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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 May 1945, p. 9

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THURSDAY, MAY 24 t 1, 1945 THE CNADIN STTESMN. BWMANILLPAGET1 NM Quality Guaranteed TECA [Avoid Expensii 0 Conserve yourpýresent equitp men.A ril uFlter wsl belp keepyour eq.uipment on L leobyafter ay. ee n5 e ejhvsially and vsblea n, ijA saves parts, reducea cmer. Ulaulst, lengtening the Ife ofthe mocor. t Inatall Frain and &et more service from your tractou, or Sttnar ine. Write for decitv o der to - J. C. ADAMS COMPANY LIMITED Ilà GEORGE ST, TORONTO, ONT. ve Repairs Those 3 Hidden Dangers Wartimc driving is liard on any car. . And hidden dangers go unnoticed until tragedy strikes. Have these checkcd before it's too late: - SLUDGE will clog your engine - RISKY BRAKES wiIl not hold - WORN STEERUNG affects tire life - PRECISION REPAURS - GARTON'S GARAGE Phone 2666, Bowmanville MEN WANTED Fer War Work In Mlechanicali Rubber Goods Plant Vacations with Pay Group Insurance and Hospitalization Plan Legal Holidays with Pay Pension Plan A War Time Job With Peace Time Prospects Applicants on War Work flot Aecepted PAp ply National Selective Service, Oshawa Refer File No. 1211I E Health-theSpotlight's on MILK! There is no other single foodstuff which con- tributes so mucli to robust health and vigor. Save money ...kcep your famlly fit . .. serve more Glen Dairy Milk, as a beverage, in pud- dings, soups and other cooked foods. PHONE UiS TODAY FOR QUALITY MILK TOMORROW i . i.. ai+ 1 VTONVILLE WOMEN'Smo 1'ITUTE HOLD the ~ mo PERESTING MEETING AT 2 .* good S. ERNEST ALLDREAD'S hu rwtonville Women's Institute with at the home of Mrs. Ernest -I - Jack read, Newcastle, May ideat Mrs. Frank Gilmer man: idcd. Mrs. Arnold Wade, was PHONEBOWMAVILL The Newcastle Independent 8 Phone: Clarke 3314 CpI. Ray Brown is home on fur- Séc'y-Trea, read the minute iough from Ipperwash Camp. and finacial statement. Aftei Y.P.U. presented their variety1 the business period the Presiden programi and two plays at New- hned the meeting over to Mrs tonville on May 2ist and are go- Ernest Haigh, convener of tht ing to Enfield on June 8th. program. Mr. and Mrs. Walter DeLine, Mrs. Haigh arranged an ex- Pauline and Carol, spent Sunday cellent program. which provided in Toronto. education, entertainment and a Mr. and Mrs. George Bull, To- maximum a.mount of fun and ronto, spent the week-end at their good fellowship. The roll caîl, summer home at the lake. "How Safe Is My Home?" was answered by each member stat- Mrs. W. E. Topliff is visiting ing what precautions were prac- relatives in Kingston and Odessa. ticed in hier own home to prevent Mrs. Simpson has returned to accidents. Some very practicai her home in Kitchener after visit- and excellent ideas were given. ing her mother, Mrs. Caswell. Mrs. J. C. Hancock read a very in- Mrs. Jack Nesbitt, Oshawa, teresting pamphlet on "Home spent the week-end at her home Defence Accidents" which deait here. with accidents which most fre- Miss Patricia Pearce, Oshawa quently occur lanVthe home, some General Hospital, was home. by careiessness and oversight and Mrs. Steila Anderson is visiting how easy it is to take the neces- friends in Collingwood. sary measures to guard against Mr. George Bonathan, Toronto, them. was home. Mrs. Arthur Redknap, Newton- Miss Dorothy Trenwith, Toron- ville, and Mrs. Waite, Newcastle, to, was home, gave two well rendered and much Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Allan are enjoyed vocal solos. Imoving into the north haif of Mrs. John Pearce, Newtonviile, Mrs. Casweil's house on North St. and Mrs. Norman Rickard, New- Miss Francis Morgan spent the castle, contributed very witty week-end with hier parents in To- readings which were the cause of ronto. n'iuch laughter and applause. Mrs. Miss Ruth Bonathan, Business Pearce's was a masterpiece deal- College, Toronto, was home. ing with the definition of "Man" Pty. Officer Fred Couch, Toron- -bachelor, married and widowcr. to, was home. Mrs. Norman Rickard's was Pte. Donald Burley with Mr.j equaliy funny being an essay and Mrs. Lewis Clark, Mrs. Clarkj written by a school boy, entitled and infant daughter are home "What Is Inside Me". from. Bowmanville Hospital. 1 The topic was given by Miss The C.G.I.T. group went down Ada Warren, "Citizenship and the to the home of Mrs. Gordon Mar- Fiag".- Miss Warren in a very in- tin, May lSth. Mrs. A. Glenney, teresting and comprehensive Mr. Emimerson Fisher and Mr. manner traced the relationship of Gordon Martin kindly offered the Flag and the Citizen. She ex- their cars to take the girls there piained the interesting item re- and b a ck. General business garding the new flag that the period was followed by Bible dis- Newcastle Council had in readi- cussion and another chapter fromn ness to fiy fromn the fiag pole on the missionary study book was the Community Hall lawn on V-E read. A sing-song followed. Mrs. Day, but when the news of Pres- Gordon Martin, Joyce and Mrs. A. iden't Roosevelt's death was re- Gienney served refreshments. ceived, the civic officiais decided Mr. Bill Joli and friend, Ajax, the occasion warranted their best were guests Of Mr. and Mrs. E. in honor and tribute so the new Joli. flag was flown at half-mast in Mrs. W. H. Pearce was guest Of respect to the memory of the lier sister, Mrs. Russell Colwill, President of the United States. Toronto.' Miss Warren said the flag of a Mrs. Luella Gray received the country is the symbol of the na- good news last week by cable, tion to which it belongs. To the from hier son, Cpi. Robert Gray, Canadian citizen it stands for the who had been a prisoner of war, whole story of Great Britaîn, for that he was now in Englanid. the men and women who made rheir friends ail join in hoping the Dominion, for the brave sol- that Bob will soon be on his way diers who have gone overseas. Ia back to Canada. concluding her remarks, she said Mrs. Gordon Ash, Highland she hoped that out of the sadness Creek, was home. and bloodshed of the past years it Red Cross Meeting is hoped that civilization will once Following up their decision at more return to understanding andt heir annual meeting in January, good wilI and that ail citizens of o hold an evening meeting quar- Canada will say: erly s0 the male members of the ociety and the executive could im proud of Canada's flag, t attend, Newcastle Red Cross So- Is Canada proud of me?1 iety met Thursday evening, May What sire wants, is citizens loyal 7th. President Miss Beatrix Mc- as can be. t Intosh presided and opened the I love my land and Britain's flagS mieeting with a short prayer Of That waves from sea to sea. e thanksgiving for victories won. 0, 1 am proud of hame and F Secretary Mrs. Olga Gibson read motherland d minutes of previous meeting And I will make themn proud of h which were approved. Treasurer m.l Urs. D. B. Simpson prcsented the e. nancial statement showing a The last item was a contest, P )alance of $450.49 on hand. Total "Ho0 w Canada Is Governcd" ai ampaiga Fund $1,244.55 was which was conducted by Mrs. ci int direct to headquarters. Cecil Ferguson, who divided the Mr. A. E. Mellow gave report of meeting into groups for the con- t lood Donors Clinic and said test. The group having the most di lnations were stili urgcntiy correct answers and winning the . ceded for wounded soldiers in prize consiste&- of Mrs. Cecil Bur- v] spitals and also for the Eastern ley, Mrs. Johnson, Mrs. Bert D ont. He stated that transporta- Samis and Mrs. Olga Gibson. io to Oshawa Clinic was also Afternoon tea was served by si teeded. Mrs. E. Haigh and her group who il.' Miss Cora Butler, convener.of wcre Mrs. Norman Rickard, Mrs. lacking Comn., reportcd on ship- Fred Lovekin, Mrs. Wallace M ient sent May llth, consisting