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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 May 1945, p. 10

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* -*- 4~ -..-.. .* 'flr~>oe ~ * ~.-<.. THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWM[ANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, MAY l7tb, 1945 Auction Sales odd tables and chairs (some wal- BIRTHS V q Notice ArtilesorSle_________nte _______ ~nut), floor lamps, and many other_______________ The undersigned has received V7aluable pieces. This promises KEYES - At Bowmanville Ho s- 10 TDBrk'ofcIC E ecîsdOEDOBELT eîn FOR S.S. NO. 2, CLARKE. Duties to be a chance to buy some high pital on Monday, May 7th, 1945,Dr is'ofcwl b oedOE OUL£TonWlng to commence Sept. 4, 1945. Ap- instructionsrom JmromAaJamesasAdamstuclassgodfurniture toin. goodrscondition. frtoMaMr.thandMaMrs.hBerttonet.ePhnea808i19-for y, tassn qualiicatsive.n Lot 3, Con. 10, Clarke (1 mile No reserve. Terms cash. Sale at (nee Henrietta Howes) the gift The ediefrCasfe lsv.1- aayeped, oSeyTes east of Long Sault Church) to sel 1 p.m. Wm. J. Challis, auctioneer; of a son, George Arthur. 20-1* Ads is 1 o'clock Wednea- Bowmanville Electiciansr42tCheap..Phnea645. 20-13,aNew- by public auction, his farm stock, T. S. Mountjoy, clerk. 20-1 Bowmanille Eectriians, 2 Chep. Phoe 645 20-1 csl. 01 and implements, grain and hay,____ SIMPSON-Mr. and Mrs. James days. Please co-operate by King St. E. Ail kinds of electric Simpson, Orono, are happy to ,. wiring done. Motors repaired and 11/2. H.P. ENGINE AND PUMP ahd some furniture. Also some Teudrin hsecv. aidnounce the birth of their sn gett1ing youx Ad inf early. installed. Phone 438. l4tf jack. Leslie Coombes.:, Phone CAESAREA SOHOOL SECTION, fÙrniture and other articles of the Thetruindfrign e h a eefî eped soas a on __ 2581. 20-1* No. 7, Cartwright, Durham e state of the late Wm. R. Adams,intutosfo thEsaeo SehnThmatowa County, requires First Class on atuday Ma 26 195. eeAlonzo Cowan, to selI by public ville Hospital, on Sunday, May Wanted To Buy TRACTOR CUSTOM WORK Tahr uiscmec et oetwe' dto frls ain Saturday, May 6, 1945. Sec13, 14.20-1 _______________ Ail kinds of tractor work: NEW STONEBOATS. Apply F. Tahr uiscmec et Norh S., ewcstl, o Saur-BATERYRADO. ho louhin, cltiatigAldsworth, Courtice. Phone Apply to Ivan Proutt, Sec'y- articles. Clifford Pethick, auc- North St., Newcastle, on Satur- 20f done. F. S. Allen, phone 594, _________________ tioneer. 20-1 day, May l9th, ail his houshl UNRAtBwavleHo-1 Bwavll.14-'OKBARLCUN ik e.TAHR SRQIE O _____furniture and garden tools in- pital, May 12, to Mr. and Mrs. Bwavle .-f3 A ARLCUN ienw ECE SRQIE O Potoe-h ucinsl fcluding bedroom and dining room Dwight Bunner, a son (Kenneth A METRONOME. Phone 2393,_______________ Phone Bowmanville 2208, be- S.S. No. 5, Clarke, "Brown's PospoedTh autin al o chesterfield suite, Robert), a brother for John and Bowmanville. 20-if tween 7 and 9 p.m. 20-1 School". Duties to commence Gilbert Joncs wbich was to be furnîturey 20-1 * dr Sne ept. 4th, 14.Apy tt hed a 1, a benpstondwhite enamel cook stove, eleti Gay SINGER DROP HEAD SEWING TnesWne 2 LOTS, one on Liberty St., one' ta at May 1 9, a t ere sidne cabiet rdio, e.ecric ashi g __ ___ to s s .,May 1Bo t teres, Chur c a hine.ra do lwn mo wer his McILVEEN-At the General Hos- machines. Will pay cash, cal orathri R.R.hne 2, Newuaif case.a d Secy- ofMs a otel hrh&mcie n anmwr hsor write, Singer Sewing Ma- TENDERS WILL BE EEVD 0t expected, to Mrs. Hcnry Reich- ionlv e o h iayarticles pital, Abbotsford, B.C., on Mon- cieC. Ehw,1 ntro utl ueltfr E CringPOY UGYinfircodt. ras .R2,NwateS' Liberty Sts., Bowmanville, his chneCa. feww, 6oftaiothel unmanyfo t19-2cin household effects and furniture to.b offrse fors. ale. For furth er aday 4th W.195, to ln Street, phone 696. 