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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Apr 1945, p. 12

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PAGE TWELVE THE CANDIAN STTESMANBOWMANVT.T.W. M'rAri u PrLAo ARI 2thU14 NOTICE The deadline for Claasified Ads is 1 o 'dock Wednes- days. Please co-operate by getting your Ad in early. ROYAL' BOWMANVI LLE Telephone 589 Thurs., Fr1., April 26-27 Eugene O'Neill's prize win- nmng play THE HAIRY APE Starring William Bendix and Susan Hayward, with John Loder, Dorothy Comingare and Alan Napier. She play- ed at love and cheated! Saturday, April 28 William Tracy and Joe Sawyer In YANKS AHOY! With Marjorie Woodwork,' Robert Kent and William Bakewell. It's julst one tiekl- lng laugh after another. It's the funnlest army comedy you'll ever see. Added William Boyd as Hopalong Cassidy In FALSE COLORS With Andy Clyde, Jimmy Rogers and Douglas Dum- bri 'lle. IVill patrons please corne earl3' for this fine double bill and avoid disap- pointinent. Mon., Tues., Weil., April 30, May 1-2 Katharine Hepburn, Walter Huston Ini DRAGON SEED Wlth Akim Tamlroff and Aline MacMahon. From Pearl S. Buck's best seller novel. As a book great, as a picture greater. Rich i jhumanity and endowed witb many tender moments.j Notice Bowmanvllle Electriclans 4 Doors West of Eaton's in Building Occupied by Navy League Ail kinds of electric wiring done Motors repaired and instailed Phone 438 34-tf12* For Rent NEW SINGER SEWING Machine in your own home, $300 perb month. Elec. port. $5.00. Sing-s er Sewing Machine Co., Osh-k awa. Phone 696. 14-tf S -c, I Free Parking Phone 1011 si ac Thurs., Fri., Sat., sa April 26-27-28 al BOB HOPE In g THE PRINCESS AND THE w PIRATE tu With Virginia Mayo, Walter ei Slezak, Walter Brennan. od st( Watch out, it's loaded with Pl lovelies, with laughs, with di technicolor, beauty and buc- to caneers. ar Added da CANADA CARRIE!S ON li ROAD TO REICH au Four Days tic Mon., Tues., Wed., Thurs., ag April 30, May 3 M OUR HEARTS WERE Ar YOUNG AND GAY e, Starring Gail Russeli, Diana rel Lynn, Charlie Ruggles, Don- i'E othy Gish, Beulah Bondi, tal James Brown. It's young, ît's che gay, it's wondenful. 20 mil- kit lion laughed at the book . . . c the whole world wiil roar at ne, the picture. CIO (g( BUY VICTORY BODS... 20 INVEST IN THE BEST (Pl 1res MI'c en sca pia Baby Chieka Barrod Rocks S. C. Whito Leghorns WE STILL HAVE A LIMIED NUMBER 0F CHICKS FOR SALE IN MAY AND JUNE Owing to hlgh hatchability we have some started leghorg pullets from one to five weeks cf age. A customer bas 260 leghorn puilets six weeks old which he wlshes to selU. Ail parent stock banded and blood tested as Ontario Breeding Station. FOR PRICES ON ABOVE, WRITE or PHONE Orchiatai Farma H. J. BROOKS Phone 2636 Bowmanvlie More beautifui thon ever in Sun Beige Sun Bronze .s Approximatoly 20 pahi ln a 1.00 boulie Sa easy ta apply and quick ta dry, Elizabeth Ardens Ieg moke-up stays M on the legs ond off the clothes. Water- resistant. Clings, until deliberately woshed awoy, with a blemish-concealinq sheer textured beauty that trims the ankle-slims the Ieg. Be sure ta wear Vlvo Leg Film with bathinq suits or shorts, it makes your legs look sun-burnished . .. far more lovely. SLEEIC -. ..the fragrant croam that remnoves hair and loaves the legs satin smq.efh, .85 Jury & Lovel THE REXALL STORE Whon W. Test Eyos t Ie Don. Prop.rly PHONE 778 - - - C.N.R. TICKETSj Auction Sales Sat., May 5, Gilbert Jones will seîl by public auction at residence of Miss May Bottrell, Church and Liberty Sts., Bowmanville, his household effects and furniture, stoves, chesterfield suites, dining and bedroiWn furniture, e t c. Terms cash. Sale at 1 p.m. Wm. Challis, auctioneer. 