PAGE SITX Zion Norman Leach at Douglas Flett's,H mpoNe t n il chair. Mrs. Morris took charg ZinRaglan . . . Fit.-Lieut. Gordon Ha po.e tn il for the program. Three speakers Newcastle WHEN WE TEST ;OUI Webb, D.F.C. and Bar, Hamilton, e MsMorMs.Rbnn Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Bernard at A. T. Stainton's. .. Miss Jean1 Sympathy of Hampton people Visitors: Mrs. Chas. Welsh and and Mrs. Pearce. We have flot Miss Grace MacKellar spent the ASSIJRED PERFECT McEwan and Faye, Dunbartofl, at McMaster, Toronto, at Alex Mc- is extended to the famiiy of Ai- two chiidren, Bowmanville, at space for this discussion but the week-end with her father, Mr.FI A D Master's.on' . . Mrn Mrs.AT. bert Martyn, formerly of Hamp- Mr. S. J. Lancaster's... Miss Jean conclusion was that what God MacKeliar, Port Perry. Wes.Camrons . . rs.Robt. Stainton and Eileen, Master Brian ton, in the death on April 14, of Wade, Lindsay, was home. .. Mr. reveais to man more cieariy is Miss Mit-mie Pearce, Toronto, _______________ Killen has returned home f rom Lee at George Armour's, Hamp- his son, Harry, as a resuit of an and Mrs. Orme Falls and Mr. anc1 the depndence on one anthe r ie e ohr Ms .R e Niagara-on-the-Lake. . . Pte. Ray ton. . . Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mac- accident at Shannonviile, where Mrs. F. Todd and son, Starkvilie, Ten years aotvinof tol te Pearce..U rs n GifrNwakt tHaodNb uryadDiane, Bow- hie had been working on a farm Mrs. W. Todd and Mr. and Mrs Lau o ains had a social MondaY Ra Bris dCob Gifford's . . . Mrs. W. Giaspel, manville, at Alf. Ayre's.. Mrs. for about two monthS. His fun- Robt. McGahey, Oshawa, with Mr. divisible" and two years after evening. The losing side with Ladies' Roll Brush - eal ookplce n Ohaa o an Ms. onad Sapeto...Mr Rosevltadded "Prosperity as Tracey Embley a leader, trae Oshawa, spent the week-end at Ross Lee, Kedron, at A. T. Stain- rlto lc nOhw i adMs1oadSaltn ..M. ~ , loa rae Gent's BrusheS Gerry Glaspel's. . .' SÈrgt. Jas. ton's. .. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Met- Tuesday afternoon with inter- and Mrs. George Beare and three is indivisible". Mrs. McCullough the wnîng side with Margaret $3.98 pe e McMaster, Barriefield, Mrs. Me- calfe, Oshawa, at Al. Ayre's. . . m e n t in Hamnpton Cemetery children, Greenbank, with Mr. read the story of a brave Young Ash as their leader. After a Master and Ashtàifi, Toronto, are Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Stainton and which was attended by relatives and Mrs. Earl Walkey. . . Mr. and Chinese school teacher who scavenger hunt, the members en- P NGT IC spendrng a feW days at Alex me- Eileen at Foster Snowden's, Ked- and Hampton friends. Mrs. Herb Alexander and two escaped when the Jap9afirst in- joyed other recreation. There SPNGT IS -Master's. . . Master Brian Lee, ron, on Saturday night. Women's Institute met on April children, Markham, calied on Mr. vaded China. By prayer and plan- was also a presentation 'made to wampole's Extract ---$1 Kedron, at A. T. Stainton's for a 5 with the president in the chair. and Mrs. W. C. ....... Mr. and ning he finally worked out a sys- Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Allin, both Hypophospliites Campi) $1 week. . . Master Larry Metealfe, Pte. Ralph Herbert Bemnis, son