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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 May 1945, p. 5

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THURSDAY, MAY 3rd, 1945 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVII.~LE. ONTARIO PAGE FIVE FILM CIRCUITS IN FARMING AR In a Dominion-wjde service National Film Board of Ca: brings a monthly screen ace ôf Canadiàn activities andm e vents to Canada's farming 4 munities. Shown in rural sch churches, and communitiesJ coast to coast, through 96 of F i e 1 d Representatives of Board, these educational and theatrical films reach a mer audience of about 250,000. Provincial Departments cf1 culture and Education CO-OPE with the Film Board in this ject. The films depict whatC dians are accomplishing ovei in battle, on the farms and in factories at home, together, world events and the work cl allied nations. Although SELF SERVICE F00 SORES BLACK TEA NEW CHEESE NARMALADE NUSHROON si SOAP AMLV GLU ENGLISII it. WAX AEROLQUD 2 FLOUR TOMATO SEEDSF GILT El BREAE JUICE FANCI DAN DE FLOWER I4~ TONATOES ---[ ---------- BUY CUSTOM GROUNI iA-P BOXAI CGFFEE lb. LEMONS AP LETTiJCE CALI TONATOES I CELEIT STAI CABBAGE Ms CARROTS TX RHIJBARB A SPINACH AT GREEN ORION,, RADISHES A STEAKâ PORTERHC BONELESS BLADE ROJ SHORT RIB VEAL FRONTS FRESH LAKE TROUT, BLUE PICKERI HADDOCK FIL] BOLOGNA SI WEINERS SI MACARONI &1 SPICED PORK: DUTCH LOAF BRUNSWICK LI emphasis is stili on the war effort, Bowles, Lycet, CCF ily interested, net in the continu- PEAS more films are being made on re-____ ance cf goed government, but in ýethehailiatin f e-sevie mn nd Conined rompae oe) the epportunity which they e, te hbiltaton c exsericemen nd Coninud frm pge ne) thought they saw te advance the anada wemen, post-war housing, de- man aise praised Hydre as a pub- interests cf thernselves and their velepments in education and in lic utility while supperting free own particular, and peculiar, count methods of farming. enterprise. Mr. Bowles in con- greups. If it were net SO Sericus, world Since 1942, when the first 30 clusien, said he was in the fight it could be amusing te see the cern- circuits were erganized, the num- for the geed cf the commen peo- scurrying that these three so-caîl- ýhools, ber has been more than tripled, pie and seme day they weuld put ed "Leaders" have been doing in from and additions are constantly be- it acress. atternpting te blame each other f the ing made as other farming centres Mr. Bragg said we have been for the tactics which have pre- * the request the service. In tnany foolish a good many tirnes and cipitated another election in this non- places there is an afternoon show- may be again. He declared flatly Province in the course cf this )nthly ing for schoel children before the he did net care whether people most dreadful war. The regular prcgram for their parents voted CCF for himself, if nomin- "Ladies and Gentlemen, the Agri- at night. Usually, after the films ated, but he did hope voters issue in this election is plain. The erate have been shown, audiences dis- would begin te think serîously cf electors on June 4th are being ;pro- cuss points cf interest in the pic- their preblerns. He deplered the asked te decide as to whether or Cana- tures and their application te things that brought about twO rnet the good gcvernment of the rseas local problems. great wars and a sad depression Drew administration will con- ýn the To secure films for local show- but agreed that we ail were tinue or whether it will be replac- with ing, authority can be secured fromn guilty. Referring te a bag of ed by the advocates of State f the the Ontario Agent, G. C. Burt, cernent that cost a haîf cent a Secialism (the CCF), or be af- the cie O.A.C., Guelph. peund when srnall plants produc- flicted with a continuation cf ____________________________ed