PAGE TWO ______________________________________ 'B**S*ANVILE'ONAROTHURSDAYJN ls,14 AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER With which ~Is lcorporated. The Bowmaiivifle News, The Newcaatie Independent, ana The Orono News. 91 Year'a Continuous Service To The Towmt of flowmanvine and Durham County. o Member Audit Bureau of Circulations *AZZ rm*an Weekly Newspapenl SUESCRIPTON RATES $2.00 a Year, strictiy ln advance. $2.50 a Year lni Uie United States. GEO. W. JAMES, Editor. THE STATESMAN HONOR ROLL - On Active Service- Major Wm. G. James capt. John M. James W.O. Donald Cameron CSM. George Graham CVL A. Living (Kilied i Action In Italy) Sick Children's Flosoital Needs Universal SuDDort This week commences the drive f0 raise six million dollars for fhe Sick Children 's Hospital, Toronto. The funds are needed fo exfend bofli plant and services for an in- stitution wbidh for flie past 70 years bas donc so mucli for flic cane of dhldrcn, for their relief from suffcning and for correction of physical disabilifies of fliose wlio bave corne into fhe worîd crippicd and lîclpless and tliousands, f00, who have been injurcd in thc rush and crusli of present day living. Scarccly a person who kîîows wbat fhe Sick Children's Hospital bas donc and is doing, wiii faii fo givetf0thfli itifin f lis greaf humanitanian cause. Ifs d2 ors are open f0 ah clîildren, ifs moff o, "Wlîerc No Chlid Knocks lu Vain." 0f parficular inferest f0 Bowmanvilc and district is fIat facf thaf fhe local Rotary Club lias for years devoted ifs chef inferests to fbe cause of crippled chiîdren and las sent many from this district under paid-fon cane tf0 fus greaf institution. Aîîd latcly, if wiil be recalled, a Bowmanvillc boy, Major Dr. Harold V. Slcmon, bas beé'n a surgeon on ifs staff, giving lis services free fogether wifli the surgical skill for wbidli le became' famed on thc baffle fields of Ifaly. So we here bave more flan a passing int eresf in contri:bufiîîg f0 lie funds uow souglit by flic institution. Que of flic great devciopmeuts wiflin flic Sick Chldreu 's Hospifailihas bcen in ne- seardch. Today ifs researchi int o food and nutrition forms a deparfmenf. fhe largesf of ifs kind in the wholc wonid aud its discover-. ies bave been sîared for flic benefit of chil- dren cvcrywlicre, exteuding partîculanly in- to flic homes of fIe undcnprivilegcd. Fan too lit fie bas been kuown of whaf flis hos- pifailbas doue for flic relief of suffcning bu- manify as reprcsented in flic ives of lit tic childrcn. Now we bave opportuîîify of widcniug ifs activifies fîrougli counibufing to flic present drive for funds. TIc Provin- cial Goverument lias givexi a iead witl flic giff of one million dollars. If is flic dufy of everyonc f0 give f0 f lis great cause, every dollar fiat can lie spaned. Gangster Tacties of CCF Fail As Political Manoeuvre Within flic past year flic press of Canada has reeorded many instances of whcre flic CCP las resonted fo tactics describcd as "ipolitical purge" and open flircafs aud downright "gangup" methods as instru- ments of polit ical cxpediency. Thaf fliese tactics have failed most miscrabiy ivas de- monsfrafed in both fIe Ontario and Domin- ion clecfions, particularly lunflic latter wlierc only one CCP member was elecfcd East of the Greaf Lakes. Generai public revulsion included, quife apparenfly, tliousauds of sincene CCP niembers wbo simply would not support fhe ticket. TIc fhinking people of flic country have by fleir votes, plaiuly told the CCP strategisfs fIat tlcy ivant noue of flis sort of dinty work. If will be necaled fIat two standard bear- ers of fthc CCP were pungred ini B.C., two in Manitoba, two in Ontario sud af lcast one candidate is reported f0 have tlireafened a purge in labor union cincles wlien the labor splif occurrcd. If will lic recalled also that thec gaugup againsf George Drew failed fo defeaf hlm, indeed increased lis majorify by thousands. But flic most glaning gangup is reported from fthc consfifuency of Muskoka- Ontario. Threc candidates werc in flic field, J. M. Macdomnell, Prog. Co.; George Psn- te>-, Lib., aud G. U. Milîs, CCP. Mn. Mac- doumîchi wonî