PAGE SIX Maple Grove Pte. Ralph rmiston RCAMC, has returned to Sussex, NB., after visiting his wife and family. Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Foley have moved to their homne in Bowman- ville. Sorry to loose them from our community. y Mrs. Gordon Osborne a n d Linda, Ajax, with her sister, Mrs. Ralph Ormiston. ti Mrs. L. C. Snowden spent Mon- t day in Toronto and attended the ti Eglinton C.G.I.T. Mother and THE ELEC Form 25 (Referred f Notice 0f IH ADVAMC FOR RAILWAY EMF TRAVELLERSJ Electoral E Dur] Notice is hereby given that pu the Election Act (Section 88) Thursday, Friday and Saturday the Ist and 2nd days of June, 19 forenoon until five o'clock in t] o'cdock in the afternoon until ten The polling place for the ele ivill be locali ORANGE HALL ONJ TOWN 0F Pt for the purpose of receîvîng the sailors, and travellers, also Delegî Ontario Provincial Command of1 Teachers summoned to Toronto examination papers and Active leave from their unit, whose emp sitate their absence from timet place 0f residence, or who bave will be absent upon the day fix( The ballot box will be op( at seven o'clock in the afternoon June, 1945, at the said place. Dated at Orono this lStb day of M AIl times mentioned above arg RICHARD RUDI LIDERAL1 - IN - Newcastle Comi SÇaturdlay, i1 At 2.30 SPEAKERS . .. MITCHELL F. W. F. RIC Lîberal candidate for1 GEORGE F. Liberal candidate for On Everyone Wei EEOver a Over a - - F EEOver as -- F - Ove -- Cam GEOR Monday, May 28, special network of Ontar CKEY TOR Wednesday, May. special network of Ontar CKOC HAM Friday, June 1, 1: special network of Ontar C F RB TOIR and on Thursday, May 3: Friday, June 1, 1( 7er the Ontario Regional madian Broadcasting Ci Affiliated Stations ir C BL TOR( Pubished by serva THE CANAHIAN STAIEI D'TAI £Th1't'IV45 THE CNADIA -----------WMA - ..Fl. .Lrn 1 P.I.vv wab Fthe B.- tnere are 4 main de- -sent to the I.OD.E., Port Perry # partments: 1, Secreterial, special-, the Progressive Con- for reading for the armed focsîi1MM zîng in letter writing, filing and itive Party' of Ontario $2500 to Port Perry Blood Clinic e- executive assistance. 2, Account- and the remainder will likely go îng, sucb as bookkeeping, audit- Ohw rn to the main office of the Red BC ing, cost accounting, business or- Cross, Toronto. IC J BI ganization, partnership and co- k1 1010 on your dial poration work. 3, General cleri- F I A , MY 2 t , a o ____________________ and cnsider ill ac more wsel C E X Ical work, not specializing in eitherR ID A, M A25 hS.p. L.I.ILIUJLLLHe that takes time to think C- EI of the above but adequate train- PulsebyteOtroRdgLiraAscain tan ohier hat act moehasti lyd 1430 on your dial each to make efficient of ulsebyteOaroRdnLirlAscain impulse-C. Simmons. 1 newest department "merchandis- -4- Daughter banquet of which Betty A w on1 e WAp iJA ing" in addition to general office is on of he lader. N___________________ H mpto training, for sales technique, store Mrs. W. J. Snowden at her-son, layout, advertisingt and display, VITAMINS ... Ray's, in Toronto. George McCullough saw a fawn II DR. VIVIAN GUEST SPEAKER etc. For Ail Year Health u Mrs. E. Morrow, Ottawa, was on his farm. - M HAMPTON HOME & SCHOOL But real vocational training ÎS E0ratW$-O guest of Mrs. L. C. Snowden. Mr. and Mrs. Westol Stringer, L IB E R A L something heow cantit e adthe VI-Mi Caps --- $1.85, $3 Cowanville, at Mr. George Hen- Hampton Home & School Asso- problem is ocaitbcrte Neo-Chemical 1 We should not ask who is the derson's. ciatin held their annual Health to accommodate the whole youth Food ------ $1.15, $2.45 Most learned, but who is the best Anvrayvstr ihMs Night May 4, in the church audi- of the country. The speaker sug- Betamin Tabs $1, $1.75, $3 learned.