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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Apr 1945, p. 6

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PAGE SIX THE CANADIAIq STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO TTmRSDAY. APRIL l9th. 1945 TRINITY YOUNG PEOPLE'EJ UNION An interesting and profitable, discussion on the Bible took the place of the topic at Trinity Union Monday evening. In the absence of Christian Fellowship Conver- er, Dorothy Bedford, the program was conducted by Doris Dudley. Allan Lobb, accompanied by Joan Woolley played two excellent vio- lin selections. An inspiring wor- ship service on the theme "The Bible" was presented by Marion McDonald, Doris Dudley and Helen Pritchard. Business period wvas conducted by the president. Arline North- cutt was appointed acting trea- surer for the balance of the year. The Christian Missions group, DLi PA: su] col ALI DR JI!1 FLI NrI Conce 2-0z. BtI. 2-lb. TOI PEJ TOI CUT ( SEl ci 25 Pu IL TEJ WEI Sm FRl E GI> TOP. LEIq CEL CAB CAB &CK TEA FLAI LNOLIVE SOAI [PERSUDS P RNf CHOICE L BRANf KELLOG< ODIES FLOUR mmyRENNET 78 ZU ROBINHOOD Mil DOVRIL I ,ntrate Cordial 39e -5oz. 39e EKNIST CRI IONEY iOC an46e IVOý ý 1 PUE MÀATGES HIE' A s STANDARD 20-ow.' &. JUICE MIINCY GREEN OR WAX uEs 2y DAN DEE EDSFI Ower or Vegetabl, HANGE NOW SOLEX LANPS !.40.60 WATTr Each 159 teaks o )RTERHOU!, INELESS R( aADE RGASI [GRT RIB RI ICK RIBIISK RELESS STEW]1 'L FRONTS0' :INEES,Sknes MNON STEAKS, Mil COD FILLE ?LPEFRUIT, ed MATOES, EIA miNS, CALIFORNI, ERY STALS 1BAGE. res RROTSI TEXAS, Fre NATIVI ONI( NATIVI cuci NATIN P OO Oeae yTh ra Foley will be in charge of the Newcastle À1S ln a l r meeting Monday night. Rev. H. _ _ a l rv Im e e o e C. Linstead is to be the guest Mrs. Stanley Brown entertain- Mr. and Mrs. Don Yonson, Osh- Miss Louise Foley, Fimshawap d FI IE - speaker and all young people are ehebrdecuThrayeeawhvpucae frm teHsiaasufcenyrOver-wa invited to be present. aa avning.dfon h opiaha ufcinl e vr1Bottle Mrn. adMs relne n estate of the late Geo. White the ed from hier illness to be able to BbyPwe Th fststlngditac nn-chMre nd To ronoent endhouse and lot in the village and spend the week-end at home. BobblPowdCaNas sThp fligtedîaondancenup -the weekend wThro nto is. WalheIrwill take possession the end of the Visitors: Misses Frayne, Anna, Pins5 PuffsFleCa, so lgtdaoal ptewe-n ihM.adMsWa-month. Dorothy Johns, town, with their 5e-10c lOc 10e 2 for 25c North American continent was ter DeLine. M.A .Pso teddasseMs alc udy mroe SacntDiego, aplinflontoC albot rsead athei s luncheon at the Chateau Hotel, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Wilkins, Court- NYAL CREOPHOS frmSnDeo aiona oCalteGa iie hi i-Cobourg, Thursday, when Mr. ice, with her brother, Mr. CecilAnielSru nc Montreal in 10 hours and 44 ter Betty at the Sick Children's Graham Towers, Governor o! the Jeffery. . . Mr. adMsCadeA n StealBronil ough minutes. Hospital, Toronto. Bank of Canada, delivered an ad- Tucker, son Roy, Mr. and Mrs.$10 bottie Mr., and Mrs. Hogg and little dress on the mon ptary situation in Omar Chishoini, Shirley, Stirling,$10 Twenty-five Canadian warvt son, Toronto, were guests of Mr. Canada and the gth Victory Loan. at Mr. and Mrs. Roy Metcalf's; I Wrlting Pads 10lc, 15e ern r akn o re es and Mrs. W. F. Rickard. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Parrinder they also accompanied Mr. and Envelopes.---- 5c, 10c, 200 easarn ing More in Rssn Miss Doris Allin, Toronto, vis- have purchased the. property of Mrs. Roy Metcalf and Mr. Ross WateItman's Ink 15c, 25e br MarcLeidrcoo!ited hier parents, Mr. and Mis. Mrs. R. J. McKessock and will Metcalf to Oshawa to visit Mr. Wake up yeur IIv.rj ---- -- 5 brMarcLeidrcoofIrwin Allun. take possession soon. and Mrs. Bruce Stephenson.. . deanse yew system; Waterman the school, did dress designing inl LAC Gordon Garrod, RCAF. PRESERVES AND Mr. and Mis. Clifford Allin and Mis. Walter Foley, Hampton, fell f illltiefit by Pens $3.57, $4.17, $5.95 New York before coming to Mont- Rockcliffe, was home for the DECORATES family have moved here from, visited her son, H. R. Foley, and -oieFR H A real. week-end. Hampton, having leased the farm other relatives. Petty Officer Fred Couch, R.C. Use Flo-Glaze "Canada's of PO Howard Milison, R.C.A.F., Mrs. J. R. Metcalf, Mr. Thos. Fic___po-- 3c 9 N.V.R., Toronto, spent the week- BEST" Overseas. Sode Mrs. H. G. Frea at- Fitch Saoni ------ 45e,989e end at his home here. The Y.P.U. membei' w e re tended the funeral in Oshawa, on E * O S Fitch Hair 011.--- - 15e, 25C Pte. Donald Burley visited Mr. or guests of Hampton Union Friday Tuesday of their cousin, Mr. Wes Brylcreem ------ 25c1, 49e j S *lIle] and Mrs. Lewis Clark. Old Colony - a reliable evening. Lee of Kedron. "FRUE I T SA LT"o Vitalla----------- -54c, 99e 15ý visited Mr. and Mis. F. Ferguson Columbus, at Bruce Tink's. . . Sunday with a good attendance. 014I Cocoanut 011 at Hampton. Paints, Enameis, Varnlsh Mr. and Mrs. Everett Elliott, Mary Oui pastor gave a special mission- m's1.0 Shampoo ---- 25c, 49e L!Cpl. Carl Fisher, Montreal, Stains, Varnish, Shellac and and Barbara, Bowmanville; Mr. ary sermon, as the chirspcil a ...0 spent the week-end with his fioo wax. and Mrs. Bryce BronOshaawoacoirskncîang. K emiHaT Tne59 mother, Mis. Laura Fisher. with Mrs. R. J. McKessock. . . As the Victolry Club had not L rI'q 29 do Flight-Sergt. Sam Cowan, R.C. For furniture, wood work, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Lester, Osh- been able to meet this winter Sloan's------------313e, 63C Mr.,ws. heifoCgr yw Ae-ta., walls, ceilings and floors. awa, at A. L. Pascoe's... Mr. and owing to weather and road con- NyaI White who s at e sentod visirtinhe Mrs. Douglas Flett and Murray, dition, it was decided to canvass Liimn ---- 25e, 50e wh sa'sre tvsiingrnowa High Gloss - Velvet f inish Mr. Chas. Burke, Raglan; Mr. and the community, which was don boine Jr- 98e, $1.95 KL31ç: guest o! hier sisteî-in-law, Mrs. or filat and Mis. Carl Wilbuî, Alan Wil- received so far for the packing o! 1ELLOW George Crowthers.____ bur, Oshawa, at J. R. Kivell's. .. boxes, and the sending of cigar- Mr. and Mis. Albert Pearce and Mr. and Mrs. Neil Yellowlees and ets to some 20 boys o! this coin LOW PRICES : bchildren spent Sunday in Toronto. *u î. Carol, Tyrone; Mr. Archie Cation, munity whoar vse.Th 0 OWN Ilà. 59 The winners at the card paityJL IL Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Victory Club held their frtcr 0 ...