14-tf of a cernent silo, 14'x35'. Job to _____BUGGYinfaircndition._______19_ including s t o ves, chestcrfield particulasscbls aea fie n r.W .c ecmltdb et s.Er Apply Wesley Luxton, R.R.4 suites, walnut dining room suiteocJack shrRTrs eah oi- eeth if2o0-duh 1r FEATHERS AND Feather Beds Dorrell, R.R. 2, Ncstleton, phone Bowmanville, phone 2221. 20-1* UNE STATESMAN walnut bedroom suite, other bed- tively no reserve. Jc cd 20-1 o f. ail descriptions. Highest Fort Ferry 187-32. 20-1* COOKSTOVE, Guernsey; also ice NOW SOLD AT room suites,_____________________________r prices paid. Write particulars rom uies ktcenfuniur actonerH2- to Queen City Feather Co., 23 box, both in good condition. T EESO E _________ ___Radio_ _ServicTe Baldwin St., Toronto. 15-12-4* Personal Apply W. Barrett, Duke St., T E E S O E Rado Srvie _____________________ Bowmanville. 20-1' -HENRY-Entcred into rcst in the OLD FOSTAGE STAMFS, before-- Newcastle. Mellow's Drug. GURNTE ADOSrvc, Oshawa General Hospital onl 1900, preferably on envelopes SLENDOR TABLETS are effec- COBBLER POTATOES, ho use Hampton: G. A. Barron &.Son. ube, ateERIs, e rvycW. Monday, May 14, 1945, Robert or 'original paper. Highest tive. 2 weeks' supply $1; 12 doors, frames and base-boards tubI eba tppoie sepp Ry& Gordon Henry, beloved bus- prices paid. Write Box 414, weeks' $5, at Alex McGregor's and planks. Wm., W i 1 c o x: Enniskillen: T. M. Slemon & Son * -, poit hppr band of Jessie Irene Ferguson, Statesman 0 f f i c e, Bowman- Drug Store. 9-26 Queen St. 20-1' Burketon: Harold Gill. Gill, King St. Phone 580. 20-1 in bis 41st year. Funeral from ville. 57-9 lcsokAxGbrt ___ L BWMNILERDI erie Armstrongs Funeral H o m e, WIN___________ THE FIGHT FOR FREE- 2- BURNER GAS STOVE, wîth Nsitn .G hmsn expert radio repairs to al Oshawa, on Thurs., May 17. FrRn dom from indigestion wit h oven, in good condition. Con- cetetn . H. Foteos. mksfatsrie-okgar Service at 3:30 p.m. Intermen o ent Wilder's St o mac h Fowder goleum floor coverings. PhoneC.H otus ~ A afaste.T. serice, 72wor gr Oshawa Union Ccmetery. 20-1 4 R OO M ED APARTMENT, Fîcasant and tasteless, gives im- 2458. 20-1 Pontypool: Post Master. M eet~ing S.Panteed.. ros 20- cugogrge cnra lctin'_____rlif.__ointbltOrono: Tyrrell's Drug Store. EVU~~II~ St Phne 59. 0-1VARCOE - Entcred into rest at etd aae eta oain eit eif loi lt BROODER STOVE, complete; Newtonville: W. C. Lane & Co hoe f erdagher Ms. Write P.O. Box 459, Bowman- form. 50c and $1 at McGregor's Coleman lamp; Berlin organ, Tyrone: P. L. Byam. -__thehomeof________________ th ville. 20-1' Drug Store. 20-1 ail in good condition. John Bowmanvhlle: W. J. Berry, J. Wil Be Held Ini Olive Meredith, Maple Grove, on Monday, May 14, 1945, FURNISHED ROOM witb board, Jacks, Hampton. 