PAGE TEN THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, MAY 3lst, 1945 Veteran of Last War, Now Suci Wants No CCF Destroying Hîs The author of this rnost remark- able story, W. J. Gartley, has no legs - he lost them both in a series of nine amputations arising out of waunds he received in the last war. As tbough that were not enaugh, be bas hast the use of both bands through artbritis, and had had enougb operations ta make anybady dizzy, quite aside fram ather troubles be mentions. Natwithstanding his physicai handicaps, Gartiey is remarkabhy well equipped mentaiy-and be is just figbting mad against the 00F, who be says want to under- mine the very systern that has enabled him ta be independent and to make a success of bis life and business. But we'll let hirn tell bis own stary: I arn a littie man with a great big gripe. I weigh 50 pounds. My hands are crippled with arthritis. I have no legs, no rneans of locomotion except a whee-chair and a motor car. Yet I run rny own business and make a success of it. My gripe bas nothing to do witb my physical infirmities, whîch date back to service in the last war, and I arn not belly-ach- ing aver business or taxes, rnar- ket prices or even the weather. My gripe, the doctors tell me, is political indigestion. It is directed at aIl these long-haired socialists running up and down the country with plans for this, plans for that, and a master plan for everybody. My gripe concerns CCF attacks an banks, raihroads, packers, big business and little business - eupbemisticalhy called "monopo- lies" - and the inability or un-I willingness af these institutions to speak up in their own defence. Wbhat I want rny neighbours on every "back concession" and rny felow veterans of the last war to realize is that I arn alive today and a successful farmer and stockman because one of these CCF-cursed, profit-proud, mon- opolistic institutions, a bank for whicb I worked until I becarne in- capacitated, stuck with me through thick and thin. Maybe I bad better start at the beginning. I arn a former bank emplayee whose health wa s sbattered as a resuit of wounds in the ast war. 1 bave had nine amputations, six attacks of pneu- mania. I count blood transfusions by the score, and bave learned to disregard minor operations and illnesses that would highiight other men's lives. Pbysicaiiy I arn but a shadow, but I operate a 550-acre farrn near Cobden, Ont., not as a hobby but as a business. And 1 make it pay. I have a herd of 60 Shorthorn catthe, and I arn going to have more. CCF Attacks Everything That Helps 1 said I had a gripe. It is be- cause I have read a lot of what bas been written or spokenb the CCF, a political partydei cated to state planning, a party whicb is, if you please, going to plan my life-plan it, mmnd you, for me! If I can succeed-and I have succeeded - with no legs, crippied arms, and a wasted body, wbat is there that cannot be done by an able-bodied man in this country of ours,* provided our systern goes on without revolu- tionary changes? The CCF attacks everything that bas hehped me in rny success. They say so rnany things that ought ta be answered about banks, and the other monopolies, as tbey caîl them. Just why the banks don't give the answers I don't knaw. If it is due to mod- esty, it is too bad. If it is ack of guts, it is worse. But I have sorne 0f the answers and I arn going to make them. Before and after the last war I warked in a bank; and When my war wounds finally caught up with me and resulted in a series of ilînesses that have led me to my wheel-chair. the bank took care of me. I don't suppose tne bank would like me to say how much it has spent on me, during the long years of my rnany sur- gicai operations and heavy medi- cal expenses. Suffice to say that I was treated handsomely and arn alive today chiefhy because of the banks consistent determination to W. J. Gartley heip stand by and relieve of worry a cornparatively unimport- ant ernployee who becarne dis- abled. If the banks refuse to sing their own praises when people who wouldn't know the difference be- tween an asset and a liability at- tack and berate thern, then I think it is time I speak out. Wrong Governrnent Can Bring Ruin If I know sornething about farming, I know a lot too about banking and rny blood pressure rises every tirne I hear 00F talk about nationalizing the banks. We have in Canada the best banking systema in the worhd but just let the socialists get their hands on it and we wiii soon have the