&C---- 9 50 given under the auspices o! St. J. N.JEEE Hockaday and Evelyn at N. C. party this year on Fîiday evening Lactogen -------69e, $1.59 VOURFUL George's Church Evening Auxil- Yellowlees'... Mi. and Mrs. Ivan when $9.15 was îealized. The fol- cakes Cutieura P e ile 3 Clakesar to raise money to supy4BIG 20" 10itPebr, at . C. Ye- l officers were elected: Past Soap ------------- 65e S2Ck. Ca ke231 milk t he ned hlrni PHONE 55t lowles' an JhnKnox's.0... i . -See Jeffery; Pres.-H. Iron and Yeast Tabs 69e ___ teg. A Giant38 Europe, and which was held in L and Mis. Glen Hoskin and Dai- R. Foley; Sec'y-Treas. - Mis. ýkg. 24e' Pkg.38 the Parish Hall, April llth, were: leen, Oshawa; Mr. and Mis. Alan Wallace udy Pinex -------------------- 32e 2 -T izs 23e bridge, Mis. Stanley Brown and______________ McKenzje, Lorraine and Kathryn, Paimolive Soap 2 for Ilc * fSRev. Douglas Dewdney; consola- Columbus, at Ralph Davis'.. . Pte.. Pinkharn's Comp. --- 87c G' - Large Pkg. 0 tion, Mrs. Emmerson Fisher; Jerry Millson, Brantford, at home. Newtonville 2e "500", Mrs. Harold Couch and Htaycion ______ SELF3lb Mr. George Crowtheîs; euchre, TREAT SEED GRAIN vg RIIG Pkg.Mis enfcan MrE.B- Two more o! oui boys, Glenn H.JamptjJ on gathered in the Community Hall ,%¶, 9 . - 'le~I 1 car, consolation, Mis. Frank hmsnadJmsGhmthorou ms ectbie Ceresan ---- $1.10, $3.50 7A-lb. 24< 24.b.Branton. FThompson ando James-G-aha25 7-b ag lbq7<YPU nisr have joined up in the service o! -Visitors: Mis. W. Rackham with and groom, Pte. and Mis. Lennox Fral,1 z- 5 LD - - - l.The Young People's Union, their country. friends at Markham and White- Vasey, (formerly Betty Staple- ILDNewcastle United Church, held Roy Graham, R.C.A.F., has been vale. .. Mi. and Mis. A. E. Billett ton). Mi. Wm. Laing was chair- 779 I their anniveîsaîy services on piomoted to L.A.C. with Mi. and Mis. Fred Billett, man for this pîogram: piano Phione fU fl IPC lD We Fit i Sunday, April 15th, with special Pte. Jack Potts is back in ac- Scaiboro Bluffs. . . Miss Audrey solos, Mis. Archie Brown; ieci- 695s UUVL ING'S URUU UIUUL Trusses i speakers at both services. Flow-tin ain aeîcvascg Macnab, Bowmanville, with her tation, Doîothy Brown; piano 1Jten aginXfer'ivaesin -A F ering plants adoîned the front o! fromn wounds received at the grandpaîents, Mi. and Mis. J. W. solos, Audrey Adams; recitation, HOUSEHOLO NEE D the chuîch, among them being the front. Balson. .. Masteî Jimmie Wood- Doîothy Stapleton; guitar and ____________________________ two lovely hydrangeas loaned by Visitors: Mi. and Mis. E. Steph- ley and Miss Joyce Woodley, Ty- mo u th organ music, Murray Bti. 14e Mis. Percy Haie and Mis. Walter enson and family at Mi. Stark 1S, rone, with Mi. and Mis. W. Chap- Payne. The bride and groom weîe ham County in other days, Mi. DeLine, and which weîe the East- Enfield. . . Mi. and Mis. Bruce man. . . Mi. and Mis. R. Burns asked to come forwaid and oc- McLarty - said in electing Mi. er gifts of their only sons who Garrard, Taunton, at Mr. C. Gai- and Barbara, Oshawa, at S. Ker- cupy two piettily decorated chairs Rickard, the people would be MILK PROVIDES SHOIS Tin li !re seîving overseas. Special