THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO Don't fNeglect1 LUBRICATING AND GREASEN ant. We have specialized and to do this work, and the equ latest, heavy duty - Ail of wh- tomers of satisfactory work. CARS WASHED, POL SYMONIZE P aimer 1 <Cities Service Station-Forme Phone 487 Opposite A.,& P. SI THE STATESMAN NOW SOLD AT THESE STORES Newcastle: Meilow's Drug. Hampton: G. A. Buran & Son. Enniskilen: T. M. Siemon & Son Burketon: Harold Gili. four Car! MG are most imiport- 0 ,trained attendants f iipment used is the iich assures our cus- [ ..SHED AND f ED O er1y W. J. Ohailis) 0 tore Bowmanville o Biuckstadk: Alex Gibert. Nestietan: J. G. Thonipson. C. H. Ponteous. Pontypoal: Post Master. Orono: Tynnefl's Drug Store. Newtonvillc: W. C. Lune & Ce Tyrone: F. L. Byam. Bowmanvifle: W. J. Berry, J. W. Jewell, Jury & Loveil. W. J. Sagneil, Statesmun Office. STE WART'S 2E» STORE YOUR DEPENDABLE SEED HEADQUARTERS Demand The Best - There Is No Substitute for Quality FIELD ROOTS .. For bumper crops select your seed fram our complete assortment of best varleties. SEED CORN... Hybrid and Open Pollinated. We carry only the Highest Grade of Corn, why pay more? SEED POTATOES mu. Prince Edward Island Certified. Rape, Sudan Grass, Sorghum, Soy Beans, etc.. - Clevers, Timothy Grasses BULK GARDEN SEEDS .. . Yau get mare and bettes' seed for your money when you buy Stewart's BuIk Garden Seeds. ~PHONE 577 BOWMANVILLE Each Prescription s An Expression Of Faith. . . . When your doctor prescribes, he has absolute faith that the pharmacist wili follow the formula exactly as direct- cd. He knows the pharmaeist wiII flot let down on bis standards. Your' Rexall pharmaclst is proud of bis chosen work - of the part it plays i protecting and re- storing the health of the community lie serves. Doctors trust hlm - so can you! Household Items Larvex proteets garmer woollens and rlugs -- -- 83c, $1 rl'ay's Mth Crystais - L.-Cloricide math crystals .---- - --- --- 4 Square Wax -------- 4 Square Furniture Polish -- Heavy Wax Paper, 100 fi 12" ide -- Universai Cleaner - t out grease spots safe satisfactory, non-infi mable - 24c, White Shoe Cleaners .. Palm Beach TillIey's Sum~-White IT - -- -- - -- -- Eikay's ---- -- mts, 1.29 39e 39e 39e 39e -25e akes and uni- bOc 25e 25e 15e' 25e Items for Beauty CAKE MAKE-UP Pond's Make-Up Fat i six fiattering shades ------69e Helena Rubenstein Film Pact ---------- $1.75 Clifton Complexion Cake Make-Up...........--------65 ROUGES IN FASHION- ABLE SHADES Fond's "Cheeks" -------- 2%c Adrienne ---------------65 v Evening in Paris - -----75e Helena Rubelistei--- $1.25 FACE POWDERS Adrienne - in four deliglit- f ul shades ----- -----65C Pond's Dream Flower Powder - -*--29c, 55c Evening In Paris ---$1.10 Helena Rubenstein Flower Petal Complexion Powder - --- ----$1.25 Revlon Wind-Milled Face Po,.%der ----. ------- $1.00 jury & Lovel THE REXALL STORE When We Test Eyez t s Don. Properly PHONE 778-- C.NR. TICKETS BIRTHS FINN-At Bowmanville Hospital an Tuesday, May 15, ta Chief P.O. Leslie and Mrs. Finn, a son. A buhy brother for Ber- nice. 21-i* SPENCER-Mr. and Mrs. George Spencer (nec Audrey Elliott), Sarnia, annaunce the birth of their daughtcr at Sarnia Gen- cral Hospital, May 18, 1945. 