worst. Look at the great infla- tion deiberately engineered by t he governrnent of Gerrnany after the last war, if you want a picture of what ruin a govern- ment can bring about if it runs the banks. To hear 00F spokes- men, you wouhd think ail bank- ers are fish-eyed gents, with a perpetual "No!" on their lips, whose mission in life is to ensiave those who fail into their foui chutches and to jeer at ail the others. Y ou would think that banks are heartiess institutions, holding Canada and the Canadian people in a mercihess grip, rolling up boundless profits and extend- VOT E As yov u LIK.0 ý BUT VOTE! TrEA d SULFORON is completely wettable- stays in suspension-pemetrates the downy covering of young fruit and the uinderside of leaves - gets right dowa to the skin and acts QUICKLY. Con- trois mildew, scab, brown rot, rust and other fungoid diseases. Cao be - used as spray or dust. Ten pounds makes 100 gallons of effective spray4 Your local dealer selis SULFORON in 6 lb. and 50 lb. bags. CRYOLITE PARMONI PERENOX NICOTINE SULPHATE 40% Iduedone Calcium AnsnaePrSù Green Lsad Arsenafe CANADIAN INDUSTRIES LIMITED YERTILIZER < I* )DIVISION Reuhm a Monrent - Toronto 0 Chatham, Ont. 6 New Westminster .QC .1 S helped me as a fre.I a cessf ut Farmer~ enabled me to keep books, to esti- mate costs, but it gave me no financial advantage whatever over ndepe dance my neighbors. I have neyer bor- Indepe dancerowed five cents from the bank frfarming operations but the ing their control in ever-widen- proceeds of the sale of peas and stock or cattie I plowed back into ing circles. But I know that is a fixed assets, i.e., to purchase aid lot of twaddle. Listen to my buildings and re-erect them an story: my farm, to build a new pig pen, The bank that I arn talking chicken house, summer kitchen, about is full of men with human garage, etc. A ]ot of people for- feelings, as well as keen intelli- get that if you take proper care gence. I have no doubt that these of a cow she reproduces herseif words go for ail of the banks. Not yearly, a ewe reproduces two or only are banks fuil of human men, three times yearly, a sow eight they are headed by men who to ten times, and it doesn't take started at the bottom and clirnbed very long with careful handling to the top, and banking is one of and planning until a man, start- the few businesses left where the ing like myself, finds he is work- old system of apprenticeship has ing himself into a pretty nice its counterpart anid where a boy position. can start from the bottom and go I bought a farm of 550 acres clear through to the top. These near Cobden, Ont., in Renfrew men gained human experience County eight years ago. I bought along the way and they treat it because I was convinced the their men like hurnan beings - purchase of land would be a just like I have been treated. I arn hedge against inflation, and surely Exhibit "A" in this matter. wouîd give me an opportunity ta I started with a bank at $100 a be independent. I made a start year. I climbed to the position with a cow and a caîf, buying of inspector, in charge of premises them for $38. 1 applied ordinary and purchases. I went to war in business principles to farming, 1915 and physically have been buying beef stocker cattle in car- paying ever since. The bank has îoad lots and eventually develop- neyer relaked for one moment ing a purebred herd. its interest in rny physical well- Early in the game I decidpd that being and, as I said before, were tractor power would be more it not for the bank-a part of this economical than horses, because so-called w i c k e d monopolistic of the heavy dlay soil. 1 develap- heartless system-I arn convinced ed custorn work for my tractor, I would not even be alive today. getting in about 1000 hours each An Example season on neighboring farms, and In Rehabilitation believe it or not, this tractor was We hear of how the CCF wîll built by our arch enemy, Ger- rehabilitate returned men but the many, in Hanover; but with this fact is the banks have undertaken outfit, using the cheapest grades to rehabilitate their own em- of fuel 1 could plow an acre of ployees as they have before. I land more cheaply than those know. I arn an example, greeted whose machinery had to be oper- with open arms at the end of the ated with high-power gas. last war. Who is Mr. Coldwell, State Planning Mr. Jolliffe, Mr. Douglas of Sas- 0f No Help katchewan, compared with the The point I arn trying to make present Canadian bank execu- is that anyone can do this with- tives? I venture to say that the out state planning frorn Ottawa. leaders of the CCF will not per- I succeeded, not because 1 was a sonally rehabilitate one man or former banker but because I was woman, whereas whatthey call determined to succeed and be in- monopolies will handsomely re- dependent. That has been the habilitate thousands. glory of Canada in the past. One What about the men who are most important factor in my suc- actually at work today in the cesi mstencaîymnin banks? namely, that in ahl my efforts and Most 15anks provide for them through ail my ills I have had group life insurance; a broad'pen- heîp beyond ahl description from sion plan; also hospitalization, a wife without parailel, a gift of surgical insurance and vacations God in all reality. with pay. In cases of absence on The Canadian way of life has account of illness, full pay is con- been based on economic and social tinued over lengthy periods. Their qaiyant m w o rights and privileges have beeneuaiyant mywy f protected and nurtured through- thinking, any system that permits out the years, not by the CCF, or a man without farming experi- the state, but by the wicked ence, and is a complete physical banks.cripple, to build up a successfijl The socait tac oooy stock farrn in eight years is good bThey ocacitstuaw ould crate aenough to keep, without any sup temonopoly belcaeta , fundamnental reconstruction", or the ultmateof state caism. tIs experimenting by people like the this notiwat our army, niavy, andsocialists who immediately sug- ahir force aret odraryonatevergendgest dealing in "funny money"- aif dfore angJuson tae aveokgator perhaps they have another th e prsatec untriesa ooGer- word for it-but that is what it many oataly and reîyofanyr-looks like fromn where I sit. If sayadIay eanro wud sney ant you can find out frorn them how sate psoalîs in Cnadr a. they propose to do the things they sTe sCCF alk ofn Cnatioaiin suggest it is more than I have The CF alkof ntioaliingbeen able to do and I am willing the banks, but I for one, do not to make a small wager that they want to be forced to wear a haven't'got the foggiest idea what political button when I go into a they are talking about. bank. And here are my reasons: There's another angle to this During my years with the bank, business that makes me mad. I and I refer particularly to thase have 550 acres of land, 150 acres black depression years 1932-33, it in cultivation, the rest in bush and was my painful duty at that time atr.Iko thCFcli ta caîl on farffers and others who psue nwteCFdi they will not nationalize farrn were in difficulty, not because land but, ta be frank and honest they were not doing their job but about it, I don't believe them. because of shrunken foreign mar- Lo ti hswy hysyi kets. Remember bogs at 31/2? And their Regina Manifesta t h e y export beef at 5c a pound on the wauîd replace the present econ- hoof? lb came into contact with amic systern by a "planned and many farmers and business men socialized economy in which aur where we beid security which, if natural resources and the prin- exercised, could throw them outplmaso pouto n in te rod. id w dothis. Idistribution are owned, controlled tell you honestly, not in one in- and operated by the, people". stance. Where do 1, the farmer, figure in Wants to Run this master plan of the planners? His Own Life Farrn land is Canada's fîrst, At this time, being an inspector, great natural resource and if it I consulted my principals, and is not one of the "principal means asked thern if they were desirous of production", just what is it? of going into the farming business For rny part, I believe that, even or other businesses through the if the socialists do not include it exercise of security they held. arnong their avowed planks, they Here was their short reply: "Gart- are heading toward a systern that ley, if you think these men are would mean the samne thing. The honest, and you are looking at essence of CCF policy is state thern with head office eyes, do control, the regimentation of everything within your power to everything, in accordance with a keep thern on the land, or in busi- national plan drafted by the long- ness, and we will stand by your haired boys in Ottawa. The phil- judgment". And this was donle. osophy of socialism is that the If space permitted, I could freedom and enterprise of the in- quote hundreds of cases where dividual must be subrnerged for we neyer exercised our security the supposed well-being of ail; but stood pat and said "Corne on the state rnu5t be suprerne, not the boys,-a bighae here - and in a individal. in greater measure, is open to man who swaps his freedom for anyone. 