raid's. Mis. C. Garrard retuin- sey's. .. Mi. and Mis. H. Edger- on the platfoîm while Mis. Jim chtosing a man tîied, truc and GGET LIA music was provided by members ed home after spending a week at ton and daughter, Joyce, Black- Stark read a complimentary ad- able to carry on the Liberal tra- EXTRA ENERGY ~ N WAX 1-lb. Tin 5~ of Young People's Choir. A trio her son's. . .Cpl. J. A. Russell, stock, with Mr. and Mis. G. c. dress. Mrs. S. J. Lancaster, Mrs. dition.metncoludwiha Mk soefteesnia &N WAX omposedof Mrs.Margaret H Miss . .le, isMy.r-Keth. r.E WoCei oinoMis.s eog Th etngcnlue iMis.k soeofteeseta hAl POLISH BtI en, Misses Betty and Marie Allin, win, Toronto, at Mi.W.Tei' Bowmanville, with Mi. and Mis. Stapleton presented them with a an vryswely "us orTo ..Mi adWi . rank ibetS. ilas i.BueH- coffee table, a beautiful silver tea unanimous vote o! confidence for foods for children. It fur- I LAKES Pkg. day". The anthem "Sweetly and Solina, at Mr. A. Beech'... Mi. gaîth and Misses Nellie and service with embossed silver tîay, Ma ckoencie ae, King y nihs iamn and foithene- Pk.: Tenderly Jesus Is Calling" was and Mis. Brock Perry, Toronto, at Bertha Armour in Toronto. . . a cut glass vase and an envelope ty hosetina nte, olwdbm.hs iaisadmn IRi SNOI 2z sung by the choir with Glenn Mi. M. Bertîim's. . . Mis. John Miss Bessie,'Blackburn, Toronto, o! money. Both bride and groom _________ais that protect health and FLOU R 24-lb.à Allin taking the solo part. Ross, Toronto, Mis. Herb Bradley with her parents... Mi. and Mis. expîessed their appreciation. Just RUTY Bg73 In the morning Mi. Merle at Mi. E. Bradley's... Pte. Glenn Tom Gibbs and !amily, Tyrone, as the presentation was made, DLYDCM UIYbidtehadbnsa agThompson, divinity student O! Thompson, Toronto, at home.. Mr. and Mis. W. Gibbs, Mi. Geo. Margaret Ovens ançl Doîothy DELAED O MMUNTY buld aste est d otes fo 28-oz. Tin ber, $q'~ Victoria University, pîeached an Mi. and Mis. Lloyd Webb and Gibbs and !amîly, Oshawa, at W. Stapleton showered the happy RECETON A el s h bs poei o A A 1.12.C eloguent sermon, taking as his Grace, McCrea's, Mi. and Mis. Ed. Chapman's. couple with confetti. Lunch wasNWTNIL buildin muscle. Bowian- Tanlo Doz. $ ext Matthew 6, verse 23, "Seek Youngman, Pontypool, Clarence Mi. and Mis. Eail Stevenson served and dancing !ollowed. ngMna eeig Arl9h 1020" ye!fiîst the Kingdom o! God". He Avery and Gordon Taylor, Burke- and daughteîs who have been re- Mis. J. A. Barrie and Murray One ondl al ev eni, Apvileril 9th, sou '20-oz. 25g LiDoz. $1'~n spoke o! the post-war world and ton, at Mi. C. Aveiy's. . . M.nd siding in Hampton for the winter with Mi. and Mis. W. A.. Wright, a very inteicsting event for have first place in the diet 3 .J its subsequent pîoblems and how Mis. C. Siemon at Mi. E. Brook- months have îeturned to their Tyrone. Eiaeh hlhcmuiywe red the young peoplé could do their ing's, Bowmanville. . . Mi. and home at Haydon. Mis. E. Blanchaid, Elizabe th hil oh cmm nt w Merfîinds of ahl children. 