21-i DEATIIS REA-Dicd suddenly in Portage la Prairie, Ralph N. Heu, be- loved husband of Florence Mor- ris Rea. 21-1 WOODLEY-At Tyrone, on May l9th, 1945, Elizabeth Ann Howe Woodiey, widow of Samuel H. Woodley, aged 87 years. HENDERSON-At Bowmianville, on May 19, 1945, Minnie Mc- Feeters, beloved wife of W. W. Henderson, and dear mothen of Helen (Mrs. Gardon Drew), Oshawa, and Orville J. (Oak- wood Collegiate, Toronto), aged 75 years. . 21-1 WYBORN-At her home, Grand Rapids, Mich., Tuesduy evening, May 22nd, Junet Adeline Wal- ter, dearhy behoved mother of Della L. Wyborn, and dean aunt of Leon Moore and Mrs. Russel Virtue, Tyrane, and Mrs. Thea. Down, Lakcfield, Ontario. 21-i* TRICK-In Burketon, an May 22, 1945, Mary E. Glenney, beloved wife of Thomas Trick, aged 62 years. The funeral will take place from the United Church, Burketon, on Fr, May 25th. Service at 3:30 p.m. Interment Hampton. MORDEN -. In Bowmanvillc, on May 22, 1945, James L. Morden, husband of the late Mari ory MacKay. Resting at the funerul chapel of Northcutt & Smith for service on Friday, May 20, at 2 p.m. Interment Bowman- ville Cemetery. IN MEMORIAM ALLDREAD-In proud and loy- ing memory of a dean son and brother, Pte. Alfred Donald (Dick) Alidread who was killed in Italy on active service, May 25, 1944. Ever in aur thoughts. -adymissed by Mother, Brothers and Sistens. 21-1 GRAY-In oving memory of a dear husband and f a t h e r, Robent Gray, Pontypool, who passed away, May 24, 1940. "When ail is stili and sulent And sleep forsakes my eyes, My thoughts anc in the sulent grave Whene my dean husbund lies." - Even reniembered by Wif c and Family.'i 21-1* COUCH-In loving memory of a dean mothen and gnandmother wha found etennul peace and ncst on May 24th, 1939. Many a lonely heartache, Many a lanely tear, But always the lavely memory 0f a Mothen we ioved sa dean. - Lovingly 'remcmbercd by duughten, Deneida, Sid and grandchildnen. 21-1* WEARN - In laving memony af FIt. Sgt. Leslie Allan Wearn who was reported missing May 2lst, 1943. Nat naw, but in the caming years It may be in the better land We'll reud the meaning of aur tears And there same time we'l understand. --Sadly missed by Mom, Dad und Famiiy. 21-1* POOLTON - In memony of a dean brother, Pte. Jack Poolton (Jake). Deep in aur heants, thy memary fnesh and sublime Gives us the courage in life's trials ta sing; Tnusting and waiting tili again we meet you In heavenly lands where always it is sping. - Lavingiy rememnbered by Lii, Ben, Giud and Jack. 21-1* POOLTON-In loving mnemory ai aur nephew and cousin, Pte. Jack Poolton, who died oi wounds in Italy, May 26, 1944. Whcn ail is stili and sulent And sleep fansakes aur eyes, Our thoughts are in a sulent grave Where aur dear nephew lies. Lizanne and Uncle George Gra- hama and famiiy, and cousin: overseas. 21-1* POOLTON-In loving and ever. iasting memny of aur dcai husband and son, Pte. JacIî Pooltan, who died of wounds ir Italy, May 26th, 1944 "Na Greater Love" He sleeps in Itly,-a new turn- cd haliowed plot. Now guards the dust, of Him you culicd yaur Son. A rough-hewn cross-a land that knew Him not, His rest unbroken mid'st the saund of guns; Na thought was His of Valor, oniy this- To keep unstained the name He proudly banc. Ta yau, the pnide, the tears- ta Him the cross, The searing steel, the frenzied haste