thc contcst even affer Milîs wifldrcw sud swung bis fo fthe Lib- eral candidate. Affer Milis quit, flic windows of flic CCP comrnitfee rooms at Huntsville lilossorncd wifî pîcf unes of Mackenzie King sud "Vote Liberal" cards wcrc conspiciously display- ed. Milîs also aufhorizcd a fclegrami dis- played in flic Liberal comifte roims at Gnavenlurst, dcclaning le, persoually, was voflng Liberal. The "scîl out" was flius plainly demonstrafcd. Local papers report- ing fIls affempfed polifical "dragooning" voice flic opinion fIat flic CCP stands dis- credifcd lu fIat district and likely Milîs will Le rcrnoved frorn OGP preferment ini thc fu- ture. The task abead for leader Coldwell is fo nestore efhics to bis movement or suffcr ulfimate eclipse lu fhe politicai life of Canada. I bave flirce persoual ideals. Oue, to do the day's work well sud not f0 bothuer about tomorrow. . - TIe second ideal bas becu f0 acf flic Golden Rule, as fan as in me lay... .And fIe fhird lias becu f0 culfivafe sud a measure of equanimify as wouid cuable me fo bean success wifb Iumilify, flic affection of my friends wifliout pride. f We have licard a lot of falk but have seen liffle actionminiiconuiection iifltflicides of deceîîtralizing iidîsfi- during flic post war yea rs. The nplan hias beenC approved liv leadiug ecoîomisfs sind by Boards of Trade, whicb, nepresemîfimîgflic smaller commniî- fies, gav-e emthusiastie support but have generalix- failed f0 carry flirougli. About flic omli- voice comsistently pressing for flic plan is t he Cailadian Federation of Agri- culfure, flic national voice of Couufy Fcd- erafions. Ini a recent address liefore fIe Canadian Manfacturers Association, H. H. Hannarn, Mauaging, Direct or of flic Federa- t ion, brouglit up thc subjecf and sfafcd rea- souîs wîy decenfralizafion would be of local and national benefif. Mn. Hanuam sfafcd: "-Whilc recegnizing fhe benefifs of mass production, we' do nof believe concentration of indusfry in large centres is in flic besf infcresfs of flic nation. We believe decentralization of our facfony sy1sfem and encouragement of f own sud vil- lage industries would be a desirable feafure of post war life. This would provide part fimîe or seasonal employmeuf for farmers' sons sud farm wonkcns f0 flic benefit of bofli indusfry and agriculture. If would bave a f cndcncy fo iýnprove farm markefs close af lîand wlieneflic minimum of middlemen services are involved. snd as a nesult, cou- sumers' dollars f0 flic farmer would lic g-reafer. " "Auyfling fliaf dan be donc f0 improve flic purclasiug power of fIe fown amîd srnall cify will bclp fhe farming communif v sud vice versa. And a programme f0 revifalize bofli fli rural centre sud surrouudiîîg coun- trvside will lic Ielpful ini fIe reconstruction penîod." If will lie scen fliaf Mn. Hannarn ivas gcfting down f0 basic cases. Be could have gone funther and poiufed ouf fIat flic feudemie of returncd mcen is to gef located iii smallcr centres aimd this in ifself is a greaf argrumeiif for decenfralization. Tlie fact gcems f0 be fliaf very liffle is bcing domie ini regard t0 the scene. A polici- of drift will gef nowliere. This appears fo be s case that miusf bc followed up consisfcnfly in flic press f0 keep alive a public eienimnt for a cause we dcem of highi importance in flic ecououîic development of flic wlole c ounfry. l Forward SteD) for Public l-ealth (Editonial lu Momtreal Gazette) A sfcp of greaf potenfial significance for McGill University sud f0 flic developmcuîf of more fully effective efforts lunflic field of public bealfî lias becu fakeuî by flic Uni- versity iii appoiunîeuf of Hon. Dir. R. Perey Vivian, Ontario's Minister of Heailih, as cliairmian o f flicdepanfmcmîf of Icaîf b sud social medicine in McGill's medical faculfy. Coupled witli fIe amnouncememît is neveha- flou of plans for amîbitious fuftune expansionî of flic deparfmcnf's activifies, ln eularged separate quiarfers fliaf have becu acquired oui Piie avenue. The University is f0 lbe commcuided for flic roe(ognifion fhîus accor(led f0 flic growing importance of adeqîmafe publielîcaîluh pro- îrramis and facilifies linflic ife of