THE C LANAJJIAN S TATZSMAN,, BOWMANVIELLE, ONTARIO PAGE FIV-À B lackstock burn's... Miss Vivian Sadler, To- Bailey gave an Historical Re- ronto, with her parents. . . Rev. search of Cartwright. Mrs. W. A. and Mrs. Wm. Simpson and baby VanCamp got the prize for being Visitors: Mir. and Mrs. Frank. the oldest grandmother present, daughter are remaining' in the and Mrs. Murray Byers' young King, Lindsay, with their sisters, village for the rest of the summer son the youngest baby present. An Mrs. Robt. Bruce and Miss Mae while Rev. Wm. Simpson takes old fashioned lunch was served. King. .. Mr. Jos. Ashton, Toronto, over the charge of the Archdeacon The Annual Church service and with friends. .. Mr. and Mrs. W. who is in Peterboro Hospital.. parade preceding the l2th of July A. Dawson, Katherine and Pte. Bill Parrish, Camp Borden, was held on Sunday evening. Sandra, Windsor, with Mrs. P. A. Miss Marie Lamb, Lindsay, with Kendal Fife and Drum Band led Bailey at her cottage in Caesarea Sn'.;h Bros. .. Mr. Walter Hooey, the parade of the L.O.B.A., the ...Mr. and Mrs. Harry Graham Saskatchewan, at Burney Hooey's. L O.L. and members of visiting and Verena, Toronto, çith Mrs. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. lodges. The service was con- Henry Mountjoy... Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kewen (Lorna Trewin) who ducted by Rev. R. B. Harrison at Fred W.ilan, Bowmanville, w i t h were married in the Unitedt4UieCh friends.. Mr.' Clarence Parr, Church, July 7. çie Uitd hrch. It was a good Bownranvilie, with Mrs. Robt. Victorian Women's Institute ofericemewiThe lrg aedacei Parr and Miss Eva Parr.. . Mr. met at Mrs. T. Samefls' on Juiy 4.f a ge yMen. JThezrganoi and Mrs. Lamne Bradburn and The occasion was "Mothers' and astbyMrs. Jab orez Wprige hen jimmie, Toronto, at Wesley Brad- Grandmothers' Day". Mrs. A. L. mrsi.EalDrelpoidth Mr. and Mrs. Fred Waldon, To- ronto, Mr. Harvey Hooey, Mr. IJohn Hooey, Miss Gertrude Hooey and Miss Thornbury, Cameron, atr W. VanCamp's. Mrs. Albert Naîrn, Port Reeve, IELFSask., with Mrs. Wm. VanCamp and the Smith Bros.a BUJTTER Slverbrook First Grade lb. 360 Our*wnlb. DLACK TEA Faoufi55< MARNALAIDE ANN PAGE 24-oz. Jar25 ORANGE25 GRAPENUTS FLAKES 3 pkgs. 259 SODAYUKON CLUB 3 0 25< FRY'lS COCMA Ilb. Ctn. 31< AuL BRAN KELLOGG'S * Pkg. 19< JUNKET TABLETS RENNET Pkgli SERVE ICED A. & P. COFFEE BOKAR VIGOROUS & WINEY lb.-359 8 'CLGCK MILD & MELLOW lb- 31< WHOLESOME OVEN FRESH ANN PAGE MILE WHITE WHOLE WHEAT Cracked Wheat SOAlP Odox 2Caicesii SOAP Cashmee 2 cakes 11< SOiF flowers 4 Cks17e SAPWoodbury's 2..Ckes15 SOAP 3 Cakes 14e LIBBY'S M4USTARD 2 6-ex. 15< FLUFFS Newport Pkg. 259 5ROSES FLOUR 7-l 25e v I STEAKS 0OR OASTS PORTEIHOUSE WING or ILN BONELESS ROUND SHORT JcICE'- m« BLADE CHIE 6RIS PRIME R S RIB B FGWL GRADE A BOILING- mEiEs CHOICE SILS COTTAGE CHEESE MAC & CHEESE LOAF»« DOLOGNA Choc. FISH SUGGESTION1S FRESH HADDOCK FILLETS IL 35o COD FILLETS Fresh lb- 29e KIPPERED Herring lb25 IBLACKSTOCK PUB3LIC SCHOOL JUNýIOR RED CROSS Junior* Red Cross Society c Blackstock Public School haJ their annual meeting and Bazaai June 22, at 2:30 p.m. Prasider Grace Graham occupied the chai and Glenn Larmer acted as sec retary. Treasurer reported total re ceipts $38.25; expenditures ir cluded $6.25 for Navy League $10.00 for British War Victims