THURSDAY, MAY l7th, 1945 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE SEVEN Social and Personal~ Misses Doris Dudley and Helen {Pritchard attended the executive meeting of Oshawa Presbytery Young People's Union at the home 0f Miss Mildred Snowden, Mvaree trove, on Tuesday eve- iiing. Cpi. Jack Bishop and LAC Bill Stephens, R.C.A.F., on leave from Torbay, Newfoundland, Mrs. Stéphens, Tyrone, Mr. David Phil- pot, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Alxney, Trenton, were Sunday Farm Implement Dealership Open' Weil knowrn Company with complete line Power farmn equipment has section of this territory Open for good dealer with showroom and service facilities. Write Box No. 500, The Canadian Statesman Bowmanville, Ont. guests witb Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Stephens. Politicians appear to be passing up the chance of winning sure votes in rural sections w"here seeding is held back by frequent rains. The candidate who vil promise and guarantee bettier weather wouid just about be a sure winner. Just a tip for Mitcb. FIt. Sgt. Bob Evans, R.C.A.F., bas returned to Rivers, Man., after spending leave with bis par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Evans. Sgt. Tom Fletcher, R.A.F., Spald- ing, Lincolnshire, England, sta- tioned at Rivers, Man., also visited with Mr. and Mrs. Evans. Canon, Major C. R. Spencer, V.D., and the members of St. Jobn's choir, took part in the Ascension Day services at St. George's Cburch, Oshawa, last week. Five choirs, including Bowmanvilie and Wbitby, witb 3 from Oshawa, comprised 109 voices for the services. Canon Spencer read the lesson for the occasion. V-E Day fiags were stolen froma the Royal Theatre and the resi- dence o! Deputy Reeve Northcutt - .and Mr. Fallils, Liberty Street. As in other centres, police were unabie to patrol ail streets at one time and the snatch and grab hoodlums got but these few among hundreds o! flags display-s ed. Investigations are continuing and in the meantime it is o e the flags will be returned beforei otber steps are taken.r It's the Milwaukee Journal that points out that the Nazis have been chased the full length of the alphabet. Aachen to the Zuider Zee! The outlook for a sweet corn crop, long distance weather prog- nosticators say, is bopeful. Ah, happy, even ethically, is the vic- tory gardener who bites the ear that feeds him.-Boston Herald. -Now it's an entire nation that ,W learns that crime does flot pay. Warning Notice RE: CORN BORER Ail long corn stubble or other corn remnants no matter where they may be, mut either be ploughed under comt. pletely or gathered and burned BEFORE MAY 20th. FAILURE to do so leaves the offender liable to prosecu- tion, or paying the cost of men to clean up, or cost of both prosecution and clean up. Kindly co-operate and save expenses. If you know of anyone that bas not cleaned up tlieir corn refuse by May 20, just write or wire the Inspector. It is your duty to co-operate. Check the Corn Borer. P. 1. BENTLEY, Inspector County of Durham Phone 45 Millbrook, Ont. 19-2 'I Andy Clarke Back at Desk After a three months' illnes 'sde voice of Andy Clarke, in his his thousands of radio listeners Snda.y morning popular broad- are glad to welcome back on the cast 'Neighborly News". air that cheerful, wholesome fire- TRINITY YOUNG PEOPLE'S UNION Mrs. W. P. Fletcher speaking on 'Art" brought an excellent mes- sage to the menibers o! Trinity Young People's Union Monday evening. In an interesting and informai manner, Mrs. Fletcher .eiated the life and background of such famous painters a! Bibli- cal pictures as Raphael, Leonardo da Vinci, Holman Hunt, Millet and Heinrich Hofmann. Thraugh- out ber comments the spea.ker displayed copies o! the warld famous paintings a! these illus- ,riaus artists. A beautiful story .n connection with "The An- gelus" painted by the French artist, Millet, in 1859, clascd Mrs. Eletcher's impressive address. Convener o! the pragram, Jean .rassman o! the Christian Culture dcpartment, tendered thanks ta VIrs. Fletcher on behalf o! the Union. Devotional service was con- lucted by the convener and Clare rrewin. Helen Pritchard presid- ed for the business session. Mcmn- bcrs are urged ta be present Mon- iay evening for the closing meet- ng which will take the form o! a banquet at 6:30 p.m. Recreation under the leadership of Doreen Hardy and Ralph Mc- Entyre was enjoyed. i Dr. Vivian (Continued from page one) man, since lack of space at the moment gives no opportunity for the co Mhplete picture. In each sphere the Drew government bas advanced far beyond any other in the bistory of the province. And the central idea in ail the legisia- tion bas been to vest in these in- terests themselves and in local direct action and the formulation communities, the fullest share in of polîcies. That is advanced democracy. In conclusion, Dr. Vivian tald that Durham was a county he was proud to represent, that he had witb fearlessness sought to dis- charge bis duties both as a mem- ber and a Minister, and with con- fidence left the decision on June 4, in the hands a! the people. Again he stressed, the issue is "Good Government or Chaos" and the choice of sound govern- ment in Ontario, such as had been carried on by the Progressive Conservative Party, led by George Drew, would be in great measure the determining factor in prosperity and security, not only in this province and its municipalities, but across Canada as a whole. Enniskillen Mr. and Mrs. S. Trewin, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Trewin, witb Mrs. Anson Taylor and Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Nesbitt, Cadmus. This is subscription time! ]Business Directory_ Legal W. R. STRIKE Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Solicitor for Banik of Montreal qfoney to Loan - Phone 791 Bowmanville, Ontario LAWRENCE C. MASON, B.A., Barrîster, Solicitor, Notary Publie. King Street, W.J, Bowmanvile Phone: Office 688' Residence 553 W. F. WARD, B.A., Barris ter, Solicitor, Notaq~ Bleakley Block Bowmanville -Ontario Phones: Office 825- House 409 2-tf MISS APHA 1. HODGINS Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Publie Successor to M. G. V. GOULD Temperance St. - Bowmanville Phone 351 34-tf Dentist DR. J. C. DEVITT Assistant: Dr. E. W. Sisson Graduate o! Royal Dental Col lege, Toronto, Office: Jury Jubiler Bldg., Bowmanville. Office houri 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daily, 9 a.m. to 12 roon Wednesday, Closed Sunday Phone 790 - House phone 325 X-Ray Equlpment i Office ENGAGEM ENTS Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rahm, Enniskillen, announce the engage- ment of their eldest daughter, Lamna Viola, to Roy David Ash- ton Graham, eider son of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Graham, Haydon. The marriage will take place early in June. 20-f Mr. and Mrs. Milton Kimbal announce the engagement of their daughter, Lena Winnifred, to Alfred Walton Graham, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Graham, Newcastle. The wedding will take place early in June. 20-1* Mr. and Mrs. George Fowler, Burketon, announce the engage- ment of their twin daughter, Helen Margaret, to George B. Rutherford, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Rutherford, Aylesbury, Sas- katchewan. The marriage will take place early in June. 20-1* Co-ordinator: A man who brings organized chaos out of regimented confusion-Grit. We need a sense of public re- sponsibility in every private de- cision. Hamptoni Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Reynolds, David and John, with relatives in Toronto . . . Miss Florence Lander, Toronto, guest of Miss Nora Kersiake. . . Rev. and Mrs. Carman Lynn, Bowman- ville, guests at H. Peters' and T. and H .Salter's. .. Mr. and Mrs. John Milîs and Clifford, Ajax, Reg. Kersey, Toronto, at S. Ker- sey's. .. Mr. and Mrs. Alan Park- er, Toronto, with Mrs. M. Good- man and Louise. .. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Horn in Toronto. . . Mrs. Ken Caverly with Mrs. J. A. Cole, Bowmanville. .. Mr. and Mrs. Ed- win Wood and Doreen, Bowman- ville, Lloyd Williams, Oshawa, at S. Willigms'. . . Mrs. R. Burgess, Tyrone, at W. E. Stevens'. .. Jack Smith, Oshawa, with the Hutch- inson boys. .. Mr. E. Blair, Osh- awa, with his sister, Mrs. Lila Colwill. .. Mr. and Mrs. Merwin Cryderman and children, Oshawa, at L. Cryderman's . . . Mr. and Mrs. C. Warren in Toronto.** Mr. and Mrs. D. Rackham and Twins, Bowmanvile, at the par- sonage. .. Mrs. M. Goodman and Louise witb Mr. and Mrs. A. Parker, Toronto. .. Mr. and Mrs. R. Burns and Barbara, Oshawa, Mr. P. Turner, Peterboro, Lloyd and Marion Kersey, Bowman- ville, at S. Kersey's. A number of our citizens at- tended church service in Bow- manville in connection with V-E Day. Home and School Association met on Monday night when the newly appointed officers were in- stalled by Mrs. Selby Grant, Bowmanville. Favorable reports were received and an interesting program was given by home tal- ent. The afternoon tea held at Miss L. Reynolds' Tuesday un de r auspices of W.M.S. ladies was a successful event. A Mother's Day programn was held in the Sunday School, Sun- day afternoon, combined with the theme for the day, "'Peace Is Built at Home," was the service of Thanksgiving and Praise for peace in the nation. Miss Thelma Robbins very capably presented a fitting story. At the evening church service a similar service was in charge of our pastor who gave a helpful message and the choir, rendered appropriate selec- tions; Victory Parade HeId On Wednesday evening a Vic- tory Parade, with the village homes appropriately decorated with flags, was held, in which old and young participated. Start- ing at the Town Hall, it was head- ed by Drum Major B. Pingle, with his baton, following were the colors. The main parade includ- er horses, decorated vehicles, cars, bicycles and tricycles. The drums beat the rhythm for marcbing which pr oc e ede d through the main. streets of the village, finally congregating at the store corner. When the church bell had ceased ringing, ail join- ed in singing patriotic choruses and hymns. Then came the burn- ing of Hitler. Following this par- aders enjoyed street and house dancing tili midnight, having given vent to suppressed emo- fromn Jimmie Adamson in Greece, who was formerly in Egypt for about a year. Mrs. Roy Langmaid presided for election of officers. Roll was called. Miss L. Reynolds thank- ed the members for their co-op- eration and support during ber term of office as president for three years and also made refer- ence to the splendid program giv- en. Various reports were receiv- ed and the nominating committee presented this siate of officers which was accepted: President- Mrs. E. H. Cole; lst Vice Pres.- Mrs. Geo. Farncomb; 2nd Vice Pres. - Mrs. Roy Knox; Sec'y- Mrs. Harold Salter; Ass't Sec'y- Mrs. Gordon Wilbur; Treas. - Mrs. J. R. Reynolds; Auditors- Mrs. Francomb and Mrs. W. W. Hurn; Flower Bed Committee - Mrs. G. Adcock, Mrs. G. Farn- comb and Mrs. W. Chapman; Press Reporter - Miss N. Horn. Mrs. L. Niddery expressed appre- ciation o! the work o! the officers for the past year. Program was in charge o! West Group with Mrs. L. Truli presid- ing. Mrs. Percy Deweli favored with a piano solo; Mrs. Roy Lang- maid gave an interesting paper on "Man's Many Superstitions". Miss Norah Horn contributed piano music and Mrs. H. Salter gave an account o! the work and visit o! Miss Elizabeth Christmas of England who is touring Canada in the interest o! the Women's Institutes, which she said was the finest organization o! women in the world. In Great Britain they have adopted the same motto as we have -here.