of Wan. O Canada, send forth your western wind, Ta sway the Pappies on His exiled grave, The wooded fragrance fram His fan off land, Shahl Bless the sleeping of Our Son we gave. -Taa dcarly lovcd ta ever be forgotten; deeply maurned and sadly missed. Ferne, Mother and Dad. 21-1* CPAGNGEVENT Monday, May 28, at Cadmus United Church, a supper will be served followed by a hilarious camedy presented by the Yelver- ton Y.P.U. Admission, supper and concert, 50c. 21-1* Livestock For Sale il EWES, and 14 lambs. Phone Clarke 1930. 21-1* AYRSHIRE C0W, 5 yrs. aid, due ta freshen June 24. Phane 2831. 21-l* CHOICE 0F 3 GOOD WORK horses. Apply Fred Partncr, Tyrane, phone 2328. 21-1 PURE BRED ENGLISH COLLIE pups, not registered. Parents g ooad workers, beautifully marked. Ralph Sadler, R.R. 1, Nestieton. 21-1 14 YORKSHIRE PIGS, 6 wecks aid, also 8 Yorkshire pigs 5 weeks o 1 d. Apply Chas. Rundie, Hampton, phone 2246. 21-1 LIVtl POULTRY and feathers. Good prices paid. M. Flatt, R.R. 1, Bethany. Phone 7r13. (Busi- ness carried on by Mr. Flatt personally, no agents employ- ed.) 19tf-12* RED DURHAM, 00W, 8 yrs., freshened April iSth; red Dur- hamn cow, 6 yrs., freshened April 25th; crossbreed, Dur- ham and Hereford cow, 4 yrs., 'milking now, due to freshen Aug. 28th, 1945. Please cal after 5 p.m. if intending ta pur- chase. Ed. Youngmnan, R.R. 3, Pontypool, Ontario, first road South of Pontypool Village, then West ta third f arm on South side of road. 21-3 Personal SLENDOR TABLETS are effec- tive. 2 weeks' supply $1; 12 weeks' $5, at Alex McGregor's Drug Store. 9-26 Hlp Wanted GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE- work in small f amily. Phone 2578. 21-1 For Rent NEW SINGER SEWING Machine in your own home, $3.00 per month. Elec. part. $5.00. Sing- er Sewing Machine Ca., Osh- awa. Phone 696. 14-tf TWO 2- STOREY COTTAGES, screened verandahs, electricity, water, garage, at Bowmanville Beach. For rent or sale. Apply M. Irwin, R.R. 1, Port Hope. 18-tf SUMMER COTTAGE, at New- castle an the Lake, furnishcd. Can be had for full season, $150.00. Apply ta W. G. Hay, The Art Gallery of Toronto, Grange Park, Toronto. 21-3 Real Estate For Sale 2 LOTS, anc on Liberty St.,on on Victoria St. Phane 670. 20-tf 6 - ROOMED HOUSE, semi-de- tached, bathroom, hardwaad floors, wired for electric stove. Phone 2256. 17-tf FARM, 100 ACRES, house, barn, poultry house,' implement shed, good water, some bush. For particulars wvrite F. Needhamn, 178 Christie St., Toronto 4. 20-2* 50 ACRES OF LAND, situated N.W. corner of Lot 8, Con. 1, Township of Manvers, 1%½ mile from No. 35 Highway. Price ($400) four hundred dollars. Apply A. I . Scott, 15 Hassard Ave., Toronto. Phone GE. 5856. 21-3 NOTICE The deadline for Classified Ads is 1 o 'dock Wednes- days. Please co-operate by getting your Ad in,early. Teachers Wanted TEACHER FOR CLARKE Union, S.S. 22, state qualifications, ex- perience and salary expected, to commence Sept. lst. Apply« Herbert Scott, R.R. 4, Bowmnan- S.S. NO. 3, DARLINGTON, "Base Line School" requires teacher. Duties ta commence Sept. 4th, 1945. Apply stating qualifica- tions and salary expected. Ed- ward W. Foley, RHR. 2, Bow- manville, Sec'y-Treas. 