it, hie teld cf its rising cest Communists and Hepburnites." when monopelies took over. Im- ieAgcutr provements such as the Ganar- AddArclue aska, St. Lawrence Waterway and Dealing with agriculture, which hemes were subi ect te, the finan- he designated as our mest import- cial ebesiance ef the' few. He ant industry, Dr. Vivian said the wudnet se much cenfiscate but taking over of the stock yards in weuld restore what belongs te the Teronte had greatly irnproved Canadian people. facilities for the care of live stock Mr. Lycett teld that he had awaiting marketing. Already, he been been the first president ef said, the price of hay had been Ithe riding CCF but sat back ten reduced from $35.00 te $30.00 per years while his family grew frorn ton, the lowest price in any stock one te four, continuing through yards on the continent. An inec- the depression as a teacher for it ulation service for cattle against meant bread and butter.Onyi shipping fever aise had been pro- *the last few minutes he had cerne vided. arskGosO *PRICES SUBJECT TO MARKET CHANGES to a decision te speak eut. PeopleGaaskGe O Wj RSEV THE MOGNTI 10 MIT OUANTITIES who sheuld have been leading Dr. Vivian dealt in detail with Wl ESEVEhave been afraid te assert them- the plans made fer the develep- OUR OWN lb. 59 selves. There's scrnething drastic- ment cf the Ganaraska Water- FLAVOURFUL ally wreng when children go te shed Survey Preject, which he MILD lb. school underneurished as many declared te be a geing concern. 25d are even in Durham Ceunty. His Governrnent had been mre- AYLMER 24-oz. The speaker held that farmer ae eipenettepooas BITER WEE Ja ~h ave neyer had a square deal. He reviewed the step taken te, CLAK 2 Tins15 Canada Packers should be social- study the preblemn and te prepare rE Giant zd It isn't the money that for its inauguration. He added: £ Cake; s~~ Cakes23e ceunts but menepoly central. As "Hydraulic surveys are under Reg.Pkg.f or labor he would defend the way te determine the engineer- 240 werkers against capitalism; it's ing works required and where ------not se much money as freedom. they will need to go, in relation te The samne preference must be ac- the reforestation cf certain areas 1 CROSSE à BLACKWELL cre preachers and teachers. which will be undertaken. Ladies IrnWith his heart in the fight fer the and Gentlemen, I arn very happy T1ICKSAUCEi n his power te advance the in- Developmnent is a going concern teet Btf.the CCF teand itils going right ahead. When - --- --- ------cf The Statesman, Mr. Lycett said a conservation autherity will be DGE 71b. 9e 2-1b.he had always been a personal set up on a permanent basis. Leg- ýDE 7b.4-b 63e friend and his 'writings were ai- isiation fer this was introduced in D ag'~ Bag ways in accord with the best in this last session of the House, but, ýE 3 0a.2~ D $11 education and in support of better due te the tactics of the Oppôsi- "Y 3 iTflB«25 z conditions in schools. But they tien, it enly received its first read- EE Large differed in political principles. ing. In this dcvelepment it will q OR VEGETABLE -k. 5c r. James was for free enterprise be necessary for the Province te ~unAYLMER Tn 1e b ut the speaker was against free contribute a pbrtion cf its cost. SOUUr Tom. or Veg. 2 ns15 enterprise. ît workeci well in the BuysLadt rn MILI< A-P Tnsast but was outmoded teday. He "As reforestation will form 'an E VAP. P 2 Tn 17e hpe there would be ne name- important part cf this develop- Fluffs calling in the centest. He would mnadc h xeso ffr NEWPORT c 5 o ernigdonT.h tts et ndo h xeso ffr l mn banningedownThey Stateso- est lands in this county generally, CORNEAL lb-nan 5eete oudcn the Depairtment of Lands and OLIVES Amer 6-o t. 17< M n r s-eggs si ha e Forest have assisted us greatly by OLIEAS Plainight witne. C sse teg wrking ef tothe purchase of some 300 