Fund; $500 for Red Cross Pris oner of War boxes; $3.00 for Juný ior Red Cross Crippled Children'g Fund and balance on hand $8.92 Convener for War Savings Com. mittee reported $307.00 invcsted in stamps since September, 1944 The convener for the War Worlc Committee reported a ditty bat had been filled and sent to the Navy League. The foll'owing articles had been madle ready to be handed in to Mrs. V. Archer, Work Convener of the Cartwright Red Cross Society: 9 children's scarves, 3 pairs soldiers' socks, and a quilt top. It was dccidcd that the money reaiized from the afternoon's en- tertainment be donated to the Sick Children's Hospital Building Fund. Program consisted of readings, choruses, recitations, a Health Play by the boys, and a First Aid Demonstration by the Gir] Guides. A unique feature of the Bazaar was the sale of a sample of Wackie Cake along with its recîpe. The Bazaar and Cake Sale brought $10.00 which added to the special collection of $8.20 and the year's balance on hand of $8.92 will go a little way to help some child on his travels along "The Road to Health"l. Junior Red Cross members wish to thank all those parents and friends who helped to make their entertainment such a success. of Id ar, mt jr 1c- is :1- n- Cs SBoy Rides Bike from City to HoUp Haying Young Harold Dawell, age 12, of Toronto, called on the aditor, Friday morning, just to say hello bafora going on to Warry's and Baker's at Solina, to help get in tha hay and do a bit of hoeing during summar holidays. When wa asked if the bus were crowdad,I Harold saîd, "Shucks, I didn't ride the bus, I rode my bike". To us, that was going some for we remembared our own days biking at 12 yaars of age. Harold left Toronto after breakfast and pedalad the 42 miles to Bowman- ville, arriving befora 1 1 a.m., frash as a daisy. Aftcr calling on his uncle, Aif. Dawall, away ha went to Solina, anothar 9 miles, in plenty of tima for dinner. Harold is a son of Sgt. and Mrs. Wilfrid Deweli, To- ronto. His fathar is a veteran of both world wars and anothar son, Roy, 19, is ovarseas and has vol- untacrad for the Pacific. Sec our attractive dlspiay of Ladies' and Gents' Buiova Watches - priced to suit evéry purse. MARRIS, J EWELLERY Bowmanvile Visitors: Miss Ada Pascoe, To. ronto, at Arthur Moore's. . . Mr and Mrs. Chris. Cook, Mary Phyllis and Biiiy, Hamilton; Mr and Mrs. Jack Parrinder, Detroit, Mich.; Mr. and Mrs. Will Parrin. der afld May, Myrtie Station, at Walter Parrinder's. . . Mr. and Mrs. Floyd C. Miller, Kalamazoo, Mich., with their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Pascoa. .. Warrant 0f- ficer Gordon Scott with his moth- er at Southampton. The Young Paopla's S.S. Class and former membars, held their annual picnic at Ganeva Park, Friday night, with Pilot Officer Robert Scott and Sargeant John Baker as special guests. Many from hare attended the )acoration services at Zion, Sun- iay, when Hon. Dr. R. P. Vivian spoka. A picnic supper was held on Sunday afternoon at the home of Mlr. Thos. Baker, in honor of Sgt. John Baker, who just returr!ed fromn overseas after being on the Continent from D-Day to V-E >ay, also CpI. Helen Baker who i on furlough from Ottawa, and Mrs. Jas. Smalas who recently re- Lrnad from Calgary. There were te six of Thos. Baker's family prsent, with 13 grandchildren ind t w o great