21-1* I have received instructions ta sell by public auctian for Baden Powell, Lot 15, Broken Front, Clarke, (1¼4 mi. E. of Morgan's Corners and 1/2 mi. E. and S.) on Wednesday, May 30,, ail his farm stock, implements, pigs, poultry, and ahl the household effects. Termas cash. Sale at 1 o'clock. Elmer Wilbur, auctioneer. 21-1 Furniture Sale - I-have receiv- ed instructions from Mrs. C. A. Lainder, 20 Church St., Oshawa, ta sell by public auction an Sat., May 26, her household effects in- cluding three lawn mowers, gar- den hose, lawn chairs, and many other articles too numerous to mention. Sale at 1 a'clock. Terras cash. Elmer Wilbur, auctioneer. 21-1 Wanted to Rent HOUSE IN BOWMANVILLE, or anywhere as far as Blackstock. Apply ta H. Adams, 46 King St. East, or phone 2665. 21-1* OSHAWA Free Parking Phone 1011 Fri. and Sat., May 25-26 Two Sensational Features Anne Baxter, John Hodiak SUNDAY DINNER FOR A SOLDIER With Charles Winninger, Jane Darwell. You'll love this wonderfui family . .. and the soldier they adopted for a day. On the same pragramn THE FIGHTING LADY A drama of the Pacific A ful-of-fîght feature... thrillingiy told by Lt. Robert Taylor, U.S.N.R. Mon., Tues., Wed., Thurs., May 28 - 31 Tudy Garland, Margaret O'Brien In MEET ME IN ST. LOUIS With Mary Astor, Lucille Bremer, Tomn Drake, Mar- jonc Main Glorious Technicolor Ro- mance with sangs, gaiety & heartthro bs. Articles For Sale BONE COLORED PRAM, in good condition. O. Plummer, Church St., Bowmanvillc. 21-i* BROWN WICKER Baby Carniage in goad condition, solid rubber tires. Phone 2239. 21-1* HOUSE DOORS, FRAMES AND base-boards, and phanks. Wm. Wilcox, Qucen St. 21-1* city 8 cans), used 1 year, for gas or electric. Leslie Coombes, phone 2581. 21-1* 3-BURNER COAL QIL STOVE with aven, practically new. Ap- ply Everett Jones, 83 King St. East. 21-1* TRAILER IN GOOD Condition, shock absorbers and tarpaulin. Plymouth wheels. Balmoral Hotel, phone 322. 21-1* FORDSON. TRACTOR WITH plows, good condition, ready ta work. Apply after 5, Victor Porteous, 72 Cadillac, Oshawa. 21-1* MARCONI 5 - TUBE BATTERY radio set; 96-piece dinner set; bed spring; drap head Singer sewing machine, 4 drawers. Phone 2527. 21-1 COLMAN GASOLINE STOVE, 3 burner, law aven, cream en- amel front, excellent condition. Apply Blake Short, Bowman- ville, phone 2475. 21-1 FLAT BOTTOM ROW BOAT about 12 feet long. Price $10.00. Phone Clarke 1130. Farncomb LeGresley, R.R. 3, Newcastle. 21-1* PORCELAIN ICE Refrigerator in excellent condition, ivary. Ice capacity i 1"x16"x20". Mrs. Stanley Malcolm, Nestleton. Phone Port Perry 194-21. 211*_ POULTRY EQUIPMENT - ONE coal broader stove; 2 colony hauses; 2 range shelters. Phone 2433 Bowmanville, A. H. Clem- ens. 19-tf NEW STONEBOATS, 8'x3', neyer used, a i s a heavy democrat wagon with pale and shafts. C. G. Brown, p h o n e Oshawa 723r2. 21-1 USED M.H. No. 81 TRACTOR on rubber. Model B.R.; John Deere tractor an steel. W. H. Brown, Bowmanville. Phone 497. 21-1 BEAMS FOR LUMBER, building barns and making repairs, var- ious sizes and lengths. One 7"x9"x50'; some 12"x12"x32'. Phone 2186, H. Chamberlain. 21-tf Rugs. Select from over 300 patterns actually in stock. You are invited ta view these ai BRADLEY'S New Furniture Store, 156 Simcoe South, Osh- Wq awa. 46-if gifts and presentations. Gîve furniture, the iasting gift. We carry everything for the home. Our prices are iower. Wilson's Furniture, 20 Church Street. - 21-4 VACUUMS FOR SALE, vacuums rcpaircd. "Goad Vacuums for Good Hausekeeping." Alis o guaranteed expert repairs, iub- rication, replacements, etc. Cal C.U.C. Service Branch, Mc- Gregor's Hardware Store; Bow- manville, 774. 