- She urged the Women o! Canada to welcome the war brides coming over from the British Isles and to do ahl in our power to make them feel at home and ta learn the Canadian way o! life. A social baîf hour followed and the group served refresh- ments. Next meeting, May 31, in- stead o! the first Thursday in June. Program in charge o! the North Group. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Steele, To- ronto, spent Mother's Day with Mrs. A. C. Truli. Zion Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Christiali Star and son, Toronto, at Hans Geissberger's. . . LAC Cameron Stainton at St. Thomas. . . Miss Jean McMaster, Toronto, at Alex McMaster's. . Mr. and Mrs. Bern- ard McEwen and Faye, Dunbar- ton, at Wes. Cameron's. . . Miss and Lyla Stainton, Oshawa, at A. T. Stainton's on V-E Day. .. Miss Gladys Wood, Oshawa, Pte. Peggy Killen, Toronto, at Robt. Killen's ..Mr. e.d Mrs. Fred Cameron and Helen at Wm. Smith's, .Whit- b... Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Stainton and Eileen, Mrs. Adam Hawley at Ross Lee's, Kedron. . . Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Killen, Marie and Johnny, Pte. Peggy Killen, Miss Gladys Wood at Mervin Knapp's, Whitby. .. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Mar- tin, Vernon and Murray, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Martin and Vivian, Orono, at Thos. Martin's. . . Miss Eileen Stainton at Miss Bernice Chapman's, Taronto. . . Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Cameron and Joyce at Deibert Flintoff's, Kedron. .. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Scott and Douglas, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Glaspel and Grant, Tyrone, at Gerry Glaspel's... Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Metcalfe and Larry, Osh- awa, at AI! Ayre's. . . Pte. Ray Gifford, Newmarket, at Harold Gifford's. . . Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rabbins and Isabel, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Rabbins and Ruth at Percy Langmaid's, Oshawa... Mr. and Mrs. Walter BaIl and Mar- guerite, Uxbridge, at Henry Bali's ... Mr. and Mrs. Mcl. Morgan and Glenna at Alan Wheeler's, Agin- court. . . Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Flett and Murray, Raglan, Miss Pearl Leach, Sauina, at Norman Leach's. . . Henry DeMille with his parents at Burkcton. . . Orville Stinsan at Blackstock. .. Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Glaspel and Alan at Donald Yellowlees', Columbus. W.A. met at Mrs. A. T. Stain- tan's with 22 members present. Mrs. Ray Scott, Oshawa, gave a paper on "T r ue Happiness". "When God Made the Earth" was given by Mrs. A. T. Staintan. Miss Elleen Stainton gave a reading an "Beauty". It was decided ta get a $50.00 Victory Bond. This pro- gram was given: vocal sala, "My Mother," by Mrs. Wm. Leask, Sauina; reading, "Just This Minute," by Mrs. R. Stainton; vocal duet by Inez and Janeen Cameron, "Jesus Laves Me"; vocal sala, "Beautiful Isle o! Samewhere," by Mrs. Vernon Os- borne, Oshawa; mouth argan music by Mrs. Russell Stainton. Mrs. A. T. Stainton, Mrs. Ray Cameron, Mrs. Harold Gifford, the May group, served a lavely lunch. Mother's Day service was well attended Sunday morning. The choir sang "StilI, Stili with Thee". Miss Elleen Glaspel gave the story, Rev. W. Rackham gave a fine message. Mary Geissbcrger at Toronto. Miss Bernice Arnott, St. Thomas, with ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. EnnLskillenA Jesse Arnott. .. Mrs. Adam Haw- ley, Peterboro, at A. T. Stainton's Vpitors: Mr. and Mrs. Harry ..Hans Geissberger, Jr., at To- Oke, Lakeport, Mr. and Mrs. ronto. .. Miss Marguerite Martin, Howard Oke, Oshawa, at Walter Miss Elinar Milîs, Mr. Fred Mar- Oke's. . . Mrs. Verna Wood, To- tin, Toronto, Mr. Wm. Gilray. onta, at Mr. S. R. Pethick's... Enniskiilen, at Thos. Martin's. .. Mr. and Mrs. D. Lewis and family Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Gladweli, at Mr. J. V. Hannant's, Omemee Mrs. John Gladwell, Mr. and Mrs. . . . Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Ashton and Bert Stainton and grandson, Lais with friends in Toronto... Peter, Toronto, Misses Eleanor Mrs. G. Leask, Ewart and Eunice, Don't Neglect Your Car! LUBRICATING AND GREASING are most inmport- ant. We have specialized and trained attendants to do this work, and the equipment used is the latest, heavy duty - Ail of which assures our cuff- tomes of satisfactory work. CARS WASHED, POUSHED AND SYMONIZED Palmer Bros. (Cities Service Station-Fornxerly W. J. Challis> Phone 487 Opposite A. & P. Store Bowmanvile Taunton, at H. Annis'. Sewing Circle met at Mrs. H. Stevens' on May 9th, wben usual sewing wag donc. A dainty lunch was served by Mrs. Stevens and ber graup, Mrs. J. Plant, Mrs. O. C. Ashton and Mrs. C. Austin. Next meeting at Mrs. H. Annis'. A mast interesting sermon was preached by Rev. J. A. Plant on Sunday evening. There was a large attendance. Brown's caster showed a film and Warden Cecil Carveth and Dr. Devitt also showed a !ew films. Visitars: Mrs. Gea. Stephenson in Toronto. .. Mr. and Mrs. Stan Aluin, Lockhart's, at Mr. Welling- ton Farrow's . . . Mrs. H. Reich- rath in Toronto . .. Mr. and Mis. C. Turner and Sam, in Lindsay... Mrs. W. Brunt and family, Mis. C. Maliey and Wanda, Lackhart's, Mrs. E. Caswell and family, New- tonvilie, at Mrs. C. Brawn's. Mr. C. Turner and Sam, Bill Morley, Sidney Brown and Bobby Stephenson attended the "Roy Rogers Rodeo" in Toronto. RtitUros met CL Mrs. Ii.Lira- ham's. Next meeting at Mrs. C. Turner's. Home and School Association "Men are qualified for civil met wlth Lockhart's Home and liberty," said Edmund Burke, "in 1School as guests. Reading and exact proportion to their disposi- musical numbers were given by tion to put chains on their own teguests and Mr. Sidney Lan- appetites." là -19 Treat Seed Grain For Smut .>. . Ceresan .- ----------- $1.10, $4.40 Formaldehyde -------- 16 oz. 25c For Tigbt, Chesty Coughs BRONCHIDA............- ---50c ri M-lé rtr meipi Provent Bad Ureath * Oles Afl. Orightliteb eei Sparkllmg Suites It's New.. AIR-WICK kills household Odours quickly -------------89e Wake up y.uir 11ver; clbans. your feel flghtlngl fit by taking ENO'S McOREOGOR PHONE 792 - WE DELIIVER Moth Bags.......25c, 39c, 59è Larvex .......l16oz. 83c, - 32 oz. $1.29 Moth Killer Blockettes.....0c, 25c Cedarlene Flakes.........25c Whiz Insect Killer ...... 24c, 43c, 73c Sapho Liquid......29c, 49c, 89c Sprayers...........45c up: TAKE A SPRING TONIC Wampole's Extract.......$1.00 Idaphos Nerve Tonic .......$.LS "Ailenburys"t LU&à -QBasic Soap super fatted oe .soap- fù». fom adultemrn-wM ifn zjure*moat tender ukhm. per cake 25e AÀL EX LAURA SECORD CANDIESDRG FIOHI MOINS Maths do millions of dollars damage each year. Prevent damage to your clothes and property by using some of the weapons listed below. NOW is the time to start. Phone 792 for speedy deiivery. 2-piece Dresses In Ginghams and Cottons Newest Styles . and Attractive Materials $6.75 to'0 $1495 Waterproof With wet weather - s.uch as we 've been à having - these coats are a necessity. $7.50 to $17-50 WE ALORVE A NEW STOCK 0F ME'SRAIN COATS Couch, Johoston& Cryderman PHONE 836 , ~BOWXANVILLZ Nec, Chemical Food Capsules $1.25, 2.25 Blaud's Iron Pilis 100's ------------ 25e Idafer Vitamin Iron Tanie, 16 oz. $1.25 CASHMERE TISSUE Two Grades 15e, 2 for 25e 10c, 3 for 25c PRISCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTrY 8- m THURSDAY, MAY 17th, 1945 PAGE SEVEN THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO DRUCS