20-1'W.gJew*l,taJturya& Lfovel. W. J Norah Fanson, widow of the in private family; suit middle- A tcam is a bunch of people ail TRACTOR, 3 years old, on rub- Bgel ttsa fie TownwuHalI late John Henry Varcoe, in ber aged lady. Write Fost Ofic doing everytbing they can to help ber. W. H. Brown, Case Dealer, 82dyear. Funeral from Arm- Box 206.201 another guy score. King St. W., Bowmanville, There's Always ~strong's Funeral Home, Osh-phn49.2- PO T O Eawa, Thurs., May 17. Service FASTURE-Will take approx. 10_______________ at 2 p.m. Interment Bowman- bead of cattle to pasture. C. H. 2 COAL QIL STOVES, 3 burner, ville Cemetery. 20-1 Robinson, Hampton. Phone in good condition. Apply Sid- on The Unexpected_______ 2611. 20-1' ney Barrabaîl, R.R. 2, Bowman- The nexp cted COMING EVENTS NEW SINGER SEWING Machin vI Sion,(lmale Govth).f20-1' M nA - M .% v 1 _ _in vour nwn homn,$.0 Dr ttinMaleGov)n201 IvAuFAA. AVACLY d"A At 8 p.m. Spakers ... HON. HUMPIIREY MITCHELL Minister of Labor W. F. RUCKARD Federal Candidate GEO. F. ANNIS Ontario Candidate AND OTHERS PUBLIC CORDIALLY INVITD Durhanj, County Liberal Association STE WART'S YOUR DEF SEED HEAD Demand The Best - There1 FIELD ROOTS ... For bumper crops select3 assortment of best varietie SEED CORN ... Hybrjd and Open Poilinatei Grade-of Corn, why pay nm SEED POTATOES... Prince Edward Island Certi Dance at Tyrone Hall, Wfed- montb. El ÊIec. port.$5.00. Sing- Areyouinsredaganstnesday, May 23rd. Fletchcr's Or- er, Sewing Machine Co., Osh- Ar ouisre gantchestra. Admission 35c. 20.' awa. Fhone 696. 14-tf fire. It costs )'ou littie, Two plays, "Molly Malne Uad 0WO2- STOREY COTTAGES, "A Ghostly Evening" and a screencd vcrandabs, electricity, may save you a lot. musical program will be held in water, garage, at Bowmanville Ncwtonville Hall on Monday eve- Beach. For rent or sale. Apply tning, May 21, at 8:30 under M. Irwin, R.R. 1, Port Hope. Consuit us today,to auspices of the W.A. Admission 18-tf 35c and 25c. 20-1 moirrow may be too Trn udySho ni Livestock For Sale late. versary wîll be held Sun., May REGISTERED HOLSTEIN Bull, 20, at2 and 7 p.m. Rcv. R. B. serviceable age. Must be from Harrison, Blackstock, will be the accredited herd. W. E. Craig, minister at both services. 20-1 Hampton. Phone 2365. 20-1* Roy Lun ev Liberal Association L a di es' DARK RED PUREBRED Short- Roy L nney Night. A cordial invitation is cx- bora-bull, 9 montbs, will regis- (Successor to T. H. Knight) tcnded to the ladies of Bowman- ter. Apply R. Rowan, Ennis- Offceopn mrn.ns 9ta12ville and vicinity to attend a killen. 20-1' Offie oen ornngs9 t 12 meeting at the Liberal committee HEREFORD COW, 6 yrs. old, Phone 565 Box 364 rooms, in McMurtry block, on Fni- good milkcr, caîf at foot. Apply day evening, May l8th, at 8 to Keith Jobnston, Burketon. o'clock. The speaker will be Mrs. R.R. 1, or phone Fort Ferry Russell Whitley, Toronto. Mr. W. 172-12.201 F. Riekard, M.P., and Mr. George201 Annis, Liberal candidates, will be 3 YOUNG YORKSHIRE SOWS, in attendance. A social get to- due witbin 2 months. Apply gether will follow the addrcss. Bert Hoskin, Burketon, phone Refreshments served. 