grandchildran. ther guests were Mrs. Melissa 3ervos, an old time friend fromn roronto, Messrs. Will Rundie and rrank Branton, Oshawa, Jim 3rown, New Westminster, B.C., [ike Jagger and Harold Dawell, roronto, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Wil- .xr and Sam Deweil, Hampton. MUSIC RESULTS Pupils of Mrs. J. Albert C A.T.C.M., A.O.C.M., whov successfui in the 1945 Febru and June exams: Grade 8, Piano - First C Honours - Raiph Peters; Pasr June Alîchin. Grade 3, Piano - Honours Myra Cooper. Grade 2, Piano - Fîrst C' Honours-Marie Nickerson; F ours - Equai: Kenneth Butt( Doris Larmer, Beverley Fra Grade 2, Theory-Pass - Ji Alichin. Ail candidates successful. f s N 'J fi tu th a: S( T FI Bi T( Zio 13 Visitorst Misses L a o n a and BElsie Staînton, Oshawa, Mrs. Lucy Short, Maxwell's, at Russell Stainton's. .. Mr. and Mrs. Stan- ley Coverly, Lloyd and Kenneth, Ebenezer, Delbart Flintoff, Ked- ron, at Was. Cameron's. . . Miss Jean MeMaster, Toronto, Mr. and 7Mrs. A. L. Pascoe, Solina, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Moore and Kaith, En- niskilien, at Alax McMaster's.. Pte. Peggy Killen, Toronto, Pte. L. K. Tower, C.W.A.C., Halifax, at Robt. Killen's. .. George Kili- en and Keith Stainton at Michael Nemis', Niagara-on-the-Lake... Miss Marguerite Martin, Fred Martin, Miss Elinor Milîs, Toron- to, Wm. Gilroy, Enniskillen, at Thos. Martin's. . . Mr. and Mrs. Adam Hawlay, Peterboro, at A. T. Stainton's. . . Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cameron and Helen at Archia Keith's, Oshawa. . . Mr. and Mrs. Al. Ayre, Lloyd and B3oyd Ayre at Parker Horne's, Claramont. .. Pte. Jack Stainton, just returned from ovarseas, at A. T. Stainton's. . . Mr. andi Mrs. John Shackelton and Keith, LAC Elwood Shackalton, Bowman- villa, at Fred Camaron's. . . Pte. Dan Bonnar returnad from over- seas with his parents. .. Dr. and Mrs. R. P. Vivian, Port Hope, Mr. and Mrs. Mark Atkins, Oshawa, Miss Ada Pascoe, Lloyd Staînton, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Broomai and Ronald, Hampton, Mrs. Luther Pascoe, Ruth and Loran, Bowmanville, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Innis, Faye and Carol, Blackwater, Miss Eleanor Stain- ton, Oshawa, Ross Lac, Kedron, at A. T. Stainton's. .. Lloyd and Boyd Ayre, Misses Irene Cross- man and Arlina Northcutt at Rice LaÎce. .. Miss Joyce Gifford, Neil Gifford and Bert Beckel at Rochester, N.Y. . . Miss Jessia Nemis at Niagara-on-the-Lake... Miss Phyllis Strutt, Oshawa, with Miss Peggy Davidson. . . August Geissbargar and sons, Harmony, at Hans Geissbcrger's. . . Mr. and Mrs. Norman Leach at Arthur Youngman's, Tyrone . . . LAC Norman Robinson, Moncton, N.B., Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Robinson and son, Oshawa, at Henry Ball's... Mr. andi Mrs. H. Strutt, Oshawa, at Percy Davidson's, Phyllis, return- eci home with thcm. . . Mr. andi Mrs. Anson Baison and Ruth, Caledon East, Miss Doreen Bal- son, Orangaville, Miss Velma Bal- son, Kinsale, at R. W. Ball's... Mdr. and Mrs. Lloyd Flintoff, Ron- ald and Patsy, Courtice, at Wes. Camaron's. Sympathy goas to Mrs. Mai. Mlorgan. Har fathar, J. T. Stewart, Toronto, passed away suddeniy on runa 3Oth. Miss Amy Carruthers, Toronto, at Ray Cameron's. Dacoration Day service was waîl attended on Sunday aftcr- noon. Dr. R. P. Vivian was guast speaker. Mr. A