1 have dernonstrated some airy drean, rniscalled secur- that any intelligent Canadian can ity, is a downright fool. History succeed in the society or way of shows that when individual free- life that the CCF is deterrnined to dom is surrendered ta the state it uproot. is seldom, if ever, regained in its No Ad'vantage original purity. Bed-ridden, ar Over Others confined to a wheel-chair as I arn, The fact that I had some bank- I know what freedomn means. I knaw its value, its infinite power, its limitless capabilities. It is that precious heritage of freedom, that ability to be what I want ta be and do what I want to do, that I wil neyer surrender to any political party. I neyer will submit to economic dictation any more than I will submit to political dictation, so long as I have a vote. COUNTY TEMPERANCE EXECUTIVE PLAN ORATORICAL CONTEST A very successful. meeting of the executive of the Durham County Temperance Federatian was heid May 21 at Newcastle United Church. Following sup- per served by the local W.C.T.U., members lîstened to a very inter- esting address by Rev. R. A. Whattarn, representing the On- tario Federation. He reviewed sorne of the work of the Ontario Federation and dealt generally with the temperance situation in Ontario. Under the leadership of the county president, E. H. Brown of Port Hape, plans were laid for temperance publicity work in the county. It is hoped ta have tem- perance films shown in the high schools as is being done in ather parts of the province. A cam- rnittee was forrned ta draw up plans for a temperance oratoricai contest for the county. The con- test for youth is to be one of the major efforts of the federation this year. DURHAM COUNTY FEDERATION 0F AGRICULTURE NEWS There is good news for the farmers in that ail restrictions on import and manufacture of re- pair parts far farrn machinery will be lifted on July lst. In ad- dition, the quota for new machin- ery will be equal to that of 1945. The National Farmers Union of England and Wales is 37 years old. It has a mernbership of 225,- OQO and each farmer pays six- pence per acre (about 12 cents). Fruit growers pay double the fee of other farmers. Bureau of Statistics has sent out its crop cards again this year. It is hiely important that farmers f ihh these cards out pramptly and as accurately as possible. These figures are tabulated and from them came a f low of very valu- able information which wilh be hehpful to the farmers. The Fed- eration is very anxious that the farmers co-operate with the Bur- eau of Statistics and send in this information promptly. The British delegation has con- cluded its wark with- a three week's stay in Canada. Whîle here this delegation was a guest 0f the Canadian Federation. Much progress was made toward forrn- ing plans ta meet the problems which will have ta be faced in the world of Agriculture and food im- rnediately after the war. It was very definitely poînted out the need for national farrn organiza- tions in ail countries to enable a reasonable worhd-wide solution to be made. The total subsidies paid to farmers during 1945 amounted to the staggering figure of $104,- 522,761. Starting in 1939 with $12,903,268, in the seven years, the total arnount is $420,700,639. Next meeting of Durham Fed- eration of Agriculture will be in Orono on June 7 and the an- nuai picnic an July l9th. Total Canadian war casualties at the end of March, 1945, num- bered 96,292. 0f these- 35,389 were dead or presumed dead. Security with FreedomI Your Vote on June llth con brlng Iastlng securltY to your work, youu home, your fanillyl Socurity for your WOR K Here are some of the definite, procfical steps taken by the Liberal Government ta give secu- rity ta home and family by assuring well-paid post-war jobs for everyane: For Veterans - The mast generous plan of aay United Nation to get returned men started in the type of work each af them chooses. The Liberal Government is determined that every man and woman caming home ta Canada shahl retura ta fho land of greafost opportunify in the world. Fer Werkers - About a third of ail Canadians depend on exports for tbeir livelihood. Liboral plans provido for incrcasing our oxports 60% in value ovor fhoso of 1939. Fer Farmers - Acting an the belief d'ai ail Canadians prosper when farmers