THURSDAY, MAY l7th, 1945 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLFI ONTARTO fl A f~' rrT~.rn! C.C. Fe Election Campaign Rally A Publie Meeting WilI Be'Held In TOWN HALL, BOWMAN VILLE Thurs., May 24th AT 8.00 p.m. HON. Je g. STURDY M.L.A., 0F SASKATCHEWAN Minister Of Reconstruction and Rehabilitation WIi Address the Meeting OTHER SPEAKERS WILL BE - Wilfrid G. Bowles and Wmn. L Lycett Candidates lu the forthcoming election Cltizens of ail politicai affiliations are cordially invlted te, attend this meeting DAYS FOR COLLECTION Note the new changes of collection andi deiivery ln uonr district. This in madie necessaoey by few tovernmat regniations which permit us to cover any one district one day a week only We wili, therefore, be in Bowmanville MONDAY ONLY HAVE YOUR BUNDLE READY Oshawa Laundry & Dry Cleaning CO. LMITED FOR ECONOMY Seul your cieaning with your laundr7 PHONE - 419, Contributions fr, Mrs. Nina J. Mason S. Venton ------------------s5.00 E. S. Ferguson----- 5.00 Mrs. F. E. Walden ------- 5.00 Mrs. C. H. Mason --------- 5.00 Miss M. Trebilcock -- 5.00 Mr. & Mrs. A. Virgin ---- 20.00, Miscellaneous -------------- .50 Mrs. R. McGillvary --------- 1.00 Miss Olga Tod----------------- 3.00 Mrs. Thos. Tod--------------- 5.00 Mrs. Stan. Morrison-------- 1.00 Mrs. Fred Neads ------- 1.00 Mrs. H. Goddard ------------ 2.00 Miss E. J. McDougall----- 10.00 Mrs. Ensley Hodgins ---- 10.00 Mrs. Roy Fainles -------- 5.00 Miss E. Hellyar---------- 5.00 Mr. & Mrs. J. Brooks-------- 2.00 Rev. J. E. Griffith ------ ---- 3.00 Miss Leta Jackson --------- 2.00 Miscellaneous------- .50 Mrs. Jos. Pattinson------- 3.00 Fred Hoar -----------------20.00 Mrs. Arthur Baker ------ 5.00 Arthur S. Baker --------- 5.00 Mrs. J. Cox -------------------1.00 Mrs. Ethel Knight----------- 1.00 Mrs. M. Dunn ---------------- 2.00 J. H. Bateman------------- 2.00 Mrs. F. Shortt -------------1.00 Byron Vanstone-------------- 5.00 Geo. Lane -------------- 2.00 Miss Bertha Neads ----- - 1.00 Mrs. Alberta Leyman --- 50.00 $194.00 Mrs. H. M. Tighe Mns. A. Cole --------------- $ 2.00 Melbourne Wight ------------ 2.00 Mrs. Frances Clarke ---- 1.00 A. Fewster -------------- 1.00 Mrs. May Tuerk-------------- 1.00 Mrs. W. Woolley------------- 1.00 Mrs. L. Kellett --------------- 2.00 Mrs. G. B. Dilling --------.1.00 Mrs. E. Large ---------- 1.00 Mrs. Fenn Alloway ------ 1.00 Jos. Cooper ------------ 1.00 Mrs. N. Lathangue------ 1.00 $ 15.00 Mrs. T. Buttery Miss Inla Jackman --------$ 5.00 Mrs. F. Pattinson $50 Mrs. W. R. Barrable --$ 2.00 Miss M. Elliott ----------- 2.00 Mrs. F. Pattinson ------------ 1.00 0 LADOR PLANSO FOR POST-W.AR 0l Where Do.. Labor Fit In? Oshawa and District Labor Council Asks 0 flwrwaosadfo0Cnd a rdcd 0 Labor's war record speaks for itself. Everyone knows about the avalanche of HFor exaxnple, the value of ail our production went up 85 per cent between 1939 and 0 il1943, wvhile the increase in the number of workers was oniy 5 per cent. 0 0 oNo iess than other groups organized labor is concerned with its place in the f flpost-war sun. Where does it fit in? I fl ey Will there be work for ail, or will we return to 20 cents-a-day camps and the D IlWe believe the solution is in national planning. Labor is not promoting narrow 0 M objectives. Its plans are broad national plans. They are based on labor's views of 0 Sthe welfare of the entine nation. Labon is convinced that low standards for one group f 0 inean low