17-2* I have been authonized ta seli by public auct?Ùn for Mrs. Mabel Apnil 3Oth, the following effects: Findiay stave, nearly new; set beam scales, 240 lbs.; 2 bedroomn suites; wash stand; book case; kitchen table; chairs, lounges; spring mattress; kitchen cabinet; coal ail stove, with oven; cook stove (Champion); oak dining- room table; churn; Victrola; gar- den tools; and many other articles too numerous to mention. Sale at 1p.m. Terms cash. A. L. Pascoe, clerk; Elmer Wilbur, auctioneer. The auctian sale of the house- hold effects of Mn. John Spry, which was ta have been held at his residence, corner Church and Silver Sts., Bowmanvilie, on Sat- urday last, has been postponed on account of the weather, until this Saturday, Apnil 28th. At the ame tirme and place there will ilso be soid a large quantity of Lausehoid effects of Mrs. H. In- gram who is leaving town. Sales wili include: living room furni- ture, bedrooma suites, 8 piece din- ig suite, kitchen furniture, kitch- n cabinet, 2 sewing machines, :dd table and chairs, linoleum, 3 stoves, coal ail stave, electric late, iran, heater and toaster, ishes,cooking utensils, gardan oIs and numerous other useful irticles. Sale at 1:30 p.m., Satur- lay, Apnîl 28th. Terms cash. T. 5Mountjoy, cierk; Wm. J. Chal- s, auctioneer. 17-1 Furniture Sale - I have been iuthorized ta seil by public auc- on in the village of Hampton for [essrs. Miller and Flintoff and lso for the estate of the late [nrs. Gea. Barton on Saturday, .pr. 28, the following: 5 beds, 3nrings and mattresses; 4 dress- rs; 3 wash-stands; chesterfield; efrigerator; buffet; kitchen cab- net (nearly new); 2 dining-roam 1 ables (oak and walnut) with hairs; sideboard; divanette; 12 tchen chairs; rockers; verandah [airs; bedding and quilts (many t iw); mats; toilet set (good); ack; dishes; cooking utensils' good); cutlery, Aladdin lamp;I 0 gaI. coal ail in cans; cook stove r Princess Pat) nearly new, 6 lids, a eservoir and sheif; McCiary r ook stove with reservoir; kitch- n stove with water front; heater;V calding kettie; step ladder; corn s lanter; garden tools (good); coal t i stove; potato sprayer; 2 gates; 1 ;heel barrow, m a ny ot haer r rticlas taa numerous ta mention. ' Ls this is a very large sale I t 7ould like to stant at 1 p.m. sharp. a 'rms cash. J. D. Hogarth, clerk; s Imer Wilbur, auctioneer. 17-1 v s PersonalV .ENDOR TABLETS are effec- jh tive. 2 wp,'ks' su ci* :12 SL - . - W:e£ bp l %i;i weeks' $5, at Alex McGregor's Drug Store. 9-26 Wanted To Buy j WARDROBE TRUNK, in good condition. Write P.O. Box 206, Bowmanville. 17-1* FARM 75 TO 100 ACRES, good house a nd buildings, creek preferred. State price and par- ticulars. Write Box 492, States- man Office. 17-1* SINGER DROP HEAD SEWING machines. Will pay cash, cal or write, Singer Sewing Ma- chine Co., Oshawa, 16 Ontario Street, phone 696. 14-tf WILL PAY CASH FOR CAR be- tween years 1934-38, in good condition. Clarence Bell, clo Gordon Beech, 46 Carlisle Ave. 17-1* FEATHERS AND Feather Beds o f a il descriptions. Highest pnices paid. Write particulars to Queen City Feather Co., 23 Baldwin St., Toronto. 