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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Apr 1945, p. 11

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THRDY PI 6h 95THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIOPAE LVN LONG SERVICE jWhite Ribbon Tidings or Advo- y cate which most appealed to het. The ewcstl IndpenentSome of these were: [Jn 'God will flot ask thy race, nor Thfeca telde e d n will He ask thy birth. Alone He Cp this outt and eit anmai overseas to-day. Phone: Clarke 3314 will demand of thee, what hast thou done on earth?" "In hot -- - -- - -countries, with dry or rainy sea- Betty Gray is home fromn the Layton of Cowanville and Mr. sons, mre watrasuply is use.h Sick Children's Hospital, Toronto, Charles Findlay, Toronto, has Whats more artha to uenth where we are glad to learn it was bought the home of the late Mrs. frnt or en theesthtoaunc found flot necessary to operate on Cowan, on Beaver St. hrtescilyhefutote her oot WO ichrd nderonR Cvine. It is of înterest to note her~~~~~ ~~~~ Anot Uren Message Anesnfromee htte lv re r Mr. oy ike andfrindTo-A.F., and Mrs. Anderson spent the hr htteoiete rw r.oy it Mr and rs.nd K. week-end with Mrs. S tella An- Iequally wvell, its oil providing a Aikn. ihM. n r.K derson. perfect sealing agent. There is Mr. arkcEoysen pr no alcohol in the grape, nor have Mr.MayMcvy pntprtsintss vr ondatrc o tGEORGE DREW Mr. Howard Toms, Ajax, at of last week in Toronto with her i ntit a vrfuda trae of it home. daughter, Mrs. Selby Spencer ind ayth ing d that h a , ewic who is taking the course in God theast rovie forc i as uae Mrs. H. A. Burbridge, wife of "Mothercraft".c o drin ohe tast gr pe -ton, adMs.J Burbridge ml A o Duck, R.C.A.F., Pic- Though called wine, fermentation "U E 4hi Election Day for the members of our armedfocsoesa -nce, spen ast week wubith o n, accompanied by Mrs. Duck iwas prevented by filling the necks frm Ontario, as it is here at home. The arrangementswihhaebe Mi.ander Ms.n J. s H. e Smith and littie daughter spent a few of the botties with où to excludeaml' S I M.adMsJ.HSmt. days at home. air, and the contents would keep made provide apetime for the overseas vote to be aen pca byM.adMs avnNsit o rw ntebrhoMiss Inez Hickling accompanied Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. for years. Fermentation is to RtrigOfcr r led vres by M. ad Ms. Mrvi Nebit, To Brwn n th bith f athemn always a symbol of corrup- visited Rev. and Mrs. R. E. Moi- daughter, a sister for Joan and Capt. H. W. Bonner, District tion, as in nature and science, it RtrigOfcr r led vres ton at the parsonage. Miss Hick- Bobby, and a third grandchild for Signais Officer of M.D. 3, Kings- is itself decay." Smtigmrhwvr utb oei u oesoe, ling who is a former teacher at Mr. and Mis. Matthew Brown. ton, who is celebrating 39 years of "What; have you done today for Smtigmrhwvr utb oei u oesoesa r oko Mahood School was on her way Mrs. Charles South, Heathcote, continuous Army service.-Can- God or mani nOtroeeto a fre pnu tti ie home after visiting in Florida. Ont., who had been visiting her adian Army Photo. To prove yourself a part of His wya naj lcinwsfre pnu tti ie daughter, Miss Mari orie South, _________________ Great Plan? Look for more Newcastle news B.A., M.A., specialist in French Who sent you here some useful I appeal to each one of you who read this message to write NOWb im on page 6. and G erm an, L aurence Park C ol- ronto, spent the w eek-end here. So e w ork to do, i e o t m n a d w e v rs s al th i f r a i n y u The property of the late Mr. legiate, Toronto, visited Mrs. Pean r.auShtrae o cross, to bear, a life to liveGieormnad omno rssalthifratnyocnadbeue Wesley Glenney has been pur- Perey Hare. Pt.adMs alSelraethat's true? otlthmhecrctn eofheP viiaRdngn .visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. What have you done to ease an- t elte h orc aeo h rvnilRdn nwihte r _______ r.an____Wlla____Chreshcka, 0-E Powell. other's load, entitled to vote, and