20 oz. tins 23c share to make it a better place Mis. C. Avery at Mi. Roy Coch- The sympathy o! the Hampton ville, with her brother, Mi. W.N. ahrdt ohnrt i n 2 oz tis2eto live in. First, to have the rane's, McCîea's - people is extended to Mis. B. Stevens, who is confined to bied Mis. Carl Todd. We have grown IL_____o___in_________elan aml, inintei oraret accustomed to the word "delayed" ITS SAFE ANI) lb. Kringdom o d inthirownhe bGlape n aiyioihi radio programns but Mi. and ECONODUTIÀL Smail IIIgI !arheits, i f thy od allowthe Loyalty is freely given on onebeeavemen epl istdMis. Todd have the honor o! be- 2 Sal 9< Lage 25 ndmo o ihnte- hand when it's deseîved on the EHado Young People viid ing the fiîst couple to experience FRESH EGGS J Pgs . ig25 selves ogw it oldelp other. J.DJ.F'1S a delayed community reception. into marvelous things. Second, ________________ evening when a splendid piogram Impassable roads was the reason AI Grade Large size, order the Kingdom o! God among us - wsgvnbteviting gîoup R ANN AGE oul remve lthhte, pit, eny Red ross met at Mis. Welling- for this. O! course a few brave hnno ANNPAG wuldremveailhat, pit, evyand H-ampton young folk provid- ton Faîîow's foi a quilting. Ncxt souls had pîunged thîough snow te o and jealousy, and would leave in cd recreation and re!reshments. meeting at Mis. Truman Clark's. banks to extend the welcoming TRY OUR GHOOOLATE lits place compassion and love. In A pleasant cvening wyas spent Home & School Association met hand but not until the above date NILJK BREAD closing hie listed foui require- I together. with Cîookcd Creek Association was the whole community able MILK ments that would help ahl young as guests. Mis. Westol Stringer, to meef together. WHTingBRWNp om o!go rd wth ushaedpiesidenit o! Crooked Crcek, had Mi. Wm. Laing was the genial .anluj, ream, Butter and 24Love 15 amngu irst put itth ngs and -Enniskillen charge o! the program: vocal solos master o! ceremonies who pie- eggs delivered. 2!5 mn s irst, petthe f ceti thir ____ by Mis. Preston and Miss Get- sented the following program: church and the lesser things to anV is Os h .awa at. . Velma Stapleton and Miss Deck- and Mis. Wm.,N. Stevens; mouth follow in sequence; second, the adPyls shwa r .hait and Jack Odn uia ranslcin y rno 1-Bo m n il a power o! prayer, eveîyone should Pethick's. . . Mi. and Mis. B. number by Mi. gnd ms Ca. organdselecto ndbyBrethorn ORiaedal rye;tidraigAshton and Laîry, Cartwright, at Cowan and Arand HMis hs îow an gyuitaPa ranPhone 446 or 703 __ __ _ __ theie, aiy pra;tid, reaing tMi. E. C. Ashton's. . . Mi. A. worth. Lew Hallowell was at the piano QUALTY BE EF e coming a lost art in the pies- Sweetman, June and Ronald. Visitors: Miss Bessie Law, for God Save The King. cnt generation; fourth, to take a Mis. H.. F. Sweetman, Uxbridge, Peterboro, at Mis. Geo. Law's Mr. and Mis. Todd were called stand for that which is right that Mi. and Mis. R. O'Hagon and and Mi. H. Reichrath's... Mi. and otepafr wheLui a i o s s when the need arises to stand Barry, Toronto, Mr. and Mis. J. Mis. W. Farrow, Miss Jean Per- Stone reada ti~~nwheîdesLouis S_________ heyfrteright. W ....................................Mr. D. rn and Mr. Bill Morley at Mi. Mrs CaraddGlm re and In___theI evening Rev.W . Lewis'. --Mr. and Mis. C. Stain- Stan Allin's, Lockhait's. . . Miss Gitlmalto pee ad tMis. Fletcher o! St. Paul's United...............ton and Kathyrn, Oshawa, at Mr'. Beit