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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 May 1945, p. 7

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W. R. STRIKE S Barrister, Solicitor, Notary V Solicitor for Bank Of Montreal Money to Loan - Phone 79 Bowmnanville. Ontario LAWRENCE C. MASON, B.A., Barrister, Soicitor, Notary Public King Street W., Bowmanville Phone: Office 688 Residence 551 W. F. IVARD, B.A., Barrîster, Solicitor, Notary Bieakley Block Bowmanviiie -Ontario Phones» Office 825- House M< MISS APHA 1. OGN Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Pubic Successor to M. G. V. GOULD Temperance St. - Bowmanville Phone 351 34-If Dentist DR. J. C. DEVITT Assistant: Dr. E. W. Sissn tradtuate of Royal Dental Col lege, Toronto, Office: Jury Jubile( Bldg., Bowmanville. Office hou-r. 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily, 9 a.m. to 12 noon Wednesday, Closed Sunday Phone 790 - House phone 325 X-Ray Equipment in Office The Healthful Habit a.a. DRINK MILK DAULYU.. H elp keep your family pphysieally fit and mentally alert. Provide for suffi- t;ient milk daily - a quart for chi]dren - a pint for aduits - it 's an excellent source for 'elements con- tributing toward good heath S PRESH EGGS )AI Grade Large size, order them now TRY OUR OHOCOLATE MILK MiIk, Cream, Butter and Seggs delivered. Bowmanville Dairy Phone 446 or 703 THAT'S THE QUESTION IT is not a question of whether a loss is likely to occur but whether it would be serious if it did occur. Buy first the kinds of insurance which protect you against the largest financial losses that can happen to you. Consuit this agency for advice. âÏStua». Jme m- - -a-RE-UV CHAN WAX - Harder, more durable ---- 59e lb. CHAN SPEED COAT - Self polishing, new and speedy. Skid proof, water proof --- ------ 65e and 98e 0-CEDAR SCRATCH TOUCH UP - For furniture and woodwork,1 polish away the scratches. ALSO Hardwood Floor Cleaner - No Rub Furniture Polish - Lemon Oil and Wall-Paper Cleaner. J, W. JEWELL "'BIG 2011 PHONE 55t. Farmers 0 0. A TELEPHONE NUMBER TO REMEMBER 497 New equipment and repair parts for the following companies CASE, DeLAVAL, BEATTY BROS. Electrie Fenee and Batteries - Wire Fence - Grease andi Oul - Fly Spray W. H. Brown Case Dealer Canadian Steel Fenee Phones: 497 & 2610 Carda of Thanks Mrs. Harvey C. Bonathan wishes to thank ber friends and neighbors for flowers, cards, and many kindnesses during ber re- cent iliness. 21-1 Reta Kerslake wishes to express ber sincere thanks and apprecia- tion to her relatives and friends who visited ber, aiso who sent fruit, fiowers and cards, etc., also to Dr. Siemon for kindness while in hospital. 21-1* I wish to thank Dr. McKenzie and the Nurses of Bowmanville Hospital for their care and kind- ness while there. I appreciate the flowers from the Euchre Club, aiso the cards, cails, and ail other favors rendered me by friends and neighbors. I sincerely thank you ahl. W. N. Stevens, New- Notice To Creditors In the matter o! the Estate o! James Francis Toohey, late o! the Township o! Dariington, in the County o! Durham, Lather, do- ceased. AUh persons having c 1 a i m s against thc Estate o! the above- named deceased whio died on or about the 23rd day o! March, A.D., 1945, are equired to file proof o! the same with the undersigned on or before the lSth day o! June, AD.,1945,rafter which date the adinistratrix wiil proceed to dis- tribute the Estate, having regard o nly t(o the dlaims o! which she shahl thon have had notice andi to the exclusion o! ail others. Dated at Oshawa this l8th day of May, A.D., 1945. JOSEPH P. MANGAN, K.C., 141/ King Street East, Oshawa, Ontario. Solicitor for Olive Amelia Tooley, the Adminîstratrix. 21-3 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, MAY 24th, 1945 jBusiness Directoryl SOCIAL ANfD PERSONAL Legal Phono 663 FIS and Mrs. John Darch visited years with the R.C.A.F. (WID bis mother, Mrs. Ada E. Darcb. Canada. Li Mrs. Nellie Fraser, Toronto, is Progressive- Conservative Con 91 visiting Mrs. Nina Mason. mittee Rooms are located Corne King and Silver Sts. (next doc: Mrs. Leslie Sheight visited Mrs. west to Cole's Barber Shop) Bill Brooks, New Toronto. Phono 581. 21-ie Mrs. Leslie Brooks and Glenn, Vernon Flaherty is combinini and Dawna Sieight visited Mr. business and pleasure durini le Brooks at Apsley. boiidays from High Schooi. H( Miss- Mary Jury, MeMaster will be in charge of power anc 3 University, Hamilton, is visiting pleasure boats at Grove Park mIn -Mrs. J. H. H. Jury. for the summer. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Metcaif and Mrs. L. T. McLaughlin, Mrs. D Mrs. Odas Metcaif, Toronto, visit- F. Henry, Mrs. J. Coyle and Mrs ed their respective familles. Alex Campbell attended Peter- Dr. orohy . Jaes nd rs.boro Presbyterial of W.M.S. at St Dr. orohy . Jaes nd rs-Paul's Church, Port Hope, on May J. B. E. Staples were recent guests 16th. )9of Mrs. N. S. B. James. Mrs. Geo. E. Pritchard. was in tf Miss Virginia Cooke, P o r t Toronto Wednesday and Thurs- Credit, was guest of Miss Helen day attending the Golden Wed- - Williams. ding Anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. W. L. Elliott is visiting ber Peter Cowling and visiting Mr. daughter, Mrs. George Spencer, and Mrs. Frederick Hughes. le Sarnia. Dr. and Mrs. V. H. Storey and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Carter Sr., Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. James were Le are enjoying a week's holiday at in Toronto Tuesday evening at- f Waubaushene, Muskoka. tending tbe Graduation Exercises Miss Hilda Cowling bas accept- of Toronto General Hospital ed a position in Mr. W. R. Strike's Scbool for Nurses. of fice.. Tuesday's high wind, with rair -Mrs. W. J. Cory attended the fore and aft, felled many trees, funeral of the late Mrs. George F. wrecked signs, made extra worlk Coppin at Oshawa, Monday. for hydro and telephone crews Mrs. Wesley Carew, Lindsay, is and ushered in Wednesday with 1visiting ber sister and brother, weather cold enough for winteî ýMiss Ina Burns and Mr. Harold coats. 'è Burns. Mrs. A. D. Wbeeier receiveci Mrs. A. E. Darch and Mrs. E. word Wednesday from ber son, Ciayton spent a few days at Lake- Able Seaman Aiden Wheeier, of vîew with their brother and bis the R.C.N., that be bas signed up wife. for duty on the Pacific Coast. In te Rd Coss istpritedAiden is at present at St. John, hasthweed Coati frmN. dNfld., having just returned from a cLathangue of $100 sbouid bave tpars h tate rend "$2.00". Trinity Women's Association * Ms. . A Hddy Mr C.H.met May 15 with Mrs. Forbes Haddy, Msses.LaddandMAgnesH.Heyland end ber circle in charge Haddy, MTseoroa nto egesofo!the program and Mrs. A. Bell- r.Hary ot er Suay ofheman at tbe piano. An inspiring Mrs Hary ostrSunayon heand educational taik on Jamaica occasion of ber 8th bithday. was given by Mrs. Chester Jury. Mrs. P. M. Boyd, Montreai, Mr. Gratifyîng reports were given by and Mrs. A. Boyd, Katbieen and Circie secretaries. Ross, Lindsay, w er e Sunday Mr. Melville J. Scott, Edmon- guests with Mr. and Mms. Arthur ton, Aita., wbo bad been visiting Coveriey. his sister in Ottawa, stopped off Mms. F. C. Clarke, (nee Kath- i n town for a couple days to e- leen Edsali), Barbadoes, B.W.I., is new old acquaintances wbile vsiting ber mother, Mrs. S. S. guest o! Mr. and Mrs. Russell Edsall and sisters, Mrs. Beryl Candlem. "Bill" was a tuner at Oliver and Miss Anin Edsali. the D.O. & P. Co. factory some 30 Cadet Thos. B. Neweil, U.S. years ago and recaiied many in- MS., Statten Island, N.Y., Mr. cidents o! those good old days in Thos. C. Neweil, Detroit, Micb., an interesting chat with the edi- Miss Marie Lambert, Toronto, tom. weme week-end guests o! Mr. and Mrs. Alex Colville, whose tbmee Mrs. E. V. Hoar. sons were lost in the present war, Master Bruce Begley entertain- was singied out at a recent recep- ed Mr. and Mrs. F. Davidson, tion at the King Edwamd Hotel, Oshawa; Mms. Verna Begiey, To- Toronto, by the famous movie ronto; Mr. and Mrs. David Bone, actor Pat O'Brien and bis wife Maple Grove, on bis fimst birth- Eloise, for acciaim as expressing day, May 16. 