20-1 Port Ferry 193r2l, after 6 p.m. SEED STORE Carda of Thanks201 ___________________LIVE POULTRY and feathers. Mrs. L. Hilderley and family Good prices paid. M. Flatt, R.R. PENDABLE wish to tbank their friends and 1, Betbany. Phone 7r13. (Busi- QUl ARTERS neigbbors for kindness extended ness carried on by Mr. Flatt following ber recent accident. personally, no agents employ- Is No Substitute for Quality 20-1' cd.) l9tf-12* I wsh e ofermy increSOME HOLSTEIN HEIFERS, due I wishto ofermysinc e t freshen this summer, also 4 thanks and appreciation to the Durham heifers, due in 2 Your seed from our complete W.A. of Shiloh Cburch and to montbs; 2 good Holstein bulls es. neighbors and friends for ah tbhe and one or two Holstein spring- lovely letters, cards, flowers and cr.Poe23,RpbDvs fruit whicb were sent to me whilc 20-1on'alh avs I bave been ill. In many other20* d. We carry only the Hlghest ways my fricnds and relatives nore? have been wondcrfully kind and Real Estate For Sale I do appreciate it ah vcry mucb indeed. Also wish to say tbank HOUSE, in good locality, ail con- you to daughter-in-law and son. veniences. Write P.O. Box 6, Lfied. Mrs. I. B. Stark, Starkville. 20-1* towmanville, or phone 369. 1 19-tf Rape, Sudan Grass, Sorghum, Soy Beans, etc. - Clovers, Timothy Grasses BULK GARDEN SEEDS ... You get more and better seed for your money when you buy Stewart's Bulk Garden Seeds. %1 ENLARGEMENTS ... To introduce our superior quality enlargements we0 SwiIi enlarge your favorite negatives to 4 x 6 inches and mount same in attractive Studio Folders, complete, 2 for 29e MOTH CONTROL PRODUCTS... Elkay's Math Fume Crystais -may be used ln a vacuum cleaaer, 1 lb. tia -- -39e Eikay's Moth Killer and Math Contiuol Liuid-wil not injure fabrîcs. SoId oaly ai Rexaîl Drug Stores, 16 fluid ozs. - --- -75c Larvex - One sprayiag mothproofs for a wvhole year - -.--- - 83c, $1.29 Sapho Liquid-kills moths and bedbugs -- 27c, 47e Garment Bags, moLli proof, dust proof, damp proof, air- tiglit ý -- . -- 39c, 59e HOUSEHOLD CLEANSERS ... Bon Ami Powder, for al household cleaning --------15e Universal Cleanser, taiçes out grease spots, non-im- flaminable ------- 25e, 50e Energine, the modern dean- ing fli d ------ -------- 43e Owen's Nu-Clean, cleans like m agie -------- ---------25c Aeromist Glass Cleaner, cleans without water ---25c Brasso, for, polishing brass, copper & ail metals 15c, 25e HAIR BRUSHES . .. IVe hav'e received a ship- ment of fine quality Key- stone brushes, reasonably priced at - $1.75 IlJury & Lovel * DISPENSING HMT0 0Whon We Test Eyes t Us Don. Properlyr 0 PHONE 778 - - C.N.R. TICKETS IN MEN10RIAM B. W. CRAMP HOUSE, 7 rooms, bot watcr bcating, garage. Im- NEEDHAM - In loving memory mediate possession. Attractive of a dear daughter and sister, cash price. T. A. Dustan, phone Marjorie, who passcd away 2678. 19-2' May l4th, 1936. _________________ Those whom wc love, go out of FARM, 100 ACRES, bouse, barn, sight, poultry house, implement shed, But neyer out of mind;' good water, some bush. For Thcy are chcrished stili in the particulars write F. Needham, hearts 178 Christie St., Toronto 4. 0f those thcy leave bchind. 20-2* - Lovingly remembcrcd by Mom, Dad and Bernice. 20-1* 100 ACRE FARM, loam, framc _______buildings, stock and imple- WOODWARD-In loving memory ments, a well and spring, 8 of a dcarly lovcd son and bro- acres of hardwood, four miles ther, Gnr. Robcrt E. Woodward, from higbway, Concession 3 kîlled in action in Italy, May 20, and 4, Lot 23, Cartwright. S. 1944. McKce, Burketon, Ont. 20-1' We do not forget bim, we lovcd_________________ him too dearly For his memory to fade fromn our lives like a drcam. Our lips need not speak whcn THE THIRTY-FC our bearts mourn sinccrely, For grief oftcn dwclls whcre it i seldom is secn. oe If -Sadly missed by the family. l o k n S BURNS-In loving memory of'a AT THE COMMUNITI dear mother, Hannah Burns, wbo passcd away May 20, 1943, and a loving father, James T U R % e Burns, who passed away May 26, 1931. Somcwhcre back of the sunset Whcrc loveliness ncvcr dies-- $ 2 0I rz sf Tbey live in the land of glory, D nP ie o Mid the blue and gold of the Aiso the Jersey Breeder$'A sky. Ontario Counties is sponso Some day we hope to mcct Sone day, we know flot when, Sports . 