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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Jul 1945, p. 4

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KERSLAKE'S SWEET PICKLE MIXTURE No Heating - No Sugar Needed Sultable for Beets and Cucumbers 'gai. quantlty 20e - 1 gai. 35e HOT WEATRER NEEDS ...Soasafey Sunburn Cream ---- 39e Sf889 leycIoid' Bandald - --- O---1c, 25c Noxzema ------ 39c, 59c Tangel for Sunburn 50e J. & J. Burn Ojntment 35 Nivea Cream 50c, $1 Tannafax 25e Jergen's Lotion 25c, 47c LEG MAKE-UP .. . Nyalon ----- --------- 75e Duration----------- 49e No-Roz -------------- 59e Sponges ---- 15c, 25c, 35e12pd Certlfled Health 2 C l o Swsm Caps_.---------- 75c e .* Rabber GI es -----45c Sun Goggles 25e to $9.00 SACCHARIN TABLETS 100 Tablets %4 gr. --- 15c 500 Tablets %4 gr.----- 49e N ACLEAN 1000 Tablets %4 gr. ---89e STOMACN POWIER PwSPEAufis.- 10e, 15C Thermos Bottles --- $1.25 Lunch Kits --------69, Castile Soap, 6 cakes 23e Pinkham's Comp. ---- 87e Lactogen ------- 69c, $1.59 Palmolive Soap 2 for lie Cashmere Bouquet 2-lic BABY SCALES FOR RENT Phone W i 65C OWLING'S DRUG STORETrse Mape G ove Mildred, Mr. Bob Snowden t ________ e 'tended the Baker family picnic at Solina on Sunday. .. Mr. and Mrs. This commýunity was shocked Lawrence Staples, son Barry, Mr. on Friday when it became known and Mrs. C. Staples, Bethany, Mrs. that Mrs. Truman Power, a for- Kennedy, Lindsay, Mr. and Mrs. mer resident, had passed away at Bert Coiweil, son Teddy, Mrs. the home of her daughter, Mrs. M'ina Colwell, Mr. and Mrs. E. W. nubrFoley, town, at Edward Foiey's... Earl Osborne (Reta). A nme Misses Pearl and Lenora Colla- from here attended the funerai on cutt have returned home after Sunday. Sympathy is extended holidaying with their cousins, Mr. to the bereaved family. and Mrs. Warder, at Southamp- Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Wm. ton, Lake Huron '. . . Mr . R. R. Lycett and family, Mr. and Mrs. Stevens with his daughter, Mrs. H. J. Brooks and two boys en- Ray Snowden, Toronto. joyed a boat trip to Niagara. Miss Louise Foley with her sis- ter, Mrs. Howard Cryderman, Over tweive hundred volunteer Audley. . . Misses Liflian Snow- Boy Scout Leaders in Canada took den and Margaret Campbell at special' training courses to in- Rochester and Cobourg. . . Mrs.1 crease their efficiency in the past L. C. Snowden, Misses Betty and 1 year. A. "Thefolks around heme had been biting the duir for years. They took it as a natural thing that Summertime should mean dusty roadî-and a lot of un ecessary inconvenience. They had seen the good roads n other parti but the>r wmrn't convinced--rhoughg chat they couldn'g affiord to improve the roadsl erI -- 177., =- - e - 2. "Thefiratinan I spoketowasoid Nick Brewster. He ;ust wouldn'e listen. After cussing the dust for ten minutes fie cnded np by telling me that I couidn't change nature and the roadls had been thtc way since he was a boy. 4. "«Tom Town doubted If any- thlng short of putting down a hard sur- face road wouid do any good. Hed corne frorn the city and tbought in terms of tir hoilersanmd road roilers. Stilil he was open to argumnent. In the end he said itmih bc Worth trying. e 3. "Thenextchap, BUll MeEchran", was a bit more reasonabie, but he sad it would cost too much. The county jus hadnr got enougfh money to scd, C said an even if it had, bc ie ddnt thinic anyone would want it spent. 