19-tf NEW MATTRESS! SPRING Fi- ed mattresses, large assortment, beautiful coverings, guaranteed construction, also layer - felt mattress. We can save you maney. Out of the high rent district. Wilson's Furniture, 20 Church St., Oshawa. 21-4 EVERYTHING FOR THE BABY! Baby prams, ail styles, play pens, high chairs, cribs, many styles, baby walkers, rocking chairs, crib mattresses, bathin- ettes. Our prices are iower. Out of the high rent district. Wihson's Furniture, 20 Church St., Oshawa. 21-4 Store - Evcnything ini msdrn. chesterficld, bedroom, dining suites, and studios. Beddmng and floon coverings a specialty. Quality menchandise ut com. petitive pnices. Before buying visit Brudleï's New Furnitune Store, 156 Simcoe St. S., Osh- awa. 46-ti tractors for returned soldiers; Grindmor grinders; Case Ham- mer Milîs; mower; rake; spring toath cuitivators (anc horse); five tooth scufflers with hillers; steel wheeis; Autotrac attach- ments availabie ut $125.00, and used Fordson tractar, rebored and new pistons; Oliver tractor plaw; Cackshutt tractor piow, two or three furrows; Case pony disc phow; wagons (good); harraw and cultivatar teeth; muchinery and stove nepairs. Phone Carl Todd, 15-20, Clarke, dealer for J. I. Case und Otaca Limited. 20-2* Notice Dr. Birks' office wilh be closed fnom May l6th ta May 28th, in- clusive. 19-3 Dr. Balhantyne's office will be closed May 28, 29, 30, whiie ut- tending Dental Convention. 21-1* Bowmanviihe Ehectricians, 42 King St. E. Ail kinds of electnic wiring donc. Mators repaired and instahhcd. Phone 438. 14tf TRACTOR CUSTOM WORK - Ail kinds of tractar work: ploughing, cultivuting, etc., done. F. S. Allen, phone 594, Bowmanville. 18-ti-30 Wanted 1 Radio Service BOWMANVILLE RADIO Service, expert radia repairs to ahl makes, fast service, work guar- anteed. T. Burraws, 74 Scugog St. Phone 589. 21-i Lost LOST - HALF GREY SOCK, with 4 needles, an King~ St.,q Wednesday afternoon. Phone 509, Mrs. Wheeler. 21-1 LOST - BUMPER GUARDS and cross piece fram 1942 Chevro- let. Finder rewarded. Phone 822. 21-1* JACK HUDSON, ORONO WILFRED RICHARDSON PONTYPOOL F. L. BYAM, TYRONE DGRAIN SEEýDS We are offering the following Seeds of hlghcst quality sud germination test: Open Polinated Corn Sudan Grass Miletts, Rape Seed Cert. S.ed Potatoes P.E.U., also home grown Seed Buckwheat Seed Barley Root Seeds Feeds, Etc. A.W. Glenney NEWCASTLE Phione Clarke 33-2 BUD ABBOTT and' Rownville - Te~lIeÎhon 59E Thurs., Fri., May 24-25 Special Holiday Matinee Thursday 1Doors Open 1.30 - Show Starts 2 b.m. COSTELLO p AT BO)WMANVILLE CANNING4 Factory - acreage of pickling cucumbers. Canadian Canners Ltd., Bowmanvilc, phone 782. 20-3 HOME IN THE COUNTRY FOR boy 10 for summer months. Futher willing ta pay board. Write Box 501, Stutesman Of- fice, Bowmanviile. 21-1* AT ONCE, SPACE TO STORE small amount of furniture. Write Box 502, Statcsman Of- fice. 21-1* Wanted To Buy 2-BURNER ELECTRIC Rungette, with aven, and baby's steel crib. Phone 896 or Write P.O. Box 240, Bowmanviile. 