the name of the candidate. This is of the tot mot Archie Hendry was host at a To help some wayfarer along the ance because so mayof themn have neyer voted before andte ifre e party for some of his Newcastle road? ,1an High School friends. What word of cheer from, you has between the names and boundaries of Provincial and Domno Ring His Newcastle frîends will be made each day sorry to hear of the sudden death Less weary to somne toiler on the make it doubly necessary that you be sure to give them the xc aeo of Mr. Clarence Mills in Toronto. way?" h iigi hc hyaeenild ocs hi alto M r. Mills for a number of years The meeting was closed withthRiignwicteyaenite toasterblotnJuet. 0 w as employed as a plumber with prayer by the president. etc, T H. C. Bonathan. If you are in doubt as to any details please cai the Progressiv osevtv yo ih r ~~Miss Evelyn A llun spent the O f c n y u o ai y a d g t t e n c s a y i f r ai n w 5q #,p week-end at Ajax, guest of Miss Blacks'&%otock Ofc nyu oaiyadgttencsayifrainwtotdly C/fl" ~Miss Catherine Minto, nurse in Mr. and Mrs. Eaton, St. Marys, # Vï training, Oshawa General Hos- with friends in Blackstock. pital, spent Wednesday with Miss Pte. Dave Baker has returned Kathleen Toms. from. overseas and is spending his Be sure ta send this air mail today. 'Yours sincerly Mrs. Douglas Wright who was leave with Mr. Harry McLaugh- in Trenton, returned home on lin. Saturday with her husband. Miss Mildred Herbeit, Toronto, The election date Juno 4th. Miss Ruth Bonathan, Toronto, Mrs. Perry Burke, Brooklin, Mr. was home for the week-end. and Mis. Mossom Minaker and Mr. Douglas Langman, Mimico, Charlie, Greenwood, with Mrs.Thnaef hRdngI is visiting his sister and brother- Wilbert Archer.e in-law, Mr. and Mis. Lewis Clark. LAC A. and Mrs. Booker with Mrs. W. Toms and children, To- Mr. and Mrs. C. Devitt. ________________ r ronto, are holidaying with Mr. Mr. Bothenell was guest at Mr. _and Mrs. Herbert Toms. Ira Argue's. Tenm fteCniaei C.G.I.T. met April 24, at the Mrs. John Dickie, Nestleton,ThnaefthCndaes home of Mrs. Walter DeLine. The with Mrs. H. Mountjoy. leader read a chapter fromn the Mr. and Mrs. C. Devitt and Mrs. second study b o o k, "Chinese Boydý Whitfield attended t h e Canadians". Pauline DeLine lead Grand Lodge at Smiths Fals. C NEVTV A in a Bible study and discussion Mi. and Mrs. Orr Venning with PUBLISHED BY THE PROGRESSIVECOSRAIE ATY 0 ONA O after which she read part of a Mr. and Mis. C. Venning. story entitled "Two Little Black Mi. and Mrs. Russell Mount- Boys". A short business period joy, Peterboro, with friends here. followed. Meeting closed with Marion Hill is in Toronto. Taps. Anglican Women's Auxiliary Evening Auxiliary W.M.S. met at the home of Mis. Mc- Evening Auxiliary of W.M.S. Arthur on April 19th with Mis. V. cision of oui vocation. It is very Pies. - Miss Norma Hooey; lst "Willie, what's the doormt Tevle0caaasdmsi met April 18, at the home of Mrs. Archer, Vice President, pîesiding. important that we make the îight Vice - Mis. Kenneth Gillbank; for?" asked the teacherdsa- ecanse xprafrFbu A. W. Glenney with Mrs. F. But- Scripture was read by Mis. Tom decision so we will be happily in- Sec'y-Treas.-Miss Ruth Proutt.prinyasheydhsmuyay,14,wrup4prct ler presiding for the business. Smith followed by W.A. Litany volved in oui work, heait and Rev. N e i Smith, Toronto, fao last year. They amut Miss Irene Rinch was made a and prayer. Roll call was answer- soul. We can not make piogres- pracehiohePesyera Baby Band leader to take the ed and fees taken. Dorcas Sec'y sive citizens if we find ourselves Church, Sunday afternoon."elm mohrsy t5$634OO c pad with place of Mis. N. Goheen who has reported on bundle foi Save the in the wrong groove. __________something I walk around t e 2718OOi h aemnhi moved away. Miss H. Mason Children fund. Letters were read I imagined as we sang "God into the house," frankly anie- 94 donated and presented a box of from Archdeacon Simpson, Mis. Save The King" there were