'courage, fortitude and sacrifice. Bandsman Kenneth G. Fletch- Mr. O'Brien gave Mms. Coiville er, R.C.N.V.R., and wife (the for- bis photo signed by bimseif and mer Helen Glide), Halifax, are bis wife, with appropriate in- spending 28 days witb bis par- scription. ents, Mr. and Mrs. Aimond Fletch- er and other relatives in Oshawa. His many friencis are pleased ENGAGEMENTS to see Rev. J. W. Bunner taking bis daily walks again after being Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Cook, Burke- sick for several months at the ton, wish to announce the engage- home o! bis daughter, Mrs. Stuart ment o! tbeir daughter, Phylhis Alger, Oshawa. Doreen, to Francis Harold West- lake, son o! Mr. and Mrs. F. West- Comp. E. Jones, R.C.A.F. (WD) hake, Soina. The marriage wili Ottawa, formeriy o! Vancouver, taepcearyi u. 21* was week-end guest with Miss aepaeeryi ue 11 Grace Hall, who served three Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Hoskin, Burketon, wish to announce the engagement o! their youngest bdaughter, Dorothy Ileen, to Wil- ~ son Edward Vivian, son o! Mr. and Mms. C. A. Vivian, Hampton. Theouse ______ae pac o To s uehe arigew1-tae lceo Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus Ashton, Burketon, announce the engage-j ment o! their younger daughter, C Ieanîing Annie Louisa, to Leslie James Taylor, second son o! Mr. and HeIDSMrs. N'ewton Taylor, Burketon. HAlOSThe marmiage wiil take place quietiy early in June. 21-1 n- ei or j* ig ig le id in D. 'S. ky In S- 1- 'S. r. ýd 7e t- ýs il n S, k 'S h ýr d 1, d p a ri S e 9 a f e 1 t 'i a In the Estate of ELIZA S. NOBLE, deceased. t A il persons baving cdaims against the estate of Eliza S. Noble, late of the Town of Bow- manville, deceased, wbo died on or about the 7th day of May, 1945, are hereby notified to send in to W. Ross Strike, solicitor for the executor, Bowmanville, Ontario, on or before the l2th day ofJue 1945, full particulars ofthi dlaims. Immediately after the said l2th day of June, 1945, the assets of the testatrix wiil be distributeci amongst the parties entitleci thereto, having regard only to dlaims of which the said solicitor for the executor shahl then have notice. DATED at Bowmanville, this 22nd day of May, 1945. W. ROSS STRIKE, Solicitor for the Executor. 21-3 There's Always The Unexpected Are you insured against tire. It costs you littie, May Save you a lot. Consuit us today, to- morrow May be too late. ]Roy Lunney (Successor to T. H. Knight) Office open mornings 9 to 12 Phono 565 Box 364 wr the girls. An infant's layette was sent. In February a shower o! children's clothing in response to an appeai for the Save the Child- ren Fund was hehd with very gratifying resuits. Piedges were made in full. AIl the meetings have been belpful, interesting and pheasant. QUADRUPLE DANDELION FOUND AT GERMAN PRISON CA'MP Fred Lewis o! the engineering staff at the power plant, Boys Training School, formerly used as a prison camp for captured Ger- man officers, in making bis rounds aftem these supermen weme transferred esewhere, found an unusual specimen o! plant ife, wbicb turned out to be a four- beaded dandelion. Ho brought it to The Statesman office for in- spection. These Germans bad at their dis- posai a modemn greenhouse and gardon Plots wbere tbey carried on experiments with plants and fhowers. This dandelion appears to be the resuit of some sort of coss-polinization and is typicall3ý Nazi. The four heads o! the plant, standing on an inch-wîde, foot- bigh, boilowed and misshapen stem, Combine features distinct- ly resembling Hitler, Himmler, Goering, Gobbhes, two H's and two G's. This replica, now dead and wilted, we have consigned to the ash can to be removed to the town dump to rot