambulance Service Complete with First-Aid Equipment-24 hours Service The reputation F. F. Morris Co. has aoquired for in- tegrity and fair-dealing lias been built upon sound values in merchandise-upon personafly conducted service and upon the fact that they impartiafly serve the needs of ahl people, regardless of their financial cireumstances. Ju.dged on a comparative basis, con- sidering the equipment, quality of merchandise, train- ing and ability of our staff, Morris Co. have in the years past, and will continue in the years ahead, to supply the finest in funeral service at the lowest prices in Ontario. MORRIS CO. Funeral and Ambulance Service BOWMANVILLE THURSDAY, APRIL l9th, 1945 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE FIVE Do Your Shopping -AT - Alex. Gilbert's Music - At ail Morris Chapel services if desired, by leading organists, on the fine Minshall Electrie Organ. The carefully planned expansion that lias resulted i the new Morris Fuixeral Chapel as it appears today, has been made possible by the splendid confidence reposed ini our organisation for over 60 years. Ip. U Cet Your Coat NOW $14.95 MKI. Il - a- -mmmw The eMorris Funeral CIiapel Providing Durham's Finesi Funeral Facilities, Completes its first year of service to the community Clearance SALE PAGE FM THURSDAY, APRIL 19th, 1945 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO