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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 May 1945, p. 5

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THURSDAY, MAY l7th, 1945 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE FIVE There was a day when erring people set up a golden calf and kneit ta the false god Baal. Today they are more likeiy ta buy a goid brick and fail for some demagogue's bull.' It is easier ta make good Iaws than good men. But the vresuits are flot as good. ROYAL iBOWMAN VILLE Telephone 589 Thurs., Fr1., May 17-18 Ann Sothern, Tom Drake In MAI$IE GOES TO RENO Wlth John Hodlak. Martin Linden and Paul Cavanagh. Don't let the titie mlslead you! Why does she go to Reno? It's your move! Sat., May 19 Marjorie Weaver, Peter Cookson, Tin Ryan Ini SHADOW 0F SUSPICION Sec how even the smartestj crook can out-smart hiniseif. Added Johnny Mack Brown ln RAIDERS 0F THE BORDER WIth Raymond Hatton, Jewel Shelvees. Border smugglers defying law to the death. Mon., Tues., Wedl., May 21-22-23 Don Ameche, William Ben- dix, Carmien Miranda hI GREENWICH VILLAGE WIth Vivian Blaine. It's a iechnleo1or extravagauza vacked full of comedy, music and romnantie songs. COMINGI LOST IN A HAREM SUNDAY SCHOOL ANNIVERSARY AT ST. PAULS CHURCH St. Paul's United Church, on Sunday, May 13th, heid its Sun- day School Anniversary. Al members of the sehool took their places on the platform and form- ied the choir, rendering special selections under the leadership of Miss Helen Williams. The prim- ary department under the super- vision of Mrs. Reta Dudley sang an appropriate number with Mrs. Otto Bragg at the organ. For the remainder of the service of song, Master Ray Dudley capably pre- sided as organist. Combining "Mother's Day" and the natîonaiiy prociaimed Day of Thanksgiving and Remembrance OSHAWA Free Parking Phone 1011 Thurs., Fni., Sat., May 17-18-19 62 stars in the shoot-the- works show of the ce ntury HOLLYWOOD CANTEEN Starring Andrew Sisters, Jack Benny, Joe E. Brown, Eddie Cantor, Kitty Carlisle, Jack Carson, Dane Clark, Joan Crawford, Bette Davis, and many mare. Aiso Jimmy Dorsey and his band, Golden Gate Quartette SQNGS, SONGS, SONGS The biggest entertainment ever seen FOUR DAYS Mon., Tues., Wed., Thurs., May 21-24 Gary Cooper, Teresa Wright In CASANOVA BROWN The greatest romantic com- J edy of ail time RE-AFFILIATION AND CLOSING SERVICE 0F TRINITY C.G.I.T. In conjunctian with the W.M.S. the threc groups of Trinîty Cana- dian Girls in Training clased the season's activity with the annuel re-affiliation service. Mathers of the ginls, members o! the W.M.S. and other friends were wclcomed to this meeting. An inspiring service of warship on the theme "Foiiaw the Gleam' was conducted by the Senior Group president, Marjarie Rundie, with Miss Pritchard essisting. The service was made veny impressive with the use af a warship centre consisting of the "Hoiy Grail"- a silver goblet symboiizing the c up uscd by Christ at the iast sup- pr-and the apen Bible iighted Iby candies in taîl white standards. 'Doris Alidreed sang the beautif ui solo, "To the Knights in the Days Representetives of the Woman's Missianary Society penticipeting in the Re-Affiliation service in- ciudcd the president, Mns. W. P. Rogers; Mrs. C. A. Wight, Mrs. C. W. Sieman and Mrs. A. S. Bak- er. C.G.I.T. niembers respanding wene Dept. President Margaret Stacey, Anna Johns. Jean Dudley, president o! the Junior Group, and Lois McMullen, president of the Intermediate Group. Mary Alldread, treasurer of the depart- ment, prcsented the contribution o! $12.00 ta Mrs. Rogers. Group leaders Misses Vivian Bunner, Helen Nelles and Helen Pritchard aiso took part in the service. Mrs. Stephen G. Sayweli, Osh- awa, in a chellenging talk ne- minded the girls a! the purpose they repeat weekly and her re- marks on "Chenish Heelth, Seek Truth, Know God and Serve Others" were Most appropriate. For the buffet luncheon served by the W.M.S. ladies, Miss Vesta Spargo, a former beloved super- intendent whosc deep interest in the wank a! C.G.I.T. has ever been helpful, presided at the tea table. Foilowing lunch, aIl united ta RECEIVES PROMOTION i t i M NATIONAL WAR FINANCE COMMITTEE PROVINCE 0F ONTARIO OOUNTY 0F DURHAM Headquarters 74 Walton Street Port Hope Telephone 41 and 42 May 14, 1945 THANK YOU You have seiçI thanks with bonds. You have made the 8th Victary Loan a mark o! youn honour for those who paid dearly for victory and the sign o! youn respect fon those who will return vic- toriaus. And yau have made this loan, proof o! your determinatian that the peace fa came wiil be wonthy a! their triumph. .We, o! the National War Finance Committee, are indeed gratefui ta the people of Bowmenville and the people o! Durham County for their magnificent support in this, aur largest lban ta date. We are also indebted ta the managers af the banks and trust companies, and their hard-working staffs for the ca-operation which they have given us, and aiea ta the heads o! industry for the leadership which they have suppiied. To the men of the sales force, who worked s0 diigently in the warst passible weather, we aiea extend our thanks and congratulate themn on their achievement. We have established a record ai which we can all be proud, but let us keep in mind the realization that there will be ather boans, and that we wîfl be called on again for further proof ai the iset that our Caxiadian heritage demande the best in al ai us. W. ROSS STRIKE, Chairman C. W. MeBRIDE, Organizer W. E. HENDERSON, Vice-Chairman R. E. GARDINER, Organizer for Victory in Europe, the guest preacher, Rev. E. R. McLean, sec- retary of Ontario Reiigiaus Edu- catian Councii, Toronto, lifted the occasion ta aone of high levei in his timely sermon, "What Do We Owe?"' Rev. McLean divided his subject four-fold, and thus link- ed tagether the four nesponsibiii- ties ta parents, homes, Sunday School and members of the arm- ed forces. Mr. Wilfrid D. Carruthens, superintendent a! the Sunday School, and Dr. W. P. Fletcher, conducted the service. WHAT IS SUCCESS It's doing our job the best we can, And beîng just ta aur feilow man; Not making maney, but holding ndfriends, aram n Adstaying true ta u im n ends. It's figuring haw and learning why, And laaking forward and think- ing high, An.d dneaming littie and daing much; It's keeping aiways in ciosest touch With what is finest in word and deed; It's daring blitheiy the field of chance While making of laban a brave romance. It's gaing onward despite defeat And fighting staunchiy, but keep- ing sweet. It's being cican and it's playing fair, It's laugbing lightly at Dame Despair, It's looking up at the stars above And drinking deeply o! life and lave. It's stnuggling on with the will ta win, But taking loss with a cheenful grin. It's sharing sorrow, and work and mirth, And making betten this goad old eanth. It's serving, striving through strain and stress, It's doing aur nobiest-that's SUCCESS. Obituary MRS. MINNIE UOLLON After being con! mcd ta her roam for the past six months, there passed ta her rest on May 2, 1945, at her home, 1057 Daver- court Rd., Toronto, Maud Mary Lavinia (Minnie) Mollon, wife o! the late John Thomas Molion. Mrs. Moilon was born in Tyrone, Ontario, and was the only child of Thomas Biythe and Lucilia Hedger. On Dec. 4, 1895, she was united in marriage ta John Thomas Moilon of Newcastle, who predeceased her in August, 1942.11 Althaugh in failing health since, Classified Ad Rates One cent a word cash, each Insertion (minimum charge 25c). Charge of 25c extra is Made when advertlsement Ls not pald samne week as inser- tion. Extra charge of 10e when replies are dlrected to a Statesman box