d a m Hawiey, Peterboro, sang two solos, "The .ord's Prayer" and "Think on Thee". The ccmatery was vary aeautiful with dozens of boucluets placaci thare by friands and rela- ives of thosa who have passeci on. Zion has a right to ba proud of their wail kapt cemetery. Davidi Rae, the caretakar, kcaps the grass eu adtrimmad. - Mark Atkins, foit takes cara of tha iower bcd and shrubs. Master Douglas Lavis, Max- well's, at A. T. Stainton's. Women's Association mat at Mrs. Wm. Haziuck's with 18 mem- cers presant. Mrs. Gerry Glaspel ad charge of the davotional, Mrs. [arold Bennett gava a talk on ýH o m c Nursing"; reading. by j ylvia H az i uck; mouthorgan music by Mrs. R. Stainton; reaci- rigs by Mrs. Garry Glaspel and, t t F g f si i Coli wer uaE sla: s - Mias Efor ci"y nk. runi rabernacle Mf King Street mcIlSs Barbaa Leask, nolina. Con- V!ivran at W,. Biackburn's, Base test on Dominion of Canada was Lina. . . Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ash- le, won by Mrs. Alex McMaster with ton and famiiy, Toronto, at E.* ýre a nice bouquet of flowers as prize. Bradiey's. Mrs. Ashton and chiid- E a g ls i ryA hearty vote of thanks was cx- ren are staying for the summer Ev tended to Mrs. Haziuck, Mrs. Ban- . . . Mr. and Mrs. Louis Ashton Onai tet utOi ss nett and thosa who haiped in Mrs. and Mary Lou, Toronto, at Henry Otai tet utO -Morgan's absence, for the lovaly Ashton's. Mary Lou is staying lunch they servcd. for holidays. .. Leslie and Walter Cowiing, Salem, Stanley Carr, To- ronto, Harold a n d Lawrence ss Tabb, Tyrone, Mr. and Mrs. Mark n- Haydon Blackburn and Miss Bessie Black- yp burn, Hampton, at Mrs. T. Cow- ling's. .. Mr. and Mrs. A. Beach, ;e Wa walcoma our new pastor, Mr. and Mrs. Don Carr and Caro- Rav. A. E. Cresswai], to this cir- lyn at Wilbart Smith's, Oshawa cuit. Church service will lie with-. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Thompson drawn for two weaks whiia ocjr and Larry, Bowmanville, at Mrs. Pastor is on holidays. W. Thompson's.. Mr. and Mrs. Sunday School Anniversary H. Hill, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. services on Juiy 1 and 2 werc well Wilson, Quebec, Mr. and Mrs. B. attandad. The shed was beauti- McDonald, Mr. and Mrs. C. Mc-M fuiiy decoratad wîth Mapia leavas, Donald, Mr. and Mrs. L. Weish, rad, white and blue streamers and Bowmanville, at Mrs. W. Thomp- ran abundanca of flowars. On Sun- son's. day Ree. W. C. Smith, Port Perry, Congratulations to Sto. I and spoka to the younger folk in the Mrs. Donald Thompson on their tafternoon and heid thair rapt at- marriaga. -tention as wail as that of the oid- ar ones. Ha dalivared an excal- 1lent Dominion Day massage in the Ne tn il evening. Spacial music was ran- e tn il dereci by the school undar the able direction of Mrs. Lloyd Ash- Visitors: Mr' and Mrs. John *ton. We tender hier our appracia- Sigsworth (Jannie Nasbitt), Wel- tion and thanks. In the after- win, Sask., Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Nas- snoon Mrs. Ciam Woollings, To- bitt, Virginia, U.S., with Miss r ronto, randered two axcaîhent Annie Nasbitt. Miss Allie Nasbitt, solos. In the avaning the Mapia Toronto, was home. .. Miss Gloria Grove double mixed quartat ren- Lana with Miss Eleanor Dunn, derad two selections which wara Shiloh. . . Mr. and Mrs. T. J. RV A D M S L miuch