flic local, Provinicial sud natioual eoiinmuuuliities. If is iiîdccd an achievenîcut f0 lie lroud of fhiat MeGilI lias hiecu able f0 luiduce Dr. Viviauî to eut short a prounising lolitieal eaureer, ini- cluding flic houons aund perqîuisites of minis- ferial nank li ('aiada *s laug-est province, in order f0 fake on lis uîew tfask of educafion aud public service. The very facf of Dr. Vivian's acceptance Fifty Years As An Editor Is A Great Achievement With considerabie l)ride we draw atten- tion to a storv in this week's Statesman whicli tells abouit a former resident of Ennis- killen,.1J. A. MNaclÀareni, wlio graduated from Bowniville lligh School a decade or more hefore the turil of tlie century and wvent on to achieve great snccess and higli acclaim in thie realm of weeklv .iournalism. Mr. Mac- 1Laren lias just completed a half century as Editor of The Barrie Examiner and the Inany honors accorded Iiim during the past we'ek, w~hile richîx- deserved, fali far short of fuîll acknowledgment due him as a mod- est man whlo lias become known from coast fo coast in tlie journalistie world. Mr. Mac- Laren lias brouglit The Barrie Examiner to a foremost place tliroughout Canada, whie at the saine time hie lias given of his utmost f0 the affairs of lis commnmity. The qualitv of stafesnianship lias genier- ally been associated with governrnent *. But true statesmanslîip is the mark of a man wlio lias influenced lives for great good no matter liow small tlie communit-v for tlierein lies tlie basic nunit of tlie life of a nation. Alex MacLaren displayed, in bis life work, the true qualities of statesman- slip and has ieft lis mark on tlie pages of' the progress of Canada. lIow a man lias liad tlie forfitude and stamina f0 accompiish so mucli over s0 long a time, only editors reaily kniow. Few realize tlie exacting quali- ties required to produce and to steadilv im- prove a weekly journal, 52 weeks ecd year for 50 straight vears. and at the saine time fo fi offices year after vear in the in- terests of a better conimiunitv. This is wliat Alex MacLaren bas done and after a liaif century lie stili carnies on. To- day hie is the dean of weekl- journalism, witli few peers in an-,-b ranchi of publication. For man y ears flie Editor of The Statesman lias couited Alex M-NacLareni a friend, and more tliaî a friend, for lie lias by bis wise counsel, as a past president anîd director of the Camiadiami Weekly Ne%spapers Associa- tion and as an edit or of wide experience, lielped îmineasurabl-, f0 lift weekly journal- ism f0 the lîigh estate-it niow enjoys. No personiai tribufeecan adequateli- express flie debt ow'ed fo fthe influence of M4r. MacLaren.J As a graduate of flic saine Bowmanvillc Higli Sehool and as a humble proselyfe fol- lowing iii bis footsteps, we wîsli continuied sucecess and long life f0 a great Canadian, James Alexander MacLareni. of flic post shows thaf lie is as equally alive as flie University to thie greaf opportunities in tliis basic but as yet not fully developed field of medicine. His decision brings great expectations of resuits in years f0 corne from the work of bis departrnent af McGîll. Dr. Vivian's address here reccnfly before tlie Canadiani Medical Association was satis- fying evidence fliat lie lias dévofed extensive and expert tlioughf f0 tlie subject of public lieaîli, and has developed sound, advanced ideas on how flic problems iu this field may be met. Tlie fundamenfal nced lie sees is for dloser coordinationi befween educafional efforts sucli as flie one lie is f0 head, flie miedical profession, goveriment facilities, anîd privafe ag(encies serving in tlie field. Tliere is nîo question liaf flie widened xvork at MeGill under Dr. Vivian's leader- slip will be able to make a notable contri- bution f0 sucli a broad concept of public liealth progress. 1 N THE D IM ANDLDISTANT PASTi Prom The Statesman Filesm m~ m . FIFTY YEARS AGO June 19, 1895 t Robt. Rowe, tenant on flic Joues Gamsby farm, bas purchased Jas. McGill's butchcring ouffif, Orono. 11James Gale of the News, Harry 1 Gale of flic Coîborne Enferprise and Jesse A. James of The States- Sman wcnt f0 Colliugwood f0 be Sprescut af fthc initial trip oSflice new steamer Majestic. New officers coming f0 the Sal- 1vafion Army are Capf. Taylor sud 3Lieut. Lott of Fenclon Falls. J. T. Morrison, dheesemaker, of Orono, last season placed a small bottle in the centre of a clicese and within the boffle s note re- questing whoevcr might be Uic final purchaser f0 write f0 him, letting him know in what condi- tion fliey fouud if sud af what pnîce if was selling. He received a letter from Dowbarn sud Sons, Wisbeck, Germany, informiug hlm fbey bad rctaîled flic cheese having purchased if from a firm ini Liverpool, Eug., thaf if was in a good state of preservafion sud sclling af 15 cts. a pound. Newcastle: Schooner "Kar- vefli" was in port with coal for W. Rickard. . . Councillor W. H. Pearce wenf f0 Castîcton sud ne- turned the following evenfrig witli a cliarming young bride in the person of Miss Mary Jane Atkin- son, daughfer of Robf. Atkinson, formerly of this place. Tyrone: Arthur J. Manning is home from Offtawa Normal Sdliool. Enniskillen: Another Durham boy, John P. Wadge, B.A., Winni- peg, son of W. Wadge, lias distin- guished himself by carrying off the Bronze Medal in Nafural Science af Manitoba University. He moved frorn this village f0 Manitoba wif h bis family in 1883.« Frosfy relations mean frozen assets. ITWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO June 24, 1920 H. Bafeman, C.P.R. agent ai Bethauy, lias been transferred to Bowrnville. Harold Thurston lias received his diploma from the High Scliool of Commerce. Aunong the prize wiuners ai Moulfon College, Toronto, is Doris Dandeno, daugîter of Dr. J. B. Dandeno. Bowmanville Public Schoo] basebail team played Orono lads af Orono sud were guests of 0. A. Gamsby. Bowmanville lune-up: Cowle, Westaway, Hooper, Clark, James, Cliartran, Colwell, Pierce, Needham. Orono: Harold Rickaby is af Bonsaîl Minerai Mines, 30 miles north of Gowgauda. Harold pass- ed lis 2nd year in Chemistry sud Minerology at Toronto University ...Gillies McKay bought flic Cowan residence from John Cow- au. Hampton: Frances Clatworthy, Peterboro Normal, is home... Mrs. C. W. Souch sud daugliter, Mildred, are visiting at Malta, 111. Nestleton: Mrs. John Edwards is home from Saskatoon. . . Peter Wriglit fell while working on Mr. Reader's barn. Tyrone: Two of our junior pastors were ordained in the To- ronto Couference in flic persons of Rev. W. L. Cullis and Rev. Frank Newell. Bowmanville Public School promotions f0 Eut rance class: Agnes Vansfone, Joyce Muirhead, Lenore Quick, Dorothy Bonny- castle, Jauey Mason, Jean Ram- say, Lawrence Turner, Marion McDougall, Kafie Pincli, Daisy Culley, Ernest Roach, Tom But- tery, Melissa Burns, Doris Wylie, Beatrice Cryderman, Elsie Whit- mec, Ruby Sewell, Glen Stevens, Lloyd Varcoe, Raymond Cole, Harvey Rice, Bruce Lunney. -- usouglit reward. No one knows Sa etter than the men close fo him What Others during his all f00bif apag how the successful candidate en- rnrnnrnnrn desvored f0 play the game wifh a ."CHARLI[E", MEMBER-ELECT fairness thaf leaued over back- ward. (Editonial in Port Hope Guide) Wbateven may be the reasons wliy s worthy represenfative of The Guide joins warmly in con- feu years' faithful service of his gratulations f0 Mayor Charles E. constituents, should have tasted Stephenson for bis clear-cut per- defeat. at the bauds of a new- soual victory af flic poils yestcr- corner to fthe political hustiugs, if day Hoor nd istncton ameremaîns that Durham County bas day.Houo au disincion amebeen fortunate lu ifs coutesf jusf f0 Mr. Stephenson in generous closed. Csmpaigning here was ou measure as flic ballots were a level befiffiug flic seriousness marked, polled sud couuted . They of flic problems faciug flie coun- tell the story of au outsfandiug try, for wbich the credif must go episode in flicliSe oSfsaman who f0 fic principals fhemselves. firsf was a cougenual citizen and There will be smart men af neiglibor, then a respected, fair- Ottawa, men wbo know the busi- playing business man, next a ness 0f law-making ahI flic way trusted municipal official, sud from the Medes sud Persians now the represenfafive