21-1* SINGER DROP HEAD SEWING machines. Wiii pay cash, cal or write, Singer Sewing Ma- chine Ca., Oshawa, 16 Ontario Street, phone 696. 14-tf FEATHERS AND Feathen Bcds o f a il descriptions. Highest pnices paid. Write particulars ta Qucen City Feather Ca., 23 Baldwin St., Taranto. 15-12-4* REFRIGERATO R Repairs Commercial - Domestic ANY MAKE 1 H. J. Bowyer PHONE OSHAWA 244 if TIR*E NEWS No permit necessary for retreadi2ng tires. Have them retreaded now. If your tires need vulcan- izing, let us look them over before the busy sea- son is here, Full stock of new and re- canditioned tires to choose from. 0. F. JAMIESON TIRE & BATTERY SHOP King & Silver, Bowmanvllle Phones: 467 - Res. 376 The Ganaraska Pro ject A series of meetings listed below will be held in the Ganaraska and adjacent areas for the purpose of giving information to al those interested regarding the Ganaraska Watershed Project. The programme will consist of talks by experts on conservation and flood control and sound motion pic- tures on methods used on similar projects. This will be followed by a period of ques- tions and answers. 'I. Everyone interested is cordially invited to attend Port Nope May 25 C. E. Stephenson 1 Stewart's Seed Store LOST IN A HAREM With Marilyn Maxwell, John Conte sud Jlimy Dorsey sud bis orchestra. Music! Maidensi Merriment! Here is 100 per cent enjoyable entertainmeiit. Saturday, May 26 Edgar Bannier, Stephaule Bachêlor and C. Aubrey Smith lu SECRETS 0F SCOTLAND YARD The amazing story of an adventure lovlng patriot Added OVERLAND MAUL ROBBERY Starrlng Bil Eiliott and Ana Jeffreys. Killers fail to block the trail of the ovcland mail - Ficase come early sud avold waitiiig for a seat. Mon, Tues., Wed., May 28, 29, 30 BOB HOPE Un PRUNCESS AND THE PURATE Wlth Virginla Maya, Walter Briennan, Victor MeLaglen AND ? ? ? ? - Ail aboard for laugliter - loveiy girls - The sur- prise of your ile, and al lu stuaning technleolor. It's oee howl after another. 13AC-V IrVWT MOVINS WEST M .lioflL -tt a eglrly mke .pad ml oshl Fur:nItufe. Con- solld*tdPo.11E oMaitb, Saatcb- IeMertat, Brilmbltba and to Clorl.Write =11orboe f or reduced fr.ight rates. E.tablB1od 1935. 610 Yonge St., Toronto. Kingodule $125 MOVING, PACKIIIG, SHmPPINC aU STOUAGE MFOR EXPOIT FORPOR HIGHEST PRICES I buy ail kinds of Grade and Reglstered Cows and heif- ers and cows bred about 4 or 5 months. Max IHeldt- R.R. 4, Port Ferry PHONE *or WRITE Phone Port Ferry 198-R 21' 20-4 I 0 ommommr à ÀM THU1gSDAY, MAY 24th, 1945 Notice to Creditors Il the Estate of WILLIAM ROBERT ADAMS, deceased. Ail persans having dlaimns ggainst the estate of William Robert Adamis late of the Town-%. ship of.Clarke, in the Caunty of Durham, Retired Farmer, deceasl, ed, who died on or about the 23rd day of August, 1943i are bereby natif led to send in ta W. Ross Strike, solicitor for the Admin- istrator, Bowmanville, Ontario, an ar before the 12th day af June, 1945, full particulars af their daims. Imnmediately after the said l2th day af June, 1945, the assets of the deceased w i111 be distributed amangst the parties entitled thereto. having regard, anly ta daims of which the said solicitor for the administrator shall then have notice. ï DATED at Bowmnanvifl 22nd day of May, 1945. * W. ROSS STRIKE,'W Solicitor for the Administratar. 21-3 . Date Convener