1512.4* Real Estate For Sale FARM FOR SALE or wiil ex- change for house in town. Ap- ply Geo. Williams, Kendal. 17-2* 2 5-ROOMED HOUSES on King St., Bowmanviile, corner Lib- erty St. Apply John Challis, Liberty St. 17-2* FIVE - ROOMED FURNISHED cottage "Windy Cove," at Bow- manville Beach, eiectric, water, fireplace, screened porch, lot 155x75 ft. Apply Mrs. M. M. Gerry. 17-1 FARM, 135 ACRES, Lot 6, Con. 4, Clarke, good land and build- ings, 90 acres under cuitivation, 10 acres hardwood, 2 good weils, water on pasture land, eiectricity past door. Price $4,500. Appiy Lamne Paeden, Clarke, R.R. 1, Ont. Phone 7r1, Orono. 16-2 FOR CASH SALE - 8 ACRE garden, north of Harmony on Third Concession, s ix room brick veneer house, stable, hen house. Ahl have eiectnicity. Pig pen. Also strawberries, "'!pberries, red and black cur- .ts, goose bernies, grapes, s.ilfruit trees. Apply C. W. o'skin, phone Oshawa 1827j3. 1 17-1* -ienders Required ISeaied tenders for the purchase fr cash of the reai estate owned byte late W. R. Adams anid be- ing lot P35, concession 10 of the township0o Clarke wili be receiv- ed by Fred Smith, Tyrone, On- tario, or W. R. Strike, Bawman- ville, until 6 p.m., Saturday, May Sth, 1945. Tenders subject ta re- served price. 17-3 -1Work Wanted REPAIRS- CLOTHING altera- tions, repairs, mending, expert work at reasonable rates. Apply Ground Floor Apt., Cowan Block, Division St. 17-1* jTAKE NOTICE Corporation of the Town of Bowmanville The Tax rates levied far school purposes have been reduced by an amount equal in total ta $14,. 961.00, received by the respective School Boards from the Provin- cial Government towards educa- tional costs to be used for the relief of taxation on real estate. A. J. LYLE, Clerk. 17-1 CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F BOWMANVILLE Notice Notice is hereby given that it is the intention of Council to have the houses numbered in the Town and that any property owner who wishes ta do so may supply their own numbers and secure the number of their property from the plan at the Town Hall. A. T. LYLE, Cierk. 16-2 NOTICE The Council of the Corporation of the Town of Bawmanville, in- tends ta construct as a local im- provement the fallawing water- warks extensions: Church Street-Liberty Street ta St. George St.. St. George St.-Church Street o King Street. Liberty Street - Nelson Street :0 Base Line. Jackman Avenue - Stugog Street to Jackman praperties. and intends tb specialiy assess a part of the cost upon the lands butting directly on the work. The estimated cast of the wark is $12,000.00, of which $4,800.00 is bo be paid by the Corporation. The stimated cost per foot frontage ýs for Church Street 5 cents, for Liberty Street 5 cents, fan Jack- ,an Avenue 5 cents. The special .ssessment is ta be paid in 20 an- uai instalments. A petition to the said council wiu not avail ta prevent its con- truction, but a petition against ;he work or the manner in which ,t has been undertaken, may be nade pursuant ta Section 8 af rhe Local Improvement Act, ta, ýhe Ontario Municipal Board, by à majority of the owners repre- ;enting at least one-haîf of the 'alue of the lots which are ta be ;pecially assessed therefar. A by-law for undertaking the vork wiii be considered by the ouncil at