-Montaigne. J. W. Lancaster: Mr. and Mrs. torium. President K. Caverly gested, for instance, that a start Cacu 'A Beautiful is h atviytht Buttery and family. Salem; Mv eet n Calciumetn 'A'aldoncul emaebyfcliain t Annsfr o is ar y, isitors ave;Mrs g Rev. W. Rackham to be the chair- tendance from daetvilgs$9 Miadte tln ss Jos Can. Mu h nday, al roe man of the meeting, who called and expanding present facilities VI-Magna --------- - thws for good ad te sdthlns rs s els n fml, WilUBe HeId Inl uo a uleBwavleunder Provincial and Dmno Beef, Iron & Wlne __89e&l thf-acrwitsforofteonebessedthe Bowmanville; Mr. and Mrs. S. J.u' aid.yTheletrend 0f the tiDmsisnin self-sariefice of the oathe Lancaster. for piano solos, whîch Ray ren- ai.Tha treo ndofo the FORWRIE HOEis ina sel-frgtfunes f te th r s Lennox Vasywith Mrs. l dered in his usual masterly man-tcomdecr.nGanfrdn e days toaIq1dorFate25 RCoye.Reg. Rackham, Bowmanville. Tow n lH a Min earleahlvca ooby new era embracing all the neces- 2 Nya iquCle ante 25e 1 9 Missad PearClarLeachteSolina, was sary factors of complete and 2In1ClaI --------t5 WecM and Mrs. C . arene roye, RBOW19ANTVILE heard. Donald Taylor gave somne rounded education ta meet the ul- Irr--------------15e,25e recently. Dumrou edn timate needs of the nation. D.C. W. Slemon, Bowman-f Ross Stutt, chairman, Board of SUN GOGGLES . TI1ON ACT Mr. and Mrs. Dolph Payne and On ville, introduced the speaker of Education, in moving the vota o Douglas, Toronto, and Miss Elea- the evening, Dr. R. P. Viviant of25c, 39c, 59c, $3.00, $9.00 to in Section 88 (4) fo.ohso a rnFakvn' thanks, suggested that great ________________ ______tnatM. rnkOen' Minister of Health. Dr. Vivian minds thought along similar limes, EgihSyeHat Friends were deeply grieved to spoke very instutvldsrb icMr ade'sgetonfSas 1b--------59 Holding An lanoth udnda fMrTues. M a 2 îng fully the advantages of county bringing n utlin villages a TISS5UE __Sis b 9 Nelson Nesbitt of Lnsyi health units, in comparison with been discussed the evening before C-kl 83pe Lr e Sra$fo, Mt9 tanwreck at Lasinsay n ta At 8 p.m. our present municipal health with the Board meeting in con- Soft pure White 3Sra e 31.9,50 locomotive of which he was en- systems. This unit would provide ference with Provincial authori- 700 SH-EET------S3c,0 gineer, capsized. Mr. whensbit ul ndakerel rand tfftes 00SEEGarment Bags 39c, 55e owns t h e former Rutherford Sekek.. na utough aunybord of Business of the club includeda tthrolFyTx---24,3,79 farm at Port Granby and lived work hog onybadO report'of Lou Dippeil, rink comn L ~ . symphrefo aietm.W A.F SE lt Dsaeprvnin ret nt. Tesgeto a htSAFE Dry Cleaner LOYEES, SAILORS, n______o________of________________llbetaencae ndmenswee ndr ayt Jakand Margaret, are in the W.F RI A D of by full time and well trained learn about securing title. LGD' ~N O H RSaedore.personnel. They would also set Bob Stevens, Chairman, Rural Duration ---------------- 49eY A___ number from here attended Federal Candidate up a school child program such as and Urban Committee, told of be- No-Hoz -------------59e the funeral of Mr. Nelson Nesbitt several dif our forward looking ing present at Enniskillen, Thurs- Nyalon------------- 75e NS Girls of the "Sunshine Club" A vote of thanks to Dr. Vivian Mitchell, Tennant and Jamnes, to held a tag dayN Saturday for the Ontario Candidate for his splendid address was mov- take part in the distribution of HAIR BRUSUESV -Blind. ed by Mrs. Niddery and seconded pigs for the Swine Club for 1945. Pure Bristle with a u- A number from here attended AND OTHERS by Mr- W. White. He introduced Agricultural Rep- Comb --------- $3.98 hthe funeral of Mrs. W. W. Hen- Mr. Hircock, Zion, rendered resentative, Lion Ed. Summers,-1 deron t Bwmavile, ondy.SPECIAL MUSICAL PROGRAM two beautiful vocal solos. This who told of the activities of the HAND LOTIONS... uruntatepoiinof WA. of Unte hurhhl uhmCut iea wag followed by somne talented Swine Club and entreated addi- Pacquin's Hand apoîl w il bc opened on Anniversarv services on Sunday. Association Solin. b r.Wl estoa fnst comdt n rain-------2c 7 9 Y, the 31st day of May, and Both services \vere conducted by Sln.o h ebr ervdtruh Jre. 1 1945, from eight o'clock in the Mr. Edinund Hancock, B.A., who Mr. K. Caverly brought the Lftemebrodpieitrugogn ----25c, 49e, 98c he afternoon and from seven is taking the regular services until meeting to a close with a word of gated.iaiy hc fnswr -9 Hn' ra 9 no'clock in the afternoon. r the end of June. In the afternoon ________________ thanks on behalf of the Hampton Wes Cawker got flowers for bis 16o.bteUlr etoral District of Durham lihe spoke to the women about the Hm colAscaint l birthday and so did Bud Rolph, Lotion____----------------------________49e Mother of Jesus, picturing bier This is subscription time! those present, particularly those whose bouquet was delegated for ed at the attending the wedding feast and wbo helped on the program. delivery to Mel Staples. Visitors JONSTnN H various public places wbere inJudeTestwaed* Gls, asses Fitted JO N T.IN TH Jsu wsteaching. He gave a Home & School Association Harry Brooks, Dave Brown, Jim y s T te 'ORT HOPE very inspiring message for Mb The final meeting of the Hamp- Reid, Howard Sparks, Harry Motbers Day whicb we had mot pb ton Homne & Scbool was held in Perry and Tim Summers. With ?votes of raiîway empîoyees, celebrated as usual on the pre- I * the school on Monday eveming. Mel Dale was guest, Mr. Justin, Phone ff II ~f~< Tln We Fit thg aainLgoSho aeafreu drs nteg mresetg. Crs.Huchnon ced esoto Preside MorleyUVan- rates to the convention of the vious Sumday. In the evening lb e l cPesidnt. Cvrly uchnoemed eTrno rsietMre a-695 UU VILING'S DRUGS O ETrusses the Caadian or!onMr. amdgaMrs.forJ.uW. Balsononthewhon ______________ for the purpose of marking Life and, Teachings of Chrst, in- favo re ad MîhJtWo.voal ds. T he eService Voters absent on sistimg that His teachings are just fvrdwt ov o ffders._______________The_____________________ ployment is such as to neces- as applicable today as when program followed with Harner to time from their ordinary Christ was on earth, even though giving reports between mumbers. a p o reason to believe that they1 outwardly everythimg is chamged readimg by Mary Niddery; piano A life passed among picturs lery might assert himself.-James ced for the election. yet buman mature remains the solo by Norah Horn. These of- Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Johnston maRWs mot a painter-else uthe McNeil Whistler. samne and it was to the buman ficers were elected and instailed and daughter, Lindsay, with Mrs. policeman in the National Gal-ý emed and the votes counted heart that He spoke. The choir I et n by Mrs. Selby Grant, Bowman- L. Niddery. . . Mr. C. W. Souch 1 fMnate4hdyo edrdseilmscadaddville: President-K. Caverly; Vice and Mrs. Ken Caverly with Miss 0fc t the Hallen ft Presidents-W. White and Mrs. C. Eva Souch, Enniskilîen.. . Mr. ___________________________ May, 945.large congregation. Momday eve- Warren; Recordimg Sec'y - Mrs. and Mrs. Roy Knox and daughters da,14.niîîg Newcastle YPU.pesnedC mm n ty H l W. Craig; Correspomding Sec'y - with Mr. and Mrs. John Slemon, re Daylight Saving Time a fine concert in the Community Mrs. R. Widdecombe; Treas. - Enniskillen. . . Mrs. Ray Wilbur, Hall whicb was filled to over- Bak i'é l John Liptay; Conveners: Program Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. W. DOCK WADDELL flowing. Two short pliys were B a kso k-Màry Niddery; Luch-Mrs. J. Wilbur.. . Mr. W. Gilbert and Mr.R e wa r Returning Officer well presented and created a Balson; Membership - Mrs. T. and Mrs. Clarence Yeo and fam-ew. a r, 21 -1 geatdea ofmerrmen, epecal-Westlake; Home Education-Mrs. ily, Bowmanville, at G. Gilbert's 211 rete o e rimnt , tespo eia- J. Reynolds. . . . Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wilson, orthodox and substantial looking Tue . la y 9 A the previous executive meet- Mrs. Dora McKeown, Miss JuneOF ALE P PH T -ghosts. We scurried home peer-ina eso w mdtahl Wilbur adJno ibr To- ing behind every tree. Somne fine 8.30 SHARP a picnic for the childrem on Sat., ronto, at S. Kersey's. .. Mrs. John musical numbers w e r e . inter- Jn 9, in Hampton Park. Mrs. Williams, Oshawa, with Mr. and Chief Foe of Fascism spersed these young people have Speakers ... W. Craig was appointed convener Mrs. Hilton Peters and Mr. A. somne fine, trained voices and their with a committee of seven to Peters and Mary. .. Mr. and Mrs. IN CANADA IS THE C.C.F. music was much enjoyed. M jrJM M cRE assist. Approval was asked and Chas. Smith, Jack and Anna, L I k II Prog.