some This is subscription time. ed Willie. àwriting paper to Mis. Clarence Crawford a nd Mis. Langfelt resolute decisions of becoming an Allin for being the leader of the thanking the W.A. for fruit sent editor or indulging in newspaper V' 1 CT R O N D group which first had their fees to themn. Pot luck supper was work, where before there were paid. Mis. David Gray's group d.iscussed and final arrangements only shaky thoughts. had charge of the programn and made. Members piesent: 14. social period. Mis. Gray led in Thanks was extended to Mis. Mc- R . P a k e P un b ng prayer and Mis. Roy Branch read Arthur for her hospitality. Nestieton B rt. P ark er________'the Scripture. Mis. Gray adI _________________________________________Ruth Hancock reviewed the first LITERARY MEETING 0F two chapters of the study book CONTINUATION SCHOOL Nestleton W.A. met at the home after which Mis. Gray gave a of Mis. Wilford Jackson, April reading. Mis. Clarence Allin (By Dorothy Bowers, Gi. XII) 19th with 15 ladies present, also presented a splendid report of the In the afternoon of April 13th, Rev. B. Harrison and some child- convention held on March 22 in the students of Blackstock Con- ren. Ladies decided to make a Oshawa and summarized briefly tinuation School assembled for quilt for the Red Cross, dlean the - the addresses of the speakers, their monthly literary meeting. church and get new cuitains for N. Rev. Miss Lindsay and Miss Olive Piesident Miss Thelma Ferguson the basement. Program consisted S Sparling. Mis. E. W. Fisher led and Secretary Miss Jessie Van- of a missionary talk given by Mis. -'. in a contest after which refresh- Camp were in charge of the open- Harrison and readings and con- ments were served. ing ceremonies. test. A dainty lunch was served W.C.T.U. Meeting Readings were given by Merlin and ail who helped make it a Wome's hritia TepernceBailey and Wilma VanCamp; a profitable afternoon were givena Unonmet' Aprislth wTemPerae sing-song and the reading of oui hearty vote of thanks. Next meet- Unio me Apil 9thwit Prsi-cherished paper, "The Eye-Open- ing at Mis. John Giieves'. dent Mis. Norman Rickard pie- er" by the editor, Jack Maîlow. Mi. A. H. Veale who spent the siding. Secretary Miss Blackburn Drn hsya h rd i-wne nTrnohsrtre ieported the Temperance blotters erin thi yea the g a e nin- honter.nTrnohsrtre You'iI Likce received and ready for distribu- e svebeen "taina entidyhoe tion to pupils at schools. Scripture ane. subec "Voton al Guîd-hs Mis. R. C. Jackson, Oshawa, I ts Flaivour was read by Miss O. Warren, fol- ace" in haroy withakhis we with her son, Mi. Wilford Jack- 1 lowed by suitable commenta lik have inited armins speak ert son. eOnIY P@rfus<t« Io P-Oci0d by ing the Bible lesson with oui 111e oui Literary meeting is orde Davs hts yDady's I odyAsoooththm"av that each pupil may be influenc- M.WlrdBwe a a as in any work, and many more YOU'Ld dBEl * . h 5 y things. Co-operation seems a yeUIE yuwuadey0bc rather important thing to me. y theopminet Even we, as a school, enjoy co- qu AT THE ,.fdefilîht operation in the organization of QUCKSIIIE lustifies any self oui Literary Society. It helpa oce e imimensely to bold oui Our ngdht!Ognll up mr scbool should be, since we spend thon n0Yw. most of oui younger lives in it formed there. Oui Liteiary meet- Tht your Purchase and rotention of Vilay Bonds oig rsch the social aide of aou charces r arllII TR and War Savlngs Certiff Ica wI help ta inak your 00NTR19UYE0 5YI'd like also to pay the bighest E X i A BII pIanoeoetrawhoPeaeIsaL O NT IlUTE BVtribute to Mr. James and tbose be- Pàn cmatueXYWFce s on fore hlm, who have corne and CtiRILIN VS given an outline of their woîk, in order that we migbt benefit from TUE CARLING BREWERIES U11E them. I'm suie I'm speaking for - 'M______________ as studenta, will benefit greatly viguigU , Q'O by these vocational guidance talks and will find them very *. helpful in making the critical de-or

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