a meeting thereaf ta be ield an the llth day of May, 1945, )r at a regular or a speciai meet- ng thereof ta be held thereafter. DATED this l8th day of April, A..14 . J.LLCek A..14 .J.LLCek 16-3 Tenders Wanted Sealed tenders for the purchase for cash of the following parcels of reai estate owned by the late Williamn Reynolds will be receiv- ed at the office of W. R. Strike, solicitor, Bowmanviiie, Ontario, until 6 p.m., Saturday, May 5th, 1945: Parcel 1: North west quarter lot 4, concession 8, north east quarter lot 5, concession 8. Parcel 2: Lot 3, Concession 10, Bath parcels being in the Township of Dariington, in the County of Durhamn and tenders subject ta reserved price. 16-3 Tenders Wanted Tenders for the repairs ta the Town Shed, Church Street, wiii be accepted up ta April 3th, 1945. Ail particulars may be obtained from the undersigned. A. J. LYLE, Cierk. 16-2 grain and Seeds Red Clovor Swo.t Clovor Alsike Rape Seod Hybrid -Seod Corn Open Pollinated Cort. S.od Potatoos Seod Wheat Seed Buckwhoat Fortilizors Ait ai a Timothy Sudan Grass Miltts Gardon Supplies A. W. GLENNEY NEWCASTLE Phono Clarke 33-12 Articles For Sale SEVERAL LOADS Good Timothy hay. Appiy Austin Wood, phone 2388. 17-1* GIRL'S BEIGE TRENCH COAT with zipper, size 12,, i good condition. Phone 2565. 17-1* CUPBOARD suitabie for kitchen use or bookcase. Phone 2683. 17-1 1100 CEDAR POSTS. Jack G. Smith, Bobcaygeon. P ho n e 32-12. 14-4* CHESTEAFIELD AND CHAIR, kitchen couch, large kitchen table, hand washing machine. Phone 2556 after 5:30 p.m. 17-1 5 DOZ. ASSORTED PLATED cutiery, in g o o d condition. Phone 802, Mrs. T. S. Holgate, after 7 p.m. 17-1* PIANO, Mason and Risch, good practice piano. Stool and met- ronome. Telephone 434 eve- nings. 17-1 DUTCH SET ONIONS, 20e lb.; muitipliers 3 ibs. 25c. Stewart's Seed Store. 16-tf 1928 FORD COUPE belonging to the late W. R. Adams. Apply Fred Smith, Tyrone, Ontario. 17-2 CERTIFIED KATAHDIN PO- tatoes, foundation A, $2.50 per bag. Bill Rowland, Newcastle. Phone Clarke 1902. 17-1 SOY BEANS, Reg. No. 1 quality, Mandarin, 140 bu. For pnices apply Wallace McKnight, R. R. 2, Bowmanville. 17-3* NEARLY NEW NO. 18 DeLavai cream separator, 800 lbs. capa- City. Lew HalioweUl, phone QUANTITY 0F KATAHDIN and Sebago potatoes, price $1.25 per bag. Apply Clare E. Allin. Phone 2847. 17-1* MASSEY HARRIS SEED DRILL, 12 hoe, in good working condi- tion. W. Baskerville, phone Clarke 1912. . 17-1 A NUMBER 0F USED DOUBLE schooi desks, reasonabie. Apply H. C. Muir, Sec'y-Treas., S.S. No. 8, Courtice. 17-1 RENFREW CREAM Separator, medium size, in good condition. Wm. Greenwood, K e n d a 1 * Phone Orono 23r18. 17-2* TYRONE GREENHOUSES ARE prepared to furnish every kind of plants for your garden and flower beds, pnices reasonable. T. H. Tabb, prop. 17-4* USED 2-FURROW CASE PONY disk piow, 2-furrow M.-H. disk plow. Apply W. H. Brown, Case D e ale r, Bowmanville. Phone 497 or 2610. 17-1 COSY HOME QUEBEC COOK stove with water front, single bed spring (new), dining room table. Mrs. M. M. Gerry, Bow- manville. 17-1 FERTILIZER - Suggest taking immediate delivery. For prices phone Bowmanville a g en t, Fergus E. Morrill, Teleohone 2456. Agricultural Chemicals Ltd. il-tf POULTRY EQUIPMENT - TWO coal brooder staves, two battery brooders, 600-chick size; ane electric brooder; 2 C ala n y houses; 2 range shelters. Phone 2433, Bowmanville. A. H-. Clemens. 