Mrs. J. R. Reynolds acted as sec- Mrs. Edgar Nicholis and two tem whereby the people, impov- members of the Y.P.U. Refresh- Oshawa, spent a few days at Al. of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Bemnis, retary. Reference was made to children, Port Hope, at Mr. S. j. erished though most of themn were ments were served, after which a Burdaek Bloed Ayre's. .. Mrs. N. Hercock, Gwen 236 Dearborne Ave., Oshawa, and the paper salvage to be heid soon. Lancaster's . .. Mr. C. Robb, yet by each .doing his little bit, short business meeting was held. Bitters -------- 98C and David, and Barbara Iverson husband of the former Jessie A. Announcement will be made Montreal, was up to his cottage were able to help and when he Mrs. W. H. Cooke visited in I[ronized Yeast 98e at Mrs. Dorothy Iversons, Osh- Downey of Bowmanville, has later. A discussion regarding . . . Mrs. Leushner and Roger, reached safety hie headed a move- Toronto, Miss Irene Rinch very I[ron and Yeast Tabs 69c awa. .. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bail, been reported missing in action date of the "District Annuai" at Niagara, and Mrs. Hart, Toronto, ment which later becamne the capably taking charge of the of- WillIam's Pink Fis 50e Bille and Donna, Mr. and Mrs. overseas. Hampton took place and on sug- with Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Pearce. bîggest social service China has fice at the C.P.R. station in bier Vi-Mi Caps -- $1.85, $3.25 ______________________________________________gestion of the District President Mrs. Thos. Coatham is critically ever known. absence. ___________ Mrs. W. H. Jones of Newtonville, ill at the home of lier daughter, More Newcastle news on page il TOOTH CARE.. it was agreed to hold the conven- Mrs. Cecil Stapleton.__________ tion on May 24th. It was carried Mro and Mrs. George Smith, Ba kso kTooth Brushes 19, 29, 50e that the Federation fees be paid. Starkville, and Mr. R. Martin, .*.I Colgate's Faste..-- 25e, 40e es- FDonation of $5.00 was voted to Lake Shore, at Mr. George Staple- April meeting of United Church J1l1feld Listerine Faste -- 25c, 40e the janitor as an appreciation of ton's. ________dattebrn f]paa------ ----29,i9 services ýrendered. A nominating Mr. and Mrs. Bert Stapieton Mrs. Ernest Larmer. Mrs. Harri- Visitors: LAC Jamie Stark, 1 committee for election of officers with hier parents, Mr. and Mrs. son, president, gave an inspiring Trenton, at J. Stark's. .. Mr. and at next meeting, was appointed: Herb Gilmer, Bowmanvilie. talk during the devotional period Mrs. J. Tamblyn and family, Mrs. L. Truil, Mrs. Joe Chapman Miss Roberta Hoskin, P o rt and Mrs. Wright explained the Orono, at W. Bowman's. . . Miss unSMSand Mrs. E. H. Cole. Reference Hope, with Miss Donna Stark, study from "West of the Date Evelyn Cunningham, Oshawa, I , à"ý V Ç-lwas made to letters received from Saturday, it being Donna's birth- Line". Mrs. Larmer and Mrs. with Mrs. W. Pascoe. .. Mr. and two of our boys, Roy Prescott and day. Wright sang "The Old Rugged Mrs. Wiibert Smith and family, URONl.Harold Martin, overseas, express- Mrs. Jas. Laing fell in hier home Cross". The idea was stressed Oshawa, at A. W. Prescott's. . . Wk. Uu'r lver> OUR ON appreciation for parcels re- and broke both bones in lier right that full co-operation between