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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 May 1945, p. 6

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PAGE SIX THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. ONT1ARIO~ THURSDAY, MAY 3rd, 1945 Enfield Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. H. Smith with friends in Toronto.. Miss Vera Stinson, Tokonto, at N. Stinsmni's. . . Mr. and Mrs. G. Bowman and Gary xith Mrs. L. Pascoe, Oshawa... Mr. and Mrs. W. Bowman and Bruce at T. R. Bowman's, Port Perry. Blackstock Vsitors: Mr. and Mrs. Jack Rahm and Allan, Wayne and Joyce Venning at Orr Venning's, Claremont. . . Florence Fair at Mrs. Downey's. . . Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Harris and Wilson Carron, Janetville, with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Harris. . . Mr. Robt. Mountjoy, Toronto, at Mr. and Mrs. L. Mountjoy's. .. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Hamilton at C. Devitt's. . . Mr. and Mrs. Henry Graham and Varena, Toronto, with Mrs. H. Mountjoy. . . Mr. C. Parr, Bow- manville, with bis mother, Mrs. R. Parr. . . Rev. Wm. Simpson, Toronto, with bis father, Arcb- deacon Simpson. .. Mr. Joe Ash- ton in town Saturday . . . Mrs. Butler in Toronto. .. Mr. Bothe- nell, Toronto, witb Smith Bros. The Anglicans had a pot luck supper on Tbursday evening which was well attended. W.A. of United Cburcb met at the Parsonage, April 24tb with 19 members present. Mrs. H. Shortridge took the devotional. Letters were read from several members thanking the W.A. for fruit sent to tbem wbile they were sick. W.A. bougbt a $100 Victory Bond. Program was in charge of Mrs. Bradburn's group: reading by Mrs. H. Hooey, "The Passing of President Roosev-elt"; piano solo, Mrs. J. Wright; reading by Mrs. C. Marlow, -Choice". The meeting closed with Mrs. H. Hooey reading the 'Daily Prayer Card". Rev. Mm. Hoffman, a returned missionary from China, was guest speaker in the Union Church, Sunday evening. He gave a very interesting talk on conditions in China. After the service Mr. Gil- bert showed pictures of war-torn Europe and our brave soldiers do- ing their best to end the wam. Haydon Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Graham on celebrating their 25th Wedding Annivemsary on Saturday. Among other tbings they eceived a cbest o! silver fromn their sons, LAC Roy Gra- ham, Dartmouth, NS., and Pte. James Graham, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Richard McNeil were quietly presented, on bebaif o! the community, with a lovely floor lamp on Monday. Tbey are moving to Enniskillen shortly, baving bougbt the brick bouse, at one time owned by ber parents. Elmer Bradley bas purcbased the late Jim Bradley estate in Enniskillen. Rev. Unstead gave an inspir- ing message Sunday afternoon on "The Voice fmom the Cross". Visitors: Mm. and Mrs. Will1 Stainton, Mms. John Brown, Mms. Fred Tamblyn, Miss Mary Miller, Orono, Ed. Milîson, R.C.A.F., Montreal, at Mm. Lloyd Ashton's1 *... Mm. and Mms. A. Beech at Mm. C. Childerbose's, Bowmanville.. Mr. and Mrs. R. Griffin, Misses Lockhart's School One o! our recent brides, Mrs. Ernest Knapp (nee Martha Van Der Belt) was given a sbower by the ladies o! the 3rd Line, April 27tb, at Mrs. Roy Brancb's. Mrs. Brancb and Betty Allin were the bostesses. After the guests bad gatbered the bride was seated in a chair beneatb pink streamers and Miss Betty Allin and Pauline Branch carried in a pettily dec- orated basket beaped witb gifts wbicb the bride unwrapped and passed around to be admired. Then Mrs. Bowen brougbt in a wall mirror and presented it to the bride from the Home & School Club. The bride tbanked the guests for their gifts and al1 re- paired to the diningroom wbere tbey took parts in contests, after wbicb a lovely luncheon was served by Mrs. Branch and Betty Allin, assisted by Mrs. Stanley Allin. Mrs. Fred Bowen received word that ber nepbew, Douglas Stock- dale, bas been honored by the