0. Tocaptei ad ntheS FT A L H RU bettcr land, O T A L H RS Neyer to part again. CHULDREN'S1 - vrremembered by the family. 20-1 PRIZE LIST MAY BE OBTAIN Wanted AT BOWMANVILLE CANNINGI Danlce.. Factory - acreage of pickling ATN G T NT E Ltd., Bowmanville, phone 782. Squares an 20-3 For Sal; Admission to Grounds 6 - ROOMED HOUSE, semi-de- ADULTS 25c - CHILDE tached, batbroom, hardwood J DRYDEN, President 1 r floors, wired for electric stove. Phone 2256. 17-tf S E E D FOTATOEES, limited quantity Nortbern O n t a r i o Foundation A Cbippcwa. Stcw- art's Seed Store. Phone 577, Bowmanville. 20-1 3-FURROW Masscy Harris trac- tor plow, also Fontiac-Autotrac in ex.cellent condition. Apply Dalton Dorreli, R.R. 2, Nestie- ton. 20-1' TYRONE GREENHOUSES ARE prcpared to furnish every kind of plants for your garden and flower beds, prices reasonable. T. H. Tabb, prop. 17-4' FOULTRY EQUIPMENT - ONE coal brooder stove; 2 colonyi bouses; 2 range shelters. Phone 2433 Bowmanvilie. A. H. Clem- 1 I EmTChlcku have dong WOUfore othrs-why not for you? 100% Eve d.flvery quaircnteod.,IJgl.ptj me knoww*hat you wadL ÏACE HUMSON, ORONO WILFRLED RICHARDSON PONTYPOOL F. L. BYAM, TYRONE cas. 19- tf A FEW BAGS 0F TABLE Stock- potatocs at $1.50 a bag, also some seconds at .Olc a lb. Fred 20-1' LINOLEUM AND CONGOLEUMGR I Ypu are mnvited ta view these al, BRADLEY'S New Fiirniture Store, 156 Simcoe South, Osh- awa. 46-tf E D VACUUMS FOR SALE, vacuums We are offering the following repaired. "Good Vacuums for Seeds o! hlghest quality and Good Housekeeping." A 1 s o guaranteed expert repairs, lub- germination test: rication, replacements, etc. Cali edCr C.U.C. Service Brancb, Mec- Hybrd e C r Gregor's Hardware Store, Bow- Open Po!inatëà Corn manville, 774. 19 tf 1- Amercwnsanzn new Peer- LADY'S COAT, nearly new, a l't' lama and fine virgin wool, ls oor iÉt' Ailoyed"lt "Exclusive Strook". Plaid, in C prevent omidation, eut repair sbades o! brown, rust and beige, costs. Drive ln for a Spring crepe lincd and flannel inter- baeoer todayl lincd; also lady's reversible lie ritsitAmsCu M i coat, size 16. If interested me RtbbAu"en ommUMW write Post Office Box 156, ** :Bowmanvillc. 20-i S * s * OSHAWA'S NEW FURNITURE ' Store - Everything in msdern. ' chesterfield, bedroom, dining suites, and studios. Bedding and Bowmanviile Dealer for B-A floor coverings a specialty. Gas & Peerless Motor Oil Quality merchandise at com petitive prices. Before buying ,visit Bradley's New Furniture Edwar 's G rage Store, 156 Simcoe St. S., Osb- Ed ar' Grae awa. 6t And NEW EQUIFMENT - CASE MOTOR SALES tractors for returned soldiers; Grindmor grinders; Case Ham- Carburetor and Electrical Ser- mer Milis; mowcr; rake; springj vice - Repair ail makes o! cars tootb cultivators (one horse) five tooth scufflers with hillers; South side King St., 2 doors steel wbcels; Autotrac attach- West of Liberty ments available at $125.00, and Bowmanville used Fordson tractor, reborcd and new pistons; Oliver tractor plow; Cockshutt tractor plow, two or tbrce furrows; Case pony disc plow; wagons (good); barrow and cultivator teeth; )URTH ANNUAL machinery and stove repairs. Phone Carl Todd, 15-20, Clarke, * dealer for J. I. Case and Otaco flV fll ~ IVLimitcd. 