of one of 'clown. But fliere will be noue Ontaios banner counfies lunflic more sincere sud more honorable, greaf Parliament oS law-rnakers, noue whom the word infegrify with Cauada's welfare in their better fifs, than the represenfative keepiug sud ber glorious future of Durham Couufy in fhe uext theirs for flic mouldiug. Parliameut of Canada. If ever s man receivcd the en- dorsation of bis ellows because of bis solid wonth as a citizen of Thc 9tb Parkhill Scout Troop af wholesome couduct sud outlook, Peferboro, Ontario, collecfed 12 thaf man is Charles E. Stephen- tons of waste paper in saflire son. Genuîneness bas brought ifs week drive. I DURHAM COUNTY FEDERATION 0F AGRICULTURE NEWS Durham County Federation of Agriculture met on June 7fh af home of the secretary in Orono with a splendid af tendance of directors. Inferest seems f0 be growing from monfli f0 monfli. The several pnojects under way werc discussed and plans arrang- cd f0 forward fhem foward com- plet ion. A report wss given on fIe Peterborough, Ont. ivealfh of fhe world available f0 ah sund for the exploitation of noue; wliere sehools pro- duce cifizens of cliaracter, feacliing cliildren not only f0 fhiîik-but to fbink of otliers; wbere farîncrs, guardians of tlie soil, con- serve and rcplenish if for, future genera- fions; where bornes become the production e*entres of a spirit of good-will, confidence and trust, scmding tlie farnily ouf to sehool. and f0 work free fo give tlieir besf: A uîîitcd purposeful democracy cau give new leadership f0 fthe world. We must be people witli no personal or pàrfy axe fo grind, morally fougli and ready f0 respond insfantly to iieed everywherc. We can raisé standards in Canada for whicli our refurning veferans will be proud fo go on fighfing, and f0 whîch every country wili eventuallv raily. Canadians Defmnitely Do Not Want Socialism One of flic outsfanding' lessons of flie Federal election 'las been fliat flie CCP bas beemi defeated, so conclusively fliaf ifs fol- loivers can no longer delude fliemscives with tlie ides fliat if is going fo sweep tlie na- tion or even become a dominating force in our national polities. Tlie Liberals and Conservafives liad many fhings to figlit about and did some clever figlifing as weli as a lot of very foolisli bat- thuig, but neiflier of tbemn was defeated, be- yond hope of rccovering a ieading position in Canadian public life again. The lesson sliould be plain. The CCF was deféated because tbey preacbed Socialism. Mr. David Lewis, forcseeing this, pleadcd wifli fle Mont real Convention f0 remember that an election lad fo lie won and fliat foo mucli Socialism must nof be falked af once, but despif e that, despif c fle Socialisfs as- sertions that no one except flie big corpora- fions and a few srnaller ones would bave their properfy faken away from fthern, fhe Canadian people have a very clear idea that the CCF would have put int o effecf Social- ism of some sort, and the Canadian people have made if cicar fliaf they wanf no Social- ism. The lesson fo flie old parties sliould be onuite plain. Tliey may continue fo struggle for power, on ai sorfs of grounds, but nel- flier of these can ever bope f0 become the party in power, unless on a plat forrn of free enterprise. There were rnany issues iuvolved in fhls electiomi and in flie result. we do nof scem fo have scffled most of fhem ani- foo defin- itel 'v, but we do know fliaf one issue is set- tled. This counfry is nof Socialisf, mior is if 0'oing fo become Socialist. policy- THE ETIJAL IIFI 0ED F Ce ANADAONAM BIDOracIeOffiUe - 435 Grge Sree Prnh fet -3eobooue, tree Low Cost Lufe Insurance Since 1869 A Complete Banking Service a a 0 0 This Bank is fulIy equipped to provide the best type of banking service at any of its 500 branches in Canada, large or smail. Parmers, Lumbermen, Fishermen Manufacturers, Merchants Exporters, Importers LOANS against Victory Bonds, Life insurance and other forms of security Personal and Instalment Deposits: Current and Savings Drafts, Money Orders, Traveliers' Cheques, Letters of Credit Foreign Exchange, Collections, Banking by Mail Cotssuit the Manager of our