all Mr. and Mrs. G. Bowman and DIIACKC TEA FLAVOU RFUL ceived. Mrs. W. W. Horn pre- arm near the wrist.vitos r the different departments of thue famiiy at T. R. Bowman's, Port doanse yeur sytefi FANCY 20o.25 o $10 sidedfo the following program Those who have itos r church could bring nothing but Perry. f»I flghtinu fit by TO Fi JUICE 3Tins U in charge of the Centre Group: visit, kindly phone your corre- good to ail, also that shouid any C G. Bowman is recovering hbn piano solo by Phyllis Niddery; spondent before Monday evening. of the women of the church feel frorn an operation in Bowman- BR A L U IT7-1b.19 24-lb. 3 vocal duet by Joan Craig and Thank youi that they would like to join the ville Hospital. DIEADBa FLUUeAcIk isM Ms amodBon ted .MS u fl hy ol o Teei a pdmi'o a Srnall kg. 9# Large kg. d»Katerson gave part 1 of "History ed the wedding of hier sister, Mrs. take an active part in the meet- colds in the community. NS O Y O&Vof Hampton". Jean.Balson favor- Jacques, to Mr. Harold Lee, ings, would be very, welcome as Several farmers have not comn- ' R T S Srnall Pk. gg 2 Lage Pkgs.ed with a piano number and Miss Niagara Falls, N.Y., and is since members. mne edn e." R I A T SmallOP43e Katerson continued hier interest- visiting hier brother, Mr. Henry Mrs. E. Hooey and grandsons,mecdsdigyt Lag Md ing and concise description of Eiliott, Lansing. Jimmie and Bobby Balling, Bow- Grove M R O P Ck 91 3ae17 EryHsoyof Hampton". Mrs Mrs.Alf. Bronad mnvlle, visited Mr. and Mrs. 106 . L. Niddery favored with a read- Jack at Mr. Wm. Elliott's, Whitby. Wm. Hooey. a l Gr v For urniureing "Flowers and Women". Re- Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lake and Don't forget the ae drive! .5r9adMr.H4G1remn DXNSfreshments were served and a f amily and Mr. and Mrs. John Marlon McMullen is back at Vstors: Mrs. Roy Mclntyre, 30,tI getsciaewa Sunday guests at Mr. Alf. (See more Blackstock news on .. Miss Mldred Snowden in To- O ]PA TP LSRThe Easter Thank Offering Brown's. another page.) ronto with Miss Betty Snowden For Frnitue andmeeting of our Woman's Mission- W.M.S. meeting opened with..Mran s HG.Fem , k 9 io FOD Woodwork ary Society was held on Thurs- President Mrs. Burley in the This ia subscription time! Mrs. J. D. Stevens, Mr. and Mrs. Bl25 t 2eScbool room witb Mrs. S. G. Nid- town, in St Catharines with rel- ~ r nery in charge. Program was tives. . . Mr. J. E. White, Eliza- Protect Garments Against Math 1 prepared by Mrs. A. Blanchard bethville, with, bis son, Mr. Law- CHOICE 28-oz Tin l D o- . 2 and consisted of very interesting ronce White . . . Mr. and Mrs. TONqATOES 1 $13 stories from "Tbey Came Bruce Stephenson and baby, Osh- Phono OGILVIE'8 a Pkgs. Tbrough", by Dr. Kenneth Bea-f awa, with bier parents, Mr. and 695 CO LINGS BL N IS2 19 ton, peetdb Mrs. A. E. Bul- Mrs. J. R. Metcal. .. Mr. and Mrs. -- 1-lb. Tin lett, Mrs. . Colean Mrs. W. W..b 'f~ Norman Laird, Mr. Ted Laird, Dr. ________________ HA"~ WAX454 Horn. Following this the Mission , w and Mrs. Morgan, Mr. Bob Mor- Btl. WA Band held their Thank Offering à) > lf - gan, Toronto, Miss Hazel McCrea, H W SG O 5< meeting. The worship period was .o Whitby, Miss Viola McCrea, To- Frank Wright and Grant, Maple H W SF O taken by Misses E. Laramie, jr'r ronto, at Mr. A. Laird's. Grove; Mr. and Mrs. Neil Yellow- NASTER TERRBIERCUIS E 2 kb. 25g vneWiims rc esy This communityb was shocked lees and Carol, Tyrone, at N. C or TRIRKBL Evelyn Smaie, Bea Craig, and M.adMs tam s L b 5 E L25e the foilowing program was pre- that Mr. Fred R. Foley, St. Cath- er Wilbur, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon sented: piano solo, Miss Muriel armnes, a former Maple Grove Wilbur, Hampton, at Thos. Bak- lb.19 Hindman; vocal duet, Brian and boy, bad passed away during the er's..