20-2' PIAAAS!o àau~ 'Y PARK, BROOKLIN MAY 24th or Horses & Cattie Assotlation of Durham and )ring it Flrst Parlsh Show ESHOE PUTCHING, RACES, ETC.. NED FROM THE SECRETARY' TOWNSHIP HALL nd Rounds 9 a a BEN 10c - AUTOS 25e W. G. MANNING, See.-Treas. GOVERNMENT AP PROV E D cbick bargains for this wcek and next. Barred Rocks, New Hampsbires, Black Australorps, N e w Hampshire X Barred Rocks non-sexed, $10.95, pullets $17.95, cockercls $8.95. White Leghorns non-sexed $9.95, pul- lets $20.95, cockerels 95c. As- sorted Heavy Breeds, non-sexed $9.95, pullets $15.95, cockcrels $6.95. Assorted Medium cock- erels $1.75. 2 week old add 6c per cbick to above prices. Ship- ped C.O.D. TVhis advertisement must accompany your order. Top Notch Chickcrics, Guelph, Ontario. 17-ltf Lost, Strayed or Stolen LOST - PAIR OF BROWN KID gloves lost on King St. W., Tuesday. Finder please return to Miss Ailcen Gibbs, phone 803. 20-1' LOST - LADIES WRIST watch, yellow gold, oblong shape, chromium back, leather strap. Lost vicinity of Royal Theatre. Engraving on back gives identi- fication. Finder please leave at Statesman or phone Orono 5udan .rass Miletts, Rape Seed Cert. Seed Potatoes I.E.U., aUso home grown reed Buckwheat Seed Barley Root Seeds Feeds, Etc. L.W. Glenney NEWCASTLE Phone Clarke 33-2 r' 1 l WiIU Man Succeed As A World- Builder? Let God's Word Answer ilHear Bile Lecturer F. G. 'VAN nbî Ùi Representative of Jebovah's Witnesses SUN., MAY 2Oth 3.00 p.m. TOWN HALL Cbiflcb and Temperance Sts. Bowmanille, Ont. Admission Free All Welcome FOR EXPORT FOR HUGHEST PRICES I buy ail kinds of Grade and Registered Cows and heif- ers and eows bred about 4 or 5 months. Max Heidlt R.R. 4, Port Ferry PHONE or WRITE Phone Port Ferry 198-R-21 20-4 REFRIGERATO R Repairs Commercial - Domestic ANY MAKE H. J. Bowyer PHONE OSHAWA 244 t TIRE' N EWS No permit necessary for retreading tires. Have them retreaded now. If your tires need vulcan- izing, let us look them over befote the busy sea- son is here. Pull stock of new and re- conditioned tires to choose from.' GF. JAMIESON TIRE & BATTERY SHOF King & Silver, Bowmanville Phones: 467 - Res. 376 The Ganaraska Pro jeet A series of meetings listed below will be; held in the Ganaraska and adjacent areas for the purpose of giving information to ail those' interested regarding the Ganaraska Watershed Projeet. The programme wili consist of taîks by experts on conservation and flood control and sound motion pic- tures on methods used on similar projeets. This will be followed by a period of ques- tions and answers. Everyone interested is cordially invited to attend Place Date Convener Pontypool May 7 Ed. Younei aâ Bethany May 9 Ed. 'Youiigman Bewdley May il Les. Carruthers Kendal May 12 T. A. Reid Newcastle May 14 F. W. Bowen Canton May 16 A. J. RunnaUUs EizabethviUle May 18 A. J. Runnals Milbrook May 19 H. Cathcart Garden HilU May 21 A. J. RunnaUUs Port Hope, May 25 C. E. Stephenson 19-4 m PAGE TEN y 1< PHONE 577 Stewart's, Seed Store BOWMANVILLE Molli Flakes 19e lb. Our(, Cuiiet:t. newuru. 14u-£- 8 1 ýq s

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