nearest Branch. THE CANADIAN 'BANK 0IF COMMERCE BOWMANVILLE BRANCH R. L. MITCHELL, Manager ~I health survey and out of a mass enable farmers to get as much of of material, the most vital need the suitable war material as pos- for the moment seered to be the sible, for farrn use. Secretary will get the necessary pamphlets number of children needing im- and forward them to the farmers mediate care for defective vision, so that if the farmers wish this nose and throat trouble and de- machinery they may order fective teeth. Secretary will get through the secretary. more definite information and There is to be a meeting in plan for a follow-up campaign at Orono Hall on the evening of once. If this is done, there should June the 2st in the interests of be a very interesting report for the Forum of the County. Mr. the July meeting. Wesley Neelands of Toronto will National Film Board's showings speak and show pctures. to the schools in the County, are The annual picnic will be held getting better organized, and are in Orono Park on July l9th. W. proving a splendid move, both for H. Porter, Editor of The Farmer's the edgcation of the children and Advocate will be the speaker and the adulfs. Federation is keenly a good af ternoon of sports is be- interested in these evening shows ing arranged. and is sponsoring thern by way of arranging meetings and at those During the war with Gerrnany, meetings, letting people know the over 100 vessels forrnerly used value of the Federation to the only on Canada's great inland County as a whole. waterways, plied the Atlantic rpn-:- Federation is also contactîng At least 20 of these freightersW the War Assets Corporation, to were torpedoed and sunk. Canada's ODDiortunity Reconstrucetion is a big word anîd if stands for a big job, ail over the world. We in Can- ada are parficularly fortunate in flat we have not been ravaged by war. We have been fed, clotbcd and free allinhougli fhe war years, when many lands bave 'been bombed almost ouf of existence. Therefone leadership ini world reconstruction is allih more up f0 us. Theli baby is on our door- st ep. If is necessary that the homes, industries and granaries of flic wonid be rebuilt, but flic greatest need is in flie spirit oftlie peo- ple. As a war correspondent wrote from lfaly, "The ruibble of tlie hunian spirit is a far sadder tliing f0 gaze upoli flan tlie rubble of buildings." Tbere mnust be a new sense of purpose - fleic mer determination fliat our boys have nof been sacnificed in vain. Wlîaf wili happen if flic froops are met on flîcir returii by a wave of selfisliness, indi- vidîialisni and miistrust? We caui judge bow some of tlim feel by what fwo sailors fold a Momtreal audience: "We hear about al the Goverriment is going f0 pay us in gra- fuifies, but we would be wîlling f0 give if aIl up for thelieiew spirit ail of us want." On flic baftlefields teamwork, courage and disciplinie have been as nafîîral as breafb- ingý. We must give our men a chance f0 use these qualities in recoiistrucfing a broken world, bY developing fliese same qualifies mn our own lives. We eau work wvfi tlîtem for a couîitry wherc indusfry wiî achieve lier trime destimiy - f0 make the work and reports 61. HAVE jUSt completed my insurance program in The Mutual Life of Canada. I have a number of policies on my own life whicli adequatey protect my family against unexpected loss of my income, and which will bring me and my wife monthly cheques for life wlen the fime cores f0 retire. "But I have gone a little further. We want our son John f0 ave a College education. We have added a Mutual Life Educational Policy to, our assefs. When John is 18 we shahl start to receive a four year monthly income with which f0 payis Coliege expenses, sud this %~ amount wili be guaranteed even thougli I do not live f0 psy ah tIce prerniums. "This isone of the services of life insurance that many people overlook-elping parents f0, guaraxtee higer education for Caada's youtl." et a Mutual Life representative arrange an Educational Policy for your child. SmaiI Towns Ideal Centres For Decentralized Industrv THE CAMAnTATq 12rXlMffAW"ý7- LOANS Another