15-tf BEES - WILL SELL A FEW colonies up ta May 24. Also some new equipment. Tractor, Auto-trac, newly built from '28 Chev. Eric Liiley,. phone 295j 11, Oshawa, Bowmanville R.R. 3. 17-2* LINOLEUM AND CONGOLEUM Rugs. SelecI yours fromn over 300 patterns actually in stock. Ypu are invited ta viow these at BRAIýLE'S New Furniture Store,' 156 Simcoe South, Osh- awa. 46-t! SCREEN DOOR, new desk suit- able for typewriter, kitchen cupboard, chest of drawers, ful length separate mirror, single bed-couch with mattress, metro- nome in good condition, hall- tree. Appiy 13 Carlysle Ave. 17-1* OSHAWAS NEW FURNITURE Store - Everything in modern. chesterfield, bedraom, dining suites, and studios. Bedding and floor covermngs a speciaity. Quality merchandise ut com. petitive prices. Before baying VIsit Bradley's New Furniture Store, 156 Slmcoe St. S., Osh- awa. 46-ti. RAINBOW GLADIOLI - Ramn- bow mixture is different, it contains bright new colors which provide beautiful bou- quets. For something new and different buy a few dozen Rainbaw Giads naw. Supply limited. Stewart's Seed Stare. 13-tf GOVERNMENT A PP R0V E D chick bargaîns for this week and next. Barred Rocks, New Hampshires, Black Australorps, N e w Hampshire X Barred Rocks non-sexed, $10.95, puliets $17.95, cackerels $8.95. White Leghorns non-sexed $9.95, pul- lets $20.95, cockerels 95c. As- sonted Hleavy Breeds non-sexed $9.95, puliets $15.95, cockerels $6.95. Assorted Medium cock- ereis $1.75. 2 week aid add 6c par chick to above prices. Ship- ped C.O.D. This advertisement must accompany your order. Top Natch Chickeries, Guelph, Ontario. 17-ltf Radio Service BOWMAN VILLE RADIO SER- vice-Expert radio repair, fast service. If you can't get that radia tube, try us. Wark guar- anteed. Cail 589. 16-tf Livestoek For Sale YOUNG PIGS, 3 ta 10 weeks old. Apply L. J. Combes, R.R. 4, phone 2581. 17-1* 7 YOUNG PIGS, 7 weeks aid. Apply Taylor & Hall, R.R. 5, Bowmanville. 2402jj, > YORKSHIRE BROOD SOW, 3rd litter, due to farrow July lSth. Apply Clarence Burley, phone Clarke 1613. 17-1* 2 YOUNG PURE BRED YORK- shire sows due to farrow about May 2th, the kind that raise select hogs. Apply E. Milison, R.R. 1, Enniskilen. Phone 2263. 17-2* CHICKS - We are now taking oiders for Tweedie Chicks, al breeds. Order early for spocial prices. Stewart's Seed Store, BABY CHICKS- BE SURE 0F your supply of Trent Eiectric Chicks this season, Barred Rocks, New Hamnpshires, White Leghorns and New Hamp X Barred Rock. For prices and informat io n phone Barrons, Hampton, 2420. 16-4* WANTED-WOMAN for kitchen work, part time hours to be ar- ranged on interview. (Not more than 24 hours per week.) Apply Olympia Cafe, phone 888. 17-1* TEACHER WANTED-Bethesda S.S. No. 10, Dariington, requires Protestant teacher for schooi t e r m begînning September, 1945. Apply, stating experience, qualifications and saiary ex- pected, to Gordyn Brent, Sec'y- Treas., R.R. 5, Bowmanville, Ontario. 17-1 Wanted PASTURE FOR ABOUT 15 cattie. Phone 617, Bowman- ville. 