- Mrs. Frank Brarrind El- Avril Damant; recitations by nigbt. The sympathy of this gin, Enfield, at Walter arne' JE EL SBR RTENIuG Carol Chant and Ronald Clem- community is extended to the be- - Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Harvey and ens; stories by Jean Kersey and reaved wife and son, David, also Brian, Toronto; Marian Ormiston, Elizabeth Laramie. Choruses by other relatives, in their sudden Columbus; Mrs. Orval Jackson mMisoBadmembers, accom- sad bereavement. and Murray, Brooklin, at Bruce ____________________________panied by Ralph Peters at the Mrs. Fred Stevens, Mrs. ROY Tink's. . . Mr. and Mrs. Ralph TEXAS MARSH 3 for 1< pao ~.Mclntyre, were in an accident Davis and Patricia at Lorne Hos- Mision an Bay BndStevens' driveway wben their found, Toronto, at Will Baker' GEAPEFIEAA eed1esm - both MiBabynBand amtes fStrdyj opstBr.Ra.nisdyon.--Mr a e CLFRI Os DOL. children were guests at this an- car was bit by tbe Dept. of High-.- Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Yellow- 39 ulhappy gathering of our .- way's truck driven by Mr. Pearce lees and Harold at Ciare Allin's, ICA, ree, b.missionary family and at the con- of Newtonville. It skidded across Bowmanville. . . Misses Marjorie 239 clusion tbe W.M.S. btlwandeeihkeepbs tJakBaenter.MssLlla TONATOES Etra QualitY tained aIl to a supper. - Nth rod n frntof haeir a, -a Jc andieen Couh. .oManilie, Mississppi, New Crop, lb. 5 9 sides a few cuts and bruises. The Hoar, Toronto; Mrs. Ed. Hoar, CADRAGE SFresh Green --- car was badly damaged. Newcastle; Mrs. Wrightson Wight, Br tsh Clumba, WnS.S. foro.j 9,__Clarkei~ Alvin Metcalf, brother Harvey, Bowmanville, at E. R. Taylor's..- Britsh olubaagWinsap fo Mr. Donald Metcalf, passengers Cpi. Helen Baker, Ottawa, witb AP L S Extra Fancy Grade 17<5 Mrs. C. Brown, Brown's Sec-/ f\ in the car with Alvin, were in an her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jack CAEOT S, 3rsh CTi ale.f their way to town, when their _______________ CogrtlaiostoMr ndMr - car was bit by a big transport, CoustretstaofoVsnsoonr.Sabridge C L R ST L S Florida Pascl 2 for 29e Ernest Knapp (nee Martha Van* T A B Lo Entoe' bide deblt n hirmrrae nAlvin and Donald bad cuts wbicb TU1 ME TABLE SNative Grown, Hothouse, ea. Saturday in Orono. We wish them equired jsttchs arvey scp -H N E IuLUNlUBE sr Selected M9< every bappiness. e ibjs bkn p Mr. H. Richardson, Dept. of GR EN ONIONS: Native Grown, b 10<I# laigantBds., Too ent,arEW.ECTIVE' en~umE~Z Nie New Crop 3 bcli. Planni gndDevor ent, a r To e FFCTV GR aieGrown, Fresh Green, a lb. 21< Loettes.fomtbe o orbos ne * ~ ~Sun., April 299 1945 ~EAI~9oE1 New Crop -overseas bave been received, inW.svelo d rhnkoffer-. Lloyd Pedwell, Bill Barchard and Mri ngsiea o Sundaygemornheing.A F CI Roy . Paton.service with Mrs. Albert His and Weexen cngatl tiot M rs. R. Hatherley assisting. Mr. and Mrs. Kennetb Pedwelly u w4 9Msso ad loateddi * 7-lb. Bag 2e wbo were married in Toronto on body.W MissonBnsotendedn a sl 5R S SF URApril l4tb. They are staying at _______________________________ _ b d rs.sead gveapienfu- - M AT PRE DSVork Brank 3 o- 20e present with bis parents untîl Ti d pdordB ishd adsan e schorfr Bher hm srayaittain Sympathy is extended to Mr. ** A. & P. Orange 24-oz. Jar MrttiGn HoeAaa RU ...