appraciated. Staphans and famiiy, Miilbrook, E . N MR EL at Jack Raid's. . . Mr. and Mrs. On Monday aftarnoon, t he R. S. Caldwell, Port Hope, Mr. Friday 13, 8 p.m., D.1 Lsports ware withdrawn on ac- and Mrs. J. J. Mellor, Orono, with By n il rn orm count of the showars, but it did Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Raid. . . Mr. By n il rn orm Ènot dater the crowd from coming and Mrs. Bart Caldwell, Mrs. Ern- UDY-1-Wosi;7 eand partaking of a sumptuous est Halsa and Donnia Caldwell,SUDY-l-Wohi; tea, during which the Hickey Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Bud Cald- We Invite You to Enjoy These Famiiy, Pontypooî, s u p p 1 i e d well, Paterboro, Mr. and Mrs. music. In the evening Soiina Gordon Winters and f a m i 1 y, Dramnatic Club presantad their Orono, callad on Lanson Milîson play, "What Anna Brought and George Stapleton. .. Mrs. H-omre" with each member por- Harb. Gilmar, Bowmanvilie, with Hancock at Coîborna and Frank-....... traying his or her part excaliantly. Mrs. Bert Staplaton. . . Mr. and ford. Batwaan acts music by the Hickay Mrs. Clinton Brown and family at The funeral service for Mrs. I. Family was much enjoyad and Leslie Alldread's, Orono. . . Mrs. B tr a odce yRv MKeith, cmdawt r.Robt. Pattarson, Orono, with j. McLachlan in the United Ket, accompanist, Oshawa, Clinton Brown's. . . Miss Joan Church here, July 4th. This com- caued anya lugh ClffRaid with Mrs. W. Weatherilt, munity extands sympathy to haer Pce t h i c k auctioned off a quilt Caesarea. . . Mrs. Maud Stephen- son, Mr. Jas. Stark. bringing $10.00 in aid of our Sol- son (Maud Edwards), Calgary, Reaisanfrndgthec diar's Committea. Anniversary with Miss Bertha Thompson. .. ati v oe odfr. ndg Mhrs. proceads: $30000 s. . Mr. and Mrs. Alian A. Martin, Clinton Brown to caiebrate thair ' Vistor: M. nd rs.C.Gar- Alice, Louise, Campbell, and F0 2th wacding anniversary w it h rard in Oshawa and Toronto. . . Arthur A. Martin and wife, them. The honorad coupla wara Alice Simpson, Enniskiilen, with Brighton, and Mr. Robt. Martino oey al n Shre Grad...Mr. and Mrs. Lake Shore, at Mr. George Staple- rlectiietsbelap Don MacKanzie and infant son, ton's.. . Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Mor- lcrctal ap Ajax, Miss Mabel Brown, Toron- ris at Thornhiil. .. Mr. and Mrs. Crookad Crack Sunday School ' to, at Mr. E. A. McNil's... Pte. Harvey Paadon and Naisha, Flint, heid a successful strawberry fes- Jamas Graham, London, with his Mich., Mr. and Mrs. R. Bostock tival, Friday night, in the school parants. . . Dr. and Mrs. L. B. and family, Orono, Mr. and Mrs. house. There was a good crowd, Williams, Caesarea, at Mr. W. Lorne Paccion, Starkvilie, at Mrs. heaps of strawberrias and lots of Trewin's. . . Mr. and Mrs. Aif. Ida Paedon's. . . Mr. and Mrs. other good things to eat. Rev. *~ Richards, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Tom Curry, Napance, with Mrs. Littlawood, Orono, was chairman Richards and famiiy, Salem, Mrs. R. Bruce. . . Mr. and Mrs. S. J. for the splendid programn which R. Oiesan; Columbus, at Mr. W. Lancaster at W. T. Nicholîs', Wes- followed: raadings by Mrs. Harry Trawin's... Mrs. R. Anderson and leyville. . . Mrs. Sims, Toronto, Rowe, Orono, and Mrs. Lionel Bevarly, Toronto, at Mrs. T. with Mrs. Jack Raid. . . Mr. and Hughes, Port Britain; musical