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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Apr 1945, p. 7

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* THURSDAY, APRIL 19th, 1945 Lucdks Mrs. Thomýas TodI is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Arthur Wright, Hamilton. Mr. Russell Hardy, Montreal, spent the week-end with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Hardy. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Flett, Fenel- on Falls, were guests of Mrs. J. E. Flett and other relatives. Dr. Ê. F. Willoughby, Winnj- peg, Man., visited his brother-in- law, Mr. Cecil Jeffery, Maple Grove. Misses Dorothy Morris and Joan Newton left Thursday for farmerette camp at Saltfleet Camp, Winona. Mr. and Mrs. Adrian Qekenden and son, Paul, Toronto, were week-end guests of Mrs. George Jackson. Mrs. Drinkwater and children are spending a week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Norman .~yle, Honeydale, Port Perry. WMrs. W. C. Ashton and Mr. and lIrwin Colwili, Presîdent Mrsï. 1H. J. ±5abcock visited the former's son, Newton, and Mrs. Ashton, Ajax. Mrs. W. J. Irwin and Miss Camilla Irwin, Toronto, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Purdy Church St. Lionel Parker, R.C.A.F., Nova Scotia, is spending leave with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Park- er. Mrs. J. Biggs, Montreal, who has recently received her dis- charge from the Air Force, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Calver. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hessenaur, Mrs. Raymond Cole and son, Billy, Kitchener, visited Mrs. Reta Dudley and attended the funeral of the late Mr. W. C. Cole. Sto. I Loftus Papineau, R.C.N. V.R., has returned to his duties at St. John's, Newfoundland, after canvalescing for several months at Toronto. Reeve Sid Little, chairman of Red Cross Salvage Committee, re- quests ail eitizens who are will- ing to assist in the Salvage Drive on April 26-27 to meet in Town Hall, Friday, April 20, at 8 p.m., to complete plans for gathering paper, rags and scrap iran. This is a patriotic duty you owe the war effort and our boys arnd girls in the armed forces. PTE. LOUIS SISLER ILL IN HOSPITAL Word has been eceived by Mrs. L. Sisler, 38 Landsdowne Avenue, Toronto, that hem hus- band, Pte. Louis Sisier o! New Toronto, is seriously iii faliowing a mine explosion overseas. He is at present in hospital in England. Pte. Sisler was injured at the first battie on the Rhine. He is with the Lake Superiar Regi- ment. Pte. Sisler is a grandson o! Mrs. Thos. Vanstone, Church St., Bow-j manville..11 Red Cross SALVAQE DRIVE An urgent appeal to the public is again made in. behaif of the Red Cross Salvage Drive. The usual waste materials are wanted: Paper, Rags, Scrap bron, etc. COLLECTION WILL TAKE PLACE IN BOWMANVI LLE: THURSDAY, APRIL 2Gth - North side of King St., and ail streets North of King Street. FRIDAY, APRIL 27th - South side of King St., and ail streets South of King St. Please have bundies properly and securely tied and placed out on the curb ini front of your premises not later than 6 p.m. the evening they are to be collected. SIDNEY LITTLE, Chairman Red Cross Salvage Committee DURHAM Progressive Conservative' ASSOCIATION CONVENTION' WiII Be HeId ln ~Orono Town Hall -on- THURS., APRIL 26th At 8.00 p.m. To Nominate A Candidate for tihe coming Provincial Election R. R. Waddell, Secretary w THE ANNUAL Public Meeting - Of the - Clildren's Aid Soc. 0f Northumberland And Durham WiII -be held on THURS, MAY 17 1945 IN THE UNITED CHURCH, PORT HOPE AT 8.00 p.m. Speakier - DR. KENNETH H. ROGERS Executive secretary Big Bro- ther Movemnent, Toronto 3me o! the bride's parents. For r daughter's wedding, Mrs. 1 -igle wore a green crepe frock1 ith black accessories. Follow- i: ga buffet luncheon the groom i: lephaned his parents at Read- c n, Sask. c For the wedding trip ta western h .nts the bride changed ta a light a ie ensemble with white blouse f Là black accessories. They will ide in Ottawa.a THIE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO MASONIC HONOR CONFERRED ON R.W. BRO. H. G.HUTCHESON (Part Permy Star) At their regular meeting c Tuesday evening, membersc Fidelity Lodge, A.F. & A.M., Par Perry, were hasts ta a numbera visiting brethren from Ceda Lodge, Oshawa, and ather place! During the evening R.W. Brn Robt. Meek, of Oshawa, P.D.I G.M., mead an addmess ta R.