French Government, receiving the Croix de Guerre with bronze star. Douglas lived with Mrs. Bowen and passed bis entrance bere under Stanley Rickard's teaching. Home & School Executive met at Mrs. Branch's, April 3lst. It was decided to accept an invita- tion to visit Browns Club, May 8th, and to bold our regular mneet- ing May 9th at Chas. Glenney's. Sunday visitors at W. Harold Gibson's: Mr. and Mrs. Hutton and tbree sons, Jobnny, Billy and Peter, Brampton; Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Gibson and Gerald, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Gibson, Mary and Leslie, and Mrs. W. H. Gibson. Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hughes at A. A. Gibson's. .. Mrs. McBain, son Donald, Morley Allun at Irwin Allin's. . . Mr. and Mrs. Garvock, Master Maurice Wickett at A. F. Gibson's... Mary Bowen, Ajax, at home. Cadmus Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Mer- xin Mountjoy in Lindsay. . . Mr., and Mrs. Clarence Ginn witb Mr. and Mrs. Louis Stinson. . . Mrs. Edgerton bas returned to ber home at Nestieton after spending the wintem with Mrs. L. Hyland ..Mm. and Mrs. C. Fallis at their cottage. Miss Marie Hanna is borne from the bospital after an operation for appendicitis. OfficiaI figures reveal Canada's birth ate in 1943 the bigbest in 15 years. The rate o! live bitbs per 1,000 population was 24.0 compared with 24.1 in 1928. u WARDEN CAR VETH ASKS YOUR 0 D SUPPORT FOR THE EIGHTHO on VICTORY LOAN! On behaif of the County Couneil of the County of Duhm 1npeit i 0citizens to give their utmost 0 tory Loan. Victory is doubt- less flot far away . . . our 0boys are fighting hard to o 0drive home the final t "punch", and it is up to usc to do our part and to do its welI . . . After ail, we arec money - Remember, if our 0 r boys did not do their duty, t: our money would simply be I D0eî avt Therefore, we must show to Q that we are made of the c 66right stuff", and iend to e the limit. If the war shoulde 19 end tomorrow, money o nwould be needed Iust as ur- 0 O gently as ever to finish the O lob. Let us put this Loan over in a manner of which owe can ail be proud. IV CECIL CARVETN Warden, Northumnberland and Dur- W Ilm fl(TORY BOND 1 t n Ruby and Celia Griffin, Union, at Mrs. D. Carr's. .. Mr. W. Gif- flar, Sunderland, Mr. and Mrs. Art Richards, Mrs. Don Cameron, Bowmanville, at Mr. T. Mount- joy's... Mr. and Mrs. Earl Thomp- son and son, Bowmanville, at Mrs. W. Thompson's. . . Pte. James Graham, Toronto, at home Mrs. John Ross, Toronto, at r E. Bradley's. .. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cowling and Fred, Blackstock, at Mr. R. MeNeil's... Mr. and Mrs. W. Blackburn and Wayne, Mrs. T. Cowling and Vivian at Mr. C. Avery's. . . Mr. and Mrs. Walter Oke, Enniskillen, at Mr. A. Beech's. Orono News Mr. Roy Colville called on friends in Orono. A wedding of local interest took place in Park St. United Cburcb on April 2lst wben Mr. Ernest D. Knapp was married to Miss Martba Van Der BeIt by Rev. S. Littlewood. Mrs. S. Littlewqod attended Bay of Quinte Branch meeting of the Women's Missionary Society of the United Church at Lindsay. The Goodwill Bible Class mem- bers were entertained at the home of Mrs. Fred Tamblyn and Mrs. Chas. Miller on Tuesday evening, April 24. A special offering for the "Save the Children" fund was made and $15.00 will be forward- ed. A special meeting was planned for May 8th at the home of Mrs. R. Moffat when the class will have the pleasure of hearing Miss Somerville wbo has spent several years in China. Mrs.