acres, CLEASERnigh winessd te wokin ofadjacent te the Forest Station at for democracy. There was need for Oreno, se as te increase the fa- OLI)DUT II M scriiceon the part of ail. Money cilities for post-war nursery re- pou ni , r lb A~ was needed, net nickels and quirements. The sum cof $13,7 11.93 POT A BLEY 41uaa dimes. If the cash were net hanly has been expended in the pur- WHITE BEANS 3 lb. 17e then promises would be accept- chase of these 300 acres, an cn PE SG REEN SPLIT lb. abl te. speakid oremife stee omical purchase at an average of lb. 4e th eadadr suders above ailin seme forty dollars per acre. It is WHEATLETS 4< the legislature and would be the wl expe oed thatthsecmngs Tin - ext premier. The CCF was part son for the required increased if Foc]) « 79 of~ a worid-wide movement. It nreycpct. r FOuu Tinhas made great strides in Canada. nurery c apiy." sad t e 114 D' $1.2 It lsoveente riatainan the o that the Ganaraska preposals had - eeti rianadteberne fruit in the formation of a ---- ----------- - ----- ---- i Labor Party wiil arrive in On- Fish and Game Club at Port Hope ANN PAGE à aiJn .Mr eg aen and said a cempetent man, a war mention whatever cf agriculture. veteran, had been appointed game NILK BREAD ~ ~~Concluding, the speaker drew a eese o h eny .VNFRS CFasteieo Referring te the highway sys- OVNFEHcratic hope for the future and thatte DrViandatwttha- WHITE OR BROWN citiswihisenmcovr odhpwsatoiainadangements made for a pcwer- I A24-Oz.i ec acs. Teipeso grader and showplow at Bethany, V j £LOAVErS advanced was that ahl who believ- t serve the northern end cf the ________ .~3 cd in free enterprise, with farm- cut.H iesi htN.3 e rs its chief exponients, and Cana- highway wouid be straightened dian youth everseas fighting as a pest-war work with better against Fascism, were dldn connection with Peterboro. The theseles nd ccedin tothewidening cf No. 2 Highway would tspelers athe ory, were aileFas- extended through the county -ORNIA, 300 Size Doz. sts. but f r a w as after the war. pitdetta Doz' 39% cis. The cheice te be made a The speaker pitdotta n o and utfo years te the Government had heen respon- AFORIA CEBEG fr cmean the CCF would win in IFRI IEEG 2 199 bath Ontario and the Dominion. ibic for supperting V i c t o r y He revd i mahemticllycer Loans te the extent cf $54,589,000, pared Frsh Ne Cop b.£4 tain by quoting figures. in centrast te the opposition lead- FIr~a Psca forHigligt ofthewasers record cf net having invested Foiasa l f 29h very ofexcelln evening a a single cent "in the cause of vic- w11 Selected Quality 20 9 h eyecletsoles rendered tor"we edo h oen sissppi Frsh ree lb 5g by Miss Dorethy Nicholîs, Bow- mert" wheng he a teaGrn- lissipi, Freh Gree lb. ~ manvilie, who appeared as a guest mn uigtrewryas artist, net a party supporter, and Cost of Education k8, New Crop, Tender Ibs. ~w as accorded rounds cf applause. He declared that 50 per cent cf 3 179 Mrs. Otto Bragg was accompanist. the cest cf educatien was being IVE GROWN bcli. paid by the gevernment withouti 3 109< any increase in taxation. IVEGRWNHon. Dr. Vivian The Minister presented figures "IEGON2 l 259 te show the effects cf the school (Continued from page one) grants in certain specific sohool ,s NATIVE GROWN 3 bch. 109 and provinces such as is assured sections in the ceunty, the 50 per une Brcknan De. r cent contribution having meant a bcPr.nMh. ude BackntndDre.