Â, Thomas Tabb and family in the MARNALADE MMs w26<prAaa sde asigo Ls ab Mrs. G. Barchard's. i.fl hII'ii fli sitiuu KairyIflrm Mr.sudden p ssing.oB.MStbbM. ~~~ ~~~Z. ~~~~~ ~Our Home & School Club is V UI IFIIJ IIU IMranMs.RB.cttMs Ruy ustm Goun ANNPAG metin atthe cbol tis ed-Wm. Macdonald and Mr. Willis Bu CsomGiondAN nG eseayng h. coo hi PHONE 836 BOWMÂNVILLE Stewart witb Mr. Charles and . I " Mr. and Ms. Rg isnae______________________________Miss Helen Brown, Peterboro, Mr. occpyng arMrfbi.gand- Stewart remaining for a visit. IÀ1 O C Rfather's bouse, Mr. W. A. Gibson._______________________________ Pe n Mrs.WatrPkan BREAD Mr. and MÀrs. Baillie, Miss POP Cecile with his mnother,Mr - CO F EWHITE OR BROWN Norma and Colin, and Mrs. Camp- POP uaPtroo COF EEFRESH DAILV bell, Toronto, at H. C. Pedwell's. . SHIPMENT! Miss Yvonne Byam, Oshawa, lb. 4-az 'ir *-g gPlenty of Bray Cbicks for with Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Byam. - Love6 fprmtatimntintes rs.W..T alor ain nd - 8S1 FT'S May meeting. At reaaiig S -lsan SPCDg% lb. 9 given t by Mrs. T. Siemon on mRD W R YLMT D volnlouei by Betyraiesatn SPICED Hnte 39lb.Christian Stexvrdsbip". Mrs. F. FLIIwWere eIIT D vilnjmsioye ranc h piset WEINERS Silî b 26e Werry gave the chapter in the 120 JOHN ST. N.HAITN ONT. wervey enjoe d thepredJ'aw e study book on 'Thailand". Mrs.-H MLOHre elwes odce _________ H. Milîs favored witb instrumen- AGENTS . ,... games. tal music. Mr. Wili Baker underwent an a Worldly fme is but breath of JACK HUDSON, ORONO, operation at Oshawa Hospital ______________ A&P FOOD STORES liast week. UGODPIT The rea Atlnti & Pcifc e .o L . windlytha sbu a now thoay, WILFRED RICHARDSON, PONTYPOOL Visitors: Misses Eleanor and Mina -- 0-ne . and Oead ywno that, asn chgs name F. L. BYAM, TYRONE Macmillan, Toronto; Mrs. Mac- as it changes direction.-Dante.i Millan, Keewai;M.adMs R EYES YOU ARE SATISFACTION UN PRICE SPECIALS . Baby Bottlie Cps 2 for 25e Rubber Glovos ---------- . 45c Nail Files .---------------10c Bobby Pins.-----.---.5c e, Pawder Puffs ...-.---1----- c OUGH SYRUP. i Duration -------------49e No-Raz - ----- ------ . 59C NyaIon..........----------75e S11k Like --------------- 25e Gillette Razor and 5 Biades -----. ---- .--49e Sehick Injeetor Razor and Biades ---. ----.-.--98C Sunset Dyes.----2 far 25c Tintex DyeS.----2 for 25e Rit Dye --2 for 25c Arrid Cream - ~ ..39C Etiquet Cream .------39b Mum.----- - -- - 39c, 59C Odorono Cream.------39c 1ilb. Certlfied Health Salts - . ..--- ..------ .-----59e Ekavah Saîts ....29c, 79e Grapo Salts ------ ----. -50e Andrew's Saîts -- 44c, 77e Damage wlth Larvex 83e, $1.29 )RUG STORETrse To-morrow Check up on your Fire 1naurance today 1 For sound protection, Seo Roy Lunney (Successor to T. H. Knight) Office open mornings 9 to 12 Phone 565 Box 364 BU HMHR - ~ - ~ ~ 'I il . - 1 --, - lý