Cowling's. . . Mrs. Garnat Towns, Mrs. Harold Lee, Niagara Falls, selactions by Mrs. Archie Brown, David and Allun, Cobourg, at L. N.Y., and Pater Graham, R.C.A.F., Armand Hoilingsworth and Mur- R. Ashton's. .. Mrs. E. Gage, To- Toronto (on furlough from the ray Payne. ronto, Mr. and Mrs. C. Avery at wast coast), at Mrs. Hammond Rev. Smith praachad at Kendal M. Bartrim's. . . Maria and Ray Brown's. . . Mr. Chas. Degroot, annivarsary, Sunday, and Mr.M Ashton at Toronto, Leaside and Rochester, N.Y., at Alfredi H. Staplas, Orono, was speaker LARGIE Mimico. . . Mrs. T. Cowiing and Brown's. .. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbart hera. j~j Get Quick Relief lfronth I Yomir I.D.A. Drug Store stocks a compiete lina of medicine te buiid re- sistance against Hay Fevar and to relieve its distressing symptoms. Use one of these proven remedies. Phone 792 for a suppiy today. Allergitabs, anti'pollen vaccine $1, $2.50 Vitadiet Capsules ........ $1.15, $2.70 Razmah Capsules.......Soc, $1 Canadian Nasal Sprays Outtits .. $1.00 Haytone, tablets & liquid .... . .25c, Soc Glucofedrin, nose drops, 1 oz., .... 85c Wampole's Respirin Soc "dADolnhurys"f ~ Basic Soap sUpe Ma d eamuapfe fo M* tmdo kin. per cake 25e FIGHT INSECTS WITH .. . Skeeter-Skatter ----35c 2-Way ]Insecticide - 59c, 98e Aeroxon Fiy Cols ------ 4 for l0c Wilson's Fiy Pads ------ 3 for 25e ALE.X LAURA SECORD CANDIES DRUGS PHONE 792 - WE DELIVER Frosst's Ailersol $1.00 Abdoi capsules ---- $2, $3.45 Vicks Vatronol ---- 43c Quamine Inhalers 65c Estivin..........---$1.19 Vlck's Inhalers ----39e GIN PULLS9 II 2aveZs 1<1SEALERIS QCrt, dx.999 ________- RINGS Rubber 3 DOZ. 14e OLD CEESE lb- 31< RAKING PGWDEE Ann Page 16-az. Ctn. 159 TOMATO JUICE FANCY l 20-oz Tins 25g OGILVIE FOGDS BLENDIES 2 1ks5e WHEAT GERN TONIO Pkg. 50g FLUE ROYAL 7-lb. 23< -1b- 739 FLBUR HOUSEHOLD Dag23 Ba MEOSCALIFORNIA Honey Dow, ea. 290 PLUS CALIFORNIA Santa Rasa 6 x 5 doz. 234 PEACHES GEORGIA YelIaw Freostane 2 Ibo. 330 TONATOESTEXAS, Firm, Ripe lb.7< HEAD LETTUCE NATIVEý Large 2 for 13d SIAISESNative, Large bunche 2 for GREE1 NION NATIVE 2 bohs. 119 CELEITHEAITSNative, Large boh. ean.7 CUCUNDERS Native, Outdoor grown 2 for 25e CAULIFLOWER Native, Snow White "*250 LEMONS Californin, Fraoh, 300'. D= .490 lb- 43e lb.419 lb. 27o lb. 25o lb 319 lb 35e IL 26< IL 19o lb. 250 lb.M Giliatta Shaving Cream ----33e Palmolive Shaving Cream 33, 49e Mennen's Skin Bracer ----59e Nous orve tla rsl**glus A l lrlght TnjSue la Souitems Y4V0 Tangel for Sunburn ----- 50c, $1.25 Gaby Suntan Lotion -- 35c, 65c Velvetta Sunburn Cream ------39c IMACLEAN RNH STOMACH POWIERM Sun Glasses .----------19C to $2.50 White Shoe, Cleaners.----15c-25c Noxzema ---------------17c, 39c, 59c SOft aS a fleecy Clou! s m I' 12 pads 2 5c î n box Odorono Cream ---- --- 39c-65c For quiok first aid.. BAN mliii 25Ç RAND - - - - - - - - - - - - - FOR YOUR GARDEN... Dixon's Vit. B-1i --------25e, 50e Arsenate of Lead 1 lb.- --------------- 23c Sprayers -------O5c, 75e Bordeaux Mixture -------25c, $1 v, v ESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTrY McOREOOR m DON G. FORD V.B.S. RALLY tthers and fathers 7.30 - Evangelistie eServices With Us 1 1he Lucky New Way teo... Al CIeaner leeth. Brighter SmIIS40i@ 1 1 i c l iqýz Rnrh- T.-l' C-1;-- n-- Zion PHONE 792. - WE DELIVER Solina HAY FEYER DRUCS