standards for others. A prosperous Canada means a decent standard of f 0 liv ing for workcrs and everyone else. I Employment For Ail 0 0 There is no confliet of f 0 'interest between workers f now empioyed in Canada and the servicemen whoU pie foresee serions competition for jobs betwepn wiIcre0ak0om e- O 0We don 't sece it that way. The intercsts of f the workers and veterans cannot be separated. The f jbig post-war problem is flot one of rationing aU0 limited number of jobs. It is a probiem'rather of 0 maîntaining sucli a high level of production that o n there Tol b jobs for n s et i~ our unions are eo-operating with veterans organiza tions ini soiving common problems. Our unions ad mit ex-servicemen to membcrship without the pay- ment of the usual initiation fee. 0 0 Demnocra tic Planning Increased peacetime production. Jobs for ail. These themes run tlirough prae- tically a D ao' icsioso h otwr But in ore oraieti we shall have to use fan diffenent mctliods from D Sthose we knew in the past. We shal n'eed first of ail extensive planning.1 nTheus planning o Canada's future must be made truly democratie. Al major 1 0l haup n the onunty-. br industry and agriculture - must take part, no iess 1 rom the gray AlaGi otde 'v ayfi f t e ndinpeople have fashioned o n a way of life that is good, a way of life for which tliey are fighting. It is the po opie who have made and are making Canada. flAnd what of Canada after the xvar? Wiii xot thec returned figliter find ljis place ini a better land where trainin0 adjobs arc not luxuries 1 \Viil not the worker hlod down a job and the farmer seli his products at a decent return? he utue ies factea iglty ialn. but challenge lias ever been their spur, and Oshawaand District Labor Council o Canadian Congress of Labor .'=oo=~OO===O=OC==Mo=o, >RBI CROSS !rom Bowmanville Miss J. Davey ----------- 3 C. D. Hodgson ----------- Otto Madsen ------------ Miss Lucy Heani --------- Mns. G. A. Bnown -------- Miscellancous------------- Mns. C. A. Bantlctt ------ Mn. & Mrs. E. V. Hoan M ns. A. Hobbs----- Mns. L. Mutton........ --- 10.00 50.00 10.00 2.00 1.00 .50 5.00 35.00 2.00 4.00 $124.00 Mr. W. 0. Souch Mns. Chas. Depew --------$ 3.00 Mn. & Mns. Wm. Culley - 5.00 Mns. Evenett Hobbs --- 1.00 Mns. J. Cubbage --------- 5.00 Harry Depew ----------- 1.00 Mn. & Mns. A. Stacey ---- 2.00 Miss Margaret Stacey --- 3.00 Mn. & Mns. John Chals --- 2.00 Mns. Ada E. Danch --------- 2.00 Mrs. E. Clayton ------------- 10.00 Mns. Elgin Hobbs-------- 1.00 Sidney Monris --------------- 2.00 Wilbent Teeple----------- 5.00 Mns. Honeyman - ------ 1.00 $ 43.00 Mrs. J. MeMurter Mns. Charles Bettles -----$ 1.00 C. H. Papineau ---------- 5.00 Mns. G. A. Cook---------- 1.00 Mns. Lilia Cowle ----- ---- .00 Don Boc --------------- 2.001 Mrs. A. M. Boit Mns. C. Lunney -----------$ Mrs. C. Robinson ------- M ns. Pooicy ------------- R. H.Cale------------- - Mrs. J. Wray ----------- Mns. W. J. S. Rundie - --- G. Jones ------------- Mrs. G. Jackson-------- Master S. Jacksoif ------- Mns. J. Souch ------------- M ns. G. Lyle ------------- Wm. Yco ------------------ H . M . Bell -------------- Mns. L. Nichols -------- Mns. Luxton...........------- Miss J. Luxton ---------- A. Walkcn Mrs. J. Kennedy -------- Mns. P. Williams -------- K. Hulli---------------- --- Mns. Pearl Cole --------- Mns. Jack Alin --------- A. Hoît ------------------------ Miss H. Langmaid.