do, the Liberal Goverament has arranged that they con im- proveof hoir farms ond equipmont under a now 1 an plan and bas arranged ta put a floor under the prices of farmn and fishery products. To stimulate employment for ail, thxe Liberal Goverament bas created a special Department of Reconstruction which is now in oporation and wbich wil co-ordinate private and public enterprise. Securty for your Ho iM E The Liberals believe that the homo is ftho hourf of the nation. They aim ta give Canadians every possible facility ta build and furnish better homes! With Governrnent assistance you can build a home in dhe country, town or city. This will make jobs fortfho building trades, and d'ose who make building supplies-and d'ose who manufacture househald equipment and fur- niture. New Homes for Canadions - The Liberal Government's new $400,000,000 National Housing Act, now on the statute books, enables bundreds of thousands of Canadiaifs to get money at low interest and on long, generous terras ta build, renovate or enlarge their own homes. Now f haf Germany is defeated, plans are alrecidy in operation for at lècif 50,000 dwellings. Other practical, workable measures for the security of your homýe are the Liberai Gavern- ment's laws for Unemploymeflt Insurance and liberai Old Age Pensions. The Liberals believo in doing what can b.ý done, as sooui as if cari ho donc. if returned ta, power an June 1 îtb, they will carry on and expand the sound, constructive work already started. Securif y for your FAMI LY Fmily Allowances - Starting in July, parents. who benefit least from incarne tax exemptiong will receive Family Allawance cheques every month ta help them get better food, clothing,. shelter and education for their children s0 they can grow ia healthy, vigarous Canadian citizens. These cheques will ainount ta between $200,000,000 and $2 50,000,000 a year. As direct sponding power, fhis wiII do much ta help in achioving the Liberals' object ive of full omploymenf. Heulth -A National Healtix Plan will ensure that everybody shahl be taken care of while they are sick and the best measures medîcal science can devise shalh be employed ta prevent disease. Despite d'e efforts of Drew, Bruce, Bracken and other reactionaries, the Liberals are detor- mined thaf human inferests, fthe needs of men, shall b. placed beforo "business as usuail". The Liberais have faifh in Canada, a united counfry, and in their ability ta confinue ta build, wifh your support, a more obundant lifo afndc groator opporfunifies for Canadians. He1p build this new order of'security with freedom. Protect the social gains already made. Vote for your Liberal candidate on june i ith. DICE ha: rotirsi BARYwill go places Tom knows something about stormy weafixor, but ho lochs in Harry is an up-and-coming fellow who noods only opportunify fixe pink and liii mmd is cf case becauso bis ie insurance, to mako qood. Ho may flot know if, buf hie own 111e insuranco whicix profocts hie loved one, has woaflorod fixe strains of and fixe promiuins oi soveral million otixers will keep providing war anid epidomics. The roservos behlnd hie policios are hlm and ofixers with opportunities for years fa corne. Life regulated by law and so stand guard fixaf evon in timos of insuzanco f unds arc invosfed in underfakings from coanf fa fthe gravest stress ho knows ho is securo. coasf thaf provide employmont for multitudes of people. Dick knew nofhing about life insurance reserves wixen ho fook on lis frst policy as a young man. But now thaf he has refired, ho knows thaf ftxe security ho enjoys cames largely from fthe monflxly income providod from his insurance -profecfed by reserves accu.mulated from hiei pont premium paymon*so. LET NO ONE MISLEAD yoU I Lif. Lsuranoo policy roservos ropresont promium dollars accumulated cf idforesf for policyholders by ile insurance companies as fthe necesscry provision againat the day when policies boame dlaims by deatix, mafurify or surrender. Lef no ono misload you about flic nature oif heso f unda. They are NOT "surplus funds" nor do they represont "profits" in any sonso of the word. Policy reserves are fixe exact mea. sure oi fthe total lunds which must be held for policyholders, fa bo paid ta them when due. It 1: gaad cîtizouship tao wn LuE INSUKANCE A Message from tho Li. Insurance Campantes la Canada L.245X ~1 - j A TON la in the Pinka0m ý ý,lîlr, e"lmý . - 1 - . 1 Ill- -l- THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THLTRSDAY, MAY 31st, 1945 PAGE TEN -1