of _______________ cartons containing 15 quilts, 2 Dg_____________ ot size quilts, 7 knitted babies' ackets, 5 pr. babies' bootees, U annelette, 10 pr. knitted babies' Anon ootees, 3 pr. babies' bootees, feit, p knittcd babies' bonnet, 1 crib Cop fghan, knitted, 10 boys' wind- i eakers, 18 scarves, 12 round rask'Ia i 'ck long sîceve khaki sweaters,te 1pr. gloves, 2 pr. mitts, 38 pr. W )x, 3 helmets, 1 sleeveless M Areater, air force, i turtle neck W Mr.slev sweater, airforce. fieLS M.and Mrs. Cecil Fergusonla ere in Toronto Monday attend- ModwmN ed. ig the funeral of Mr. Ferguson's Ifropol cul uin.1 Mfr. and Mrs. Cecil Ferguson hi sited ber sister in Peterboro on stri nday.D We regret to report that word I S84t is been reccived that Walter I J 5 hot PO Danny Shutka, Orono, has been awarded the D.F.M. Con- gratulations to Danny whose par- ents live at Starkville. Horticultural Society is spon- soring a Victory Garden Contest. Three prizes are being offered. Mrs. G. P. Breckon, Toronto, is making her home with her bro- thre, Mr. J. F. Lorriman. Canadian Legion met Thurs- day evening with a good attend- ance. Mrs. Norman Allin visited Mr. and Mrs. Norman Winter, Osh- awa. Week-end Visitors: Mrs. Grady and family, Hamilton, with Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Armstrong... Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Johns, Bow- rnanviile, with Mr. and Mrs. C. Wood . . . Mr. and Mrs. John Keane and Mervin Keane with M~r. and Mvrs. A. H. Keane... Miss Beatrice Hamm with her parents *.Mrs. Harry Clark, Aima and ElarrY, Prescott, with Mr. and VIrs. C. McLaren. . . Wm. Glan- ville, Camp Borden, with Mrs. Glanville and Mr. and Mrs. C. 3eebe. .. Mr. Mac Smith, Toron- to, with friends. .. Mr. and Mrs. WJ. J. Stainton at Enniskillen An- niversary services. . . Mr. S. B. Rutherford, Nakina, with rela- ives. .. Miss Marjorie McLaren, Nestleton, at her home. .Mr. and Mrs. C. S. McLaren en- tertained the staff of Park St. Sunday School and others inter- ested in the work, Friday evening. Plans for Anniversary next Sun- ay were compieted, after which Mr. M. H. Staples gave an out- Une of the book "The Church, ie Nation, and the World Order" prepared by a special committee' 1 pointed by the General Coun- Miss Aima Emory is back at oe Bank of Commerce after holi- lays. Mrs. Ed. Graham and Mariene isited her sister, Mrs. 0. Gibb in )unbarton. Herb Burgess, Veterans Guard, ent his furiough with his fam- [y at Antioch. Mrs. C. L. Powers is nursing Irs. Squair at Salem. Mrs. H. Curtis and Mrs. R. A. )lve visited friends at Hampton. Women's Christian Temperance lion met at Mrs. Maria Smith's n May lSth. Mrs. H. Walsh resided and Mrs. S. Littlewood )nducted the devotional period, ving thoughts on "Growth". Ar- rigements were made for at- îding: County Convention at iitby, May 22nd, and for the ldai Contest, June lst. Reports ere presented. Election of of- crs resulted la the majority of t Year's officers being re-elect- 1.Mrs. Smith served a social ipof tea. MIr. Neal, Montreal, is visiting sdaughter, Mrs. W. E. Arm- rng. MIiss Lizzie Epps celebrated her th birthday on May l4tii at the ne of Mrs. Reg. Sutton. Several lies called to offer congratula- is to Miss Epps and brought ,flowers and other useful gifts. birthday cake, adorned by îted ýcandies, was the centre of edining room table. Cpi. Gordon Leamen, Mrs. Lea- ,n and Paul, arrived iast week )m Kapuskasing. Gordon has urned but Mrs. Leamen and ul are remaining with Mrs. iter. Irs. L. Bruton and Mrs. Nor- in Bruton were with relatives Bowmanville. Ur. Donald Staples has a posi- nin Montreal for a few weeks. [r. and Mrs. John E. Arm- Dng are receiving congratula- s on the arrivai of a new id-daughter in Timmins. ,ast Thursday evening a very oyable evening was spent in new Masonîc Temple, it be- the entertainment by a losing i among the members of a tnate winning team. Wives 1other ladies