-r.great deal te the ceunty, he said. ofet wfîcfl al peints tad been îm- George Drew in continuing- good ED o lb. 0 plemented in whole or in part. gevernment in Ontario, progres- C -2e He continued: s i v e i n outlook, censervative * e lb.2R "Ontario has been forced into thrcugh sound government." a69nother election within a perid A sing-seng was led by Maye CIIEESE LOAF lb. 26e cf two years foreone reason only: C. E. Stephenson of Port Hope, IL.TeGvrnet2t0d.Bad dattepao LO Fl.399 a combinatien of the self-seeking lb political epportunists who have Eighty per cent of accidents areC lb- 2 7 ge been in opposition. The words due toe emotional disturbances,1 lb. 5 and actions cf these "Leaders" cf Hugh Croînbie, Montreal engineer C IVER SAUSAGE 35e the three groups in Opposition told the Industrial Accident Pre-1 should leave no doubt in anyone's vention Association annual meet- mind that they have been primar- ing in Toronto. Newcastle Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Moise rcelebrated their 59th wedding an- niversary on Saturday, April 28,1 with a family dinner party. Their grandson, Robert Hawkins, serv- ing with the Canadian Navy, was unable te be present, but he tele- graphed his congratulations and accompanied his good wishes with a corsage of roses and carnations for his grandrnother and a red rose as a boutonniere for his grandfather. Their many friends hope that Mr. and Mrs. Moise may have many more happy wedding anniversaries. Congratulations te Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Clark (Phylis Langrnan) on the birth cf a daughter. More Newcastle news, page 9. 0f 1,186,000,000 pounds cf meat from inspected plants in Canada in 1944, about 47 per cent was ex- ported. Another 6 per cent was for prierity purposes. Summer Sportswear g For bie A ARGE AND VARUED SELECTION 0F SLACKS, JACKETS, SWIM TRUNKS, LOAFER COATS, WINDBREAKERS, SHORTS AND BUSH COATS, OFFERED TO* oYOU AT MONEY SAVING PRICES. BELOW WE LIST JUST A FEW 0F THEM. f Loafer Coats Those Coats cf niany uses. In brown, tan or navy corduroy, trirnmed with tweed backs, collars and sleeves. Roorny eut, practical and dressy. A smnart coat for casual wear. Sizes 36 to 42 $10395 A Galaxy of Styles In Men's WIND- DREAKERS at $3,,95 Sharkskins, twills, poplins, corduroys, wools and cords. Knitted collars and cu.ffs, or open style neck with buttoned cu.ffs. Full length zippers. Corne in royal, grey, green, sand, cream, tan, wine and brown. Sizes 36 to 44. 1 For those who prefer knitted trunks, we offer this ail wool swirn trunk with built in support and all around beit. The same style in light weight wool and cotton. $1.50 2. Men's sanforized khaki dril shorts with beit and pocket with buttoned 3 $2.00 3. Sturdy Rayon Satin swim trunks with built in support and all around beit. Sand, royal, cream and browu. 63.00 Men's Outing Shirts Well made of cotton broad- cloth with short sleeves, in blue, sand, green and white. Sma11, mediumn and large. $2,00 Summer Slacks Keep cool in the hot wea- ther. Wear a pair of these lightweight alpine slacks. 4 pockets and beit loops. Good wearing and good looking too. In solid brown, or with pin stripe. $5.00 MenI Be Wise, Be Thrifty, and I Dress WeII 6y Shopping at B ESLIN Sflowmanville With QuietCourtesy Knowing, through experience, how much people appreciate thoughtfulness and unob- trusive attention on the part of a Funeral Director, we have buit up the high standard of Morris Service on a basis of human understanding . Every detail, large or small, is at- tended to with infinite care. For this tartful co-operation hundreds of families have expressed their gratitude. Morris Service is very moderate in cost, the use of oui beautiful chapel being included without extra charge, when desired. Facilities and equipment are most modern. Service available anywhere in a hundred mile radius from Bowmanville, and through oui affiliations, to and from ail principal cities of the world. Fe F. MORRIS CO* OROND BOWMANVILLE Odd Trousers 64.95 - 6.00 Exceptional fine quality ail wool tweed trousers for men. Brown, blue, green and done gals. Sizes 30 to 42.........- $4.95 & $6.00 THURSDAY, MAY 3rd, 1945 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO PAGE FIVE $3,o95

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