5. I"Thon I spoke to Otd Mrs. Shlppam, at the crossroads. She said something sbouid lbc done and if Calcium Chioride couid do it, we ought to get buy. Finaiiy, she said she's give the members of the Council a bit of her mnd -and 1 believe she didi1 6. "Weil, the rOsu t was chat the Counicil had a meceting. Nobody voted against the resolution to have the road made dustiess wîth Calcium Chioride. In fact, Nick Brews=eproposed itand Bi IMcEchran seconded it. That's smre time since, and now we have a berter base for a liard surface later-and w've practicaily no duit, upkecp costs are lo%%cr chan evcr and my men find itecasier working too. 1 îhowed the Councit hat what the Calcium Chioride cuit waî saved in labour and materials. Good engineering pracrîce? ... no, is jut good commun sense for a road cngineerf- &asn, Mmd Canada Sale:, Limied, Monreal - Toronto W44-5 ---------- _ )ncl, Brdocks are now as i as the door. [ission Band met S u n da y rning. Joan Hobbs gave a m. They are collecting Ja- J. W . JEW ELL ise and A f r i c a n pictures. 'I2" iing was given by Clark"BG21 ry. The story given by Mrs. PHONE 55t Rahm, World Friends, wa s ______________ an out. mýý Hampton Tyrone Visitors: Mir and Mrs L. S. No church service for the nex Caveriy, Toronto, at Ken Caver- two Sundays as Rev. A. E. Cress IY's.. Mr. and Mrs. Elgmn Wight, well will be on holidays. Bowanvlle atAlfed haien- Mr. Robert McCuliough an( Bowanvll, a Afre Calln-Brenton, Mr. and Mrs. Donai( er's... Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Nash, Davey attended the funerai of Mr Detroit, Mich., guests of Mr. and Hugh McCullough at Pontypool. Mrs. W. Chapman, have returned Visitors: Rev. and Mrs. Gordo home. . . Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gardner, Columbus, with Mrs Cowling and family, London, Mr. Howard Philp. . - Mr. and Mrs and Mrs. P. Cowiing, Beverly and Harry Hatherley a nd famjly Barry, Bowmanville, at J'no. Dixie, at Richard Hatheriey's.. Cowling's. .. Mr. and Mrs. John Miss Aima Madili, Port Arthur Buckiey, Donna and David, Osh- with Mrs. Lorne Annis. . . Mr awa,' at W. E. Stevens'. . . Mr. and and Mrs. I. W. Larmar, Mr. and Mrs. T. Saiter at Claude Dunlop's, Mrs. Melville Bail and Sharon Coidwater. .. Miss Doreen Wood Millbrook, at Gussie Rosevear'.ç and girl friend, Bowmanviile, at.. . Mr. and Mrs. Ross Pooley are S. Williams'. .. Mr. and Mrs. W. home from a trip to the west.. W. Horn at Port Hope. . . Sgt. Howard Phip, R.C.A.F., Dawson Fred Payne at W. Greenaway's Creek, home on leave. . . Mr. and prior to leaving f o r British Mrs. F. L. Byam, Clifford and Columbia. . . Mrs. Fred Payne, Grenville, at J. Liilicrapp's, Can- IMrs. W. Thompson and Susanne, nington. . . Harvey and Muriel Bowmanville, at Wilfrid Green- Jones with cousins at Castieton away's. . . Miss Helen Phiilips, . . . Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Annis and Barrie, with her cousins, the Brian and Miss Madili at Levi Craig children. . . Mr. and Mrs. Annis', Toronto. . . Russell AIl- C. Churchill, Bowmanviiie, at dread, Bowmanviile, at George Miss M. Horn's. .. Mr. and Mrs. lde's Ken Caverly, Gwen and Bruce, at Aondreauaios's.r ech Peterboro. . . Mr. and Mrs. Har- Coratuhlaiones t u teachf er, old Baison, Bowmanville, at B. oMrs. Pip, on tesucess 0f s ee Ping]e's. . . Mr. and Mrs. Isaac0f e nine ontrance pupofs re-4 Bulmer, Oshawa, at W. Wilbur's ceiing rcv honors lo fhe3 ...Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Burns, is quite a record. Jim and John, Janetviile, at S. _________ Kersey's. . . Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Willis, Mrs. J. Wiiiis and Miss - Doreen Pyott, Toronto, with Miss Baker s bchool Beatrice Colwjll. .. Mr. and Mrs. ____ Lauren Hogarth and Miss Barbara Baker's schooi heid its annual Turpin, Mrs. R. J. McKessock, pîcnic at Hampton Park, June 29. Mr. and Mrs. Bryce Brown, Osh- About 45 gathered to partake of awa, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Os- a bountiful picnic dinner. The borne, Bowmanviîîe, Mr. and Mrs. gathering was calied to order Floyd Miller, Kalamazoo, Mich., when Miss Muriel Crawford read. at Joe Chapman's... Mrs. Melissa a niceiy worded address to Miss Servos, Toronto, with friends Margaret Flintoff expressing the here. . . Misses Marion and Aud- appreciation of the community for rey Kersey and Lloyd Kersey inl the fine work she has done as Toronto. .. Miss Nancy Johns, To- teacher for the past two years. ronto, at home. . . Miss Yvonne Helen Moorey and Billie Harris Williams with Miss Doreen Wood, presented their teacher with a Bowmanville. . . Misses Jean and gift from the schooi section. Miss Grace Kersey at Janetviile... Mr. Flintoff has accepted a position Geo. Gibbs, Oshawa, and Miss on the teaching staff in Oshawa. May Gibbs, Tyrone, at W. Chap- Program of sports was conduct- man's. . . Mrs. Luther Pascoe, ed under the leadership of Miss R.t and Mran BWiurandle Joyce Hilîs, Miss Fiintoff and Mr. b.a, Nrsh AanwaMiss GwndCrawford. 8 yrs. & under-Bev- byNor h Ebeneze, MatsGrdn eriy Allun, Stan Middieton; 10 yrs.J OsboneEbeeze, a Godon& under-Biliie Harris; over 101 Wiibur's . . . Miss M. Bailey, yrs. - Ivan Crawford; 3-legged1 Burketon, with friends. . . Mr. race - Mildred and Gwendolyn and Mrs. W. Chapman received a Hls uk ptKihMoe cab e ror P e . C ec le P et t n - tim e ' race - Iv an C ra w fo rd ; nouncing her safe arrival over- wheel-barrow race - Ivan Craw- seas. ford and Donald Taylor; shoe re-1 Communion was observed at lay-Joyce and Jacqueline Hilîs; the Sunday evening church ser- kick the shoe -ý Ivan Crawford; vice. , cali to dinner--Mrs. Jim Moorey;1 Congratulations to ail scnool throw the bail-Donald Taylor. children who have been success -__________ fui in their exams.- Sgt. Arnold Damant has re- turned home from Windsor, N.S., ib and P.O. Gordon Hilîs from over- seas. We are glad to welcome ahl Several from here attended the the boys who are now returning Orange parade at Blackstock on home, and were pleased to see Sunday. LAC Keith Yeo, formneriy of The choir went to Kendal, Sun- H{ampton, among our boys on the day evening, to help with the S.S. holiday. Anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Austin Barron and Angus Watson's barn was burn- Mfr. and Mrs. Ted Chant and ed Saturday morning. children at Oak Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Graham at- tended the funeral of Mr. Stark Starkville at Bethany on Saturday. Wih Mrs. L. Jannison, Camborne, at with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Forbes.. Mfrs. Jacob Hallowell's and also Mrs. Mary Carscadden with her attended the funeral of Mrs. I. niece, Mrs. Wm. Wannan. .. Miss Stark. .. Mrs. J. Wark and Joan Marion McKelvey at home..