and disappear just as the fate o! its prototypes. Sic Semper! That iearning is most equisite which unhearns evil. 1 ST. PAUL'S C.G.I.T. 1 St. Paul's C.G.I.T. held a very successful Mother and Daughter Banquet on Wednesday evening, May 16, with forty present. After the banquet a short sing-song was conducted by leader Donalda Creasser wîth Ruth Robbins at the piano. President Joyce Grant was toastmistress. She caiied on Rose Dilling to propose the toast to the King. God Save the King was sung. Ruby Weish proposed the toast to the Church and the reply was given by Dr. Fletcher. The toast to the Mothers was proposed by Lorna Rahm and Mrs. Seiby Grant gave a very fitting reply. Mrs. Fletcher in- troduced the speaker, Miss Norma Heakes of Toronto, a member of the Ontario Girls' Work Board. The three main keys in our lufe, was the subject discussed. The most important is the key to work. The second key of life is that to pleasure, while the third is friendship. In C.G.I.T. we learn to work together, play to- gether and have fellowship. At the conclusion of her address coiored slides were shown on C.G. I.T. camp wbîch were very much enjoyed. Leader Violet MeAllis- ter moved a sincere vote of thanks to Miss Heakes and ail who had helped make the evening a suc- cess. Taps was sung bringing a very enjoyable evening to a close. ST. JOHN'S W.A. At the regular meeting of the Women's Auxiliary heid in the Parisb Hall on Friday, May 11, at 3 p.m., slides were sbown, the pictures and story of this year's study book, "West of the Date Line," the story being told by Mrs. Spencer, in the absence of Rev. Canon C. R. Spencer. Re- ports were read by members who attended sessions o! the annuai meeting of the Toronto Diocesan Board on May 1, 2 and 3, in To- ronto. Refreshments were serv- ed. The meetings of the season being aimost over, much bas been accomplished in the way o! sew- ing under the capable direction of our Dorcas Secretary, Miss Wil- cox. A number of quiits have been made. A bale was sent to an Indian Girls' Boarding Schooi in the West where we are respon- sible for the clothing of one of Notice To Creditors DENTAL LIQUID 2 or 3 draps pet brushing keepIl your teeth dozzllng whte. Keeps your mouth fresh, brecth sweet. LARGEMDU SIZEE3 ç SZ 19 On the air--Share the Wealgh" every Saudy ight. Lots of bis cashprc. 31 Ca aian stations-C.B.C. Sec your radio listing for time and ;ction. SUN GOGGLES 19e, 2 5e, 29c, 39e GIN PILLS 39c-69C Colgate's Dental Cream ---25c, 40e Colgate's Shaving Cream 29c, 43e Fb. Lucky New Way Io.. A l Cloanericeth.Brighter SnhiIeou i RECEIVE DIPLOMAS AT TORO NTO GENERAL HOSPITAL BLOOD DONORS Wed., May 9: J. Harry Davey, Leskard, l3th donation; Mrs, Mabel McAlister, Mrs. Roger Crook, Courtice; Harvey J. Brooks, Lloyd Crago, Bowman- ville, 12th donation. Naomi Hor- rocks, Newcastle; Mrs. L. W. Boumne, Leskard; Fred G. Yeo, Jack Bairstow, Orono, lOth dona- tion. Mrs. Harry Baldwin, Court- ice; J. H. Jose, Newcastle; John E. Syer, Omono, 9th donation. Char- once W. W. Martin, Leskard, 8tb donation. Shirley MeAiister, Courtice, 7tb donation. Ivison Tamblyn, Donald Tonnant, Orono, 4tb donation. Julius Weiss, Bow- manville, 2nd donation. Fmi., May 11: Elmer Henning, John R. Nichols, R. S. Aider, Bowmanviile; Edwin P o o1 e, Taunton, l4tb donation. Rose Bate, Bowmanville, l3th donation. Frank L. Caiver, Bowmanviile, l2tb donation. Rev. H. C. Lin- stead, Courtice, lltb donation. Elmer Poilard, Coumtice, 9th do- nation. Charles T. Gibson, New- castle, 7th donation. Fred Love- hess, Bowmanviiie, 6th donation. M. A. Mahood, Bowmanviihe, lst donation. Mon., May 14: Frank Miller, Newcastle, l2th donation. Marion Hamm, Bowmanviiie, 9th dona- t i on. Llewellyn Hutchinson, Hampton; William Sleight, Bow- manvilie, 8th donation. Robert L. Stevenson, Newcastle, 7th do- nation. James Kane, W. Robert Just in proportion as a man be- Mutton, Bowmanviiie, 6th dona- tion. Bruce Hancock, Orono, 5th comes good, divine, Christ-like, donation. Robert Killen, Hamp- ho passes out o! the region of ton, 3rd donation. theorizing into the region of benevolent activities. - Horace 2349ePILLS Cutx H nd Cre m -------------43o Velvetta Sunburn Cream ---39e Soft as a fleecy cloudl i 25c :12 pada Kkovah Saits..........