StapphtosonreseMt.dLthym WING R lbChurh, Bwmanille preched0. C APcggys Stephenson atNMi.aLloyd with a lovely nest o! tables anda SE SIRLOIN '39 an inspiiing sermon with a special C.G.I.T. met at the home o! A v alcbie. ot f h message for the young people. A Mis. O. C. Ashton to plan for a young couple bîiefly but sincerely ) N37 te Temple" was beauti!ully ren- Y.P.U. met in the church base- ________ ad ifs. dm~~iere yGenAli n h eton Rotay Clu kindwishe and ifts.BOWMANVILLE * deed y GennAlln ad th cn evnin. Tose (Continucd !rom page one) r b. 23e choir, as an anthcm, sang "The 0; aking part in the progîami were: Rotarians, none o! whom wcîe Telephone 589 Vesper Hymn". raedyRv .A ln;Sîp maîksmen capable o! hitting one. flFour members o! the x'.P.u., __uic by Keith McGill; îeadîng by His thanks was endorsed by the OAS lb. 27e Neil Britton, Trâcy Embley, Her- Joc McGill; piano solo by Ron- applause o! members and was Thurs., Fri, April 19-20 Schmid, Maurice Pedwell, ~ old Ashton; topic by Miss Norma !ormally tendcîed by President JEWM'Y LYDON In lbETku teofrn a ohsr Hooey; duet by Joan Lewis and Morley Vanstone. MT 1LEA2lb vices. Donalda Griffin. It was decided Visitors o! the day included the HENRY'S LITTLE LEAN 21 MORE NEWCASTLE NEWS ON to have a football teamn for the !ollowing Rotarians fîom Osh- OSHAWA SECRET - BELESSF,.PAEilbysada-aebî ta2fr19 w; rdFFrsLoy or1l UNIBERS En. 259 wiheaing bot thems nvesEod thedop- Gibson, on Sunduy. They are we have a greut statesman and a April 25-28 MnTe. e. potniyofhain ot hs o- d#'r ' G rg taking up residence in Oshawa great leader. Bewure o! teonEe, reamin tcliicolr o VE GROWN ASPARAGUS cd authority as weil as the candi- where Mi. Gaîvock has securcd a sociulist professions o! a better tropical Islands, treasure & NOW AVAILABLE dtae Jim MacBrien, who was boîn And position. and brighter day for theirs are the bieath taking dames, sec John Wayne, Elia Raines In on a faim at Port Perry and bas O R SA E Don Gibson is able to be out a!- doctrines which grew upon the BbHpVrii aoI A L I H returned home a!ter five years o!fOT R SA E ter bis recent illness. people under Hitler until their ,BbHpVrii aoI A L I H 1 service overseas in the present Curburetor and Eleetrical Ser- Russell Osborne is putting up whole life fell under total stute THE PRINCESS AND THE SADDLE * O RS war. vice - Repai all makes of cars another bouse on bis east faim. control. We have lost too many J PIRATE Wlth Ward Bond, Audrey Atlanic &Pocifc Te Co. td. e whowoul arrie atthe a- Soth sde Kig Si, 2 dlivesithtalteoseenoui iefrLngdodmGnogw. They th ihttobmt uatiie pnHend ustwoulrrivesutgte a-Weuh stfKLieSt.,2y oos Mis. George Jackson has re- alternative was the Tory party, tb M alren un, ic- Long H a n- e orgae Gobvy poitedendmus fhlo a inge estof lbetyceived word !rom ber husband in untried and reuctionary. The issue ev, toiMLgs n unera a o!ryesof the roanie loves road and not wander through Bowmanville Belgîum that be bas been promot- iests with you." With reference evita w!sryothramnpan. many ways.-Sencu. _______________ d to Company Sergeunt Major. to fumous names contesting Dur- -Umm;____________ w s m THURSDAY, APRIL 19th, 1945

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