\W Bro. H. G. Hutcheson (native son o! Bowmanville) and an behaîf o Grand Ladge, presented hima wit] a gold 50 Year Veteran's Jewel. It was fifty years in Januari that Bra. Bert Hutcheson was ini ducted into Fidelity Lodge, an( during the course of the yeams hi has been a very active and valuec member. He has filled all th( offices in the local Iodge, and wa! a]so elected as District Deput Grand Master for one term. During the time he was a resi. dent in Oshawa he became con. nected with Cedar Lodge ther( and was its Master for a time. A number of members of Cedai Lodge came ta Part Perry to sharE with the members of Fidelity ir honoring Bro. Hutcheson. The Lodge room was filled witi members of Fidelity Lodge, and brethren from lodges in the sur- rounding district, who came ta dc honor ta Bro. Hutcheson-an out. standing Masonic persanality in this district. He expressed sincerE appreciation for the honor confer- med upon him and the kindly words spaken. In reminiscent mood he told a! the pragress of Fidelity Lodge ta its present happy place in the cammunity. LIFE-LONG FARMER PASSES AT HAMPTON% On Wednesday, Aprîl 4, Hamp. ton community was shocked by the sudden passing of one of its life-long residents in the persan of Charles J. Kersiake. He had lived his life on the farm on wVhich he was born. He was the second ,on of the late George and Maria Kerslake. A laver of a gaod horse and in the days before tractors were as much used, he was the pmaud owner o! sevemal fine ones. Still n his home are many ibbons won at the local shows. His wife, Mary J. Elliott, pre- Ieceased him twa years ago; also abrother, Fred G., and a sister, Alice O., died sevemal years ago. Surviving are one brother, Frank R. of Bowmanville, also a daughter, Nora E., and a son, Geo. H. at home, as well as a daughter, Vera M.) Mrs. C. Downey, of 3owmanville. Althaugh in failing health for everal years he was around as usual on Tuesday afternoon, being in Hampton on business. How- ver, because of a heart attack his doctor was called shortly after raidnight and he had passed away just after thmee p.m., April 4th, *eing just a matter of hours fram thie time' his condition became worse. He had just passed his l1st birthday in December last. He was a man whose word auld always be depended on, and who always had good neighbors. Hampton United Church was is church home, having grown p in it thraugh aIl the age grups. The funeral, April 7, was large- [y attended by neighbors and iiends. The floral afferings which were many and beautiful, ,ere a silent tribute and express- 2 the sympathy expressed ta the lmily. His pastor, Rev. Walter tackham, conducted the memari- i service at the home and the )urial service in the B.C. Ceme- ;ry at Hampton. Those coming from a distance xceluded Dr. E. G. Kerslake (Con- iaught Labs.) Toronto, Miss lorence Lander, Toronto, Mrs. Waude Wade, Toronto, Mm. and Urs. Heron Hudson of Oshawa, Ir. and Mrs. C. A. Johnson, Mrs. Eigin Wight, Miss Reta Kerslake, Ur. and Mrs. F. R. Kersiake, Mm. rid Mrs. F. M. Cryderman, Bow- nanville, Mr. A. B. Cryderman, l,en Miller, Mr. and Mrs. W. urnett, Orono, Mr. and Mrs. W. l1ake, Port Hope. The palîbearers were six neigh- )ors, T. M. Chant, Clifford Robin- n, Arthur Blanchard, Bruce rink, Ernest Hackaday and Bruce 'larke. The floral tributes included ries from. the Adult Bible Class, famptan Wamen's Institute, the amily and many friends. Wedding ýh NEEDED EVERY yMINUTE Whether you drive one ie mile or many miles and ýd whether you drive once a le is week or every day, your 'y car may cause you a crip- pling financial loss. Carry complete automo- -e bile insurance. Then ir wherever you go or what- ,e ever happens you'll be pro- n tected. 0' Stuart R. James n Insurance and Real .state eSuccessor To J. J. Mason & Son T Phone 681 it ,f Ring st. Bowmanville Obituaries WILLIAM C. COLE We record the passing of one of *Bowmanville's esteemed citizens in the death of William C. Cole, *King St., West. Born in 1873, in Tyrone, son of Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Cale, he was united in marriage an April 20, 1898, ta Dorathy Grace Oke, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Oke of South Darlington. They lived in Win- nipeg, Man., for a short time, then coming ta Bowmanville, took up residence on King St. West, where hie had lived ever isince, and where his wife predeceased him 17 years ago. Mr. Cale was employed as head miller in Vanstone's Flaur