17-1* REFRIGERATO R ]Repairs Commercial - Domestic ANY MARE H. J. Bowyer PHONE OSHAW A 244 RELIABLE ONTARIO BREEDING STATION R.O.P. SIRED BARRED rROCK CHICKS From Blood-Tested, Bred- 2 to-Lay parent stock. Ail chleks sired by R.O.P. coc- kerels insure hlgh egg pro- duction and excellent meat type. L We would appreclate early orderlng. Mlxed Chlcks, Pullets, Coc- kerels, day-old or started. WRITE or PHONE Donald E. Gibson Bowmanvllle, Ont. Phone Clarke 3811 FOR EXPORT FOR HIGHEST PRICES I buy ail kinds of Grade and Reglstered Cows and heif- ers and cows bred about 4 or 5 months. Magx 1Relit R.R. 4, Port Perry PHONE or WRITE Phone Port Perry 198-R-21 12-6* Wanted to Rent 2 OR 3 ROOMED APARTMENT. Write Box 493, Statesinan Of- fice, Bowmanville. 17-1* Parents Attention Parents of children beginning sehool in September are request- ed to register them with the Town Nurse. Miss Taylor, at the Central Schooi, on any morning between Apr. 30 and May 11. If preferred, pupils of the South Ward may be registered on Tues- day afternoons at South Ward School. Besides the registration required, Miss Taylor would like to dîscuss health problems with the mothers of beginners. 17-2 STE WARTÀ'S YOUR DEPENDABLE HEAD- QUARTERS FOR HIGH QUALITY SEEDS AIl our seed is Govt. Graded No. 1 IOnt. Variogatod Alfalfa Grimm Alfalfa Rod Clovor, Early Rod Clovor, Mammoth late Alsiko Swoot Clovers Timothy White Dutch Lâdino Canada Blue Grass Kentucky Blue Grass Poronnial Ryo Grass Crestod Whoat Grass Rood Canàry Grass Bromo Grass (Park Iand) Cert. Meadow I!scuo Orchard CGr asqr. Red Top Hybrid & Open Pollinated Sood Corn Cort. Sood Potatoos Fortilizors (for gardons) BuIk Gardon Soods You buy with Quality and price Stewart's SeedStor Phono 577 Bowmnanvile confidencei when you buy Phones: 467 - Res. 376 r i MýEN WANTED For War Work In Mechanical Rubber Goods Plant Vacations with Pay Group Insurance and HospitalIzation Plan Legal Holldays wlth Pay Pension Plan A War Time Job With Peace lime Prospects Apphicants on War Work not Accepted Apply National Selective Service, Oshawa Refer File No. 1211 A Sensible Plan Followed by Many Peo pie Pre- arrangement of fu.neral service ini advance of need is a sensible plan' now being adopted by many people who place it ini the same category as having life insurance and making a will. Such pre-ar- rangement has a nunber of advantages. It avoids financial hardship which the sudden expense of a funeral sometimes causes. It tends ta avert unnecessary extravagance and it relieves others. frozu making decisions that caù' best be made by you. Information on pre-arrangement may be secured from aur Advisory Departrnent. Bring victory dloser - Get ready ta buy Victory Bonds Morris Fuanertai Service 480 Bownianville * ~ 's.-. MC ~ , .. 27-i Orono Classified Ad Rates One cent a word cash, each Insertion <minimum Charge 25c). Charge of 25e extra I. made when advertlsement la flot paId- saine.week as Iser- tion. Extra Charte of 10e when replies are directed to a Statesmali box number. Blrths, deaths and marriages 50e each. 1[n remorlams, 500 for notice pius 1Ne per line for verse. Clalsfled adver- tlsements accepted up until Wednesday noon. Orchard Pollination IS GREATLY INCREASED BY laDE ES WE HAVE BEES FOR RENT ORDER- EARLY C, R. KNOX OIDONO Phono 42-R-2 TI1RE NEWS No permit necessary for retreading tires. Have them retreaded xiow. If your tires need vulcan- izing, let us look them over before the busy sea- son is here. Pull stock of new and re- coxlditioned tires ta -choose from. GF. JANIESON TIRE & BATTERY SHOP King & Silver, Bowmanvlhle 1 , -ri'q TRE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO THURSDAY, APRIL 26th, 1945

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