------- W . Y co ----------------- Mns. Bessie Dcnsem------- Miss Ida Stephens ------- Miss Bennice Colville ---- 12.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 2.00 3.00 2.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 50.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 3.00 1.00 5.00 50.00 10.00 1.00 1.0 2.500 1.00 D.fln 2.25 $ 76.75 Mrs. J. A. Cole Mn. & Mns. J. A. Barton -- $ 1.00 Mns. A. Grant, Srn ---------- 1.00 Mrs.- D.-A._McGregon -----2.00 Mn. & Mns. J. A. Fry ----- 1.00 Mns. Don Williams----- 2.00 G. A. Edmonstone------- 5.00 Miss Anna Dingman -. _-- 2.00 Mns. J. A. Cole -----------2.00 Mns. Roy Siemon - ---------- 25.00 A Frîend ------ ---- 4.00 Mrs. Hamilton & Mrs. Nicholis Mns. G. W. Graham -- $ 1.00 Mrs. J. Mohun 1.00 Total - ----- -----$6,876.33 Cadnius Mothen's Day was heid on Sun- day with chunch services well at- tended. Miss Jean' Coulten was at the ongan and the chiidnen sang. Bryce Philp and Joyce Larmer nead the Scriptunes. Don- ald Larmen nead the story, "Our Part". Misses June and Theima Sweet with thein parents. Hanny McKee with bis parents and Genald Stinson with his par- ents. Mns. Wm. Robinson, Toronto, with Mn. and Mrs. E. Gibson. Mn. and Mns. Wm. Davis, Mns. Lila Vance, Hamilton, Miss Helcn Fowlcn, Oshawa, at Mn. George Fowlcn's. Miss Birdie Fallis, Oshawa, and fricnd, with Mn. and Mns. C. Fallis, and also Mn. and Mns. Wm. Robinson, Ralph and Ann, Janet- ville. Miss Leali McQuade and friend at Oscar McQuade's. Miss Neilie Hanna, Toronto, with Mn. and Mns. B. Hanna. Miss Eileen Hyland is home fnom lier trip. Sympathy is extendcd to the Hyland family in their sad be- ncavement in the loss of their sister. Nestieton Mn. and Mns. Rae Malcolm, Yclventon, with thein son, Mn. Victor Malcolm. W.A. ladies called on Mrs. Alex Mains and pnesented ber with some chinawane befone they mov- ed t6 Bowmanville. Mn. and Mns. George Joblin, Valentia, Mn. Ben Howlett and Miss Ellen Howlett, Oshawa, with Mn. Leonard Joblin. . . Misses Marie and Evelyn Marlow, Osh- awa, witb their mothen, Mns. R. W. Marlow. Mn. Edgar Emerson, Toronto, with bis parents, Mn. and Mrs. M. Emerson. Miss Jean Malcolm, Providence School, at home. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Black, Jean E e e e and Dora, with her parents, Mr. ____ and Mrs. Jas. Dickey. Ebenezer Church was packed to Mrs. Peter Wright with her capacity Sunday morning to at- daughter, Mrs. Rae Malcolm, Yel- verton. tend special Mother's Day and Mr. and Mrs. Rae Malcolm, Mr. Thanksgiving Services. Special and Mrs. Leonard Joblin with music was rendered by the choir Mrs. Jas. Malcolm, Port Ferry. and Miss Louise Pearce sang "My Mn. and Mrs. Victor Malcolm at Mother Dear". Four children Yelverton. were baptized during the service: Mr. and Mrs. Neil Malcolm, James Michael, son of Mr. and Blackstock, with his parents, Mr. Mrs. Cecil Robinson, Ajax; Curtis and Mrs. Stanley Malcolm. George, son of Mr. and Mns. E. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Malcolm Rose, Ajax; Keith Harry, son of with her mother, Mrs. Anson Mr. and Mrs. Harry Worden, Taylor. Ajax, and Karen Eva, daughten of Mothen's Day service on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Keith Ormiston, was well attended. Rev. Un- Ebenezen. An Honoun Roll was stead, Tyrone, preaches next Sun- presented with ail the namnes ofj day afternoon. our local boys serving in the forces. Mr. Linstead paid tribute The greatest battle is stili to be to our three boys who have paid fought - the