Mill for 40 years. He was a member of the Board, and an usher, of the Methodist Church (later Trin- ity United) and until decining health intervened was a very reg- ular attendant. The funeral was held fromn Trinity Church an April 13, Rev. J. E. Griffith preaching a very fine and impressive sermon. The choir assisted in sang and Miss Louise Pearce sang an aid favor- ite hymn of the deceased, "Trust and Obey". The floral tributes were many and beautiful, conveying esteem and appreciation of a kindly, pa- tient, well-directed life. He leaves ta mourn his lass, one daughter, Mrs. Reta Dudley, who ministered ta his needs until the last, one son, Raymond, wha has been in the service 0f his country, averseas for five years; three grandsons, Ray and Noel Dudley and Billie Cale. Palîbearers were Lamne Brunt, Clinton Bigelow, F. C. Vanstone, M. Terry, R. C. Pearce, al nephews, -and Wmn. Hessenaur. Those attending the funeral fromn a distance included Mr. and Mrs. W. Hessenaur, Reginald Cale and son, Billy, Kitchener, Mr. B. S. Vanstone and daughter, Mary, Miss May Vanstone, Mr. Elmer Hazelwood, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Brunt, Toronto, as well as rela- tives and friends from Oshawa and Darlington. With a cheery smile and a wave of the hand He has wandered into an un- knawn lanq And le! t us dreaming, how very fair It needs must be, since he lingers there. fl Wake up your lver; demie. your sytem; heel flghtlng fit by takinil ENO'S Halos Prevent Bad sath *cives A f Btihfte Tum 0 Sparldig Smlles - L"ALLEN BU RYS 7%0 niceet way of Il]taini Halibut Livor 85C-1.50 grace his last resting place ta whickc he was borne by paîl- bearers A. L. Nicholas, j. J. Flett, W. J. E. Ormiston, Howard Jef- fery, Hubert Cottingham and W. 1-. Thickson. Friends in attendance included . McIntyre, Harvey McIntyre, Mrs. B. Doaks, Mrs. E. Harris, from Kleinburg, Ont., James Mc- Dougaîl, Chatham, Arthur Cor- nish, H. Wiley, Mrs. F. Keeler and Mrs. Harry Baskerville o! To- ronto, and Mr. and Mrs. H. Cot- tingham, Oshawa. THOMAS HERMAN NORTON After an illness of four months' duration Thomas Herman Norton, 307 Albert Street, Belleville, died in the Belleville General Hospital on April 16th. Mr. Norton, who was in his 57th year was born in Toronto and was a son a! the late Mr. and Mrs. William J. Norton. For a time he lived in Oshawa and for the past 32 years he made his home in Belleville. on March 29th, 1913, Mr. Norton entered the ser- vice a! the Canadian National Railways here as a fimeman and on Oct. 5th, 1918, he was classed as a locomotive engineer. During the 32 years he was in the ser- vice of the railway he discharged his duties in a capable manner and was well thought o! by the officiais in the Belleville Division and by his fellow employees. To many friends his death has brought much regret. He was ai member o! the Church of Eng- land and a parishioner of the Church of St. Thomas. Fraternal- ly he was a member of Lebanan Lodge 139, G.R.C., A.F. & A.M., Oshawa, and was secretary-trea- surer of the Belleville branch o! the Brotherhood of Railway En- gineers. Surviving ta maurn his loss are his wife, the former Marion Mar- garet Muir; one daughter, Miss Carol Muir Norton, at home; two sisters, Mms. H. H. Casboumn, Bow- manville, and Miss Gladys Nor- ton, Belleville. NATION-WIDE BRAKE AND SAFETY CAMPAIGN Chief Constable Sidney Venton and local Provincial Police are asked ta co-aperate in a cam- paign ta educate motorists ta have their brakes adjusted praperly] during the coming two weeks. It has been found that properiy adjusted brakes during the eariy season o! mataring has eliminated ane-third a! the potential traffie accidents during the summer. Everyone is asked ta support this campaign in aid o! an aIl-ouf success in the interests of public safety. The Bowmanville Progressive- Conservative Association Stephens, Toronto, at R. Burgess' and W. H. Tayior's. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Alidread, Mary, Doris and Russell, with Mr. and Mrs. George Alidmead. Mm. and Mrs. Harold Burgess and family with Mrs. Hemb Bur- gess, Antioch. Mm. and Mrs. Richard Hawkey, Bowmanville, with Mm. and Mrs. Albert Hawkey. Mm. and Mrs. Lamne Hoskin and Grace with Mr. and Mrs. Tenity- son Pereman, Columbus. .Mrs. A. Spark, Mm. and Mrs. Gardon Leach, Mrs. J. Starey, Cpi. Eva Storey, R.C.A.F., Miss Myrtle Youngman, Mm. Kenneth Spamk, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Thompson, Columbus, Mm. and Mrs. Ed. Youngman, Fred, Ernie, Gardon and Robert: Pontypool, with Mr. and Ms Arthur Yaungman. DR. J. C. DEVIT'r Vice-res. ec la FORRE8T A. DILLING Alex McGregor Prescriptions A Speoialty DRUGS Phone ALEX LAURA SECORD OANDIES GIN I1 39c-69c Formaldehyde 16 oz. 25e TAKE A TRDF SPRING TONIC e' Idaphos, with Vitamin #tIV B------------------$jO iP4& Maltlevol, 12 oz. $2.00 Toneka------------ $1.00 Wampole's Extract $1 Burdock Blood Bitters ---- -------98e Idafer wlth Iron & Vitamin B-i -- $1.25 William's Pink PRIS--------------- 50Ceo ~ MINIMUM PRICES Bayerf Aspirin .-- 18c, 29c, 79e Anacin Tablets .------ 22c, jJ8c Carter's Little Liver ôil --------------2c 9 but, 1i UIJ recomnuI- ed for wheat or huil- Aika-Seltzer ---- ---- 29c, 55c One-A-Day Tablets --------- 44c, 98c, $1.77 Bile Beans--------------------- 47e Mentholatum------------ 29. 55e CASHMERE TISSUE Two Grades 15c. 2 for 25e lOc,3 fo 25 Olnme1 Meeca 792, We Deliver Treat Seed Grain ALENSTO PASTE IN GREAT for Stauts BRTAI VO EFFECTIVE METHODS ARE SUGGESTED I I I.~ i. Il I L Giltt lae McOREOOR DRUGS PHONE 792 - WE DELIVER r _________________________________________________________ 'I Tyrone Mr. and Mrs. Cran,5ton Scott had their little daughter, Judith Carol, baptized Sunday morning during the church service. Mrs. Leon Moore is on the sick list. Mrs. H. Philp reopened school on Monday for the senior grades. Mr. and Mrs. Lamne Hoskin, Murray, Allyn and Grace, were dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Innes, Manchester, the boys remaining for a visit. Master Ralph Shaw, Bowman- ville, with his little cousin, John Virtue. Mr. and Mrs. George Wilson and John, Mr. Glen Hoskin, Osh- awa, Mr. Ralph Davis, Solina, with Mr. and Mrs. Lamne Hoskin. Miss Muriel and Helen Oke, Oshawa, Miss Vivian Philp, To- ronto, with Mrs. H. Philp. Mrs. A. B. Stephens, Pte. A. T. Have You Seen This Dliboard? u o I I o g '4 i i n i 1. DRKY METHOD - Using compound Ceresan Dust Disinfectant. Seed may be treated now and sown anytime within 60 days. Recommended for ail type grains. Contrais al Smuts. CERESAN, MI. $1.10 - 4 Ibs. $3.50 2. WET METHOD - Using Forýina1dehyde (Farmalin). Seed must be sown within 24 haurs after treating. Controls Most Smuts efflY7ý% i ..*. "nt SPEAKERS - HoN. DR. R. P. VI VIAN MINISTER 0F HEALTH AND PUBLIC WELFARE, AND OTHERS, WILL ADDRESS THE MEETING PUBLIC CORDIALLY INVITED PR£SCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY Election of officers & Business Meeting - 'ON - FRIDAY, APRIL 2Oth AT 8.00 p.m. 1N4THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS ALL MEMBERS ARE REQUESTED TO BE PRESENT 1 ý e 0 a 0 0 0 a 9 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 a 9 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 a a 0 0 a 0 a 0 0 0 a a Il -À PA(lZr qv.vvý711 WILL HOLD ITE JOHN MCINTYRE Another link was severed in the lessening chain a! former em- plo ees a! the Dominion Piano and Organ Ca., when John Mc- Intyme passed away at Bowman- ville Hospital, Tuesday, April 10, 1945. Mm. Mclntyme had reached his 87th year having been born on Mamch 6, 1858, son a! the late Mm. and Mms. Duncan Mclntyre. He had been in failing health for some time before passing quietly away. Mm. Melntyre was a cabinet maker at the piano factory and late'r a carpenter when the plant ceased operatians. Many wil e- cail that the deceased in his yaunger days was an accamplish- ed fancy skatem when the rink was located at the Drill Hall and also at that time were other fancy skaters such as the late W. H. Dustan, Tom McCullough and the Dustan sisters. For years toa Mr. Mclntyre was a member o! the Band as a drummer. A Pesbyterian in religion, he was also a member o! 61 years' standing o! Florence Nightingale Ladge, I.O.O.F., and was faithful in his duties and highly regarded amang a wide circle a! friends who now miss his cheerful asso- ciation. The-funeral was held on April 13 from the family residence on Jhurch St., with Rev. W. G. Blake, Minister o! St. Andrew's Pesbyterian Church, officîating n the services prior ta intemment n Bowmanville Cemetery. The deceased is sg.rviVed by aone daughter, Ella, who now mourns ils passing after years o! devoted attention ta his comfort and wel- fare. Floral tokens came from friends and the Oddfellows Lodge ta ---------------- r..7q;, aac ý 23c, 45c, 79e i PHONE 792 - WE DELIVER 1 DRUCS

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