were invited, n they were permitted to w ail the marvellous furnish- sand gadgets, without under- iding the whys and where- c.They were sureiy amnazed the progress made in a few ths by the men and concluded latter might be used to real d advantage during the spring secleaning at home. Mr. R. Logan favored the audience hseveral solos and Mr. J. son entertained with songs stories in his own inimicable ier. A very delicious lunch served by the brethren of. passed without a dissenting vote. j Liberal Working Plan for Fui! Posi-Wvar Employaient... Fer Vet.rm.s-75oooOo ges thesttd la oodpayng obsiiiindstr, o te land or - * in business for thein. selves as ecd of thein chooses. cal usIu-$400,000,000 to finance the biggest building scbeme this * country nas ever known. ftndiT Alwafes-S2 50,000,000 a Yeur to lessen the burdens of parentbood and to equalize the opiportunities of young Canadians for succes ana happiness. Expert (rédits -We've got I-, to have exporta if we're itgto have lobs. tour1 Liberal Govero- ment bas arranged to finance war-wrecked countries who will be good customers later. Inustriel Devolopment Buk-Your Liberal Gov- ernimenr bas set up machinery to help enter- prising Canadians develop new business. forte Locus-One !man0 in - - every three in Canada - -- -w ork s o n th e farce . T o help? thein get better , equipinent, your Liberal j~Governinent bas ar- raged that they can brrow the money tbey neeti for better working and living conditions. Fleur Frites-The Liberal Government's policy is that when farinera and fishermen prosper, 50 do other Canadians. It bas therefore taken action to put a floor under the pricea of farma and fishery products. Réduction of Taxes-Your Liberal Governinent believes in jobs first. To tbis end, taxes wili corne down to free spending power. These are just s... Of111611Y steps ina the Liberal Governmern9s Working Plan to ensure fulempl.yment alter the war. In addition it bas stimulatedtremendousp.i vate savings in Vicm'ory Bonds and W'ar Savings Certificates,. put tbrougb Unem- ployment Insurance, set up a sPecial De- partment of Reconstruction stafled by exers Ijct ali its policies are direcued to the same eTHd-NATIONAL aSdRstableMleveZ . ghan et emlovmet and ~ wintheruac Hlm"es,, Mrs. Charles Hancock the Senior Warden's team, and C MsCeiFerguson, Mrs. Jack j even though hampered by the ab- n Robinson, Mrs. H. Dennis, Miss, sence of hydro, everyone present SAda Warren. 1 was delighted with the social Mrs. Cecii Ferguson conveyed aj time. hearty vote of thanks on behaif Orono Women's Institute of the members to Mrs. ErnestI Orono Women's Institute met Alldread for her kindness andI Friday. Newly elected president, ýs hospitality in extending the use of Mrs. Edward Dean, occupied the r her home for the afternoon. 1 chair. It was decided that the It was the first time your cor- same amount of honey would be respondent had the pleasure and sent overseas this year as last privilege of attending an Institute1 year, 240 lbs. Ten dollars will be meeting.* One was impressd by sent to Canadian National Insti- the cordial welcome extenderi and 'tute fr lind. Five dollars aso 1 also the happy comradship and goes to Canadian Tuberculosis 1co-operation that prevailed. It is ssociation. War Work Com- 1 easy to understand how the mm- mittee was in charge of programn ,bers of this organization have with Mrs. R. A. Delve convener. idone and are doing such wonder- Misses Anna Staples and Betty fui work for the general better- Linton played a piano duet and ment of rural living in Ontario. Mrs. Kathleen Chapmaa sang The Newtonviîe Institute have 'Mother's Lullaby," accompanied a membership of 40 and in addi- by Miss Betty Linton. Mrs. H.i tion to their community activities Rowe recited "Leetle Baptees". they have been of invaluable as- Roll cal was answered by the sistance to the Newcastle Branch name of a mother of the Bible. Red