-. Mr. have returned to Weston after and Mrs. George Gianvîlle, Mr. visiting Miss Norma Hallowell. .. Howard Beilamy, Newcastle, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Gilmer, Bow- Jas. Wannan, Miss Jean Wannan rianville, at Clarence Gjýlmer's.. . adM Mry Rutherford with Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Stapleton, Mr. and Ms. Wm. Wannan. )shawa, at W. A. Halloweii's. .. met July 3rd with Mrs. 'hey left by plane for Ripley, Robt. Alin, president, opening the N.Y., where they will visit their meeting. Mrs. Wmn. Wannan read usins, Mr. and Mrs. B3 e r t the 1lOth Psaim. President in- allagli. . . Wilfred Walker, To- troduced the theme, "Help the rnto, at Miss Norma Hailoweil's Churches of Europe and HeIP ..Mr. and Mrs. Harry Herring- Them Now". Europe has been on, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. liberated. A new life is rising ;tit, Orono, at Jacob Hallaweli's fromn the ashes of this devastated ..Mr. and Mrs. A. Dobson and land and at the heart of that new Eary Lou at Ed. Ruthven's, Zion. life is the church. The Christians Bowmanville Quartet rendered of Europe are now free to worship ,cellent service at Shiloh Anni- God, to teach their chiidren ,rsary service. Christian truths, to preach the Gospel, to serve their country- men and to support their missions. Erm* Members acted as representatives We elcme o or ille M of some of these countries: Mrs. R. d rs J llenalourlae anr.Allun spoke for the Christians f ndms.J A e, oMrleadNorway and Denmark; Mrs. Wm. Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. W. Smith, AlJ.H.uner for BerancH;iand mhawa, at Claude Smith's..« Mrs. J. uLoeror for ranen r. and Mrs. S. R. Pethick in To- Mrs Wm.Rutherford for the Dnto, at E. D. Pethick's. Mrs.Crsin fGray na ~rn Wod rtured iththern these cases the suffering, the per- rs. Roodianed opsonand secution, the oppression, injustice . ren atoWlBrdgtt's o.vnan-and cruelty under the Nazi occu- lle... Mr. and Mrs. Ken Caver- and Mr. C. W. Souch wîth Miss Souch. . . L1Cpl. G. H. Stevens, mith Faqils, t-f SevnsU %-Mi *o'«Y/ not1ce MIRE# 4 eM pation and rule was brouglit out and the great need for oui heip. Mrs. Wm. Wannan spoke for the Kt World Council of Churches, ap- s- peaiing to the United Church of Canada to aid this great cause. id The World Councli calîs us toi Id help the churches of Europe in r. this critical time. Every congre ýn ing for aid to Europe's churches. S. Hand in your donation this month. S. Mrs. Wm. Wannan, the presi- rdent, opened the W.A. meeting. O Mrs. Youmans gave an inteîest-O r ring devotionai bringing out many rimportant truths. - We shoud d keep in mind that Jesus knew the 1way Out Of all difficuities and 'perplexities at that tisihe; He can .have faith in Him and obey with- ri out question that inner voice of 1God that guides us to do riglit. S.S. No. 9, Clarke Eio i Visitoîs: Mi.- and Mrs. Huiton and sons at W. Harold Gibson's ...Miss Gwen Powers, Ajax, Mi. and Mrs. Winnett, Toronto, at l2.30ý-Pienie Mrs. G. Barchard's. . . Mr. and water iN Mis. E. B. Stockdale, Doris and Mrs. Douglas Stockdaie, Mary 2 p.m.-Addrei Bowen, Ajax, at F. W. Bowen's ...Mrs. C. Wckett and Beverley, 3 p.m.-Progra Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Garvock andSghs Doreen Welsh at Aiden Gibson's. sgt Mrs. George Barçhad îeceived poie a letter from National Defence Headquarters stating that hier son, EVERI Bill, had been mentioned in despatches for Distinguished Ser- vice. We are proud of Bill as we are of aIl oui No. 9 boys who are Town folk and ail il serving their country s0 well. The Young People's Association of the United Church, Newcastle, GARNET B. Ri had a campfiîe meeting at Stan Pres. Durham Federa A llin's on -M onday night. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Jack and Kenneth Gibson, Cal- vert Barchard went to Cobourg with the Reserves-on Sunda.y. deM.Rusl bon Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Martin dn r.RselObr attended the wedding of his bro- Those present inclided: ther, F0 Archie Martin, R.C.A.F. Mrs. J. Frank Osborne,D Mrs. Earl 'Osborne, Mr. ai OSBORNE FAMILY PICNIC Orville Osborne and -fani and Mrs. Lloyd Snowde A very enjoyabie tîme was family, Mr. and Mis. spent at Cream of Barley Camp, Crago, Mr. and Mis. Lloyc ýJuly 2nd, when the Osborne faim- and family, Mr. and Mns ilies held their annual picnic with Lonsberry, Mr. Thos. 65 members present. After ail Master Robert Alliln, Mr. had partaken of a good picnic Metcalf, Bowmianville; N supper President Mrs. Orville Os- Mrs. Carl Selby and fami borne called the gathering to and Mrs. Russell Osborn order. Officers for 1945-46 were family, Mr. and Mrs. Gordc elected as follows: President-R. tin and family, Misses1 L. Osborne; lst Vice Pres.-Lloyd and Beverley Osborne, Mi Snowden; 2nd, Vice Pres. - Mis. Brown and family, Nev J. Brown; Sports - Orville Os- Mr. and Mrs. Tom Burd an borne; Sec'y-Treas. - Mrs. Leslie ily, Mr. Edgar Osborne, Guy; Table Committee-Mrs. Or- L. Osborne, Mrs. Wes. 0 JOSEPH J. MELLOR ICKARD ration of Agriculture Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Guy, Mrs Bertha Hamilton, Mr. and Miss Frances McArthur, Oshawa;1 ÙMs. Percy Bently, lhhllbrook. Delicious and Refreshi"ng w.ý ~mea Aylmer Domino-Dellelous Flavour TONATO JUIVE 3 toz. 25çTA ps z3 oz-.169Ç C sCarrot, Beet, 20 oz.Fr3 z JUICE Celery, Tomato tin 15A&PPLES For 3 oz.l li We1chls %a U IIfli Uda1m (sins (a--£3% Serves 4 people ]KRAFT DINNER. 8oz. 17Ç For Preserving 0 Aylmer APPLE JUICE 20 z. 4 FLJFS~ 19Ç z 25Ç Newport McLaren's Stuffed OLIVES jr 8 a 1 Heinz Prepared Nabiseo shredded WHEAT . . 2 - 23Ç Donlon-fresh degy~ 13qt orMeTAeJR RINGSdz qt.â-f Imnusj. Ilotle2 P For Preserving JARS Pint Small doz. 95Ç For Preserving JARS Quart Med. dz. 1.09 carnation J~Requires 1cou- 6 1653 Keilogg'a 157ff SAUCEoz, 24 M oz.19lot RUP2 1,. 224 l 51Ç Kraft or Chatesu CAHEE Feshl Eiebnseflo COFFEE~%~ Beawsn's lb. 35~ COU STARCH. pkg. ~ CABBAGE ........ Sc Seediess, size 100 GRAPEFRUIT 3 for 25e RADISHES 2 bunches 9C Texas Valencia, size 392 ORANGES .... 25e oz. VALUES EFFECTIVE THURSDAY, WEINALCN .2 ZIbo. 19e Ail1 merchandise sold at your Do- minion Store is unconditionaily guarantaed to give 100% satisfaction. FRIDAY, SAT., Juiy 12, 13, 14 Dominion Stores. Limltad * ---,-- w j, I t is not enougl that the people of Can- ada shouid have shown their objection I very different place duîing tne J 467 - RES. 37 tion. 1POE:47RS 7 COMPLETE TIRE SERVICE 1 DURHAM COUNTY IMERS' PICNIC Duo Conimunlty: Park. trsdaày, July l9th IR.e W. He PORTER he Farmer's Advecate, wilI b. the Guest Speaker PROGRAMME lunch. Bring your family, lunch and dishes. Hot' yuli be available. hss by Mr. W. H. Porter. 'm of Sports 3.30 - -Girls' Softbal being -trips through Forest Station, transportation àd. , FARMER AND NUS FAMILY SNOULD AT- TEND THIS PICNIC -'I ville Osboîne, Mrs. Lloyd Snow- Mr. Haîold Osborne, Miss r ........................... 1 Pkg. loç

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