number. Bfrths, deaths and marriages 50c each. [n Memorlams, 50c for notice plus 10e per lune for verse. Classtfled adver- tisements accepted up until Wednesday noon. THE ANNUAL Public Meeting of the Children's Aid Soc. 0f Northumberland And Durham WiII bc held on THURS., MAY 17 1945 IN THE UNITED CHURCH, PORT HOPE AT 8.00 p.m. Speaker - DR. KENNETH H. ROGERS Executive secretary Big Bro- ther Movemnent, Toronto High Prices for Live Poultry Until further notice we are paying the fol- Iowing prices for LUVE POULTRY, delivered to our plant in WHITBY: the death o! her husband, she had been active about her home until her doctor advised campicte rcst six manths ago. She was able ta be dawnstairs only once during that time. Mrs. Moilon had Iived in and around Bowmanviiic al her life until the famiiy moved ta Toranto 17 years ago. She is survived by her five children, Gladys, Greta and Thomas, at home, Beatnice (Mns. W. E. Wilson) of Taronta, and Harold of Detroit, Mich., and four grandchildrcn, Harold, Stewart, Gardon and Lois Moilon. Rev. L. 1. Hunter, Westmane- land United Church, Toronto, con- ducted the funerai services, May 5th. Pali-beaners werc Wilbur Moilon, Melbourne Mailon, Har- aid Mollon, Jr., J. H. Bucking- hem, Jack Avery and Erncst Marsh. Interment taak place in Bowmenville Ccmetery. 25 % c Pound Roasting & Frylng CHICKENS (over 3 Ibs) ---30 %c pound PICKERING FARM, LTD. WHITBY ONTARIO Telephone - Whitby 336I J. H. MeKeever Who has been with the War- time Prices and Trade Board staff in Oshawa for the past three years as investigator of service stations, has been proxhioted to the Toronto office where his duties wiil take him ta variaus parts of the province. Jack is a native of Frontenac County where he farmed on the homestead until he was 22 years o id. For 14 years he was cm- ployed with General Matons in Oshawa in the Parts & Service Dept. About nine yeare aga he came ta Bowmanviile where he purchased the garage business of J ohn Hateiy. With the sale of t he Hately building last month ta the Public Utilities Commission, Mr. McKeever disposed of his garage and service station. He is looking forward to agaîn locat- ing in Bowrnanvilie when the war is over. For the present Mr. and, Mrs. McKeever will continue their residence in Oshawa. fanma a friendship circle and close with the singing of "Taps". Mar- garet Stacey extended thanks ta the ladies, the mothers, and ta Mrs. Sayweil. BOWMANVILLE FIRE ALARMS 1-Pire Hall, Church St. 2-Corner King and Division Ste. 3-Corner King and Ontario Ste. 4-Corner Ontario & Durham Sts. 5-Corner King and Liberty Ste. 6-Corner Centre and Lowe Sts. 7-Corner King and Silver Ste.« 8-Corner Prospect and Odeil Ste. A dams, Cohen, Patelli, Smith, Sovlodsky Kelley, Kruger, LaFleche THEY DIED TOGETHER SO THAT WE MAY LIVE TOGETHER They Were Ail Canadians Protestant, Catholc, Jew - French, English, Dutch, Rus- sian, Italian, no nuatter what language they spoke - they fought for a just cause and died for that cause. When you find anyone, yourself included, thlnklng, speaklng or acting with racial or religlous prejudice - stop and think. If these buddles were good enough to die for us, thon their friends are good enough to lve with us AS EQUALS. Contributed by Maurice Bres lin, Bowmanville n r I. g, CARTER'S VITAMIN B-i BREAD ALWAYS FRESH AND DELICROUS The vitamin you need every day is added to every, loaf. To be sure of getting your daily requirements of Vitamin B-1, eat several slices of CARTER'S BREAD at each meal. -Fresh daily from aven ta customer- ~~ £7~ ~Liaon GEORGE CRASE Chairman, Town ai Bowmanville TRURSDAY, MAY 17th, 1945 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE PM Top Grade Heavy FOWL --- -------------- - (under 4 lbs. Leghorns 22e lb.) Top Grade BROILERS <2 to 3 lbs.)----------

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