Cross Society (with whom This was followed by a talk by1 they work as a unit) in the large Mrs. Delve on "Mother," with amnount of war work undertaken quotation from several world and finished such as knitting, fa mous authors and poets. A sewing, and making quilts. They prize was awarded to Mrs. C. turn the finished articles in to Tyrreli for eing the mother of Newcastle Red Cross Society the younges% child present. Lunch where they are shippd to head- was served. quarters in Toronto. The mcm- bers also make 240 lbs. of jam LOCAL 189 UNION DONATE each summer for shipment over- $500.00 TO MEMORIAL seas. Newcastle Red C ross PARK CLUB assuming cost of sugar for jam. Owing to sugar ratîoning the Ia- The regular monthly meeting ofI stitute this past summer sent 240 Local 189 Union was held on May lbs. of honey overseas instead of 13 at the Union Hall. A good at- the jam. The Red Cross paid for tendance was present and several 120 lb .s. business matters were discussed- among which was the matter of a WS donation to the Bowmanville Orono New Memorial Park Club in response hIIIK~~. J 0 6 S ! Jobs with bright futures for the Young men and women coming out of the Armed Services with the bcst part of their lives before tem! Jobs for aIl! Jobs with big prospects and good, reliable money that wili keep its buying power! After ail the liard work, sacrifice and self-discipline which has brought us through the war, the people of this country bave earned a brigliter future in a better, juste;, grander Canada than we have ever known! JO0K how much Canadians have acconi. plished, here on the home front, even witbout the energy and initiative of ail the vigorous young people now in uniform, and their zest for daning! What is there Canada can't do with them back on the home team? Why, with their help, we Canadians are headed full specd for the greatest period ini our history! T HE al-important question today is the civilian staff-work and leadership which we cali "government." The Liberals have a working plan. It's big and bold! Parts of it are outlined for your judgment in the left-hand colunin. It lias been designed with the aid of the keenest minds in every phase of indust", agriculture, labour and learning. The plan wiil work. In fact it is already bninging resuits. It wiil continue to do so! The Liberals can tell you this with confidence because they have had successful experience in operating nation- wide plans. V OTE for your Liberal candidate. Make sure the team which made this plan for i High Prices for Live Poultry Until further notice we are paying the fol- lowing prices for LIVE POULTRY, delivered to our plant in WHITBY: Top Grade Heavy FOWL ----- --------------- 25 %c pound (under 4 lbs. Leghorns 22e lb.> Top Grade BROILERS <2 to 3 lbs.)-------28e pound Roastlng & Frylng CHICKENS (over 3 Ibs.) ----30%c pound PICKERING FARMS, LTD. WHIITISY ONTARIO Telephone -, Whitby 336J CARTERS VITAMIN B-i BREAD ALWAYS FRESH AND DELICIOUS The vitamin you need every day is added to every loaf. To be sure of getting your daily requirementa of Vitamin B-1, eat several slices of CARTER'S BREAD at each meal. - resh daily froni oven to customer- the unanhmous opinion ofth meeting that the park project should be supported because the union has one of the largest num- ber of members (both maie andI female> represented in the armedI forces and that this project wouldI be a living memorial to ail en- iisted men and women from the present conflict. It was also the general feeling that since the union representedI the greater portion of the chiid-I ren of Bownianville that such an undertaking would be conducive to the future welfare of those children. It was moved by Tom Buttery and seconded by Ernie Jones that $500.00 be donated to help in the j park project. This motion was THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO 'a

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