-Con. Candidate, Oshawa' tke 6.0 fom heIreThe C.C.Fse.Perl ilerghtsea IW EETU io1C AS14EP EN O prizes. bavs oono ihler parents, Fascism is based on monopoly ____Federal Proga.-Con. Candidate Tbe funeral of Mrs. Etta Ruse, 2 The C.C.F. backs co-operatives Home & School Club met Tues- And Others T rn Long Branch, took place at the day witb a large attendance. Pro- Ty on orth cemetery on Tuesday af- Fascism represses them m n t Hagram consisted of solos, choruses IEntertainment .Fi.yevn. te Juirtieroo roan to and Ham onrrace and addresses by pupils. Inspector MTO ITRSFia vnn th JuoriesfmTrnoadHmpt. 3 TeCCF e ad aeeult Carlton gave an interesting and MOINPTUE Young People entertained tbe We extend sympatby to members Fascism feeds on race hatred ~U * & L instructive talk on CÇild Educa- "John Bracken Canadian" Senior Young People at Betbesda of the family. V UJi 2 6th tion. Mr. and Mrs. Pears were And other Subjects School. Editb Woodley presided. A group of Salvation Army folk . 4 C.C.F. PolicY is made hy a democratie presented witb an end table. Mr. MUSICAL NUMBERS Next meeting will be beld in tbe including Capt. J. Winters from mlrt P. M. and Mrs. Pears thanked the comn- Cm Sunday Scbool rain. Ralpb Bowmanville and Cadets from m jrt mittee for the lovely present. Re- Cm and~ join in a good Com-' Glaspel took charge for the pro- Higb River, Alberta, St. Marys Fascism is enforced by a minority freshments were served. munity siflg-song gram. Mrs. Alden Hoar gave the and Toronto, conducted a service Visitors: Mrs. C. A. Cummings Durham Progressive Conservative devotional. Mrs. Gordyn Brent in the churcb basement on Wed- A W W an is aro icayT-Association and Mrs. Howard Brent favored nesday evening, wbicb was veryS a a.a oe u HEPBURN rontoMr. anNormanGreenWPrsident Ca t a piano duet. Mdrs. os- el atede.Cadet Leslie de- IS emoie hCh1gAve u S liPshd .KARD Billing and Miss Audry, Kirby, at wright Progressive- Conservative ing. Mrs. M. Puk, in an interest- spiring sermon and all joined stem iv wh hgaeu pblc col, FdrlHueH. J. Souch's. Association ing and instructive talk based bier beartily in tbe service of sang. public highways, the post office, C.N.R. Feerl oueLaverne Devitt, Secretary, Cart- remarks on Education. Gordynan hyr ANNISBlacktockwright Progressive -Conservative Brent sang a solo and Mrs. Neil Artnudes uicend ro A NSAssoci ation Yellowlees gave a reading. Joyce Aov nes sfrm itbînedbasin i PUBLISHED BY A SUPPORTER 0F THE CCF PARTY ntario Legîslature Huis, Shirley Park and Dorotby notbing beyond itself whicb is Wright conducted games and con- visible beuy-onB w. Icome I I Mr. and Mrs. Alex Gilbert at- tests after wbich lunch was eeuy-onBon Alume tned the Stanstead College ,,served. Aunodînner held in Toronto '~ ____ o Anglican Church met - . Rotary Club at th e home of Mrs. Langfeld -__ May l8th with 17 members pres- (Continued from page one)M A ft u mm ent. Bible reading was taken by,- ment of Ontario, is now applying 14A U X -1 Miss Watson. Treasurer's reportitcomson Frtbpobe Dorcs Screary epote\bal today is of even greater import Dorcs Screaryrepotedbal ~ '~ l* than after the last war. for Save the Cbildren f und. Letter thanking ateHarceurt, En In the work of the Commercial L EA fromlMrs. Harcourt, England,---------------Department of tbe Bowmanville was read. Mrs. F. Crawford read Higb Scbool, the aim bas been to E TN th r hpe ftesuyboimpart knowledge in commercial ______________________________________________ "Pteo3d perof sstd y bda.Pok subi ects to meet the requirements - of employers in tbe district and gram: "A study in every day psy- coaprtewibtbm nseurn c--g" y Ms.T miI lcoemaeth teacin a MUTT'PqnAV TvTAV 24th- 104-n