------29, 79e Eno's Fruit Salt........-----59c, 98c ODEXn:w ANTISEPTIC BATH SOAP Odex is made with ti-tree où, an exclusive, odour-free antiseptic 11 times more effective tau carbolic as a germnicide, yet mildl and pleasant to your akin. 12CAKES j110 IASEPTIC OINTMENT 23~'9 Week-End Special & Minimum Prices 25e Castor OU, 4 oz........21 c Absorbine Jr., 4 oz. 98e 12 oz. $1.95 $2.25 Lactogen, 21/2 lb......$1.59 Baby's Own Tablets........23c 50c Pinex cough compound........ 32c Castoria, Fletcher's .. ..... ... 33c, 63c 69c CoId Cream, Theatrical, 1 lb. .. 57c Chase's Nerve Food ........60c, $1.50 15c I.D.A. Wax Paper, 50 ft., 2-23c, 12c Palm Beach White e- i Cleaner ------------25e 10e Pocket S Combs ------- 2 for 9c Listerine 29c, 49c, 98e Comfy Nursers 3 for 10e * No-Hoz Llquid I W? ) Stoekings----------65e $1 Corega ------------69e Tat Ant Traps -- 35e "4.UW ~$1.25 Pinkham's $Ag5 ~Comp.--------------87e E ~ Wood's Moth I I I IE 'l. il= Blockettes ----10c, 25c~ Tintex Dyes -- 2 for 25 A.S.A. Tablets, 100,s 1! Dlxon's B-i Plant Food 25c, 50c, $1.00 A.B.S. & C. Tablets -- 19 Nu-Feet ------- ---- 5 60e Corega ---- - --- 9 2-Way Repellant ---.9 Whiz Inseet Killer --- IT White Shoe Polish 25ce PRESCRIPTIrONS A SPECIALlrY ALEX LAURA SECORD CANDIIES McOREOOR DRUQS PHONE 79? - WE DELIVER DARLINGTON COUNCIL Council granted the Hospital for Sick Chilciren $50.00. Council gave approval to the Soldiers Settiement and Veterans Land Act, for subdivision to bc made on Elmer Cox property. Clerk was instructed to have a letter printed and sent to each property owner describing build- ing restrictions in certain areas. Tenders for snow piow were, opened and Charles Poynton, District Engineer, iooked over same. The matter o! seiecting a snow piow was Ieft over until a later date. The application for a permit to purchase road ma- chinery was refused by the Prices and Trade Board, and the Crothers Co. Ltd. asked permis- sion to make application again, in the near future. This was grant- ed. Reeve Stevens made a sugges- tion regarding the beautification o! the Park, a recreation centre for the Township. These bills were paid: Ontario Hospital, hos- pitalization, $45.50; H. W. J. Goad, relief fuel, $6.50; Bell Telephone Co., service, $7.02; Sheppard & Gill, fuel, $1.80; Hydro Eiectric, service $4.05; Whiliier & Co., sup- plies, $40.08; Dr. C. J. Auttin, M.O.H., $30.00; J. D. Hogarth, April salary, $100.00; Postage and Excise $3.00; F. L. Byam, relief, $9.52; Hospital for Sick Chiidren, grant, $50.00; T. H. Richards, April saiary, $90.50; Roads and Bridges, $1,382.23. Next meeting Saturday, June 2, at 1 p.m. Prescriptions CAREFULLY AND ACCURATELY COMPOUNDED When you bring Your prescriptions to us you ean be assured of the finest Possible resuits. Each one is carefully studled and accurately filleti with the purest ingredients. We specialize in this work. When siekness prevents you from bringing your preseriptions to us PHONE 792. WE SHALL CALL FOR IT, FILL IT, AND DELIVER IIT PROMPTLY klliurl 13rvm-il MACLEANS LARGEST SELLINQ TOOTH PASTE IN ORE BMAINt 1 1 Miss Margaret Storey (left) eral Hospital School for Nursesý and Mrs. Ward R. Hoffman, nee inl Convocation Hall, University of Toronto, Tuesday evening. Miss Ruth James, (right), were among Storey is younger daughter of the ninety-three nurses who re- Dr. and Mrs. V. H. Storey and ceived their diplomas at the grad- Mrs. Hoffman is only daughter of uation exercises of Toronto Gen- Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. James. PAaFý SEVEN 1 This is subscription time! Mann. 'I 24c, 43el PHONE 792 - WE DELIVFR DRUGS

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