battie against our the supreme sacrifice and all own selfishness. whe have served. Sunday School followed with The difference between running the special printed program. Mrs. a democracy and ruining it is just W. P. Fletcher, Bowmanville, the accent on the "P'. was guest speaker and took as TOWN 0F BOWMANVILLE PROCLAMATION Officiai Holiday ALL CITIZENS ARE 14EREBY NOTIFIED THAT Thurs., May 24th 1194.5 Will be observed as an officiai Municipal Public Holiday C. G. Morris, Mayor A. J. Lyle, Clerk Blcmeao-rebiiUlun TOMATO SOUP . 2' n 17e COFFEE.'. fomnol-aligrade RASPBERRY JAN .24. j MTOarOI AUl nerchandise sold at your Domin- Ion Store Is uncondlonaily guan- antced to give 100% satisfaction. hen subject "The Family of Naz- areth and Our Family Life'. Visitors: Miss Catherine Minto, Oshawa Hospital, with Mn. and Mrs. Anchie Muir. .. Mn. and Mrs. Ed. Rose and Curtis, Ajax, with Mr. and Mns. A. J. Gay. . . Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Robinson and Jimnmy, Ajax, with Mn. and Mrs. M. Gay. . . Mn. and Mns. Hanry Wonden and Keith, Ajax, Miss Wilmna Down, Oshawa, with Mn. and Mns. N. Down. .. Miss Hazel Rundie, Oshawa, with Mn. and Mns. F. W. Rundie. .. Miss Ber- nice Gay, Toronto, with Mr. and Mns. R. Gay. .. Mn. and Mrs. G. Osborne and Linda, Ajax, with Mr. and Mrs. B. Wilkins. . . Pte. Gordon Vinson, Newmarkct, with Mrs. Vinson and Jimmy. . . Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wilkins, Manlene, Janice, with Mr. and Mns. J. Flintoff, Oshawa. There is one common meeting gnound for ail mankind. We al need to change. Bad practices dont stop when we condemn them. But only when we practise somcthing bet- ten. fj zj/1 GEORGE DREW Monday, May 2lst, 11.30-12 p.m. Over a special netivork of Ontario Stations including -C K O C HAMILTON and Wednesday, May 23rd, 9.30 p.m. Over a speciai network of Ontario Stations iueluding C F RB TORONTO and on Saturday, May 26th, 10.30 p.m. Oven the Ontario Regional Network of the Canaclian Broadcasting Corporation and Affiliated Stations including C B L TORONTO Published by the Progressive Con- servative Party o! Ontario Iceberg Head Lettuce . 2 for 25e Florida Celery .. 2 stalks 25e Caiifornia Buncb Carrots...2 Ibs. 19e Mississippi Cabbage...2 Ibe. 13e Sunkist, size 252 Navel Oranges 39e doz. California, size 300 Lemons....doz. 39e Cuban, size 30's Pineapples...ea. 39c Local Green Onions, bunch 5c Washed Turnips lb. 4c à b. 35Ç Bologna, sîiced 23celb. a Head Cheese ... 23e lb. DBItOnI-Pflt OInsco's 0?nnge PEANUT BUTTER MRM AJIADE . 29Ç Fresh Meaty lVeeh'a PRUNES . med. 2 lb.. 25C GRAPE JUICE 16 oz. 27Ç WAX-" hIst Cut-Standard DwkFt-CboIee Unadcd Ontario No. 1 White HONEY M ozjr 45Ç Miid Canadian CHEESE ......... 31c lb. Ay:mer-C 5 anc CORN Chat-au 72'7Ç rPVVÇV Q i M d Aymcr-Cbolce TOMATOES ..2 tis ioz VALUES EFFECTIVE THTJRSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY, MAY 17, 18, 19 Ai rer-Chclet. FInest Qnality "ci Ifl 24 ILbat TOMATO JUICE . 2 20___________________69 Clover lent or Pararnunt »omnon-F're" BaiI PILCHARDS .aut' "15e BREAD . 2 loave Aylmer Dehydrated, Londonderry ARPPLE AeaS i. le ICE CRHAN Su 2 ts H.leflnd.,-Sevra Brando KeiloggE. (1tumbler free wlth 3sPILE.) MEAT PASTES . 2 '2 17Ç CORN FLAKES* 3 23Ç Aykner Green TOMATO PICE ' Jar9 Pork Sausage .. 31c lb. Dominion Stores Limited rnMNI YrA u *~ om ONSERVATIVE 4th 1 : ;[ m - UULLO& a a a THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO PA(I.V MME ými i9ç pkg.