%K. Gamsby took charge of the study, "Adven- turing Together in Christian Liv- ing in the Congregation," the third in a series o! programs for all womnen. Mrs. Penfound, Lindsay, visited Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Staples. Mr. and Mrs. Ivison Tamblyn are the proud parents of a baby girl, born in Bowmanville Hos- pital. Mrs. F. L. Souch, Toronto, visit- ed Mrs. Wm. Stutt. Mrs. Neil Wood and Mrs. Mary Phasey were in Toronto. Mrs. Wood bas gone on to ber home in Calgary. Mrs. C. Duncan bas returned to Ottawa after visiting Mr. and Mrs. F. Duncan. Miss Bertba Cain spoke at the W.M.S. Thank Offering service at- Kirby United Cburch, Sunday afternoon. Mr. John Moffatt broke bis leg. He was brougbt from the hospital to bis home at Enterprise. Mrs. Rundie, Hampton, visited ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rich- ard Wood. Orono bas lost one of its oldest citizens in the person of Mr. Ed- ward Davey. H1e passed away Saturday at the borne of bis son, W. E. Davey, at the age of almost 96. A large number of Oddfellows from Orono Lodge attended a divine service in Bowmanville on Sunday morning. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Thompson left for western Canada on Satur- day te, stay for the summer. A beautiful basket of carnations was placed in Park St. United Cburch on Sunday morning by the family of the late Mr. Fred Tamblyn, a former faithful mem- ber and official of the cburcb, wbo passed away one year ago. LAC Floyd Nicholson, Dart- mouth, N.S., arrived home, Mon- day, on leave. Dr. and Mrs. A. F. McKenzie and Malcolm xisited relatives near Smitbs Falls. Mr. and Mrs. J. Fiske, Ponty- pooî, are occupying the bouse vacated by Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Rainey. The Fisb and Hunt Club enter- tained their friends on Saturday evening in the Town Hall with some very interesting moving pic- tures. Week - end visitors included: Donald Staples of Toronto; Harry Bailey, Major Fred Lycett, Miss Adele Morton, Edgar Milîson and Vance Cooper. Orono bas some very indus- BUY THEX TO FIT You would neyer think of wearing a hat or shoes that didn 't exactly fit your needs. Your insurance shoulId measure your indi- vidual hazards just as ac- curately! Buy your policies "Made to measure" - flot in a haphazard manner - from this agency. Stuart R. James Insurance and Real Estate Suceessor To J. J. Mason & Son Phone 681 King St. Bowmanville Utrious women who have donned overalls and sweaters to help out during the busy time at the Fror- estry. Mr. J. J. Mellor returned last week from a trip tbrough North- ern Ontario and as far west as Port Arthur, on a speaking tour for the Victory Loan. Rev. A. J. Terrili, Colborne, called on friends in Orono. Clarke Township Council met on Tuesday afternoon in the Council Chamber. Or o no Police Trustees and Orono Hydro Commission met oný April 25. Hydro bis were as follows: Bowmanville Public Utilities, $292.99; Hydro Electric Power Commission, $167.89; Bank balance, $3,000.83. It was decid- ed to purchase another $ 1,000 bond in the 8th Victory Loan. Police Trustees' bils were: Street lights, $129.50; Orono Times, $4.25. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hancock have moved from Toronto to the former Sam Berry home east of Kirby. Soiina Visitors: Mrs. Tom Annan and Donald, Pickering, at J. Smale's . . . Miss Kae Sellers, Mviss Ella Milison, Gordon Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Anthes and Jean, Toronto, at E. Millson's. . . Mrs. W. McMaster, Mrs. Charles Nay- lor and Janet, Zion, at J. Baker's . . . Mr. and Mrs. Charles 110w- sam, Port Perry, with Mr. Thos. Baker and Vera. . . Miss Nora Werry, Miss Marion Mountjoy, Kedron, at S. E. Werry's. . . Mr. and Mrs. Everett Elliott, Mary and Barbara, Bowmanville; Mr. Alan McKessock, Thamesford; Mr. and Mrs. Bryce Brown, Osh- awa, with Mrs. R. J. McKessock ... Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Sharpe, Ida, at Wes. Yellowlees'. . . Mrs. S. Yeo, Ida; Mr. and Mrs. Donald Yellowlees, Columbus, at N. C. Yellowlees'. The salvage committee extends thanks to ail who co-operated in the campaign for the Red Cross and is especially grateful to Liv- ingstone Miller who used his truck for the collection. Mrs. Wes. Werry conducted the Temperance program at Sunday School when Mrs. Roy Langmaid gave the address and Pearl Leach sang. Y.P.U. held its final meeting of the season Monday night with Ewart Leask, Citizenship Conven- er, in charge. Myrtle Hall and Gladys Yellowlees assisted in the worship service. An instructive talk on education was fluently given by Margaret Flintoff. Vocal solo by Betty Smales and a hum- orous reading by Gordon Pascoe were enjoyed. Bruce Taylor and Harvey Yellowlees conducted games and ice cream, cake and coffee were served. Congratulations to PO Howard [Villson on being awarded the Dis- tinguished Flying Cross. Signifi- cant is the fact that it was pre- sented to him on the anniversary of his birthday, April 9. Fresentation to Mrs. MeKessoek Mrs. R. J. McKessock was hon. ored at ber home Thursday eve- ning wben about 70 friends and relatives assembled to offer their true wishes for continued happi- ness in her new home at Oshawa where she wi+l reside with her laughter and son-in-law, Mr. and M4rq- Bryce Brown. Starkville We bave bad considerable wet and cold weather but wild geese have been seen flying north so sumely better weatber is in store. Mr. M. Sbutka bas been laid up witb the flu. Visitors: Miss Beulah Hallowell, Toronto, with Miss Norma Hallo- well. .. Mrs. L. Jamieson and son Allin, Cold Springs, witb ber mother, Mrs. Jacob Hallo*ell... Miss Deckbard was in Port Hope ...Mrs. A. Dobson in Toronto witb ber sister, Mrs. R. Lowery ...Tom McLeod, Camp Borden, with Miss Norma Hallowell and called on John Stark. .. Mr. and Mrs. H. Lyttle and son, Garry, Oshawa, at Thos. Falls,. . . Mr. and Mrs. H. Stapleton, Oshawa, at W. A. Hallowell's . .. Lew Hallowell and T. McLeod at Sid Hallowell's, Cowanville. .. Miss DorothZ Farrow, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. G. Piltz, Oshawa, at Victor Farrow's. .. Mr. and Mrs. Lew Hallowell and son, Jim, in Oshawa. Howard -,'arrow reports seeing two wild deer pass over bis place. Lavern Farrow at Sid Hallo- well's. W. E. Reid is in the bospital, bav- ing had an operation. Brown"s GANARASKA COMMITTEE STARTS ITS HEARINGS AT ONCE In the joint Dominion-Provin- cial conservation scheme embrac- ed in the Ganamaska Watemsbed, the Provincial government bas set up its committee for the county of Durham and the mem- bers assemble immediately to conduct heaings designed to furtbem the project and continue H Iampton North Group met for sewing at Mrs. Ted Chant's on Wednesday. There was a good attendance and mucb sewing and quilt work was done. The hostess served refresb- ments. Women's Institute will meet to- day. Program and refresbments in charge of West Group. Mrs. Roy Langmaid, Solina, will be guest speaker. Visitors:( Miss Pearl Gilbert, Toronto, W. Gilbert, Osbawa, and Miss Isobel Clements, Wbitby, at Mr. Geo. Gilbert's. . . Miss Nora Kerslake wbo bas been at North Battleford, Sask., is home. .. Mrs. Fred Tamblyn, Orono, with ber sisters. . . Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Horn with friends at Port Hope ...Miss Ruby Clatwortby, R.N., Bowmanville, witb Mrs. L. Trull ...Mr. and Mms. Fred Billett, Douglas and Jimmie, Scarboro Bluffs, at A. E. Billett's. . . Sgt. Arnold Damant, Windsor, N.S., with Mrs. Damant and family.. Sgt. B. M. Smith, Toronto, witb ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. Hutchinson . . . Miss Dorothy Adamson witb Miss Margaret Campbell, Maple Grove . . . Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Balson witb ber sis- ter, Mrs. H. Hagerman at Oshawa Hospital, Sunday, and found ber somewbat improved. . . Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dewell and daughter, Eleanor, Thistletown, with Mr. and Mrs. Percy Dewell. Auction sale of household ef- fects of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Miller, Mrs. Esther Flintoff, Hampton, and of the late Mrs. Geo. Barton, Bowmanville, beld bere on Satur- day, was lamgely attended. The play, "Sophronia's Wed- ding" given in the church base- ment on Fiday nigbt by mem- bers of the C.G.I.T. provided an evening's enjoyment and was well received. Music between acts was provided by the Cryderman sisters, Solina, and piano music by Jean Balson, the girls witb their leaders, Mrs. A. Blanchard and Miss Acy Horn, should feel well ewarded for their efforts. Proceeds $35.00. Sorry to lose Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Smith and family from our vil- lage, they have moved to their home whicb they bought some time ago, at Ross's Corner, Osh- awa. it as a going concern since it is part o! the plan for the rehabili- tation of returned men. The Committee acts under the cbairmansbip of Fred Bowen, former M.P. and appointments to it were made by each municipal council. It bas been asserted that the various Reeves had, been ap- pointed, but this was in error. The only Reeve so appointed was Bert Reid o! Clarke. The following names repre- sent the committee members: Chairman, Fred Bowen; Mem- bers, Reeve Bert Reid, Clarke; Deputy Reeve Harold Cathcart, Cavan; E. Youngman, Manvers; Art Reynolds, Hope; Leslie Car- ruthers, Hamilton Twp.; and C. E. Stephenson, Mayor of Port Hope. This committee o! seven is representative of the county and the area and reports will be made direct to the government, later to be reported in the press for general information. Win a bet and the other fellow loses. But win a friend and you both gain. BONDS4 1 71 i - < ..- ~ I F244 ( I. 1 On Wednesday 'evening abouti 40 neighbors and friends surpris- ed Mr. and Mrs. J. Hillier with a presentation in bonor of their 40th wedding anniversary. Wel- lington Farrow, as chairman, called on Mrs. Clarence Turner who read the address and Mrs. Wellington Farrow and Mrs. Tom Wilson made the presentation o! an electric lamp and end table. Mr. and Mrs. Hillier replied in a very fitting manner. The re- mainder o! the evening was spent in cards and dancing. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Moffat and family, Dundas, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Brown, Mrs. Mary Bertram and family, Mrs. W. H. Hunt and fam- ily, Mr. and Mrs. C. Jupp and family, aIl of Toronto, gatbered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Stephenson to celebrate the 40tb wedding anniversary 0f Mr. and Mrs. J. HuIler. Mr. and Mrs. J. Hillier baýve four daughters, Mrs. A. Moffat, Mrs. M. Bertram, Mrs. W. Hunt and Mrs. Geo. Stephen- son, and 14 grandchildren. Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. A. Mcý- Murray, Mr. and 0 Mrs. Sinclair and family, Toronto, at Mr. Jim Curson's. .. Mrs. C. Brown-with ber daughter, Mrs. C. Malley, Lockbart's. . . Miss Bessie Law, Peterboro, at Mr. H. Reicbrath's ..Mrs. Clarence Turner in To- ronto. . . Mr. and Mrs. R. Gra- ham and Melvin, and Mr. and Mrs. J. Curson in Peterboro. New Brush and Comb Set $3.98 Baby Bottle1 Caps-------- 2 for 25c Hot IVater I Botties ---- 89c, $1.39 Wake up your lire;e Rubber Gloves --- --45c dean.. your systOlfi Hospital Sheeting $1 ya. F i b SPECIAL FRICES tokinu Lactogen ------69c, $1.59 Baby Botties -------- 5c 100 A.B.S. & C. Tabs 19ce N O Shave Cream ------- 19e NY Plnex for Coughs -----32ecI Plnkham's Comp.-----87c "FRUIT SALT'1 PAINS ... 1 *tc, Nyal Antacid Fo. 50c, $1 'C Digestive Tonie ------$1 Amphojel --------------- $1 Bisodol ------ 55c, $1.19 McLeans Powder 59, 98c CREOPHOS9 Stops Stubborn Bronchial coughs --- $1 bottie Pond's Make-up Fat, i dellghtful shades -- 69e FOOT REMEDIES ~E ~'Blue Jay Corn pads - 25e ~I L Scholle's Callous Fads 35c Cress Corn Salve ----- 50c Nu-Feet -------------25c DAHMGE.. LAArvEx pry83.$. 2 MoakeSr8c 12 Ih Bails ---------- 19e lb. 39c (;arment Bags 39, 55, 79e FIy Tox ---34c, 43e, 79c FOR THE MEN CÔUGHSYRUPShaving Bowls -- 59c, 75e, $1.25 Shaving Brushes 50c, $5 Cigarette Lighters $1, $1.50, $2.75 Tone Up Your System with NYAL BLOOD FURIFIERS $1.00 WE TEST EVES AND FIT GLASSES Phone II~' RU TfD We Fit 695 UUIILING'S > RUG IUI1L Trusses iý oEzQ - -uiiau wýw wa .............. WRP THURSDAY, MAY 3rd, 1945 YOUR c 1 t c s c 1 c r t: n v d a p e p b 0 Iv w ei n( th

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